• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,668 Views, 47 Comments

The Storm Dragon - ShowShine

After the Storm King fails to make a dangerous beast, Tempest is left to take care of a baby dragon

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New Mission

Spike laid on his stomach in Tempest room, reading a book on different fighting techniques. He kicked his legs back and forth and chewed on a sapphire, trying to concentrate. His head pounded from when Storm King attacked him and his eyes were blurry. He laid his head on the cool floor, taking a little break.

“I’m in so much pain.” Spine muttered to himself. The intercom on the wall let out a beep, making him look up.

“Boss wants you to do something .” Grubber said from the intercom. Spike let out a sigh and stood up, wobbling a bit. He was terrified, wondering what his boss needed to do with him. He had failed the mission the day before so Storm King was probably going to get rid of him.

Spike walked out of the room, standing up as straight as he could. He limped down the hallway, passing a few Storm Guards. Their eyes followed Spike’s every move. Soon enough, he made his way to the throne room. Storm King sat on his throne, glaring down at Spike.

“It took you long enough.” He hissed out. Spike tried his hardest not to look scared and stood up straight.

“I’m sorry Your Excellency.” Spike apologized. Storm King rolled his eyes and handed Spike a piece of paper and a brown book. On the paper, there was a picture of a large castle made out of crystals. The book didn’t have a cover and was hard.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle lives in that castle. You’ll become ‘friends’ with her and find out her and the other Princesses weaknesses. Once I have enough information, I’ll take over Equestria!” Storm King exclaimed. Spike looked at the book that was in his hand.

“What’s the book for?” He asked.

“It’s a magical book. Anything you write goes straight to this book.” Storm King said whole holding up a black book. “You and Tempest can write to each other, it’s much faster than sending letters. She’ll report everything you write down to me.” Storm King explained. Spikes scales dropped. He didn’t want to trick anyone.

“Sir, is there any other way I can do this?” Spike asked. Storm King glared at him and stood up from his throne. He walked over to Spike and grabbed him by the arm, digging his nails into his scales. If he pressed down a little harder, he would break the skin.

“Are you questioning authority again?” He asked, getting close to Spike face. Spike quickly shook his head, holding back tears. Storm King smirked and let go of his arm.

“Now go, I want you to leave in an hour.” Storm King commanded. Spike turned around and quickly walked out of the room, fighting back tears. He just wanted to take a break.

Tempest walked down the hallway of the ship, making her way to the training room. She passed Spike’s room and stopped in her tracks when she heard crying. Spike rarely ever cried for real. Tempest opened the door to see Spike laying on his small bed, crying in his hands. He was curled up into a tight ball and looked distressed.

“Spike?” Tempest asked, making Spike sit straight up. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes.

“I wasn’t crying, my eyes were bleeding out clear blood.” Spike stated. Tempest closed the door and sat down next to Spike.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. Spike sniffled and wiped the snot from his nose.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I just want everyone to be happy.” Spike admitted. Tempest frowned and wrapped her arm around him.

“Can I let you in on a little secret?” Tempest asked. Spike nodded his head.

“When Storm King rules over Equestria, he’ll give me my horn back. Once have get my horn, I’ll take him down and Equestria will be at peace.” Tempest explained. “If you do this mission successfully, you’ll never have to hurt anyone ever again.” She explained. Spike cracked a small smile.

“That sorta makes me feel better.” Spike admitted. Tempest smiled and handed him his backpack.

“Start packing up, the sooner this mission is finished, the closer you’ll be to never hurting anyone.” Tempest said. Spike smiled and hopped off of his bed. This wasn’t going to be too bad.

Spike walked through the Everfree Forest, listening for anything suspicious. The trees towered over him, making everything dark. The ground was cold under his feet and he shivered a bit.

“Why couldn’t Storm King drop me off a little closer.” Spike muttered to himself. Storm King had dropped him off miles away from Ponyville so he couldn’t be seen.

“Storm King is stupid and I hate him.” Spike said to himself. He stopped in place, realizing what he said. He looked around to make sure nobody heard him. If Storm King had heard that, he’d probably be killed on spot.

“I’m all alone, I can say what I want.” Spike thought out loud. He let in a deep breath and rose his arms to the sky.

“FUCK YOU STORM KING!” Spike shouted. “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME ANYMORE, I’M MY OWN PERSON!” He continued shouting. He kicked a rock which bounced off of a tree and landed in a bush. Spike let out a sigh of relief.

“That felt nice.” Spike said to himself, continuing to walk. There was a rustle in the bush, making Spike freeze. He quickly turned around to see a Timberwolf rubbing it's head. It looked at Spike and let out a growl.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you with a rock.” Spike apologized. The Timberwolf let out a growl and walk towards him. Spike looked the Timberwolf in the eyes and stood his ground.

“If I don’t move, it might not attack me.” He thought to himself. Without any warning, the Timberwolf lunges at him, pinning him to the ground. Spike let out a loud scream, trying to move himself.

“Please, I don’t want to hurt you.” Spike said, struggling to get out from under its grasp. The Timberwolf got close to Spikes face, growling loudly.

“I’m sorry.” Spike apologized. He let in a deep breath. He puffed up his cheeks, ready to light the Timberwolf on fire. Suddenly, a purple beam of magic hit the Timberwolf side, making it stumble off of Spike. Spike turned around to see a lavender alicorn.

“Leave him alone!” She exclaimed, ready to attack again. The Timberwolf ran off into the bushes, letting out a yelp of pain. The alicorn walked over to Spike and reached her hoof out to help him up.

“Are you okay? I heard a lot of yelling and swearing.” She asked. Spike stood up and nodded his head.

“I’m fine, I’ve felt worse.” Spike stated. The alicorn gave him a look of concern.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight greeted. Spike shook her hoof.

“I’m Spike Shadow.” Spike greeted, giving a large smile.

“Exactly who I was looking for.