• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
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Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


Shortly into starting her well-earned retirement, Celestia begins to develop unusual symptoms. Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie investigate, only to find that the Princess is dying.

And it is not the first time.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 101 )

Oh this should be a riot. Just a few questions. Since this is post God Empress Twilight, why is she still caling Celestia princess? Or is it just a really bad habbit she hasn't grown out of yet?

And I assume they went to Ponyville because Canterlot doesn't have what Twilight and Starlight needed? Otherwise, much of this doesn't make a lot of sense.

Love the story anyway.

Oh, a new story! Glad to see you are still writing.

Good first chapter, looking forward to the next.

Your stories have been a delight to read so I'm looking forward to this newest one.

Seems like a peculiar case of Alzheimer's, alicorn specific. Really nasty to see Celestia go through that during her favorite stomping grounds.

Heh, Trixie's already a riot. Others may find her annoying but I'm all for the little blue devil tagging along.

Ah, the table of ancient plot devices. Very smart of Twilight to keep them all in one place where nothing bad could ever happen to them.

Till next time!

Yay, new story!

I’m a convicted horse-thief in twelve provinces.


a disturbing scarlet mask on a manikin head

Oh hi there. This all seems perfectly safe.

“A very dangerous artifact. A fragment of a very particular crystal.”

“Why do you have it?”

“Because we needed it.”

Oh well that's okay then. What could possibly go wrong? :trollestia:

Looking forward to this tale of greasy, hairless god-horses.

I'm really curious how this goes.


Twilight's reign is off to a good start I see.

“And Trixie is...here.

About all one can ever say about her

Trixie produced a mostly spherical root, held aloft in her magic by its leaves. Then, before anypony could stop her, she began to repeatedly smack Celestia across the face with it.

The power of Chris compels you!

“What?” said Trixie, flicking the tail of the vegetable across Celestia’s nose. “Whenever I got sick as a filly, my father used to beet me all the time! Trust Trixie, this works!”


“Oh please, it’s not the first time Trixie’s been hung. I’m a convicted horse-thief in twelve provinces. They haven’t been able to beat the candy out of me yet. Except that one time.”

So, Trixie part-times as a piñata?

"And communism doesn't work so great," added Starlight. "Trust me. Been there, done that."

At least Starlight didn't use Russian communism

“We do not boop the princess!” exclaimed Starlight. “No matter how much we want to!”

Good thing she's not a princess anymore ;)

Loving this already. And the epic saga (presumably) has only just begun.

I really like this. Considering the summary I would imagine she doesnt stay dead?

Im am hoping im wrong. Otherwise even with my personal dream of drama drama drama. And very sad Luna with her vegetable garden. The whole thing was well done.

What struck me as serious as all this is. With all this foreshadowing. I hope you address Trixies childhood and her horse thievery?

It would add to the narrative consistence. Since we already at the level of Celestia is....probably going to die?

Its played straight. Even if they are played for laughes it would be rather complex and dare I say moving scene if some of these backstorys were address.

Imagine a infermed Celestia with little memory. Comforts a distraught Trixie? Or the like?

It rings powerful to me.

Thank you for the gift of your story!

Have a kind day!

Oh this is gold! I wasn't really expecting to laugh so much given the summary but I am very delighted that I was! I've been dying (pun partially intended) for another great dark comedy fic after I read The Many Resurrections of Twilight Sparkle. Though I'm getting potential Rainbow Dash Reanimater vibes depending on where this fic goes :rainbowwild:. Needless to say, I'm very excited to read the next chapter (whenever that may be).

Note: Comparisons made were intended to compare levels of dark humor rather than implying I think there's going to be necromancy. Though at this point, who knows? One can't really rule it out as a potential avenue.

Darn, so many feelings! I was like everyone is creepy and just a little off.

Was going to say that everyone is infected or, Their was a larger problem, But?

It was or could have been a dream? With Celestia Mad?

It makes me question the last chapter even more?

It makes one curious about? How she could die multiple times?

Is Twilight intolerant of dairy?

Is Starlight secretly Twilight?

If this isnt a dream? Hells yes consquences! Cause if she did or didnt did Twilight just confess to Celestia?

Basically you have me hooked and as much as I want Celestia to actually die due to tension and consquences.

You spelled such a beautiful and a haunting if slightly off story that just. Ugh! So good!

Amazing! Thank you for this gift of story!

Have a kind day!

Ps. She is dying and her power? Or glory spreads out covering the other worlds ajacent to hers. Driving her mad. The other worlds that over lap. And leak into her dying body?

Wait. She is dying many times...that means in the context of multiple worlds. She Celestia has died multiple times and is dying now or otherwise...hmmm.

I hope that if If she does live their are really consquences. Because the often enough trope of Immortals just moving on well swell and all.

Always struck me as taking AWAY from a story. Then adding to it. Just because they may or may not die does not mean they cant be feel and be wounded. Changed even.

Heck you could even have her as empy vessel or mad, comatose with her technicality.....


Then its Luna with her vegtable garden and...well, I wont make that joke.

I'm not even sure if any of this chapter actually happened, or is Celestia dreaming this.

The whole comedy with disturbing undertones vibe really put me in Celestia's headspace here. And then the last bit happened. Hoo boy. How much of this will remain up for interpretation, I wonder?

...I should have known better than to think this would be a fairly tame story. Of course it's gonna get weird!

(Not a complaint by any measure; the weirdness is what makes your writing so interesting.)

“But for the time being,” said Luna, “I will be staying in the castle with you. So that our friends can do their tests and create a cure.”

I love this story and this damn! Yes cure aging a dementia! What of the "Little Ponys, hmm?"

Thank you Luna for caring the mortals that just die to quickly. Oh, sister has lived for 1500 years?

For everyone moment you make me roll my eyes. You bring equally tears.

Comment posted by BleuBlooms deleted Dec 20th, 2020

“Twilight, I’m over a thousand years old.” Celestia patted her head. “To be honest...I have been considering that this day would come eventually. I just didn’t think it would be so...soon.” She paused, then chuckled, humorlessly. “Look at me… ‘soon’. After fifteen pony lifetimes, and I’m still not ready.” She shook her head. “But that doesn’t matter. Luna—”

1000 seems quite young for an "immortal". That might make (very) long term space exploration tricky.

“LUNA! Oh no, I've booped you too hard!”

Quite an understatement

A third pony sauntered into the room. Trixie, who was chewing on something very crunchy, swallowed and then shivered. “Ugh. The Great and Powerful Trixie HATES spiders. Stupid spiders. Such tiny brains and so many legs.” She shuddered, then looked up at the room looking at her. “What? Did I miss something?”

I really hope she wasn't doing what's implied here

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows nothing at all! Her ignorance is exquisite and utterly perfect!”

Is Celestia still dreaming here?

Well, now. It seems we've got some fourth wall breaking on our hands. Celestia is forgetting everything she experienced outside the events of the show. All the other stuff seems to be referencing Four Yellow, assuming I'm not mixing up your lore again. I binge-read most of your backlog, so many of the little details didn't stick.

She trotted off, and Luna watched her go—along with Twilight, standing beside her, dressed in black and watching in silence.

“То не иесть добрей,” she said, slowly.

“No,” replied Luna. “It is most certainly not.”

Is this intended?

Also, did Twilight just stood there the entire time, unnoticed by Celestia?

Celestia's answers to the first few questions are so sweet and all of her answers fit her perfectly.

This is haunting your really working up to this idea of clones? Or something darker. Damb I want a simple tragedy. And your giving something evocative horrifying haunting even more then her just dieing. Tragedically is was she real?

It reminds of that fanfic where Diamon. Tiara rips her a new and its beautiful in some many ways because it plays the idea. That Celestia isnt real because wouldnt anyone normal go insane?

Because after all no matter how extraundary she was . She must of been young, suprised even by her immortality and what a tragedy that would be?

Even, so who would be you comfort in the sea faces? And what of impulised bad or good?

Wait a generation erase the historys and keep out hose everyponys after all?

Strange is it not? Other creatures exist and yet spike is their and he is not a pony?

Is there actually any kind of coherent story here? At all? I'm trying my best to follow because the premise spelled out in the story description is intriguing, but the story so far makes less sense than the average youtubepoop compilation.

“Not technically, I’m retired.” Celestia put the book back on the shelf and followed Twilight to the door. “And my legs and wings are twice the size of you. Of course I can run and fly. I additionally would have won a horn measuring contest, it’s a matter of age. I’m sure you’ll grow eventually too. Hopefully. But yes. I am hungry. An omelette would sure be nice. Then maybe I can read a little before bed.”

This is great and ounce again. Very Very dark.

I just love your Celestia. For real though. High treason for calling the god queen fat or even big?

Not that I would do so but? It was is it is.

But, was it last chapter? I easily forget. Twilight and gang were shocked shocked that she would kill for her sister.

So the question remains? What is high treason punishment? It reads off.

Which is why this ounce again is great. I love multiple levels of hypocrisy and creepiness it makes everything very real. And with how cutting her illness is.

It just sings and makes Celestia the real one...for saying the truth for obvious and not so lies.

Everything is horrifying. Is Celestia now becoming aware how she doesnt face consquences. Even when ill?

Or is this something much much darker.

I think Celestias right. Dont you.

Ps. I can you be upset at death of another. Yet, when harm could have been done. Now one is upset.

Its like the idea of actually thinking about someone dieing in cold blood is more upsetting then someone actually being murdered.

There is supposed to be a coherent story. It is clear, but from the ending, not the beginning.

My current guess is that everyone, except for Celestia and Trixie, is a changeling. What that means for the direction of the story, I'm not sure... that will depend on the length of the story, I think.

“You’d be surprised. I think I might even have a copy of the Ponynomicon around here somewhere. It’s bound in genuine pleather, the most illegal fabric.”

Not satin anymore? Also curious how plastic leather is more taboo than leather from animal hides given cows can talk in Equestria. That must be one hell of a leather lobby.

Also the last part. :rainbowderp:

Celestia paused, wondering why she was so annoyed—and realized she hated the light of the sun. It was jarring and unpleasant, an intense glare that hurt her eyes.

And that is how she became Night Celestia, co-ruler of the night.

Hmmm, so this isnt real? Or rather its happiness and the Image of happy land is false. The element bearers are especially so because they are related to harmony. Which is a keeper of all this. Honestly this could be anything and make sense.

Is she a android
A alien sent to guide? Is her sister her sister? And if not who is she? If she isnt her sister then that makes her presence in her dreams suspect?

I can't tell if Celestia is getting better or worse and that's probably the most frightening thing about this.

The matrix lives! In more ways than one. This is pretty fun.

That battle was quite interesting. It definitely felt different than other fights I read that takes place in the matrix

Ok, amazing and loved the reveal is excellent but not twilight twilight saying that they dont kill?

I mean she literally a fanatic trying to kill you? What happens when she kills you and your friends? Youll be too dead to protect the princess.

Further, you do know you might have murdered sombra?

What a bombshell event this chapter was! Much to unpack, I may reread this.

Wait, so...whuuuh?! What???

Wait. Genesis?! Is this fic in the fucking Elrodverse?!

...lit. :pinkiehappy:

Don't call the princess 'Shirley'!


moored outside of Neo-Hoboken

Oh no, Jersey. We're doomed! :raritydespair:

Hmm...none of their explanation touches on why Lucience called her an 'abomination'. :trixieshiftright:

“In our world...the real world…there’s not just one Twilight Sparkle. It’s more like a surname. There are millions of us. My name is Virginia Twilight Sparkle.”

Simulations are amazing.

Oh wow, I was way off in the best way. This seems to be set in the same universe as The Murder of Elrod Jameson! Now I'm really excited to see where this goes. Who was this particular Celestia, and why is she so important? The original leader of the revolution, perhaps? (Assuming I recall correctly.)


I took that as like, a combination of "pony" and "leather", "pleather", pony skin. Twilight has a book bound in pony skin. Even that wasn't the intention it seems like just the right kind of dark, messed up thing this story's Twilight would have lying around Actually maybe even canon Twilight, she's certainly not above bending morality in the name of book collecting.


“But you are not a cow.”

Yelizaveta shook her head. “No. It is a city in Belarus.”


Is this in anyway a sequel to “The Murder of Elrod Jameson?” I’m getting the same vibe as the other story.

Is it wrong that I like this version of Celestia, more then Canon version?

This version of Trixie is both hilarious and tragic.

Trixie’s smile became much more sincere. “Yes. I was found and decanted, and raised by wild Trixies.”

This fic hasn't stopped amazing me.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, you're implying that alicorns are long-lived, not immortal and Celestia is experiencing the early stages of dementia.

So this is that same world as your other story. Is Morgana still alive?

This story is supposed to take place 20-40 years prior to the other

“I’m not Twilight. I’m just a Twilight.”

When everyone decides to use the same character in a MMO.

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