• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Spark of Friendship

Twilight stared angrily at the blue dragon and the hairless ape standing some in front of her, surrounded by the bodies of the unconscious rabbit-dogs. She was sick of it, not knowing what was happening around her. She wanted answers, and she wanted them now.

“Are you alright?” asked the ape, approaching her. He glanced at her wings, still tattered and wet with blood. “Whoa! What happened to your wings? Do you need any help—”

“No!” shouted Twilight, “You both had better explain yourselves! Just what are you? What do you want from me?”

“Hey!” exclaimed the dragon indignantly, “Is that any thanks for saving your life?”

“Calm down, Veemon,” said the ape, “she just wants to know who we are. I’m Davis,” he said, introducing himself, “and this is my partner, Veemon. We saw you were in trouble, and we decided to help.”

“That doesn’t answer my question!” responded Twilight, “I asked what you are! I’ve never seen anything like you in my life!”

“Huh? You mean you’ve never seen a human before?” replied Davis.

Twilight sighed, fighting for a moment to regain her composure. “No, I haven’t.” she explained calmly, “And I’ve never seen a dragon quite like Veemon either. As far as I know, neither of you are part of any known species.”

“What do you mean dragon?” demanded Veemon. “I’m no dragon, I’m a digimon!”

“Digimon?” asked Twilight, curious.

“Yeah,” replied Davis, “Veemon’s a digimon. You didn’t know that?”

“No,” replied Twilight, annoyed, “I didn’t. And as fascinating as discovering new species is, I have more important things to worry about. Thanks for saving me, though.” Twilight turned towards her saddlebags, which had been thrown several feet away from the scuffle.

“Wait, hold on a second!” cried Davis, “What do you mean you don’t know what a digimon is? How is that even possible? Does this mean you’re not a digimon?”

“Uh, no, I’m a pony,” responded Twilight, flatly. “You’ve never seen a pony before?”

“A pony?” asked Davis, confused, “Uh... Not one that could talk, no. Or had wings and a horn.”

Twilight looked at Davis, and raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, you’ve never met one that could talk?”

Davis scratched his head. “Well, the last time I checked, real ponies can’t talk. And I’m pretty sure they’re not purple, either.”

“What? What do you mean ponies can’t talk?” Twilight practically yelled, “I’m talking to you right now, aren’t I?”

Davis threw his arms into the air. “Hey, I’m just telling it like it is alright? I’ve never seen a pony that was anything like you! Are you sure you’re not a digimon?”

“Uh, Guys?” said Veemon.

“No!” yelled Twilight, “I’m not a digimon, whatever that is! I’m a pony!”


“But you can’t be a pony!” shouted Davis, “Ponies don’t talk!”

“Guys, listen!”

“Yes they can!” shouted Twilight, “How could you possibly think otherwise? That’s like saying fish can’t swim!”


What?” Veemon flinched as Twilight and Davis shouted at him simultaneously.

“Uh, I just wanted to ask the pony a couple questions. I think I might be able to figure out what’s going on here.”

Davis and Twilight looked at each other, briefly, and then back to Veemon.

“Alright,” said Davis.

“Fine,” said Twilight.

“Firstly,” asked Veemon, “what’s your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Huh?” said Davis, “Twilight Sparkle? Seriously?”

“Yes,” responded Twilight, “That’s my name. Is there a problem with it?”

“Well, for one, it means you’re not a digimon,” replied Veemon. “If you were, your name would end with mon.”

“Really?” said Twilight “That’s strange. But why would I be a digimon, anyway? I don’t even look anything like you!”

“We digimon can take all kinds of shapes and sizes,” responded Veemon. “And the fact that you don’t know that means you can’t be from the Digital World.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise. “D-digital World?” she stammered.

“Wait a minute!” exclaimed Davis, “but she couldn’t possibly be from the Real World, either! Talking ponies don’t exist in the Real World!”

“Exactly!” said Veemon triumphantly, “Which can mean only one thing!”

“And what’s that?” asked Davis.

“Isn’t it obvious?” said Veemon gleefully, “Twilight’s an alien!”

Twilight suddenly felt weak, as though as sickness had washed over her entire body.

I'm in another world? The sudden realization hit her like a ton of bricks. The force that abducted Fluttershy took her to another world? Is that why my spell failed? What about the others? They could have ended up anywhere! What if they were also attacked by monsters?

Twilight's knees weakened as tears began to flow freely from her eyes, and she collapsed to the ground, sobbing.

"This is all my fault!"


Gennai twiddled his thumbs as he sat idly in his cell. His secret base, located on top of a remote mountain, had once again been taken over by the forces of darkness. Shortly before his capture, he had sent a message to the Digi-Destined informing them of the return of the control spires. Since then, he had discovered them to be the creation of a powerful Digimon that had proclaimed herself the Queen of the Digital World.

Footsteps echoed throughout the hallways as a figure approached Gennai’s cell. It soon revealed itself as wasp-like humanoid with a distinctly female figure, her entire body covered in a canary-yellow exoskeleton. Her face was featureless, save for a pair of blue-green compound eyes and long antennae, and long pink hair flowed freely from the back of her head. On her shoulders were a pair of black spiked collars, and she wore large gauntlets on her clawed hands, the tips of which were coated in sickly green venom, and a spike extending from each wrist.

Digimon Analyzer: Vespimon

Type: Insectoid

Attribute: Virus

Level: Unknown

Special Attacks: Spiking Venom, Toxic Glare

“Hello Gennai,” said Vespimon. Her voice was a harsh buzz, as though an entire swarm of insects were speaking at once. “Are you enjoying your stay?” she said, mockingly.

“You won’t get away with this,” said Gennai. “The Digital World is not without its protectors.”

“Ah, yes,” said Vespimon, “The Digi-Destined. I’ve read about them in your library. Fascinating, how mere children have done so much to protect this world.” Gennai remained silent.

“I’m especially interested in the one named Ken Ichijouji. He could have conquered the entire Digital World, and yet he refused that power out of so-called kindness.” Vespimon practically spat the last word. “Either way, I’m not worried about them. I have an extra special Dark Ring out there right now, and it’s programmed to find Gatomon and destroy her tail ring!”

Gennai looked up at Vespimon in surprise. “What?”

“You heard me,” said Vespimon, smugly, “I’ve done quite a bit some research regarding the Digi-Destined and their partners. Without Gatomon’s tail ring, DNA Digivolution becomes impossible. Even with my control spires destroyed, they'll be helpless before my power!”

Gennai frowned. “They’re not the only ones you have to worry about,” he said, “There are others.”

“And who would that be?” asked Vespimon.

“Shortly after your arrival in my fortress, I sensed the presence of five beings entering the Digital World. They are neither human nor digimon, yet they possess a power remarkably similar to the Crests that my group created.”

What!?" Vespimon exclaimed. She angrily raised her left hand, and pointed the spike of her wrist at Gennai. “Don’t you dare lie to me, you fool! Unless you want to be deleted like your pathetic clones!”

Gennai smiled calmly. “Go right ahead. By striking them down, you’ve made me more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”

Vespimon’s four translucent wings buzzed angrily. “Enough of your nonsense! Spiking Venom!

The spike at the end of Vespimon’s wrist glowed a sickly green, extending outwards, through the bars of the cell. Gennai swiftly dodged to the side, causing the spike to impact the wall directly behind where he sat.

The spike retracted, and Vespimon lowered her hand. “Don’t try my patience again, Gennai. Next time you won’t be so lucky.” With that, she turned around and briskly walked down the hallway.

Her thoughts quickly turned to what Gennai had said. He’s lying, he has to be. There’s no way they would care enough to follow me here...


Davis looked at Twilight sympathetically. The pony was an emotional wreck, collapsed onto her knees, sobbing weakly. “Are you alright?” he asked.

No!” Twilight snapped. “I’m not alright! I’m lost on an alien world, and my friends are nowhere to be found! They could be anywhere for all I know! I may never see them again!”

“Your friends?” asked Davis, “What happened to them? How did you end up here, anyway?”

Twilight looked up at Davis and sniffled, still fighting to hold back the tears. “Well... I come from land called Equestria, on a world called Ungula. I was having a picnic outside with my friends, when I heard a horrible noise coming from the library where I live.”

“You live in a library?”

“Yes,” said Twilight, “I’ve been living there on behalf of Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. I was her personal student, you see.”

“Huh, that’s interesting. So what happened?”

Twilight shuddered as she recalled the events prior. “Well, I went to the library, where I say my friend Fluttershy being abducted by a mysterious force. She was dragged into a portal, which I’m assuming now lead here.”

Davis’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Your friend was kidnapped?”

Twilight nodded sadly. “Presumably, yes. I sensed a powerful dark presence when she was dragged into the portal. Anyway, I gathered the rest of my friends and cast a spell that allowed us to find her.”

“Spell? As in, magic?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow curiously. “Yes, as in magic. Why?”

“Wow,” said Veemon, “that’s incredible! What other magic tricks can you do? Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat? Can you do that thing with the box where you saw someone in half?”

“Veemon!” Davis cried, “Not now!”

Twilight stared angrily at the two, her eyes still wet with tears. “Look, I haven’t got time for this, alright? Something about the spell went wrong, and now I’ve been separated from my friends. I need to find them before something terrible happens to them!” Davis opened his mouth to respond, but stopped when he saw Twilight’s horn glow with energy. He and Veemon stared incredulously as Twilight’s turned towards her saddlebags, the same aura surrounding them as they opened. A roll of gauze levitated out of the bags, and with careful precision, it wrapped around her injured wings, putting a stop to the bleeding.

“So,” said Twilight, turning back to the human and digimon, “what can you tell me about this Digital World?”

Davis continued to stare for a second at what he had seen. Veemon prodded him with an elbow, snapping him out of his dumbstruck gaze. “Oh, right!” he exclaimed.

Davis scratched the back of his head nervously. “Well, uh... To tell you the truth, I’m probably not the best person to ask about that sort of thing. Ken or Izzy would probably be better at explaining, they're the eggheads around here.”

Despite her dire situation, Twilight couldn’t help but smile a little. Davis was starting to remind her of Rainbow Dash. She still hoped that Rainbow was alright, but she was more worried about the others, especially Fluttershy. Out of all of her friends, Rainbow was probably the one who could best handle a dangerous situation.

“I’ll try to explain what I can though,” said Davis, grinning sheepishly. “From what I understand, The Digital World is a world that connects to the Real World through computers.”

“That’s right!” said Veemon, “and it’s inhabited by us! Digimon: Digital Monsters!”

“Digital Monsters, huh? Wait, did you say computers?” Twilight’s eyes widened in sudden realization. For a brief moment, Davis and Veemon thought they’d seen a pair of six-pointed stars flash in her eyes. “Of course!” she exclaimed, “I was working on ENEIGHAC right before Fluttershy was taken! The portal she was dragged into appeared in its room!”

“ENEIGHAC?” asked Veemon.

“The Electronic Numerical Evaluator for Integration, General Horsery, And Computation. It’s the first computer on Ungula, funded by the Equestrian Royal Treasury.”

“Uh, alright, then” said Davis, bewildered. “Anyway, my friends and I are part of a group called the Digi-Destined. We each have our own Digimon partners, and together protect both the Digital World and Real World from evil.”

“Interesting... You keep saying the Real World,” pointed out Twilight, “I’m assuming that you’re not from Ungula, so you must mean another world, right?”

“She’s right Davis,” said Veemon, “if we’re dealing with three worlds now, calling your world the Real World would be confusing!”

Twilight regarded the two thoughtfully. “So you’re not from the Digital World?”

“Nope!” said Davis, “I’m from the Real Wor—” Davis suddenly interrupted himself. “Uh, I mean, Earth.” he corrected.

“Interesting,” said Twilight, “so does this mean the Digital World isn’t real, then?” she asked.

“Of course it is!” said Veemon, mildly insulted. “We just call Davis’ world the Real World. Don’t ask me why, ‘cause I really don’t know.”

“Good to hear,” Twilight deadpanned. “Anything else I should know?”

“Sure thing!” said Davis. Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a strange rounded device, with a plastic screen and blue rubber on the edges. “This is called a digivice. Every Digi-Destined has one, and it allows our partners to digivolve into stronger forms to fight evil!”

“I can also use the Digi-Eggs of Courage and Friendship to armor digivolve!’ said Veemon, triumphantly.

Twilight puzzled at Davis and Veemon’s statements. She didn’t know what it meant to “Digivolve” or what the “Digi-Eggs of Courage and Friendship” were, but she figured she’d learn soon enough. Right now, she had all the information she wanted. However, she soon found herself staring at the “Digivice” that Davis held. Slowly, she brought up her foreleg and stared intently at the strange device that the Element of Magic had turned into. It was obviously different, but they were similar enough that she wondered if they were related.

“Hey,” said Davis noticing the device on Twilight’s ankle, “is that a Digivice? Does that mean you’re a Digi-Destined?” His words mirrored Twilight's thoughts, causing her to do a double-take as she was pulled out of her own head.

“Huh?” said Twilight.

“If you’re a Digi-Destined, then where’s your partner?” asked Veemon.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Twilight, “I’m not a Digi-Destined. And this isn’t a Digivice, it’s the Element of Magic.”

“Element of Magic?” asked Davis.

“The Element of Magic is one of the six Elements of Harmony, the most powerful known magic on Ungula. My friends and I were chosen as the bearers of the Elements some time ago, and we’ve since used them to protect our world from danger.”

“Really?” said Davis, “That actually sounds a lot like the Digi-Destined.”

Twilight sighed wearily. As eager as she was to learn more about the Digital World, she’d already wasted enough time with explanations. She had to find the others as soon as possible.

“Sure, I suppose. Anyway, thanks for helping me out,” she said, “but I’m afraid I have to get going. I can’t leave my friends knowing they’re out there somewhere.” With that, she slung her saddlebags over her shoulders and began heading off in the direction of the black tower.

“Hey, wait!” said Davis, “You’re not just going to go by yourself, are you?”

Twilight turned back towards Davis. “Huh? I suppose, yes.”

“Well, why don’t we help you? We’re heading off to destroy the control spire, and we could keep an eye out for your friends along the way!”

“Really?” said Twilight, “You’d do that for me?”

“Of course!” said Davis, “No way we’re just going to leave you hanging like that!” Davis pulled out another device, larger than his Digivice, and began fiddling around with it. “Here, I’ll even send a message to the other Digi-Destined to keep an eye out for other ponies like you!” After several moments, he put the machine back into his pocket. “Come on, what are you waiting for?” he said, gesturing towards himself and Veemon.

Twilight suddenly felt a profound sense of gratitude well up inside of her. She barely knew these two, and yet they were willing to go out of their way to help her with her troubles. It didn’t seem to bother them in the slightest that she was, as Veemon had put it, an alien. “I... I was actually planning on heading towards that tower, if that’s what you meant by the control spire. You’d really be willing to help me along the way?”

“Well, yeah!” said Davis, “what are friends for?”

Twilight smiled brightly, very nearly crying tears of joy. She approached Davis and stood by his side, looking up at him thoughtfully. “Thank you, Davis,” she said.

“No prob!” he said. He turned towards Veemon, and both of them nodded. Davis reached into his jacket and pulled out his digivice, and shouted the words that would activate Veemon’s armor digivolution.

"Digi-Armor Energize!"

The digivice’s screen glowed with an intense light, and a black, peanut-shaped object emerged from it. It dissolved into an ethereal blue, which enveloped Veemon as he floated into the air, glowing with power.

“Veemon, Armor Digivolve to: Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!”

Twilight stared in awe at Veemon’s sudden transformation. Standing in his place was a large, quadrupedal dragon, clad in black armor, with a yellow metal horn shaped like a lighting bolt. “Storm of Friendship?” she asked, incredulously.

“Yeah,” said Davis, “Need some help climbing up?”

“Uh... Sure.”

With that, Twilight and Davis climbed up onto Raidramon’s back, and set off rapidly towards the control spire. Whatever it was they would face there, one thing was for sure, neither of them would be alone.

Author's Note:

Woo boy... Talk about an exposition dump.

I was originally planning this to be the first part of the sixth chapter, but had to split it due to length.

Anyway, Twilight finally gets some answers about the Digital World, and we finally get a glimpse at what Fluttershy is doing as the new master of the Control Spires. And, most importantly what the hell ENEIGHAC actually stands for.

And just so you know, Gennai's line about "becoming more powerful" isn't just a reference to him looking like Obi-Wan Kenobi. That's all I'm saying for now. *wink*

Also, credit goes to FanOfMostEverything for coming up with the name "Ungula" for the world that Equestria is in, in his excellent Magic: the Gathering crossover fic Elementals of Harmony.

Last, but not least, a big thanks to C8lin-the-Hedgie for her drawing of Vespimon!

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