• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,155 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 6: Omens Approach, Evil Ignites on a Saiyan's Fortitude

The morning came quick to the trio in the library. Twilight’s alarm clock went off at six thirty sharp, every single morning aside from weekends of course. As the purple pony sat up in her bed she let out a long yawn and tapped the clock to shut it off. She got up and slowly walked over to her desk, on the top was as large purple brush. Automatically her magic grabbed it and started to brush her mane exactly one hundred and thirty five times.

Once she was satisfied, she looked to the small basket at the bottom of her bed. “Mmm, good morning Spike~” She stood next to it as the young dragon groaned from underneath his warm blue blanket.

“Ugg five more minutes please…” A single claw came from underneath, trying in vain to swat the evil unicorn who was currently trying to rouse him from his bed. As the blanket was lifted off him he opened his eyes and sighed. “Yeah yeah, I know. Early bird gets the worm and all…”

Twilight smiled as she won another round of wake the dragon. “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a pony healthy, wealthy and wise!” She chirped happily as she trotted down the stairs and into the main floor. “Syera? You up yet?” She called out to her sister as she made her way into the kitchen.

Up in the roof of the Library, Syera was standing on the very top. Letting the wind of the early morning blow and hit her.

“Alright, the time is right.” Syera then rose up in the sky, just above Ponyville and the highest mountain there is, she could see a good amount below her.

It was then she took a deep breath in and breathed out. “Now!” With a quick flash, she turned into a Super Saiyan. She then started to do a couple of quick flurries of kicks and punches in the air, then started to do a bit of shadow boxing. “Yeah….” She started to dance a little while in the air as she was now setting some new records of not only speed, but with swiftness and agility.

After ten minutes or so a voice called out from below her. “Syera? Are you eating or not?” Twilight stood on the upper balcony of the library, watching as her do what she was doing. “I’ve cooked your favorite~” She then disappeared into the tree house once more, the smell of food wafted it’s way up into the Sayian’s nose. Teasing her senses and beckoning her.

Syera’s nostrils were filled with that smell of “Oh yeah! Pancakes!” Syera smiled and put two fingers on her forehead and used Instant Transmission to get down there quickly, only thing is that where she landed. She was now on top the table in front of Spike.

“Whoa! Syera I told you about popping in and out like that!” Spike said spilling his coffee after almost having a heart attack.

“Ehehe, sorry about that Spike. It's just Twilight tempted me with my favorite breakfast food! Pancakes!” Syera told him smiling. The Super Saiyan then got off the table and sat down. Of course she did so after helping Spike clean up the cup of joe he spilled on the ground along with the mug it was in.

“Ah, there you are. best eat these while they’re fresh Syera” Twilight came in with a stack of at least ten pancakes, all for Syera while she had a bowl of Oatmeal and she gave Spike four pancakes.

“Oh yes! Thanks Twilight, you’re the best” Syera then wasted no time as she filled her Saiyan belly with the delicious pancakes. They had all sorts of toppings on them, from strawberries to blueberries, to whip cream and chocolate morsels. She had some bacon along with them too, along with a glass of Orange Juice.

Twilight didn’t mind preparing it since she knew that her Saiyan sister would eat it since Syera is omnivorous, but she doesn’t have any interest in horse meat.

Soon the trio in the library were done eating their breakfast.

“Phew….wow, that was amazing.” Syera said licking her lips a little before she used a napkin to wipe her mouth of any food crumbs.

The satisfaction of the Saiyan brought a smile to Twilight. “I am glad you enjoyed it.” She said to her sister. “Oh and Syera.” Twilight then went onto another topic with her sister.

“Yeah? What’s up?” Syera asked as she looked at her sis as they were still at the table in the kitchen.

“Are you sleeping ok? Because last night I heard you mumbling a little in your sleep, it sounded like you were struggling with something, kind of like at the Spa the other day.” Twilight told her with worry in her voice.

This response made Syera wide eyed with surprise. “So….you could hear me? As I slept?” Syera asked Twilight with a bit of nervousness in her voice.

“Yes, I had to calm you down, your temperature was very high as well. I had to get a wet cloth and put it on your forehead. I didn’t want to wake you since last time you looked ready to fight. you soon calmed down after I did that too. If there is something on your mind, you can tell me.” Twilight said as she put a hoof on her sister’s lap with worry.

“Ok fine….I’ll tell you” Syera said giving in to her sister’s request to tell her. “It started happening recently, like very recently. It was after when the Minotaurs attacked. I….I killed their leader after the others retreated, I blew him to nothing but ash after I shot him out of Ponyville with a small energy ball that lifted him up in the air. Then pushed him straight into the outskirts of Ponyville, into the Everfree forest.” Syera took a pause, this gave Twilight a chance to respond.

“Wait…..so you actually….took his life, Syera why?” Twilight said in shock.

“Something in me slipped, It was when I was Super Saiyan, like right now. Only--- I was filled with anger, and I wanted him dead…..” Syera explained, when Twilight heard this, she was in disbelief. “And now that I think back on it…..I’m regretting my decision.” Twilight was so surprised that Syera would be affected by such a thing. But then, Twilight put a hoof in her sister’s hand.

“Syera, you did what you had to do. Nopony blames you for what you have done. In fact everypony here including me are glad you protected the town, but don’t let your past slow you down. If anything learn from your mistakes, improve on them. I should know, remember how when I tried to travel back in time to that one Tuesday and warn myself not to worry so much about scheduling and such since it was so much of stressful thing on my mind.” Twilight told her, it took Syera a few moments to remember, the Saiyan then chuckled a little.

“Yea, I remember how it was such a big deal on how you needed to find out, but honestly. I’d say it's good you were able to find out. And a great lesson learned too since you basically found out it was inevitable that you wouldn’t be able to tell yourself not to worry so much. But hey, at least it didn’t cause a Paradox. I hope.” Syera said softly and Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Mhm...I hope not too.” Twilight said worriedly. “But yes Syera, don’t let one mistake keep you from improving. And look on the bright side of things, like saving Ponyville and what it was worth.” Twilight told smiling as she then hugged her sister.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t let the one decision get to me. And even so, I have to live with the consequence either way. But that still doesn’t mean I regret it sometimes….maybe if there was another way….but I did what I could, just like you said.” Syera said softly as she hugged her sister back with a smile of her own.

However...It doesn’t explain the one dream I had with Nightmare Moon. Syera said to herself, she needs to figure that one out for herself. Hopefully she can get that out in the open soon, but not right now. In the back of her mind, she should be taking such a threat seriously since she can throw Equestria into eternal night.

Twilight then noticed Syera had a look on her face as she looked up, something with a look of worry. But it also seemed like a face of seriousness since she had a bit of a frown.

“Syera, it's alright. Oh and you might want to turn out of Super Saiyan before we go and see the the others.” Twilight said as she walked off her hind legs from the hug she gave Syera and out of the kitchen.

“Hmm? Oh….that’s right. But...hmmm….I wonder….” Syera then got up from the table and went to the bathroom, she then looked at herself in the mirror. “I always wonder, what really causes a Saiyan’s hair to go blonde from this transformation?” Syera took her gloves off and ran her fingers playing with her hair.

Then she started to use a comb to go through her parts of her hair so it was now clean and spiky looking. Once she was done with that, she then started making faces in the mirror. “Hmpf….yah! ha! Ack! Ha!! hrg! Ehhhh!!!” Syera’s last face in the mirror, she had her eyes crossed and her teeth were showing. “Hmm...I gotta brush my teeth” She grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She then came out two minutes later and met up with Twilight.

The purple pony was currently on her way to see if Rarity was doing ok. She was pretty distraught when they said their goodbyes last night. Her thoughts barely broken when her sister landed next to her. Her eyes were transfixed onto the ground in front of her as she walked through Ponyville. “I hope she’s ok…”

Glancing up at Syera she gave a small smile. “I’m sure everything went ok right? Like honestly, what is the worst that could happen?” Setting her sights upon the front door the the boutique, she knocked on the door. The sign in the door clearly read CLOSED in big letters, which was unusual as she was usually up by now.

Nothing. She knocked again to the same results. Twilight cocked her eyebrow and glanced up at Syera. Using her magic she turned the knob and it surprisingly opened. She took a couple steps into the cool, quiet house. “Rarity? Are you home?” Her voice echoed through the main floor and no response came.

“Huh? That’s odd, she’d usually be downstairs here to greet us right?” Syera asked as she looked around, she saw some mannequins of where she’d display her dresses but they were clean and nude. “Wait, what was that?” Syera looked over to where the stairs was and she heard a bit of rustling, followed by a thud and the sound of something shattering. “You hear that?” Syera asked Twilight as she had one foot on the bottom stair, ready to walk up if necessary.

Twilight gasped and ran up the stairs. “Rarity!? Maybe she’s in trouble!” Syera was right behind her as they got to the top of the stairs and into the hallway. A groan came from Rarity’s room as they noticed her door was closed, while the other was open. “Come on!” Twilight quickly got down to the door and pushed it open.

A red blush filled her cheeks as she looked into the room. Rarity gasped and pulled the blanket up to her chest with her forehooves. “T-Twilight?!” Also in the bed was Makker, beside him the nightside table was on it’s side and a vase was smashed on the floor. Surprised, Twilight looked between the two and mumbled incoherently while her eye twitched.

Syera rolled her eyes and picked up the broken unicorn before looking between the male Saiyan and the white pony. “We will just wait for you two downstairs.” With that she closed the door.

“Oh and by the way, Makker. Nice job” She said as she closed the door with the Purple pony in her arms and walked downstairs. Syera then went to a couch and sat down with her sister. “You still in a trance sis? Or you good?” Syera chuckled a bit as she waved a hand in her sister’s face. Poor Twilight, she still couldn’t believe what she saw, honestly to Syera, it was no big deal.

“B-but Rarity… Makker… Bed… Together?!” She face planted into the couch and screamed into it. It was at that point Rarity came down the stairs with a light pink blush across her face.

“Um, sorry about not hearing you two when you came in.” She wore a pink house coat and slippers, before she walked into the kitchen. “Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?” She set to starting the coffee maker.

“Tea sounds alright Rarity, thanks. And it's alright, but you sort of had us worried since it was so quiet in here since ya know… You’re usually open around this time of day, but no big deal.” Syera said with a smile as she patted Twilight lightly on her back to calm her down. “Twilight, I’m sure they have a good reason to be sleeping in the same bed. Don’t get so worked up, alright?” Syera told her sister with a smile as they both waited for the tea to come.

It took a few minutes before she came back with two tea cups. Also in her magic was two mugs of coffee, one of which was for herself. Just as she dished them out to the now calm Twilight and Syera, Makker made his way down the stairs. He wore baggy black pants and a white V-necked t shirt.

“Hey you! Sleep well?” Syera waved to Makker with a hearty smile as he came down the stairs. “Must’ve, you were in Rarity’s bed after all.” Syera chuckled a little, of course it was a joke about the whole thing of what two individuals usually do in bed together. But from how Makker is a one such individual, he wouldn’t do that but Syera had to joke around.

Scratching the back of his head he nervously chuckled. “Yea, I did sleep well.” He then came up behind and took one of the mugs of coffee for himself. With a smile the Saiyan looked down and kissed Rarity on the forehead. “Thanks Rare.”

Twilight blushed a bit and coughed on her tea. “Mmm, delicious. So, care to explain how this happened?” She flicked her hoof at the two of them making both smile.

Makker and Rarity both sat across from Syera and Twilight, Rarity was cuddled up into him. “Well long story short, I planned to leave after that kiss at the dance. But Rarity convinced me to stay. I learned that I had to move on with my life, not let my past get in the way of me living my life.” He took a sip of coffee and smiled as Rarity continued.

“I learned that your dreams might not come in the package you expect it too. Never judge someone fully until you really get to know them.” Nuzzling her muzzle into his shirt she sighed as Makker wrapped his arm around her. “So that makes us a couple now it seems.” With a small smile she took another sip of her coffee.

“That’s great! I’m happy for you two, I’m sure Twilight is too, I just hope her nerves can handle it.” Syera said still rubbing her sisters back to calm her down with her left hand as she sips her tea with her right.

Twilight took a fairly large swig of her tea and looked between the two. “I’m happy for you two, really I am. It’s just that, I never really thought a Saiyan and a pony could fall in love. Heck Syera has been here her whole live and not really set her sights on anypony.” With a small smile she grinned and smirked at her sister. “Well there was that one stallion back in Canterlot you had an eye for. But you quickly scared him off with your powers.” Sticking out her tongue she giggled.

“Eheh… Well he wanted to know about me so I showed him. Plus I remember he chose me over a griffon for another species to date. But as far as love… I don’t know, I might find my special somepony sometime around I guess.” Syera said as she sipped her tea and thought about it. Will she ever find love and….perhaps have a family, however she shrugged off the thought for a moment. “Maybe… someday perhaps.”

Rarity giggled and flicked her hoof. “I know you will dear. You’ll know when the time comes.” She laid her head against Makker's chest and let out a hum of content.

Makker downed the rest of his coffee and put the cup down. “I’ll go get breakfast ready for us, you guys want anything?” The male Saiyan stood up, a white hoof trying to hold onto his hand as he made his way towards the kitchen.

“Well… We did eat but….” Syera paused when her stomach growled again. “What?! You need more… Wow, I guess It couldn't hurt to have just a little bite to eat.” Syera leaned back into the couch. “Definitely, surprise me Makker.” She said with a smile.

As the male Saiyan started to cook, Rarity laid down by herself and rolled her eyes. “You always eat, I swear that’s all you do. That and train that is.” It was then that she noticed Syera’s hair was golden. “Dear, it looks like you’re Super Saiyan or whatever it is. But there’s no… Aura coming from your body.”

Syera then looked at the elegant unicorn with a bit of a surprise face. “Wait… Am I? Oh that’s right, I think I forgot to go back to my normal state, I was training this morning in this state. And my aura, it's because I’m not pushing out any energy at the moment. I’ve been trying to use this form for as long as possible and I think I’m close to mastering it.” Syera explained to Rarity.

As the purple pony pondered, she tapped her chin and thought aloud. “If you can refrain from pushing any energy, then do you think Makker can do the same thing?”

Syera nodded to her sis. “Yeah, it's possible since he is indeed a Super Saiyan like me, I just don’t know how long he can hold the form on average. He’d need to be in the form for longer periods of time in order to master it, so it appears second nature.” Syera explained, crossing her legs with a small chuckle. “And trust me… It's not easy the first few weeks. Remember how I could barely open doors without ripping them out the hinges?” Syera asked her sis and she tapped her hoof on her chin since it took a couple of seconds for her to recall.

“Oh yeah, I remember! And I was so tired of fixing or paying each pony for each door you broke. Ugh….I don’t want to recall it, all I know is that when you’re in that state, your strength is multiplied by how much again?” Twilight asked her.

“It's about 50x my normal strength, and it was a stress indeed because it took a lot for me to relax without turning out of the state. So keeping my Aura hidden was not easy.” Syera told Rarity.

“My oh my Syera, I know you were very tired at the end of the day. Keeping such power and stress built up must’ve been bad for your body. But… Now that I recall, I remember seeing you Super Saiyan for a while now, almost every time you’d drop by, I’d see you and that beautiful blonde hair. Only thing that made me sad is that you’d never let me play or style with it.” Rarity said pouting her lips a little.

“Trust me, my hair is stuck like this. I’ve tried to style it differently myself. Each fiber in my hair is very resistant to all kinds of hair products. But of course I do spray oil to keep my scalp from drying up and since I do like my hair the way it is. I see no need to change it.” Syera told Rarity with a smile.

“Still, you should let dear Rarity have a bit of a personal touch on it.” The elegant white unicorn said with a smile.

“Alright sure, I’ll let you have a crack out it I guess sometime. In fact, if you want to feel how my hair is, take a hoof and run through it.” Syera then got up from the couch and sat on the floor, this is when Rarity got up from the couch and walked over to the Saiyan and then ran a hoof through her blonde Super Saiyan hair.

“Oh wow….Syera darling, your hair is… So silky and smooth, I honestly had to work my mane for years for it to get this soft. How did you do it, I must know now, tell me!” Rarity said with a sharp and jealous tone of voice.

“Honestly, I wish I could tell you but I don’t even know myself, all I know is that I was born like this. My hair hasn’t changed at all since the day I was born, or at least that is what Princess Celestia told me. I remember Twilight Velvet, my mother and Twilight’s told me that she found me in a crashed space pod that landed her about…” With a paused she started to count. “Twenty one years ago? Damn, it’s been twenty one years since I’ve arrived here. I still remember two years ago when we came here during the Summer Sun Celebration. That’s when we all met for the first time.” Syera said and then Twilight chimed in.

“I remember it all now too, all I cared about then was studying and putting my face in the books. Now…I don’t even recognize myself compared to then. I feel like a totally different pony now. And I’m glad I’m nothing like my old self. And it is all thanks to you girls and you too Syera, I’m glad where we are today.”

Twilight’s reminiscences of her past up to now, showed her how much she has learned and the benefits of friendship. How much she has changed and how her friends have influenced her. And she is glad she and her sister have changed over the years due to coming to Ponyville, becoming friends with these six ponies and defeating a powerful foe to save Equestria.

As the three reminisced, a delectable smell wafted in from the kitchen. Rarity’s nose twitched as she sniffed the air, a smile spreading across her muzzle. “Mmm, seems like Makker is cooking something delicious.” As if on cue, he popped his head from the kitchen.

“Breakfast is ready, come get it while it’s hot.” Rarity was the first to move, lightly trotting towards the kitchen while the others followed. Strewn across the blue tablecloth on the table was a full and hearty looking breakfast. There was lightly buttered toast, fruits, hashbrowns and eggs. Along with milk, orange juice and the such.

Rarity went wide eyed as her eyes sparkled. “Oh my, I never thought you could cook like this darling.” Makker pulled out a chair for her to sit on which she graciously took. “And a gentleman at that.” She whispered to the saiyan, which prompted him to blush.

“It’s nothing really, just trying to show my thanks to you.” He took a seat with the rest and started to dig in. Syera herself already had a mouthful of food and was quickly gorging down more.

Twilight blushed in embarrassment as her sister stopped to look at her. “Really Syera? For once can’t you eat properly?” With a smile the purple unicorn lightly poked her shoulder. Swallowing her mouthful the saiyan looked at Rarity and Makker, both of whom were also off put by her.

“Sorry guys.” Rubbing the back of her head she resumed to eat normally.

It was about an hour later when Syera and Twilight were in the living room once more. They had finished breakfast; for Syera the second time that day. Rarity helped clean up while Makker did the dishes.

“I hope you’re finally full Syera. Honestly, sometimes I wonder where you put it all.” Twilight playfully smirked while she sat down.

Syera shook her legs and laughed. “My legs must be hollow, guess that’s where it all goes.” Twilight face-hooved with a silly smile on her muzzle while Rarity and Makker both joined them from the kitchen.

“Actually, most pure blooded Saiyans and even half blooded ones have a huge appetite. It takes a lot of energy to keep us going. Training doesn't stop with just our bodies, our minds are training every second of every day. Either doing image training, meditating, or full blown workouts we burn a lot off in the span of a day.” Makker scratched his chin while he spoke.

Twilight tilted her head to the side. “Image training? What is that?” Rarity seemed puzzled as well as she looked up at him for an explanation.

Taking a moment to think Makker spoke. “Image training is… Just like it implies I guess. It’s like doing a full physical training but in your mind. It works well with two or more doing it at once. Say if we were in somewhere enclosed me and Syera could train together. It’s not as effective as real training can be, but it suffices.”

Rarity put a hoof to her chin and thought about it for a moment. “So it’s like you’re fighting in your minds?” With a nod to confirm her question she smiled. “That’s actually kind of efficient.” Rarity then did a double take as she looked at the clock. “Oh pony feathers! I have a special order coming in today. Excuse me, I need to go get washed up before they arrive.” With that she took off up stairs.

As the three stood there Syera got a good idea, inspired by Makkers training explanation. “Hey, I have an idea Makker, meet me out in the large clearing between here and Sweet Apple Acres later. I’ve got an idea.” Twilight and Syera said their goodbyes with the promise for Makker to meet the female saiyan outside.

With Rarity upstairs in the now running shower and the other two gone, Makker made his way up into the room Rarity let him use. Inside his clothes were still folded on the bed as they were last night. Figuring he was going to be fighting or in some way training later on that day, Makker made sure to grab his Gi.

Surprisingly it was in more or less great condition. He stripped to his underwear and made a small pile of dirty clothes onto the floor, making a mental note to wash them later. Quickly throwing on his outfit, he tightened the black belt around his waist.

The water shut off in the bathroom and he could hear light singing coming from down the hall. Bending down he started to stretch, the worst he could do it start training without stretching his entire body. Neck, arms, legs, body and mind were being worked and loosened. With a satisfied sigh he cracked his knuckles with a smile.

“Going to do some sort of training dear?” Rarity’s voice asked from behind him. She was quick to shower and dry off as she stood behind him with a brush in her mane. She brushed her hair out as she leaned against the door frame.

“Yea, ain’t got a clue what it’s about but gets me out of the house for a bit eh?” He walked up the white unicorn and rubbed her shoulder. “Well, I better let you get to your work. I’ll be home later ok?” With that he kissed her on the forehead prompting a smile from her.

“Thanks dear, I’ll see you then. Try and be safe now?” With a small giggle she nuzzled the Saiyans leg before he went down the stairs. Opening the door, Makker stood out in the slightly warm sunshine. With scouter attached and Gi on, the saiyan gently took to the sky before heading out to the wide open eastern field.

Syera was already out there, getting warmed up as she waited for Makker to join her. “Ahh...Ngh….Ahh, ah right on time.” Syera saw Makker coming over the horizon, she smiled and waved him over to her so he could see her easily.

With a wave back he started his descent before touching down with a small noise. “Yea I’m here. So what’s up? What sorta training you wanna do?” Leaning back he bent at an almost ninety degree angle, stretching his back.

She then smiled, “Remember that thing you said about Image Training? I wanna try that with you.” Syera said as she then sat down in front of Makker, crossing her legs.

A bit taken back, Makker hesitated for a moment before sitting down across from her. “Sure, sounds good to me.” Closing his eyes and a deep breath, he completely relaxed and let his senses heighten.

Syera did the same, calming her nerves and completely relaxed. Letting the world around her to steady and be calm so she could focus. Her eyes shut and her hands balled into fists and pressed against each other in front of her lower stomach, resting in her lap. Once the setting became just right for the two, she opened her eyes and saw Makker standing in front of her in a fighting stance. “Ready?” She asked as she took a stance as well.

With a smile he also dropped into a stance. “Yeah, but this time. I’m going first!” With that, Makker shoot off towards Syera quickly, throwing punches towards her.

“Oh yeah! Bring it!” Syera screamed out as she then started to counter and throw a fight punches towards him, both dodging and neither side landing a hit on each other.

The two were basically evenly matched, Syera was a tad faster while Makker himself was a little stronger. It seemed like a stalemate until a smirk came over the man’s face. “Let’s see how you handle this!” With that, he stood still. Still with that crooked smile on his face.

The face he made caught Syera off guard, and she raised both her eyebrows and wondered. What’s he up too? However, she waited for him to make his move while she readied herself. The stance she had was a low one, her two bangs were hanging in her face a bit more than usual. She then motioned a hand for him to bring it on.

With that a kick came from behind and kicked her right in the back. “Never drop your guard!” As she flew forwards she dug her hands into the ground, the ‘other’ Makker that was in front of her dissipated into nothingness.

“What?! An Afterimage!?” She then turned at the last moment possible and blocked an incoming kick from Makker with her hands. “Nrg….Ahhhhh!!!” With a scream she pulled him forward by his leg and threw a right hook that connected to his jaw. Followed by a left which forced him on the ground.

Flipping to his feet he pushed forwards and came again. Fist and fist connected, kicks were blocked and dodged as the two seemed once again in a stalemate. “You’re not making this easy huh?” Thinking quick he swept his leg across the ground.

“Heh, I’m just getting warmed up dude.” Syera said as she cracked her neck a little as well as her knuckles. This is when Syera decided to rush Makker this time. She threw a kick but at the last moment disappeared. Instead of connecting the kick with his face, she appeared behind him and hit him right below where his spine meets his neck. “How do you like that!” She screamed out after the kick connected.

Grunting in pain from the kick Makker dug his hands into the ground, and with both his legs he reeled back and kicked her as hard as he could. “You tell me!” Spinning back to his feet he charged up an energy wave.

“Gladly!” Syera saw his energy attack but rushed ahead towards him anyway. “Come on!” She ran up to him with all her speed charging up a very hard punch and screamed as she came towards him. “Ahhhhhh!!!!”

Splaying his palms together he readied the blast. “Keep your head up!” With that he blasted at the ground right in front of her, sending debris and dust up into her face. Using it a distraction he jumped up over top and came down with a hard elbow strike.

“Ack!!!” Syera then went face first into the ground below. However she pulled a Kangaroo move as her hands hit the ground and she turned around and kicked Makker with both feet, hard on his chest. It was then she got on her feet and charged an Energy Blast of her own. “Nrg….. Celestial!!!!”

“Not gonna work this time Syera!” With that he got into a full body block, his aura starting to push dust up into the air.

“Hrg….Destruction!!!!” Syera grunted one last time before all of a sudden. She teleported away out of Makker’s sight.

Glancing around quickly, Makker searched for her, but without his scouter he was basically blind to her energy. “If I, was Syera…” With that he quickly turned and put both hands in front of his body.

“Nnnrg!” Syera did appear in front him, but she was right in front. The female saiyan ducked low with her hands still cupped and the golden energy was balled up inside. “WAAAAAAAVE!!!!!” She threw her hands forward and blasted him point blank.

He took the beam head on, luckily he was somewhat prepared for the blast but it still sent him twenty yards away and onto the ground tumbling. Groaning he got to his feet, the top of his gi was completely destroyed, thankfully it didn’t do too much damage to his body. “You’re lucky that wasn’t the real thing.”

Panting he charged up a bit, standing strong while the energy flowed throughout his body. “Now let’s see what you’re made of!” Cracking his neck Makker smiled while staring down his opponent.

Syera was panting a little since she poured a decent amount of energy into that blast. “Heh… You asked for it!” Syera flared up her aura, which was now a red glow.

“Right then, I guess there’s no reason to hold back anymore!” With that, Makker powered up to the uppermost limit of his base form, aura pulsated around him before he went in for another charge. As he neared her, he skidded to a halt and charged energy into his hands. “Take this!” With that he began throwing largish ki blasts at random.

“Bring em! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera started to dodge them as she made her way towards him. Once she got close enough, she shot a small energy blast at him to distract him. From which she used this to her advantage and pushed up to him with a serious amount of strong strike yelling, “Kaioken!”

“Right into my trap!” Getting a couple of feet space between them he smiled, bringing his hands up to his face. “SOLAR FLARE!” The extremely blinding light flashed in front of his face, unfortunately for Syera, stopping her dead in her tracks. Dropping his power level, he dipped down and away before spreading his arms wide.

“Oh sweet Celestia in the shower! My eyes!” She said rubbing them as the blinding light did a number on her vision.

Chuckling to himself Makker called up to her. “Heh. Now, let’s see how you handle a little heat!” With that he pulled his hands back to his hips. “Hellzone grenade!” It was then that those Ki blasts that he shot earlier came back, coming from all sides towards the airborne saiyan. They all hit her body at the same time, sending her to the ground.

“Agk….nrg…” Syera groaned and shrieked in a bit of pain as she was blasted with all those ki blasts at once. She hit the ground with a thud, however she didn’t break concentration. The blasts ripped her top apart, it exposed her black bra she wore underneath. Her orange and blue top of her gi was torn and singed in half, her left pant legs was ripped in half exposing her leg and knee.

With a smirk Makker wiped his lip. “Not too shabby eh? I’ve got plenty of tricks up my sleeve.” Getting into a defensive stance he let his fingers go limp before tightening them.

Syera panted a little and smirked herself as she rubbed her lip a little. “Heh, yeah? Show me then, cause I’ve got some of my own.” Syera chuckled a little as she then took one last deep breath and then powered up. “Ahhhhh!!!!” her red aura became more intense by the second as she charged up her energy.

“Come on then!” Makker clenched his hands tight, his own blue aura pulsating against her red aura. The auras clashed, both sets trying to push out as the two saiyans powered up to maximum. Bringing up his hand, with a grin he flexed it, beckoning her to attack.

“With pleasure.” Syera smirked as she came at lightning fast speed and sent her elbow to his gut. Followed by a roundhouse. “Let’s go! Yeah!” Syera rushed ahead but she didn’t expect Makker to counter so quickly.

With a strong punch to her center mass, Makker grunted. “Nice one!” Swinging his leg around he delivered a kick to the back of her head. Turning quickly Makker fired hundreds of Ki blasts towards Syera.

Syera frowned and grunted a bit. “Come on, stop it with the small energy blasts! It’s getting old!” She started to fire her own blasts which collided with his. “Dammit….he can shoot them out fast.” Syera muttered to herself as she tried to keep up with dodging and destroying them with her own blasts.

“Then let’s finish this!” Makker growled for a moment, clenching his hands tight as a golden colour splashed his aura. With a hearty scream, Makker ascended to super saiyan. Powering up greatly, his aura pushed more and more.

“Fine! Rahhhhhhhhh!!!!” Syera reached up to her maximum power of her Super Saiyan form, ready to fight. She and Makker soon clashed together hard, kick after kick collided, fists colliding and feet stomping against each other. This started to get very serious, once things seemed to show they were evenly matched. Syera decided it was time to show her true form, so she sighed, taking a deep breath. And then, gritting her teeth. She turned it up a notch. “Full Power!!!” She shouted as electricity flared up with her aura as she pushed herself to the max. “Now… Come at me.” She was in the same transformation that she showed Makker before.

Makker stood still, his eyes darting all across her body. His teeth grit together before he took a step back. His deep blue eyes continued to scan her, but he made no other movements.

“Fine, if you won’t move… I will” Syera said with a darker tone of voice as she then started to slowly walk towards him. It was suspenseful by how slow she was approaching him. Eventually she got up close to him, she looked down at him, her aura crackling against his and a serious breeze of energy whipped around them. Her stare was like melting into the male Saiyan’s soul.

“That’s how you wanna play eh?” With that, Makker pushed harder. Pumping more power from his body as it slightly bulked up. While she was taller than he was, Makker was definitely broader. Cracking his neck the man smirked. “Now, let’s play.” Quickly he headbutted her in the nose before placing both hands onto her exposed stomach. “Take this!” Charging energy into his hands, Makker blasted her point blank.

Syera took all the hits and blasts Makker gave her, barely a scratch was on her. Her strength was buckled in and stiff. Nothing fazed her for the moment. “Hmph, alright. That tickled a little.” Syera told him as she stretched from the attacks. “Huh? oh that’s right… They’re gone, now my hairline is showing a bit more prominently.” In her new transformation, her bangs that usually hung in her face were now risen up with the rest of her hair. She never noticed it till now. “Anyway where was I? Oh yea, I got one for ya.” She then pointed two fingers at his left leg and blasted a beam clean through with a short beam. “That’s for earlier.”

Crying out in pain, Makker stood strong. Blood seeped from the wound as he clenched his body tightly. “You smart ass… agh that hurt...” He seethed in pain, taking a couple steps back before he grinned wide. Chuckling under his breath, the man took a sharp inhale and closed his eyes. Reaching down he ran his fingers over the wound. Blood coated his hand as he raised it up.

Quickly, his eyes shot open as he flicked his blood covered hand towards Syera. Being taken back at that, Makker moved. Grabbing her hand he twisted it hard and kneed her in the gut with his good leg. Grabbing her face he slammed the female saiyan into the ground. Jumping up into the air, he charged up once more. Focusing his energy into his hands.

“Nrg….well, looks like he’s not playing around.” She stood up and looked up at him and gritted her teeth. “By the way, that was really disgusting!” Syera said remarking the whole blood flicking part. “I guess I’ll have to get you back another way.” Syera then started to rush up to him with great speed. “I’ll get you for that you blood flicking miscreate!”

His expression never faltered. “One shot at this…” Putting both hands together, an orb formed between them as she neared closer. “Just… A little… more.” The ball of pure energy grew more and more as she came closer. Just as she was a couple of feet from him, Makker’s eyes went wide. “NOW!” He slammed his palms together, the energy condensed rapidly and in the flash of light, exploded.

Syera’s eyes were coated with the flash of light, nearly blinding her. She could see stars flying around and it made her a little dizzy. “Agh…Gah!” the female Saiyan grunted a little as she tried to get the blindness out of her eyes. “Damn it….was that the Solar Flare or...whatever you call it!” She shouted in a bit of anger.

“No…” With that he shot once more towards her and embedded his fist into her stomach. His hand glowed brightly, arm straining under the pressure as he started into her eyes. “This is my final stand…”

Pulling back, Syera huddled over as he rose up his left arm. Spreading his fingers wide, golden strands of energy drew from his body. “Time to end this...” Sparks shot around his arm as the orb of energy formed in his palm. As she looked up into his eyes, the man showed no expression. “Syera.” With that the blast shot at her, striking her body with all he had left.

As the blast rained down on Syera, she knew that it was over. It definitely showed her one thing, even with this new form. She still has weaknesses. “Dammit….I was overconfident… Just like before…No! I can’t let myself be defeated like this, not now, not ever!” Syera then screamed to her heart's content, the blast Makker fazed over her like it was nothing. Her power was rising and rising. It was then she rushed ahead full force, no more playing around it was time to get serious. “I will not let it end like this, it isn’t over yet!” Syera rushed him with a furry of very fast punches and kicks. Her style completely changed, she spun while dishing out her kicks, her energy was going haywire, when she was done beating the vision in her head to the ground, she then realized it wasn’t Makker anymore, it was... “Nightmare Moon…” She stopped punching her and she just laughed maniacally and it echoed throughout her hearing, however she didn’t notice that Makker was trying to get her to break whatever was going on in her head.

Makker opened his eyes. He watched the sweat drip from Syera’s brow, and down her face. “Hey, snap out of it.” Getting to his feet, the male saiyan tapped her on the shoulder. She was actually in her powered up Super Saiyan Two state, her expression was, unnerving to say the least.

“Nrg...hrah!” Syera’s eyes shot open and she shrieked a little, the force of the sudden wake up call, it caused her burst her energy outward and it forced Makker away and he landed on his back. With a hard sweat, Syera was panting hard as she was transformed.

“Ah….ha….ha….ha….” Syera soon caught wind of herself and stood up then saw where Makker was and helped him up. “I...I’m sorry… What happened… are you hurt?” Syera asked worriedly to him which kinda make him confused cause what could he possibly be hurt by, besides that sudden pulse from her Energy.

With a quiet groan, Makker pushed himself up into a seated position. “Nah, I’m fine. You on the other hand, I don’t think is fine.” His deep blue eyes locked with her green ones, his expression never faltering until Syera sighed.

“Ah….Yeah, you noticed that huh?” She asked after she let out a tired kind of sigh towards him. “To be honest, I haven’t been sleeping very well the past few days, I think something is messing with me.” Syera told him as she then took a deep breath and then powered out of Super Saiyan 2, her two front bangs came back down in her face as she came out of the transformation state. She then sat on her knees in front of him with a sad expression.

Sitting in the grass, Makker took what she said in. “Well, whatever happens Syera, you know I got your back. Even though I’m not nearly as strong as you.” Running his fingers through his dark hair, he took a deep breath.

“What do you mean? If anything, you are stronger than me, strategy wise at least. Because that move you pulled by flicking your blood at me, which was totally gross… You got me a couple of good times. Even with all this raw strength I have, I can barely keep a clear head and think.” While Syera was more of a hit first, ask questions later kind of fighter. Makker took more time in observing his opponent's movement, fighting smart.

Laying back in the grass, Makker laid out with his limbs stretched. “Well, when you’ve been in as many life and death fight’s as I have, you learn that running in all guns blazing isn’t the smartest. That’s how you get killed.” He said with a small sigh.

“That is true, I’ve definitely learned but not enough. I just have a thing of being excited and over confident of winning a fight, no matter how strong the opponent is or size of them.” Syera then put her hands up to her face. “Ah… crap I really gotta break that habit.”

“You’ll get over it, something that you need… Hey, is that Rainbow Dash?” The man pointed up into the air. A small blue dot was coming quickly towards them. As she flew into view, a smile crept across her blue muzzle.

“Hey! I figured I’d find you two out here! You two doing some awesome training?” The brash pegasus did a small loop and hovered in place with a large grin.

“Oh yea Dashie, we got lots done. However I’m pooped from it…. Eh...I’m so hungry too...” Syera sighed and on queue when her stomach growled loudly. “Yup… My stomach agrees with my words.”

“Awww, I missed it?” The blue pegasus landed and looked a bit disappointed. Kicking her hoof at the ground, bringing a bit of dust up.

Sitting up Makker cracked his neck. “You really didn’t miss anything. We did mind training.” Pointing to his head, Rainbow gave him a quizzical look. “Think of it like a dream, no one got hurt and we both got a bit of training in.” Getting to his feet Makker clenched his hands. Pausing for a moment, he flared his power and ascended to super saiyan.

Seeing him power up, Syera stood up as she observed his current status. “Hmm… You definitely are stronger than the first time I’ve met you, that’s for sure.” Syera said as she put her hands on her hips smiling at him.

As Rainbow started to smile at the super transformation, Makker clenched his hands. “Yea, I feel a lot stronger.” Relaxing a bit, his aura faltered and faded away while he remained in super saiyan.

“I got a challenge for you Makker, since you are currently a Super Saiyan, try staying like that for as long as you can. I will warn you, it may not be as easy as you think.” Syera then got into a stance and flared up her Super Saiyan state with him, calming her aura to keep a steady mind. “Can you do it?” She asked him.

“I’ll give it a shot I guess.” The power was high, but he kept it in check. “Think Rarity would like the blonde?” He said with a smirk, looking upwards.

Rainbow nudged him in the leg and wiggled her eyebrows. “Have your sights on her huh? You did kiss her the other night.” Makker smiled down at the teasing pegasus.

“Actually, more then you know Dash.” Rainbow seemed caught off guard and took a step back. “You could say that, she finally found her prince in me. Somehow.” With a half shrug he stretched a bit as Rainbow tried to process.

Syera saw the wheels spinning in Dashie’s head. All she could do is hold back her laughs till her pegasus friend figured out what Makker meant by Rarity finding her “Prince”.

“Wait… Are you and her?...” She then clapped her hooves together a couple times with a kind of shocked look on her face.

Makker rolled his eyes. “Is that really the first place you go Rainbow? No. We didn’t do that. Her and me are now a couple, I guess you could say.” Grinning widely at the antics of Rainbow Dash, he struggled to keep from chuckling.

Syera busted out laughing at Rainbow’s assumption. Holding her chest as she tried to catch her breath. “Sweet Celestia! Real… Seriously Rainbow Dash, you honestly thought that’s the first thing he and her did. You know you never do that the first night.” Syera finally calmed down and stood up and sighed in relief. “Phew… honestly funny story, I thought something might’ve happened when me and Twilight met them this morning but… No, I honestly didn’t take Makker for that kinda guy as well as for Rarity and her high class personality.” Syera said still chuckling and giggled still about Rainbow’s assumption.

Rainbow blushed in embarrassment. “Well ya never know. He is the first male saiyan here, so who knows.” Flicking her mane she avoided Makkers gaze. “Anyways, enough of that. I have, things to do. Weather things. Gotta go!” With that she took off quickly, zipping through the air.

“Think we hurt her feelings?” Makker said, rubbing the back of his head as he watched the rainbow blur shoot out of sight.

“Nah… Or at least I don’t think so. Hopefully.” Syera looked to the sky as she saw the Blue pegasus fly away and she crossed her arms with a smirk. Oh Dashie… You made a serious assumption right at that moment.
She still was laughing under her breath and shaking her head a little because of that.

Letting out a small sigh Makker lightly took off from the ground. “Well, I’m gonna get back to Rarity. I’ll try and keep this up as long as I can.” He said while pointing up at his hair. “See ya Syera.” With that, he took off towards Ponyville.

“See you later Makker, we should train more often sometime.” Nodding in agreement, the Saiyan man took off towards Carousel Boutique, Syera on the other hand, had thought for a moment where she should go to eat. However her thought was cut when she saw something off in a distance. “Wait...what’s that?” She saw a Sparkle of….something. Eyes? Was something watching her? She approached the where she thought where the anomaly was. “What….nothings here?! Am I seeing things… Oh no… Please don’t tell me I’m hallucinating…” Syera then heard something crack and she reacted to it.
“Who’s there?” She walked over to where the noise was. This continued to on for at least the past 10 minutes. Is Pinkie pulling a prank on me? She said to herself.

It was then she realized that she followed the sounds to the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Oh you gotta be kidding me…” Syera said to herself as she looked at the entrance to the forest. However those same crackling noises were still being heard by her, she wanted to ignore them but she decided. “Dammit… Fine I’ll play along, and once I find you I’ll give you something good.” Syera said cracking her knuckles as she entered the forest. Maybe I should go see Zecora… Nah I’ll leave her be, maybe on the way back as soon as I figure out what these noises and weird phenomenon is.

As Syera went deeper into the forest, she then felt her stomach growl. “Mmpf… I really should've eaten before coming in here. I swear to Luna herself this better be worth it.” Syera cursed a little as she grumbled since her belly was growling. Eventually she came out of the other side of the thick it and came across a clearing. “Wait what? Here, I haven’t been here since… No…” Syera said in worry as she approached the old castle of the Two Sisters. She’s never really seen the place during the daylight, or at least she has just not this close.

As Syera approached the castle. Upon entry in the main hall then exploring the main and secondary chambers of the place, she had flashbacks to when she and Twilight along with the others were here the first time.

It was the first time she became a Super Saiyan. That power was still very new when fighting Nightmare Moon. Barely having control over it while Twilight was trying to figure out how the elements worked as they found them. Though her Super Saiyan powers were not enough to take care of the evil dark tyrant. And when Nightmare Moon crushed the stones of the elements, it seemed all was lost.

However, when they heard the calling voices of their friends. It was at that moment they found out how they actually worked, The strength of their friendship and the magic within called forth the power need to vanquish the illuming threat, making the Mare in the Moon no more.

“This room….the throne room. This was it” Syera stood before the old royal throne. She couldn’t believe the time gap from when it all happened, she placed a hand on the floor as she kneeled down, still feeling the residue of the power they unleashed, it was like nothing she ever experienced before. “2 years… that’s how long it's been, I can’t believe it.” As the Saiyan then stood up before the throne, reminiscing her memories and trying to put it all together to lead up to now. “Heh, we’ve been through so much… But I can’t wait for even more.” She crossed her arms just smiling and enjoyed the moment.

However all of a sudden it appeared to her to get very, very pitch dark all of a sudden. “Huh? Wait...what’s going on? Did Celestia turn off the sun early or… Am I just seeing things?” Syera looked around, but all of a sudden it was night time for some reason.

“Oh gosh… Am I dying of hunger…” Syera heard her stomach growl as she heard that but then she heard a bit of a laugh.

“Oh… Is the little Saiyan hungry and can’t focus correctly? I should expect nothing less from such a primitive race.” A familiar voice spoke in front of Syera, the saiyan’s focus then shifted from above to in front of her and she saw…

“What?! You…!? There’s no way we defeated you! Well I can say, you look… different from the last time I saw you” Syera pointed over to the Mare that stood before her, or at least it was since she was a Shadow with two eyes, that almost seemed to be piercing her soul.

“Well… As you can see, once I was defeated by you and the elements and separated from Princess Luna… I have been reduced to this…” The shadow explained.

“Well, then I should have no problem finishing you off?” Syera then pointed her hand at the shadow figure of what was left of the Mare in the Moon. She fired one good Ki blast, however she missed since the tyrant’s shadow disappeared. “What the… Nrg… My aim is really off. Where did she go?” Syera said in anger, she then fired up to Super Saiyan. However once she did, that is when the shadow attacked.

“Yes! that is it, give me your energy!” The shadow of Nightmare Moon then latched itself onto Syera. The Saiyan struggled to get free from the shadow’s grasp.

“Nrh… let me go! Or you’ll be sorry.” Syera screeched as she screamed a little and flared her golden aura, however it didn’t get rid of the grasp of the evil mare. This caused an evil laugh from Nightmare Moon.

“Ahahaha! I got you this time… And I am not letting go till you are drained you little monkey…” Nightmare Moon laughed and then forced her way into the Saiyan’s body the most painful way possible, Right down her throat.

“Aghhh!!!!!” Syera was left stunned, her arms out to her sides as she felt what was left of Nightmare Moon enter her body. Once the shadow fully went into the Saiyan’s body, the sudden shock caused her to pass out cold onto the foot of the throne’s chair.