• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 4,470 Views, 214 Comments

The Crystal Prep Files - FoxMcCloud7921

Taking place during and after the events of "Legend of Everfree", the girls from Crystal Prep become aware of magical oddities taking place at and near their school.

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Chapter 15

It all felt like a nightmare. Sunset thought as much as she was sitting in darkness. But as she opened her eyes and saw where she and her friends were, she knew it was no dream. The others were already on their feet and could now see they were standing outside Crystal Prep.

“What just happened?” Rainbow asked as they looked around.

“The worst thing possible,” Sunset said as she got up. Now it all made sense. The dreams she had, it was almost as if they were predicting this would happen. “And we never saw it coming…”

“So…what do we do?” Sunny asked.

“We have to stop her,” Twilight said. “If she’s really the cause of everything…then what choice do we have?”

“We have two other priorities first,” Sunset said. She then chuckled. “I have to admit…I never thought it would come to this…”

“You mean having to fight your inner dark demon self?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Sunset said. Her eyes widened suddenly. “Shit! I completely forgot! Fluttershy, I need your keys!”

“W-What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“Twilight- I mean other Twilight is in danger!” Sunset explained. “Fluttershy please!”

Fluttershy handed her the keys and Sunset ran over to the van. “Now hold on sugarcube!” Applejack yelled as the others came over. “We’re not letting ya go all by yerself now!”

“Twilight, both of them, are our friends too you know,” Rarity said.

“Yeah…you’re right,” Sunset said. “Okay, then we split up. We’ll head back to CHS and…”

“We’ll deal with Midnight Sparkle,” Sunny said.

“Wait.” Twilight then went over to them. “I’m coming with you as well.”

“You sure?” Sunny asked.

“I brought her into this world…it’s my responsibility to take her out as well,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, same for me,” Sunset said. “Keep your phones on just in case. And Twilight…be careful.”

“You too Sunset,” Twilight said. The two groups went off in separate directions.

Fluttershy was now regretting giving Sunset her keys, since she was pushing her van over sixty almost the entire trip. “Um…Sunset…?”

“I promise not a dent, but I have to make sure she’s okay,” Sunset said. “I should’ve stayed behind…”

“Don’t worry, I know Twilight can handle herself, she’s a princess after all,” Rainbow said.

“Ah want to believe that but…that Tantabus thing gives me the creeps…” Applejack shuddered. “And she just reeks of evil.”

Sunset groaned out loud. “Fluttershy, how old is this thing? I don’t think I can get it past seventy-”

Suddenly outside, a current of electricity leapt across the area in front of them and a rift in space appeared. Sunset slammed on the brakes as the van turned sideways, almost fishtailing.

“Well it’s got good brakes,” Pinkie commented.

Something big was crossing over, judging by the size of the rip. “Can this get any worse…?” Sunset deadpanned. What came through was a bear, a very big bear.

“You just had to say it,” Rainbow said.

“What the devil is that thing!?” Rarity shrieked.

“That is an Ursa Major,” Sunset said. “And by the look on it’s face, it’s pissed.”

There were two problems in this situation. First, they were on the middle of a highway. Second, said highway was crowded with cars that were now being abandoned as people were running for their lives. “Um…maybe it’s friendly?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Don’t count on it,” Sunset growled. It was blocking the way and there was no way they could ram it. A promise was a promise after all.

“Aw screw this, it’s time to pony up!” Rainbow declared.

“Are we really making this our catchphrase?” Applejack asked.

Sunset was already out of the van. “Hey you! Get out of our way we got a world to save here!”

The bear looked in her direction and roared at her, powerful enough to scoot her back a few centimeters. “I think he said no…” Fluttershy said.

“Just leave this to AJ and I,” Rainbow said, who had decided to pony up. She then flew up above the Major’s head. “Hey AJ, feel like a game of Pong?”

Applejack was confused for a second but then grinned. “Sure thing sugarcube!” She then ran over, dodging the bear’s claws before getting behind her. She felt herself pony up as she started picking up the bear. “Damn, yer one big mother ya know that!?” Despite the weight, Applejack managed to toss the bear into the air. “Have at it!”

Rainbow grinned as the bear came up and slammed her shoe down onto the bear’s head, sending it back down. “You can do better than that!”

Applejack accepted the challenge and somehow managed a bicycle kick without falling on her face. Meanwhile, the bear got it’s face hit again. The volley continued between the two sides, getting more and more intense while Fluttershy seemed more concerned about the bear’s welfare.

“Phew, Ah’m working up a sweat!” Applejack said. “Can we finish this up already?”

“Fine, fine!” Rainbow moved back a bit, trying to time her next kick. As soon as the bear met zero acceleration, Rainbow zoomed forward and sent the poor mother back through the portal before it closed.

“Wow that was…actually really easy,” Sunset said.

“Hmph! Perhaps we should let Rainbow and Applejack do all the work from now on,” Rarity said.

“Oh come on now,” Applejack said, wiping her brow. “That bear was nuttin’ compared to what’s to come…right? Besides, we gotta conserve our energy.”

“You kidding? I still got plenty of power in this engine,” Rainbow gloated as she came down.

“Alright, let’s get out of here before someone decides to close the highway for the entire night,” Sunset replied.

Soon they reached Canterlot High and thankfully everything seemed the same way they had left it before. Sunset quickly got out of the van and ran over to the portal. “Okay good…I don’t think she’s here.” She then made a decision. “Girls, I’m crossing over.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know where I’m going to end up but I need to tell Twilight one way or another and writing to her just won’t cut it.” However, before she made her move, the front of the statue started to glow and suddenly a figure came through, stumbling on her feet slightly.

“Ugh, I’m never going to get used to this-ah!” Princess Twilight was suddenly hugged and despite her surprise hugged her friend back. “Sorry I’m late, I hope I haven’t missed-”

“Unfortunately you kinda have,” Sunset said, letting go. “It’s bad Twilight, the-”

“Oh no no, I can’t possibly let you ruin my moment.” Suddenly, straight above the statue the Tantabus appeared. “Oh this is almost too perfect…Princess Twilight in the flesh…the real flesh I can say this time. How long has it been? About a year now?”

Twilight stared at her and soon recognition was seen in her eyes. “You!? But…no we stopped you!”

The Tantabus laughed. “Stopped me? That’s an interesting choice of words.” She then appeared next to Twilight, caressing her hair slightly. “I admit you did ruin my plan of entering the real world…but that’s all in the past now. I’m not even upset anymore about it. Besides, I found a much bigger and better situation here. However, your meddling won’t do…but do me one favor.” Her grin widened. “Send Luna my best…”

Twilight was suddenly sent backwards, straight into the portal. “Twilight!” Sunset yelled.

“It’s really too bad…I was kind of tempted to enact my revenge, blah blah blah…” the Tantabus said. She paused for a moment. “Oh…right…” She then lifted up a hand as a dark ball of energy shot out of her hand and turned the entire statue into dust.

Sunset stared at what had been the portal and suddenly felt her knees buckle as she fell onto them. Not only was Twilight gone now, her one and only opportunity to go home to Equestria was gone. She glared at the monster, murder in her eyes. “You’re going to pay for that!” she spat.

“Oh dear, am I?” the Tantabus said, putting up her hands fearfully. “Oh no, I’m quite terrified! Oh…I forgot already, that was your only way home wasn’t it?”

“When we’re done with you, we’ll find a way to help her get back!” Rainbow yelled.

“Yeah, you’ve officially earned yerself an ass-whooping!” Applejack added.

“Charming…but I suppose I can give you an opportunity, I do have time after all,” the Tantabus said as she ripped a hole in time-space. “Once you’re all done playing reunion, you know where to find me.” She then disappeared.

“Aw…did she really destroy that statue? I actually kind of liked it, at least when it was completely intact.” Sunfall suddenly appeared at the top of the school.

“Why don’t you come on down and I’ll make sure the two of you are reunited!?” Sunset yelled up at her.

Sunfall smirked. “See, that’s almost the Sunset I remember.” She then floated down slowly. “Doesn’t this all bring back great memories? Me, or rather you, so compelled to get that crown. Seeing Twilight Sparkle win the crowd over. Hm, actually it would’ve been nice to kept her here too but I can’t complain I suppose.”

“I hate to break the joyous occasion but I think you remember what happened here the last time as well,” Rarity said.

“Yeah, we totally sent you-er I mean Sunset- um…gosh this is confusing…” Pinkie groaned, rubbing her head.

“Yeah, into a huge crater but this time I’ll enjoy taking part in it too,” Sunset added.

“Oh yes, six against one, very fair odds,” Sunfall said. “No, I’m afraid Sunset and I have personal business to take care, am I right?”

Sunset stared at her, her gaze never wavering. “Fine, we’ll play it your way then. I got some things to tell you as well.”

“But Sunset…” Fluttershy said.

Sunset looked to her friends. “It’s alright…its better this way anyway. Like it or not, I have unfinished business to attend to.”

“Perfect,” Sunfall said, suddenly snapping her fingers.

It was over in a second and it took Sunset a moment to gather her bearings as she felt her hooves touch the ground. Wait…hooves? Sunset looked down and saw indeed she had hooves and turning around, she could see she was equine again, cutie mark and all.

“How…?” She looked around and realized she was in a somewhat familiar setting. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure where she was exactly; it was merely a large plain in the middle of nowhere. But the sights, the sounds, the smells…it wasn’t possible was it?

“Your look of genuine surprise is priceless.” Sunset turned around and found herself face to face with a pony that looked like it crawled out of Tartarus itself, which in itself seemed appropriate. Much to her annoyance, the pony also apparently had wings.

“This is Equestria?” Sunset asked. “How did we get here?”

“Is it Equestria?” Sunfall asked. “Hard to say isn’t it? We may have crossed dimensions, but I can’t say whether it is or it isn’t. That’s the funny thing about different dimensions. It looks the same, but is it really?”

“Are you really here to get philosophical with me?” Sunset glared at her. “Or is this some sick attempt to break me down and lower my guard?”

“Is this not what you wanted?” Sunfall asked. “It hardly matters now, but I did want to have a little chat. I miss the old you Sunset, when you felt like you could take on the world. One bad experience and now you think yourself some paragon of good?”

“You think it was that simple?” Sunset asked. “I had to work and crawl my way back into everyone’s graces! Of course no one would forgive me that quickly! I don’t want to go back to what I was, but at the same time I have to be grateful for what I did, because all of those experiences changed me. “You may miss me, but I certainly haven’t missed you.”

“Don’t start with the whole “My Past is Not Today” crap,” Sunfall said. “If you’re so sure you’re better now than you were before, why haven’t you returned home?” She grinned at Sunset’s reaction. “That’s right…you’re afraid to confront your old teacher. You’re worried that she hates you and will never forgive your actions. Until you confront her, you can never truly move forward.”

“You’re right…and before I do that, I need to get rid of you permanently,” Sunset declared.

Sunfall laughed. “We’ll see about that Shimmer!” She then flew up into the air. “Yes, let’s see how willing you are to meet her! Her horn glowed as she shot a dark beam of energy at Sunset.

Sunset grinned. Before, in the other world, her magic was limited but here she was now back in her element…and maybe that’s what her counterpart wanted. Sunset suddenly teleported, dodging the attack and reappeared behind her, attacking with her own magic.

Sunfall was quick to dodge and suddenly struck the ground with such a force that sent Sunset backwards. If there actually were ponies here, they were missing out on one hell of a show. Sunset got up quickly and charged forward, dodging attacks with ease before teleporting again. This time, Sunset reappeared from above and attacked, catching Sunfall off guard this time and causing a small crater in the ground.

“Did you really forget who I used to be?” Sunset said, almost taunting her. “I was a student of Princess Celestia herself, probably the greatest of all time!” Technically, it was probably Twilight now but no one needed to know that.

“Is that right?” Suddenly, Sunset felt as if a large weight was on her back, constantly getting heavier as she felt her legs give out. “I know you better than perhaps you know yourself. You always let pride get in your way and that apparently hasn’t changed.” The pressure kept increasing and Sunset had to do everything not to scream in pain as she felt as if her body was going to be crushed. “You see Sunset? This is what you could’ve been. You could’ve easily been better than Celestia herself. Oh well, I guess you’ll have to live with the fact that Twilight Sparkle is everything you’re not.”

“I…don’t care about what Twilight is…or if I’m better than anypony else…but…right now I refuse…to be defeated by you!” Sunset was suddenly enveloped in a red aura which then increased in size and exploded.

“What!?” It was all Sunfall could manage before the shockwave sent her flying back. The dust soon cleared and she saw Sunset floating in the air, but it was not magic that was responsible. Sunset did not show an ounce of surprise that she now possessed wings, not of the alicorn type, but wings of a great phoenix that burned a very hot red.

“For the longest time, I wasn’t sure of my purpose,” she said. “And even now I’m still not sure what it is. What I am sure about is that whether its Equestria or the human world, I will do everything in my power to protect my friends, because I fully understand how powerful friendship truly can be. You’re just a fragment of myself that I no longer wish to be, so finally, this is goodbye, forever!”

Sunset wasn’t sure if this was the kind of power that Twilight or her former teacher possessed, but it felt wonderful and relieving at the same time. Her horn glowed a bright orange and the power that expelled from her was far from anything she had ever experienced.

Sunfall screamed in pain as the energy overtook her and soon it was all over.

“Sunset? You alright sugarcube?” Sunset woke up, realizing she was laying facedown on the concrete near where the statue had been.

“What…what happened?” she asked.

“You disappeared completely darling,” Rarity said as she and Applejack helped her up. “We thought you were gone for good. But…what happened to…?”

Sunset looked behind her at the debris that was left behind. Sitting there among everything was herself, or rather her equine self. There was no anger or hatred in her eyes, just sadness.

“After everything I did, after everything with the Sirens, Crystal Prep, and Camp Everfree, I was certain I had redeemed myself in every possible way and that I had left my past behind completely,” Sunset said. “But I was wrong. I still harbor some regret, not just what I did here, but in Equestria. I used to love reading, learning and with my teacher it was all perfect for me. But still I wanted more. She…she reminded me of that. I’ve made up for everything except one…and now that’s become impossible.” The pony then smiled a genuine smile, as if trying to comfort her before disappearing.

“Hey, we meant what we said before,” Rainbow said. “We’ll find another way, or at least fail trying.”

Sunset smiled, feeling tears in her eyes. “You guys really are the best.”

“Oh no, now I’m getting emotional!” Pinkie cried as the six of them got into a group hug.

“Alright…we’ll have to save the waterworks for later,” Sunset laughed. “We still have things to take care of. Let’s head back to Crystal Prep.”

They headed back to the van but Sunset stopped midway and looked back at the remains of the Canterlot statue. “I’ll find a way back Twilight,” she said. “This isn’t goodbye.”