• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


Twenty thousand years into Twilight Sparkle's rule, the burden of the countless trillions of ponies killed Equestria. Depleted, polluted, and dead, the planet was abandoned. The Goddess Twilight Sparkle and her alicorn compatriots led the surviving ponies to a new life among the stars.

Ponies advanced. They evolved, and grew. A golden age of peace and prosperity occurred that lasted for thousands of millennia.

But that was long ago. Before evolution turned against them, and before the deadly Mortality Virus raged through their ranks. Now, at the twilight of ponykind, their final hope is for a small crew to return to their long-dead and long-forgotten homeworld one last time.

Chapters (38)
Comments ( 139 )

Wow, this is a long story to release all at once.

Yes, I am afraid that I have not yet figured out how to post them in portions. The instructions are not self-evident, and I am also a stunod.

Well, I lost all sleep last night. Found this at 11.13 pm and ended up going to bed at 4.00am. Couldn't stop reading once I started.

I'm at 6th chapter, and, well... wow. That is the only thing I can say. Just wow.

What was the inspiration for this world?

Why, Twilight, why? Maybe The Map was showing what you needed, althought that maybe wasn't waht you wanted?

Okay, just read it all. Wow, just... wow. That world building is amazing. Just the whole story is amazing, to the last I didn't know what to execpt.
And I'm sad that this story is so low ranked, or not exatly radked even. :(

Thank you for your kind words. I am greatly pleased that you liked it.

The inspiration for this, actually, came from a single premise that occurred to me while wandering the Atlanta airport between flights. The rest is just a thought experiment about how Equestrian life and society might have evolved after so long.

As for the rating, it is not unusual. In my experience, it is very challenging to "break into" this site's mainstream. I'm still working on fine-tuning my writing to best fit audience demand.

Great story! I enjoyed it a lot, I really hope more people can find this story and enjoy it too.

I won't lie, but I didn't think this was going to be good. But I was proven wrong. This story is different from the norm and a hell of lot more original than all the stories I've read over the years here on this site.

Welp, after a random blind search for long fics, this just consumed the remainder of my day. Fantastic worldbuilding, interesting plot, and I love the humor—especially barely-holding-it-together Pinkie Pie. :pinkiecrazy:

Shame this has been mostly overlooked. I've recommended it around a bit. :twilightsmile:

FYI: Each chapter can be published individually before the Story is sent to be opened. If a fic isn't "published" to the story, there will be a red dot next to it, and people won't see it until you publish it

I do not understand how to publish one piece of it at a time. I know that the "submit" button does the whole thing, but how to publish subsequent pieces eludes me.

>Open new chapter.
>Copy or type words for the chapter.
>At the bottom of the chapter, there is a green button that says "Save chapter." Click on this.
>On the top of the page there is a button that says "Publish". Do not click on this.
>If you return to the main story page, there should be a red dot next to the chapter. This means that when the story is submitted, that chapter will not be seen.

Reply if you have any further questions.

Is it possible to have a visible story and add chapters later on, as I write them?

As long as you only "Save" but don't "Publish".

Thank you for your help. I'll have to give it a try. I have a new story that's almost done that I can test it on.

Damn it, because of this story I started to like Starlight Glimmer...
Still, I readed it for the fifth time now. :)
And if anypony is about to live through some End Worlds, it can be only Starlight...

Loved the story. I will recommend it to my friends.

I do not remember who I was. I am not like Xyuka, my body did not accept the modifications as hers did.

Sounds familiar

Trust no pony- what a fall from the Princess of Friendship

Imagine Light Gloom with Darth Vader's voice.

Well, that was interesting. So have some end credits music.

I have to say, I love the tone and style of this story already. It's very rare that a story is able to hook you almost immediately, but this has done it beautifully. Really excited to see where this goes.

Just finished. This was incredible and a hell of journey. Thank you so much for writing.

“I’m Mary Poppins!” she cried

Haha, this one gave me a good laugh.

Really liking what I'm reading thus far; you certainly have a talent for these alien descriptions.

The water that Rainbow drank is what's making her sick, isn't it? And I'm guessing whatever is happening is related to those machine creatures that they've been meeting.

This story is criminally underviewed. From an amazing premise to excellent execution for worldbuilding, characterization, pacing and atmosphere, I couldn’t help but read the entire story in one sitting. I especially want to applaud the way you wrote Equestria into this dangerous and alien world, complete with strange and horrifying lifeforms--it really makes me want to know more about the sorts of things that ponies did prior to the Exodus (and all about what Starlight accomplished when she was sent into the future).

Awesome story, all in all. Just one question: is there a specific meaning behind the characters that sometimes show up at the end of some of the chapters? For example, in chapter one:


Nice work!
And I definitely agree with Sypher.
As soon as I head her "thanks" that was all I needed.

That was incredible, amazing writing skills.
I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Looking forward to your next magnum opius.

“See?” said Silken, smiling and pointing. “Invertebrates!” She paused. “Also, I recommend against getting near any of those.”

“Snakes. That was a snake.”

So what is it now? Is it an invertebrate or a snake? It can only be one of those.

Very interesting story so far. This planet sure has some surprises left.

Well, imo it was Invertebrates which looked like snake, in very general form? :)

Excellent story. A few little things here and there but nothing too immersion breaking. Pacing was for the most part good. The exposition was well done, how it happened mostly organically and not huge massive walls of text like some do. The twists were really well foreshadowed in most cases, too, so they didn't feel too contrived.

The only thing that I feel was too much was all the sex jokes from pinky. Like, one or two would have been good but it felt like that was all she did.

All in all, excellent storytelling.

Absolutely awesome story, and wow, that ending that was really unexpected.

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Read this in one sitting.

Wow. In a breath, the world you built was... Desolately exotic. Didn't know a universe could feel so painfully empty yet so rich.

It was an interesting meeting of many dichotomous things actually—ancient methods and modern technology, faith and science... almost half a million years worth of lonely nihilism vs the main tenet of the show. It gave the whole body of writing an element of tension even when the moving parts were at rest. I was never bored and never skimmed.

I think... I will probably always remember the imagery of the ruins and the giant apple trees, the realization of the beauty of the shoggoths during the fight, and Rarity being drawn to the baby windigo. I usually don't comment, but I think when any author can make that kind of persistent imagery, they should know, so...

Thanks for writing. Putting such a tremendous piece of yourself into the void is difficult. You did, and it was worth it. At least to me.

I hope to read more from you.

Fucken robots.... having childhood pets and questionably high organic ratings and shit

Hey i finished it. Thanks again for shoving it in my face

290° of what? I can't help but to think that they are using a Kelvin scale, otherwise their insistence that the planet supports pony life would be absurd.

The ending is a bit anticlimactic, as in not what I expected with a Bitchlestia subplot resolved so quickly, whatever I guess.

I feel like the ship's crew may be a bit worried.

.... what

also, Luna, ouch.

seems like someone did dig up something dangerous.

This is an incredible story, thank you for sharing it! I love the way things have altered and changed, and the building up to each step of the evolutions

Well, that explains how Silken walks so daintily.

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