• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,132 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

  • ...

Swing Life Away

Celestia's sun began its slow descent. Exhausted from a day of adventuring, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy decided to return to their pets. Dash had become quite precise with the paddle; the ride back home was surprisingly quick and linear. In the distance, the pegasi could hear the loon family call into the night.

Dash felt her stomach growl. "Hey Fluttershy, I got an idea. Let's go to town for dinner. I saw a little restaurant on our way in."

"You want to walk there? That sounds fine to me."

"Yeah, we're in no hurry. Why not?"

"On no! What about Tank and Angel?" Fluttershy gasped.

Dash scratched her chin. "Yeah, I wonder how those squirts are doing..."

Tears of joy littered the cabin floor. A massive shell spun in a repeating circle, crushing discarded snacks. Tiny white fur and whiskers collided with everything possible object in sight.

"I got robbed by a sweet old lady in a motorized cart!" Angel quoted the movie, trying to balance his speech with laughs.

"My bird, Pete. His head fell off!" Tank joined into the banter.

"Yeah, he was getting pretty old!"

"Oh my goodness, we forgot about them. I'm sure they are bored and lonely!" Fluttershy mothered.

"Yeah, let's go make sure they are okay before we leave. I'm sure they will love to see us."

Fluttershy landed the canoe against the dock and carefully tied it down. The rainbow daredevil waited patiently, watching on as skilled hooves quickly worked.

"You know what, I'm sure our pets are fine. They just ate, and they have each other. Let's not worry about them. Let's just worry about ourselves." Dash hopped onto the dock.

"Are you sure Dash? I mean, Angel is very sensitive."

"Well, Tank's there, and he's a pretty good friend. They'll be fine. Come on, let's go to dinner."

"Alright Rainbow. You lead the way. I just hope they are okay..."

"So you're telling me there's a chance..."

"Oh Celestia, that was the greatest movie I have ever seen. It was totally awesome!" Angel was still recovering from the massive amounts of humor.

"It was the most awesome thing ever!" Even Tank was out of character, showing clear signs of hyper-energy.

"I know right!"

"Hug me!" The pets joined in an awkward, yet satisfying brohug.

'What's next on the list? This guy knows his movies!"

I'll look." Angel hopped over to the entertainment system and flipped through various movies. "What about Airplane? It looks really funny."

"I haven't seen it. If it's as funny as the last one, I'll think I'll pass out!" Tank opened another can of pop. "Put the movie in, man!"

The pair slowly trotted down the dirt road towards town. Fluttershy was softly humming, occasionally stopping to get a glance at various wildflowers. Rainbow was simply enjoying the breeze. "What are you going to get for dinner tonight?" Rainbow opened the conversation.

"I don't know. It depends on what they have. I haven't been to many small restaurants. A salad sounds nice tonight though, we'll see if they have one," the shy pegasus replied.

"Well, I'm feeling hungry! I'm going to get a big plate of onion rings, maybe a grilled zucchini sandwich, and a dish of ice cream!"

"You must be tired from all of that rowing. I should have helped you."

"No, I already told you pal, it's cool! I wanted to row! It's good endurance training! Besides, you really seemed to enjoy the ride," Rainbow gently grinned.

"Yes, it was really nice. Tomorrow we should do it again! Maybe go try somewhere else?"

"Now that's a great idea! We got a lot of ground to cover!"

"Tomorrow we'll take turns paddling. I can get front."

"Well, if you insist. We should take the pets somewhere tomorrow too. You think they would be up for that?"

"Angel would probably be okay if he was with me. I can't speak for Tank."

"Tank is always cool. I don't think I've ever seen him angry! Then it's set. We'll take ‘em tomorrow."

"It's a deal!"

Several songbirds slowly followed Fluttershy, occasionally landing on a branch or singing a soft chirp. Fluttershy had put a wildflower in her mane that she had found on the trail, highlighting her naturally beautiful mane

"Hey Fluttershy?"

"Yeah Rainbow?"

"You like pretty... I mean pretty awesome with that flower. Just saying."

Fluttershy blushed heavily. "Thanks Rainbow. Maybe one day I will be as awesome as you."

"Well, we all can't be that cool. But you're the closest." Rainbow tried to remain in her normal character.

After 15 minutes of trotting, the pair finally made it into town. The restaurant was nearly empty, however, it was not closed. The town was quiet during sunset; only a few ponies were outside performing various tasks.

"Hey, table for two please. Outside if possible," Rainbow said to the waitress.

"Not a problem. Right over here please."

He brought them to them a small table. "You're waitress will be out soon. Have a good dinner."

"Thank you sir." Fluttershy never forgot her manners.

Their table would most likely not be considered "fine dining," by Rarity, however, it was perfect for both Rainbow and Fluttershy. Both ponies couldn’t care less about formalities; they were simply happy to be together.

"Hey mares. How are you doing tonight?" The waitress passed them menus.

"Hungry, guess we came to the right place!" Rainbow eyed the menu with excitement.

"You sure did. You gals want anything to drink?"

"I'll take a big glass of root beer!" Rainbow paused for a second. "Actually, can you make that a float?"

The waitress smiled. "We sure can. And what will it be for you dear?"

"I'll do an iced tea please. Thank you." Fluttershy never ceased to be kind.

"I'll bring those out for you right away," The waitress made her way into the kitchen.

"How was downstairs? I never asked you. Did you and Angel sleep well?"

"Yes. It was a little cold, but I was fine. I actually like sleeping in the cold."

"You should have told me! I could have let you sleep upstairs, or at the very least gotten you another blanket!"

"Like I said Dash, it wasn't a problem. I'm cozy anywhere."

The waitress brought out of the drinks. "You ready to order?"

"Yeah, we'll do some onion rings to start with. I'll have the grilled zucchini sandwich." Dash ordered.

"I will have the soup of the day and a salad. Thanks."

Alright, sounds good. You two new around here?"

"We're staying at my Uncle's cabin. It's really beautiful up here!"

"Where you from?" the waitress asked, tucking her order booklet in her saddlebag.

"Ponyville. We just decided we needed a little break. A vacation, you know? Together," Rainbow exclaimed.

"Don't we all need one of those. You picked a good spot. Nice to see two young mares haven't forgotten to take time off and enjoy the little things. I'll be out with those onion rings soon.”

"No hurries," Fluttershy stated.

"So, wanna have a bonfire we get back? Roast up some smores, watch the stars?" Dash sipped away at her root beer float.

"That sounds nice. We can take the pets out with us! I'm sure they will love the company,"

"That's an awesome idea! How's your tea? My float is great!"

"It's great Rainbow. We'll have to come here again. Especially if the food is good!"

"Yeah, I'm game."

The pair slowly consumed their drinks, offering quick smiles to each other. Small talk was completely abandoned. They knew each other far too well to use such trivial formalities. They were fine with being silent. At the moment, the greatness of company overcame any other needs.

Near the edge of the restaurant's boundary a unicorn patrolled the streets, carrying a guitar case. Both Rainbow and Fluttershy turned their attention to him. He replied with a smile and began to sing a soft song. Both ponies stopped drinking to listen to his song; finding a little bit of it within themselves. The unicorn continued to play, obviously getting a great deal of satisfaction from the joy he was bring to the pair.

Rainbow focused her sight on Fluttershy, who gently smiled back. The song brought gentle memories to the daredevil. The good and the bad. Tough and sweet. A series of lows and highs. Life wasn’t perfect for Rainbow Dash, however, she still had one trick up her sleeve; she had a perfect friend.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours first, let's compare scars, I'll tell you who's are worse. Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words..."

Rainbow's realization hit her hard. She wanted to live her life with Fluttershy. She wanted to struggle through life with her hoof by her side. Rainbow thought of all her stress; her job, her inability to please everyone, and her insecurities. At the same time, she thought of the friend that had come to love; the peaceful, delicate, understanding mare that would never leave her, never demand any task, and always love her for what she is. Rainbow wanted to guide their lives in a new path, together and forever.

"We live on front porches and swing life away... We get by here just fine on minimum wage. If love is a labor, I'll slave to the end. I won't cross these streets until you hold my hoof..."

It wasn't attraction; it was love. And respect. Rainbow respected Fluttershy's essence; something greater than any attraction. It all made sense to Rainbow. She whispered a silent wish that Fluttershy would understand as well. Dash knew she would do anything to live with Fluttershy. She was a pony worth fighting for.

As the unicorn continued to play, Rainbow trotted over to him and threw a couple bits into his case. He nodded as a thank-you and kept making the same song.

It was a night to treasure; a night unlike any other. Rainbow knew what she wanted; more importantly, she knew what was right for Fluttershy and herself. How both pegasus would join in love was uncertain.

The night continued as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash enjoyed their meals. The unicorn left as the song ended, giving another nod to the pegasus as he left. The food was wonderful, produced locally and hoofmade. The waitress would occasionally engage in a quick story with the duo. Time passed away without consent.

After a slow walk, the pair finally found themselves back home under the cover of Luna's moon. Rainbow unlocked the door and held it for Fluttershy, who quickly trotted inside.

"Angel Bunny and Tank, we're back! We are sorry we took so long, oh, oh my goodness." Fluttershy's reaction was mixed between laughter and confusion.

The DVD menu to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" was displayed upon the screen, forming the only source of illumination in the living room of the cabin. As Fluttershy turned on the lights, several empty pop cans were scattered alongside the floor, along with bowls of popcorn and various candy wrappers. Tank was flipped upside down, sound asleep under a pillow of popcorn. Angel was perched on a chair, snoring loudly, and in a position that both Rainbow and Fluttershy thought was impossible to sleep in.

"Looks like they had some sort of... party? Or maybe movie night?" Rainbow’s cheeks inflamed with laughter.

"Well, at least they didn't need our company. Let's clean this up tomorrow. Maybe we should just let them sleep here?" Fluttershy was still puzzled.

"Yeah, they're not going anywhere..."

"Well, Dash, I had a great time tonight." She hugged her best friend. "I'll see you in the morning, okay? We'll go pick some blueberries."

"I love you," Rainbow whispered, quietly enough that Fluttershy would not hear.