• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,459 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 45

I moved slowly and carefully across the grass, the shadows all around seeming darker than normal, the stars shimmering far above.

At least the moonlight gave enough light to see by.

Now, where are you?

The grass was cool beneath my hooves and I froze. What was that? A small sound, feathers against branches.

My prey was to the right.

Crouching down slightly, I started to sneak along the grass. Now, this was a moment where I missed actual feet... even if it was soft and slightly wet grass, hooves were not really made for keeping quiet.

But she was sneaky and most likely had better senses than me so I needed to be careful.

Narrowing my eyes to make it less likely that she would spot me by the whites of my eyes, I thanked everything that my coat or mane was not as florescent as some others I have seen. It gave me a chance to not get seen as easily.

Careful, careful... there.

A shadow moving in the shadow beneath that bush.

Currently in pony form or not, my species consisted of greatly evolved predator apes. Sure, we did our best work with fire and tools during daytime, but I would be damned if I let a herbivore out sneak me just because it was nig-

A rustle of leaves to my left caused me to freeze, slowly looking into the bush next to me to see a pair of large, light green eyes and I whispered the first thing that came to mind. “Clever girl...”

The Princess of the Night pounced, hitting me from the side before pinning me with a grin. “Got you!”


She grinned down at me, and I nodded and couldn't help but smile back. “You did. How did you do that? I saw you.”

“You saw a shadow.” she answered and moved off me, laying down on the grass next to me. “A simple bit of magic.”

“...I suppose that's my own fault, not setting any rules.” I chuckled and rolled onto my stomach next to her as she rested her wing across my back.

Spring or not, it was still a bit chilly in the middle of the night so I was not complaining. This was... nice. Warm.

Besides, it was Luna. It made it... I don't know. Special.

I glanced at her as she looked up at her moon, her mane almost invisible against the night sky. Only way to see it was because it was moving.


She smiled and turned her gaze to me. “Thank you for this. After today, I really needed it.”

“My pleasure.” I answered before I smiled back. “Luna...?”


“Remember when I asked if I was courting you?”

The Princess's smile widened. “Yes?”

“That was the wrong question, wasn't it?”

She nodded happily. “It was. Which is the right question?”

“Are you courting me?”

“That's the right question.” she giggled and leaned down to give my ear a nuzzle as she whispered; “And the answer is: Yes.”

I blushed slightly. “Sorry it took me so long to figure out.”

That earned me a gentle ear bite. “Well, you are just a stallion, you have to take that into account.” she teased before letting go and I flicked my ear, smiling up at her before shifting a bit closer to lean against her side.

She really was amazing. Wonder how much she had seen in her time? How many people she had met. To think that she really wanted to be with me...

Who cared if she wasn't human.

Luna blinked and looked down at me before she smiled again. “What?”

I grinned slightly and looked away. “There is no way to ask this politely... I was wondering what you have seen during your life. So many things you must have experienced... and there was a question that came to mind and I have no idea how to ask it.”

She raised her eyebrows in question. “What did you want to know? I'll do my best to answer.”

“How old are you?”

That brought a giggle from her. “You know, Page... I'm actually not sure. Mainly because that's before the invention of the first calendar and that was three calendar systems ago.”


I blinked in surprise. “That's... actually a bit longer than I thought. I figured a couple of thousand years at most.”

Luna shrugged her wings, looking thoughtful. “I'm guessing somewhere between, perhaps, somewhere around five thousand? But I have no idea, I could be off by a thousand in either direction. The first calendar of any real accuracy was only invented three or so thousand years ago.”

“...You could be as old as metalworking?” I asked, looking up at her in surprise. Wow, she looked good for her age.

“I thought it was considered rude to point out a lady's age.”


Luna snorted and pulled me closer with her wing. “Page, It's better than the awe it usually gets which is why my sister and I don't usually go around proclaiming our ages. We get enough of that normally. After the first couple of thousand years, it loses some of its charm.”


She grinned and gave my ear a nuzzle and I flicked it, leaning softly against her side again as I closed my eyes. This was... very nice.

We stayed like that for a moment before I looked up at her. She had a far-away look in her eyes.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked after moment of watching her.

Luna blinked and then looked down at me before smiling. “Just remembering.” she said softly before she sighed, “The other times I have done... this.”

I considered that for a moment before I grinned and rolled onto my back to look up at her. “That must have been a lot of memories.” before I groaned and continued; “and I can not stop saying the wrong things today!”

Luna laughed softly and grinned down at me. “Actually, I believe you would be surprised. My sister was always the one to get romantically involved.”

I gave her a surprised look. “Five thousand years?”

She smiled and poked me with her hoof. “I have had plenty of lovers over the years, Page. Hundreds. Thousands, even. But I have only done... only had what we have... twice before.” she said softly.

“Is that what we are?” I asked her just as softly. She really was beautiful against the night sky like that.

Luna smiled, actually looking a bit nervous. “We could be.”

I lifted my head and gave her a small nuzzle as my answer.

So what if she isn't human? She is Luna. My Luna. That's what mattered.

“Tell me about them?” I asked as I relaxed back against the grass, looking up at her.

She nodded. “Thunder Bolt was first. He was a pegasus, a couple of years older than me.” she said softly as she settled down next to me with a smile. “I couldn't have been more than fifteen years old, it was before my ascension. In many ways, he was the opposite of you. Brash, action before considerations. The Element of Loyalty... Rainbow Dash actually reminds me a bit of him, they have the same kind of personality. But he was romantic around me. He... loved watching the stars with me.”

“So do I.”

Luna grinned and nuzzled me. “I know.”

“So what happened?”

She sighed softly. “We were happy for a while, but he died only a few winters later. There was a war and he fell to the spell of a unicorn. I... don't even remember what the war was about. Land, I think. They usually were.”

“I'm sorry.”

Luna nodded and relaxed again, looking down at me. “The second was... some two thousand years ago. Her name was Flower Burst. She was a unicorn. We met when she started working the royal gardens. The one unicorn among a staff of earth ponies.” she said softly. “She was so brave and so gentle. I still remember her laying under the tree in my private garden at night, reading by the light of her horn. That's how I got to know her, I went out to talk to her.”

I nodded, letting her continue.

“She was so hesitant. So... nervous about saying or doing anything wrong.” Luna sighed softly before she smiled down at me. “She was just so shy. It took months before she would even look me in the eyes when we talked. It grew from there and before I knew it... I loved her.”

I nodded again. “She sounds nice.”

“She was. We had many years together, but we lost her in the end. She reached 98 years of age.” Luna said sadly. “I knew that it would happen. It always does... I never understood how Celestia could handle it, again and again.”

“...Your sister falls in love easily?”

Luna nodded. “I was actually surprised when I returned and she didn't have a consort.”

A thought struck me and I frowned, remembering what I saw in that doughnut shop. “Have anyone told Twilight Sparkle?”

That brought a playful grin from the Princess. “I suspect that it's a possibility that she might find out on her own in a couple of years. Perhaps we should have a little revenge on my sister for that rumor and tell her early.”

We shared a laugh at that before I smiled sadly up at her. “Luna?”


“Will you remember me in a thousand years?”

She blinked down at me, her eyes shinier than normal in the moonlight as she whispered. “My Page... I will remember you as long as I draw breath.” before she leaned in with a gentle smile, her lips brushing against mine.

Lifting my head from the grass, I kissed her back.