• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,581 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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28 - All Good Things

Quarter took a half-step right. "By the gods above, you're not wrong." She huffed a soft sigh. "I need to think about this extra hard. Alright, I have a mount. I'll find a perfect liege... One step at a time." She walked her fingers up against one another. "I'll do this."

Duck leaned in, his snout near her ear. "I know a princess."

Quarter's eyes widened and she turned to Duck. "Where?!"

Duck pointed vaguely. "Back where we came from and where we're going, and she likes having people that follow her orders, and she's super nice too! Quack." He pointed a hoof at Octavia and her friends. "She's the one that sent us here to get them fixed."

"She's already a liege!" Quarter clapped her small hands with rising joy. "Of a prosperous town no less, full of fey. You know gnomes are fey right? I mean, sorta, halfies? Close enough! It's just another reason for me to love my wonderful steed." She hugged Duck tight around the neck, an expression he eagerly accepted and returned with loud quacks.

Shiela gestured towards the door. "With dinner served and savored, we should retire. Our visitors have healing to be done in the morrow, then you will all be on your way."

Vinyl flipped her headset around on her head. "Nothing doing. This may be our last night here, and we don't say goodbye to friends without seeing it out properly." Music emerged, thick and throbbing from her ears as she reared up onto her legs. "Good thing I'm here to set the mood."

Octavia smirked faintly even as she reached for her previously abandoned case hanging from No Name. She soon joined Vinyl's song with her more melodic overtures. Not to be outdone, Duck soon joined in, turning it into a three pony band, making music as the ponies seemed driven to do when given the opportunity.

Sleep did not come easily to the inhuman house that night. As it turned, Shiela had a stash of spirits she saved for just such rare occasion, and they passed a bottle around in a communal toast as best they could, with no real cups to go between them.

The next morning saw them tired, but not entirely displeased with their decision. It was not long after dawn that a village resident arrived. It wasn't someone Octavia or Vinyl knew, but he gestured to be followed and they did so. Octavia, Vinyl, and No Name plodded along with Bullette restored to her rightful place atop her own prized steed.

They went to the shaman's house. The villager knocked once, then retreated without another word. "Is that you?" came her voice from within. "Come, quieter of shouts."

Octavia pointed at herself. "Are you referring to me? I've brought my friends, including the one that is too large to fit through this door. How would you like us to proceed?"

There was some soft grumbling heard through the door and the faint rustles of movement. "I've done enough moving for one life-time," she mumbled from behind the door.

Vinyl waved at the door as it opened with her magic. "We can lend..." She trailed off, seeing an unclothed human for the first time. "Oh, uh..."

"You can close it now," barked the old woman, grunting. "Damnable fey with no sense of space." She grabbed a stick that leaned against the wall and used it to swat the door shut. "Give a lady a moment..." The sounds of her shuffling resumed.

Octavia lowered the fetlock she had set over her own eyes. "Vinyl, really... That's no way to treat an honored elder."

"I was trying to help!" she cried in defense. "You saw me!" She turned to No Name for backup.

"Ain't touchin' that." He shook his head resolutely.

Bullette tilted her head faintly. "Humans are sensitive to light. This is why they wear clothing." She seemed satisfied with her explanation, nodding to herself.

Octavia cleared her throat. "Be that as it may, we will wait for her patiently."

It took another agonizing five minutes before the door moved without Vinyl's magic being involved. A wrinkled hand came into view next, clutching to to the same stick that served as a walking cane. Cradled under her other arm was the jar of diamond dust. She wore a leather outfit with bits of cloth and bits of metal sewn together where holes had formed. "Here I..."

She trailed off, looking up at the massive form of No Name. "They make ponies in all sizes.. and shapes." Her eyes darted, following the flicking motion of one of his snakes. She looked on to the mechanical passenger. "Mmm... There is blood there, but it is faint, hmm, where..." She set the jar down. "Where do you trace your lineage?"

"I am a perfectly standard filly," she reported with an upbeat beat to her voice. "Nice to meet you. I am Bullette Belle."

The shaman frowned at her. "You may hide your name, but I will not tolerate denials of the blood." She raised a freed hand, shivering in the air as she clenched it. "The blood... mmm... Should I say sap? Yes... The steelhearts. Their blood runs in you, not that of ponykind."

Bullette shrank back, going deathly quiet. No Name raised a hoof. "We're not here for her. She's a perfectly healthy little filly. It's me that needs your touch, and if you have it after me, her." He waved over at Octavia.

"You may hide from yourself, if you wish. But not from me." She grumbled as she worked at the lid of her jar, just as firmly stuck as the day before.

Vinyl's magic glowed around the jar as she popped it free in a jiff. "Ta da! I knew I could help. Sorry, about that before."

"We shall consider it even." She smiled thinly as she reached inside and fetched a handful of the dust. "Now, come closer, large pony. Come and forgive me."

He took a lumbering step closer, eyeing her oddly. "What am I forgivin'? Callin' out little Belle? Sure, if you promise you ain't doin' that again."

She cast a glance towards Octavia before matching eyes with him. "Humanity did many wrongs to the fey, to ponies. That is a matter still not put to rest."

He perked an ear. "Ain't your problem."

She smiled crookedly at that. "Oh, would that it were not. Forgive me, and humanity. Do you? Can you? It was in part our fault the world is in its sorry state. Not in whole, but an undeniable part was played, unforgivable..."

Bullette leaned forward. "It was a bad time," she said in a downturning tune. "But we're getting better," she rebounded into high notes. "You are being good and helping ponies."

No Name nodded in agreement. "Yeah, if you can give Turves a discount, that'd be nice, but it's still not your fault. Shoot... I don't blame any human that's still breathin' for none of that. None of the ponies neither. We're just alive." He reached a hoof up for her shoulder, "You're alright. Keep on, you know, helpin' people. All I can ask."

Breeze was still and quiet before slowly sinking as if her strength just wasn't quite up to the task. She released the dust back into the container and let out a tired sigh. "How?"

No Name tilted his head. "How... what?"

Octavia waved at him. "As I said, the mistakes of our past don't need to be dwelt on in the moment when there are better things to be done."

"Not that." Breeze looked up at No Name, a line of tears running from her left eye. "The screams have quieted... A whisper, a sweet whisper. You... Who are you that your word could carry such weight with them? Are you an ancestor of these spirits?" She frowned, trying to rise once more. "No, no... that is not..."

She got up to her feet and pointed down. "Lay down where I can reach you. We will begin."

He blinked at that, sinking. "Jus' like that?"

"There is work to be done." She grabbed a fresh handful of glittering dust. "Tell me, strange pony... How old are you?"

"Old enough." No Name huffed softly, a few snakes giving a soft hiss.

"Did you watch the world break?" She began to paint him with the dust, not yet singing the spell. "Did you survive the fire, weather the cold? Did you ride lightning and survive the quiet times? Have you seen all that we can do, the good and bad? Have you seen it all?"

Bullette raised a hoof that unfolded as she did so, allowing a flamethrower to emerge smoothly. "Danger level: Yellow. Permission to engage?" She was looking directly at Breeze, her back-mounted gun starting to unfold.

Vinyl threw herself in the way. "Woah! Easy there!"

"I would perhaps deserve it." She circled around him, ignorant or uncaring of the threat Belle presented. "He saw it, he was there. He is one of the few that could offer true absolution." She quirked a little smile. "You've earned yourself a discount. I will badger that damn fool Randal until it is done. Now, I sing." She began her spell properly, still painting with the dust.

Bullette kept the flamethrower trained on Ole Breeze, but she survived her casting without being incinerated. With the final cry, No Name took a sudden deep breath with lungs that stopped aching sorely in his chest.

"Once more." She returned to her jar to fetch another batch of dust. "Soon you will all be put to right, just as I am, for the few years I have left in me. A kindness for a kindness, though there will be a price to pay. Kindness is without measure..." She held up the dust. "Diamonds, however, do not share that quality."

No Name looked up over his shoulder. "You can put that away."

"Danger Level: Yellow," she said in a whiny electronic beat. "I do not like her."

"Yeah yeah, we can't kill everyone we don't like." He nodded to Ole Breeze. "She ain't all that bad, just ain't got room for no shit."

"Damn right," Breeze agreed, starting the ritual anew and bidding the lethargy in his limbs be removed. Bullette slowly returned to her non-combat form, flopping on top of No Name and allowing her to do her work without being roasted to a crisp.

When he was put to right, she turned her gaze to Octavia. "You were the first to come bearing the most ill, and wait to be the last. Did you not tell him on purpose? I feel this is so... It would have cheapened it, had he been told to do so instead of deciding on his own." She dabbed Octavia's nose with some dust. "Let us begin."

Octavia stood still, but that did not stop her from speaking, "I am quite glad that worked out. I must confess, it was in part out of respect for your privacy." She did not expect a reply, not yet. Each casting took quite some time, but she could be heard. "Thank you, again. We are quite thankful, even little Belle up there."

"Do not speak for me!"

"You'd rather your friend's chest hurt for the rest of his days." She arched a fine brow up at Belle. "I think he would disagree with the notion."

Belle crossed her hooves, grumbling petulantly.

With a slap of her side, the spell was done and she coughed up the last of the hurt within her lungs. "O-oh, yes. That is much better." She danced from leg to leg. "Can you tell if I even need the second one? I don't feel lethargic."

She reached and ran a wrinkled hand over Octavia's sides, then along her undercarriage. "Mmm... There is a touch, but only a touch... If you are satisfied, that will be that much less dust to use."

"Compared to that chest pain, this is nothing." She raised each leg in turn. "I have already played my instrument without impediment. I feel if we can avoid using rare resources for my comfort, that would be good."

"Then we are done." She returned to her container to find it was already closed and sealed. She glanced over at a grinning Vinyl. "Thank you." She had it under an arm and was moving as quickly as she could, which was not very fast, back into her home. "Tell that fool, Randal, to come visit. We have words to share, and arguments to echo across the plains, I imagine."

As one, the group departed back towards the inhuman house, with a brief stop to get the message moving towards Randal.

Randal rapped his knuckles against the door. "<Shaman, you have called me?>"

"<Come in. I'll not shout through the door, again.>"

He stepped inside and closed the door behind lightly. "<Are the traders tended to?>"

"<Five castings. Their life essence was not tainted.>" That was sufficient to explain how much had been used. "<However... They have repaid part of their debt.>

He scowled at that, images of what he would trade for fading. "<How, and how much, precisely? We must replace the dust that has been used, at the least.>"

"<Then do that, and no further. I will not require compensation for my time, and I sent no injured or ill man home because of it.>" She was seated on her blankets instead of buried in them, glaring at him with even eyes. "<They have given me back my last years to be my own. I owe them nothing but thanks.>"

"<What years they give you, they may be taking from another.>" He crossed his arms with a weary sigh. "<Damned be the entire lot. Very well, if that is your wish...>"

Though he had spoken properly, she could read him easily and the frustration he felt that he would be getting nothing but the dust that had been spent in return. "<If you feel anger, direct it towards me. This is my choice and my choice alone... I will not complain the next time you bring foreign soldiers, should you wish.>"

His frown eased a little. "<You... seem happier.>" He stood straight them, extending a hand. "<If you are rejoining us, as a part of the family, then maybe I am being foolish for not seeing the value in that. Welcome back, Spring Breeze.>"

Spring smiled gently, a gentle but true expression. "<It's been too long... Now, go and see our guests away. Tell them I wish them well.>"

He nodded towards her and left, without pulling the door violently. "<I will return.>"

The new party gathered at the edge of the town. Octavia and Vinyl stood next to one another. Duck had Dolan on his head and Quarter on his back. No Name towered with Belle, completing the group.

Across from them stood Randal. "(The trade is concluded. Present this to your pony queen.)" He held out a slip of paper with common words written on it. "(We will only need the dust used to be replaced. We require nothing further.)"

No Name perked an ear, knowing a sweet bargain was being offered. "(Mighty kind of ya.)" He dipped a head and snatched the paper in a snake's little mouth, another speaking despite it, "(Give a kind word to Breeze.)"

"(She wished to do the same for you. Travel well and truly. Avoid needing her attention again.)" He folded his arms, two fingers tapping lightly. "(Are you certain?)" He was looking at Quarter then. "(You are safe here.)"

"(I'm not safe anywhere.)" She waved a hand wildly. "(But I'll have more fun and do more things with him.)" She squeezed with her legs, making Duck happily quack. "(Better a life actually lived, I think.)"

He cracked a faint smile. "(Just as you leave, you speak a wise word. Go well, but do not return.)"

Vinyl waved lightly. "Next time, why not just try asking, damn man." She turned and started walking off, prompting the others to get to moving with her.

Octavia dipped her head lightly before scrambling after her friend.

Randal watched them go off into the wastes, heaving a soft sigh. He had other business to tend to, and he got to doing that.

Vinyl swerved towards the gnome. "Hey, why did you choose Duck?"

Quarter tilted her head. "You didn't have room for me, just like Octavia there. You have too much to do to be my mount, not that... I didn't try..." She put a hand behind her head a moment before shrugging. "Duck likes it." She squeezed with her legs, getting a fresh quack out of him.

No Name veered mildly towards Octavia. "Now that this is handled--"

"--We pay back Turves," she cut off.

"Don't you want to get your portal thing back?" he asked in a higher pitched voice. "I know you want to go home."

"I want to set things right." She glanced over at Vinyl. "Do you agree? Turves has been nothing but kind to us. We shouldn't leave them in a lurch, no matter how gracious they're feeling."

Vinyl cracked a wide smile. "There's my Octie, preach it sister!"

"That is neither a yes, nor a no..."

Vinyl rolled a hoof as she walked. "Yeah yeah. I'm with you, Octavia. We'll do what it takes to end this on the right side of things, instead of limping home with our tails firmly tucked away."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "What an unsightly mental image, but no, we will avoid just that. As Belle would say, this project 'steal the orb back' is delayed. The sheriff is a good pony, and we shouldn't leave her in a weaker position for our benefit."

"Sheriff?" Quarter looked over. "She works for the queen?"

No Name barked a laugh at that. "In a matter of speakin', yeah. She is the queen. Sheriff Queen Longshot, the pony in charge of Turves, an' damn fine at it."

"She did not eject us," reported Belle with a bright smile. "She is a good pony," she echoed in a musical song.

Duck blinked softly. "Why would she do that? You're an adorable little filly that needs more hugs and pastries, not to be kicked out of anywhere. Besides, you're super nice!" He bounced mid-step, causing Dolan and Quarter to bounce on top of him.

No Name shook his head, hi eyes forward once more. "We made some mistakes, happens. Sometimes, gets us kicked out, but not Turves... She yells and one time she hit me with a stick. She makes us fix our mistakes, but she hasn't kicked us out."

Quarter leaned forward a little against the back of Duck's head. "She sounds like someone I wouldn't be sorry to serve. Fair and even hand... hooved? Even hoofed. Is that a thing? It is now."

"It is now," echoed Duck, quacking with joy at his friend that liked to give hugs. "Oh, uh, once we get back, I have to bake some bread, oh, and do a radio show! They mighta thought I got hurt, and we don't want that. I have to tell all my fans that I am alright, and I am a mount now. And then they have to meet you."

Quarter leaned to the side a little, looking at Duck's face from behind at an angle. "Do you think they'll like me?"

"Nope!" Duck burst into giggles. "They'll be too busy loving you!"

The two continued with smiles. Dolan landed lightly on Octavia's head. "This will require some getting used to," groused the bird. "It's not that I don't enjoy Duck being happy, and his infatuation with her seems refreshingly harmless as these things go."

Octavia crossed her eyes mildly, looking up at the bird perched on her noggin. "If it helps, this is a struggle that Belle had to contend with recently. You could exchange notes on the matter?"

Dolan snorted softly. "I would rather speak with a fellow adult. It's not jealousy, just habit. I will develop new ones, I feel certain. This is... could be... a good thing, or a terrible thing." He tilted his head. "Do you suppose the queen will accept her?"

"I can think of few reasons she would not." Octavia glanced without turning her head at Duck prancing along. "She is well behaved for the most part, and pleasant to speak with. She likes ponies, and already has a friend, perhaps a few in town?"

"Just the one," retorted Dolan before he jerked up a little. "Oh, yes. I suppose at least two." He leaned forward, head turning all the way to look at Octavia upside-down. "This is not a jealousy thing. If she is not accepted by the queen as her 'vassal' or whatever else she has in mind, she will drag Duck out of town, into danger."

Octavia nodded gently, so slightly as to not throw off the bird. "Then it falls on us, responsible adults, to ensure she is accepted and put to good work within the town, so she has no reason to want to leave it. Then Duck remains safe and everyone is happy."

Dolan's head jerked back upright and he ruffled his feathers. "Yes! Yes. I knew you would understand. It's so nice having a pony that understands this, and isn't busy being... tested by Duck."


He wagged a wing aimlessly. "This is not the first group he has journeyed with. His... peculiarities can grind against some, especially when they try to be violent and he would rather any solution but that. It can be quite trying for him and them both."

Octavia frowned at that. "I should think one wouldn't wish a violent end."

"This can be a harsh world, and violence may not be the best answer, but it is one, and one people know how to deal with." Dolan tilted his head, quacking in a way only a true duck could. "I don't favor it, myself, but Duck absolutely hates it."

Vinyl suddenly burst into laughter. "Does she know that? Miss Knight over there has a pacifist for a mount? How's that gonna work out?"

"What are you talking about?" Quarter had heard them talking. "What's wrong with my magic mount slash friend? Nothing, that's what." She crossed her arms petulantly. "I won't have you slandering Duck."

"Yeah! No slandering!" agreed Duck with a little quack. "What is that?"

Vinyl shook her head firmly. "Hey, Quarter Inch, are you planning on slaying monsters and, you know, killing tons of people who upset your liege and stuff?"

Quarter blanched. "Why would I do that?"

Duck nodded in agreement. "Why would she do that?"


"Friendship." He raised a hoof and she slapped it from above in a show of consolidarity. They were united behind the force of friendship.

Dolan let out a slow breath. "Well, that's one worry down..."

Vinyl grinned brightly. "Twilight would love to meet the two of you, Pinkie too, come to think of it." She tapped at her chin. "Wonder how they're doing. I bet they'd fall apart if they had to come to a place like this. Could you imagine them?"

Octavia imagined Twilight with big thick glasses, clutching a book to her chest as a worm big enough to swallow her whole came barreling down on her. "That would not end well..." It was not a flattering image of Twilight, but she did not know Twilight well enough to form any other opinion of the bookish royalty.

Vinyl bumped against Octavia. "You wouldn't have thought you would end well, but you're doing it, Octie. We're gonna kick this entire place into line." She lashed a hoof out into the air for emphasis.

They completed their trip without being attacked by anything more fierce then a curious bit of wildlife. Turves would have to deal with the lot of them.

It didn't stand a chance.

Author's Note:

Back to home base (mk. 2)! That went well! Quack!

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