• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,125 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

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"Got lunch ready?” Rainbow Dash was engaged in a game of balance, adjusting various items in an attempt to properly pack her canoe.

"Yes, I brought us some chips and dip. Angel and Tank are inside the cabin. I threw some soda and water in the cooler as well." Fluttershy placed the cooler on the dock and awaited Rainbow's instructions.

"Alright, let's get to it! Throw those in the middle. Hop in on the front swimming champ!"

Fluttershy spawned a soft smile. Shivers of confidence danced in her nerves. Championship was alien to the pegasus. In her heart, she knew Dash meant her words, confirming any doubts.

Rainbow gently entered the rear of the canoe and reached for the paddle. "I got the paddle. You sit back and relax.”

"Oh no Rainbow. I can help. I should help. There's another paddle up here, right?"

"Are you kidding me? After you totally destroyed me in that swimming contest? No way. I gotta do something around here to remain cool."

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess you should paddle."

“Toss me a water, if you don't mind."

"Not a problem Rainbow."

The canoe moved with a delicate pace. Rainbow enjoyed the workout while Celestia's rays warmed Fluttershy's coat. Rainbow loved the idea of the canoe; it was quiet, peaceful, and everything was directly in her control. The blunt edge of the paddle threw bursts of water forward, rippling the water in a miniscule hurricane.

"Rainbow, stop," Fluttershy whispered. Rainbow quickly withdrew the paddle and awaited a response from Fluttershy. "Look Dash. It's a mother loon."

Dash had never seen such a naturally beautiful bird. While other birds were more colorful, the loon had a beautiful contrast between black and white. Snuggled between the contrasting feathers was a tiny chick, covered head to toe in fuzzy downy. The chick embraced the protection of her mother in the same manner that other creatures sought protection and affection in Fluttershy.

Several bubbles popped near the mother's feet. "What is that Fluttershy?"

A black nose, followed by dark red eyes, surfaced. Another loon slowly followed the mother, gently nuzzling her torso."It's the father loon Dash."

The chick softly chirped in joy of the sight of his father. Both the mother and father joined in, creating a beautiful melody. A fourth voice softly joined the music; a voice all too familiar to Rainbow Dash. Each note was carefully sung to match the family, and despite being completely wild creatures, the loons embraced Fluttershy as if she were their own kin. Rainbow knew this way something nopony else could do. Only a heart as delicate and kind as her best friend's could communicate with the emotion and sensitive manner of nature. A gentle chill arose over Rainbow's body as the notes loosened every muscle and nerve in her body. Rainbow knew Fluttershy possessed a peaceful quality, however, this was something more. Every thought of stress, every fear, even her sense of self was pacified. Magical, Dash thought.

The song ceased, halting an eternity of peace. Both parents directed their crimson eyes onto cyan. The yellow pegasus hummed a pacifying presence in response. Webbed-feet rotated the midnight figure in a circle, gifting Fluttershy with an miraculous sight.

Tiny red eyes bathed in a bed of warming feathers. The fledgling greeted Fluttershy with a series of painfully delicate chirps. The family finally began a retreat, cherishing their tiny offspring. "What a beautiful family. Wait, Rainbow, are you okay?"

Rainbow was out of words. Fluttershy’s magic had consumed every any attempt at communication.

"Rainbow, are you okay? Oh my goodness, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry...

"No Fluttershy... how did you do that?"

"Sing, oh its easy. just takes a little practice..."

"No. How do you create such... peace?"

"I don't know what you mean, Rainbow."

"Your voice. Your tone. Your nature. Everything. I have always tried to find excitement and thrills in my life, but this... this is so much greater. Every part of it. I wish this feeling could never go away."

"I'm not sure I understand...” Fluttershy retracted, having been accustomed to her talent.

"Don't. You don't need to. Just understand that you are really a special pony. And I mean that. Trust me, when you get me all sappy like this... it must mean something. "

"I've never seen you like this before. I mean, not trying to offend you or anything, but it's nice having you open your feelings up."

"I never saw any reason... until you showed me the way.I don’t know what to say... thank you?"

"Do you really mean that Dashie?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Clouds of silence overcame the conversation. In no way was it unpleasant, rather, it was peaceful.

Fluttershy finally broke the silence, “You are my best friend Rainbow Dash. And nothing makes me happier than seeing you feeling comfortable with your emotions.”

"I learned from the best."

Direction, time, rules; not a single care was given in the hours that followed.

"How about puzzles? You like puzzles man?" Tank was digging through cabinets in the cabin.

"Do I look like a boring bunny? Puzzles? Are you serious? Get something that I can beat you at." Angel was perched on a chair, gnawing a carrot.

"How about cards? The possibilities are endless."

"What do you know about cards?"

"Dash actually really likes cards. Her and I play sometimes. I'm actually pretty good."

"Get the deck. I'm not going to bet you or anything... ‘cause you know, I wouldn't want you making me two salads. I maybe a big eater, but I'm not that mean. I'll just beat you instead. You know, for bragging rights."

"What game are we going to play?"

"Well, maybe when our moms get back, we could play spoons."

It took Tank a few seconds to get the joke. "Ha ha, funny. A tortoise playing spoons. Not very fair," he mocked.

"Right now, let's settle for a game of blackjack."

"Really?" Tank was surprised Angel even knew blackjack.

"Yeah, I love blackjack."

"Now how in the world would you know blackjack?"

I'm quite the bunny. Been places, done stuff. Besides, blackjack is a really easy game, am I right? Now deal you hermit!"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had found themselves on a large mass of rock, located on a island some distance away from the cabin. Dash was sipping a pop while Fluttershy was enjoying her chips and dip.

"I've never been on an island! Or had lunch on a rock! It's quite a view out here!" Rainbow wasn't lying; from her rock, she could see several other islands within close proximity, each containing a unique arrangement of trees, shrubs, and rocks. The lake shone with the usual brightness that only clear water could offer.

"These lakes up here get pretty deep and have lots of islands. It's something you really don't see anywhere else. It makes for a great view.”

"What do you say we go explore this island after lunch? Then maybe we could head over to that one over there?"

"That sounds great. I'm sure we'll find some really interesting stuff!"

The duo scarfed down their lunch in hopes of extending every second. Rainbow Dash proceeded to initiate the exploration, finding an eager best friend only a few steps behind her. After a short amount of time, Fluttershy stopped and signaled Rainbow to come her way.

"What is it Fluttershy?"

"Let's carve into this tree. Let ponies know we were here."

"Sounds like a great idea!"

Rainbow reached inside her saddlebag and pulled out her knife they had used for lunch. In the trunk of the tree she carved- RD FS 07/15/2012.

"That looks awesome Rainbow!"

"We've had quite the trip. You had a great idea. Might as well show our legacy. Let everypony know how great of friends we are."

"Our trip is not done yet Rainbow. We’re still on our first day," Fluttershy smiled.

"Who cares? It's been quite the trip! I think it's really helped both of us out."

"Yes. It was really thoughtful of you to take me up here Rainbow. I'll never forget this."

"Hey, don't thank me! I'm the one who should be offering thanks. You're the best friend a mare could ask for!" The pair met in a soft hug.

"So, how about we go on a little island adventure!" Rainbow cheered. "We got a lot of ground to cover and little time!"

"How, what... You know what. I'm done playing games with you. I don't like cheaters!" Angel distastefully stated.

"But I didn't cheat man! I played it fair and square! Do I look like the kinda guy who can count cards? Besides, why do you care? You didn't lose any bets. We were just having fun." Tank tried to ignore his feelings of pride over the bunny.

"Counting cards? What? Don't try to fool me. You cheated!"

"How about we play another game? Just not blackjack."

The bunny shook his head firmly. "Screw this, I'm going to go do a puzzle."