• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 9: Tour De Ponyville. (Edited)

[Goku's Ship - Ponyville, 2:00 p.m. - Third Person POV.]

Goku stood inside of the interior of his ship under heavy scrutiny by Dr. Briefs. "So my boy, care to explain what exactly happens to your ship in between the last time we spoke. I must say that this is quite the accomplishment to render such a beautiful piece of craftsmanship utterly useless. I find myself at a loss for words which seldom happens to me, I assure you." Dr. Briefs chastised, yet his, somehow, he laced words with sarcasm.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Dr, Briefs. Maybe the meteors did more damage than I thought hehe." Goku said sheepishly.

"Oh, is that the claim you're going with because the results say otherwise on my end. By Jove, it appears as if you allowed a bunch of adolescents to fly your spacecraft right into a mountain. Then it seems to have bounced along the way before coming to a stop. That or you fell asleep when you had manual control of the ship. Perhaps I should never have installed that feature, hmm." Dr, Briefs speculated. The equestrians watched the conversation with mixed emotions. Some were pretty amused, while others, specifically the dragon and fillies, felt sympathetic.

"Ya see every pony. I told you we should have helped Mr. Goku clean up. Now he's getting an earful cause of us." Applebloom stated.

"Well, don't go blaming us. Spike's the one who rushed us outside since the big bad alien was gonna suck out brains through straws." Diamond Tiara said as Spike groaned.

"Hey, that very well still happens," Spike said defensively. The fillies just gave him a deadpan gaze. "Ok, ok, so what should we do?"

"Since it was our fault in the first place, then we should just come clean." Sweetie Belle said.

"But look at this place." Silver Spoon said as she gestures the ruined interior. "It's an absolute mess, and it will take forever to fix up."

"That doesn't matter. Goku saved us, so now we have to save him," Scootaloo said with conviction. The CMC all nodded while Spike and the Sugar Lumps reluctantly agreed.

"Aw, Drake, there goes all my plans for the day," Spike mutters as they move closer to Goku, who is still getting lectured.

"Um, excuse me, Dr, Briefs?" Applebloom asked.

"Hmm? Aw yes, what is it, little? I was giving Goku here a lesson in responsibility." Dr, Briefs sternly said while Goku laughed nervously.

"That's the thing, sir. Goku didn't wreck the ship. We kinda sorta did..." Scootaloo said sheepishly. Dr, Briefs eyed her incredulously.

"When we found out the ship could fly, we all took turns messing with it." Sweetie Belle added.

"We ended up getting carried away literally, and we caused the ship to crash." Silver Spoon said forlornly.

"We're all very sorry." Diamond Tiara said.

"We'll do whatever we can to make it up to you and Goku, sir," Spike said as the group watched.

Dr, Briefs seem to be considering this request until a thought occurred. "Just a moment, little ones, how exactly were you able the fly the ship in the first place? I instructed Goku to engage the autopilot controls as soon as he landed." Dr, Briefs reminded. Suddenly, all eyes fell on Goku again.

"Whoops, guess I forgot," Goku said as he walked to the control panel and pressed a button.

"Auto Piloting system engaged." A voice stated. All the Equestrians save for Spike, and the fillies jump at the sound.

"There we go. The autopilot is back on Dr, Briefs." Goku said as he had a wide grin, oblivious to the blank stares he was receiving.

Dr, Briefs pinched the bridge of his nose at Goku's aloofness. "Thanks for that, my boy," he said with exasperation and turned to the younger Equestrians. "At any rate, I'm glad you all wish to help and own up to your mistake. But I'm afraid that you do not possess the technical expertise to repair this ship." Dr, Briefs informed.

"Can you tell us anything specific? Perhaps we can help fix it." Twilight suggested as her friends agreed.

"Well, apart from what we can see from the wall and floor plating, the flight controller dislodge. Several wires are disconnected, and circuit boards are sparking. And the flight stabilizer is shot; any more damage and you would have imploded at take-off, my boy." Dr, Briefs addressed causing the group to be downcast. "But fear not, I have prepared for such a contingency." Dr, Briefs said as he worked his keyboard. A cylinder container came out of the ground. It opened to reveal a white metal orb with a red lens in its center. The globe then sprouted metallic arms with pincers for fingers. Its head sprung up from its body as it floated in the air. The group looked at this new contraption with wonder.

"Oh, what is it, Doc Briefs?" Pinkie asked.

"Why, this is Guru, Miss Pie. He is the prototype of a new invention I been developing at Capsule Corp." Dr, Briefs said proudly. "An artificial intelligent automaton designed solely for the restoration of this ship," he explained while the Equestrians looked perplexed.

"Can you maybe say that again without all the eggheadedness?" Rainbow said with sarcasm.

"Rainbow, he means that guru can fix Goku's ship, but what do you mean artificial intelligence?" Twilight asked as she prepared another textbook.

"Oh, where are my manners? Guru, please say hello to everyone please," Dr, Briefs requested.

"Guru-Guru. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Guru-Guru," The group jumps back in surprise at the realization that the orb can speak.

"This-is-astounding. A species made entirely out of metal. Tell me, Guru, can you feel like any being that's flesh and blood?" Twilight asked.

Guru said nothing in response. He merely remained stationary. "Um, Guru?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy came up.

"No need to be shy, little guy. You're among friends here," she said warmly, but Guru still said nothing.

"I think it's got a screw loose," Rainbow said as she twirled her finger in a circular motion.

"Sorry, but if you're looking for any engaging conversations, then you're out of luck. Guru is a prototype, the first of his model. Therefore, he can only respond to commands like so: Guru, begin ship restoration." Dr, Briefs commanded.

"Guru-Guru. At once. Guru-Guru." Guru replied. He flew up and started repairing the plating hanging out of place.

"Now wait an apple-bucking minute! You're saying that even if this little guy can talk. He can't do anything besides what ya tell 'em!" Applejack said, somewhat incensed.

"A rather crude way of putting things but yes." Dr, Briefs answered nonchalantly.

"That's horrible. Guru deserves to be able to do things on his own besides what you tell him." Fluttershy argued.

"I think you're taking this the wrong way. Guru is but a product for convenient sakes, a tool if you will, to help with everyday life." Dr. Briefs assures.

"I must voice my grievances as well," Celestia interjects. "There would be no point in giving Guru intelligence if you're just going to limit it."

"You're making it sound as if I'm stealing his soul. His intelligence is still in the early stages of development. You all use magic, correct? So would it be safe to assume to test new spells before bringing them to the public? It's the same process, a trial to work out the kinks." Dr, Briefs elaborated but to little effect.

"Perhaps thou should not be so brazen in thy attempts at revolutionizing. If thy results are merely a glorified puppet, then what are thou striving to achieve?" Luna Sneered.

Dr, Briefs let out a sigh. "Ok, how about this? Once everything is all accounted for, I work to ensuring Guru has his freedom." The equestrians considered this for the moment before they nodded. "Thank you, my wife always said I should watch my hubris around strangers," he expressed in a low tone.

"So how long till Guru fixes the ship? I wanna leave as soon as I'm able to help the others." Goku said.

"Judging from the extent of the damage and Guru capabilities. I would hazard a guess of 14 months at least." Dr, Briefs assumed.

"WHAT?!?! But that's way too long, and who knows what's happening on Namek right now." Goku protests as his concern grew.

"I'm afraid it gets much worse. I haven't the faintest clue how long it would take you to fly from Equis to Namek. It could be the same as the distance you traveled while leaving the Earth." Dr, Briefs said as a deep foreboding feeling grew inside Goku. "But... I may have a solution. Do you recall that cosmic electrical storm you flew into my boy?." Goku nodded. "Well, I've been studying its properties since the first scan, and I have come up with a theory as to why you wound up here instead of Namek. You see, the storm had a significant number of chronological particles within it. When the storm enveloped your ship, you entered into a wormhole that bypassed Namek and brought you here."

"That explains the detour, but how will this get me to Namek on time," Goku asked.

"Simple, my boy. We need to duplicate the process. I have been working tirelessly with the data, and I'm close to a breakthrough, but it will take as much time to develop as it will take Guru to repair the ship fully. But in the end, the amount of time you spend there will be inconsequential once I perfect wormhole travel. This experiment will certainly be a fun experiment." Dr, Briefs said enthusiastically.

Most of the Equestrians had been lost through Dr. Briefs' entire lecture until Twilight spoke up. "So essentially, that means Goku is stuck here until Guru repairs his ship and you finish your calculations," Twilight said for clarification, to which Dr, Briefs nodded. "Oh, this is perfect. Now we have 14 months to learn from each other. Isn't great everypony?" she beamed.

"Yeah, great," Rainbow said dryly. "Anyway, I had enough of chatting with eggheads and aliens. You wanna head to Sugar Cube Corner Scoots?" No sooner did she say that did Pinkie Pie tackled her to the ground.

"*GASP* I almost forgot. Now that Goku isn't leaving anytime soon, I can plan his party. Thanks, Dashie. See ya there." Pinkie said as they speed out the ship, leaving behind a smoke trail.

"Man!! She is moving. So what should I do now?" Goku pondered. He felt a tug on his arm and saw an ecstatic Scootaloo.

"I know, I know, let's go on a tour around town. It's awesome here in Ponyville, and the ponies are nice." Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Hey yeah, that's a very great idea. I can show you Sweet Apple Acres, and you can meet my brother Big Mac and Granny Smith." Applebloom said as she tugged on his other leg.

"We should take him to see my daddy. I'm sure he'll want to reward you for saving us." Diamond said as she and Silver Spoon took his left arm.

"Tomorrow our school is having a show and tell. Our classmate is gonna go nuts when they see Goku." Sweetie Belle added as she took his right arm.

The fillies struggle to pull Goku to them but, to his credit, he hasn't moved. "Easy there, girls, there's plenty of time to visit all the places you want to go," Goku reassured.

Celestia spoke up at the moment. "A tour sounds like a grand idea, but first, we must tend to our guards and let them know there's no cause for alarm. Twilight, please show Son Goku a warm reception." She said as she stepped out of the ship and waited for the others.

"We look forward to our next meeting Sir Goku. Fare thee well." Luna proclaimed and joined her sister.

"It was fantastic meeting you Goku, I just wish it was under slightly better circumstances," Cadence said, a bit forlorn.

"Hey, it was no trouble. I had some fun." Goku replied.

"Fun for you maybe, not so much for our guards. Maybe it's time to update their training curriculum." Shining Armour thought. He escorted his wife out of the ship and joined Celestia and Luna. The sister horns glowed, and they teleport to Castle friendship.

Goku stood with elements (minus Pinkie), Spike, the fillies, and Zecora. "Alright, I think it's best if we discuss living arrangements. So, Goku, you can stay at the castle with Spike and me I. We'll have plenty of fun reading, laughing, taking more notes, learning about Earth's culture and technology. I'm sure you have much, much more to share." Twilight said giddily.

"Hmm? That's ok. I'm good here," Goku answered nonchalantly.

"What, but you can't stay here, it's a mess, and we don't want to make Guru's work more difficult." Twilight asserted.

"Say Dr, Briefs, could I still train and sleep here if I wanted," Goku asked.

"As long as you don't try and use the console, then, yes, you can. And your sleeping quarters is unharmed, so sleep shouldn't be a problem." Dr, Briefs said.

"Great, then It's settled," Goku chirped. But Twilight was having a mini-meltdown.

"B-but we still have so much to discuss." Twilight went to press on, but Applejack stopped her.

"Come on now, sugar cube. You already talked Goku here to death, and he's ain't going anywhere. So now, let's get him settled and show him around town. Sweet Apple Acres is actually near here, so that will be our first stop." Applejack said as Applebloom fist pump.

"Don't worry, Miss Sparkle, if you still wish to converse with me, just hit that highlighted button on the console." DSo r, Briefs informed much to Twilight's delight.

"Perfect, I'll be back first thing in the morning," Twilight chirped.

"Alright, let's get going. Maybe the market is still open." Spike said. The equestrians and Goku all went out of the ship before Dr. Briefs called out.

"Goku, I'd let to talk to you in private once you return, my boy." Dr, Briefs said.

"Oh sure thing Dr, Briefs," Goku said as they headed toward Sweet Apple Acres.

[Sweet Apple Acres 3:30 p.m.]

Goku and the Equestrians found themselves on a massive farm that seemed to take up most of the area. The farm was to the west of them. It was nothing too extravagant; Just a lovely, humble abode. Various stalls held many farm animals such as chickens and cows. Further down the path was a huge red barn that was well crafted and sturdy. Goku marveled at the site, but there was one thing that caught his attention immediately. Apples, rows, and rows of apple trees, stretching as far as he could see. Goku was in a trance. His eyes bulged out, and his mouth was cascading drool like a waterfall. He slowly turned toward the field of apples, taking very tentative steps, as he neared his goal. When he was just about to pick the fruit of bounty, a voice rang out.

"Whoa, there partner, I see ya found what makes Sweet Apple Acres the number one provider of food for Equestria." Applejack said proudly.

"Seriously?! Your farm provides food for the whole country; that's amazing." Goku praises.

Applejack blushed at Goku's honest praising. "Well, not Sweet Apple Acres by itself, but we Apples have farms spread all over Equestria, and our apple-based products are second only to themselves."

"Say, do you think I could try some? I'm starving." Goku asked eagerly.

"In a bit, first, I wanna introduce ya to the rest of my kin." Applejack said. At that point, Applebloom ran from the group and into the house up the path. Moments later, the group saw Applebloom dragging two more ponies with her as they caught up. One was a stallion wearing a brown vest over a red shirt and black pants. The other was an old mare dressed in a long purple dress.

"Come on, Granny, Big Mac, he's right up here," Applebloom said as she brought the two up to Goku and the others.

Big Macintosh's eyes instantly snapped to Goku's. Not many ponies towered over him besides the princesses. Here is an alien his sister keeps telling him, standing at least one foot taller than him. Granny Smith was understandably slower to respond, given that she looks like she'd just woken up. She finally spotted Goku and scanned him curiously before speaking.

"Oh, dear Sonny, what did happen to you? All your fur is gone, and your tails a missing. You ain't the sickly type, I hope." Granny Smith asked.

"No, he ain't sick, Granny. He's the alien I was telling ya about, the one who saved us from a ghoul and took us in his flying ship and watched overuse at night." Applebloom explained.

Granny Smith and Big Mac looked over Goku, who in turn had his eyebrows raised in slight confusion. Applejack and the others were getting tense at Granny Smith and Big Mac's silence. Then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, Granny Smith spoke.

"So is that right, sonny? Did ya protect my youngin and her friends from a ghoul and sheltered them for the night?" Granny Smith asked incredulously.

"That's right, ma'am; it was no trouble at all. The girls and Spike were some of the nicest beings I met so far on this planet." Goku chirped.

There was another pause before she spoke again. "Ha ha ha, I should hope so. No other being on this here planet can give a warm welcome like us Equestrians," she said while everyone save for Goku let out a collective breath.

Goku straightened up his posture and bowed before Granny Smith and Big Mac. "It's an honor to meet you. My name's Son Goku, but everyone calls me Goku." he introduced himself while he shot them a toothy grin. Granny Smith and Big Mac looked perplexed at this greeting.

"Now why ya bowing like that, not that it ain't appreciated, I ain't royalty sonny." Granny Smith informed.

Goku stood back up. "Oh, that's just how my grandpa told me to greet my elders," he said casually.

"Well, I'll be a bruised apple!" Granny Smith exclaimed before facing Applejack. "It's about time ya brought in a well-mannered colt friend Applejack. I'm ole Granny Smith, one of the founders of this here little community."

"GRANNY!!! HE AINT MY COLTFRIEND! WE'RE JUST SHOWING HIM AROUND TOWN!" Applejack protests vehemently. Her face blushed a darker shade red than Big Mac. Rainbow Dash was rolling on the ground laughing her heart out; she was happy she hadn't left yet. The others were a bit more restrained with their laughter. Applejack quickly shot them all a glare instructing them to shut up.

Big Mac came up to Goku and extended his arm for a handshake. "Big Macintosh," he said in a quiet yet humble voice. Goku took his hand and started to shake it. Although, Big Mac had a small sinister smirk on his lips. He knew many stallions were pining after his sister, and he wanted to squash any notions of Goku having a chance with her. Not that Big Mac disliked him, but because the stallion was overprotective. So he tried to intimidate Goku by squeezing his hand hard enough to make him wince. Unfortunately, he did not affect Goku.

He tried harder to gain a reaction, but all he got was a puzzled look from Goku. Big Mac was starting to think that he was magnificent at hiding pain or a lot tougher than he thought. Goku finally noticed the squeezing and felt that it was some gesture he did not understand. So, as not to be rude, he gave a quick clench of his hand around Big Mac's hand. There was a loud crack, and Big Mac pulled away. He slightly hunched over as he held his injured hand. The others looked concerned before Big Mac stood upright, put both sides behind his back, and smiled neighborly.

"Um, you ok, Big Mac?" Applebloom asked.

"Eeyup," Big Mac croaked out. Finally, applejack caught on to what happened and decided to press her big brother.

"Ya sure, you're fine there, Big Mac?" She said, slightly condescending. "Ya sound a might ill. Do you want to go check-in at the hospital to make sure nothing's out of place," she said smugly.

"N-nope," Big Mac had said before he returned to the house at a brisk pace.

Granny Smith shook her head and turned to the group. "Well, since ya did right by us Apples. How about I whip you up a good old fashion apple family home-cooked meal." Granny Smith offered.

Goku quickly started salivating again. "You mean it? Thank you so much, Granny Smith." Goku said gratefully.

"Come one, everypony. We still have to finish the tour." Twilight reminded. "Let's head back to Ponyville."

"Be sure to get started on making me grandchildren, you two." Granny Smith teased, much to Applejack's dismay.

"GRANNY, HE AINT EVEN A PONY!" Applejack yelled back as the group left the farm.

[Castle friendship - Celestia POV.]

We appeared in front of the castle after we said our goodbyes. It's still hard to fathom the events that transpired. A being capable of single-handedly defeating a ghoul along with fifty royal guards. One that travels through the very cosmos to visit other planets. My mother always said that there was life hidden within the stars, but I could scarcely believe that back then. But now, there is an alien right here among us. This revelation could mean many things for Equestria or even the very Planet. The elements deemed Son Goku worthy; this much I know. But what about his friend Dr, Briefs? I certainly did not care for his lack of empathy toward his creation Guru. Although, until today, I never would have believed something other than a balloon could fly, let alone a creature made of metal. I doubt I can even call Guru a creature at all. From Dr. Brief's understanding, he is merely a tool. I will have to dwell on this later. For now, we must ease our guard's worries.

"Princess." A solar guard came up and bowed to us. "We have done what you requested and set up a perimeter around the metal blimp. So far, nopony knows the full situation about the creature. They only have concerns about the metal blimp and some property damages." The guard informs.

"Excellent work, my guard pony. Now gather fellow members and meet us in front of the castle for an announcement. Any concerns will be address there." I ordered. The guard salutes and left.

"So what will we say, auntie?" Cadence asked. "This whole day has been chaotic even by Discord's standard. I'm still half-expecting Goku to be Discord in disguise, and this whole thing was nothing but a prank," she said.

"I certainly would be more inclined to believe that rather than aliens from other worlds." Shining Armour added.

"Nay, we have seen and experience Sir Goku's power for our own. Not even that fool Discord would be that skilled in combat." Luna said.

"We cannot deny what has happened right before our eyes. As for the subject matter, we will only inform the populace that another delegate has come to visit Equestria." I said.

"I suppose that would work since technically that would not be a lie. Goku is visiting, and by default, he will be the ambassador for his world." Cadence surmised

"Good, then we are all in agreement?" I asked as everyone nodded. "Then let us go relay the news to everypony," I said as we step on the podium as we did earlier in the day. The Royals notice all 50 guards were present and stood in attention. There were also a majority of Ponyville's residents here as well. No doubt to ask about the spaceship. I hope when Twilight and the others get here that they don't respond negatively toward Goku.

"Greetings, my little ponies," I said to my subjects. "I understand that you each may have concerns on what has happened earlier today but worry not like my fellow Royals, and I have resolved the issue." I finished with my best gentle smile. But, of course, even with my assurances, I could see that doubt still lingers.

"But princess, just what was that metal that was flying around earlier." A town's pony asked.

"What about all those explosions? Was there some duel happen near the outskirts?" Mayor Mare asked. I had completely forgotten about the battle that occurred.

"What about the fillies and Spike? Are they ok? Does Twilight have them?" A maroon mare asked us. I believe her name was Miss Cheerilee. She looks racked with worry since the fillies and Spike stayed with Goku overnight. Luna stepped up to calm her fears.

"Fear not, teacher of foals. The fillies and Spike are safe from harm. A noble warrior came to their aid and sheltered them through the night. He has also assisted in the add of disposing of a Ghoul that ventures too far into Ponyville. The explosion was the product of the battle." Luna explained. I must admit that her explanation was impressive. She could not defeat the worries about the missing group of young ones but also came up with a reason for the battle with Goku. Although, it would appear most if not all the guards were not happy with what was said. They still believe Goku to be a threat, or their pride is still wounded from their encounter with him. Either way, I must remember to give my sister more credit.

"Wait, a Ghoul was here?" A stallion called out.

"Somepony helped stopped it?" A mare asked

"Where is he now?" Another mare asked.

"Rest assured, my little ponies; he will be here shortly. He's currently with Princess Twilight on a tour of Ponyville. He arrived last night during the meteor shower, and he will be here for quite some time. Please give him that warm Ponyville welcome that you're known for." I concluded as I watch my little ponies eagerly talk amongst themselves. They seem to have forgotten about the ship already, which gave us an excuse for that one. I'm thankful we won't have to share the fact that Goku's an alien just yet.

"Princess, what is his appearance? We would like to properly welcome when he comes by." Mayor Mare asked.

"Don't worry, miss Mayor you will know him you see him. As for the welcome--"

"Leave that to me." A familiar voice everypony knew well called out. A pink blur soon shot her way center stage with a megaphone.

"Hiya, everypony. Your number one party planner, Pinkie Pie, is here to tell you about the biggest best welcome to the Ponyville party. We gotta pull out all the stop to make sure he knows how gratefully we are for helping our friends." Pinkie said with her unbridled enthusiasm. The crowd applauds in agreement. "Alrighty then, Let's get the supplies and meet back at the castle here." She said, and with that, she disappeared, leaving behind an outline of herself. Perhaps Goku and Pinkie are both aliens; it would explain a lot about her.

"Well, that went better than expected. Although, the guards don't look too happy," Cadence said. Many of the royal guards looked frustrated, and some had a look of contempt at the turn of events. We will have to do something soon.

"They must still pretty embarrass at their loss." Shining Armour suggests.

"Hmph, tis their fault for growing complacent. Sir Goku could teach them a thing or two of humility." Luna said.

A funny idea spread across my face. "My, my, Luna, you have been praising Goku since after your fight with him. Would it be too early to start expecting a niece or nephew to fawn over? I hope you remember that he's already married, so you'll to speak with his wife first if you wish to court him." I teased and watched as her blue cheeks turn red.

"W-we merely respect him as a fellow warrior, nothing more," Luna stated quickly.

"Aw, but that's why it works so well. I'm sure Goku likes the stoic female type. You two would make a great couple. Don't you think Shiny," Cadence said, adding to the teasing and Luna growing frustration?

"I can already hear wedding bells." Shining Armour comments.

"ENOUGH!! We shall aid young Pinkie in the festivities tonight." Luna said as she teleported away, wholly flustered. We all shared a laugh and decided to wait in the dining hall. Out of all the uncertainty, I may still hold about Goku's presence here. ABut, at least, he seems to be providing a welcome source of entertainment.

[Meanwhile - Back with Goku and the Others - Third Person POV]

"And here we are; Welcome to Ponyville," Twilight exclaimed happily.

"Wow, this is a pretty swell village you got. It reminds me of the ones I visited back on Earth." Goku said.

"Oh, can you tell me if we share any similarities?" Twilight asked

"Twi remember, we're just giving Goku hear a tour not talking about Earth." Applejack said sternly. "Now, if we keep on this path, we should pass by Townhall."

"That's true, Applejack, and Town Hall is at the center of Ponyville. Mayor Mare works alongside me with running with all official duties concerning Ponyville. It's the second-largest landmark we have; the first one being Castle friendship, but we'll get to that at the end of our tour." Twilight said as they walked past a large building structure with a flag on top. There were two guards standing front that were eying the strange creature standing next to their princess. They went to approach, but Twilight waved them off, signaling that she had everything under control. The group continued to an open space filled with stands and booming with activity.

"This here's the marketplace. This place is where ponies and other species shop and trade goods as well as manage their businesses." Twilight said as they watched various creatures go by some gave them passing glances before doing double takes at Goku.

"Hey Goku, you see that spot over there?" Applebloom asked. Goku looked over to where she was pointing and saw an empty place. "That's where we sell our apples," Applebloom said proudly.

"Haha, I bet you do a pretty good job." Goku praised as she ruffled her mane, causing her to giggle.

"Oh-oh, Goku looks over here." Sweetie Belle said. She tugged on Goku's arm to gain his attention. "This is where Rarity and I live." She said as Goku spotted the carnival-themed house.

"You and your sister live in a merry go round?" Goku asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course not, darling, whatever this 'merry-go-round' is, I assure you the Carasell Boutique is nothing like it. Here is where yours truly design the most top-of-the-line clothing Equestria has ever seen. It's a good thing we're here too because now we can get you out of that horrid dress." Rarity said she tried to lift Goku with her magical aura but found him too heavy. "My word, darling, are your clothes out woven with weights or something?" She asked.

"Yep," Goku replied curtly.

There was a brief silence before Twilight spoke up. "Anyway, we don't have time for outfit right now. We have to continue the tour if we want to meet the schedule." Twilight insisted.

"Um, wasn't this an impromptu tour? Where did a schedule come from?" Spike whispered while Goku could only shrug. So they continued until they came across a building that seemed to resemble a gingerbread house.

"This is Sugarcube Corner, one of our favorite hangouts. Mr owns it, and Mrs. Cake and Pinkie work here as well." Twilight said.

"Yeppers, working Sugarcube Corner is the greatest." Pinkie said, surprising everyone but Goku.

"Aah Pinkie, where did you come from anyway? I thought you were planning--" Applejack cut Rainbow off as she covered her mouth.

"She popped out of that trash can right behind us," Goku said a matter-of-factly, causing everyone to stare at him in shock.

"Now, just a minute, mister, nopony knows how I pop up. So how did you?" Pinkie eyed Goku suspiciously.

"It was nothing. I just sensed your energy and felt the vibrations when you moved. You have a lot more stealth than the guards that's been tailing us." Goku explained, leaving everyone confused. Everyone peaked behind their shoulders to find that there were indeed some guards following them. A disapproving glare from Twilight sent them scattering.

"The guards seem quite antsy, but I find their methods quite nasty," Zecora said with a hint of disgust.

"They are probably just worried. The guards haven't had the chance to get to know Goku as we did, so we can't blame them." Fluttershy suggests.

"Don't you worry, Sonny, I'm gonna fix this problem in a jiffy. Here, I made you all cupcakes." Pinkie said as she pulled out a tray of cupcakes from here behind her back. Everyone gratefully accepted them and gobbled them.

"Thanks, Pinkie, but I'm still sorta hungry. Is the tour finally over so we can eat?" Goku asked.

"We just have to visit the residential area, and the final stop will be Castle Friendship," Twilight informs. The Group made their way to the resident's district. "This where many of Ponyville's inhabitants live. We recently began expanding the area to provide new housing for anypony that wants to live here." Twilight said.

"Ha, more like anypony that wants to bother the new princess or the elements of harmony. I mean seriously, yesterday, I had to chase off three different stallions trying to put the moves on Fluttershy and me." Rainbow said with frustration.

"It certainly is a chore dealing with all the fame we had since we became the elements and Twilight became a princess." Rarity commented.

"You all should take breaks now and then. You can't save the world if your body is working against you." Goku said.

Goku felt another tug at his arms and looked down to find Diamond Tiara. "Now that we made it to the best part of the tour. I can show you my mansion and introduce you to my parents. My daddy owns all of the Barnyard Bargains." Diamond Tiara said with pride.

"My home is just down the street from Tiara. My parents are business partners with barnyard bargains, so it's only natural that we live close to one another. We can visit them after." Silver Spoon said.

"That will have to come later, girls. For now, let's get to my favorite part of the tour; Castle Friendship." Twilight beamed. However, Goku saw how dejected the Sugar Lumps were and decided to give them another piggyback for the rest of the way. It was late in the evening, around 5 p.m, as Goku and the Equestrians stood in front of the crystalline castle that grew out of a tree. "We have now reached the end of our tour. It is my great honor to welcome you to Castle Friendship." Twilight proclaimed.

Goku studied the unique castle structure for a few more moments before speaking. "How did you build a castle out of crystals and stick it in a tree? In fact, won't the glasses end up blinding pegasi when the light reflects off of it?" Goku asked. This question caught Twilight off guard.

"Rest assured that we never got any complaints of that nature Goku--"

"Um, actually, there was this one incident last week where I was practicing my moves for the Wonderbolt stunt show and..." Rainbow trailed off.

"And?" Twilight said as she eyed Rainbow intently.

"And when I was performing a hard turn that led into a flip. The light that bounced off the castle hit my eyes and made me crash. That's why I had to go to Ponyville hospital for a sprained wing." Rainbow said sheepishly.

"Why didn't you say something before? I would have done something." Twilight said.

"Don't take so much offense, darling. I'm sure Rainbow just wanted to spare your feelings. You have become quite fond of the castle. Perhaps Cadence knows a spell to help with a problem. She does rule the Crystal Empire with your brother after all." Rarity pointed out.

"Gee, thanks," Twilight said sarcastically with a deadpan stare. "Alright, let's head inside. To answer your earlier question, Goku, Castle Friendship appeared once my friends and I defeated Tirek with our Rainbow Powers. He was an old enemy of Celestia and Luna long ago. He wanted to steal all the magic in Equestria for himself." Twilight said.

"Huh, he sounds like he would've gotten along with Empire Pilfah pretty well." Goku comments.

"Who is that Goku?" Spike asked.

Goku paused for a moment as he searched his memory. "Let's just say that he wanted to rule the world using the Dragonballs before me, and my friends stopped him," Goku said.

"He doesn't sound all that terrible." Rainbow challenged.

"Well, he wasn't a fighter, but he made up for with his brains and wealth. He also had these two skilled bodyguards." Goku said. The group continued walking through as they passed many guest rooms and hallways. They soon found their way into the Cutie Map room. It was a large room with seven thrones and a round crystal table at the center.

"This is the Cutie map. Here, the map tells us where there might be a friendship problem for us to solve. We solved quite a few of them so far." Twilight said proudly.

"Friendship problems?" Goku asked incredulously. "Does every bad thing that happens have to do with friendship?" Twilight looked like

"Oh boy, here she goes." Rainbow huffed.

"Goku, I'm sure you understand how important friendship is. You said to yourself that you're on a journey to help your friends. Therefore, as the princess of friendship, I must spread all the values of friendship to anypony that may need it." Twilight stated. Before she could go on, a growling sound echoed throughout the room.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed.

"It sounds like a manticore when it's hungry," Fluttershy said fearfully. After that, the growling got loud until the Equestrians found the source; Goku's stomach.

"Haha, oops, guess I'm hungrier than I thought. So can we eat now?" Goku asked.

"I guess it is about that time. We can head down to the dining room to get something to eat." Twilight said as Goku nodded enthusiastically. The group walked through the corridors again, making their way to the dining room. Along the way, Goku heard faint giggling coming from the others. As they were about to reach the dining doors, Goku stops. "Is something the matter, Goku?"

"It's nothing serious. I wondered why most of the ponies from town today and the princesses are here in the dining room. Hey. Pinkie's in there too!" Goku pointed out. Everyone stared wide-eyed at Goku. Before anyone could respond, the doors to the dining room burst opened.

"SURPRISE!!" many voices yelled out simultaneously.

"Hey Sonny, were you surprised, huh huh, were you?" Pinkie asked with a wide grin.

Goku gave a broad smile of his own before answering, "Nope."

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