• Published 10th Oct 2018
  • 7,798 Views, 4,802 Comments

Voyage of the Equinox - Starscribe

Equestria's first interstellar ship is crewed by the best and brightest Equestria has to offer. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are determined to uncover the origin of the mysterious alien Signal, no matter what it costs. A comment-driven story.

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Chapter 93

Save the Apples first. 27%

It was a tough decision—Spike wasn’t entirely sure he was even talking to the real Pinkie, or if the pony he was talking to was even sane. But what choice did he have?

It became instantly clear why Pinkie was alone: she had no idea how to navigate the city. “Let’s go this way!” she said, pointing towards a hill. “Looks like there are trees if we go far enough that way, and I know Applejack likes trees.”

“Well…” Spike hesitated for a second. “Or we could use that thing right there.” He pointed to one side, at a flat object that was unmistakably a screen positioned above pony eye level. But at his larger size, it was almost perfect for him. Having just two eyes, this is cute. It was also limiting—there was part of Spike that wanted to go back to looking out of every screen and system of the Equinox at once. Had he always been so small, so limited in his view? What was flying compared to soaring through space?

Can Spike use the terminal? Yes.

Spike reached up, and found the flat surface lit up for his claws—it was a terminal, one that was eager to speak to him. He’d never seen the operating system before, or even the language, yet it was clear to him now.

“What’s that?” Pinkie stopped beside him, glaring up at the screen. “You said you were going to help me find the others.”

“I am,” he said, flicking a wing absently. “Pinkie, have you been looking for them?”

She nodded. “Every day. I look for them, I improve the party, I look for them some more, I make the party better… sometimes I break it all and start over.”

You’ve been running at machine time too, haven’t you? But Spike didn’t have the heart to ask, not when he was terrified of the answer. “Well, that’s why we’re going to try something different. We’re going to look my way.”

Spike stopped, one claw hovering over a button. “Here it is. Pinkie, you’ve been in an instance this whole time.”

“Really? That sounds super awesome! Uh… what’s an instance?”

At least some of her energy seemed to be coming back. The others are probably all losing their minds too. Celestia help you all. It had only been a few days in objective time, but how long did that translate to down here?

“It means that Applejack isn’t here. You could walk from one end of the city to the other—”

“I have,” Pinkie said, bouncing up and down. “But if you go from one end, you appear on the other. It’s not so bad—it’s like somepony put all the neat places you might want to visit all tucked in close. There’s a beach, some snowy mountains with hot springs, real deep caves Maud would’ve loved…” she stopped, her mane falling flat again. “I wonder how Maud’s doing.”

Did they lock out Pinkie? No.

Spike didn’t think it would be a good idea to share his projections of that answer. “I can use this to take us into any of the instances except one. Twilight would be the best at this, but… Applejack is probably a close second.” He reached out, settling a claw on her shoulder. She tensed, as though she expected some kind of violence, but of course none came.

“And… here we go.” He entered the command.

No blur of teleport, the transition was instant. Suddenly they were standing out in a massive forest, complete with oversized trees and a fence higher than any pony would’ve built.

Did they build a farm? Yes.

On either side, alien wheat up to Spike’s shoulders swayed in a gentle breeze. Instead of near twilight, here the sun was high in the sky, a pleasant warmth that brought new energy to Spike’s steps. So maybe there are some things to like about having a body. I never felt like this controlling the Equinox. He could lay down in the grass beside the road and rest for a few hours. He probably would have, if it wasn’t for Pinkie beside him.

Well, she was beside him, until she noticed the open farmhouse at the top of the hill. It was oversized, just like everything else… but she didn’t seem to care. She galloped. “Applejack! Apple Bloom! Anypony, please be here!”

Spike followed, taking in the details at a more casual pace. Off on his right, a gigantic automatic combine churned over a field, followed by an automated delivery truck. The fence on the other side of the field seemed more interesting, though: there was an orchard of apple trees, taller than any he’d seen in his life. Spike lifted into the air, gliding over the fence and hurrying into the trees.

Sure enough, he heard the sound of hooves on wood somewhere in the distance, and that was where he went. If Applejack would be doing anything on this simulated planet, it was reenact her farming.

He’d been wrong to assume she would be kicking trunks. He’d been wrong to even assume she would be instantly recognizable. Applejack wore a complex exoskeleton of alien design, a complex set of joints and springs that braced her legs and back into a bipedal position, with numerous cushions and little straps that made it look as comfortable as any harness could be. She wasn’t kicking the tree at all, but directing a set of buzzing drones in the air. Drones Spike recognized all too well.

Those attacked us. They weren’t attacking her. Each one had a set of little snips, that despite their size could’ve chopped a pony to pieces in seconds with a swarm this dense.

Instead of chopping ponies, they harvested, lifting up to individual apples, carefully snipping them, then carrying them down to a metal-looking harvest wagon.

“Applejack!” Spike called, hurrying the last few steps.

She turned, briefly removing her hat with the interlocking claw that settled over her hoof to simulate something like a griffon or a dragon might have. Despite the lack of obvious physical link to her body, she was able to tilt the hat expertly. “I was wondering when the rest of you would make it. Or… not make it. My condolences.” She lowered the hat a little, then replaced it on her head. “Welcome to Elysium, in any case. End of all care and worry. I hope it didn’t hurt.”

It looked like it hurt an awful lot. But the universe had given Spike at least one mercy: he didn’t remember his death.

“It didn’t,” he said. “But you aren’t dead, these are the Elysian Fields.”

“One of those things might be true,” Applejack said, turning away from him. She gestured something with skeletal fingers, and the swarm of drones obeyed, linking together to start dragging the huge container of fruit. “Maybe I’m not dead. But I know heaven when I see it.”

Does Applejack want to stay? Yes.

Spike had a choice to make, and fast.

1. Stay and convince her. She’s been here for years, she won’t be rational at first. But she wouldn’t abandon her crew to the rigors of space when all Equestrian civilization might be at stake.

2. Save somepony else first. (Rainbow Dash and/or Rarity, as Node is currently in a locked instance). More voices will make it harder for her to ignore. Besides, Pinkie could probably use some time with her friends. Let her throw a few parties while I go search.

3. Try to get her help cracking into Node’s instance. She likes to farm, but I’m sure she’d help if I don’t press her to leave yet.

(Certainty 210 required)

Author's Note:

This chapter's poll:


What you’re reading is a CYOA-style adventure story, fully driven by its user feedback. This story is written using a system called Mythic, a GM-simulator that allows me to be fully in the driver’s seat for the prose, without actually knowing what will happen next. Success or failure in this story is fully governed by the fickle hand of fate, as well as the wisdom of those who chose to vote on it.

You can go ahead and vote in older polls if you want, but obviously they won’t retroactively change the text going forward, so the links are left behind mostly because I’m lazy and as a record of previous decisions.

If you’d like to take a look at my semi-regularly updated blog post with character sheets and stuff, go ahead and visit here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/834930/voyage-of-the-equinox-resource-page

And if you’re curious about the dicerolls and the system, you can see all of it for yourself and verify that I’m not cheating on my discord here: https://discord.gg/mQfUn75

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