• Published 29th Oct 2012
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A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

One Day

Ponyville, CMC clubhouse, one month later.

Outside the clubhouse on the snowy ground, two figures were practicing together. Or rather, one yelled out instructions and the other followed to the best of her ability. Batman had constructed practice dummies for Scootaloo to hit, which he had circled around her. He was now training her reaction time and her awareness, not her strongest area.

"Behind!" Batman yelled. Scootaloo spun and drove her hind leg into the dummies gut. The dummy shook from the force of her kick.

"Right side! Head!" Scootaloo jumped higher than one would expect somepony of her size to be able to and delivered a powerful side kick into the dummies head. The impact caused the dummy to rock on its supports.

"Land and sweep!" Batman yelled. Scootaloo landed and swept her hind leg out in a circle, knocking over one of the dummies. She stood up panting and assumed her fighting stance that Batman had taught her. Unlike the pony style of self-defense, this one involved her standing on her hind legs and using her front ones to block and counter.

"Triple strike!" Scootaloo performed a jump kick into one dummies gut before launching herself off of it and delivered another kick to a second dummies pectoral. She finished by attacking the third dummy with a low blow, followed up with a fore hoof to the head.

"Beat down!" Scootaloo kicked one dummy in the knee and started to deliver strong hoof strikes to the chest. While she was doing this, Batman quietly pulled a batarang out of his belt and tossed it at her. He watched the projectile get closer and closer, until it was nearly on top of her. Right before it hit, she spun around and grabbed it out of the air. Batman smiled at her progress. In the span of a month, she had learned more martial arts than most of the other fighters he knew. She was determined to perfect everything that he taught her. She was also continuing to ignore Diamond Tiara and the other bullies, choosing to be silent when they tried to spin her up. Her studies were going fine and the teacher had told her she was impressed with the way she had been handling herself in class. Yet she still found time to crusade with her friends, getting into all sorts of trouble. Batman remembered a few weeks ago when they had flooded Ponyville with taffy. THAT had been funny.

Batman was also doing fine. The library had become a bit busier ever since that gray mare with the yellow mane had been friendly to him. The ponies actually tried to smile whenever he answered the door, but none of them had even tried to talk to him. Most avoided eye contact and placed their orders through Spike. But the fact that they were actually try not to run in terror at the sight of him was some progress.

"Enough!" Batman called out to Scootaloo, who was finishing her wing ups. She jumped up and jogged over to him, breathing hard but with a huge smile on her face.

"So, how'd I do?" she asked.

"You're jump kick is still off, but you have been making remarkable progress," he answered. The truth was she was learning at a master’s rate. If this kept up, she might be able to start sparring with him in a few years.

"I'm surprised I haven't gotten a black belt as my cutie mark, considering how good I am at this," she said gleefully, looking at her flank.

"Remember to be humble. Overconfidence is the fatal bane of martial artists," Batman reminded her.

"Right, sorry. It's just that I thought for sure it be my destiny to be a great fighter," Scootaloo said with a sigh.

"What do you mean your destiny?"

"Well, a cutie mark shows what you're special talent is, so in a way it's your destiny," she replied. Batman looked her in the eyes.

"Destiny is what people who are afraid of the future use to comfort themselves. It's not real. We choose what our path is and what we are good at," he told her. Scootaloo looked confused.

"So, destiny isn't real?"

"No, you are what you choose to be." Scootaloo tried to process what he was saying, but it didn't make much sense. Batman picked up the training dummies and put them in the clubhouse, before heading back to Ponyville. Scootaloo jogged along beside him, taking in the scenery.

"So...how are the others," Scootaloo asked.

"The Elements of Harmony, along with Spike, went up to Canterlot to celebrate something called Hearth's Warming Eve, whatever the heck that is," he replied, trudging through the snow.

"Which I'm glad for. I'm tired of having to look through buildings to see if Pinkie's planning another surprise party. She's tried three times to trick me into going to one," he sighed. "So, what is Hearth's Warming Eve?"

"Oh, that's to celebrate the day that Equestria was founded. It's a tale we tell every year," Scootaloo said with a smile. "My class will be doing our own performance of it in the town hall." Batman continued walking, ignoring the hint.

"Why didn't you ask Rainbow Dash to go?"

Scootaloo's face fell a little. "Well, she's up in Canterlot with her friends. And besides, she's often too busy to hang with me," Scootaloo said with a forced grin. Batman made a note to talk to Rainbow about that later. Scootaloo tried once again to convince Batman.

"It's open to all the friends and family of the participants." Batman again ignored the hint.

"I mean, Sweetie Belle's parents are going to be there supporting her and Applebloom's grandma and brother will be there as well," she baited. Batman knew what she was trying to do, but he couldn't go. He had to study the Tome of the World's back at the library. He was hoping it would give him some clue as to where and when Morgaine planned to strike. Twilight had sent him notes on everything know about the Staff of Destiny and the Stone of Reality. He couldn't afford to go to Scootaloo's play, even if it upset her. He set up a wall around his heart, ready for whatever she would say next.

"I wish that I'd have some pony there to support me," she said with a sniffle. The wall crumbled.

"...What time?"

Scootaloo's face lit up with joy. "You mean you'll come?!"

"I'll go, but I won't enjoy being there," Batman said. Scootaloo's smile got even bigger.

"That's okay. I'm sure no pony else will enjoy you being there either," Scootaloo said, trying to cheer Batman up. He wondered if she had any idea what she just said.

"The play starts at four. It's at the town hall in the center of town, so you can't miss it," she said happily. "I'll be looking out for you!" She waved goodbye and tore off in the direction to her school. Batman could hear her cheering out loud as she ran off. He turned and headed to the library, hoping to get some studying in before the performance. Why had he agreed to go? Normally when he set his mind to something, only an emergency could tear him away from it. So why had she been able to change his mind so easily?

Batman sighed to himself as he set his cowl to remind him to leave at three thirty and proceeded to open the tome, reading the wonders within.


The town hall came into sight as Batman walked through the snow covered streets of Ponyville. Ponies everywhere were either heading indoors or moving towards the hall. Batman noticed that unlike the previous times he walked through Ponyville, most the ponies didn't flee at the sight of him. Some even made eye contact. Batman turned to look behind him and just noticed a cerulean pony with a very light blue and white mane hide behind a building. Batman had noticed her following him a few times in the past month. He would have a "talk" with her another time.

He reached the doors of the town hall and headed inside. The place was decorated nicely enough, with rows of seats set out for the guest. Batman headed for the back corner of the room and leaned against the wall. The ponies were starting to trust him, but he didn't think they were ready for him to just sit down next to one of them. He observed the other ponies seated there, trying to see if he knew any of them. There were two that looked like they were related to Sweetie Belle, as well as an old green pony and a red stallion beside her. The stallion was glaring at Batman with a look of loathing. The apple on his flank told Batman who he was.

'So that's Big Mac. I see why Applejack warned me about him,' Batman thought. 'He could get hurt if he tried to jump me.'

The lights in the room dimmed, indicating the play was about to start. Music began to play the giant stage that had been set up in the front of the room. The curtains slowly moved to the side, revealing a young foal that looked extremely nervous. He started to speak, stammering out his lines.

"O-once u-upon a time, b-before the peaceful rule of Troles-CELESTIA!" he yelled out, trying to cover his mistake. The audience gave a polite laugh, one that Batman did not join in. He was interested in the foal’s reaction, though. He didn't know a pony’s face could turn that red.

The performance continued to tell of how the unicorns and the pegasi had an agreement with the earth ponies to deliver food to them in order for the pegasi to clouds to be moved, as well as the unicorns to change the day and night. The earth ponies had to pay for events that occurred naturally. That was a situation that he was used to. The story went on to tell of how an incredible snow storm threatened to destroy the three species homes and how a meeting was called to sort the situation out.

The earth ponies’ leader was played by Applebloom, while her lackey was Diamond Tiara. Batman smiled at the irony of the situation. If looks could kill, Diamond Tiara would've slayed the audience. The unicorns were next; their leader was played by Sweetie Belle. Her parents cheered rather obnoxiously when she came on, forcing her to hide behind her robe. The pegasi leader was none other than Scootaloo, who looked around the hall when she came on stage. Her eyes rested on him in the back and her face beamed like the sun. The three leaders then proceeded to put their headwear down and immediately began to argue.

The play continued to show the three kinds of ponies went to the new Equestria trying to find a new place to live. Because of their hatred for each other, the storm followed them to the new land. During one scene, Applebloom was giving a speech and Diamond Tiara went to "accidentally" push her off the stage. Applebloom moved and Diamond Tiara tossed herself right off the stage. The entire audience was in tears at this and even Batman let out a small laugh. Then he caught himself. HE was laughing? The Dark Knight was laughing at a children’s performance? He was an instrument of justice, designed to bring terror to all those who dared to harm the innocent. And in that thought he found the problem. In his world Batman was always dark and menacing because that's what it took to frighten criminals. But this place was peaceful; it had no need for a spirit of vengeance. He looked around at all the laughing ponies, the smiles on everyone's faces and the overall sense of peace. Then he came to a realization. The reason he could laugh in this world is because Equestria was what he was trying to turn his world into. A place of peace, of negotiation; where people would settle their differences with words not violence. A place where an eight year old wouldn't have to worry about his parents being gunned down in an alleyway. Maybe this peaceful world was starting to change him a little.

"So you must be Batman," a voice said beside him, breaking him out of his thoughts. He looked over and found Scootaloo's teacher standing beside him.

"No, I'm the other human running around in Equestria dressed like a bat," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I see where she gets her sense of humor from," the teacher said with a frown. "My name is Cheerilee. I'm Scootaloo's teacher."

"What do you want?"

"I wanted...to thank you." Batman raised both eyebrows at what she said. "Why? I haven't done anything for you."

"I’m not thanking you for me, I'm thanking you for helping Scootaloo," Cheerilee said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...ever since you showed up, she's been a lot happier. I've never seen her smile so much," Cheerilee said, watching as the Scootaloo tried to lift a flag that was a lot bigger than her.

"I don't think that's my doing," Batman replied. Cheerilee gave him a 'really?' look.

"I noticed the change in her behavior about a month age. From what I've heard, that's around the same time you showed up in Ponyville," Cheerilee told him.


"Will you just look at the facts!" she yelled, then quickly lowered her voice. "She's doing better in school, she's been smiling a lot more and somehow you got her to quit fighting with Diamond Tiara. And I know it's you because she talks about you all the time. And you should see her when someone insults you. She gives the scariest of glares." Batman didn't believe what he was hearing. Scootaloo stood up for him in her class AND had learned the bat glare?

"What I'm saying is she really looks up to you. Ever since she lost her parents, she's been a little detached. But now it seems like she finally breaking out of that shell...and I have you to thank for it," Cheerilee finished, looking over at the final scene of the play. The three kinds of ponies stood under one flag and the crowd was applauding the foals. Batman watched as Scootaloo looked over at him and he nodded his head with a small smile. A huge grin crossed her face and she started bowing with the others.

"See what I mean?" Cheerilee said, as Scootaloo gave them another a smile. And Batman did.


"I was incredible! Did you see it when I managed to lift the flag over my head?" she said with a smile.

"Yes I did. You did great," Batman replied. After the performance, he had proceeded to walk Scootaloo back to the orphanage. She was ecstatic about the play and her part in it.

"And then when Diamond Tiara fell off the stage, oh man I don't know about you but THAT is justice," Scootaloo said laughing.

"Glad to see you enjoyed it."

"Oh this is nothing. You should see our Hearts and Hooves day play later in the year."

Batman shook his head. "Scootaloo, I'm-"

"And then there's the end of year graduation celebration," Scootaloo continued, not hearing Batman.


"And how could I possibly forget the-"

"Scootaloo." Scootaloo stopped talking and turned to look at Batman. He knelt down and looked her in the eyes.

"I need to tell you something...I won't be here forever. After Morgaine is caught, I will most likely go back to my world," Batman told her. 'If I'm still alive.' he thought.

"You mean you'll be leaving me?" Scootaloo whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so. It's not that I don't want to stay...It's that I can't. My world nearly goes to he-...hades on a regular basis WITH me there. Can you imagine what would happen if I didn't go back?"

"It would be bad," Scootaloo answered in a sad voice. She gave him a sad look. "Would I be able to visit?"

"I think it would be a lot safer if I visited you instead," Batman responded with a smile. Scootaloo nodded. "Now come on let's get you home."

The two walked in silence until they reached the front doors of the orphanage. Scootaloo was still upset by what Batman had told her, but she managed to keep the tears back. Before she headed inside, she signaled for Batman to get closer. When he did, Scootaloo threw her arms around his waist in a hug.

"Even if you can't stay forever, thanks for coming to my play," Scootaloo said. She let go and headed inside, giving him one last small smile. Batman smiled in return, before he turned and headed back to the library. He was pretty tired and wanted to rest. The play had been alright, nothing spectacular, but at least Diamond Tiara fell on her face. Thinking about the play also reminded Batman of what Cheerilee said.

'She looks up to you.'

Batman shook his head. He didn't think that he was someone that any one should look up to. He was a spirit of vengeance. He couldn't be anything else.

...Or could he?


Batman saw the ship before he saw the ponies. All six of the elements of harmony were standing outside the library waiting for him. The others didn't look too happy, so something big must have happened.

"Well you took your sweet time," Twilight grumbled.

"I'm here now," Batman replied. "I'm fairly sure I know why, but why is everyone here?"

"Alright, Princess Celestia and I have located the last temple. It's in the Samarea desert."

"Samarea desert. Really?" Batman asked. Twilight ignored him and continued talking.

"Now I know that's a ways away, so Applejack and I will take turns flying. The rest of you; get on board and prepare to go. If any of you are tired, sleep on the ship." The ponies pulled themselves onto the ship. Batman was the last one on. As he pulled himself up, he heard Applejack ask Twilight a question.

"So what's the temple this time?" AJ asked. Twilight faced her with a very serious face.

"The Temple of Fear."