• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,691 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(7 Part two) Bug Watchers

Shining Armor blinked as he stared at the saddlebags next to him. He wasn’t concerned that somepony would steal them, it was what was in them that concerned him

Shining Armor’s hoof really hurt. He still imagined the shock on Celestia’s face as his hoof connected with her golden regalia around her neck. He barely believed it himself, ‘I… used to work for her…’ He gave a small chuckle, ‘That felt good.’ He mused, ‘Maybe I just need to get all this stress out of my system.’

He was suddenly brought back to where he was. He looked out the window of the train he was on. He looked at the train car. It was empty except for himself and his four guards. He made sure that they were all well-rested, and more importantly, off duty when he hit Celestia. He really didn’t want to deal with that right now. He slumped back into the seat and put a hoof to his head.

‘I just hope Thorax will let me talk to Chrysalis,’ he thought, ‘And hopefully she’ll talk to me.’ Shining Armor sighed, hard. He looked out at the snowy landscape of the frozen north. ‘How could something, a being, let alone something so… foul… and evil… come into existence?’ His mind began to swim with mental images of the creature that attacked his daughter. ‘I… guess I didn’t give Celestia much chance to explain herself…’ His hooves began to shake, ‘And then there are the humans.’

He closed his eyes as he thought about Ross, ‘That bastard has my sister, and here I am leaving the City and letting Luna lead the search,’ His wandering mind began to go further, ‘What if she knew about this thing or the humans? If she-’ He shook his head, ‘No, she would’ve made sure every guard knew about these things…’

The train’s whistle let out a deafening screech. Shining Armor looked out the window, he saw the rolling hills and the high peaks in the distance. All of them were coated by snow and ice, he looked up and several reformed changelings flying in contrast to the white snow. ‘We must be getting close.’ He decided. The prince stood up out of his seat. ‘I just hope Luna doesn’t try to murder me when I get back,’ He began to walk to the trains’ engine, his guards trotting came to his ears as they followed him. He felt his saddlebags’ weight. The only thing that Celestia gave him to show to King Thorax.

He looked out the window again. The Changelings were still there, flying alongside the train. He recognized one of them as one of his sister’s students. ‘Former Students,’ He corrected, ‘Ocellus, she was one of the first graduating class…’ He met her once. At the graduation ceremony, Twilight was off in Appleoosa with her friends. ‘She was devastated when she couldn’t be there.’ He looked away and continued his walk to the exit. ‘I’ll let Thorax decide if she should know or not.’

The train’s breaks lurched Shining and his guards forward slightly. Shining shook it off and kept trotting forward. Small things like the train’s breaks won’t stop him, especially after the events of the past week. He rubbed his eyes with one of his hooves. He had hoped that he could’ve gotten any sleep on the six-hour train ride, but, instead, he stared at the player and considered playing it for the entire trip. He only came to a few minutes ago, when his hoof began to act up.

The train finally ground to a halt and the train let out another loud screech. Shining Armor breathed in and out. He put on a smile as he stepped off the train. His hoof touched the snowy ground. There to meet him were two reformed Changling guards and their leader. “Hello Prince Shining Armor,” He said with a smile, “I would say it’s good to see you however, I have a feeling this is not a social call.”

Shining Armor nodded, “Yes Pharynx,” Pharynx gave a slight bow in response.

“Sergeant,” Pharynx said. The guard to the left of Pharynx looked at Pharynx.

“Yes, sir?” She replied.

Pharynx turned and looked at the guard, “Go inform my brother that Prince Shining Armor wishes to speak to him, have him cancel court if he must.” The guard nodded and took off flying. The Changeling captain turned back to the prince. “I’ll have quarters prepared for you and your guards when we get to the hive, now, shall we.” He moved aside and allowed the Prince to move forward with the guards.

Shining Armor walked slowly so he and Pharynx could talk, “Your emotions are through the roof, your highness.” The captain of the Changling guard said, “Is there-”

“Yes, and we will discuss it with your brother,” Shining Armor’s magic, “Later.” Shining Armor walked into the confines of the Changeling hive, or the City of Vesapolis as it was now called by most of the outside world. Many of the older Changelings still call it the hive, many like Pharynx.

Shining looked around the city, proper houses and shops were present. Life had returned to the soil, there were some small trees sprouting at the outskirts of the old hive. He even saw some non-changelings wandering about, some pony, probably from his sister’s friendship programs, dragons, and the occasional griffon. Most of the non-changelings were probably not out of their teens, however. ‘Maybe Twilight's school,’ Shining thought. His horn lit up, he made sure the record player as he had come to call it, was still there, ‘Another perk of reforming the Changelings, I can finally use magic here.’

As they walked through the newly cobbled streets of the city, they drew many curious eyes their way. Shining Armor was probably one of, if not the most, recognizable stallion in the Equestrian royal family. Shining was used to this kind of attention, but for some reason, it was beginning to nag at him, but he pushed through them. ‘Can’t have the Changelings see my emotions and all that.’

“So… how’s Fl-” Pharynx started.

Shining cut him off with a glare.

Pharynx blinked, “Okay, I’ll just… shut up.”

The rest of the walk was quiet, but the tension was in the air, everychangling they passed could’ve felt it. The group finally entered the castle, or what little part of it that was actually functional, ‘I guess Thorax sacrificed the castle’s resources to put into the town,’ Shining thought, ‘Great, and I’m showing him something that is top secret.’

Shining Armor and Pharynx walked into a circular room. There were Changling guards all around them. Standing off to the side talking to a group of them, was The Changling King, Thorax. Shining and Pharynx walked up behind the King, who was facing away from them, talking to the light blue changeling he saw earlier.

The Prince of the Cyrstal Empire managed a small and forced, smile. Despite feeling at his absolute low, lower than at any point he though in his life, he had always managed to respect his peers. “King Thorax,” The Prince said. The Changeling King turned and smiled, Shining Armor could tell this was a genuine one, it had been nearly two years seen they had last seen each other. Most of it the time, it was his wife or his sister who handled state visits.

“Prince Shining Armor!” Thorax said as he began to walk to the named unicorn and Pharynx. “It has been too long,” The King said, his smile faltered Shining was taken aback by what he said, ‘What happened to that timid Changeling from a decade ago?’ He thought, “Are… Are you okay?” Shining nearly chuckled, ‘There he is!’

Shining’s false facade also fell, “I wish I had good news to tell you, but…” Shining sighed, “Can we talk somewhere? Possibly somewhere more private?” His tone was as serious as he made it. ‘I just hope Thorax has improved in serious situations. Maybe ruling has given him some backbone?’

Thorax nodded, “I already canceled court and dismissed the civilians,” Thorax said, “Can we discuss this in front of the guards?” Shining Armor looked around, only them, the guards, and Ocellus remained, Shining looked at Thorax, then back to Ocellus.

“What about her?” Shining asked, pointing to the light blue changeling in question, “This is some… pretty sensitive information.”

“Oh,” He turned and looked at her for a second, then turned back, “She’s actually my top advisor,” He paused, “if this information is threatening to the Crystal Empire and the Changeling Kingdom, then I’d like for her to hear it.” The King blinked, “umm… if that’s okay with you, that is.”

In the corner of his eye, Shining Armor saw Pharynx face-hoof, ‘Oh, so that’s where his backbone came from,’ Shining thought, ‘Well that and maybe Ember.’ Shining merely nodded, “If you trust her, then I do too.”

Thorax’s smile returned, “Okay, I’ll soundproof the room.” His orange horns lit up with blue-ish magic and surrounded the room. The guards on the border of the room all turned around and faced outward, just outside of the bubble of magic Thorax created. “Okay done,” He turned and faced Ocellus, “Let’s go to the table.”

Ocellus, instead of going straight to the table, walked towards Shining Armor. “I-I don’t think you remember me, but I was-”

“One of Twily’s first graduates from her school. I remember.” He nodded to her, “It’s good to see you again, Ocellus.” Shining Armor said as he began to walk, “Now I don’t mean to be rude, but it is kinda important.”

Ocellus stuttered, “Yes, let’s.” She walked around the circular table.

The four creatures walked to the circular table in the center of the room. Thorax sat in a large throne-like wooden chair, while Pharynx sat in a smaller one off to the right. Ocellus sat to his left. ‘This feels just like Twily and her friends’ table at her castle.’ He thought. Shining Armor brought out the player, along with a piece of paper with a set of instructions on it.

“Now, I am telling you now, that I have a request after I show you this.”

Thorax looked at Pharynx and then Ocellus. He looked back at the Pony Prince and nodded, “Well, you can ask us after, I’d like to see this thing first.”

“As you say,” Shining said to the King.

SCP 106, Object class-Keter. Special Containment Procedures: Revision *BZZZT* - *BZZT*, Has been reinstated as of Test 106-12/14/3556. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command. Any such interaction must be undertaken in AR-II maximum security sites, after a general non-essential staff evacuation. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least sixty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except in the event of breach events.

SCP-106 is to be contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead-lined steel. The container will be sealed within forty layers of identical material, each layer separated by no less than 36cm of empty space. Support struts between layers are to be randomly spaced. The container is to remain suspended no less than 60cm from any surface by ELO-IID electromagnetic supports.

Note from 05-2, on *BZZZT*/*BZZZT*/ 5016:” A female voice began talking, “SCP 106 has been more active as of late, nearly *BZZZT* escapes a month. I am enforcing protocol *BZZZZT* having at least two MTF units at site *BZZT*. The current MTF units will be assigned until further notice: Pi-1 and Epsilon-6.”

Shining stopped the tape, a break was needed. It seemed, that no matter how many times he listens to the damn thing, he never gets used to it. And then, there are the images that are engraved into his brain. It’s a smell, which actually smelled like poop on fire. Shining blinked, ‘That fucker ruined my daughter’s cake.’ He realized, he shook his head and added it to the list of reasons to destroy.

“So…” Ocellus began, Shining’s head snapped to him, “I hate to ask this, but how did you… procure this?”

Shining sighed, “It attacked us, a few days ago,” He moved to press the play button again, “I’ll let it explain it to you.” He pressed the fast forward button for 2-ish seconds.

“Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.”

“Description: SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.”

Thorax’s eyes widened, “No…” Pharynx looked quizzically at his brother, not seeming to understand. Ocellus, on the other hoof, was just as horrified as Thorax, if not more.

“What?” Shining heard Pharynx whisper to both of them, “What’s so-” They didn’t get a chance to explain, as the tape trudged onward.

“SCP-106 causes a “corrosion” effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a “pre-digestion” action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to “burn out”.

SCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. SCP-106 is able to “vanish” inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of “pocket dimension”. SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: “entering” the inner wall of a room, and “exiting” the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106 or a simple “lair” created by SCP-106.

Limited observation of this “pocket dimension” has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with *BZZZZZZZZZZZT* entry. This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, *BZZZZZZT*. To date, there has only been one successful “escapee” from 106’s pocket dimension. All others have either gone insane or have never been seen again.

Note from 05- 1, ‘During event Site-*BZZZZZZZT *, a site-wide containment failure of site-19, subject D-9341 was “captured” by SCP-106, *Bzzzt* times with little damage to his person. See event Site-19 - 23 for more information.’”

Shining Armor stopped the tape, “Pharynx,” He said to the Changeling guard captain, still confused about why his brother and his advisor were absolutely horrified. “My daughter…” He was able to croak out.

“Oh… I…” Pharynx couldn’t seem to form words.

“Is… is she...?” Ocellus asked, there was no need to go further in her question.

“Luna can still sense her dreams, so she’s alive, but she can’t see them,” He said, Thorax’s anxiety left him as fast as air and a balloon. “And, she’s with the things that contain that.” He finished, putting a damper on the joy that filled Thorax mere seconds before.

“Is there… Anything else you wanted to show us?” Thorax asked, his voice filled with sorrow.

Shining Armor nodded, “Unfortunately, yes; we learned that the organization abducts ponies and uses them as test subjects,” The King’s eyes’ widened. Shining Armor turned around, the guards were still outside of the sphere of hearing.

Shining looked to the piece of paper. A timestamp was on it. The prince quickly reset the player and then pressed down on the fast forward button, “And they’ve also abducted changelings.” He stopped and pressed play.

A monotone and male voice begin to speak, “Testing log: SCP-106 - 06/15/5004. Subject D-81331 is introduced into SCP-106’s containment chamber. Note, it is still imitating Agent *Bzzzzt*.” Senior Researcher *Bzzzzt* and Assistant Researcher *Bzzzzt* enter the observation room. Assistant Researcher *Bzzzzt* turns on the microphone.”

A female voice begins to talk, “Alright, I know that Agent [Redacted] knows what this room is. And seeing as you are not [Expletive] your pants, you are definitely not Agent *Bzzzzt*.” The monotone male voice comes back, “The being reverts back to its natural form. A 1.4 meter high, black coated, insect-like creature. It has a jarred and mangled horn, however, it still can use *Bzzzzt*. It has two transparent and blue wings.”

The researcher begins to talk again, “Alright, please move to the creature in the center of the room.” The narrator begins to talk, “331 walks to the center of the containment cell, and it spots SCP-106, who is currently in one of its ‘hibernation’ phases. 331 begins to walk around SCP-106. Researcher *Bzzzzt* returns to the mic.” The female voice begins to speak again, “Can you imitate the creature?”

“331 begins to circle SCP-106. It seems to be studying 106’s form. 331’s form begins to warp as it tries to morph into SCP-106. As it is preoccupied, SCP-106 begins to break out of hibernation.” The Changeling guard captain and king were listening with much trepidation. Pharynx had his eyes narrowed, ready to fight. Ocellus, who up to this point had been taking notes, much like Twilight was forced to do, had stopped.

“OH [EXPLETIVE]! SOUND THE ALARM!” Somehow, even after listening to it already, that part caught Armor off guard. ‘Yeah, they censor cursing somepon… something, but not the fact it brutally kills creatures on a regular basis,’ His thoughts began to dwell on his daughter, ‘What if she’s just being kept alive to be used as another test subject…’ He shook his head, ‘I need to stop thinking.’ He put his forehooves on the table and put pressure to his temples, ‘I just need to calm down, she’s fine.’

“331 reforms into what is to be believed in its natural form. It takes notice of SCP 106, which has begun to walk towards it. In accordance with procedure, the room was locked down and site security was called. The camera feed is cut, and visual contact is broken with D-81331. Audio, however, picked up the sounds of buzzing, which seemed to be coming from D-81331, and soon after, the snap, of what is assumed to be its back right leg, which was found removed from the body in the containment cell after SCP-106 had been incapacitated. The rest of the body was never found.”

Shining stopped the tape before it could go on, “There are hundreds of these testing logs on here,” The two brothers looked at each other, “Ponies, Griffons, Twilight even said there was a Dragon,” He said. He changed the subject, “Now, as for the request I asked abo-”

“I think you should answer some questions first, Prince Armor,” Pharynx stated, “Then we can discuss this request of yours… and given the message or… whatever it was you just showed us, I’m not going to like it.”

“Pharynx!” Thorax shouted, making Shining do a double-take, “I see your logic, but you must remember that he didn’t have to share this information with us,” He turned to Shining Armor, “Which I am grateful for,” He turned back, “I want to hear the request. Maybe it will shed some light for us too.”

The Changeling King turned to Ocellus, who had resumed to write down information on a piece of paper, “You are dismissed Ocellus,” He blinked, “And please, don’t share this with any creatures.”

Ocellus nodded, “Of course, my king.” She flared her wings and took off.

Thorax watched her, “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for her to be here…”

“You don’t say, Thorax…”

Shining cleared his throat, “Can we discuss my request?” He fidgeted in his chair.

“Of course!” Thorax said, “What is it?”

Shining sighed, “I need to see Chrysalis.”

“So… where’s Pharnyx?” Shining asked the Changeling King, “He um… didn’t seem too happy about-”

Thorax shot Shining a glare, causing the Prince to shut his mouth. ‘Darn… since when did I begin to allow myself to get cut off by Thorax?’ He thought to himself, ‘I must really be going soft… or it could be the situation at hoof.’ Thorax looked forward again and continued walking.

“He had some… let’s just say… disagreements with me on the part of Chrysalis,” The King said. He stopped walking and hung his head. The Prince stopped and looked back, “He wanted to… execute her, for her crimes.” Thorax began to walk again.

“Execute her?” Shining asked himself, “Even with all she’s done, I don’t think anypony deserves that.” He said before he continued walking.

“Yeah, that’s what I told him,” The king said stopping again, this time in front of a door. There were four guards, two on each side of the wooden panels. “But, I’ve been able to control him for the most part, I’m just glad we were able to change him.”

Shining Armor nodded, “I guess when he joined you, he took some of his more… militaristic ideals with him…” Shining turned to Thorax, “Is she in there?”

“Yes,” Thorax said, he closed his eyes and his twin horns lit up with magic. A key flashed into existence in front of the King. The King grabbed it in his magic. He turned to the guards, “You four are coming inside with us, I want to make sure she doesn’t get out.”

They all bowed their heads.


“As I’ll ever be,” Shining replied. Thorax walked forward and put the key in the door. An unseen magical shield around the door dropped and the door opened up.

The room was dark. Almost too dark. The Changelings and pony walked into the room. Off to the side of the room, there was a simple bed and nightstand. Shining Armor scanned the room, as did every other Changeling who walked in.

“Well, this is certainly a surprise,” the recognizable voice of Chrysalis said, “I was sure I would just be left to my own forever.” She seemed to phase through the wall of pure darkness, nearly giving Shining Armor a heart attack. ‘I hope she has answers.’

“What do you want?” She hissed to Shining Armor.

Shining, for his part, tried to remain calm, but the darkness scared the crap out of him. “It's not what I want, it’s what we need.” He walked in front of all the Changelings, including Thorax, “And I really hope you have it.”

Chrysalis laughed, “Why would I give anything to you!” She shook her head, “You must be as stupid, if not more, than the first time I met you.”

‘This is going great,’ He thought, ‘How’ll she react to this?’ Shining cleared his thought, “Chrysalis,” Her laugh tapered off and she looked at him, still smirking, “You’ve ruled up here longer than any of us.” He sighed, “Do you know what the SCP Foundation is?”


Her face went blank, and her silence was more of an answer to Shining Armor, “Can you tell us what it is?”

“What it is?” She hissed, “It, is a soulless and loveless state, full of incompetent idiots.” She was obviously peeved at it, “... okay, maybe not idiots, they seemed very organized, and their… doctors are smart.” She cocked her head, “How do you know them anyway? I made sure to,” She looked at the King and guards, “purge… memories of them from the hivemind… while it was still intact of course.”

“What?” Thorax asked, “PURGE?”

“Yes, do try to keep up dear Thorax,” She turned back to Shining Armor, “So that’s the source of fear I keep getting off of you,” She bared her teeth, “So, tell me, was it your sister. Did she overstep her bounds, they scooped her up and you want her back?” She laughed, “Perhaps your… lovely… wife’s emotional manipulation caught their attention?” Shining Armor’s rage began to build up in him.

“Don’t tell me… Not your-!”

For the second time that day, Shining socked a monarch in the face. ‘That really felt good,’ He wanted to raise his hoof again, but she was already on the ground, ‘And I need answers, can’t get them if she can’t talk.’ Shining walked up to her, “Unless you tell me information about them, I can guarantee, that those guards won’t save you before I end you.”

She looked up at the Prince, fear was in her eyes.


Author's Note:

Exposition! Going to get some Changeling Vs. Foundation action next time!

Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?

Scream at me in the comments!