• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,365 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Day 130.

Fuck winter. It almost seems like they kind of skipped a lot of autumn. One day they just kind of rolled in above Canterlot with a bunch of clouds and kicked the snow out of them.

At least Luna said it was only planned to be three months of winter this year. Doesn't mean I'm any warmer now, though.

...And now I have to go out and buy food for the week. I'm actually getting pretty good at this entire 'vegetarian cooking' thing. Still hate carrots, though, and if being turned into a pony didn't cure that, nothing will.

I am however getting a taste for hay, which is kind of amusing.



Putting my journal away I wrapped a thick scarf around my neck and put the bags on my back. The scarf actually helped against the cold, funnily enough.

I actually noticed my fur quickly thickening in days after the snow fell so I could deal with the cold. Didn't mean I enjoyed walking around outside.

Fuck, I hate cold.

Putting a handful of Bits into one of the bags, I headed out and locked the door behind me before walking down the stairs and out onto the street, shivering at the cold.

Giving the snow an annoyed kick, I headed towards the market, focusing on one of the spells I had been able to learn.

Luna and I were able to find the book and it was actually pretty good... if in a bit of an archaic way of writing, but readable... and contained several theories that had since then been proven inaccurate, according to what I had been able to find out. Which is probably why it fell out of favor.

Even so, the book was really good at explaining the basics and I could now actually do some basic spells, such as light and warming.

Feeling the short term enchantment settling over me, I let it go, now feeling much more comfortable. Still, it would only last an hour or so, but it would be enough to get what I needed and get back home.


It's home now. Not just 'my place'. When did that happen?

Shaking my head, I headed towards one of the merchant stalls. Apples first. You could add them to lots of things and it would be tasty.

Apple and cinnamon porridge was pretty brilliant.

“Seven apples, please.” I asked the large, brown-furred earth pony stallion manning the stand before there was a commotion and I looked back, seeing a grey-furred unicorn running as fast as she could through the market, a trio of guards after her.

“Stop! Thief!”


Thinking fast, I waited until she was passing by before I focused and gave her furthest front hoof a tug with my telekinesis and she went into a tumble, skidding to a halt on the snow-covered ground only for two of the guards to pin her down quickly.

The third and last one came to a halt, catching his breath as he shuffled his wings. “Thank you, she might have gotten away.”

I shook my head. “No problem, Sir.”

Was a bit strange that nobody else did anything, but... that was common among humans as well and ponies were even more passive from what I noticed. More inclined to the 'flight' than fight than humans are.

“What did she take, anyway?” I asked with a frown as the guards helped her up, putting a ring around her horn and a pair of shackles around her fronthooves, keeping her from running. Also, I could only assume that ring did something to her magic?

The guard shook his head. “Stole a money bag from a mare further down the market.”


Not like anyone was starving, if you were unable to find work, you got enough to live anyway. What I got was the standard amount... well, before I was able to find my job.

I guess greed existed in all species.

“Well... glad I could help then.” I sighed. “So... what now? Do I need to sign something or...”

The guard nodded. “We would appreciate it if you came back to headquarters and gave a statement. Technically, you were involved in an altercation. Don't worry, though, it's just a formality, you were assisting a royal guard in his duties.”

“Uh... yeah, sure.” I said with a shrug and turned to pay for my apples, putting them in my bags. “Ready to go.”

I followed along with the guards and their prisoner, feeling slightly annoyed. Damn it, now I had to stay outside longer and this was my free day. I had planned to curl up with a book, an actual fiction book this time and maybe get some writing done in translating Star Wars into 'Pony Fantasy'. I was already up to 'The Island of Death'. The Death Star was a floating fortress island in my version. I suppose I could just write 'Star Wars' down as a clear copy, but that just felt cheap.

“...What?” I asked after a moment, finding the guard looking at me as we made our way towards the tower at the outskirts of the palace that served as the guard's headquarters.

“I just think I recognize you. What's your name?”

“Blank Page.”

He looked surprised for a moment before he nodded. “Oh! Now I recognize you, you are Princess L...” he started to say before he cleared his throat. “Never mind, sir, my mistake. If you would come this way please?” he instead continued, holding the door open.

What? I am Princess Lunas... what?