• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,668 Views, 47 Comments

The Storm Dragon - ShowShine

After the Storm King fails to make a dangerous beast, Tempest is left to take care of a baby dragon

  • ...

His Purpose

A tall white bird with green at the tips of her feathers held up a sword to the sky, laughing happily. She wore a large pirates hat with a red feather and a yellow and orange jacket with a brown lining. She had a green peg leg made out of emerald. She stood at the edge of her airship, letting the wind blow through her feathers.

“Where almost there Captain Celaeno!” One of her crew members shouted from the other side of the ship. Captain Celaeno turned around with a grin on her face and hopped into the ship. She and her crew were delivery pirates. They delivered packages and stole from the rich while doing it. Captain Celaeno watched as her airship slowly landed on the ground, making dirt swirl around. Captain Celaeno hopped off of the airship, letting her claw and peg leg hit the ground. Her crew walked off of the airship holding large crates before placing them on the ground. A kirin walked towards the crates and levitated them into a wooden cart.

“Thanks again for this Ms. Celaeno, the orphans are going to be thrilled to get new toys.” The kirin said happily. Captain Celaeno smiled.

“It’s no problem. We’ll be back next week and help them find loving parents. I might even adopt a few.” She said with a large grin. The kirin grinned happily before walking off, heading towards the orphanage. Captain Celaeno looked at her crew with a smile on her beak.

“We should get something to eat. All food is on me.” She stated. Her crew let out cheers of agreement. Captain Calaeno led her crew into town. The town was filled was large kind hearted dragons, sweet griffins, and calm kirin. Captain Calaeno loved coming to this town, it was always so peaceful. There was a soft sob from a nearby alley way, making her freeze in her spot. Her crew stopped behind her, giving her confused looks.

“Go on without me, I’ll catch up.” She said with a wave of her claw. Her crew exchanged glances before leaving her behind. Captain Calaeno walked into the ally, following the crying. She peaked behind a trash can to see a purple dragon with green scales. He had scars all over his chest, tail, and legs. Some were old and faded while some where fresh. He held a ripped brown teddy bear with bow tie.

“Hey little guy.” Captain Calaeno said in a comforting whisper. The dragon looked at her with wide green fearful eyes. He looked so innocent.

“I won’t hurt you.” She comforted. The dragon scooted closer towards her, holding the bear close to his chest.

“What’s your name?” She asked. The dragon coughed a bit.

“My name is Spike.” He said shyly. Captain Calaeno reached her claw out for Spike to touch.

“My name is Captain Calaeno. Do you wanna come with me to get some food?” She asked. Spike nodded his head and held Captain Calaeno’s claw. He stood up off of the ground and she led him out of the alley way. Spike wiped his tears from on the teddy bear as he was led into a busy food court area. They sat down at a table with her crew members, who had already gotten food for themselves and there captain.

“This is Spike, I found him in an ally.” Captain Celaeno stated. One of the crew members looked Spike up and down. He was rather large with green feathers and a hook for a hand. He looked like he could easily take anyone down.

“How old are you kid?” He asked. Spike looked down at the bear in his arms.

“I’m ten.” He stated. Another crew member poked his head into the conversation. He was short and round and pink. He had dark green feathers on his head.

“Aren’t you a little old for toys?” He asked, leaning on the table a bit.

“My parents gave it to me when I was a baby. They got taken by Scale Collectors a year ago and I’ve been all by myself.” Spike said sadly. Everyone at the table gasped and muttered to each other.

“Do you wanna stay with us for a while?” Captain Calaeno asked. Spike grinned and eagerly nodded his head.

“Since you’re gonna be living with us, we should introduce ourselves. The one with the hook hand is Boyle, he may look tough but he’s super sweet. The pink one is Lix Spittle, he’s our chef. The one with the eyepatch is Grin, he’s really quiet. And the last one is Murdock, he’s really fun to be around.” Captain Calaeno stated. Lix Spittle pushed over a fish sticks and fries to Spike.

“Eat up kid, you must be hungry.” He said. Spike picked up a fish stick and took a bite of it. It was delicious. The crew started to eat there meals which was mainly containing fish.

“When we’re done, we can show you around town. It’s super nice here and that’s why I love coming back so much.” Captain Calaeno said. Spike smiled.

“I would like that.”

Spike sat on a small bed with a bright green blanket. He held his teddy bear in his arms as he listened to Captain Calaeno talk about how much fun he would have living here.

“Sorry about such a small bed, we’ll get you a new one soon.” She apologized. Spike smiled.

“It’s fine, I know this is only temporary.” Spike stated with a smile. Captain Calaeno gave him smile and walked towards the door.

“Well goodnight Spike. If you need me my room is right at the end of the hall.” Captain Calaeno closed the room door and Spike listened to her walk away. His smile dropped and he listened to her room for close. He sat in silence, listening for any other noise. After what felt like hours of silence he let out a sigh. Spike flipped the teddy bear on its stomach, revealing a zipper on it’s back. He unzipped it and reached his hand inside. He rummaged through weapons until pulled out a piece of paper which was the ground plan for city hall. He had stolen it when Captain Calaeno showed him around town. He had also set up a few traps around city hall so the mayors could easily be captured.

“I hate doing this...” Spike muttered to himself. He flipped the teddy bear onto it’s back and lifted up the plastic bow tie, revealing four large buttons. One said call, the middle one said picture, one said send, and the last one said gem. He had no idea what the last button did but Storm King told him never to press it unless he told him to.

Spike laid the paper out onto the bed and pressed picture. The teddy bears eyes glowed for few moments before snapping a picture. He pressed send on the teddy bear and the picture automatically got sent to Storm King. He had gotten someone to modify the bear for missions like this. It tracked his every move too, so he could never try to run away. Spike let out a sigh and laid down onto the bed. Before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep.

Spike held Captain Calaeno’s hand as they walked through town. The rest of the crew were doing there own thing in different parts of the town. He had hidden there weapons the night before and planted tracking devices on them that morning. Spike heard a loud crack of thunder, making everyone freeze in surprise. A few creatures looked up to see storm clouds rolling in. They all started to mutter to each other, a few of them retreating inside.

“Is that another ship?” Captain Calaeno asked, squinting up at the sky. Spike let go of her hand and took a few steps back. She looked back at him, giving him a confused look. Spike unzipped the back off the teddy bear and reached inside.

“I’m sorry.” Spike stated. He lunged himself towards Captain Calaeno, wrapping arms around her neck. She let out a scream of surprise. She reached behind her neck, trying to grave him. Spike grabbed her claws and handcuffed them behind her head. She dropped to the ground a Spike stood on her back, making sure she couldn’t stand up. The airship landed and Grubber walked out. A large megaphone dropped from the top of the ship. Spike let out a sigh. His job was done.

Spike walked through the airship alongside Storm King. A few chained up kirin, dragons, and griffins walked past him, being led by Storm Creatures. They all looked

“Good job child, you did your job again.” Storm King said in a half thank you. Spike cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Do we have to keep taking over places? It doesn’t seem very necessary.” Spike said. Storm King looked at him for a moment.

“Are you questioning my authority?” He asked, showing his razor sharp claws. Spikes eyes widened and he quickly looked away, his heart racing in his chest.

“N-no sir. I’m sorry for stepping out of place.” Spike stuttered, slowing down a bit.

“Good, because you know what happens if you do that again.” He said with a smirk. Spike stopped walking and fiddled with his hands.

“I’m sorry.”