• Published 7th Dec 2015
  • 719 Views, 15 Comments

A little drop of snow. - grammar404

Snowdrop has been resurrected but without her memories. Who played their part into her rebirth and what magic was used? But there is more, beast and monsters started appearing in the tundra, more ferocious and ugly than the last. What possible role d

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Chapter III: Finishing The Errands, Then There's Him.

Coco puff was walking back home from another failed attempt at gaining a cutie-mark. He's latest 'shenanigan' was to acquire a tree climbing mark, it maybe a silly one but colts his age already have cutie-marks. And he doesn't. So, Coco tried many ways to gain a mark but most ended in mishaps that only caused him to get into trouble.

He sighed, a cloud of white smoke formed and faded.

His head was hanged low and his chocolate coloured mane danced with the flow of the northern winds. Piles of snow littered his lighter brown coat here and there. The tree that he had scaled was carrying a hefty amount of the stuff.

Finally, he stopped in front of a door with a sign, of coffee and bread, at the top right of it. He pushed the wooden door open with an ample force to present his irritation. When the door slammed, a few ponies sent a glance at him then carried on with their businesses. It was not the first time he went home to his family's shop from a failed crusade. When he stepped inside, he saw his sister, Cookie Dough— A pale brown coated mare with brown mane that swirled into locks at the end, looking at him with a bit of anger and sympathy. He was used to it, Cookie understood why he was acting this way, she was saddened by the fact that her little brother was a late 'marked'.

"At it again, eh?" His sister said. "Ended like the others, I presume?"

He nodded. And his sister smiled.

"Go and git a mug of coffee, and milk, there's someone ah'd like ya to meet."

Coco nodded again, and headed to the kitchen, oblivious of the two ponies his sister was hosting.

A few minutes later. Coco has a tray of a milk and a coffee on his back, which he carried to the table her sister was waiting. When he stood before his sister, whom placed them in front of their respective owners, he was still oblivious of the two.

Coco let out a tired sigh, closing his eyes and hanging his head lower in a depressed state. Despite of his brother's antics, Cookie remained to look joyful, she knew that after he finally meets Rosie, he'll probably brighten up. Coco idolised the town's runner, traversing the dangerous tundra for the betterment of the village was 'awesome' he would say. Rosie was a busy mare, after she became the village's runner she barely had the time to talk to Cookie anymore, at least Glacier got to talk to her more often. The three of them was the best of friends during their foalhood, life 's just gets busy when your older. Anyway, when she told her brother about her relationship with Rosie, he thought she was joking. Well, she would like to see the look on his face!

"Well, what kind of crusading did you do today?"

"Ah tried to climb a tree, ah was hoping to at least git a tree climbing cutie-mark." He sighed.

"Why'd you like a tree climbing cutie-mark?" His sister smirked.

The colt raised his head to scowl at his sister. "Because I have tried everything! I tried to climb rocks, houses, and the walls!"

"But have you tried baking?"

Coco huffed and looked away. "I don't like baking." Then he struck a pose. "I'd like to be a runner, just like Ms. Rosie."

"Is that so?"

Coco turned to see a russet maned mare wearing a smile that matched her sister's. Rosie Hammer, the fastest runner ever since Light Foot the first runner the village ever had.

The earthpony colt's mouth hang agape as he stared, bewildered, at the chuckling mare.

"We seem to have broken him, Cookie."

Cookie put a hoof over her muzzle with faux worry. "Oh Goddess! Don't tell my mother."

The two laughed. Snowdrop let out a satisfied sigh, placing a now empty mug of milk on the table. Rosie shuffled the filly's mane then looked at her best friend.

"Here," said she, handing over a bag of seeds to Cookie. "It's the seeds your mother and her group requested."

Cookie nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Rosie, I pass my gratitude on their behalf."

Rosie waved a hoof. "No probs. It's my job after all." She then tapped Snowdrop's shoulder. "Come on, Snowdrop, let's go."

Snowdrop moved her head towards Rosie then nodded. The two said their farewells and was now stepping out the door, leaving a still-dumbstruck Coco.

Shaking his head, Coco ran on his hooves to catch up on the two mares. Cookie merely sighed when her brother slammed the door open and ran outside, turning a round to get back to her work.

"How'd you get your cutie-mark?"

"What does it mean?"

"What's your favourite food?"

Rosie's eye twitched. It has been a while since they left the coffee shop. Cookie's little brother, Coco Puff, had been following her on her way to the hospital. It was a long way too. Rosie answered some of his questions but now he was asking at a rapid pace that she couldn't be anything buy a little bit annoyed. Snowdrop... Well, Snowdrop just had that innocent grin on her face.

'How could this filly endure this sugar induced colt ?'

Then, finally they reached the hospital, one of the few modernised facilities here gifted by the new Crystal Empire. Rosie pushed the glass doors open and walked into the lobby, the two foals right behind her tail. She went up to the counter to talk to a pink coated nurse with a red mane tied into a pair of buns.

"Hi!" Said Rosie with a bright smile on her face, "I want to see doctor Bandaged wound, please? Also, I am here to deliver these medicines as requested by the head nurse."

The nurse mare had her head on some papers when she replied. "Yes, of course give me a minute." She then looked up before smiling. "You're miss Rosie, the town's top runner right?" Rosie nodded. "Well, I'll ring in the doctor and call Mrs. Healthcare. You may want to sit, I'll just come and get you when the doctor is available to meet you."

Rosie nodded in acknowledgement, she then turned her head to the foals next to her. "Come on you two, let's go wait over there." With Snowdrop in hoof and the brown Colt following close behind, Rosie started her walk to the waiting area.

Snowdrop, who'd been looking curios, had her eyes squinted a bit and her ears twitching agitatedly. "Rosie?" She asked, "where are we? And why does it smell funny?"

"We're in a hospital, Snowdrop." Rosie replied in a calm voice.

"What's a hospital?"

Coco cocked an eyebrow. "You don't know what's a hospital?"

Snowdrop's ears fell flat on her sides. "Ummm... No?"

The brown Colt chuckled. "Hospitals are where sick people go, you silly. How come you don't know this? It's like common sense for everypony."

Snowdrop's head fell downcast as she pouted. "Well, everything feels foreign to me but also familiar at the same time."

Coco puff had a perplexed look on his face. "Giiiirrrrll say what? You lost me..." He made a circling gesture with his hoof, "somewhere... somewhere there."

Snowdrop moaned, while Rosie letted out a huff. "It's because Snowdrop seemed to lost most of her memories when I found her. So she feels familiar with things but doesn't actually remember them. Does that make sense?"

The colt tapped his chin. "Yaaaaannooope!"

Rosie sighed. Thankfully they had arrived and sat on the comfortable coaches that the hospital provided. After a few minutes of waiting, the nurse that Rosie talked to arrived.

"Doctor Bandaged wound just finished treating a patient, he is eager to help you as a thanks for bringing the medicine in such a short period of time since it was commissioned."

"Awesome. so, should we go?"

"Yes, Dr. Bandaged would be in exam room 4, if you would follow me..." The nurse turned with the three following her tail.

During this trip, Snowdrop experience the sound of the ill. She would hear ponies cough, moan, groan, and sometimes sniff their falling snots. It was a much familiar sounds than the others she had come in contact to. Suddenly a voice she recognised as the mare in her dream echoed through her head.

"Snowdrop, ready for your yearly check up?"

"Yup! I'm looking forward to meet Ms. Scarlet again!"


"Aaanndd, maybe the treats that she has too."

"Snowdrop," The filly whipped her head to the source of the sound.


"We're here, you were acting weird just now. Is something the matter?" Rosie asked with a concerned look.

"Ahh... No." Snowdrop replied, before Rosie could say another word Snowdrop continued. "We should go, umm... Yeah."

Rosie was hesitantly looking at the filly before nodding. "Alright then." She said before walking in. Snowdrop followed the sound of hoof step. Coco walked behind her.

"Hey, are sure you're okay? You seemed a lot different from your mood earlier." The light brown colt pointed out.

"It's..." Snowdrop paused. "It's nothing really." Then they continued.

There in the exam room, looking through files, was a blue coated unicorn stallion with red flowing mane. He raised his head when Rosie came close enough. "Ah! The stampeding messenger, Rosie Hammer! I'm Dr. Bandaged Wound, how may I help you..?"

Author's Note:

Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter. There was suppose to be more but I decided that I should cut it here because next chapter will be focuses more on developing Coco puff as a character and Snowdrop's ability to socialise. So bare with me.

this chapter was updated/edited in July 31, 2016. Where a few scenes were changed and added. This story is now viable to change, tags may change as well.

Again, this chapter has not been professionally edited. Typos and grammatical error are loose! Please, helpful criticism is welcomed. Feedbacks are appreciated, because you are a lovely bunch.

If you have something that you may want to be cleared up or understand, please email me or leave a comment.

Do leave a reason on why you dislike the story as I want to improve its quality.
See you next chapter! :pinkiesmile: :heart:

Comments ( 4 )

It seems like I'm going to have to wait for a bit

I like this.

Four years huh?

I keep running into books that don’t get worked on :fluttercry:

I guess I should have known that this book is like the Skyrim one when it comes to being way to late

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