• Published 16th May 2018
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Rarity and the Phylactery - Nevermore777

When Rarity is mining for gems, she comes across a strange stone that changes her life forever. What will Rarity do, now that she is no longer a normal pony anymore?

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"What do you mean!? I didn't give my soul to anything!" Rarity protested heavily.

"Yes, my Lady, you did," Osseus responded calmly "You did when you gave it your magic. In that same instance, you also have it your soul."

Rarity was about to further protest, when she remembered it. The stone! When she first tried to levitate it... and how the blue light had been added to it when she awoke.

"No... no, I didn't mean... I didn't know..." Rarity whispered to herself. She felt like curling up into a ball. "This can't be happening..."

"My Lady?" Osseus said, the concern in his voice clear even with its dryness. When she looked up at him, her eyes welling with tears, he continued hesitatly, "Well I can understand that you may have some... aversion, to your new status as a Lich, I assure you, it isn't all that bad. There are many benefits."

"There are?"

"Oh, yes, my Lady; especially for Liches, the most powerful among the Undead."

"Undead? But I never died..." Raritybsaid with a confused expression.

"You have, but you were fully revived by your Phylactery. Currently, the transformation from to life to unlife a happening within your flesh. It should finish within the week."


"Yes, my Lady, you see, your body is filled with Necrotix Magic that is flowing into you from your Phylactery. Your body is slowly changing due to it, and once it has fully acclimated to your flesh, you will be a true Lich."

"And will I look... like you?" Rarity asked, nervously looking at her beautiful coat and mane.

"No, no. As I said, you will be a Lich, one of the highest forms of Undead. One of the many benefits, besides keeping all of your mental functions and personality, is that your body doesn't decay or rot like mine. Your entire body will become preserved by the Necrotic Magic. Once the transformation is complete, you will cease physically aging in all regards.

"So I'll be immortal..." Rarity muttered. "Like an Alicorn."

"Well, my Lady, technically speaking, Alicorns live forever, Liches and other Undead endure forever."

"What... What other benefits are there?" Rarity asked, thinking there might be some hope that this wasn’t the end of the world.

"Well, my Lady, you no longer need the typical forms of sustenance. You needn't eat nor drink, and eventually you will no longer need sleep as well," he listed off, "In addition to no longer being able to die from age, you can no longer die from illness or from wounds that would normally be mortal, but more on that later. You magic ability has also vastly increased, in terms of raw power you now rival that Princess of Friendship you are friends with, and much like her your power will only grow over time."

"And... what are the downsides?" Rarity said, a hint of fear re-entering her voice as she thought of what she may have lost.

"Well, the main thing you've lost is your fertility... The Undead cannot make life, only grant unlife." Osseus said after a few moments of hesitation.

"So... I can't have foals..." Rarity felt her heart break a little. She had always had fantasies of getting married with some dashing knight, and having adorable little foals of her own. Now, she wasn't even sure if she would be comfortable enough getting into a relationship knowing that she would be denying her partner such a things as foals.

"Not the natural way, no. There are a few methods opened to you, a few ways even the Undead can have offspring. But again, let us save such talk for a later time. There is much to do, much you need to learn, and only so much time for you to learn it."

"Why?" Rarity asked, confused at the rush. "Why do we have so little time?"

"When the Phylactery accepted your soul, it released a pulse of very distinct Necrotic Magics. It was those magics that raised me, along with others, but it also alerted them to your ascension."

"And who, Darling, is "Them?"" Rarity said, standing up straight as she felt her fear subside.

"Our natural enemies, the Hunters of the Undead," Osseus fires grew as a hint of contempt entered his tone, "The Shining Paladins of the Crystal Hoof."

"Is it true? Has one of the Phylacteries been discovered?" A gruff voice asked. "Does a new Lich walk this world?"

"Yes," A soft female voice responded, "the Diviners are confident. There is no mistaking the burst of magics one of the things release when they choose a new Dark Lady."

"Which of the monsters have risen?!" A young, confident voice demanded.

"The Lich of Allure." The female responded.

"Ponyville?" A aged male voice muttered in suprise. "Then perhaps we shouldn't intervene."

"And why not?! It is the duty of the Crystal Hoof to stamp out all Undead from the world! Why should this be any different?!" The young male asked incredulously.

"Because Ponyville is the Domain of the recently ascended Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, whom I believe just opened a school a few months ago." The aged voice responded calmly. "I doubt she will be pleased with our presence, and she has powerful allies in almost every major kingdom."

"While we all are thankful for the role she played in liberating our ansestral homeland and finally destroying that wretched Shade the Lich of Shadow left behind, do you think she will be able to destroy the Lich in her own?" The gruff voice asked.

"With the exception of the Shade, she has never destroyed any of her enemies," the aged voice responded calmly. "She has, however, befriended many of them."

"You think she will befriend the Lich of Allure?" The female voice asked.

"Preposterous," the young voice scoffed.

"Not as much as you think," the aged voice retorted, "she very well may already be friends with the Lich of Allure. In small communities like that, everyone knows everyone. And it is fully possible that the Lich of Allure didn't willing ascend."

"Even if that's the case, it doesn't change the fact that is the sacred duty of the Crystal Hoof to purge the world of the Undead! There can be no exceptions!" The young voice shouted. “Death is better than Undeath! If the pony didn’t willing ascend, it would be a mercy to put them out of their misery!”

"But if the Lich of Allure is friends with Princess Twilight, then we risk declaring war on some very powerful entities." The female asked.

"Then what do you think we should?" The gruff voice asked.

"Have our agent in Ponyville figure out who it is, for starters." The female voice said.

"The Revenant will direct her towards the Legacy of Allure." The aged voice pointed out.

"Then alert the guards, and keep track of the Lord of Madness," The female voice answered.

"This isn't right..." The young voice muttered.

"The world has changed." The aged vivid muttered. "We have to be careful to not resist that change."

"The moment we let monsters like the Undead roam free is the moment the world has changed too far!" The young voice shouted, before going silent.

"Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid." The gruff voice said, before vanishing as well.

"Hopefully..." the female voice went silent as well.

"I lost hope long ago," the aged voice said, even though he knew no one was listening. "But peraphs I will also pay this new Lich a visit..."