• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 2,013 Views, 52 Comments

A Filly Lost For One Thousand Years - dicerollball

Cozy Glow had decided to run away to the far off arctic lands that housed the Crystal Empire. Doing this was a dire mistake that'd last for thousands of years.

  • ...

Chapter 5: We Need To Take Action

A sigh escaped the soldier as he made his way through the castle's stone-like hallways. The gentle orange flames danced atop their torch to create a flickering shadow that would accompany the stallion during his walk. He went through one section of the castle that was filled to the brim with doors leading to unknown rooms. Sitting between each door were proud statues of celestial pony soldiers and bat-winged night guards. The lone pegasus would silently stare at each frozen member that lined the halls as he passed. This place was like a maze. He was grateful he wouldn't be staying long once he succeeded his mission to take back the Crystal Empire. He'd love to be back in Canterlot again with his wife and late daughter.

For now however, it seems he was making temporary residence in the Castle of the Two Sisters. The barracks were a pain to sleep in and he swore the halls would shift and change when no pony was looking. Too many times has he accidentally stepped into one of the castle's secret areas and too many times has he waited ages for some pony to dig him out. When a group of three guards approached him for being such a klutz he then, in response, kicked them all into a secret pit hidden underneath their hooves. As the days passed the soldier would continuously prove why he was the one in charge. Though as he waited his wings itched to fly and his hooves ached for action. To him, staying in this castle was such a waste. He could've been in the frozen north scouting the empire by now. Instead he found himself grounded all the way back near the Everfree Forest. It was enough to drive a pony like him mad. This nagging feeling continued to tug and pull at him the longer he stayed. He had to do something. He had to act! Not only were his brothers in danger but there was still the possibility that his daughter could be as well. So far no other family member has had any luck finding the pink freckled filly. The chance that she was in the Crystal Empire just seemed to grow every day. It sickened him to think it but he was glad he couldn't be entirely sure. However if he did want to be completely certain then his only choice was to be rid of that tyrant King Sombra. To do that he had to learn more about the dark unicorn himself.

It was then that the soldier found who he was looking for. Sitting on a balcony and overlooking the shimmering castle gardens were two mares. One was a sandy-colored pegasus with a short brown mane, sunset-colored eyes, and an envelope cutiemark. The other was a crystal unicorn with a lavender pelt, a light blue mane, matching blue eyes, and an intricate cutiemark that represented medicine and health. As they casually spoke the pegasus messenger would softly smile towards the concerned purple mare, "-it's okay now though. My wing doesn't hurt as much anymore. Especially with your help!"

Seeing the messenger's now healthy wing seemed to make the tense soldier relax. After their encounter with King Sombra he would've carried her all the way through Equestria on his back if it meant ensuring the mare's health and safety. He almost did but she had convinced him that she could walk on her own. The stallion at first wanted to drop her off at the Canterlot's hospital but the mare had refused. Despite it being closer, the messenger wanted to stay with him and go all the way back to the castle near the Everfree. So reluctantly, the soldier took her there. Luckily for them they got the help they needed from a powerful unicorn named Radiant Hope, the very same one sitting across from the sandy mare now.

"Your magic is really powerful, ma'am." The messenger beamed with a flap of her wings.

"Thank you..." Radiant Hope breathed out, "I'm just doing what I can. Though I wish I could've done the same for the others lost..."

"Hey, we went over this." The messenger insisted, "It's not your fault, Hope. It was Sombra's. You can't be the one to control his actions, only he can."

The unicorn solemnly nodded, "I... I understand. He's changed. A lot. I just hope the princesses can convince him to stop."

"It's not going to be that easy." The armored stallion huffed as he joined the two on the balcony, "Even if he does stop, he still committed several offenses. Whatever his punishment may be afterwards will have to be determined at his defeat."

Hope seemed to stiffen at what the soldier had said, "... Maybe I shouldn't have left." The mare murmured, "Maybe I could've convinced him to stop."

"Or maybe you couldn't have and you would've just been another prisoner among the other civilians he's taken." The other argued, "It's a good thing that you came out and warned the rest of Equestria, miss. We are in your debt.”

"As am I.” The messenger chirped, "I'm still sorry that we had to tell King Sombra about you, but your name did save my life... and your magic healed me up as good as new! I owe you, Hope. Whatever you need, no matter how ludicrous, I will provide it to you. I swear."

"As will I." The soldier assured, "As an apology for possibly putting you in danger."

"..." Hope narrowed her eyes in thought, "Anything, you say?"

The stallion nodded, "Of course."

"Whatever you need!" His chipper friend grinned.

"Then I want to join you the next time either plan to head back to the empire or its territory."

"What??" The messenger yelped, "But- But King Sombra..."

"He won't kill me!" Hope stubbornly maintained, "I know he wouldn't. I don't know what happened or why he's like this, but I'm still his friend. At some point, I'm going to have to come back for him."

The messenger looked just about ready to argue before her friend, the soldier, swiftly agreed, "Alright. If I get sent to the Empire, you can come."

The messenger whirled towards the other pegasus, "What?? Weren't you just going on about how you were sorry for putting her in danger?"

"Listen, messenger. She has powerful magic that we could use out there. If our squadron gets injured we're going to need somepony like her to treat our wounds."

"I'm willing to help in anyway I can." Hope assured, "And I promise, I won't be in the way. I'll stay out of trouble... but I need to do something. I need to go back for not only Sombra but my home as well."

The armored stallion nodded in understanding. He too had similar feelings, "Then we shall discuss with the princesses of this arrangement."

The messenger sat there with her mouth hung agape.

"Thank you." Radiant Hope beamed, “I can’t sit idly by while this is all happening. I’m grateful you are at least giving me a chance to act.” She bowed her head in gratitude before turning to the messenger nearby.
“Well, if everything is as right as rain I think I’ll be off now. Look for me if you need anything more, okay dear?”

Her patient shut her mouth and nodded.

"I'll be in my quarters." Hope smiled before trotting away.

The soldier watched her leave before going to join the messenger's side, "Don't worry. When we get to the Crystal Empire I'll look out for her okay? Just like I looked out for you."

"... You're really going back to fight King Sombra?"

"Of course...” He bowed his head and gave her an exhausted gaze, “My family is in danger."

The messenger furrowed her brows in determination, "Then I want to come too, sir."

"What??" The soldier questioned, "Messenger no. You almost died last time."

"But like you said before, you need letters! You need somepony to send messages and keep everypony else informed!" The messenger tapped her hoof against the other's chest, "I can do that. I can keep you and your squadron as informed as ever! Besides... I don't want another messenger to go through what I have. No pony else should have to go through something as horrible, and if I can help it, I will make sure no more lives are taken for a job I should've handled."

The soldier stared down at the sandy colored pegasus as she looked up at him with guilt-ridden orange eyes. A sadness washed through him as he realized she was about to cry. Then, after some hesitance from the stallion, he reached over and pulled his messenger into a hug. The mare jumped in surprise but soon relaxed and hugged him back as buried her tearful face against the other's neck.

"If this is what you want..."

"It is. Definitely." The messenger choked out.

"Then... we will have to talk to the princesses about you too." He considered, "Alright. You can come with me if they agree."

"Really??" The messenger pulled back.

"Really. Except..." The soldier raised a feather, "There is one thing I want you to do before we leave."

"What's that? Anything!"

"You need to learn how to fight."

"What do you mean he sent her to the mines?!"

Cozy Glow stirred awake at the sound of muffled yelling just down the hall. Her exhausted auburn eyes stared up at the underside of the mattress above her. She laid at the bottom bunk of a cot-like bed with a somewhat soft blanket and a cushioned pillow. Not as comfortable as the ones at home but bearable at the very least.
She's been here in the castle for a few days now. From time to time she would be taken in and out of the servant quarters to do odd jobs like sweep up certain rooms or polish the walls. As a pegasus learning to fly she was even sent to reach places crystal earth ponies wouldn't have been able to. She hasn't seen King Sombra often except during passing moments but she personally didn't mind seeing that tyrant's face for as long as possible. Especially since she was deathly afraid that he would whisk her away for a possible experiment he could inflict on her. He hasn't yet, thankfully, but several servants around her including her uncle Check Mate have been subjected to these torments. Some would come back lightheaded, bruised, or unconscious. However it seems that despite these cruel tortures he didn't want to injure anypony to the point they wouldn't be able to work the next day. Like Varado for example. Even with bruised forelegs he was still able to get up at morning's light to make the king his breakfast. The rest of the group tried to ask him what happened in that study but he refused to tell. The most anypony could piece together from his mumbling was something to do with dark magic and sorcery. As if they didn’t know that already.
Afterwards, from what Check Mate had told her, Amethyst had later returned but was more quieter than Varado. In fact she couldn't say a word for the next two days. She wasn't physically injured but her mind seemed to constantly drift elsewhere. Check Mate and Cozy did all that they could to cheer her up during that period of time but for a long while nothing seemed to work. That is until Golden Vas, the royal polisher, shrieked and fell prone to the floor after one of their plates had loudly shattered behind him. They lost a platter that day but it was all worth it to see Amethyst finally smile again. Still, she refused to explain what had happened but would occasionally place a hoof near her eyes from time to time and rub her aching forehead.

The more time passed the more others began to notice her erratic mumbling. The mare seemed to be more on edge. Her pelt remained grey even when she managed a grin or a soft giggle and her eyes seemed to constantly have this far away look that not even her close friend Check Mate could catch the attention of. However when Cozy Glow told the other servants about how she had saved her uncle Rubinstein by breaking the crystal visor through the narrow eye slits of his helm, Amethyst’s eyes seemed to notably light up. That night, Cozy could’ve sworn she saw this newfound hope in the depressed crystal mare. She began to walk with more confidence, talk a bit more often than usual, and even gave words of encouragement that maybe tomorrow may be a better day than today. A little something that even got Cozy herself in high spirits.

Now it was the morning just after that night. Cozy Glow had been awoken by the sound of arguing just on the other side of the lone stone door. With a tiresome sigh she slowly forced herself up and sat just on the edge of her bed. A lazy pink hoof reached over and plucked up a comb nearby. Though as the filly was just about to tend to her frazzled mane her uncle had suddenly stormed into the cramped living quarters and swiftly made his way on over to a certain cot.

“No! No no no! This wasn’t supposed to happen!” He fumed as he tore one of Amethyst’s old blankets off her now vacant bed.

“Uncle Check..?” Cozy yawned, “What happened?”

“Amethyst attacked King Sombra and his guard.” Sapphire explained, to Cozy’s surprise, as she stepped into the room, “She tried to smash their helmets and was instead reprimanded and taken to the mines...”

“And she took it! She took the one thing I told her to keep safe!” Uncle Check abruptly exclaimed, “And now King Sombra has it in his filthy, tyrannical grasp! Our emergency plan is now entirely useless! Her sudden rebellion is going to get the lot of us all in trouble once he figures it out- If it’s not here we need to act. Now!” He frantically searched the sheets and mattress for something that was no longer there.

“Wait wait wait- what did she take??” Cozy Glow questioned as she fluttered off her bed and hovered by her uncle’s head.

The anxious stallion flipped Amethyst’s old cushions and frantically searched through the pale cotton within them, “It was the only bit of magic we had with us. Dark magic, yes, but it could’ve been useful. However it was something we were supposed to use for emergencies only! I had trusted Amethyst with it a while ago. Now she took it and got herself caught! What was she thinking?? What was I thinking???” He burrowed his head into the stuffing of the torn pillow and sat there in defeat.

Cozy Glow gave him a concerned stare and slowly patted his shoulder in hesitant comfort, “Dark magic? Golly how did you find something like that?” She asked once she had pulled away.

“It was a crystal.” Sapphire decided to explain, “While most crystals King Sombra would make had supposedly drained themselves of magic, this one we found still contained a bit of his, presumably, leftover dark magic. Without a unicorn however we couldn’t use any of it so we kept it in hopes to figure out how to draw it out. Now that our king has it-“

“Oh stop calling him our king. He’s not our king. He’s a tyrant that murdered Princess Amore and took her place.” Check Mate grumbled as he pulled himself up with a sigh, “He’s probably already taken all the magic that was contained in that crystal. Our plan has fallen apart and more of us are getting sent away. It won’t be long before he punishes us again for her insubordination.”

“So what’s the plan?” Cozy asked with a determined grin.

“There is none...” Sapphire grunted, “Check Mate hasn’t even figured out where the heart currently could be or is!” She exclaimed with a stomp of her hoof.

“Well neither have you!” He shouted back, “Listen Sapphire, I’m trying. I really am! But you getting on my back for one mistake is, frankly, exhausting! Ugh. At least I’m not the one being brainwashed by Sombra and constantly calling him our king. Our majesty. Our-“

“One mistake-??? I would get punished and so would you if we don’t address him as a king!” She insisted, “I’m only doing what I can to stay in the castle Check Mate. You out of all foals know that!”

“Doesn’t mean you have to call him that whenever we’re out of ear shot you daft-“

“Stop it! We’re getting nowhere by arguing!” Cozy Glow hopped up in between the two with a flap of her wings.

“Can I not get interrupted for one moment, please?” Check grumbled.

“Not when you’re insulting other ponies!” Cozy huffed, “You two need to get along! We don’t have time for this! We need to think up something together if we’re going to save the Empire.”

“I’d rather plan with a piglet than with this blubbering oaf.” Sapphire growled in annoyance.


“He said I was brainwashed, Cozy! I’m not! I’m working to earn that tyrant’s trust-“

“You’re working so hard you come off as it.“

“Okay okay okay.” The small pegasus raised her hooves to hopefully settle them down long enough for her to talk, “Uncle Check, if we’re going to save everpony you’re going to have to apologize first.”

“Excuse me?” Check Mate reeled his head back.

Cozy responded with a surprisingly harsh and stern glare that reminded him of her mother. It was strong, powerful, and conveyed the message well. He never before thought that a small foal could look so menacing than in that one moment.

The stallion stared, sighed, and considered the dull mare in front of him. He shook his head but decidedly apologized knowing the stakes were much higher than some petty argument between a friend, “Fine. I’m sorry Sapphire. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Now say something nice about her.” Cozy urged.

“What? Why?”

“You called her something mean earlier. I think a compliment is needed in order to negate the previous insult!” The pink filly chirped as she fluttered onto Amethyst’s old bed, “Go on! Say something nice!”

Check Mate blinked at Cozy before turning his attention back to Sapphire. Then, understanding where Cozy was coming from, he decided it would benefit everypony if he got Sapphire on his good side once again. So, he decided to compliment her, “Well. I shouldn’t have said what I’ve said. You’re not brainwashed. In fact you’re headstrong and fearless. Smart, too. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably be in the mines by now along with Amethyst and Jumble. So... thank you, and I’m sorry.”

Sapphire stared at the other for a good solid moment before smiling as her glare relaxed, “Alright. I appreciate the apology.”

“Now Sapphire, you say something nice about Check Mate!” Cozy beamed.

With a light chuckle the mare easily gave in and swiftly quipped, “You’re not as annoying as I originally thought.”

“Wha- Excuse you!” Check Mate laughed out at the ‘compliment.’ Despite it, it felt like something he’d entirely expect from a mare like her.

Cozy joyously giggled in victory, “Good!” The filly clapped her hooves together, “I’m so glad that worked!”

“Thank Amore we have you as our mediator.” Check Mate chuckled as he patted his niece’s still tangled mane, “We still need to do something, though. We need a plan.”

“Let the plan wait.” Sapphire waved her hoof absentmindedly, “You two haven’t even eaten yet. I’ll make us some food. We can talk while we have breakfast.”

Cozy gratefully smiled as Sapphire turned to leave. However she later frowned at a thought that came to her, “Wait... Uncle Check? What about Amethyst? Will she be alright?"

Check Mate seemed to hesitate on how to answer, "... I think so. The good thing about all this is that King Sombra didn't give her the worst of punishments at the very least. However, I worry for her mind. She wasn't right in the head after his experiments. I hope the change in scenery doesn't further affect that. Sadly, we can't do anything. We're stuck in the castle unless something changes," He sighed, "But let's not dwell on that too long. Come. Let's just get something to eat for now, alright? Then we can figure out what to do."

Agreeing, Cozy Glow soon found herself at one of the tables in the next area. On her plate was a slice of bland bread, some almost shriveled berries, and a generous block of yellow cheese. The filly gave the cheese a cautious sniff before shrugging and using the dulled butter knife to haphazardly cut a slice off the block. When she was done she handed the knife to Check Mate who had a bowl instead of a plate to hold his food; seeing as they had broken one of the few they had recently.

A silence seemed to trickle between the three. The only noise came from the other two servants in the far corner of the room, Amberlocks and Golden Vas. They spoke in quiet murmurs but didn't really have much to hide from the others nearby. Cozy had learned of the orange stallion soon after she had woken up the first night. He was a master of the arts when it came to clay and pottery. His skills later helped him work up to his very own shop where he kept things perfectly brilliant, clean, and shiny. He was a good servant when it came to polishing the rooms, walls, and silvery items of the castle. However he was saddened to be here. His wife and his children were currently held up in the mines, a place he was unable to reach. If it weren't for his friend Check Mate convincing him that by staying he might just find a way to save the Empire and his family, Vas would've long tried to send himself to the mines in order to see his daughters once again.

From the bits and pieces Cozy had managed to catch from their conversation however, it seems that they held a concern for the possibility that Check Mate might just send himself to the mines sooner or later. Amethyst and him were very close but now..? Now she was gone. Before her descent into madness she had been the anchor that helped him focus on his main objective. Finding the Crystal Heart. Without her the others weren't entirely sure what Check was going to do now. Perhaps his niece might help him stay level-headed but that was a lot to ask of a little filly. Wasn't it?

As Cozy ate her stale bread and cheese she couldn't help but silently huff. Nothing was too much for her! She'd make sure of that. She gained her cutiemark, presumably, by leading the crystal ponies to safety! Granted they later got recaptured but still, it was a plan she made on the spot that just worked. If that was where her skills truly lie then she could do it all over again if she had to. She could save everypony, restore the Empire, see her family again, and become the new Princess Amore. Empress Cozy of the Crystal Empire. Or Empress Glow!
Oh if only. She could dream though, couldn't she? To be a princess- an empress- and to rule with a kind hoof. How amazing would that be?

While the filly was reminiscing on such thoughts, Check Mate was starting to speak, "Concerning the missing crystal there might be a chance we could-" He began before the abrupt slam of an opening door had interrupted the crystal stallion.

There standing at the doorway was a corrupted crystal guard whom stared blankly at the servants with two green slits of a gaze. They turned their head towards the table where Check Mate, Sapphire, and Cozy currently sat, "The pegasus. You are needed." The guard announced in a monotone voice as it waited by the entrance.

Cozy Glow perked at this and glanced between the other two besides her. She then sheepishly smiled at them, "I-I'll be back soon." The small pegasus assured before hopping off her chair. She made her way towards the door and out into the hallway where she gave the servants inside one final glimpse before the door closed behind her.

"I'll take her from here..." A cold but soft voice presented itself next to Cozy's ear.

The pink filly looked up with wide auburn eyes at the pony now accompanying her. What she saw was a sad, sorrowful sight. The mare was a crystal pony with a flat mane that was presumably once a sparkling silver and a bland cerulean pelt that had become a dull grey similar to the many other crystal slaves Cozy had seen. Across her flank was a curious cutiemark of blue waves spiraling into a perfect circle. Her silvery eyes drooped with exhaustion and her head seemed to be stuck in a permanent bow. Around her neck was a black collar similar to the hooflets wrapped around the servants and their forelegs. The only difference was that it held a purple gem instead of a red one. However that wasn't what caught Cozy's attention the most. No, what really did was what sat on the mare's forehead. There in clear view for everypony to see was the shattered remains of a horn that had been clearly snapped off.
She was a crystal unicorn...

"I thought there weren't any crystal unicorns left." Cozy Glow found herself saying as she fell into step besides the mare who was now starting to make her way down the long corridors. As usual, the guards lining the halls would scrutinize the two while they made their way through the castle.

"That's right..." The older pony muttered in response, "The few I knew are dead. My horn was taken. My magic gone. You could hardly call me a unicorn anymore."

"..." Cozy's ears fell back against her head, "Why did... Why did King Sombra let you live?"

"Why did he let you live?" She'd ask while staring down at the filly with a blank expression.

The young pegasus had no response.

"I was Princess Amore's royal head magician before King Sombra took over." The mare explained, "After she was killed I swore my loyalty to our new king. He spared me and made me his assistant for his little trivial tasks but..." The broken unicorn's voice trailed off. Her eyes would glaze over as she allowed her hooves to move on their own. She didn't seem to be all there.

The pink filly looked down at the floor in front of her in contemplation. Then, she slowly found her voice, "What... What is your name? Mine is Cozy Glow."

The blue mare shook her head and snapped out of her tormented mind, "Tidal Swirl." She answered with a croaked voice that sounded as if she were about to cry, "You may call me Tidal Swirl."

Cozy smiled, "Well gee it's nice to meet you Tidal Swirl! Let me guess, named after Star Swirl?"

The broken unicorn paused at this and gave off a small, solemn smile, "Heh. Yeah, actually..."

"My mother named me Cozy Glow to keep me as a spa pony. A masseuse or something." Cozy Glow went on, "Instead I seem to have a talent in leadership!" She bragged as she fluttered up besides Tidal Swirl and showed off the rook now resting on her thigh.

"Hm." The mare nodded, "Interesting."

"Yeppity yep! Guess it goes to show that not every name determines a pony's destiny, huh?" The small filly beamed, "So, where are we going Tidal Swirl? What do you need me for? To reach something? I can go as high as you need me to!"

Tidal Swirl's smile slowly fell, "You'll... You'll see when we get there, filly."

Cozy blinked at this and carefully lowered herself back down onto the floor. Once she landed she’d continue to follow besides the mare on hoof. Her red-ish gaze looked up at the other with concern, "What do you mean by that..?"

The crystal unicorn did not answer the filly's question.

Dread filled Cozy's senses as they continued walking down the dark castle. The more they traveled the more familiar the path was. It was the very same route she walked when she was being lead to the servants quarters on her first day here in the castle... just reversed. That's when she figured it out. Realization hit her like a freight train as they walked down several flights of stairs and into the halls down below that would lead them both straight to the one place each and every servant of the castle feared. King Sombra's personal study.

As they stepped closer to the one door nopony in their right mind would want to approach, Cozy began to notice some new changes. The corridors were already dark enough but this time around a strange blend of black was beginning to emerge. Flat roots grew along the flooring and the walls to reach out against the once shining halls with limbs threatening to grab or pull at the crystal slaves that wandered too close. The moment Cozy had spotted a tendril of shadows menacingly protruding towards her she had came to a complete stop. The filly was too afraid to continue. Not just because the ominous rivers of ebony told her of what was to come but also because she did not want to face him again. Last time she did she was starving and exhausted. He could've killed her if he so wished. It was a miracle, really, that she was still even alive today. However, whose to say luck would be on her side this time around if she stepped hoof into his study once more?

Tidal Swirl, already standing on the black roots, looked back to the small filly and let out a small sigh, "... He isn't going to wait forever you know." Her grey tail flicked, "You have to face him. Don't worry, I was called here too."

Cozy looked up at Tidal Swirl and gave a firm nod before cautiously taking a step forward. After she advanced a few hoofsteps more atop the darkened ground the young pegasus would slowly regain her confidence and find herself by the crystal unicorn's side once again. There the two continued forth towards an eerie door that creepily welcomed them both. The source of all the dark magic in the empire clearly came from this one room and managed to seep throughout the castle’s hallways and corridors, tainting whatever it touched.

As Cozy approached she began to take notice that there was something different and intricate about this door. Not only had the crystal-like material that made it had its colors turn from a dreary grey to an obsidian black, but the sides and rims had begun to curl and sharpen into harsh twists and patterns. The knob had its own unique design of a unicorn head with glaring red eyes that could scrunch up its face in a permanent scowl and sitting atop the crowning perch of this looming entryway was a dark grey diamond-shaped gem that Cozy didn’t recognize.

On either side of the entrance was a soldier. Their dark armor easily blended in with the daunting environment around them and their bodies both stood perfectly still at constant attention even as the other two servants had gone near. If Cozy didn’t know better she would’ve assumed the guards were statues at first glance.

Tidal Swirl approached the knocker, an ivory heart made of weaving stone brambles, and allowed it to fall several times against the crystal surface. She barely even acknowledged the crystal soldiers besides her as she awaited for a response to the considerate thuds.

“Come in.” A grumbling voice had projected itself into the hallway as clear as a pristine crystal. Cozy had to process what she had heard because she could’ve sworn, for one moment, that the tyrant had spoke like as if he were physically right by her side. She anxiously shivered in discomfort and quickly pressed herself against Tidal Swirl's drab pelt.

The broken unicorn looked down in surprise but didn’t object. She just made her way to the door and softly pushed it aside with a hoof. The silver hinges creaked as it began to open while a corner of the door scraped against the ground in an oddly lopsided fashion. Just on the other side laid something Cozy Glow didn’t entirely expect to see before she entered.

Last time she was here, the room was all orderly and organized. Books lined the shelves in the small corner library and furniture were perfectly placed against the walls. Now however everything had been thrown to the side and onto the floors. Besides the chained books which were all contained in nailed-down shelves, the desk had been toppled over and flipped, stone busts were smashed into little bits, portraits were either torn or face down on the ground, and books were scattered all over with open pages facing the skies. In the center of it all was King Sombra himself. He sat there in all his usual glory with his intricate crown resting atop his coal-black mane and half of his body covered by the crimson red cape that flowed over his silver armor. His black magic sparked like spouts of lightning around an object held in his powerful grasp. Cozy looked to see he had one of the helmets used to control his guards and soldiers. Its fake mane of black and purple fiber was pushed back, the metal was clearly chaffed, and the muzzle had specks of dark green crystal shards all scattered along its face. It was safe for Cozy to assume that the slits of the eye holes had somehow been punctured straight through.

The king looked over at the two with a blank glare, “Everyday these rebels continue to surprise me.” He grumbled before pointing a hoof at Tidal Swirl, “You, fix the furniture. I will allow you to use a small portion of your magic.”

His horn bubbled up with twisting, writhing sorcery that soon blasted the purple gem upon Tidal Swirl’s collar. The gem began to spark and pulse with a crackling noise that gradually collected in on itself. A soft silver glow slowly protruded from the crystal unicorn’s broken horn as a replacement for where the shards now sat. Tidal would let out a sigh and relax her tense muscles once it appeared, “Thank you, my king...”

Cozy was surprised to find that the other's magic now temporarily worked as it should. The broken unicorn was able to pluck up some quills off of the floor and effectively get to work on the toppled over desk. For a moment all Cozy Glow could do was stop and stare in utter confusion. Why did King Sombra allow her to use magic..?

The dark stallion turned away to pluck up one of the books off the study floor, “Filly.” He harshly hissed before passing the fallen book to Cozy, “Organize these books. I don’t care how. Just do it.”

Cozy blinked as she took the ancient book in her pink hooves. That wasn’t at all what she was expecting. She thought she was going to be thrown into some experiment or spell that would drive her as mad as Amethyst. Maybe she'd even have to endure some type of torture or agony that Sombra saw fit. Instead however, she found herself glancing down at the strange books in hoof. They were the kind that a filly like her should never hold. Not that Cozy was complaining. By law of Equestria, many of these were forbidden for public viewings in several regions. There were titles that promised power, dark magic, enhancements, enchantments, illegal brews, and many other dangerous elements. The pegasus saw a book on necromancy, on alchemy, and on dimensions that shall not be named. As she began to get to work on stacking them all in alphabetical order she would, from time to time, glance at the few available pages she came across.
Reading the forbidden pages she would find ancient worlds and spells. There was a whole other universe she had skimmed over called the Ether where all dead dark magic would later end up. There was also a potion that made ponies tell the truth and only the truth for a selected period of time, creatures of unknown origin with dangerous intentions, and finally instructions for unicorns and how to cast certain spells that were otherwise illegal in the many small towns of Equestria. Cozy would’ve been stuck on these pages forever if the sound Tidal Swirl had made hadn’t caught her attention.

It sounded like a shrill yelp. Concerned, the small pegasus looked through the bookshelf she was restocking and spotted Tidal Swirl by the straightened out desk. Her head was bowed as silvery sparks of magic began flying off her broken horn. She pressed her forehead against the ground as she grunted and whimpered from the pain that erupted in her head.

King Sombra stood nearby and examined the struggling mare, “It seems the more time that passes, the more difficult it will be for us to conjour your magic. Even with my help the magic you were born with will falter and drain. Soon, you will not have anything left.” He stared, “It looks like the spell is working as intended.”

Tidal Swirl stared down at the ground with wide eyes. She seemed crestfallen at the news and even looked just about ready to cry. Her magic... the magic she’s built up for years... the magic she grew up with since fillyhood... Soon it’ll be all gone. No amount of strain or fight for her power will fix that. She was stuck like this. She wasn’t a crystal unicorn anymore...

The mare allowed herself to relax. Her magic soon ceased and nearly disappeared. Instead of a full replacement of a horn, only a small nub of silver light was left behind. She let out a sigh and raised her head to meet King Sombra’s gaze, “I’m fine now, your majesty.” Tidal Swirl assured before plucking up a fallen portrait with faint, grey magic.

Cozy slowly backed away and looked down at the book she was sorting. This feeling of puzzlement soon washed over her. Spell? What spell? What kind did King Sombra cast? Did it somehow relate to Tidal Swirl’s increasing loss of magic? The pink pegasus shivered at the thought and went to place the book among the others. She was going to have to keep an eye for that. Maybe it was contained in one of these locked away journals? As terrifying as the spell sounded maybe she could find some use for it? If she found a way to cast spells though, of course. Maybe she could even use it against King Sombra? Then he wouldn’t be a threat anymore! Or a king for that matter! He’ll just be a pony with no magic and no power. What a thought that definitely was.

However as Cozy was reaching for another book in the corner, something had caught her eye. Something that could possibly prove more useful to her instead. It glinted in the darkness and hid under the large cover of a book that laid face down with its pages slipping across the clear-cut floor. The young filly carefully plucked it up and looked underneath to see a sharp grey crystal shard sitting at her hooves. It glimmered with infused sorcery that had collected in on itself in a small ball of shifting purple colors and energy. The gem piece, she realized, was full of leftover dark magic...
Cozy stared wide-eyed down at what she had found. Then, she cautiously went to pick it up.

The moment her pink hoof touched the surface of the gem a wave of images and colors would abruptly fill her senses. They had all swiftly passed her by in rapid succession that she wondered if they even existed at all. The first visual was of Amethyst clutching the shard close to her chest as a sound nearby had caught her attention. Another showed the same mare hiding it under the book in the corner of the room before diving out of sight. Then came a different image where the shard was more whole but had been haphazardly jabbed into the slits of a guard's helmet by none other than Amethyst herself. As she fought the mind-controlled soldier, specks of the corrupted gem in her hoof would begin to fall apart before shattering into several pieces. One of those pieces became the very shard Cozy now had found. Then it went back further. Amethyst was seen plucking up the whole gem from under her pillow in a hushed rush. Then there was Check Mate talking with her while the crystal sat in his hoof. A sudden loud exclamation of the hooflets sounded out as if they were new. Then, the same periwinkle stallion found himself standing in the center of a group of crystal slaves wrapped in chains with pickaxes tightly gripped in their teeth. The image didn't stay for long before the next appeared, showing Check Mate falling alongside the gem and into the caverns below. As the sequence continued, more and more images passed Cozy by until the moving colors and visuals revealed the crystal when it was first created during King Sombra's attack. Then everything went black...

The final memory soon surfaced. What Cozy saw was a much younger and simpler Sombra standing in a field of raging snowfall. Besides him was a looming crimson crystal that contently stared back. Whispers gently hung in the air before the crystal began to shimmer with a familiar dark crackle. Then, a flash of power surged through the stallion and altered his appearance. He grew in size and toothily smiled as all this energy and magic coursed through his ever-changing body. His eyes opened and his grin widened as the white of his gaze was soon replaced with an eerie green while a purple stream trailed after the corners of his leer. He was all powerful... and he will become king of the monsters.

Cozy Glow snapped out of the vision and found herself sitting there, clutching the shard against her chest. She felt this warmth bubble up against her fur as the magic coursing within the broken crystal welcomed her and promised her great things. It promised magic and powers beyond her wildest dreams. It promised to make her an empress...

However she couldn’t consider this gem for long. The filly soon realized that there was a silent presence hovering besides her. Cozy cautiously looked up to spot Tidal Swirl’s silver crystal eyes staring down at her with a blank gaze. Then, the crystal mare chanced a glimpse over to King Sombra. The tyrant was at his desk busily scanning through his notes and a few chosen journals. He seemed too preoccupied in his thoughts to care for the two servants nearby.

Tidal Swirl bit her lip and lit the bud of her horn. She used her magic to untie one of Cozy’s yellow ribbons and softly gestured a hoof to the filly’s curly blue mane. Cozy quietly nodded before placing the shard underneath her strands of hair. Tidal then helped her tie a loop of hair around the shard, hide it against her head, and finish it all off with a torn yellow ribbon wrapped in a tight bow, “There.” She whispered before pulling away, “Now you look adorable.”

Cozy giggled into her hoof at this, “Gee thanks Tidal Swirl.”

King Sombra glanced up with narrowed eyes before returning to his work.

“You're welcome.” Tidal Swirl’s winked with a grin, “Let’s finish up, okay?”

Cozy nodded eagerly before turning back to the bookshelf she had been stocking. As she placed each book in order her thoughts constantly went back to the crystal shard tied to her mane. It was there just against the back of her head. She felt it pulse and breath with gentle warmth as it contently watched her from its hiding spot. She inwardly smiled and had to hold back from celebrating. Finally a chance. A chance to defeat King Sombra. A chance to save the Empire...
A chance for her to finally become the powerful empress she was destined to be.

“Come on messenger! Swing!” The soldier urged.

“Eh!” The sandy-colored pegasus swung her sword only to miss her target completely. The mare could only stare as her opponent blankly sat there with a less than impressed expression.

The soldier let out a frustrated sigh, “Messenger... why won’t you hit the dummy?”

“It... It just looks so life-like...” She shakily muttered in response.

The sandbag dummy limply toppled over in response.

The soldier facehoofed, “Messenger, if you want to come with us you’re going to have to hit the dummy.”

“But I don’t want to hurt anypony...” the messenger admitted as she set her wooden weapon down.

“Not even King Sombra?” The soldier questioned.

The messenger’s expression hardened at the mention of King Sombra but her voice would later betray her. She let out a hesitant exhale before she spoke, “I would do anything to take him down for what he’s done. Even sacrifice myself if I have to, but in all honesty sir, I’m more on the defense than offense."

"I suppose defense is better than nothing. As a messenger, even." The soldier considered, "But you promised you would learn how to fight!"

"I knooooww... but I don't like carrying swords with my mouth!"

"You can carry it with your hooves."

"That feels just as odd!" The messenger complained before sitting on her rump and crossing her forelegs, "I could do with a shield."

"Well so can I but you don't see me not giving the spear a shot," The soldier grabbed a spear from the rack and tossed it over to the messenger to catch.

She suddenly hopped away from it to let it clatter onto the training room floor, "Listen, you know I'm fast. I'll avoid the next encounter, I swear. I won't be anywhere near the battle."

The soldier shook his head, "Messenger..."

"Besides, we already talked to the princesses-"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we have to be unprepared-!"

"Is now a bad time?" A new, more royal voice suddenly appeared in the midst of their back and forth.

The pegasi both looked up to spot none other than Princess Luna herself standing at the doorway along with Radiant Hope by her side. She was a luminous figure of the night sky. A dark feathered alicorn with a glowing mane full of twinkling stars and a cutie mark that held the white crescent moon. Her gentle blue gaze would questioningly scan the two before her. How noble and illustrious but also terrifyingly mysterious.

"Ah- Princess Luna." The soldier bowed his head towards the dark alicorn, "No, it's not a bad time at all. We were just training."

"Training our vocal chords I suppose." The messenger shrugged.

The princess would give off a small chuckle before making her way over to the others, “We have come to announce that thou has been assigned as the new Alpha Squadron commander. The team shall accompany us to the Empire as we scout ahead of our sister Celestia.”

The stallion looked up with a serious crystal gaze, “Of course your majesty. My team will assure safe travels through the storms, I promise you.”

Princess Luna gave a grateful nod, “We thank thou. Now,” She turned her head towards the messenger, “We have thoroughly discussed this and shared our concerns, but both messenger and healer are permitted to also join us. We will require your services during the war and will be grateful to have you both.”

The messenger nodded, “Thank you Princess Luna!” She beamed.

The soldier, now a commander, gave the messenger a nervous side-glance before turning his attention back to Luna, “We will do our best to serve Equestria.”

The alicorn smiled, “We appreciate your loyalty commander. Our forces will have to move quietly and cautiously. We can not allow ourselves to get caught so early on. We will hide in the eastern passes and make our way up from there. We are to see the state of the Crystal Empire and report our findings back to Celestia as soon as possible. This mission could determine our next move so we want no slack and no horseplay. Got it?”

The messenger and newly made commander firmly nodded.

“When will be heading out, Princess Luna?” Radiant Hope asked as she stepped up besides Luna’s side.

The princess looked between the three and confidently raised her head towards the skies.


Author's Note:

Woo! Finally finished this chapter. I really wanted to continue this story.

I also managed to edit Chapter 2 and fixed some errors that I had spotted when I first published it... but there is one problem.

After nearly completing this chapter I learned about something called "The Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" ... My story has a lot of that. I don't usually like repeating names a lot and would rather describe the characters to get people to have a visual idea of what they look like. However... I guess this is an issue in writing that I need to take into consideration. I really don't want to rewrite all my chapters though. I'm happy how they are. I just kinda wish "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" wasn't a thing, lol. It is though and I guess I'll have to remember that for future chapters. For now I guess my previous chapters will continue to hold this mistake.

Still, I'm glad to share this story and I appreciate all of you for reading it! Thank you!! :heart: