• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 4,470 Views, 214 Comments

The Crystal Prep Files - FoxMcCloud7921

Taking place during and after the events of "Legend of Everfree", the girls from Crystal Prep become aware of magical oddities taking place at and near their school.

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Chapter 17

The night passed slowly through Canterlot. It was quiet for the longest time but if anyone happened to be outside at the time, they would’ve noticed people were starting to gather in the streets. The way many were dressed suggested they had stopped whatever they were doing and decided to go outside.

No one spoke to one another as they walked almost in sync. If someone were to ask what was going on, they’d get no answer. All these people knew was that a voice was calling to them, beckoning to them to listen and obey. The ever-growing crowd slowly made its way towards Crystal Prep Academy.

Traffic seemed to have gotten worse trying to come back to downtown Canterlot which, except for the anomaly on the highway, was very odd this time of night. “This is ridiculous,” Sunset grumbled. “Don’t tell me something else came through.”

People were already coming out of their cars, trying to see what’s going on. “Is there an accident?” Sunset said as she rolled down the window.

“People are flooding the streets,” someone said. “It’s like there’s a riot going on or something.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Rainbow said. “How are we supposed to get in now?”

“Guess we have no choice but to hoof it,” Sunset said. “Something bad is about to happen, I know it…”

“I don’t like the look of this,” Sugarcoat said, seeing the large group of people taking to the street. They made it back into town but were stopped about three blocks from the school.

Indigo rolled down her window. “Hey, move it assholes!” No one responded to her.

“They’re heading towards Crystal Prep,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, and I don’t believe in coincidences,” Sunny said. “Just what is that thing planning?”

“I’m not going to have much luck driving around them,” Sugarcoat said. “What do you want to do?”

Twilight then heard her phone ring and saw it was Sunset. “Sunset, are you seeing what’s going on outside?”

“Yeah, unfortunately we have to make our way on foot,” Sunset replied. “Is it just as bad on your end?”

“Yeah…they’re heading towards Crystal Prep and based on what I’m seeing, they’re being manipulated.”

Sunset was silent for a moment. “You remember how I told you what happened when I turned into a she-demon?”

“Yeah…? Wait, are you saying-?”

“That the Tantabus is taking a note from my playbook, I have no idea but it looks like it’s not just Crystal Prep that’s been affected.”

“Alright, we’re about three blocks from the school. What street are you on now?”

“It looks like Main Street,” Sunset replied.

“Alright, that’s two blocks down so we’ll meet you there.” Twilight then hung up. “We might as well pull over cause we’re gonna have to go on foot.”

“They better not even think of scratching this car,” Sugarcoat grumbled as she pulled over to the curb.

As they got out, Lemon seemed to be calling someone. “Hey, are you busy right now?” she asked. “Really? Wow then you’re pretty close then. Listen, I need a favor…it’s kind of hard to explain but you think you can bring your equipment over? Thanks, I totally owe you one. Yeah, I think Main Street is the best place to set up, so whenever you’re done make your way there…oh yeah and bring any of your old mix tapes okay? …Alright, thanks again, bye.”

Indigo was watching her as she hung up. “Who was that?”

“Oh, just a friend,” Lemon replied. “Just asking for a small favor, that’s all.”

“Come on you two!” Sunny yelled back at them.

It took about five minutes before Sunset and the others showed up. “So…it’s done?” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked away slightly. “Yeah…you?”


“Okay, so now we just gotta take out that Tantawhatever its called right?” Applejack asked.

“But how will we find her?” Rarity asked. “She’s certainly not going to show up just for us.”

“I don’t think we have to worry,” Sunset said. “These people will lead us to her.”

“At Crystal Prep?” Fluttershy asked.

“Everything originates from Crystal Prep,” Twilight said. “That crystal is the cause of everything.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Sour asked. “I’m ready to drag that freaky bitch back to whatever hellhole she came from.”

“Alright, but be warned, she’s probably watching us right now,” Sunset said. “And who knows if she’ll turn these people against us.”

“Heh, bring it on, what are they gonna do?” Indigo asked.

“Well…there’s the slight possibility they could end up having powers for whatever reason,” Pinkie suggested.

Indigo went slightly pale. “Oh…yeah that would be bad…”

The girls quickly made their way through the crowd. The people seemed more fixated on the destination then them because even if they got bumped it didn’t distract them at all. “Ugh, this is like Night of the Living Dead creepy,” Rainbow commented.

“Well, it’s kind of like what Sunset did at the Fall Festival but instead of them having green eyes these guys have a purplish glow in their eyes,” Pinkie said. She then glanced at Sunset and chuckled nervously. “Um…sorry.”

Pinkie was right about one thing. Perhaps it was because their pupils were so dilated but Sunset couldn’t see any color at all except for black. “Most of these people are Crystal Prep students aren’t they?”

“Yeah…” Sunny replied. She could easily pick out Fleur, Trenderhoof, even Upper Crust.

“I don’t see Royal Pin,” Sugarcoat said.

“Sugar, come on,” Indigo said, trying to keep her focused. Sugarcoat seemed more occupied about finding him. “Look, if he’s not here, that’s good right? Maybe the Tantabus didn’t get to him…but if she did, just remember you’re fighting for him as well, right?”

Sugarcoat looked at her and sighed. “You’re right…the sooner we take care of this the better.”

They finally made it to the entrance of the school. The crowd seemed to have stopped as well and was eerily still. Then Sunset saw it: there was a portal right in front of the entrance. However, it felt very different from any other rift she experienced.

“They’re just staring at it,” Lemon said. “Why?”

“I think this is where our friend makes her grand entrance,” Sunny said. “Too bad we’re crashing her party.”

“I guess we have no choice…” Sunset said.

“Wait, you want to go in there?” Twilight asked.

“I know there’s no telling what awaits us on the other side,” Sunset stated. “But I feel as if she’s waiting for us. And we can’t keep her waiting can we?”

“I dunno,” Rainbow said. “Even I’m getting a bad feeling about this.”

“I’m…quite scared to be honest,” Fluttershy said. “But we’ve been in plenty of situations like this before and have come up on top so…”

“Now we’re talking,” Applejack grinned. “We’re all in this together now.”

“Quite so,” Rarity said. “Whatever comes our way we just push past it.”

“I dunno, I’m getting a really funky feeling that there’s a lot going on past this portal,” Pinkie said.

Sunset then looked to the girls from Crystal Prep. “I know you guys aren’t quite used to this magic business so if you don’t want to come along-”

“Don’t even suggest it,” Sunny interrupted her. “This is our school and those people are our classmates. You’re damn right we’re coming along too.”

“Yeah, what’s the worst that can happen?” Lemon asked.

Sunset decided not to comment. “You know,” she said instead. “I’m not one to brag about the things we’ve done but…out of everything that has happened I hope we all can remember this moment. Just a month ago we were all ready to duke it out in the gymnasium…and look at us now.”

“Can we wrap up the speech please?” Sour asked.

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah…sorry.” She then looked towards the portal. “Alright…being the former unicorn student of Celestia I’ll go first.” She then stepped forward and walked into the portal, disappearing almost immediately after touching it.

There was a slight pause. “Well, I don’t hear any screaming or bones crushing,” Rainbow commented.

“Rainbow Dash, really!?” Rarity snapped.

“Alright, Ah might as well go next,” Applejack said before going through. The other Canterlot girls followed, with Fluttershy going in with both Rainbow and Rarity at her side.

Twilight then looked to the others. “I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of excited about this…but I’m sure we’ll all be fine.” She smiled slightly. “See you on the other side.”

That just left the Crystal Prep girls. “Boy, would my parents have a ball hearing this story,” Indigo commented.

“Yeah, this is definitely enough to get us all in an insane asylum,” Sugarcoat said. She then giggled slightly. “But in the end I guess it would be worth it.”

“Come on girls, we can’t let them have all the fun,” Sunny said. They all nodded and one by one stepped through, unsure of what was waiting for them on the other side.

Author's Note:

This and (most likely) the next chapter will be somewhat shorter but we're really only like three chapters away from this story being over so hang on everyone! The next chapter is going to be...well...interesting. :pinkiecrazy: