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Author's Note:

Songs Included:
MLP Equestria Girls- Shake Your Tail
Jeff Hardy & PeroxWhy?Gen- Humans Gone
Alter Bridge- Metalingus

After heading home; Sunset decided to jump on one of the games to take her frustrations out. She did forgive her friends but hated that it took almost dying to realize just how much they meant to her.

“Son of a bitch!”

“What's the matter? And don't tell me it's because you died in the game” Discord said

“I was thinking about earlier. Why did it take me so long to tell them!?”

“I can't answer that; but we're glad everyone managed to accept your apology,” Chrysalis added

“As am I; but I just can't believe I had to die momentarily to tell them I fucked up.”

“Just use this as a point to move forward. We've all made mistakes; but you made amends and it can't be stressed enough,” he added

On Monday; Sunset sat in class not paying attention to the lesson and decided to draw. Taking inspiration from her parents; a graveyard scene was drawn featuring an empty throne in front of which sat four headstones. Each was marked with the silhouette of a centaur, a scythe, a harlequin headdress and a feminine crown; respectively. Behind the throne was a phoenix with its head turned to the right and wings spread.

“Would you care to show your artwork to the class,” Mrs. Harshwinny asked “You obviously have not been paying attention at all this class.”

“Feel free to show it on the overhead. I've studied during my hospitalization.”

“Would you explain what happened during the Second World War,” Harshwinny asked

“Which part? The fact you left out some of the truth; or just didn't want to mention?”

“What didn't get mentioned,” someone asked curiously

“Many of the soldiers during the Nuremberg Trials gave the excuse of ‘just following orders’ in order to cover their asses. Plus some decided to commit suicide to escape judgment. Not to mention some were kidnapped and brought to trial.”

“Where did you find that? None of that is in the textbook,” Harshwinny demanded

“You're right. I read in-depth books on the topic. You'd be surprised just how much gets omitted. Now; shouldn't you continue the lesson?”

Without interruption; class continued as Sunset went back to her drawing. A small pack of colored pencils was produced and used to just finish the phoenix alone.

“That looks familiar. Isn't that ‘his’ tattoo,” Dash asked, before lowering her voice as they were leaving

“I did take reference and just modified it for my use.”

“Would you think to get it tattooed,” Dash asked

“Probably not. This would take quite a while to finish.”

“Could we join you in the music room,” Pinkie asked curiously

“It's up to you.”

After lunch; Sunset was surprised to see Rainbow Dash and the others, along with Flash’s band waiting outside the door.

“What are all of you doing here?”

“Principal Celestia gave us permission to collectively practice in the gym,” Flash answered

“Really? Why?”

“Flash and I convinced her that we would work together,” Dash added


“Sister; was that really necessary,” Luna asked curiously

“Sunset needs to learn how to trust others. I couldn't think of a better way.”


“Vee; Tavi; any help?”

“Perhaps it's best to work together,” Octavia mused

“How are we going to do this? The Rainbooms died over a month ago.”

“We start anew. Sunset; would you like to be the lead guitarist,” Dash asked

“The rest of us will be the same,” Applejack added

“My friends and I could provide backup when needed,” Flash suggested

“Why not name the band after you,” Fluttershy commented quietly “Phoenix?”

“What was that; ‘Shy? Could you repeat that,” Rarity asked curiously

Fluttershy took a breath before saying a little louder, “we should call the band ‘Phoenix’ in honor of Sunset.”

“I like it. All in favor of the name,” Pinkie mused

Without question; each of them raised a hand in agreement, leaving no opposing view. Sunset shook her head realizing what just transpired.

“If I take the lead guitarist, we are going to change. The band will be about equality. In other words, all ideas will be looked at.”

“I can agree with that. Someone wouldn't accept any ideas but her own,” Applejack said, shooting a glance towards Rainbow Dash

“I was arrogant and stupid. Hell; I still am at times. Couldn't you give me a second chance,” Dash asked, throwing her hands up defensively

“Just don't fuck up again. Considering what happened last time.”

“None of us are going to forget that,” Rarity mused, shaking her head to remove the image, of her getting splashed with blood

“If there's nothing left to say; why don't we finally get to practice,” Flash asked

“What about band promotion,” Pinkie asked

“I could get the word out; but I'd need flyers,” one of Flash’s bandmates said

“You could draw up the design; Sunset,” Dash suggested

“I didn't know you could draw,” Fluttershy commented

“I drew to pass the time in the hospital. Harshwinny caught me drawing in class earlier.”

“Let's see the pictures. That is; if you don’t mind,” Applejack suggested

Sunset dropped her backpack and removed the sketch book; just as the journal started glowing.

“I'm not seeing things, am I? You have a glowing book,” Flash asked, wiping his eyes

It's a message from Twilight,” Sunset replied, picking up the book “Let's see.‘I haven't heard from you in a while. How are things going over there?"

“Here's a pen so you can write something to Twilight,” Rarity said


Sorry for the lack of contact. I've been busy focusing on my final exams. Hopefully you can see me graduate.

I'll certainly try to make it over. Hopefully nothing happens in the meantime

Knock on wood in the meantime to prevent bad luck. It's a human saying; by the way

Thanks for answering my next question in advance

With no other interruptions; the group headed to the gym and set up their instruments. Three guitarists were present along with two drummers. Instead of fighting over space; both kits were set up facing each other on opposite ends.

“Well that's a good sign,” a voice said, walking in

“Everyone working together,” another added

“Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna? The two of you set this up.”

“We allowed this to happen as you needed to work together,” Celestia answered

“You can't do everything on your own; Sunset. Your friends deserve a second chance to help you out,” Luna added

“I realize that now. It hurt to be accused of something I didn't do, and I will live with the scars from my actions as a result. I'm just glad I had the opportunity to apologize to everyone for my actions.”

“We still can't believe what we did months ago. All we can do is make the most of everything moving forward,” Applejack replied

“If you all can get something prepared; would you mind playing during prom,” Celestia asked

“We'll certainly try. One of us will let you know about our progress.”

“Have fun,” Luna added, before they left

“If you girls don't mind; how's about we split off to work separately,” Flash suggested

“What are you proposing,” Dash inquired

“We choose songs to learn or create our own individually. Occasionally practicing together before setting up everything for prom,” Flash elaborated

“I like it. Besides; I have something I'd want to work on.”

“Any hint as to your plan,” Rarity asked

“Nope. It'll be a surprise for everyone.”

Everyone decided to part ways after playing for a while. With a few months until prom, they figured it would give them time to prepare everything.


“So; what do you have planned?”

“I wanted to make a phoenix costume to wear as part of my entrance,” Sunset answered

“We'll gladly help out with anything you need,” Chrysalis added

“Thanks mom; dad. It might make it easier,” Sunset said

“How do you plan on making it?”

“Although I don't have my dress chosen; I suppose Rarity has it made already. Either way; the idea was to make a jacket of feathers to cover it,” Sunset replied

“If you sketch up the initial idea; I could start working on the jacket. I might not be Rarity; but I can make something you'll like,” Chrysalis said

“Thank you again mom. It's certainly going to be a surprise for everyone to witness,” Sunset added with a grin

“I'll add a mechanism for the wings to open. What about covering your face?”

“Didn't think about that,” Sunset added sheepishly

“Perhaps we can modify an old helmet,” Chrysalis added

Sunset grabbed a few blank pages of printer paper and started drawing what she wanted for the design. A robe covered in feathers would be the outer portion of the outfit with a few clasps to hold it in place. Attached to the back as a sort of ‘backpack’ would be a set of wings that could open by the pull of a wire. Looking at an image of a bird; a simple mask was created that would cover the face with an extended beak on it.

“This is everything,” Discord asked, as Sunset nodded “Shouldn't be too hard. I'll start working on the wings tomorrow.”

“I'll ask Fluttershy for some assistance,” Sunset said, grabbing her phone

Do you happen to have any spare feathers from the animal shelter?

We do. The molted feathers are kept, but never used. I'll ask my boss for them. How many bags do you need?

‘I'll take whatever you have. I'm not sure just much it'll take

‘mI'll drop them off tomorrow. Best of luck


“Who was that you were texting,” Dash asked, grabbing the phone

“It's rude to snoop in someone's phone,” Applejack warned

“Sunset asked me about feathers. I told her the shelter has bags full of them,” Fluttershy answered “I'll give them to her tomorrow.”

“Why would you keep the used feathers,” Rarity inquired

“The manager wanted to and I never asked why,” Fluttershy mused

“If Sunset doesn't use everything; I wouldn't mind making a down pillow,” Rarity said

“On another topic; let's get something written for prom,” Pinkie suggested

“I have the lyrics for one song I'd like to do. It's called ‘Awesome As I Want To Be’. Here it is,” Dash said, handing over a piece of paper

“Seems alright to me,” Fluttershy added

“Let's get started,” AJ suggested


“You really think that is a good idea,” one of the band members asked

“It's taken enough time to realize it. Why not just admit it,” Flash commented

“We don't actually need two drum sets; do we? I mean would they actually be able to learn the song,” another added

“Nah. Besides, I'd rather keep this between us.”

“Fine with me. Any other songs we need,” one asked

“I don't think we'll need much more. The girls would be the main act, anyways. We open with the one and they take care of the rest.”

“It kind of sucks that we did all this work for nothing,” another mused “Especially with the talent show.”

“Call it what it was; a ‘Battle of the Bands’. And honestly; Rainbow Dash and the others deserved to win. As for us, we were under hypnotic suggestion by the Dazzlings.”

“Don't remind me. At least we had an excuse for our shitty actions; not counting the ‘Anon-a-Miss’ incident.”


“Here's the feathers you asked for,” Fluttershy said

“Thanks. Hopefully this will be enough,” Sunset commented

“Good luck on your project. Rarity asked for some of the excess feathers if you don't use everything,” Fluttershy added, before leaving

“I hope you done mind the rest of us worked on a few songs yesterday,” Dash said apologetically “We're sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. I'm glad something was done since my surprise will be quite the project.”

“We're heading to the music room after class. See you later,” Dash added

Sunset sat in class writing what she hoped might become song lyrics using her past as inspiration. The only problem she had was finding the perfect rhythm for guitar and drums.

“Now I know how professional musicians feel. This sucks,” Sunset muttered to herself

Once free from the classes; Sunset headed to get lunch before joining the others. A makeshift table of music stands was used to support a pizza box and plates.

“Just in time; Sunny. Principal Celestia ordered pizza for us,” Pinkie said cheerfully

“Really? That's unexpected.”

“My sister thought you might like it,” Luna said “Any progress so far?”

“Yesterday the rest of us did get at least one song completed,” Rarity replied

“And I wrote lyrics in class earlier. Rather; I finally got the idea out of my head I've had since my hospitalization.”

“Can I take a look,” Applejack asked

“Of course. Sorry if I don't have parts for piano in here.”

“Guitar, bass, drums and vocals are all we need for this,” Dash said “Sorry Rarity; Fluttershy.”

“It's alright. I don't mind sitting out for a short time,” Fluttershy replied

“And I'm not sure how much a piano fits in with the song,” Rarity added

“I'll leave you girls to your work. Have fun,” Luna said

“On another topic; I have dresses made for everyone,” Rarity said

“Any chance we can see them?”

“Here's the pictures I took of them,” Rarity replied, passing around her phone

“I like it. Mine's functional,” Applejack commented

“I tried to make something everyone would like,” Rarity explained

“Mine certainly is unexpected. I mean that in a good way. You've rarely made a bad outfit.”

“Well; the outfits you saw during the sleepover those months ago were supposed to be gotten rid of,” Rarity commented

“Those were cool. You should be proud of your work,” Pinkie said

“It took me a while to realize that. I started making everyone's dresses in the hopes of making amends,” Rarity answered, hanging her head

“Alright; this moping is getting ridiculous. We fucked up then; and now have a second chance. ‘Phoenix’ on three,” Dash directed, sticking a hand out as everyone followed suit “One…two…three…”


“Sorry to interrupt girls. Sunset; I have my portion of the project complete,” Discord said, sticking his head through the cracked open door

“Thanks dad. I'll take a look at home.”

“Still aren't getting a preview, are we,” AJ asked

“Everyone's going to see it at prom. I don't want to spoil anything. So; shall we get to practice?”

“So far; we have two songs to play. I did come up with a third,” Fluttershy mused

“Lets hear it,” Pinkie encouraged


"I like it. It's a fun song,” Pinkie replied

“Agreed. Maybe we can ‘pony-up’ again,” Applejack commented

“After that incident; we lost the ability to do so. Despite using it to defeat the Sirens,” Dash added

“Probably the Elements of Harmony sensed something wrong and refused to work,” a voice from behind said

“Twilight! What are you doing here,” Rarity asked

“I thought I'd surprise you by showing up. How's everyone been going,” Twilight asked

“Our former band, the Rainbooms ended when Sunset was in the hospital. Now; we're calling the band ‘Phoenix’ in honor of Sunset,” Applejack explained

“Congratulations on that and I wish you the best of luck with the band,” Twilight said

“Why don't you stick around for a little while? Equestria can survive without your presence for a short time.”

“I think I will. Besides; it's nice to get away from everything for a while,” Twilight mused

“Sunset; why don't you start with the song we heard you play with Vinyl and Octavia,” Rarity suggested

“It would be easier for the two of them to join me.”

“It's a good thing we just happen to be passing by,” Vinyl mused “Rarity; do you mind if I use your keytar?”

“Of course you can. Thank you for asking,” Rarity answered

With Vinyl starting the melody; Octavia followed in as a backing before Sunset added the main guitar part https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tH_xsg-V2Ys; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_lZJlEkHP2M. Twilight had to turn away momentarily in order to wipe her eyes.

“That's beautiful. What made you come up with that,” Twilight asked

“It just sort of happened. None of us knew what would come out of the rhythm,” Octavia replied

“Let's try the song you wrote; Sunset,” Dash said


“From what I've heard; that certainly fits your situation. Everyone is glad you're still here,” Twilight said, hugging Sunset

“As am I. While I was recovering; those lyrics came to mind. Just the other day I finally decided to write them down.”

“Let's head home. Besides; no one else is here except for the teachers,” Fluttershy suggested

“Damn. I didn't realize it was that late,” Dash replied

“How's your sister doing,” Pinkie asked curiously

“The three have kept away from each other since returning. I'd guess they don't want anything to do with one another,” AJ answered

“They've already been punished by our parents; but still chose to part ways,” Rarity added

“They know how much hell the school was put through. Thankfully no one actually attacked them for retribution,” Dash chimed in

“It might have started with just punishing me; but everyone got hurt from it. They're lucky not to have been arrested.”

“It's time for me to head home. I'll try to return soon,” Twilight said

“Tell mom I said ‘hi’. I might not return home for a long time.”

“Alright. Take care girls,” Twilight replied

Sunset slung her guitar over her shoulder before accompanying Twilight to the portal. Discord joined them to drive his daughter home. Wrapped up in the back of the truck was his surprise for her.


“So; what do you think?”

“It's perfect. Thank you,” Sunset answered hugging him

“I finished sewing the jacket and came up with something else you could do,” Chrysalis commented

“What's that,” Sunset questioned

“We could put something on the shoulders and mount the wings on the back.”

“That; and get the feathers dyed and overlapping on the jacket,” Chrysalis added

“I'll help with whatever I can. After all; this is my project,” Sunset replied

“I'll start with the dye tomorrow. They'll need time to dry afterwards,” Chrysalis decided

“Thank you both for helping out.”

“You're welcome. Your band's sounding pretty good.”

“They asked me to be lead guitarist; but it's everyone's band. I don't want them left out of decisions,” Sunset stated

“Besides your band; how's your studies coming along,” Chrysalis inquired

“Honestly; I haven't exactly been paying attention. Most of this I learned years ago. When I entered this world from Equestria; I wanted to learn about everything I could. Instead of studying, I've been drawing. Here's the book so you could take a look,” Sunset said as she handed over the book

“These are impressive. This is your version of our tattoo design? It certainly fits you; but would you actually get it done?”

“Probably not. It's too big to get it on my arm like the four of you and I'm not sure about it being placed on my back,” Sunset answered

“You don't have to get it inked if you don't want to. Besides; this is a great picture on its own,” Chrysalis replied

“Thanks mom. I thought it was fitting,” Sunset mused