• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 108: Heroes in Another Dimension! Part 3-Otherworldly Frost Blade: Parallel Meta Knight

Galacta Knight has finally finished with the big clusters of friends. The next four worlds after Popstar were thankfully faster to deal with. Shiver Star still took a little longer, the knight visiting more than one city to make sure that the robots will be able to spread the pink hearts to all the others in time. At least, in Ripple Star, he just had to give a pink heart to the queen. Thanks to their ability to fly, the fairies will give the hearts to everyone else in record time. In New Halcandra, everyone is gathered at the same spot, so it will be fast too (he still apologized for slicing the planet in two and for blowing up the Moon). In Patch Lands, all the friends were in Quilty Square, so just one heart and it should be done in a few minutes.

Now, it's time for Galacta Knight to encounter the friends that are by themselves or in small groups. After quickly visiting the group in Floria, Galacta Knight now comes out of a hole, not on a planet, but in the vacuum of space, to his wonder. He felt two friends together, but he didn't think that he would find them here.

He then spots the two friends, two robots looking like Kirby and Sweetie Belle holding each other's claw as they fly with the speed of meteors, not able to change direction or to slow down. Galacta quickly flies after them, seeing that the robots are slightly damaged, especially the reactors on their back, but still activated. Catching up to them, he opens a hole on their way, and they all enter it before coming out of another back on New Halcandra where the locals should be able to repair them.

He has the feeling that Kirby and Sweetie Belle will be very happy once they learn about this.

The more time passes, the more the other dimension becomes dangerous. Barely the heroes come out of the rift that they have to fight through many creatures of various species existing in the Dream Universe while they spot the same small sun-like fireballs first encountered in Dangerous Dinner, in Halcandra, floating around. Right now, as they use C-shaped platforms working like elevators to move up rapidly, those mini suns aren't in the way, but this may change rapidly. The platforms, however, aren't large enough, so many of them are forced to fly and even to carry others.

After a few of those platforms, they reach the last one that leads them to a black door. Like they thought, those mini-suns are present on the new path in number, some of them simply floating in the air, others half buried in the ground. This means that the heroes have to carefully walk around them, or jump above them if they have no choice, but when they jump, they have to watch out to not touch the floating suns.

They quickly find the first heart a few seconds after starting, at the end of a secondary path with a few moving suns making it very narrow and hard to pass without touching them. Even the heart itself is in a very small space, so anyone trying to teleport to it would still get burned. Thankfully, they have Pitch, his small size and his speed while flying more than enough for him to reach the heart and avoid the suns.

They then reach a path where they have no choice but to climb it vertically jumping from platform to platform. But after some climbing, a giant sun suddenly comes out of the ground under them, destroying all the platforms and absorbing all the smaller suns on its way as it rises. So the heroes hurry up to climb, doing their best to avoid any obstacles and to not be slowed down by the many enemies. A second heart is found in a death end at the end of a tortuous secondary path, forcing one of them to take a huge risk entering the path, taking the heart, and leaving it in time before the sun could reach them.

They eventually reach the end of the path and they get out of the way of the giant sun only to end in a path full of lava. Nothing problematic, the water and ice users using their elements to solidify the lava into rock and create a path that everyone can walk on without getting burned. To their surprise, they then reach water falling on a wick among solidified lava. For this, Parasol Waddle Dee jumps on Birdon's back, and the bird carries him to the water where the Waddle Dee opens and enlarges his parasol to stop it from falling on the wick and lava. Hot Head then breathes fire to light the wick, and the heroes quickly continue along the path, Parasol Waddle Dee using his parasol to stop more water on the way from falling on the wick and put it off. The water and ice users also have to be careful to not accidentally put it off as they use their elements to solidify the lava. They eventually reach the cannon, and Kirby jumps in it just before the lightning wick reaches it. The cannon fires him far away in the air, and the puffball disappears among the suns above them. He quickly comes back through a black door, announcing that he has gotten two more pink hearts.

They then reach the end of the lava path just before a black door, entering another path with more suns, or rather, this time, sun-like meteors, because it is what they feel like. Hundreds of those suns are flying from all directions to all directions, giving the impression that they are on a path in the middle of a meteor field, with small suns replacing the meteors. Thankfully, the path is very solid, because the suns hitting it simply bounce off without leaving even a crater. Lave and streams of fire are also present, but not as much. But added to the many pits, this causes a lot of careful platforming to happen.

And playing billiard with the suns seems to be the theme of this place. All the hearts here, four in total, have to be obtained by moving platforms using switches to cause suns to bounce from them toward either a weak wall or another sun, causing said sun to change trajectory to destroy a weak wall. With the first heart, it is rather easy, the main problem being that only one switch can be activated at once, so it only takes them a couple of tries to get the sun to destroy the weak wall and let them reach the heart.

With the second heart, things get harder because they have to change the trajectory of a sun using another to make it destroy the weak wall. For this, they have to bounce the two suns back and forth using the switches to make sure that the first sun touches the second sun from the right angle at the right place to lead it toward the weak wall.

The last two hearts ask them to do something similar but with a much more complex puzzle involving two dozen switches (some of them away from others, on lava, or behind streams of fire), five suns, and a dozen weak walls. Let's just say that by the time they get the two hearts, the brains of some of the heroes are smoking.

It doesn't last long. Where this area has been a real kingdom of fire, the one after the next black door turns out to be the opposite, a kingdom of ice, with icy ground, streams of ice, and a field of ice meteors around them, the meteors in question being giant agglomerations of spikes of ice.

But this time, they don't have to play billiard with them to get the hearts. They just play as very annoying obstacles to reach them, as is the case for the first heart. The heroes find an opening leading to a field of those meteors very compact, leaving only a small space for someone to fly between them, made even harder because most of the meteors are slowly spinning, forcing anyone deciding to fly here to watch out for the moving spikes. Pitch is, again, the chosen one, the small bird flying between the meteors until finding the pink heart hidden among them. Another opening leads to another compact field, only this time some of the meteors are moving, forcing Pitch to be even more careful and even to backtrack a little to avoid them.

By the time he finds the heart, Pitch wishes to be bigger, so he wouldn't be the one chosen to go into those kinds of situations. It sucks to be small. But at the same time, it makes him useful, so it doesn't suck. And so, he finds himself divided...

But those two hearts have been easy to obtain compared to the following ones. Further on the path, they find a giant ice block that they have to push into a hole of the same shape to, somehow, destroy the wall around it and open another path. On this path, they have to push the block on a rather narrow ice bridge and avoid that it falls into the pit below. At the same time, they have to bring it to a couple of places where pressing a switch causes a saw to come out and cut the block in a certain way to make it look like a tent. This way, the block can enter the triangle-shaped hole at the end of the the path and destroy the wall around it, opening the way to two hearts.

A second ice block is found, and after using it to open a new path, they start pushing it on another ice bridge, much more tortuous and leading to a dozen of those places with the saws, where there were only two previously. They then see that the wall at the end has two holes: one shaped like a I, and another shaped like a U but with right angles instead of round angles. And each of those holes are only big enough for half of the block to enter, which means that they first have to cut the block in two. So they carefully test one by one the various saws to see which one to use first, noting the path of each one, and once they find the right one, they push the block to it before pressing the switch again. Once the block is cut in two, they now just have to push the two parts toward the right saws to give them the right shapes, the I shape asking two saws, and the U shape asking three saws. Once the wall is destroyed, they are rewarded with two more hearts.

Not long after, they pass another black door that leads them inside a big room without any exit. However, one of the walls is heavily cracked, but they will need something big to break it.

And Kirby just knows what they need to do as he starts using the power of the hearts, and in a few seconds, they form a giant friend circle, which is more than enough to break the wall.

They come out of the room and discover that they are now in a place where it is as if the field of sun-like meteors and the field of ice meteors have merged, and their number is even more huge than before. They can see thousands of them in the distance as if forming rivers! And there are huge ones as big as planets!

The hearts here aren't that hard to obtain, they just have to choose the right paths and do the right jumps. A couple of times, they also have to roll on switches to turn the path into a ramp toward another. The danger is mainly the path themselves.

Pieces of paths made of lava or of ice are everywhere. The first ones force them to jump a lot, taking the risk more than once to jump right into a sun or ice meteor or to miss jump and fall into the bottomless pit below. The last ones are very slippy, and more than once, they almost slipe to their death, without forgetting the heavy risks of miss jumps they cause too. As if this is not enough, pieces of the paths are lowering or rising, making some jumps very close, especially to reach some secondary paths to obtain the hearts. By the time they reach the end and break up beside another black door among ruins, they have collected six more hearts and they can count at least two dozen more close calls to their record.

At the other side of the black door, they appear in a round arena at the top of a mountain. Kirby and the ones who were with him immediately recognize the place, and they all raise their heads to look at a ledge, followed by the others.

On the ledge, they spot a familiar figure, back to them. All they can see is his cape, brown colored, and his crimson pauldrons, but they understand who they're up against.

The figure then turns around, revealing the bronze mask covering his black and round body, red eyes looking at the heroes with the intent to kill.

He jumps from the ledge, making it crumble, and lands in front of the group of heroes, sword ready to slash. Seeing the sword glowing, they all quickly lower themselves just in time to avoid a huge and sharp sword beam, the beam passing above them and cutting the top of a mountain behind them.

"Ugh... Hopefully, this won't be Morpho Knight all over again," says Dedede.

Dark Meta Knight is the first to charge, again, and the two dark balls start clashing, Parallel Meta Knight not teleporting to do like Morpho.

"He likes fighting other powerful swordsman, uh?" asks Elline.

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes. "You have no idea. He never misses an occasion to fight a swordsman in the hope of becoming better and be able to defeat Meta Knight."

"Which tends to make him a little too much overzealous," says Marx with a laugh.

"Well, we should join him and defeat this guy before he decides to divide himself into four," says Cape Knight.

"Agreed," say most of the other heroes before they all start attacking.

Parallel Meta Knight is fast, very fast, but not possessing Morpho's teleportation ability, his speed doesn't mean much against a small army of almost fifty heroes, some of them about as fast as him. However, his speed is allied with strength and power,making him much more powerful than his counterpart. Each time that his sword clashes with something, like another weapon, the hero holding it is propelled backward, or barely resists being propelled, and it's a miracle that nothing is broken.

He still rapidly gets overwhelmed by the number of heroes, so eventually he decides to move away and to remain mobile to not be surrounded by all of them again and to have an easier time parrying. So the most skilled and fastest weapon users among the heroes, mainly Sweetie Belle, Meta Knight, and Dark Meta Knight (Kirby and Gooey not possessing a Weapon Ability) attack him relentlessly to get an opening for them or the others.

Parallel Meta Knight multiplies the use of sword beams and tornadoes, even sending more than one sword beam in one slash. He reminds everyone that he is Meta Knight, but much more skilled and powerful. He possesses all his moves, but more dangerous. The sword beams are faster and cut through almost everything. The tornadoes are more numerous and faster, even taking unpredictable trajectories. He also has nothing of the chivalrous way of fighting from Meta Knight, like they saw earlier when he started the fight without giving Kirby a sword like he usually does. He doesn't hesitate to trick, to throw some sand into their eyes, to trip them, to use his cape, to attack someone already down...

But again, he is only one being against all of them, and the heroes help each other to defend and attack. Each time that Parallel Meta Knight leaves an opening to attack, at least one of the heroes uses it to hit him. No matter who he attacks, there's always someone ready to attack him in return. The fight against Morpho Knight has perfectly prepared them for this one.

That is... until, after getting hit for probably the hundredth time, Parallel Meta Knight disappears inside a small purple blob that divides itself into 49 blobs.

And thus, 49 Parallel Meta Knights are now facing the 49 heroes...

And the heroes can only look in horror.

"Eh... Eheh... At least, since the damage they take spread to all of them, it will be fast," says Bandana Dee.

"You mean that our death will be fast," says Chef Kawasaki hopelessly.

The army of Parallel Meta Knights then attacks, and soon, each of the heroes are facing one of them in a one versus one. Except that almost none of them stand a chance in an one versus one fight against Parallel Meta Knight. Most of them would already have no chance to defeat Meta Knight, so the more powerful and more skilled, ruthless and evil counterpart? Not even in their dreams.

The only ones who manage to stand their ground are Kirby, Sweetie Belle, Dedede, Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, and Marx, and even then, it's only a question of minutes for some of them before they would be defeated. But again, they can count on their teamwork, so the heroes don't remain focused on their Parallel Meta Knight to attack the others and take them by surprise (which is still hard). Despite this, the first heroes start to fall.

The heroes quickly assemble around the fallen ones to protect them and to better support each other. The healers work quickly and constantly, Adeleine, Yin-Yarn, and Claycia also using their skills to create many beings of paint, yarn, and clay to help them and get the attention of the Parallel Meta Knights.

Some of the Parallel Meta Knights change tactic and use a power never used by Meta Knight. Raising their sword, they fire from it some purple lightning bolts. However, not only whoever is hit by them are shocked, the bolts also create purple cages of electricity around them similar to the prison of web that Taranza used to trap Sweetie Belle. Whoever trapped in them can only struggle to escape as quickly as possible despite the constant pain caused by the electricity. They also become vulnerable to the other Parallel Meta Knight who use the occasion to attack them, making the number of fallen heroes grow. The best way to quickly free them is to attack the Parallel Meta Knights at the origin of the cages who, thankfully, can't defend themselves. The long distance fighters have a field day against them.

In the end, the number of Parallel Meta Knights work against them. With the heroes solidly gathered together, constantly supporting each other, healing the ones who fall, protecting the healers, the Parallel Meta Knights aren't advancing. Meanwhile, because of all of them sharing the damage they take, the Parallel Meta Knights are rapidly getting closer and closer to their limit.

So they fly away and assemble in the sky above the heroes before they start raining hundreds of sword beams on them. The heroes, doing their best to defend themselves, counter with their own projectiles, no one among them daring to teleport or fly to approach them. After a couple of minutes, the two groups stop seeing that this leads them to nowhere.

By now, the totality of the arena has been destroyed, cut to pieces, and only a small pillar with the heroes on it is remaining. The Parallel Meta Knights could cut the pillar and let the heroes fall, but many of them can fly and they could probably help the others. So they decide to do something more direct that will kill all of them at once.

Gathering, they form a cone, point toward the heroes, like the head of a giant spear or of an arrow.

The heroes do the same, Magolor at the head with his Ultra Sword, circled by the other sword users. The formation can't fly like the one of the Parallel Meta Knights, so the heroes can only wait as the Parallel Meta Knights are approaching. Before long, the two formations clash, the force starting to cause parts of the pillar to crumble.

The heroes quickly feel that they are losing the clash. If their formation doesn't break before, the pillar will, and the Parallel Meta Knight are strongly flapping their bat wings to push, and push, and push.

So they start gathering the power of the heart at the base of their formation. As it charges, the base is starting to glow pink more and more. Until they unleash it! And the heroes are suddenly propelled forward right through the Parallel Meta Knights, breaking their formation and causing them to reform as only one Parallel Meta Knight. The heroes then turn around, still in formation, and before Parallel Meta Knight can move, they pierced him before hitting the pillar, totally destroying it.

Not much remains of Parallel Meta Knight by the time they break formation, and they quickly absorb the ten pink hearts released by him before they pass the opening rift as what remains of the pillar starts falling into the abyss.

They reappear again at the usual place, but they barely recognize it. The place has almost totally crumbled. Almost nothing remains of the staircase. But that's not just it. There are now many more of those weird flowers, but also, the horn-things have changed into huge glowing, purple or pink vine-like things now surrounding the pond which now shows the weird red background of the fight against Zero Two. First Zero and now this, it's as if this pond is connecting to their past to warn them that Void's liberation is approaching.

No losing time, they jump in the fourth rift, hoping that the place will still be there by the time they come back so they can jump in the last rift.

Author's Note:


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