• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,455 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Hey, Buddy! Shining Dreamers!

Kari gasped at the sight of the wizard-like digimon that had appeared before them in the center of the stage. Her partner shared a similar reaction, staring slack-jawed at Sorcermon’s all-too-familiar appearance.

Pinkie, meanwhile, glanced worriedly at the audience of Opossummon that surrounded them on all sides of the tent. The fact that Sorcermon had presented himself in a way almost identical to Trixie didn’t help matters; she knew nothing good could come from their situation.

Sorcermon gestured turned towards the audience, and gestured towards Gatomon with his staff. “Ladies and Gentlemon! May I present to you our challenger, who wishes to contest the might of the Great and Powerful Sorcermon!” The Opossummon cheered loudly as Sorcermon gestured towards Gatomon with his staff.

“W-what?” Gatomon stammered. “You want me to fight you?”

“Are you saying you don’t wish to challenge the might of the Great and Powerful Sorcermon? In that case, I insist that I take another one of your friends as a volunteer. The show must go on, after all.” He gestured with his staff towards Kari and Pinkie, both of whom stepped back in fear.

“No!” shouted Gatomon, “leave them out of this!”

“Only if you agree to our duel,” said Sorcermon, “under no circumstance will the Great and Powerful Sorcermon have his performance denied!”

Gatomon frowned sadly as she took a hesitant step forward. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Kari looked at her partner sympathetically as she reluctantly made her way onto the stage. “Gatomon...”

“Go Gatomon!” cheered Pinkie, “You can do it! Kick that wizard in his icy little butt!”

Shut up, Pinkie!” Gatomon shouted angrily, small tears now visible in the corners of her eyes.

Pinkie flinched at Gatomon’s sudden out burst. “Wha? What did I do?” she whispered.

“Sorcermon, for one, shares your sentiment,” said Sorcermon. “If there is one thing he cannot stand, it is hecklers.” He turned to Pinkie and pointed his staff at her. “Perhaps Sorcermon ought to shut the pink one up himself! Curse of Silence!

The snowflake at the end of Sorcermon’s staff glowed with a brilliant white aura, and a matching aura surrounded Pinkie’s face. A sheet of ice quickly formed around her mouth, firmly sealing it shut.

“Pinkie!” Kari gasped, “Are you okay?”

“Mmmph! Mmmph! Nht Ahgn!” Pinkie mumbled through the sheet of ice, desperately trying to scrape off the ice surrounding her mouth.

“Now that we have that out of the way,” said Sorcermon, “let the duel commence! Crystal Barrage!

Sorcermon’s staff glowed with a white aura pointed it at Gatomon, and multiple ice crystals formed formed in the air above him, before shooting forward at rapid speeds towards Gatomon. The Opossumon erupted into cheering as she swiftly jumped out of the way of the attack, the barrage of ice narrowly missing her. She turned to face her attacker, glaring at him angrily through tear-soaked eyes.

Sorcermon immediately took advantage of the opening and charged forward, holding his staff in both hands. Gatomon heard a whoosh of air as she ducked, the staff narrowly missing her head. Sorcermon followed the swing of his staff with a roundhouse kick, which struck Gatomon square in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards and crashing just beside the control spire. Once again the Opossummon exploded into cheers, their applause echoing throughout the tent.

“Gatomon!” Kari cried out for her partner.

“Mmmph! Mmmph!” exclaimed Pinkie.

Gatomon slowly picked herself off the ground, once again staring at her attacker angrily. Her anger quickly gave way to sorrow as she let out a sigh of defeat, collapsing to her knees, her ears laying flat as she began sobbing openly.

“I give up,” she choked, “I can’t fight you.”

The Opossummon responded with a chorus of boos and hisses, drowning out the tent with the sounds of their disapproval. They were quickly silenced when Sorcermon raised his hand to the audience.

“You were saying?” Sorcermon’s eyes glinted with amusement as he stared at Gatomon, as though her were grinning smugly beneath his scarf.

“It’s over. I can’t fight you. You win.”

“Gatomon, no!” Kari exclaimed, “You can’t give up now!”

Mmmph!” Pinke agreed.

“No!” Gatomon sobbed, “I can’t fight him! He was my best friend!”

The audience’s gasps were matched by Pinkie’s own expression of shock. “Mmmph!?

Kari looked at her partner sympathetically. “Gatomon... You have to fight him. I know he looks like Wizardmon, but we’re not going to make it out of here unless you fight back.”

Gatomon opened her mouth to respond, but was abruptly cut off by Sorcermon raising an arm. “Enough of this. This is Sorcermon’s show, and he will not have it undermined by your sob story. You have already admitted defeat, and now the audience will decide your fate.”

Sorcermon turned to the audience, addressing the Oposummon with a sweep of his arms. “Ladies and Gentlemon! It appears our challenger has forfeited our duel! Will she live, or will she die? That is up to you! Show of hands: who among us wishes to see her live?”

Mmmph! Mmmph!” Pinkie wildly flailed her forelimb in the air as she desperately voted to save Gatomon. Kari also raised her hand into the air, which Pinkie grabbed and excitedly waved around, desperately trying to gain Sorcermon’s attention. The Opossummon, however, remained silent and motionless.

“Only two?” taunted Sorcermon, “Not very many, is it? It goes without saying that the rest of you wish her dead?” The Opossummon burst into cheers once more, raising their hands into the air excitedly.

“Then it is decided! Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Sorcermon grants this digimon the most spectacular death your eyes will ever witness!” His staff glowed brilliantly as he raised it high into the air. “Crystal- oof!

The crowd gasped in shock as pink blur jumped onto the stage and collided with Sorcermon, forcefully knocking him backwards through the air.

“Pinkie!” Kari shouted.

Pinkie’s eyes locked with Sorcermon’s as he swiftly She gestured angrily as she let out a series of muffled shouts from beneath the ice sheet, the web of cracks rapidly larger, deeper, and more numerous.

Finally, the sheet of ice exploded. Small flakes of crushed ice were scattered across the stage as Pinkie let out a loud gasp to catch her breath. “Leave her alone, you big, dumb, meanie jerkbutt!

What!?” exclaimed Sorcermon. “Impossible! How did you break the Great and Powerful Sorcermon’s curse?”

Pinkie’s eyes narrowed dangerously at Sorcermon. “It doesn’t matter how I did it. I’m not even entirely sure myself. But what does matter is that I won’t allow you to threaten my friends!” She took several bold steps forward, her determined expression unwavering.

“Kari and Gatomon were there for me when I needed it most. Just when I’d given up hope, they rescued me. They saved me from despair, and I’d do the very same thing for them!” Pinkie stomped her hoof angrily on the stage, impacting it so hard that it left a hoof-shaped crater in the wood. “You’ve already taken away Gatomon’s happiness, and now you’re threatening to take her life as well! But you’re not going to do that because I won’t let you!

“Pinkie, no!” cried Gatomon. “He’ll kill you!”

Pinkie turned her head towards Gatomon. “I have to do this, Gatomon.” she said, “Because you’re my friend, and seeing you so sad makes me sad too. I won’t- no, I can’t let him hurt you. I’ll do whatever it takes, not only to save your life, but to make you happy again, even if I die trying. Cross my heart and hope to fly.”

Gatomon stared blankly at Pinkie, shocked by her admission. “Pinkie...”

Sorcermon scoffed. “Gag. All this mushiness is making Sorcermon want to vomit. If you mean to threaten Sorcermon, then he can assure it will not end well for you.” Raising his arm, he pointed his staff at Pinkie in an exaggerated, theatrical motion. “The Great and Powerful Sorcermon will destroy you, and the demise of your oh-so-precious friends shall be an encore!”

Pinkie frowned angrily, and turned back to Sorcermon. She tried to think of a retort, but before she could find any words, a brilliant glow erupted from the digivice on her ankle. The others shielded their eyes from the light as Pinkie lifted into the air, her body radiating an intense light.

Execute! Harmonic Evolution!

As she shouted the words, a swirling vortex of multicolored confetti and smoke appeared around Pinkie. The whirling, brightly-colored mass grew in size intensity as it surrounded her, obscuring her body from view, and scattering small streamers across the stage. The smoke then dissipated just as quickly as it had appeared, revealing another figure in Pinkie’s place.

Standing six feet tall, she wore a bright pink jumpsuit with blue highlights, and two blue belts strapped around the waist, and a sword with a yellow blade strapped to her back. On her head she wore a cap with a mask-like veil attached to it covering the lower half of of face, and a pink, curly ponytail sticking out the back. On her arms were a pair of fingerless gloves that extended past her elbows, leaving only the light-pink skin of her shoulders exposed.

Shinobimon! The Bursting Laughter!

Digimon Analyzer: Shinobimon

Type: Mutant

Attribute: Vaccine

Level: Hybrid (Champion Equivalent)

Special Attacks: Confetti Kunai, Ninja Spinner, Mirror Mirage

The audience’s loud gasps of surprise were matched by Kari and Gatomon, both of whom gaped at Shinobimon’s form.

“I don’t believe it,” said Kari, “did she just digivolve?”

“Shinobimon...” Sorcermon shook his head, shaking off his brief sense of bewilderment. “If you think a new form of evolution will save you, then you’re quite mistaken! Crystal Barrage!

With a gesture of his staff, Sorcermon summoned a small cloud of razor sharp ice-crystals, which launched themselves at Shinobimon with rapid speed.

Confetti Kunai!

Shinobimon made a throwing motion with her hand, launching a series of multiple throwing knives that seemed to appear from thin air. The knives collided with the ice crystals in midair, exploding in a series of colorful bursts of confetti. The crowed cheered wildly as the streams of confetti fell to the ground.

Kari smiled at the display. “Shinobimon, you can do it!”

“Shut up!” shouted Sorcermon, “You’re supposed to be rooting for Sorcermon, you idiots!”

Reaching for her sword, Shinobimon turned glanced behind her, towards Gatomon. “You take care of the control spire, Gatomon! I’ll go after this clown!” She took out her sword, holding it in both hands as she met Sorcermon’s gaze with her own.

Gatomon, unable to think of a reply, simply nodded. She turned towards the control spire and pounced, ready to strike with her claw.

Lightning Paw!

Gatomon’s claw stuck the control spire near the base, leaving an impact that caused multiple large fissures in the side of the tower. The control spire shuddered as the cracks spread along its body, and it imploded and disintegrated with a deafening crash. Gatomon shielded her eyes as dust scattered about the tent, sending her into a coughing fit.

Sorcermon peered through the dust at the crowds of Opossummon lining the tent, whose eyes returned to their normal colors as the dark rings around their necks deactivated. They looked around, bewildered, as they paused their senses from the dark rings’ control.

No!” cried, Sorcermon, “Sorcermon’s audience!

Ninja Spinner!

Sorcermon swiftly turned around to face the attack call, only to see Shinobimon rushing straight toward him. She spun rapidly like a top, holding her blade outwards as she spun towards Sorcermon, causing the dust in the air to scatter before it settled.

Sorcermon swiftly jumped out of the way of the attack, leaping to the side. Twisting his body around as Shinobimon passed, he held his staff in both hands, and with a mighty swing, struck Shinobimon on the side of her head. Shinobimon was sent flying backwards, and performed a somersault in the air, crouching as she landed.

“Thought you could sneak up on Sorcermon, did you?”

Shinobimon glared angrily at Sorcermon. “That’s it! Time to get serious! Mirror Mirage!

Holding her sword in her right hand, Shinobimon performed a series of hand gestures with her left. Several puffs of smoke appeared around her, and in them appeared identical copies of Shinobimon, each an exact duplicate of the other.

Sorcermon flinched as the clones swiftly jumped forward with their blades in hand, assaulting him from multiple directions. Before they could strike, however, the clones vanished into thin air, revealing themselves to be nothing more than an illusion. As Sorcermon lowered his guard, however, he noticed that the real Shinobimon was no longer standing where she used to be.

“What? Where did you-”


Sorcermon looked up to see Shinobimon descending on him from above, blade raised high above her head. As she landed, she slashed downward with her blade, her feet touching the ground several feet behind Sorcermon.

Silence hung in the air as the two digimon stood motionless, Kari and Gatomon holding their breath in anxiousness.

Come on, any second now... thought Shinobimon.

Finally, the dark spiral on Sorcermon’s arm shattered, and he collapsed straight onto the ground, his body going limp. The Opossummon once again exploded into cheering, this time even louder than before. Their excited whistles and thunderous applause echoed throughout the tent, and stead as Pinkie’s body glowed, reverting to her original form.

“Thank you! Thank you” said Pinkie, performing a rapid series of bows at the audience, “You’re too kind! Thank you!”

As the cheering finally died down, Kari and Gatomon both went up to meet Pinkie.

“That was amazing, Pinkie!” said Kari, “I never thought you’d be able to turn into a digimon like that!”

Pinkie grinned mischievously. “Are you saying you didn’t... believe it?”

Kari blinked. “Uh... what?”

Pinkie giggled “Oh, nothing! I’m just glad everything worked out, aren’t you? I was so super-duper worried about you!”

“Yeah,” said Kari, “I was worried about you, too.” She looked over towards Sorcermon, who let out a low groan as he remained on the stage. “I think we should check up on him before we go. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s the one in charge of the circus. What do you say, Gatomon?”

Gatomon didn’t respond, simply staring teary-eyed at Sorcermon’s prone body.


Gatomon sniffed weakly. “Yeah... I’d also like to talk to him, if that’s okay.”

Kari nodded. “... I understand.”


Sorcermon met with the others outside the tent, before the entrance. Without the dark rings, the Opossummon had gone back to their normal routines, attending the stands, while others remained in the tent for repairs.

“You have my deepest thanks for freeing me... what was it?”

“Pinkie Pie!” replied the pony

“Interesting name,” Sorcermon mused, “As I was saying, I am very grateful for what you’ve done for me. As ringmaster and performer, it is my job to bring entertainment to all, but under the dark spiral’s command I brought you misery instead. It also seemed to have inflated my ego just a tad.”

“No problem!” said Pinkie, cheerfully. “I once met this magician named Trixie, and she was kind of a jerk at first, and she even referred to herself in the third pony, but then my friend Twilight showed she was just a big faker, and then she ended up having to go to my parent’s rock farm for work, and then she came back to get revenge, only she had the Alicorn Amulet, which made her super strong, but also way meaner than before, and then we had to trick her into taking it off because it was super-evil and made her turn into an even bigger jerk than normal!”

The others stared at Pinkie as she took a deep breath, having talked for so long without stopping to breathe. “Hey, Kari, maybe after we find Fluttershy we could come back to see them! It’d be super duper fun!”

“Uh... sure,” said Kari, still slightly confused. “But right now we should be heading back. It’s getting late... I think.” Kari peered at the horizon, where she could vaguely make out the outline of the sunset through the thick fog. “I’ll send a message to the others letting them know what happened.”

“Aww...” replied Pinkie, briefly looking disappointed. “That’s okay, though! I totally understand!”

“Alright, then.” Kari reached into her pocket and took out her D-Terminal, and began typing a message. “Gatomon, you said you wanted to say something to Sorcermon?”

“Yeah...” Gatomon turned and looked Sorcermon straight in the eye. Her gaze was filled with sorrow, and in her expression could see a deep sadness. “I just wanted to tell you... I’m sorry.”

Sorcermon raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? What for? I’m the one who should be apologizing.”

Gatomon turned her head away, her gaze drawn away from Sorcermon. “... It’s nothing.”

She turned back towards Kari and Pinkie, the former of whom continued typing on her D-Terminal. The device let out a series of beeping sounds, one after the other, indicating the exchange of multiple messages. “Almost done,” said Kari, “give me a second.”

Pinkie slowly trotted up to Gatomon, looking at her sympathetically. “He reminded you of someone else, didn’t he?”

“Huh?” said Gatomon, “how did you know?”

Pinkie placed a hoof on Gatomon’s shoulder. “You said something about your best friend earlier. And I can see it in your eyes when you look at him. You lost someone who was very dear to you, someone who can’t possibly be replaced. Nothing I say to you will make that pain go away... But no matter what happens, you won’t have to bear it alone. Don’t ever forget that.”

Gatomon stared back into Pinkie’s eyes, fresh tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around Pinkie’s body, her face buried in the pony’s fur. Pinkie returned the hug, and for a while the world itself seem to stop. Gatomon slowly released her embrace, a soft smile appearing on her face as she looked back at Pinkie.

“...Thank you, Pinkie.”

“Hey Gatomon! Pinkie!” Kari called out, putting away her D-Terminal “Great news!”

Pinkie jumped up and down excitedly. “Ooh! Ooh! What is it? What is it? Wait, don’t tell me...” Pinkie settled down, tapping a hoof to her chin in thought.

“I’ve talked to the others,” said Kari, “they’ve found your friends.”

“Wow, that would have been my next guess! Wait, what?” With a whoosh of air, Pinkie rushed over towards Kari, jumping up and down excitedly. “Ohmygosh! You found them? They’re all safe?”

Kari exhaled briefly as she relaxed from the startling that Pinkie had given her. “From the looks of it, yes, they’re all safe. The others have managed to find them while going after the control spires.”

“Really? All of them? Even Fluttershy?”

Kari frowned. “No, I don’t think we’ve found her yet.”

Pinkie suddenly deflated, her ears dropping to her sides in disappointment. “...Oh. But we’ll find her, won’t we?”

“Don’t worry, we will. But for now we need to head back, so we can figure out what to do. Gatomon, Pinkie, are you ready to go?”

“I’m ready to go when you are.”

“Ready for liftoff, Captain!”

Kari nodded briefly, pulling her Digivice out out of her pocket.

Digi-Armor Energize!

Pinkie stood back as Gatomon’s armor digivolution completed, her tail ring coming off and disappearing once again into Kari’s pocket.

Nefertimon, the Angel of Light!

Her digivolution completed, Nefertimon knelt to the ground, allowing Kari to climb onto her back. Pinkie, with her usual energy, simply bounced into the air, landing onto Nefertimon with an oomph.

Sorcermon then decided to speak up. “Leaving already, are you?”

“Yeah,” said Kari, “no offense, but we have more important things we need to take care of.”

“Understandable,” replied Sorcermon, “you are Digi-Destined, after all. Come back when you have the time, and we’ll put on the most spectacular show you can imagine!”

“Sounds like fun. We’ll be sure to check it out if we have the time.” Kari nodded to Nefertimon, who spread her wings as she prepared to leave the ground.

“Brace for liftoff!” said Pinkie.

With a flap of her wings, Nefertimon, took to the air, leaving the circus behind as she headed back in the direction they came in. The Opossummon waved along with Sorcermon as they departed, Pinkie waving back before they disappeared into the horizon.

What she failed to notice, however, was the dark ring that had appeared in the distance, and continued to follow after Nefertimon as she flew.

Author's Note:

Booya! I bet you were expecting Pinkie's evolution to be a clown, huh? Well, I like to defy expectations sometimes.

Anywhoo, credit for the art, as usual, goes to C8lin-the-Hedgie. Be warned, some of her gallery contains spoilers!

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