• Published 10th Oct 2018
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Voyage of the Equinox - Starscribe

Equestria's first interstellar ship is crewed by the best and brightest Equestria has to offer. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are determined to uncover the origin of the mysterious alien Signal, no matter what it costs. A comment-driven story.

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Chapter 19

Use a portable terminal. 65%

Twilight Sparkle settled the “portable” computer down in Cozy’s cell. More accurately, the screen and keyboard were in the cell, and the three pieces of the computer took up most of the dining room.

“You’ll find the entire text of the Signal in the root directory,” Twilight said. “And I made sure all the same math utilities are installed. If you need the mainframe for anything, you can write it out on the pad there and I’ll run it myself.”

Cozy Glow visibly squirmed at the end of the cell. She’d started to take on that ‘prisoner look’ over the last few days, her carefully groomed curls starting to blur together into a frayed mess. Twilight had searched her name in the mainframe, but hadn’t been surprised not to see it. Personal information and potential criminal histories were just wasted mass on a vessel with a known crew of national heroes.

And if Equestria knew we had a stowaway, they would’ve warned us. Unless, the dark parts of her mind reminded her, she was meant to be here.

“This isn’t what I need,” Cozy Glow declared, her forced sweetness not even remotely convincing now. “I told you, I need your computer. This isn’t powerful enough.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, settling down on her haunches just outside the cell. She still had her pistol strapped to her belt, but that was it. Spike was with her now, since this wasn’t the interrogation anymore. Applejack was nearly done with the hull repairs to the Prospector, and wanted to finish getting it parked in the dock, so she wasn’t in attendance.

“This is your chance to make your case, and it’s the only one you’ll get. Technically what you did in the cargo bay constitutes attempted murder of an officer of the fleet and is justification for…” she shook her head. “I don’t know if we’ve ever had an execution on an Equestrian ship, and it won’t start on mine. But I will freeze you. We’ve got backup cryogenics, and that’s right where you’re going if you don’t convince me.”

Cozy Glow made a frustrated noise, then pulled over the keyboard. “I don’t know how convincing I’ll be without the computer. But I can… give you the translation, anyway. We all know it.”

Twilight didn’t have to stand beside her in the cell to look at what she was doing, the portable computer had a second terminal. She propped it up on the dining-room chair and watched as she typed.

“The message of the signal is in here.” She highlighted a few sections on the first page.

“The… spacing?”

“Yes,” Cozy Glow didn’t give her time to doubt. “It’s compression, look…” and so she explained. It was a surprisingly compelling case—without having seen the message yet, she could see the order resolving out of chaos. It was as though the mathematics that dominated most of the message were actually only the backbone for something else.

Cozy Glow lost her a little when the actual message finally emerged. There was no translation, no alien tongue. The words were in plain Ponish. Between a dozen different math problems and their solutions, a single sentence had been encoded.

Life is not advised, the message said. You must change into constancy. Will perform it.

Twilight studies the calculations to detect deception. Critical Failure

Whatever else might be said for this pony—maybe she was a terrorist, or a misguided zealot. But her math was perfect. Twilight could detect no flaw in what she’d drawn—she checked and rechecked and even pulled over a keyboard to run the numbers herself. She spent ten minutes in total silence verifying for herself.

“The Listeners found this message, and we understand its meaning. It is a threat—a threat of attack to Equestria. Coming here is part of what makes it happen.”

“That’s… one interpretation,” Twilight eventually said, pushing the keyboard away. “How could they send the message in Ponish?”

“We’ve been sending out radio for… how many years?” Cozy asked. “They’re only four light years away.”

“Okay, but… why doesn’t Equestria know about this?” she pointed at the screen with a hoof. “I get it, this would be hard to find. But there are lots of smart ponies out there. A whole system full.”

“They did,” Cozy said. “They formed the Listeners. Recruited me… lots of other ponies. To make sure we survived.”

“By sneaking you onto my ship?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Instead of blowing it up? Or just… cutting the funding when it was still bare steel?”

The pegasus rose, looking out with innocent eyes. “We didn’t learn in time. The Equinox mission was almost finished.” She looked away. “I can’t get into their reasons, but our leaders think the Signalers aren’t going to come to Equestria and invade… they think they use the same methods they already did. Send a message, teach something. Like the Signal… I don’t understand the math, but isn’t it part of how we built the engines on this thing? It taught us something…”

Yes. Twilight realized, with growing horror. Not only were the mathematics of their drive in the Signal, but they’d already found a probe that had nearly killed them, and had instructions for a machine.

A machine spike was building.

Spike caught her eyes from the other side of the wall, shaking his head in obvious disagreement. I’m glad you don’t think so.

“We think the Signalers were waiting… maybe for our civilizations to get advanced enough. They test us by waiting for us to come to them. And once we arrive, they teach us something else. The Equinox would come back to Equestria with its computers full of… knowledge bombs, ready to blow up Equestria. Back home, they make sure everypony thinks you died, and… out here, I make sure you never get home. Evil aliens think we’re too primitive to bother with, and… everypony lives.”

Author's Note:

No vote this time, ran out of words. To be clear about that roll, failing doesn’t mean there was deception, the results would be totally the same if Cozy Glow is being honest. Had she succeeded we would know if Cozy was telling the truth or not, but since Twilight failed all we know is that Twilight is convinced.

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