• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,691 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

  • ...

(2) A Birthday to Remember

“Hey Auntie,” Flurry said to Twilight, who was sitting next to her, turned to her, “I bet you 10 bits I can guess what you got me for my birthday.”

Twilight smirked, “Really?” She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, actually I bet dad that I'd know," Twilight turned and looked at her brother who gave her a wry smile.

“Well,” Her Aunt said with a smirk, “What’s your guess?”

“Magic books,” Flurry replied confidently before levitating her spoon into her mouth. Still maintaining eye contact with her Aunt.

Twilight smirked, “Wrong,” Flurry nearly choked on her soup, “But, since tomorrow is your birthday," She put her hoof to her mouth and spoke with sarcasm in her voice, "I’ll give you another guess.”

“History books!” Flurry exclaimed.

“Errr,” Twilight replied, “Looks like somepony owes my brother ten bits.” She was grinning ear to ear.

“Math books?” Flurry, who had her entire world turned upside down, offered.


“Is it a book?”

Twilight smirked.

Flurry sat there with her mouth agape before she shook herself back. She looked at her dad across the table, who was still smiling at the whole ordeal. “Hey dad,” He was already looking at her, a smile on his face, “Can you spot me ten bits?”

He just looked at his sister. He brought his forehooves up and slow clapped for a bit. “Sure Flurry,” He said, “But you’ll lose our gift to you.”


“Flurry!” Cadance said, “Lower your voice.”

Flurry slumped back into her chair and continued eating the soup, occasionally making conversation with her dad and her Aunt. Flurry herself mainly just listened to her Aunt and her friends’ conversation. Her stories were always an inspiration for the young Alicorn.

Flurry finished eating the soup, “Okay, goodnight everypony,” Flurry announced as she hopped off her chair. She began to trot away at a brisk pace, that is until her mother stopped her.

“Flurry,” Princess Cadance said, “That is not how we excuse ourselves from the table.” She said to her daughter.

She felt her cheeks go red, ‘Seriously mom, in front of everypony?’ The other Princesses, her aunt, the elements of Harmony.’ She internally cringed. Flurry sighed, “May I be excused, mother.” She asked.

“Yes,” her mother said. ‘Finally.’ Flurry thought. Flurry walked out of the room. Slightly annoyed at her mother’s antics.

‘Dinner was nice… I guess,’ Flurry thought as she walked back down the hall, ‘Other than Auntie’s near mental breakdown before hoof,’ Flurry chuckled as she remembered her Aunt practically tear into her bags and throw on some makeup. As she walked down the winding halls, there was no other sound than the sound of her hooves clipping against the ground.

‘I wonder why they all stayed?’ Flurry thought, she shrugged it off, ‘Probably some last-minute party planning,’ she rounded the final corner to the hallway to her room. She noted the emptiness of the hallway. ‘Mom and letting the guards have so many days off,’ Flurry mentally scoffed, ‘

The small Alicorn walked through the door to her room, she turned around and closed the door with her magic. As much as she wanted to collapse and fall asleep on her bed, she knew she had to undress first. Flurry first threw off her small tiara. It landed right side up on its stand on her dresser. She smirked, ‘yes,’ she internally said to herself. She then magically undid her gilded shoes and band around her neck. She placed all of the items in a neat pile next to her golden mirror. ‘I really need a better system than a small pile, don't I?’ She shrugged, “I’ll do it later.” (She won’t, it's like the 3rd time she’s said that).

She breathed a lot easier as all the fine jewelry gave way to Flurry’s white coat. She felt relieved without the metal on her body. The small Alicorn Princess walked into the bathroom adjacent to her room and locked the door.

As she turned on the shower she patiently waited for the water to go a bit hotter than warm. As she tested it with her hoof, she smiled, “Perfect again,” she said. She let her mane, coat, and tail all get wet by the water, she felt the water tickle as it hit her muzzle. Her body relaxed as the warm water continuously hit her back. She shuddered.

Come to think,’ she thought, ‘Auntie Twilight is acting… strange,’ She paused her thoughts as she scrubbed shampoo all over her, making sure to get her underbelly and tail, ‘-er than usual,’ She finished the thought.

She itched at a particularly odd spot on her curly purple and blue mane. ‘Maybe she is having another one of those ‘episodes’ as she called it.’ Her face scrunched up, ‘No,’ she said to herself, ‘She hasn’t had one of those in years.’ She stopped itching her mane, ‘Maybe she is going crazy. I should talk to her friends about it.

She began to wash off the suds of shampoo on her body. ‘Maybe I should ask her about what’s wrong?’ She magically levitated the shower head off its holder and began to spray her tail. The soap beginning to fall off. She moved the showerhead and sprayed her underbelly. ‘Maybe I should’ve kept to baths,’ Flurry thought, ‘Much less work.’

She turned off the shower as she finished washing off all the shampoo. She stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed. She magically dried her herself before exiting the bathroom.

She hopped onto her bed before pulling the covers back. She laid down in bed and pulled the covers around her. The warm bed and mattress perfectly contrasting the coldness of the empire. She closed her eyes and nearly fell asleep, but there was something nagging at her.

She sat up in bed, displacing the bedsheets. ‘Maybe I should go now?’ She thought. She got out of bed. ‘I wonder what they’re talking about.’

Flurry tentatively made her way to the door. She grasped the golden door handle in her magic, “I am going to be in so much trouble,” Flurry said before smirking, “If I get caught.” She opened the door and walked out into the hallway.

‘Did they finish their meeting?’ She questioned, she tip-hoofed quietly across the hallway to her aunt’s door. She quietly opened the door. ‘The bed’s empty,’ Flurry thought, ‘They’re still talking.’ She trotted as quietly as she possibly could, being careful to avoid guards and their patrols.

She makes her way back to the dining room. She presses the side of her face to the door, listening, ‘Nothing,’ She thought as there was no noise on the other side of the door, she also pressed her cheek to the side ground. ‘No light,’ She thought, ‘They might be in the council room.’

She pulled herself off the ground. The smell changed from the floor to clean the air. She groaned, ‘I’m gonna need to take another shower, aren’t I?’ She sighed, ‘Whatever.’

She made her way up several flights of stairs, maneuvering around three other guard patrols. Eventually, after several winding hallways, she saw her goal, the, as her mom described it when she was little, ‘Big decision room.’

She walked up to the room, no guards. She looked under the door, the lights were on. She pressed her cheek to the door and used her magic. ‘What was that listening spell again?’ She thought.

As the magic took effect in the door, she was just barely able to make out what they were saying. She was able to recognize the first voice, her father.

“... sure, because we can just let something like this slide,” He said.

‘I’ve rarely heard him so annoyed,’ Flurry heard, ‘Maybe Pinkie brought another party cannon?’ Flurry pushed the door slightly more open.

“Shiny, I agree that this could pose a huge security risk, but she’s too young.” Flurry recognized the voice of her mother.

‘Too young for what?’

“She deserves to know, Cady,” Shining said, “She needs to be prepared if something happens.”

‘What are they talking about?’

“We aren’t going to get anywhere by going back and forth,” Cadance said, “What do you three think?”

“I,” Flurry heard a motherly voice say, ‘Celestia,’ she continued to listen, “for one believe this is all too much to believe.”

“Are you doubting Twilight’s warning, sister?”

‘Luna,’ Flurry thought.

“No,” Celestia said, Flurry imagines her surprised ‘No’ face and snickered, “But… I mean, this is a bit too much, even for what we normally deal with.”

“While I agree,” Her father said, “A threat is a threat, and one against our daughter nonetheless,”

Flurry’s ears perked up at that statement, ‘Who would want to hurt me?’ Flurry asked herself, very concerned.

“Twilight,” Luna said, Flurry heard a slightly surprised squeak, “What do you believe?”

“W-well a threat is a t-threat, no matter who says it,” She said, “I think we should tell Flurry, but not right now. Maybe a day or two after her birthday?”

Silence followed.

“Well,” Cadance, “Compromise is the foundation of every nation,” Her mother said, “I think,” Cadance sighed, “I can agree to that.”

“Same,” Said her father, “until then we’ll have increased security.”

“Agreed, I will call on the Lunar guard captain in Canterlot to join us.” Luna said, “He is competent enough and he can assist you with night security. Sister? What say you?”

“I still… feel as if this just a hoax, but I feel a bit… outnumbered, I can agree.”

“So,” Shining said, “We heighten security and Cadance and I will tell Flurry, agreed?”

“Yes,” Cadance said.

Flurry didn’t hear anypony else, ‘I guess they all nodded or something.’ She heard the creaking and sliding of ponies getting off of chairs and sliding them back into place. Flurry’s eyes went wide.

‘I gotta get outta here.’ She nearly went full gallop before realizing she had wings. She took flight, hovering just above the ground and began flying back down the stairs and through the hallways to her room. But there was one question she couldn’t shake, ‘What kind of creature would want to hurt me?’

She magically opened her door and then closed it behind her. She was sweating, the thrill and speed at which she flew into through the castle and the pseudo spy mission she went on caused her to sweat profusely. She walked up to the mirror. Her cheek, the one she pressed up against the floor was a bit darker. Her mane was tangled, a drop of soap residue mixed with sweat fell into her eye, she rubbed it off with her hoof.

‘Dang,’ she thought as she moved to the bathroom, ‘I guess I really do need to take another shower tonight.’ She sighed and walked into the adjacent room.

Flurry walked in and closed the door behind her. She turned the lock on the handle, hearing a distinctive click behind her. ‘Maybe a bath?’ She thought as she glanced at the majestic marble bathtub on the other side of the bathroom, “Maybe later,” she said to herself out loud.

She walked up and turned the water on for the second time that night. After some time, she tested it with her hoof, ‘Still perfect,’ on instinct she brought her left forehoof up to her muzzle. She read the magical watch she had put there over a year ago. ‘Only 11 pm,’ she thought, ‘maybe they’ll just think I’m taking a long shower.’

She quickly stepped in and again lathered herself in shampoo, quickly scrubbing her underbelly, mane, and back. As she was cleaning her muzzle and face, being particularly obsessive about the cheek that touched the ground, there was a soft knock on the bathroom door.

Flurry very nearly fell over. “Y-Yes?” She asked, “Who is it?” Her voice was a little shaky, ‘Please think I’ve been in the shower for an hour.’

“Hey Flurry, I’m just making sure you’re okay,” her mother said through the door, “You’ve sure been in there a while, haven’t you?”

“Y-yeah,” Flurry said, “I just want to be at my best and all.”

“Oh I know how you feel,” Her mother said. A slightly more concerned tone followed, “Are you okay? You said a bit…”

“Mom,” Flurry said in an angsty tone, “I’m fine.”

“Okay, okay.” She said, “Well, get out soon, tomorrow’s a big day.”

“Okay mom,” Flurry, “Love you, goodnight.”

“I do too, goodnight.”

Flurry stayed still for a minute, listening for anything else. ‘I think I’m good.’ She thought. The youngest Alicorn proceeded to finish washing for the second time that night. As she washed off the last of the soap, she breathed a sigh of relief.

‘That was… by far… the most rebellious… most stupid… thing I’ve done,’ Flurry thought.

She practically collapsed onto the bed. She was out instantly.

Flurry was wearing a beautiful silver dress in addition to her normal Jewelry. The fine silk felt amazing on Flurry’s coat. She felt the cool winter breeze go through her mane.

Her mother and father were to her left and right. Her mother was wearing a light green dress with crystals adorning her collar. Cadance’s tiara rested on her mane. Her father was wearing his red suit. His ceremonial sword at his side.

Her mother had a wing around her body and was nuzzling her admittedly red face. ‘I’m going to die due to embarrassment.’ She thought, ‘Okay, you can stop nuzzling me now.’ Flurry tried to shy away from her mother, who eventually conceded and let her daughter go.

“I guess you finally outgrew me nuzzling you at these sort of things, huh?” Her mother asked.

“I guess I have,” Flurry replied, “It's so embarrassing!”

“Oh sush,” Cadance said, “It's not like it's going to hurt you.”

“Oh come on Cady,” Shining said, “I thought you wanted her to grow up?”

“Not yet,” Cadance said.

In front of the rulers were the citizens of the empire all either clapping or happily cheering for the princess. Flurry puffed out her chest, ‘I’m 12, one more year then I’m going to be a teenager,’ she thought, ‘Mom will have to let me see those PG-13 plays.’

As the crowd all began to dissipate, Flurry and her mother also made their way inside. Waiting was the other princesses and the bearers Elements of Harmony. She smiled, if her parents and her aunt were her actual family, Flurry always considered the bearers her honorary family. “How’s it going?” Flurry asked them, “In my opinion, I have no idea what the point of standing and waving is. Feels like that’s all I do.” She said in a dejected tone.

“Well, you’ll find your purpose, later,” Her mother said to her, Flurry opened her mouth, but was cut off by her mother, “And don’t worry, you will find it.”

“Yeah,” said Applejack, “I mean, you’re only twelve.”

Rainbow Dash then said, in direct contrast to Applejack, “Well, when I was a filly, I alre-” A certain Apple mare perfectly landed an apple in Rainbow Dash’s mouth while she was speaking. Flurry snickered at that. ‘That accuracy, she must’ve had practice,’

“Rainbow Dash that’s enough,” Rarity said.

Pinkie said, “Yeah, it’s her birthday, stop talking about yourself.”

“Can we stop this, please,” Fluttershy asked to nopony in particular. Nopony seemed to listen to her. Flurry could practically feel the sadness coming from Fluttershy. ‘Why does nopony listen to her?” Flurry walked up and put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Flurry said.

“Well,” Shining armor said as he walked back inside, “Now that only the publicity stunts are concluded, we can finally get to the cake.” He turned and faced the self-appointed party master, “Which I assume you made.”

“Oh, you know me too well Shiny!” Pinkie sat on her haunches and clopped her hooves against each other twice. The various ponies in the room, including Flurry Heart, began looking around. ‘She always does this,’ Flurry Heart thought, ‘Where will it come from this time?’

A few seconds pass...

“Okay Pinkie,” Shining Armor stated, “Where’s the cake?”

“Less this becomes another security risk,” Luna added. Luna seemed to immediately regret saying that the second it came out of her mouth, having her eyes go wide. Flurry did too.

‘Well this is awkward,’ Flurry thought, ‘If I don’t say anything, then they are going to know, I know.’ Flurry thought, ‘Maybe I can play it off?’

“Yeah Pinkie,” Flurry said, earning stars from the other princesses and the lone prince, “Dad already put you on the list after what happened with that party cannon.” She giggled after.
Flurry stole a glance, at the others, they were all looking at her and giving pleasant smiles. Twilight even managed a laugh.

She looked at her mother, she looked relieved, ‘She bought it.’

Pinkie walked up to Flurry, jumping up and down. “So Pinkie,” Flurry said, “Where is it?”

“It’s,” She pointed behind Flurry, “There?” She pointed to a table at the end of the room, “Is it me or is there something wrong with it?”

Flurry tried to reassure Pinkie, “Oh I’m sure it’s…” Pinkie was gone. Flurry was, at first, concerned, but then she reasoned, ‘Oh, it’s Pinkie Pie.’ She turned back to where Pinkie pointed, ‘Yep, there she is.’

Flurry walked over to the party pony who was looking over the chocolate cake. “What’s wrong Pinkie,” She looked at the cake again, “So the chocolate melted? I don’t see that as a problem.” Just then a horrid smell hit both Pinkie and Flurry.

“It was a red velvet cake,” Pinkie says as she covered her snout, “Not ugh... chocolate.” The Pink pony gagged, “That smells terrible.”

The rest of the ponies in the room gathered around the destroyed. Twilight Sparkle’s inquisitive nature overtook her as she moved forward. She tentatively moved her hoof forward and touched the substance.

“Ah!” She yelled as she shook her hoof violently. “It’s hot!”

"What's hot?" Cadance asked as she walked into the room. She looked at the cake, "It is supposed to be some sort of fondue cake?"

"No..." Pinke said dejectedly.

“So it’s molten… chocolate?” Rainbow Dash asked as she joined the rest of the ponies, “Because that not… *hack* Oh, jeez, that’s molten shi-“ Another apple found its way into Rainbow’s mouth before she finished the statement.

Flurry cocked her head, “Molten what?” She asked Rainbow Dash who was trying to eat the apple in her mouth. Rainbows eyes went wide, “Uh… poop?”

“Eww, that’s disgusting!” Flurry said still holding her nose closed, now with her magic.

Celestia walked up behind Flurry Heart, “Well,” She said while looking at the cake, “Looks like we’ll just have to get another cake,” The other white Alicorn said.

“Oh,” Cadance said, “I know a bakery just down the road.”


Flurry felt the sadness coming from Pinkie. She watched as Twilight and the other elements comfort her. Flurry was able to make out Pinkie saying, “... I’ve always made her cakes… some other Baker!” Pinkie was on the verge of tears.

‘I can see where this is going,’ Flurry thought. She turned her head and looked out the lone dining room window, ‘Sunset, a bit too late for a new cake to be made.’

“Well, we could just have cake tomorrow, right?” Flurry asked to everypony in the room.

“Flurry,” Her mother said, “Are you sure? I mean, I’m sure we could get-“

“A birthday without one of Pinkie’s cakes is not a complete birthday party,” she reasoned with her mother. “Besides, if I eat cake now, I’ll be bouncing off the walls, again. Beside gifts always come after cake, can’t break tradition.”

Cadance looked out the window and tapped her hoof to her chin. She turned to her husband, “I’m fine with it if you’re fine, Shiny.”

“If Flurry says she can wait,” he looked at his daughter, “Then she can wait. It also almost her bedtime.”

Flurry was walking back to her room, ‘I’m sure Pinkie will work through the night baking a new cake, probably guard it all night to make sure… whatever happened to the last one doesn’t happen again.’

Flurry magically grabbed the door handle and turned it. The door opened and reveal her room. She looked at the window above her bed, ‘The sunset always was beautiful just as it fell below the horizon,’ Flurry thought, ‘I need to ask aunt Celestia how she does it.’

She sat down at her desk in front of her mirror and began to undo the various ties that were on her dress. ‘What would want to threaten me?’ Her mind asked herself, ‘I should've done something, anything,’ she sighed, ‘But no, here I am attempting to look oblivious to whatever it is that threatened Me to Aunt Twi.’ She chastised herself further, ‘Don’t worry Flurry, whatever it is, they’ll tell me tomorrow.’

As she was struggling with one particular knot just under her mane, she noticed something on the opposite side of her room. Two silver dots. Just sitting there, not moving at all. Flurry didn’t take her eyes off the silver dots.

As the last knot came undone, the dress came off. She magically levitated the dress into the nearby hamper. ‘What are those things?’ She questioned as she began to undo the golden bad around her neck, ‘Maybe some magical anomaly?’ She slipped out of her golden shoes. Being careful to keep watch, ‘I wish dad had taught me how to teleport.’ She ground her teeth together. She didn’t feel safe.

She sniffed the air. She winced as a stench hit her nose, ‘That smell!’ She turned around, hoping to catch, whatever it is, off guard. It was gone, but the stench was still in her room. She scanned the room, ‘Maybe it left?’ She turned back to the mirror.

Her tiara tumbled off her head and clinked in the ground.

She couldn’t breathe. Something had wrapped around her neck and muzzle. They squeezed… hard. Some sort of liquid also began flowing down her snout, preventing her from breathing through her nose. She wanted to scream, she wanted to breathe. But she couldn’t.

The places it touched her began to burn. “MHHHHAHHA!” Was her muffled reply. Whatever it was that was attacking her was keen on the two staying undisturbed. She tried something, anything with magic, any spell. Nothing happened, she couldn’t concentrate.

Mhmm! Mahd!” She said through her shut muzzle. “Mamt… Brevve…” tears began falling down her face. Her body began contracting as she attempted to cry.

Almost from the second from when she was attacked, she clamped her eyes shut. But as her oxygen ran out. She opened her eyes to look for a way out. The only things that grew her red and oxygen-deprived eyes, were those two silver dots. Now surrounded by a brownish black face and a mouth with a vile grin. Whatever was wrapped around her neck left.

Something came up to its face, covering its mouth. It took a while for her to process what it was doing. ‘It wants me… to be quiet?’ Flurry quickly nodded her head.

The grip on her muzzle loosened, allowing her to breathe in a little air. She still felt a burning sensation wherever the thing had touched her. ‘I need to... get out of here.’ Almost as soon as she thought that, he grabbed her neck again. She could do little more than twitch in response.

“Ha… Ha… Ha…” it kept laughing while strangling her, “Ha… ppy... Birth..day…”

A large kick against her door drew her limited attention, "There it is!" Another voice said, “FIRE!”

Flurry felt something hit her shoulder. Then she hit the floor.

Author's Note:

Any Errors, tell me in the comments!!

Suggestions are welcome!