• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,585 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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40 - Returning Royalty

"Hey!" The bear guard they had met several times was the first to notice them. "You're... all? back?" His eyes were on Octavia, larger, winged, and horned. "What happened to her? Is it the crown she's wearing? Some kinda magic thing?"

Vinyl shrugged softly. "Sure yeah, just not the crown. I tried it, and no wings." She stuck out her tongue at the bear. "Were you hoping to become a pretty queen yourself?"

The guard blushed softly at that, laughing. "I don't have the hips for that. Still, welcome back."

"It's good to be back." Octavia inclined her head. "I apologize if my... absence caused issues."

He hiked a thumb into Turves. "Go see Longshot, she was totally out of it when you went missing."

Octavia tensed, thinking of when Longshot was warning her about the faithful. "I... suppose I should do that... Thank you."

Vinyl bumped into her, which wasn't as effective as it usually was with Octavia's gained height. "Want me to come with?"

"No, I should imagine that would only make it more awkward..." She looked towards No Name. "I will visit her, but we should move on as quickly as possible. How soon would that be?"

He lifted his shoulders. "Part of that depends on if Lunarquills is still in one piece, and what they found in the bunker."

Vinyl slowly blinked. "Wait, what bunker?"

"I didn't mention?" He shrugged ponderously. "I thought I had. It had been a while, but whatever. They went to the bunker we found, to get rich or die trying. Brave lunatics." He relaxed a little. Turves was good for that, a safe place, relatively. "Now, I hope you don't take this the wrong way or nothin', but I am walking you to the office."

Vinyl pumped a hoof. "Yeah! We lost you once already, no repeats on that."

Octavia smiled gently. "Very well, but I will proceed inside without you, dear friends. I trust you can have faith I will make it through the building to Longshot's desk."

"What would you have me do?" Crown circled around in front of Octavia, though his eyes kept darting to the other people. "Is this... where... Is this where you'll leave me?"

Octavia's jaw tensed, but she held back any noises. "We'll talk about that. For now... you should stay with everyone else." She tossed her head towards the others. "I think Longshot would... react poorly. She is a 'false' queen, like myself. Seeing you will only remind her of... bad times."

"Oh..." He rubbed a hoof behind his head softly. "I... Does she have a crown?"

Vinyl suddenly grinned. "Her crown isn't a crown."

"What is it then?" Crown's head tilted to the side, looking quite baffled.

"It's a big gold star." She pointed at her own chest. "She wears it right there. She's the sheriff, and queen, of the town."

Crown's nervousness abated. "Oh! I would like to shine that, if she let me. If you treated it like a crown, I bet it would shine nicely..."

"Affirmative," agreed Belle from atop No Name. "Perhaps you could earn friendship points?"

Octavia lifted an ear. "I will broach the subject, but I feel it would still be better if I were to mention you before she first saw you."

They proceeded as one to the sheriff's office, but Longshot was not inside. She was outside. As they came closer, they could hear her speaking with authority.

"Bandit activity's increased across the entire region. It's a matter of when, not if, they make a try at raiding our town, and we won't let them." A rough cheer of agreement rippled through the gathered guards. "It is extra important at times like these that we adhere to the policies that keep us safe. Always let at least two people know when you come on duty, or leave duty. Always have your radio close at hoof, or hand, and keep it on! I don't care if you're tired of two other guards arguing, we need to be in contact."

She fixed her eyes on two specific guards. "Speaking of that, stop arguing! You can do that off-duty, and off the radio! You two getting married soon or what?"

The two guards paled as others laughed.

Longshot's gaze shifted, spotting movement and with it, Octavia. "I... Dismissed." The crowd seemed confused, shuffling in place rather than dispersing. "Dismissed! Get back to work! The bandits won't wait while we're here gabbing, will they?!"

Her more impassioned order got results and they began to disperse away. Longshot approached Octavia directly, eyes darting across Octavia's form. "My... angel... they... My little angel..." She stopped herself, swallowing heavily.

Octavia hadn't said a thing, suddenly unsure of what exactly to start with.

"What is your name?" asked Longshot, drawing herself tall. "Tell me what you call yourself."

"I am Octavia," replied the new false queen with a little frown of determination. "Octavia Melody, and I am nopony's queen!"

Longshot smiled gently at that. "You say that, but you already rule over a few hearts... Are you alright?" Her eyes finally broke away from her to see the others there. "They found you?"

"Affirmative!" Belle bounced atop No Name. "Lost puppy retrieval is a success."

No Name softly huffed, but added no words.

Vinyl perked an ear at the sheriff and queen. "Yeah, about that, we got more than just Octie back."

"Oh? What else did you get?" Her eyes fell towards Vinyl's arm and the LAP resting on it. "I had heard of that, but you had that before you left. That is not what you refer to, is it?"

Octavia's horn glowed as she pulled free Crown Shine. The stallion had been cowering behind her, out of sight. "When I fled, a Faithful joined me. He is a good pony, and I wish to see that he is treated as one. He is a hard worker and used to following orders, so I don't think he will be trouble for you."

Longshot's eyes widened at the sight of the Faithful, taking a step back.

"She... is a queen," he quietly verified, looking her over. "There's her crown."

She raised a hoof over her star, a glare forming. "That's mine."

"Oh, uh, of course." He dipped his head towards her. "I'm Crown Shine, your ladyship. I shine crowns, or whatever else is asked of me, but I'm really good at shining crowns." He pointed at her star. "May I, please? I'll make it shine."

Longshot lowered an ear off to the side, the other actively pinning to her head in nervous agitation. "You are testing me, Angel... I want to strike him. I want to shoot him. I want to hurt him..." Crown was paling, looking ready to flee if not for the comforting grip of Octavia's magic. "I want to do terrible, awful things... but seeing you there, with that calm look. You're testing me. Will I be a monster under that gaze? You are giving me a terrible choice, to be good, or evil." She turned away with a loud huff. "Angel..."

No Name frowned softly, but did not argue with Longshot's spoken thoughts.

Octavia raised a hoof to her star-less chest. "All I ask is that you look at him as the pony he is, and not the ponies he came from. You would ask the same for yourself, would you not?"

"I suppose I did just that." She looked back to Octavia. "Sweet angel, forcing the filthy ponies of this filthy world to consider how foolish their thoughts are from the perspective of the celestial." She raised a leg, putting her fetlock over her eyes. "Testing me... I see they have not changed who you are." She set that hoof down on the clean-swept ground. "You, Crown Shine was it? What can you do, besides polish and clean?"

"I'm good at those." He bobbed his head softly. "I can tidy and organize and do chores. If you need something brought here or brought there, I can do that. I can take care of ponies, even confused ponies that need a lot of help, I'm used to that. I... helped Octavia. I was her attendant."

Longshot's jaw tightened hard. "Angel... You brought me the very pony that pushed you... And you demand I forgive him? You say you are not a queen, but your commands are terrible and vast. Your reach, pervasive and total... Angel, my sweet little Octavia... I will miss you dearly..." She sunk a little then. "Show me what you can do." With a softly glowing horn, her star came free and floated towards Crown.

He accepted it with due reverence and sat down on his haunches, starting to draw out his cleaning supplies. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Longshot quirked a little smile. "Damn it all... He'll call me exactly what I want to be called... He'll never forget to, I can tell. Why would he? It's..." She shook her head. "When are you leaving?"

"Me, Your Ladyship?"

"Not you, Crown, keep working. Octavia, Vinyl, you two are not made for this world. When are you leaving?"

Vinyl tossed her head towards Crown. "You aren't going to make him polish stuff forever as a job, I hope? You guys don't have nearly enough stuff that needs polishing, just sayin'."

"Of course not." Longshot rolled her eyes. "The doctor could use a nurse, and it sounds like he could fill in that role. A doctor's tools must be kept meticulously clean and organized, and he will have patients that need personal attention."

"Cleaning efficiency meets or exceeds requirements," noted Belle with a firm nod.

"See? I know these things." Longshot looked quite confident with a little smile. "Besides, the little guy could use a helper that has a bit of... stature. He'll never admit it, and I won't bring it up to him, but he'll enjoy having someone who can more easily reach the top shelf." She cleared her throat softly. "Now, to the question, when are they leaving? Tell me."

No Name glanced away and back. "Can I talk to you? Private like."

Longshot quirked a brow. "With or without your metal attachment?"

"Implication received." She bounced down to the ground. "I will accompany Octavia and Vinyl to the resting area and we will await your arrival." Belle saluted before starting to pronk away.

Octavia perked an ear towards Longshot. "If we do not leave immediately, I'll come by tomorrow morning to resume the lessons."

Longshot went rigid a moment. "I... would appreciate that." She turned away sharply. "This way." She led No Name into the office, away from the others.

"You realize she is so hard in love with you, I'm surprised she hasn't proposed." Vinyl had a bit of a lecherous grin on her face as she followed after Belle. "The way you act like it isn't there just makes it so much worse."

"That would never work out." Octavia shook her head softly. "We're leaving."

"And she isn't. You think she doesn't know that?" Vinyl rolled her eyes. "Girl, you are as sharp as a razor, until it comes down to pony's feelings. Hey, you coming?" She looked back to Crown, who was still cleaning the star to a perfect shine.

"I'm not done. I'll give it to Her Highness after I'm finished. Does she know where you live?"

"Affirmative," sang out Bullette, pausing in her fleeing a moment.

"Then I will ask her how to find you." He resumed his task of bringing that gold sheriff star to a loving brilliance.

Vinyl wrinkled her nose. "Or you could just follow the big guy; not like he'll go anywhere else. C'mon, let's go."

Longshot led No Name to her office. "I'm glad you made it back, though you seem even more sullen than usual. What's wrong?"

No Name kicked the door shut behind them. "They aren't going back."

Longshot arched a brow at that. "Of course they are. That's what you're going to do, is it not? Was that not your goal from basically the start?"

"They've seen too much." He sat down with a heavy thump and an equally heavy scowl. "They've gone native."

"Listen to yourself." She reached out a hoof and casually booped him right on the nose. "Octavia's friend, Vinyl, yes that was it. I feel certain she will forever cherish her visit to this world, even the terrifying parts. Even the parts that made her sad or hopeless. They will all become a part of a fantastic life she has led, and she will not regret even a moment of it."

"When she hears a sudden noise, she'll wonder if she's being shot at again, or a monster is going to eat her. She'll lose her friends. They won't understand it."

"You're describing yourself, and it's adorable in a fashion..." Longshot shook her head slowly. "She will tell her friends in meticulous detail what she's been through, and laugh the entire time. That is the pony that she is, and it is her strength. She will not be ruined by this."

He drove a hoof against the wood floor, denting it mildly where he hit. "You can't say that's true of Octavia. This isn't something she'll just 'laugh off', so don't even start with that!"

"No... No it isn't." She let out the air in her lungs in a slow shrinking. "She was dealt an unfair hand, one I am familiar with, but she is already... She is already stronger than I was... She is not a queen. Return her home. That angel does not belong here." Her fur started to bristle as she stepped towards No Name. "Error No Name, that angel does not belong here. If you stop that angel from flying home... I don't think I can ever forgive you... and that would make me very sad... Please, don't do that, to her, to me, or yourself..."

"Look..." He rose to his full height. "There's no way you can argue this part. We can't let no one get there. Ain't nobody in this entire world that should get to that heaven."

The smile that appeared was bitter, Longshot turning towards the window. "I know this... Heaven is for angels, to play their sweet songs, away from us impure mortals... I trust you will close that pearly gate, to keep the angels safe from us."

He had won that part of the argument. Why did he feel so bad? "Look, uh... it'll take a few days for us to get supplies for the next trip... I'll walk with her each day, but she'll get in a few more lessons."

"Thank you," she spoke in a small voice. "Her music will remain, at least... I will play it as best I can, but what am I, but a mortal pony." She smiled gently, sitting up. "See them home, please... And don't run away! I swear, you are beyond hopeless at times... You keep making problems that wouldn't be there if not for your insistence. Just... stop running."

"You know I can't do that."

"I know you won't do that..." She pointed to the door. "Good luck, and return safe, that is an order."

He moved a hoof towards the door, but hesitated, glancing between it and her. "Look... I..."

"Why must a queen do everything herself?" She suddenly advanced on him. He took a step back, but she was coming in far more quickly than he was retreating. She pressed her lips to his.

It was no magical moment. They didn't melt into each other, and the world didn't fade away. It was awkward, but she kissed him softly a moment before drawing back. "Obey me, just this once. Return them home, then you come back, safe and whole."

"I... never was whole." He started for the door.

"And you think I am? Stop fighting your own happiness, damn you!" It was with those words that he left her.

"Hey." Vinyl walked alongside Belle. "We should see if Lunar's alright."

Bullette pivoted almost mid-air, pronking in a new direction. "Affirmative. We should ensure the safety of our friends."

"That would be lovely," agreed Octavia with a nod. "I do hope he didn't get himself hurt chasing whatever was in that dreadful place."

They arrived at the gunsmithy to hear the soft sounds of sparks from within, as if someone was employing some kind of welder or blowtorch of some kind. Vinyl cantered for the door. "Sounds like our boy's home. Hey! Lunar! You in there?"

"(What is--) Oh!" He emerged, the sounds gone from inside. "Hey... uh..." His eyes went to Octavia, blinking softly. "Uh... Well crap... Do I need to start calling you--"

"--No!" Octavia raised a hoof quickly. "Octavia will do just fine, thank you."

"Good, good... So, hey, thanks." His eyes returned to Belle. "Your tip paid off. Duck almost got his stupid wings shot off, but we're back."

Belle clip-clopped her hooves eagerly. "Excellent! Did you find good things?"

"And bad things, and some stuff in the middle." He shrugged softly. "Sold some of it, working on some of it, and keeping some of it. You know how it goes right?"

"Affirmative! We wished to verify your safety and wellbeing. Mission complete!" Happy music played from within Bellee in a little jingle.

Vinyl nodded once. "Hay, just remembering, we're headed to this place called Trash Heap. You got something a little more... serious?" She lifted her gun in her magic and floated it towards Lunarquills, the barrel pointed downwards.

He casually reached past that gun, plucking the one that hung on Octavia free of her before grabbing the floating one. "Sure. I owe you both that much at least, and I got the parts to do it. We'll make these babies hum with the power to put bad people in their place, six feet under."

Octavia softly blinked. "I hadn't asked, but... thank you. We do need to be able to defend ourselves until we get home."

"Home? Huh, I'm already there. Now, if you'll excuse me." He withdrew into his workshop, the sounds of work resuming with soft muttered curses.

"Friendship responsibility: Complete. Shall we proceed to the specified meeting area?"

Vinyl's horn glowed as she adjusted the playing music in her headphones that only she could hear besides muffled thumps. "Shouldn't we stop by Duck and see how he and Quarter did on their first real adventure together?"

"Affirmative!" She began bouncing towards their fowl friend. "Scanning radio... station not found."

"He doesn't play his radio all day," admitted Octavia. "Though I though he left it in a loop of some sort when he wasn't there?"

"Affirmative." Belle nodded quickly. "Loop detected."

"But you just said the station was not found?"

"The station without Duck does not count," she countered.

"Can't argue that." Vinyl shrugged and bumped into Octavia from the side. "Think he'll even notice you changed?"

Octavia smiled gently at that. "Now that you make me think of it... there is a good chance he will not notice. Don't bring it up, and we'll see if he does on his own or not." She spread her wings wide and gave them a testing flap. "Does he know how to fly? I would... like to try these, if I have them."

With a glow, Vinyl drew one of the wings towards herself. "I really want a set of these bad boys. I'd be the full rock queen!"

"Don't let Crown Shine hear you go on about that." She yanked her wing out of the magic that held it. "Vinyl, I know I can scarcely do it properly, but I really must insist that you abandon that notion. The... process is both painful and uncomfortable, on a physical, emotional, and general mental level."

"It wasn't that bad." Vinyl cocked a brow under her goggles. "You look fine."

"I will take that as a compliment on my fortitude... Every time... I feel things, Vinyl. It calls, tempts... These wings." She spread them, catching in the light. "This horn." Her eyes crossed, looking up at them. "They want me to be a queen, to stand up and try to lead, or even just be admired for it. To protect, shelter, lead... All the things that make up a queen, they urge me. Any time... I don't want it, but it just feels right..."

Vinyl's happy expression dulled. "Look, if they're bothering you that much, why don't we... get rid of them?"

Octavia smirked softly. "I doubt the crude mutilation of my form would address the problem, since these are simple symptoms of the disease I've caught, not the disease itself." Her walking was abruptly brought to a halt. There was a Belle shaped roadblock in front of her that she had not been expecting and she tripped right over the metal filly, sprawling out in an ungainly mess.

Belle was quick to wriggle out from under Octavia and race to be in front of her again. "Are you unhappy?"

Octavia sat up, looking down at Bullette curiously. "That's a vast question, isn't it? I'm happy I got away from those zealots. I'm happy I'm back with my friends." She gestured a hoof at Vinyl, then Belle. "Those things make me happy. That doesn't negate that I am unhappy this happened to me, nor is it negated by it. I can feel happy and unhappy at once, and I do right now. Right this moment, I am hoping Duck is in a good mood, and doubt he knows how not to be. It should be a delightful visit."

Vinyl nudged against Octavia. "We're complicated people, ya know?"

"Life is complicated," agreed Belle, tilting her head a little. "Sometimes I am glad to be a little simpler."

Octavia reached for the filly, gently feeling over her hard mane. "You are not simple, Belle. You are wonderful, and complex, and wickedly complicated in ways I will never match. I wonder at times what really goes on in your mind, but that is not for me to pry."

Belle took an unsure step away. "What? I am a perfectly standard pony for a filly of my age."

"Of course you are." She kissed Belle right beside her metal horn. "And I wouldn't have you any other way then how you are, and will become. You are a lovely person, and don't think you have to hide that."

Vinyl snorted softly. "Hear that? You have the 'Tavi seal of approval. Bam!" She drove down a hoof in imitation of the stamp coming down. "Ain't no takin' that back."

Belle sat still a moment, perhaps considering. Her forehooves rose and she brought them together in a sudden rapid clopping. "Celebration commenced!"

"You are just the best," laughed Vinyl as she walked past. "Let's go see how Duck's doing."

Author's Note:

I feel like Duck is more than 200 words, making this a good breaking point?

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