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Drastic Measures

Sunset woke up from another nightmare; although she would just say it was the same memory on daily repeat. It starts with a replay of her friends accusing her of posting secrets and ends with their siblings ‘confessing’ their involvement.


‘Girls; you have to believe me. I never posted your secrets online,’ Sunset begged, dropping to her knees

‘No matter what you tell us; we don’t have to listen,’ Applejack answered coldly

‘You betrayed us by posting our secrets online,’ an oblivious Dash replied

‘Go away Secret Stealer,’ Pinkie added


‘So, you finally understand. Those five girls were never your friends,’ demon Shimmer taunted ‘They were using you this whole time.’

‘Shut up! Shut! Shut up! You're lying,’ Sunset countered, before covering her ears

‘We framed you and there's nothing you can do about it,’ the CMC taunted in unison

‘There is one thing you can do,’ the demon said sadistically

‘Never. I won't resort to such methods.’

‘It's either that; or run back to mommy with your tail between your legs. Let her tell you she told us so,’ the demon countered


“I'm sorry Twilight. I couldn't be the student you wanted. Hell; I couldn’t be a good friend, either.”

Looking around the room; her eyes fell on a black pouch accidentally left by her neighbor Discord. She asked him to fix an appliance that wasn't working; only for him to forget the knife when he left. Inside the black pouch was a red utility knife. Opening the case revealed a razor blade that had become dull with use.

“No point in using a dull blade,” she thought “Best to change it for a new one.”

After completing the task and throwing it into her backpack; she decided to write a final message to Twilight as the previous one still went unanswered.

You haven't written in a while. Has your problem been solved?

No. Right now; I'm at the end of my rope, so to speak. Most of the bastards at school believe I spilled secrets about them. If I don't come back to Equestria; I want you to know that you were my only friend.
-Sunset Shimmer

‘Sunset; please do not do what I hope you aren't planning. I love you and want you to be safe. You'll be welcome in Equestria with a full pardon of your crimes.
-Your mother, Celestia

That Tuesday at school; it was just another day at CHS. With the holidays nearing; it was supposed to joyous, as everyone was looking forward to spending time with their families. Since Anon-a-Miss started; any hope or joy Sunset might have had vanished, only to be replaced with emptiness and loneliness.

“Anon-a-Miss returns. Didn't get a good enough view of me naked,” Lightning Dash demanded, slamming into her

Sunset actually kept walking and ignored everyone; even when she was accidentally slammed into. Had anyone looked closely at her; they would find no luster or shine in her eyes. No longer had she cried any tears about the treatment received as now Sunset Shimmer was only a shell of her former self.

Once again; the school seemed to do nothing about her locker being covered in graffiti. Amongst the expletives written, was a drawing of her demon form; which Sunset would have found to be humorous, except for the fact it was made to look like a slut. She shrugged and removed the books needed and headed off to the next level of hell (her classes).

“Anything you wish to say to the class,” Mrs. Harshwinny demanded as the class laughed

Sunset found herself staring straight ahead in class without any movement or recognition of her surroundings. That was proven when someone decided to slap her in the face.

“Shimmer? Hey; Anon-a-Bitch! I'm talking to you,” Gilda yelled

“Why did you slap her in the face,” Ms. Cheerilee asked

“I wanted to make sure she is still alive,” Gilda replied casually

As class was being let out for lunch; Sunset found herself heading to the bathroom. Once inside, she reached into her backpack and removed the utility knife, before sticking it in her jacket pocket. Upon heading to the lunchroom, someone decided to shove into her again; actually knocking her down to a knee.

“Do us all a favor and die already,” someone said

“Go back home pony freak,” another added

After getting back to her feet, Sunset continued to her destination in the cafeteria. Sitting at a table in the back of the room were her former friends; the Rainbooms. Once at the table, she casually dropped her bag on the floor next to her as they looked up at her.

“Go away,” Rainbow Dash said, throwing a balled up napkin at her face, striking right between the eyes

“We don't want no excuses about you not being Anon-a-Miss so fuck off,” Applejack added; albeit uncharacteristically

Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie just sat there looking at the girl in front of them. The girls watched as she reached into her jacket and removed the knife, raising the blade with one simple motion.

“Goodbye,” Sunset said without any emotion

“What do you mean,” Pinkie asked

Sunset proceeded to jab the blade into her neck as Fluttershy closed her eyes. With a fluid movement; the blade found itself drawn across the jugular vein in her neck.

“Oh my god,” Rarity said in horror

“What. The. Fuck,” Dash asked in shock

Blood gushed out, hitting anything nearby; although Rarity became the unfortunate victim in the process. Sunset collapsed to the floor as blood continued to pour out.

“Call 911! Someone get a fucking ambulance,” AJ yelled

“I'm getting out of here,” someone yelled

“Gangway,” another cried

“Let's go,” a girl demanded

Two girls at a nearby table raced over to Sunset as one shoved Dash aside to get a clear path. In the process, a pair of glasses belonging to one of them fell to the floor.

“Vinyl? What was that for,” Octavia asked

“Tavi; just help me cover the wound,” Vinyl demanded “You could read me the riot act later.”

“Come on; Sunset,” Octavia pleaded

“Stay with us goddammit,” Vinyl added as her magenta eyes started filling with tears

Sunset was slipping in and out of consciousness due to the amount of blood she lost as her pulse slowed. In the meantime; the room started to empty before paramedics arrived.

“Alright girls. We'll take it from here,” a paramedic replied “What's your friend's name?”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Fluttershy answered in a whisper

“Sunset? We're going to get you to the hospital,” a second paramedic said

“Vinyl; what the hell was that for,” Dash demanded, pushing Vinyl

“Trying to save a friend. You fucked up and let her suffer,” Vinyl replied slapping her in the face “You don't deserve to have Sunset as a friend. I honestly hope she survives because the five of you deserve to be punished.”

As the paramedics raced to get Sunset to the hospital, another visitor entered the room. Discord; who was known for his signature patchwork suit, had discarded the jacket and wore a black police vest over the dress shirt with a camera around his neck and rubber gloves. While his name was on the Velcro strap on the right; the opposite side and back read ‘CHS’ inside of ‘POLICE’. The group watched as he carefully placed the knife in a box marked ‘Evidence’ and proceeded to take pictures of the scene.

“All of you; follow me. Now,” Discord ordered

Without argument, everyone was directed to Celestia’s office where just their guide entered the room.

“Wait here until called,” he said simply, over his shoulder

“Everything taken care of,” Celestia asked vaguely

“As good as it gets. Photos taken and evidence collected. Girls are waiting outside,” Discord replied

“Get changed,” Luna said

“Yes ma'am,” he answered, with a salute

Discord quickly removed the vest and handed it over to Luna who took it into her office. He started rolling up the sleeves before buttoning them. Discord’s right forearm had a tattoo design of a harlequin jester sitting on a throne holding a rifle. On both sides of the throne were tombstones with a scythe and crown. His former teammates Luna and Chrysalis had their own variants of the image with a reaper and queen sitting on the throne. In the process, Celestia stepped outside to address the students assembled there.

“Would someone tell me why three of my students are covered in blood,” Celestia asked, rubbing her temples “You know what; nevermind. One at a time. My office.”

Celestia turned and headed back into her office before plopping into her seat. Following behind her was a confused Octavia; who decided to get it over with.

“Please explain what happened,” Luna asked

“I didn't hear the entire conversation; but Sunset proceeded to drop to the ground with blood spraying from her neck. Vinyl grabbed me and shoved Rainbow Dash aside before the two of us tried to stop the bleeding,” Octavia replied

Discord sat on the side of the desk transcribing everything that was said, before handing the paper to Octavia.

“Please sign this. This is a transcript of what you said,” Discord commented “This will be turned over to the police.”

Vinyl gave the same explanation of what happened as Octavia and proceeded to sign her paper.

“Why did you decide to take action,” Luna asked, wanting clarification

“I had a family member kill himself when I was younger. I didn't want to see that happen again,” Vinyl said with a sigh “Can I get my hands washed?”

“Go ahead and tell Octavia the same thing. Afterwards; head into the storage room and take a pair of shorts and t-shirt for the two of you and Rarity,” Celestia replied

“I'll get this over with,” Dash said with a sigh

Upon heading in; she glanced over at Discord’s tattoos. Other than the jester on the throne; his left forearm had a simple design with the words ‘Death Before Dishonor’. Seeing that brought the gravity of the situation she found herself in.

“See something interesting,” Discord commented casually “You've been looking at my tattoos since you entered.”

“I recognize what happens to be good art,” she answered

“Your eyes haven't gone to my right forearm; only my left,” he mused

“We fucked up, okay!? Sunset found herself in this situation due to us! That phrase struck a note,” Dash said, before breaking down in tears

“It seems that wasn't the only thing that was struck,” Luna mused “Vinyl has a nice arm when she wants to show it.”

“I deserve the slap she gave me. She was right about us not deserving to have Sunset as a friend. Please take the journal from Sunset’s backpack and let Princess Twilight know what happened,” Dash commented, wiping her eyes

After her admission of guilt; a full explanation of events was given leading up to the suicide attempt. The entire creation of Anon-a-Miss was also mentioned, as neither Celestia or Luna actually knew what truly happened.

The remaining members of the group headed inside and told their stories before signing Discord’s transcripts. With that completed; each file was placed in a box alongside the camera and knife before sealing it.

“What happens now,” Applejack asked

“Head home for the day. Your schoolmates have already decided to leave. We'll head over to the hospital and inform your families about tomorrow,” Celestia answered with a sigh

With that; the girls departed ways leaving just the three adults. Although Celestia didn't drink; this felt like the perfect time for one to settle her nerves.

“Just between us; how is anyone helping Sunset,” Celestia asked “She's a refugee from another world.”

“I had an old friend create documents stating Discord is her guardian,” Luna replied

“Queen? It's been a while since we last met,” Discord commented

● PARAMEDICS (Immediately after removing Sunset) ●

“Get an OR ready! We have an emergency entry. High school female with single slash wound across neck,” the ambulance driver ordered

“Stay with us Sunset,” another paramedic begged desperately “We're almost to the hospital.”

The ambulance raced through the streets of Canterlot as the driver headed to the hospital. Once there; a group of doctors and nurses emerged to help the patient into an operating room.

“Alright let's get to work. Clamp the veins and arteries first,” the surgeon directed

“Yes, doctor,” a nurse replied


“What happened? Am I dead?”

“Not yet. You're certainly on death's door,” the demon replied

“I hnuh,” Sunset started before dropping


“We're losing her,” a nurse stated


“Not if I can help it,” the demon commented

A screen was situated in front of the pair, allowing external stimuli to register. Despite Sunset having her eyes closed; her hearing was still functional. Without warning, a claw was plunged into Sunset’s chest, causing her to bolt upright in the process.


The heart monitor flat lined for about three seconds before restarting. For a brief moment, the illusion of black and red demon wings were seen on Sunset; much to the confusion of the surgeons.


“What happened?”

“You died for a few seconds before I saved you. Don't do that again,” the demon said through tears, hugging her

“I'll try not to. Thanks for saving me.”

About six hours of surgery later; Sunset’s wound was closed with 25 stitches, as her jugular vein was repaired. Two pints of blood were used to replace what was loss in the suicide attempt. For her safety; the doctors placed her in a medically induced coma.


“Well; let's get going,” Celestia said with a sigh

“I'll meet you at the hospital. I need to drop off the box,” Discord replied


After carefully placing the box in his truck; Discord headed down the street to the Canterlot Police Station.

“Long time no see. What brings you back,” an officer asked

“The incident at CHS.”

“Discord; this way,” a secretary directed “Tirek will see you now.”

“It's been a while; Centaur.”

“Too long. I haven't heard that name in so long; I've forgotten it. What happened at the school,” Tirek demanded “A retired cop doesn't usually return to his precinct with an evidence box.”

“Sunset Shimmer slit her throat. Inside the box is the very knife used, along with confessions from the girls involved.”

“I see. Thank you for that. It saves us the trouble of questioning them,” Tirek said, relenting “I really wish this was under better circumstances.”

“As do I; my friend. I'd rather see us get together for a fun gathering; not an attempted suicide.”

“Take care, and be safe. May Faust be by your side,” Tirek prayed

“And She with you.”

After the task was completed; Discord headed to rejoin the others at the hospital.


The sisters reluctantly climbed in Celestia’s car as they drove to the hospital. Once they checked in; Discord joined them along with a female in all black with green hair.

“Thanks for joining us, Chryssi. It's unfortunate we meet under such circumstances,” Luna said

“Discord,” a receptionist called

“Yes,” he answered

“Miss Shimmer is currently in the recovery room in a medically induced coma,” a nurse explained

“Will she make it,” Celestia asked, joining them at the receptionist desk

“I do not know. You are welcome to see her,” the nurse added

The four headed through the doors in the back of the room to get to an area designated for patients. Sunset was laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to a heart monitor; while her neck was gently wrapped up with a brace on. Hearing the constant beep of her pulse was somewhat relieving; knowing she was still alive for now.

“Sunset? I don't know if you can here me; but I am sorry. Luna and I should have known something was wrong and tried to fix it. Please wake up,” Celestia begged, kissing her forehead

“I'm sorry it came to this. I hope you return to us,” Luna added

“I won't say I know what you were going through; but I'm sorry. Chrysalis and I would gladly adopt you as our daughter as long as you're here. I promise you, that the culprit will be found,” Discord said, gently taking Sunset’s hand

“We may not take the place of your original family; but we'll work as a surrogate. Please wake up; darling,” Chrysalis added, gently hugging her


Upon leaving the school; the girls headed to their typical meeting place at Sugarcube Corner.

“Girls; I think I know what we need to do,” Fluttershy started

“Visit Sunset in the hospital. We know we collectively fucked up. It was our fault Sunset did that,” Rainbow Dash answered, as the others nodded

“If you're going; than we'd like to go as well,” Scootaloo said definitely

“We'd like to see her before she dies,” Apple Bloom added

“Don't say such things. The doctors can save her,” Rarity begged

“Let's go. Maybe we can still make amends for our actions,” Applejack decided “Unfortunately, the truck won't carry everyone.”

“The rest of us can fit in my parent's van,” Fluttershy suggested

Once their families were informed of the plan; they headed to the hospital. The Crusaders sat in silence, knowing they were the cause of Sunset’s hospitalization.

“Greetings girls. What are you here for,” a receptionist asked

“We'd like to see Sunset Shimmer,” Rarity answered

“You need to have a parent or guardian vouch for you,” the receptionist said

“I'll vouch for the girls,” a voice answered

“Very well; but all of you cannot be in there at the same time,” the receptionist said, handing them visitor's passes

“I should have known you girls would be here,” Luna mused

“Vice-Principal Luna. You came to see her as well,” Dash asked “Who are you?”

“Chrysalis. A friend of Luna’s,” she answered simply

“The three of us will stay out here,” Apple Bloom said simply

Pinkie had to put an arm around Fluttershy in order to direct her inside the room. Each of them couldn't believe the position Sunset was in; lying in a bed with machines to keep her alive.

“Sunset? I hope you can hear us. The five of us are sorry for our treatment of you. With only the flimsiest of evidence against you; we thought you were guilty. Please wake up and I promise things between us can be fixed,” Applejack said

“I know what we did was wrong; but please come back. I can throw you some kind of party,” Pinkie replied

“We're sorry; Sunset. Please forgive us,” Fluttershy begged

“None of us want to see you like this. Injured in a hospital bed. We're so sorry,” Rarity added

“This feels like a bad dream. The once powerful Sunset Shimmer now helpless in a hospital bed. I'm sorry we fucked up so badly. Please wake up,” Dash commented through tears

The five trudged out of the room with tears in their eyes as the Crusaders took their turn inside the room. Each of them knowing what they needed to do.

“Sunset; Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and I, Apple Bloom have a confession to make,” Bloom said before taking a breath

“The three of us framed you and created Anon-a-Miss,” Sweetie Belle admitted

“We thought by framing you, we could spend more time with our sisters. It wasn't supposed to happen that it spread so much. I know we'll never be forgiven; but we hope you'll give us another chance,” Scootaloo explained

With that; the three left the room to see eight very angry people staring at them, while Chrysalis stood off to the side. All three wished they were in Sunset’s place at that moment.

“So; it was the three of you,” AJ asked

“Sweetie Belle; I am very disappointed in you. You should be ashamed of yourself,” Rarity chastised

“Girls; I'll make you a simple promise: if Sunset manages to wake up, you three will not be punished. However; if she does indeed pass away, you are in deep shit,” Luna threatened

“You will make a confession in front of the entire school, before deleting the page. Afterwards; you will be turned over to the authorities for punishment. Is that clear,” Celestia added

“Crystal clear,” the Crusaders said in unison

“I've already had the staff contact me about whatever happens,” Discord replied “I'll let you know about any progress.”

“Get going you three,” Dash warned “Or I'll drag you out.”

The girls headed out of the hospital, trying to retain some civility. Rarity and Applejack were completely silent and made no motion to assist their younger siblings in getting inside the vehicles.

“Wait until Granny Smith hears about this,” AJ commented “Your ass won't feel the same again.”

“Mom and dad won't be too happy either,” Rarity added “If I decide to tell them; that is.”


“I can't believe it was the three siblings that posted everything,” Celestia said out loud

“My threat stands. For their sake, I hope Sunset wakes up,” Luna replied

“If not; I will personally have the three thrown in juvenile hall,” Chrysalis added angrily

“Celly; I'm not going to be at work tomorrow. I'm returning here,” Discord said

“I have a couple errands to run, and I'll join you,” Chrysalis added

“Take your time. School goes on in the meantime. When you're ready to return, we'll gladly have you back,” Celestia replied, hugging him

“Thank you. I just don't want to do something I'd regret,” Discord commented