• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 10: Show and Tell. (Edited)

[Castle Friendship, 7 p.m. Third Person POV]

The dining room was dead silent. All the patrons present stared at the two individuals standing in front of the doorway, waiting with bated breath as the most extraordinary scene occurred. A mysterious creature, the likes of which no one has ever seen, arrived as the surprise guest of Pinkie Pie's famous Welcome to Ponyville parties. The only problem was that this strange being claimed not to have been surprised. One would assume that he was lying to get a rise out of the party mare, or perhaps he was pulling a joke that they weren't privy to. However, the look on the orange and blue-clad being showed absolute sincerity. There were two things everyone knew never to do while in Equestria; breaking a Pinkie Promise and ruining a Pinkie surprise party. Now, the party patrons, the Royals, the elements, and their entourage watch the scene with morbid anticipation.

Goku stared at Pinkie's bright blue eyes for some time now. What he found strange was after their little exchange of words, Pinkie froze in place. She had the same wide grin she sported locked in place, and it would appear that she wasn't breathing. Instead, she was completely and utterly still as a statue, and it was genuinely unnerving, even for Goku. "Say Pinkie Pie? Are you alright?" Goku asked but received no answer. He waved his hand in her face to jar a reaction, but still, she did not respond. At this point, Goku was starting to get worried.

"This is unbelievable. Pinkie Pie has never stayed still for this long!" Twilight stated.

"Oh my, do you think she's alright?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

"it looks like Mr. Goku went and broke her," Applebloom suggests.

"Oh, come now, you're all just being prosperous. We are talking about Pinkie Pie." Rarity insisted.

"I dunno. This moment feels different, like beyond Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie." Spike said. Goku decided to move toward the immobilized party mare and check her pulse. But, just as his fingers touch her neck, Pinkies mane and tail deflated. Goku notices that her full, cheerful grin shifted to a curved, almost sadistic smirk. He felt a slight shift in her Ki flow to something dark and edgy while her power level slowly began to rise.

"So...you say you were not surprised by my patented surprise party." Pinkie said in a different tone of voice. "Would you like to tell me how you could've known about the surprise party? Because I'm sure everypony knows that it's not very nice to ruin surprises, right everypony?" Pinkie Pie said to the room. No one dared to answer directly, so they all just gave the nod. Pinkie's gaze fell on her friends as they stiffened up under her sight. She watched them intently, hoping to discover if one of her friends performed this act of betrayal.

Goku decided to speak up before the situation degrades any further. "Pinkie--"

"Pinkamena," she cuts Goku off. "My full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. It has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you say? But that doesn't matter right now..." she said as she turned to the rest of Goku's group. "Now then, girls, who ruined the surprise? I promise not to get too upset." She said sweetly, yet they could feel the venom oozing off every syllable.

"Goku sensed you!" Spike blurted out. "We came up to the doors when he said he sensed some ponies from Ponyville. He could sense you as well," he said quickly, praying that would satisfy the party mare. To his horror, it did not. Pinkamena slowly inched her way to a now trembling Drake until she was muzzle to muzzle with him.

"What a likely story Spiky Wiky." Pinkamena teased him with his pet name that Rarity likes to use. Although, hearing it now just made sound wrong!

"He's telling the truth." Goku defended, causing Pinkamena to snap her attention on him.

She walked up to him and stared him right in the eye, which proved difficult since he was a head taller. "Nopony expects my surprise parties, NOPONY!!!" She protests vehemently, never losing her smile.

Goku let a chuckle at how silly Pinkie was being. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not a pony. Also, did you forget about Ki energy already? I can sense the Ki of every living thing on the planet. So it was easy to tell who was in here from sensing their power levels like the princesses, for example." He said as Pinkamena peeked behind and locked eyes with the princesses. The Royals tensed for a moment under the party mares glare.

"So it's their fault!" Pinkamena sneers. She was about to storm up to them when Goku continued.

"Technically, you're to blame as well. Your Ki is robust and energic, so it's pretty hard to mess." Goku chirped.

Pinkamena stared at Goku for a seconds before she conked herself on her head. She sticks her tongue while her mane and tail instantly poofed back up. "I guess that makes sense. But, boy, do I feel like a silly filly, but you still ruined the surprise, so you better keep on your hoofs from now on." Pinkie said in her cheerful tone. "Now come on, sonny, time to party!" She beamed as she bounced away, leaving a confused Goku and even more bewildered (and slightly terrified) party patrons.

Goku turned to the group and whispered to them. "Does that happen often?" he asked.

"Not normally, but then again, sugarcube, nopony's ever expected a Pinkie surprise party. This instant was worse than that time she thought I broke that Pinkie promise we made back at Appleloosa." Applejack said as she shuddered at the memories.

"It would be sagacious for you never to ruin the surprise. Parties are Pinkie's pride and joy. Should you ruin them, then she'll be out to destroy." Zecora warned.

"Right, no more ruining Pinkie's surprises," Goku said affirmatively. He the patrons relaxed and started to enjoy themselves. He noticed that many were glancing in his direction, unsure of how to approach him. So he decided to meet them halfway. Goku went to three ponies, two mares, and one stallion, conversing with each other. One was a maroon mare with a light pink mane wearing a white shirt and black skirt. The other beige female had gray hair and tail while dressed in a full beige suit with a white shirt and green tie. Finally, the stallion was a slightly darker shade of brown with a black mane and tail. He was wearing a full blue business suit with a white shirt and red tie.

"Hey there, my name's Goku. It's nice to meet you." Goku greeted. The three ponies took in his appearance before speaking.

"Yes, I am Mayor Mare, and these two are old friends of mine; Ms. Cheerilee and Filthy Rich." Mayor Mare introduced.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Filthy Rich said as he shook Goku's hand.

"Please to meet you," Cheerilee said politely.

"Aw, so you three, where are ones the others told me about while on tour. Twilight and the girls wanted me to meet you all." Goku said.

"Wait a moment." Mayor Mare interjected as a realization hit. "The princesses mentioned a noble warrior was touring Ponyville with Princess Twilight. They said that he was the one that helped save those fillies and Spike. As well as aid in the fight against the ghoul." She said, surprising the others.

"Yep, that was me. It was no trouble--" Goku found himself cut off as both Filthy Rich and Cheerilee embraced him in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how worried I was when the girls ran off and didn't come back!" Cheerilee said gratefully.

"Truly, I am in your debt. My wife and I were nearly driven to hysterics when our little princess never came back. Just say the word, and I'll get you anything you like." Filthy Rich offered.

Goku was about to protest when his stomach started to growl. "Hehehe, now that ya mentioned it. I am famished." Goku said as his stomach growled again.

"Food and refreshments are just over there. Pinkie Pie made sure there was enough for everypony. I'm sorry, what are you exactly?" Mayor Mare asked.

"I'm just a Saiyan that was born on Earth," Goku said nonchalantly. He made his way to the lunch table, leaving his new friends too confuse.

"Sayin? EARTH?!!" they said in unison.

Goku soon made it to the lunch table and immediately noticed a glaring problem; there was no meat. All that was present was an assortment of snacks, sweets, pies, and cakes. Goku didn't mind it too much, but he never had much of a sweet tooth. The fact that a lot of the food was mostly unhealthy for someone like him. However, his hunger demanded nourishment, and this was available. "I guess I'll have to do for now. Just have to make sure to train extra hard to burn those calories." Goku notes as he wiggles his fingers in the air. He was thoroughly prepared to devour all item's insight.

[5 minutes later]

The party patrons were once again stunned into the silence as they watch the scene unfold before them. The guest of honor was at the lunch table, eating all the food within his reach. Typically, such an act wouldn't be cause for alarm. However, what was alarming was the speed that he devoured the food. One second, there would be food on the table, and the next, it would vanish inside his mouth. The Royals, as well as Goku's group, could only watch dumbfounded.

"Sweet Nelly, I never saw anypony eat that fast, except for maybe Pinkie." Applejack said.

"I can only imagine how long it was since he's eaten with all that's happened recently," Fluttershy said sympathetically.

"Urgh, I'm afraid this will not do. Goku darling, please stop eating in such an unfortunate manner. You are in the presence of royalty, after all." Rarity insisted.

Goku gulped down another cupcake before addressing Rarity. "Sorry, I just love to eat," Goku said as he went back to shoveling food into his mouth.

"I know, right? Eating is tons of fun; all those tasty snack foods. Cupcakes, cookies, cake, and punch." Pinkie paused as she started salivating drool like a waterfall. "Move over, mister!" She said. She joined Goku at his side and started eating at the same pace.

"Great, now we got two Pinkies. It's the magic mirror incident all over again." Rainbow Dash said.

"The two of you make quite the pair. I can practically hear the food's cries of despair." Zecora teased.

"Hey, I wanna try that." Sweetie Belle said she ran to the other side of the table and tried to mimic Goku and Pinkie.

"Me too, it looks like fun," Applebloom said excitedly.

"Save some for me," Scootaloo said. Soon enough, Goku, Pinkie Pie, and the CMC were all gorging themselves on the lunch table. The CMC tried to match Goku's and Pinkie's speed but found it impossible and ended having cake smeared on their faces.

Luna couldn't help but giggle at their antics. "Tis most amusing, is not sister?" Luna asked but received no reply. "Sister?" Luna turned to Celestia only to see her watching the scene before them with grow solemnly. She stood still and did not say a word. Upon closer inspection, Luna saw tears beginning to form. She finally ripped from a trance and faced Luna.

"This is wrong, Luna. So very, very wrong." Celestia said with a hitch in her voice.

"What is wrong? What troubles you so, sister?" Luna asked with concern.

"Isn't it obvious, my dear Luna? C-cake is meant to be eaten slowly, savor every bite, and fully appreciate its quality. Instead, what we are witnessing is a fate I would wish on anypony. That poor cake never stood a chance. I-I need to sit down. Perhaps even make plans for a proper funeral." Celestia said, crestfallen as she made her way to the far end of the room and away from the gruesome scene. On that night, two things happen. One: Celestia made sure to safeguard all the cake pastries within Canterlot Castle whenever Goku appeared. Two: Luna performed the most significant eye roll and loudest facepalm in Equestria's history.

[Castle Friendship 10 p.m. - Third Person POV]

The party had finally come to an end as most of the party patrons departed for their daily routines tomorrow. Goku stood outside of Castle Friendship with the Royals, the elements, the fillies, Spike, and Zecora. "Thanks for the party, everyone. I had a real blast." Goku said.

"Pinkie's parties are always full of excitement. I'm just glad everyone wasn't too shocked by you." Twilight said.

I'm glad the party had ended before they ate out the entire castle." Spike commented.

"Quite right, darling. Goku, I only must implore that you stop by the boutique so that we may discuss your....eating habits." Rarity said with a cringe. "We can also do something about your wardrobe."

"Hey, hang on, Goku, will you come to our show and tell presentation? The schoolhouse starts at 8 a.m.," Silver Spoon asked.

"And ya still have to come over for dinner at the farm." Applebloom reminds.

"I'll be sure to arrive as early as I can for our meeting. I still have plenty of textbooks to fill up." Twilight assured. Goku was beginning to get swapped before Cadence spoke up.

"Alright, everypony, there's no need to overwhelm him. I'm positive. Goku will spend some quality time with all of you." Cadence said. "We should be heading back to Canterlot now."

"I hope the city is still standing by the time we get back. This absence has been the longest any of us have partaken." Shining Armour joke.

"Verily, Niece and Shining Armour. Sometimes we believe that the nobility is nothing more than hoof sucking foals without us. What do you think, sister? Sister!" Luna called out to Celestia, but she soon discovered her state. She looked catatonic with a faraway look in her eyes. Luna let out an exasperated sigh. "Young Pinkie, mayhaps there is any cake left?" Luna asked. Pinkie soon came up with a slice of vanilla cake and handed it to Luna. "Thank thee." She said as she held the cake up to Celestia's muzzle. Her nostrils started to flare, and her eyes widened. She snapped her attention to the excellent pastry before and took the slice in her hands. A smile threatens to break through her mask as she left the cake up and prepared to eat it. Or she would have if Luna hadn't cleared her throat, stopping her mid-bite and mouth agape. She looks at Luna, wearing a smug smile. While everyone else looked perplexed. A tinge of pink filled her cheeks, and she gave a sheepish grin.

"Yes, Luna, we should make our departure now. Have a fun evening everypony." She quickly said as she made her way to the carriages. Luna and Cadence giggle while Shinning chuckled and followed behind her. Finally, they board the wagon and left for Canterlot.

"Alright, you guys, I have to go too. See ya tomorrow." Goku said as everyone waved goodbye.

[Celestia POV]

I have never been so relieved to hold a cake in my hands. That was undoubtedly a nightmare I shall never relive again. Who knew that there was a being that could match Pinkie's appetite. Of course, I'll have to ensure the highest protection for my cakes should I invite Goku to further social functions. Come to think of it, the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up again in 6 months.

"This evening turned out splendidly, hasn't it? But I would like your final thoughts on Goku." I said as I took a bit of my cake.

"After getting to know him a little better. I'd say he's charming." Cadence said.

"He can hold his own in a battle very well. So maybe he could give me-- I mean our guards some pointers." Shining Armour said, hoping no one caught his slip.

I shot him a knowing smirk before speaking. "Indeed he can, but since you were the only one actually to face him, Luna, what do you make of his strength?" I asked.

"He seemed to be in complete control of himself. He did not use as much force to harm yourself nor our guard seriously. Just enough to disable, however, we still feel as if he had more to offer. He did claim to have been held back as I have. We would have liked to continue our bout had it not been for the actions of somepony in this carriage." Luna said as I shot her a frown.

"And what of his advocate, Dr. Briefs? How do you all find him?" I asked.

"He's like the future version of Twilly. I'm sure they will be exchanging fact all day long tomorrow." Shining Armour joked.

"We still do not care for his - creation - Guru. Their technology may be leaps and bounds ahead of ours, but his hubris goes even farther." Luna criticized.

"I don't think we can judge him too harshly. We know next to nothing of the planet and culture. While I'm positive Twilight will handle that regard, we should assume that what's normal for them will be strange for us. Imagine what will happen should we open up negotiations. There's bound to be some culture shock." Cadence said intuitively.

I nodded in understanding. "Very well, now back to Goku. I may hold the solution to seeing his real potential as well as aid our guard's training."

"And what solution will this be, sister?" Luna asked.

A mischievous smile spread across my face causing the others to flinch. "I believe I have a new theme for this year's Gala," I said as I finished my cake.

[Goku's Ship - Third Person POV]

Goku made it back to his ship with no problem. During his walk, he did notice how much more vibrant the night sky is on this planet than on Earth. "I guess I should thank Luna for a great job," he said. He walked inside his ship and saw Guru was making progress with repairs, albeit slow progress. He was about to head to bed when he remembered Dr. Briefs wanted to speak with him before he turned in. He went up to the console and pressed the call button. The monitor lit up, and Dr. Briefs was on screen. "Hey, Dr. Briefs, so what did you want to talk about?"

"Hello, again, Goku, my boy. I was just wondering, are you perhaps a gambling man?" Dr. Briefs asked.

"Gambling?" Goku replied quizzically.

"Yes, gambling, I enjoy a rousing game of poker. It is refreshing and challenging to the mind. Do you by chance know one of the fundamental rules of poker?" Dr. Briefs inquired.

Goku scratched the top of his head in confusion. "I'm not sure I'm following you."

"Simple, my boy. Poker is a lot like politics. You exchange pleasantries and have a general good time until the match starts. Then at that point, you must be on guard and be careful not to show all your cards." Dr. Briefs elaborated.

"I'm still pretty lost here, Dr. Briefs. Can you give me a hint?" Goku asked.

"My point, dear boy, is not to be so brazen as to show off your power. These Equestrians are nothing like us. Why giving their herbivorous nature, I wager that there a peaceful race. Herbivores tend to panic when faced with a new threat, so do your best not to scare anyone. As powerful as you are, I doubt that even you can fight an entire country on your own. Well, short of using Vegeta's methods, of course. Just be careful, my boy." Dr. Briefs informed with concern.

"No problem, Dr. Briefs, but I know nothing will go wrong here. Now I gotta go catch some zzz's." Goku said as the monitor went off, and Goku turned in for the night.

[The next day]

Goku awoke from his sleep to find an extraordinary sight. There, in his bedroom, was Twilight Sparkle staring at his groggy form with an expecting smile on her face. "Oh good, you're finally awake. I was beginning to think you were gonna sleep all morning and forget about our meeting." Twilight said.

"Um, Twilight, when did you get here?" Goku asked.

"I was here at 6 a.m., and it's 9 a.m. now. I saw that you were still asleep. I was going to wake you up because who sleeps past 7 a.m. when there's so much to accomplish. But then I decided to take this opportunity to study your sleeping habits. I was able to record tons of data. We seem to share a few similarities in sleeping patterns; for example, you toss and turn around like Rainbow Dash on our trip to Appaloosa. Anyway, now that you're awake, you and I can contact Dr. Briefs and begin an entire morning session of learning from one another, isn't that great?" Twilight finished with a squee sound. Goku blinked a few times and began to wonder if all ponies made that noise.

He got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. After a brush and shower, he came back with nothing but a towel around his waist. Twilight cheeks instantly turned pink with embarrassment. The young princess summoned a small notepad and wrote it down in it. "Saiyans have little regard for modesty," she said to herself. Goku went to put on his Gi but stopped and looked at the clock. His eyes went full as realization.

"OH NO!!!" Goku yelled out, startling Twilight.

"What? What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Silver Spoon told me to come to her schoolhouse for their show and tell presentation at 8 a.m. So I need to hurry and get dress fast." Goku said in a panic.

Twilight giggled to herself. "You see, that's why it's important never to sleep in on any given day. You best hurry. Any more delay, and you'll find yourself sent to magic kin...der...gar...den..." Twilight trailed off at sight before her. Goku, in his haste, completely forgot that Twilight was still in the room with him. He discarded the towel and put on his boxers. From there, he put his Gi on and rushed outside. He tracked down their power levels and used rapid movement to reach the schoolhouse. Twilight now sat alone in Goku's bedroom. Her eyes widened in shock, and her face redder than Big Mac fur.

She summoned her notepad again and crossed out the previous entire for a more accurate one. "Saiyans have zero regards for modesty." she wrote as she tried to process what just happened. *POMF*

[Cheerilee's Schoolhouse - one hour earlier - Third Person POV]

The class was in session, and all the student took their seats. Cheerilee was always happy to see her students, especially for a particular group of fillies. Now Cheerilee wasn't one for playing favorite as she loved all her students equally. She was just overjoyed to see the CMC and the Sugar Lumps finally getting along. She always found it funny how, not too long ago, they were at each other's throats. Show and tell had been fascinating today. The class worked hard on their presentations ranging from magical feats to unique items they brought in. Cheerilee was pleased with the extra effort, although she q had a strong suspicion that the promise of no homework for a week for the winner was an additional incentive for participation. "Next up, Spoiled Brat and Rotten Core. Please show the class what you two have there." Cheerilee instructed.

"I can't believe Goku hasn't shown up yet," Scootaloo said in frustration.

"We can't blame the fella. We saw how much of a heavy sleeper he is." Applebloom said as she remembered what happened while flying his ship.

"I hope he gets here soon; it's almost our turn. By the way, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, why would you two wanna break off to do your presentation when we found Goku together." Sweetie Belle said.

" We would love to talk about Goku; it's just that we discovered some interesting facts thanks to my mommy. But, trust me, Sweetie Belle, this is going to be a show and tell to remember." Diamond said devilishly. She glanced up at the two colts up in front of the classroom giving their presentation.

"This right here is an authentic changeling holder that I found in Canterlot. The markings suggest that it belongs to a great scout and expert infiltrator. Unfortunately, he lost it after the failed invasion attempt at the royal wedding. But now it's mine." Spoiled Brat said smugly. All the other fillies and colts applause as Spoiled sat back down. He looked over at the CMC and the Sugar Lumps and shot them a look that said 'beat that.' The fillies, in turn, glared at him.

"Next up is Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. Come on up, girls." Cheerilee said.

Applebloom let out a sigh at what was sure to be an embarrassing moment. "Let's just get this over with girls."

"Don't worry, girls. I have an idea. Just let me handle the talking." Scootaloo said confidently. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle nodded and stepped back. Scootaloo faced the class.

"Let me tell you a story of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the ghoulish encounter." Scootaloo narrated as if she was reading a Daring Do book. "So there we were, traversing the Everfree forest, looking for our friend's lost tiara. It was dark, spooky, and murky, but the Crusaders were not scared. Finally, we found the crown, but just then, a horrible ghoul appeared. He was going to take us all away when suddenly our new alien friend made it in the nick of time. He stared the monster down, and the ghoul attacked, but no matter what it did, he could not touch him. Then the demon grew to the size of a minotaur and tried to squash him. But then, our alien friend ran up and POW. He beat the devil in one hit. After that, we went to his flying spaceship where we spent the night on beds that came out of the ground." Scootaloo said to the classroom. Unbeknownst to any of them, Goku was standing right outside the window of the school. No one had noticed him yet, so he decided to observe how school classes went on quietly. It was quite annoying.

The class sat in silence as they process the story they just heard. The silence continued until two distinct snickerings sounded out. Soon it morphed into chucking and then into full-blown laughter. The CMC wasn't surprised at all by the culprits; Spoiled and Rotten. They kept laughing for a few more moments, much to everyone's confusion, before finally stopping. The two colts glanced at the CMC, who in turn tensed up as they prepared for the worst.

"Wow, that was so riveting. Seriously, I was hanging off your every word," Spoiled said sarcastically. "Great real dodo, making up stories won't your merry band of loser sound cool." Scootaloo gritted her teeth at that insult.

"Yeah, a ghoul pops out that close to Ponyville, and some weird alien jumps from nowhere and beats it by itself. I would have a better time believing you flown for once than something like that. Although, both cases are pretty impossible, huh dodo." Rotten berated. Scootaloo started to tremble at the insults to her flying ability or lack of none.

"She told the truth, ya brat. But, unfortunately, we did encounter a ghoul." Applebloom said.

"And our new friend did beat it. Why else would all those guards have been out here." Sweetie Belle insisted.

"That is far enough. I will not have arguments in my class." Cheerilee asserted.

"Oh, come on, Ms. Cheerilee, she fibbing. The last time I checked, this was show and tell, not show and lie. They couldn't even name their so-called 'friend.'" Spoiled said as the rest of the class seem to agree.

"His name is Son Goku, and he is our awesome alien friend," Scootaloo thundered, causing the class to go quiet again. Cheerilee's ears perked up. She knew who Goku was thanks to the party last night, but she was having difficulty digesting those words. But then she remembered the chat she had with Goku, specifically, what he said before the lunch table massacre. "I'm just a Saiyan that was raised on Earth," those words echo throughout her thoughts.

'Could he be...' Cheerilee trailed off and shook her head. She had bigger things to worry about, like keeping her class under control. She heard laughing again, only this time it was the whole class.

"Ow ow, my sides hurt. That's the best you can come up with, Son Goku." Rotten Core mocked. "Well, since he can pop out of nowhere, why doesn't he pop upright--" Rotten was cut as an exceptional being in orange and blue clothing suddenly appeared.

"Hey everyone, my name's Son Goku, but everyone just calls me Goku," he chirped. If any of the classroom's jaws dropped harder at that moment, then the dentist would have made a small fortune.

"GOKU!" the five fillies yelled out and hugged tackled him.

"Haha, sorry I'm late. I kinda overslept." Goku said apologetically. "So this is show and say, huh?"

"Yep, and now you can tell everypony that we're not fibbing about you being an alien and beating the ghoul," Scootaloo said as her wings buzzed excitedly. They got off of Goku, allowing him to stand up, and stood beside him. Scootaloo snickered at the two colts who have yet to close their mouths and shot them a smug look. Goku turned his attention to a stunned Ms. Cheerilee.

"Sorry for just popping like that, but I did promise to show up today. I'm kinda new to this show and tell a thing, so what should I be doing?" Goku asked while Cheerilee's brain was still rebooting.

Cheerilee cleared her through and started to talk. "Y-yes, all you have to do is tell us a little about yourself. What's your profession? And what are your hobbies and whatnot, pretty simple." She said as she started to calm down somewhat.

Goku nodded his head and faced the class. "So I guess my profession is being a martial artist. I won the 23rd annual world fighting tournament back in my world. My hobbies are eating, reading, and sports." Goku informed. The students all had looked at one another before they bombarded Goku with questions.

"How did you pop up like that?"

"What's a fighting tournament?"

"Did you beat a Ghoul in one hit?"

Goku was a bit overwhelmed, but he was able to answer all their questions. Everything was moving smoothly until Spoiled and Rotten finally got over their shock. "I don't believe you." The Bratty colt called out.

"Huh, what don't you believe?" Goku asked.

"EVERYTHING!" Spoiled said a little too forcefully. "Everypony knows how dangerous ghouls are, so if you want us to believe you, then your gonna have to shows." he insisted.

Cheerilee was about at her wit's end with the two colts. "Spoiled Brat, if these outbursts continue, I will personally be paying your mother a visit." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. This action caused the young stallion to recoil a bit before Goku spoke.

"No, it's fine. I'll show 'em how I beat that Ghoul," Goku said nonchalantly, leaving everyone confused. He walked to the window at the end of the classroom. He spotted what he need and went back in front of the class. "Would you mind if we went outside for a bit? This demonstration will take a quick second." Cheerilee nodded, and the students followed Goku to the backyard of the school. Goku walked over to a large boulder lodged in the ground.

"So Mr, Alien, show us how you beat that ghoul." Rotten taunted as he and Spoiled began laughing again. Goku said nothing but turned around and wrapped his arms around it.

"Goku, please be reasonable; there's no need to strain yourself just for--" Cheerilee halted her concern as Goku effortlessly lifted the boulder from the ground. It had to have been at least twice his size. Then, he turns to face the class while holding the stone up with one arm. This impressive display strength caused the CMC and Sugar Lumps to go awestruck, and the rest of the course become dumbfounded.

Goku shot the students a confident smirk. "Alright, observe and keep a safe distance," he instructed with a might thrust upwards with his arm. The Boulder flew up in the air before it started to plummet right on top of Goku's position. Before Cheerilee could warn him to move, Goku shot out his right fist and destroyed the boulder, shattering it to pieces. The class was stunned yet again before the students, save for Spoiled and Rotten, cheered wildly at how cool that was.

"Ha! Do you believe us now, mommas colt." Scootaloo taunted. Spoiled Brat glared at the Scootaloo for being shown up. But she, as well as her friends, grinning smugly at the Colts.

Goku dusted off his hand and returned to the class. He noticed Cheerilee's shocked expression, her mouth was quivering, and her right eye twitched. Her mane had split ends shooting out of it, and her pupils were pins tucked. Goku was worried that he might have another Pinkie incident again. "Um? Cheerilee? Are you ok?" he asked, but her only response was to turn toward him slowly. Then she turned back to the shattered remains of the boulder and did the one thing anyone would do in this instance.


She fainted.

[20 minutes later]

The class was back in session after Goku had to bring in an unconscious Ms. Cheerilee and awoken her. "Well, I think it's safe to say who won the prize for this show and told presentation. Congratulations to Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. You three shall receive no homework for a week."

"ALRIGHT!" The CMC exclaimed before all three high-fived.

"And thank you, Goku, for coming in today," Cheerilee said as Goku chuckled. He was sitting in reverse on a chair in the classroom. "Now then, even though we have winners. Would anypony else like a turn? So you'll still get credit for participation."

"We would like a turn Ms, Cheerilee." Diamond Tiara said.

"Alright then, please come up, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," Cheerilee said.

"Hello everypony, it has come to my attention that a huge health risk has just entered the school. Isn't that right, Silver Spoon?"

"Certainly, Diamond Tiara, and it's up to us as upstanding ponies to inform everypony so that nopony will get sick." The Sugar Lumps soon had the classrooms' undivided attention. Goku and Cheerilee arched their brows and listened intently.

"You see, everypony; this health risk did not start here in Ponyville but rather in Canterlot. Sometime around 3/28, two new arrivals came to Ponyville." Diamond said as she stared right at the two colts, which in turn narrowed their eyes in suspicion. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon merely smiled as they pulled out a piece of paper. "Dear Mrs. Brat, due to the recently discovered behavioral quirk of your colt. We regret to inform you that your colt Spoiled Brat shall no longer attend Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. While you may find this upsetting, we recommend seeking professional help so that this behavioral quirk will cease to be an issue in the future." Diamond Tiara finished as Spoiled Brat shall eyes widened. Diamond turned to Silver Spoon and nodded. She returned the nod and pulled out another sheet of paper.

"Dear Mr. Sour Core, It is with a heavy heart that your foal, Rotten Core, is underperforming here at CFS. Although, in contrast, he has met the physical requirements, his blatant disregard for the academic field borders on the pathological. Thus, effective immediately, his enrollment is terminated." Silver Spoon finished. Rotten Core looked on with horror plastered on his face.

Diamond Tiara was quite pleased with their reactions and decided to put the final nail in the coffin. "Now, you all may be wondering what these two letters? So I shall surmise for you. Our friend Spoiled Brat had the most sicking hobby where he stores large quantities of a green slime-like substance in a jar. The Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns janitors caught him in the act. When questioned about the slime pot, he merely blurted out that it was his mucus collection." There was a loud gasp in the classroom from the students. Spoiled felt the weight of his fellow student's scrutiny and shrunk down in his chair. Silver Spoon went next.

"And our friend Rotten Core here is about as smart as Snails crawling in a salt shaker." Silver Spoon chided. Soon the classroom was filled with mocking laughter for the two colts. Rotten shielded his head with arms and hunched over the table. "We felt that everypony should be made aware of these two or else we could catch their cooties and stupidity.

Cheerilee let out a desolate sight and rub her temples. "Seems like I'll be making multiple house calls today." She said. All the while, Goku merely frowned at the display.

[one hour later]

School had dismissed for the day, and the fillies and colts returned home with their parents. But, of course, due to the spectacle that went on during class. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Spoiled Brat, and Rotten Core received letters from their parents, notifying them of Cheerilee's pending visit. The Colts in question quickly vanished once school ended while the fillies were walking with Goku home.

"It was unbelievable, you two. You sure showed those jerks." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, I bet they won't even show their faces in school for another week." Sweetie Belle added.

"Darn tooting'" Applebloom said.

"Well, I did warn them what would happen if they didn't back off. Maybe the stupidity already spread to those two." Diamond said as she and the fillies all laughed. However, they notice Goku didn't share at the moment.

"What's the matter, Mr. Goku?" Applebloom asked. Goku sighed and faced the Sugar Lumps.

"Girls, I think you should apologize to those boys when you see them again," Goku said.

"WHAT!! BUT WHY?" the Sugar Lumps said in unison.

"Well, that was a pretty mean thing to do to them." Goku chided.

"But they deserved it for that prank they pulled. You don't know those Colts as we do. They've done nothing but bother everypony the moment they got here." Diamond countered. However, Goku remained firm.

"You're right. I don't know the full story. But was it worth Ms. Cheerilee coming to your house and talking with your dad?" Goku reminded her as she winced. But then Silver Spoon spoke up.

"Yes, it was because they were the reason we went into the Everfree in the first place." Silver Spoon said forcefully. Goku had a look that told me to explain. "They snuck up on us during the meteor shower and ran off with her crown. Then Spoiled used his magic to launched it into the forest. We probably would have never met that ghoul." she finished. Goku silently watched before he knelt to met their gaze.

"Do you two remember why I let Vegeta go?" Goku asked as that question caught them off guard. They nodded, and he continued. "Now, do you think you two are any better than they are? Cheerilee told me that before they came along, you two were the bullies." this caused the Sugar Lumps to tense up. The CMC exchange worried glances at each other, fearful that Goku might stop being the Sugar Lumps friend.

Diamond's temper flared up. "Says you, yes we were bullies, but we never took something that meant something special to somepony. My granny gave me this tiara before she --Anyway, they pranked us, so we pranked them." Diamond started to tear up. She figured Goku wasn't going to be seeing much of her and Silver Spoon after this.

"Diamond, if you two keep going back and forth with them, then someone's bound to get hurt," Goku murmured. "And while you two were bullies once, you both made an effort to change your ways and became friends with the bullies? Or is it bullied? The point is Cheerilee was very proud that you and the girls are friends now. And you know what, so am I." Goku chirped.

The fillies all gushed at the kind words and took them to heart. Diamond looked up hesitantly. "So, are you still our friend?" she said with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course we are silly. Why wouldn't we be? But can you do me a favor and try to get along with those two." Goku asked. Silver Spoon nodded while Diamond Tiara stubbornly folded and tilted her heads upwards. She peeled her eyes at Goku, who was still waiting for her response.

She let out a sigh of defeat before speaking. "Fine," she said. Goku smiled gratefully and gently removed her tiara, and proceeds to ruffle both her and Silver Spoon's manes. The fillies all asked for another piggyback for the walk home, and Goku happily complies. He began to walk until he felt a presence.

'What is this Ki I'm sensing? It seems erratic and constantly in flux.' Goku thought as he narrowed his eyes. 'There's not just one but two of them, and it feels like they're watching us from -- Over there!!' Goku's eyes snapped to an alleyway across from them. The Ki signatures then promptly vanished without a trace. The fillies all looked to where Goku was staring and found nothing.

"Something wrong, Goku?" Scootaloo asked. Goku's features soften, and he let out a chuckle.

"Haha, nothing, just thought I saw something. Anyway, it's time I get you girls home." Goku said, but he gave the alley one last look before heading off. 'I better be on my guard from now on.'

[??? POV]

"That was far too close. Do you think it noticed us?"

"Of course not, you just freaked out like usual,"

"Well, excuse me for being cautious. Should we report our findings? You know we haven't said to her since our reassignment."

"...Not yet, let's continue observations until we can deem it as a threat."

"Are you kidding? You saw what it could do. We need to--"

"We need to maintain discipline. And YOU need to follow orders. I did not get transferred and put a year's worth of work to crumble from the appearance of a hairless ape. UNDERSTAND!!!"

"...Yes, sir..."

Author's Note:

Another bizarre day passes, and our hero has a nice heart to heart with his new friends. However, danger seems to be lurking in the shadows. What were these two mysterious beings, and what are their plans? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP

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