• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 19: A Celestial Dispute

"And so, I give you this cape, so it can show to everyone your position," Dedede said, putting a cape of the same red as his finery, with the same symbole and the same white rim, on Sweetie's back, wrapping it around her neck alongside her kerchief.

They were in the Throne Room, Dedede on his throne and Sweetie Belle before him. The room was full of minions watching the event including Waddle Dee, Broom Sunglasses, Cape Knight, and Knuckle Joe who had tears in his eyes.

Sweetie looked at the cape, feeling the fabric on her back. "It's nice. It's warm too."

"And it's strong too. It should be able to protect your back a little."

"Not sure it will do much against your hammer or Meta Knight's sword."

"Of course. Nothing is that strong outside of making you a real armor made of the strongest metal, but it would impede you too much. Now, to go with it..." He then placed a headband with the same red and yellow zigzag pattern as his cloth on her head.

Sweetie raised an eyebrow. "And now you will give me a hat similar to yours?"

This made Dedede laugh. "No, let's not go that far! This should be enough! If you want a hat, you will have to find one yourself... Unless you actually want a hat like mine?"

"No thanks."

Dedede nodded. "You can give now any order you want to my troops as long as it doesn't go against me and my own orders. Try to give one right now, anything to anyone. Go on."

Sweetie turned around and looked at the observers. Her eyes then fell on Broom Sunglasses. She smirked. He sweated.

"So... If I could order Broom Sunglasses here to wear a dress, he would have to?"

"You wouldn't dare!" he shouted.

"After all the times you made fun of me eating too much and risking gaining weight, it's tempting."

Broom Sunglasses remained silent for some seconds, thinking about something, before he talked. "So you wanna play like that! Okay then! I'm gonna wear your dress! And you will regret it!" And at that, he exited the room.

Sweetie stared at the exit and giggled. "I didn't even give him the order. I was just kidding. Oh well." She then looked at the crowd. "I actually don't know what to order. Mmh..." She pointed at a random Waddle Dee. "You! I want you to...! To...! To do something!"

The poor Waddle Dee found himself looking left and right trying to find something to do. But what will he do?! Should he clean the room? Should he bow? Should he fetch some Maxim Tomato pie, which was now known to be her favorite food? So many choices! Oh! He knew! Girls loved those things!

"You are the most adorable commander ever!" he shouted.

Silence... He blushed and slowly started to retreat toward the exit.

"Hum... Thanks..." Sweetie Belle said, her cheeks red.

Dedede guffawed.

"So, what does it feel to be everyone's superior?" Waddle Dee asked at lunch.

"I still have a hard time believing it. And I don't think I will ever get used to this role. I'm not really the kind to give orders, I'm more for asking and saying 'please'."

"And you can continue to ask and say 'please'. This is not because you are our superior that you have to change. It's just that now, if you want us to do something absolutely, like when we are invaded, we will listen to you without hesitation."

"Even if it's a bad order?"

"Well... Yes. But someone can always propose to you to give a better order if we feel like your actual one is a bad idea. I don't like saying this, but once the king has an idea, it's hard to make him change his mind, so nobody really tries to talk to him; but you, I'm sure you would listen. It would be good to name someone as your advisor. Or even two advisors."

"I see..." Sweetie Belle replied, starting to think. "Mmh... I could ask Cape Knight to be my advisor. He is captain of the guard, and so, he has a lot of experience in giving orders and would know what to do in time of crisis. As for a second advisor... Sorry, but I don't see anyone. Unless you wanna try?"

"Me? No. Definitely no. I don't know anything about giving orders."

"I suppose. But remember that you saved me the first day, stopping Dedede from attacking me. You convinced him to give me a chance and to let me live in the castle. You don't know how to give orders but you can help me taking decisions. And..." She hugged him. "I trust you. I don't need another reason."

He blushed. "May... Maybe... I could give it a try..."

"Hellooooo everybody!" a high pitched voice suddenly shouted from the entrance. Sweetie Belle and everyone else turned toward it to see a Broom Hatter. Only, he was wearing a pink frilly dress, pink high heels, and a wig of long blond hair. There was lipstick where his mouth should be if he had one and too many makeup on his face. The sunglasses were a giveaway of who he really was. Sweetie's jaw dropped. "How is everyone doing today?" he continued in that false girl voice. He then took a pink fan and flapped it at his head. "I'm Princess Sunglasses! Nice meeting all of you my beauties!"

"W...Wh... What the heck..." Sweetie Belle murmured.

"Oh my star!" the false princess suddenly exclaimed upon seeing her. "What an adorable little pony I am seeing here! Oh look at you, you are SO adorable that I just have to hug you!" He tended his arms toward her. "Come here cutie. I will smooch those adorable little cheeks, and then I will do some brushy brushy to your mane."

"Uh... No thanks."

"I insist! Come here!"

"No thanks..."

"I insist!"

"No thanks!"

"Then... Here I come!" he shouted, running in her direction.

"Eep! Nope!" She jumped over the table, knocking down her plate, and ran toward the end of the room, followed by 'Princess Sunglasses' doing kiss noises.

"Don't be scared! I just want some girl time with you! I will hug you, and pet you, and brush you, and dress you in cute little clothes! And then I will tickle that little tummy of yours, so I can listen to your irresistible little laugh!"

"Nope! I don't wanna!" Sweetie shouted just as she exited the room by the opposite door. "Help! I need an adult!"

"But I am an adult! Come here, you little ball of cuteness!" 'Princess Sunglasses' shouted as she exited the room after the filly.

Everyone in the room was silent as they continued to hear the filly and her pursuer shout more in the hallway until they couldn't hear them anymore.

And the whole room exploded in a roar of laughter.

After the "Princess Sunglasses Incident", the rest of the day continued as planned. The banquet came around dinner time and Sweetie got her two promised Maxim Tomato pies, and she promised herself to avoid them like the plague afterwards unless she wanted to become a literal 'ball of cuteness' and go to sleep with the great mother of all stomach aches each times. Those things weren't made for mortals.

The following week was one novelty and event after another. Rather than facing Waddle Dees and all kind of other 'small' opponents to train herself in fighting, Dedede was now sending his stronger troops composed of Bonkers, some beetle-like beings named Bugzzys, big lions with fiery manes named Fire Lions, Mr Frostys, Poppy Bros. Sr, or even some giant living alarm clocks named Mr Tick-Tocks. This sure made the trainings more intense!

With those more intense trainings came her finally starting to learn more spells to fight using Kirby's Abilities as inspiration, starting with the fireballs, then ice balls, and from there, various utilisations of the fire and ice elements, and by extension, water.

Then, one of the fortresses was assaulted by a famous group of mouse thieves stealing some great treasures, and she was sent to see if she could do anything. Sadly, the thieves had escaped aboard an airship and they had disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, and she couldn't do anything to help tracking them. She only got the name of the group of thieves and their leader: the Squeak Squad and Daroach. Wherever they were, one day, she will find them, and beat them, and take back the treasures. They weren't famous for nothing, it was far from being their first larceny.

Dedede defied Kirby in another Gourmet Race only to lose again. He had been training hard but the puffball only became more skilled after the first time, and it was yet again another close call. Seemed like it will become something like a monthly event, much to Sweetie's joy. Those races were just so fun to watch!

No news about the Meta Knights. They seemed to have disappeared after their defeat, because all their bases were abandoned. Sweetie wanted to hope that that was good news, but with Meta Knight, it could mean anything. Maybe right now, they were building a flying fortress that would pass the Halberd for a toy ship.

And then came the weirdest day so far: the day where the sun and the moon started to fight.

"What the heck?" Sweetie shouted, seeing through a window the moon pushing away the sun, turning the day to night in a few seconds. Then the sun came back and the two started to turn around bumping each other for at least one minute before the sun was able to push away the moon, turning the night back into day. Only for the moon to come back, starting the fight again. "Am I dreaming?"

"Nope," Broom Sunglasses answered at her right. "This is not a dream. The sun and the moon are fighting."

"How is this possible? Are the ones controlling them having a dispute?"

"Controlling? Nobody controls them."

"I don't understand! The sun and the moon are best friends! Why do they fight?" Waddle Dee shouted at her left.

"Wait... Are you saying that the sun and the moon are actually ALIVE?!" the filly yelled.

"Oh right. You said that in your world, your princesses move them, right?" Waddle Dee said.

"Yes! They are just... a rock and a ball of fire in the sky that the princesses move to make the day and the night! They aren't alive!"

"Well, here, they are." Broom Sunglasses said. "Don't ask how or why. They are just alive."

Sweetie stayed silent at this, mouth wide open. After a whole minute of day and night alternating, she shook her head. "Right... It's Dream Land. It's crazy." She then walked toward the exit of the room where they were. "I'm going out."

"Why?" Waddle Dee asked.

"I don't know why the sun and the moon started fighting, but I know that Kirby will want to stop it. And this means another potential adventure where I can help him. So I'm gonna find him, hoping he hasn't already started."

Riding on a Bronto Burt, asking him to help her finding Kirby, it wasn't long before she found him among other inhabitants of Dream Land, watching the two celestial beings fighting. So he was just staying here? Didn't he know how to stop them?

Duh! Of course he wouldn't! It wasn't like he knew everything! But maybe he could have just gone up on his Warp Star to ask them to stop fighting. Would they even listen to him? Probably not. But now what?

That was when she saw some round pink being with just a face and two feet wearing shoes, a red bow under his mouth, and a jester hat half blue half red, coming behind Kirby while hoping one foot at a time on a ball. She recognized him as Marx, a friendly but somewhat crazy guy that liked to mess around, doing more or less annoying pranks and other tricks. She remembered again the day he inhaled some helium to talk in a squeaky voice like her, making her laugh.

As Sweetie approached with the Bronto Burt, Marx shouted, "Hey, hey, hey," attracting the attention of Kirby and the others around him. Sweetie then landed beside them as he continued. "Can you make peace between the sun and the moon?" he asked.

"How?" Sweetie asked. "Would they listen to him?"

"No," the jester answered. "You need to ask the giant comet Nova for help!"

This made some of the inhabitants gasp. "Who?" Sweetie asked.

"Nova. He is so powerful that he can stop the sun and the moon from fighting. But first, there's something we must do. To ask Nova, we must gather power from all the stars around us." He then looked at Kirby. "It will be difficult, Kirby, but you can do it!"

"But how do we gather that power?"

"With the Fountains of Dreams! Starting with the one from Popstar!"

"So there are more... Which means that we have to go to actual other worlds?" She turned to Kirby. "We can do it, Kirby?"

"Poyo!" he confirmed with a nod.

"We... We are going to explore more worlds... Wow! I... Oh my gosh! I wonder how are the other worlds! This will be so awesome!"

Kirby laughed at her excitement.

"We are counting on you," Marx then said. "Good luck!"

"Thank you Marx! We are going to stop this fight! Don't worry! Let's go Kirby!"


A Warp Star then appeared, and Kirby and Sweetie Belle jumped on it, starting their way to the Fountain of Dream of Popstar.

They reached the fountain a few minutes later, still as beautiful as ever. The Warp Star dropped them not far of it, and they approached.

"So, how do we do?"

Kirby rubbed his chin, thinking of how they could make the fountain give them this power they needed to call Nova. Finally, thinking about how the fountain worked with dreams, he closed his eyes and dreamed of the fountain giving them what they wanted.

Suddenly, a big column of light appeared on the fountain, and the next instant, Kirby could feel this power entering him. He immediately released it, under the form of another, slightly bigger Warp Star. He jumped on it and signed to Sweetie Belle to come.

"That's wonderful, Kirby!" she shouted, jumping on the star.

With the both of them on it, the Warp Star started to go up in the sky. They soon passed the atmosphere and continued to go up, into space. Sweetie looked back, seeing the giant star that was Popstar, with its two rings, the sun and the moon still fighting around it, becoming smaller and smaller. She then looked around her with a big smile, laughing, not believing what was going on. She was flying in space! She could see the stars all around her, some close, others so far! And they were actually going toward other planets!

"This is awesome!"

Author's Note:

I'm warning you, for the Milky Way Wishes sub-game, I will not do the whole thing with the abilities, and keep the usual 'eat an enemy and copy it'. I just couldn't find a way to integrate this mecanism only for this part of the story.
This will actually be the same thing with the mixed abilities of Kirby 64. This game may be great, but it has so much things different from the other games without reasons that for the continuity, I will have to go full mad doctor on its body. Sorry for the many fans of this game.

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