• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,133 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Hoven

As the trio arrived on Planet Hoven, Twilight shivered slightly from the cold. "You okay, Twi?" Ratchet asked in concern.

"I'm alright," she said. "Just wasn't expecting it to be so cold."

"...on an ice planet," Ratchet drolled.

"Shut up!" Twilight whined.

"Look!" Clank interrupted, pointing. "That must be the ship that will transport the bomb."

"Then we'll just have to take it down before it launches," Ratchet explained.

"How?" Twilight asked. "The RYNO's the only weapon we've got that could do enough damage, including my magic, and it doesn't have the range!"

"We should ascend to the dock and attempt to prevent the launch," Clank suggested.

"Alright, that's a plan," Ratchet agreed.

As they continued down the path, several small, yeti-like creatures leapt out of the snow to attack them, though they were dealt with easily. Clank, however, paused at each corpse that was slain with blunt force instead of weapons fire, stripping off the undamaged sections of thick fur and storing it in his chest compartment via miniaturization.

"What are you doing?" Ratchet asked.

"This fur appears to protect these creatures from the intense cold," Clank pointed out. "While you do not suffer from it, Ratchet, it was my thought to use this fur to make Twilight a thick coat to keep her warm."

As Twilight beamed happily, Ratchet nodded. "A good thought, but I don't think we'll be here long enough for you to make the coat."

"Still, this may not be the only time we visit an especially cold environment," Clank pointed out. "I shall continue to collect the fur."

"Thank you, Clank," Twilight said happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

His eyes promptly shot open as his antenna sparked. "I appear to be suffering a higher brain malfunction," Clank pointed out.

Ratchet laughed. "Nice one, Twilight. You got him blushing!"

Twilight blushed at that. "Let's...let's just keep going, okay?"

Chuckling, Ratchet nodded, leading the way.

Other than some Blarg armed with blasters that had been modified to have stronger shots in exchange for a slower firing rate and less ammo, the small yeti-like creatures were the only enemy obstacle the trio encountered for quite some time as they explored the planet, trying to reach where the bomb ship was docked. The environmental hazards proved a bit more difficult. Super chilled rivers could freeze them at a single touch, as Twilight discovered when she threw a Blarg into it. Ice on the ground also proved problematic for Twilight, as her hooves got no friction, sending her careening about on the ice and hoping flaring her wings could steer her. Eventually, she settled that issue by pulling her hover board out for the ice segments.

Most other obstacles - like wall jump segments - were dealt with in much the same way as they had been previously. The large propensity of Swingshot targets helped Twilight maneuver, especially when she realized she could curve her swingshot mid flight with her magic, and use it to rappel up walls once it latched onto a Swingshot target.

Part way along the path, the group encountered a split in the path. "I think we should go up the lift platform," Ratchet pointed out. "We need to get up to the dock, after all."

"This other pathway seems more heavily guarded, though," Twilight pointed out.

"As we are on a time crunch," Clank offered, "perhaps we should take both paths, each of us taking the path we think will lead to the goal."

"Sound idea," Ratchet admitted reluctantly.

"Don't worry, Daddy," Twilight reassured him. "I'll be fine. Between my hover board and my RYNO, I'm pretty sure there's nothing here I can't handle."

Ratchet sighed in defeat. "Just be careful, okay?" he relented.

"I will, Daddy!" Twilight promised, kissing him on the cheek.

Smiling, Ratchet ruffled her mane, then turned to hop onto the hover lift, Clank onto his back.

As Twilight first started leaping over platforms, the first new enemy obstacle she encountered was smaller, faster versions of the spiked, explosive mines from Planet Umbris. These proved even easier for Twilight to grab in her magic, and she soon had a full swarm spinning in a protective sphere around her as she progressed. After all, she promised Ratchet she'd be careful.

A few launched at high speeds proved especially effective against attack copters and other enemies that attempted to hinder her progress. When she reached another jump slot, she paused. "Hmm...without someone to pull me up at the top, changing my gravimetric alignment could be dangerous. If only I had an elevator...oh!" Smiling, she conjured a magic step braced within the jump slot. Hopping on, she triggered the step to slide up the slot to the top, using the bracing of the step to the slot for movement - letting the magic roll its way up like a conveyor belt - instead of using levitation. "Why didn't I think of this before?" Twilight squealed happily at how effective it was.

Before long, Twilight's ascent brought her to where the ship was getting ready for takeoff. "Guess I was right about which way to go," she mumbled under her breath, rushing forward to ascend. Unfortunately, by the time she got to the ship, it had already initiated takeoff procedure and was out of her range to board.

Muttering curses she'd learned from other Gadgetron techs, she glanced around for some way of assaulting the ship. Spying an old defense turret, she rushed to it. Hopping on, she began shooting at the ship's vulnerable points, seeking to make it either crash or drop the bomb before it was armed. Attack copters attempted to stop her from reaching it and from shooting the ship down, but she set her RYNO to auto target them while she focused on the main ship. Before long, the ship was down, crashing into the icy waters below.

"Nice shooting, Twilight!" Ratchet called as he and Clank finally caught up to her.

Twilight smiled as she hopped off the turret. "Thanks, Daddy!" she said happily.

At that point, an infobot stepped out of hiding from behind the turret, playing its message regarding the Blarg assault force being massed on their moon base.

"Hope you got that coat ready, Clank," Twilight muttered. "I'll probably need it if I'm going to be space walking."

"Or you could modify some of your equipment into an armor unit that maintains body temperature in any environment," Ratchet suggested.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Actually, I think I can make something like that from this old turret!" Turning, she channeled her magic through her pilot's helmet, tearing the turret apart. Before long, a dark purple peytral and shoes adorned her form. "There!" she said happily. "These generate an energy field between them and my pilot's helm when the O2 mask is active. It will protect me completely from environmental effects!"

Ratchet grinned. "Nice, Twilight! And you're looking rather awesome, too!"

As Twilight smiled with pleasure, Clank couldn't help but be concerned. Something about the design of Twilight's armor filled him with inexplicable fear.

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