• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,160 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: BTS

Upon arrival at the research station, the trio began to plan their approach.

"Alright," Twilight said. "What's the plan this time? Split up again?"

"Actually, according to the map, there's really only one path for us to take," Ratchet pointed out. "Unless that pod over there is running."

Rushing over, Twilight checked it out. "...no, it's not," she pouted. "We probably need to throw a switch somewhere to turn it on. Once we do, it's locked in autopilot to that defunct ship out there."

"It would seem that we are sticking together, then," Clank concluded.

"Alright," Ratchet agreed. "Let's go."

The three proceeded down the single, straightforward path, leaping over the toxic gas that sprayed from broken vents on their way. When they first encountered a swarm of what looked like mutated frogs, they dealt with them quickly. Ratchet utilized his Pyrocitor, while Twilight used her telekinetically controlled wrench to 'pinball' whole swaths of them. Both their Blasters proved useful in dealing with flame wielding thugs, which occasionally blocked their path.

None of the obstacles proved too much of a problem, and Twilight rather enjoyed riding as Ratchet and Clank used the Heli-pack to clear the few high jumps. Eventually, however, they encountered a few of the mutant creatures they had seen in the infobot's video.

Though Ratchet prepared for a tough fight, Twilight resolved the matter rather easily by levitating one of the creatures up and hurling it at the other, repeating until the first dropped dead.

"Wish the Power Gauntlet were strong enough to lift them," Ratchet grumbled.

"Try grabbing just a piece!" Twilight suggested.

Blinking, Ratchet held out his gauntleted hand, focusing on the remaining mutant's head. Seeing the field hold the creature's head steady, he grinned and clenched his fist. The mutant monstrosity fell dead, its head crushed. "Nice!" Ratchet crowed happily. Now certain of their ease at dealing with the threats here, they continued easily.

Their next encounter with flame wielding enemies also proved very easy, as Ratchet discovered that using the Power Gauntlet to crush their fuel tanks created a most satisfying and effective explosion.

Eventually, the trio came across a much larger specimen of the mutant aliens they had been fighting. As it approached, Ratchet once again attempted to seize its head in the Power Gauntlet's grip, only for the field to fail to form. "I can't get a grip!"

"It's too big!" Twilight pointed out. "And it's got some kind of innate telepathic ability that's shielding it from my magic!"

"How does that even work?" Ratchet demanded.

"It is likely a queen specimen of a rudimentary hive mind," Clank postulated. "Since Twilight's magic is shaped by thought, the high concentration of thought energy likely disrupts the energy fields she generates as she forms them. I believe it would be best if we limited ourselves to weapon attacks."

Ratchet grunted, pulling out both blaster and bomb glove. "This is going to be a long fight, then."

The fight proved to be longer than anticipated. Not only did the creature take very small amounts of damage with each hit, it also proved Clank's postulation by summoning creatures of each mutant type after taking a certain amount of damage. Despite the first wave being small enough for Ratchet to grab and propel with the Gauntlet, there were too many for him to aim well to target the main creature.

After finally finishing the queen off, the trio took the new path that opened. Before long, they encountered a scientist being harried by a pair of the frog like mutants. Ratchet made short work of them.

"Whew!" the scientist said, wiping his brow. "I thought I was a goner this time! Some nanowit in genetics must have left the cages open again."

"You can come down now," Ratchet informed him, gesturing to the stool the scientist was standing on.

"Honestly!" the scientist proclaimed, hopping down. "A Gadget Engineer deserves a bit more respect if you ask me-" he pauses, seeing the Gauntlet. "Is that the Power Glove Gadget from Gadgetron? It looks like a new model."

"It's an upgraded version," Twilight explained. "By combining the Power Glove with parts from the Suck Cannon, the Glove is upgraded to the Power Gauntlet. It can now seize animate targets as well as inanimate, up to the same size as the Suck Cannon could capture. The object can be retrieved, propelled as a weapon, or crushed. It can also seize parts of a larger object and manipulate them independent of the large object."

The scientist stared helplessly for a while. "Oh. My gods," he said at last. "You're Twilight Sparkle, aren't you? The child prodigy, pride of Gadgetron, and the envy and idol of scientists across the galaxy?"

Blushing, Twilight hid behind her Omniwrench. "I only learned about that last bit recently..." she mumbled.

"D-do you think you could take a look at these Grindboots I developed?" he asked. "Do you think they'd be good enough for Gadgetron? I think I'd like to change employers to work somewhere safer."

Twilight took a look at the boots for a while. "Hmm...tell you what. Sign here-" she held out her Gadgetron uplink as a form appeared, "-and I'll have my product tester give your Grindboots a work-over. Then we'll write a review of the product and send it in to Gadgetron. If it works well, we'll also include a recommendation that you be hired."

"Oh thank you!" the scientist replied happily, eagerly signing the form and handing over the boots.

Twilight smiled. "A pleasure working with you..." She glanced down at the name. "...Hsi Teng Duc?"

"And a real pleasure to meet you!" Hsi Teng agreed before hustling off.

Twilight glanced up at Ratchet. "Why do scientists have such strange sounding names?"

Ratchet scratched the back of his head. "Well..."

"I mean, what's wrong with naming a kid Sitting Duck?"

Snorting with laughter, Ratchet put the Grindboots on. "Let's just try these out, huh?" he suggested, gesturing to a shaft that seemed ideal for doing so.

Grinning happily, Twilight hopped onto his back, clinging to the grips Clank extended from the Heli-Pack upgrade for her to hold onto as Ratchet leaped to grind down the rails.

At the end of the rail, back in the initial chamber, they found that the pod was still not activated.

"What do we need to do to turn this on?" Twilight demanded.

"This appears to be an airlock," Clank informed them. "If you open it with your Trespasser, Ratchet, I believe I can explore outside the station."

"Alright," Ratchet agreed, opening the lock. "Have fun, Clank."

Nodding, Clank stepped out into the elevator.

Ratchet sat back against the wall to wait. To his surprise, Twilight curled up in his lap. "You okay, Twi?"

"Just tired," Twilight admitted. "it's been a while since I took a nap..."

"Alright," Ratchet said softly. "Get some sleep then."

Sighing happily, Twilight curled up, and Ratchet gently stroked her mane as she drifted off.

When Clank returned, he was surprised that he was immediately shushed by Ratchet. "She's sleeping," Ratchet whispered.

"I see," Clank replied, reducing the standard decibel level of his vocalizations. "I have found a useful gadget, and activated the pod."

Ratchet nodded, accepting the Hydrodisplacer. "In that case, I'll tuck her in in our ship, then we can go investigate."

"Alright," Clank agreed.

After tucking Twilight in and closing the canopy, the pair took the pod to the derelict warship. After accidentally triggering the warship's self destruct, they evacuated along with the infobot. Discovering that Twilight was still asleep on their return, they decided to let her sleep, setting a course for the coordinates contained in the infobot...Blackwater City.

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