• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 2,013 Views, 52 Comments

A Filly Lost For One Thousand Years - dicerollball

Cozy Glow had decided to run away to the far off arctic lands that housed the Crystal Empire. Doing this was a dire mistake that'd last for thousands of years.

  • ...

Chapter 6: It Is Looking Grim

"Tidal Swirl!!"

"What are you doing with that Curly?? Drop it! As a crystal unicorn, that could harm you!"

"No no no- you don't understand! I found it! I found the Crystal Hea-"

Before the mare could finish, a blast of dark magic filled her vision. Her own spell was snuffed out and with it a crystal of some sort had fallen to the floor out of her grasp. It bubbled with dark colors. All Curly could do was stare at her friend as the crystal she was encased in began to crack and fracture.

Then, she fell apart.


Cozy was hoping to be relieved of duty after she had replaced all the books in a neat and orderly fashion. After all, she wanted to get back to the others as soon as possible to tell them the good news. However it seems King Sombra had different plans for his two favorite servants.

When they were done, the self-proclaimed king had then plucked up several scrolls in his magical grasp and turned his attention towards Tidal Swirl and Cozy Glow, “Both of you. Come with me.” Sombra growled before making his way into the vast halls of the Empire. Two guards soon joined his side.

Cozy wondered why he needed guards. He was powerful and intimidating enough alone. Did he fear a broken unicorn and a small pegasus filly would attempt to take him down right then and there? No, that would be silly... but maybe he was just being cautious? Cozy felt she would be too if she wanted to take a whole kingdom for herself, but she would ensure that she got others to like her instead of force them all to accept her as Empress with dark magical shortcuts. That way she could avoid a rebellion if need be.

Wait, what was she thinking? Manipulating everypony like that? No- they would already be her friends. Like the princesses! She would have no need to manipulate anypony like that. Still, a part of her kept that thought stored away in the back of her mind. Perhaps if she needed some other plan to make herself an empress... she could consider it. The black crystal hidden within her mane seemed to pleasantly warm up to the idea.

The three, plus the guards, continued throughout the expansive corridors of the castle. Dark stone surrounded them and even more would begin to appear if Sombra felt the area was too bright for his liking.

Cozy narrowed her eyes. What a pretentiously obvious evil dictator with a poor sense of style. She wished there was a word for what she wanted to call him. He was like some uppity lord that was always on-edge. Somepony who clearly had a tragic backstory and an abundance of powers. Ah well, hopefully somepony in the next century will be able to come up with the perfect name to call this black and red dunce. Wonder what they’ll be calling her if she managed to help the empire..? A hero, of course! A shining, adorable hero...

“Filly, you’re falling behind. Quit daydreaming.” Tidal Swirl snapped Cozy out of her thoughts.

“Right! Sorry!” She sheepishly smiled before hurriedly joining the other’s side, “Where are we going?”

“I want a different room to settle in.” King Sombra gruffly explained, “The old one reminds me too much of the previous ruler. So, while I go freshen up you two servants will get my new room ready and clean. I will have guards around to help you. If you need it.” He rolled his eyes and made his way through several jagged crystal arches.

“... Why not just get some of the other servants to do this?” Cozy questioned.

Tidal Swirl stiffened as King Sombra glared at the pink nuisance, “Are you trying to get out of work?”

“Uhhh.. no no! I just think that- well... anypony could do this. We’re probably your only non-earth pony staff on your team. There must be more important jobs to give us. So- why assign us this?”

King Sombra huffed and turned away, “Well it’s simple, really. After everything that’s been happening I can’t exactly trust the other servants right now. Especially not within my soon-to-be quarters. For all I know they could try and lace my pillow with poison or hide small sharps stones to try and get a jab at me. It’s why I assigned that one servant to be my taste tester. Not only does he need some sort of punishment for trying to free my slaves but I also need to make sure nopony has touched my food. I trust Tidal Swirl not to do anything ridiculous and I don’t think you could do anything to my room without me noticing. However if the filly does try and do anything,” He added to Tidal Swirl, “You better report it to me, got it?”

She gave a brisk nod in return, “Of course your highness.”


It was then they approached the king’s new quarters.
Two guards went up and pulled the eloquent double doors open for King Sombra and the two servants. They headed in to find an expansive room; as large as many others within the castle with two windows, a small corner-like balcony, and two doors. One door lead to a washroom from the looks of it. It contained a jacuzzi-like tub resting on shining crystallized marble flooring. Another was a clear walk in closet that could hold a variety of clothing and accessories.

King Sombra began placing several scrolls and books within a shelf nearby while Cozy curiously explored the open room. As she did she felt this shiver down her spine. Someone was staring right at her. She turned, expecting it to be Sombra, but instead found Tidal Swirl who was glaring so hard. The unicorn averted her gaze when spotted, but Cozy Glow couldn't help sense this uneasy tension between them. What? Was it something she did? Something she said? She wasn't entirely sure why Tidal Swirl would be upset with her, but she found herself sitting on the floor looking shy. Maybe she should wait until they were alone.

"I have more work to do." King Sombra made to leave, "A new spell I need to get finished. You two just do your job, I'll be back."

The two watched as Sombra left, his two guards getting situated in the hall before they finally slammed the doors shut. This left Cozy Glow and Tidal Swirl sitting alone in a moment of silence.

Cozy sighed and turned to Tidal Swirl who was now right in front of her face, "Wha-!"

"Give me the crystal." Tidal Swirl demanded and held out a hoof.


"I said give me the crystal, filly."

"Geez, you don't have to be rude about it." Cozy slightly nudged Tidal Swirl's hoof out of the way, the whispers in her head seemed to grow, "I'm sorry but I'm keeping it. I have to take it back to the others-"

"Oh really? Is that what you plan to do with it? Listen filly, I know that's not what you really want to do with it." Tidal Swirl took a step closer, "You're a pegasus, the other servants are earth ponies. I'm a unicorn. I'm the only one here who can use it besides King Sombra. So let me have it. I can free you and the others and maybe even find the Crystal Heart."

"You know where it is then?" Cozy Glow questioned.

"Not exactly but-"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have it. I could try to find it instead."

"Filly I have magic." Tidal Swirl sternly said, "I'll be able to find it easier than you will."

"It's mine!" Cozy stomped her hoof, "And stop calling me filly! I'm Cozy Glow!"

"Shh, settle down..!" Tidal Swirl sighed, "... Alright look. This was all planned. Sombra wanted you to have that crystal."

"... What?" Cozy Glow blinked.

"It's part of one of his experiments. This whole thing with the crystal is an experiment. He already knows you have it. He wants to see how others would react to it. To dark magic. So far, it has several side effects. Terrible side effects. I will not allow this to continue, especially with a pony so young."

"How do you know all this?" Cozy backed off but hesitantly rested a hoof against the crystal's hiding spot. It radiated a gentle warmth as it attempted to soothe her nerves.

"I am his obedient servant. Out of all the ponies here he believed I would be faithful and keep my mouth shut about it. I did, until he crossed a line and made you involved. I've had enough. You shouldn't be part of this. Give it to me Cozy. Let me free you from this dark grasp." She offered her hoof out and waited.

Cozy still hesitated and wasn't sure what to think. The crystal promised her power and magic. A chance to actually win against King Sombra. However the more she thought about it, the more it would make sense to give it to Tidal Swirl. Cozy had no way of using the magic in the crystal. None of the other servants did either! The only one who could was the broken unicorn in front of her... while they still had the chance. Tidal Swirl's magic was draining in front of them. If she didn't give it up now they might never be able to use it at all.
Reluctantly Cozy began to untie the ribbons in her mane and slowly pull the crystal out into the open, "You... You'll use it for us, right? For me and the other crystal ponies?"

"Yes. I can help you with the little bit of magic I have now. I could probably get those bracelets on your hooves off right away. It needs dark magic after all, right? And to do that I'm going to need some of the magic from that crystal. I'll do what I can for the empire, Cozy."

"... You will?"

Tidal Swirl nodded and gently reached for the shard.

Cozy looked down at the crystal and suddenly felt this wave of possessiveness hit her. She had to keep it. The only way she'll ever become Empress is if she was the one to fix everything. She needed this to fix everything, "No- I need it!" She fluttered away from Tidal Swirl's reach, "I have to use it, I need to save everypony. I need it."

Tidal Swirl stared and then let out a sigh, "Cozy please listen to reason."

"I am listening to reason! I need this, it's really important for me! For the Empire! Amore... Amore is gone. I need to- I have to..."

"Cozy. If it'll make you feel better, I won't take all of it."


"I won't take all the dark magic in that crystal. I'll leave some for you, and... I'll even return it."

Cozy slowly lowered herself down but still clutched the shard close to her chest, "Return it?"

"Yes. As a unicorn I could siphon it out then transfer it back in for whatever you plan to do with it. Just let me use some of it now to locate the Heart and free you before I lose all of my magic now. Besides, I can't just take it all. If I do, that could get me killed."

"How?" Cozy questioned.

"Well, crystal unicorns work differently than normal unicorns." Tidal Swirl sat down and pressed a hoof on her collar, "We are more powerful when we are happy and full of love. Our spells are as strong as we are bright and content. We work on light magic, essentially. However dark magic is the complete opposite. We could get sick off of it. We could deteriorate because of it. To us, dark magic is a poison. It doesn't empower us, it doesn't make us stronger, it will slowly kill us. But, some dark magic is better than no magic at all. So even though this could end my life, I would rather use the last bit of myself to free you and the other crystal ponies than to rot away like this. Please Cozy, let me do this one last thing for you."

"..." Cozy Glow held out the black crystal and watched as the magic within swirled and writhed, "You'll give it back, right?"

"I will, but let me ask you something. Why do you want it back so much?" Tidal Swirl carefully took the crystal out of Cozy's hooves.

"... It will... It will help, somehow."

"Sometimes dark magic likes to make empty promises. But in the way I'll use it, it will help. Stay back, will you? I'm not sure how this will go exactly. After this, be ready to run as fast and as far as you can."

Cozy Glow gave a small nod and backed away while Tidal Swirl activated her magic and clutched the stone in her hold. She breathed in and closed her eyes. Then, she called forth the magic in the crystal. It began spilling out and collecting in a small stream of black and purple. It lunged for her broken horn and began to circle around her forehead, making her grunt in pain. The dark magic within the crystal slowly began to drain and instead entered her body. Soon a magical pulse began to form around her as the figure of a dark, curved horn appeared to replace the old one. Cozy firmly kept her hooves steady as a harsh breeze began to pick up around them and the taste of saltwater hit her mouth.

With a sad smile, Tidal Swirl gently spoke, "And here ends the crystal unicorns. I'm sorry Cozy, you're not getting it back... I lied."

"What? Wait- Tidal Swirl!"

The whirling winds suddenly collided inwards towards Tidal Swirl before it abruptly sparked and exploded with noise and black clouds. Cozy Glow was swept underneath the shadows; her screams muffled in the darkness.

Then she heard a click. She was on the floor, having stumbled down to her side, and found that her forelegs were now free from the hooflets that had been wrapped around her. She slowly pushed herself up as the black mist around her began to fade away. Nearby there was the sound of groaning. Cozy looked over at the open doorway and spotted two guards without their helmets on. They were on the floor, dizzy and confused. In between them was a familiar collar left behind.

Tidal Swirl was nowhere to be seen.

Cozy raced out into the hallway and looked around. Several other guards also had their helmets knocked right off. That's not what Cozy was too concerned about however. She saw a trail. An entire trail of black crystals etched into the ground. She quickly followed after it. Without the harsh stone buzzing so close to her ear, her mind felt more clear now. She didn't care about that silly dark magic anymore. She just had to make sure Tidal Swirl was okay! Along with the Crystal Heart. If she could locate the Heart then maybe Cozy could somehow retrieve it before... Well, Cozy didn't want to think about that now.

She raced along the path Tidal Swirl took when she heard a familiar voice.

"Cozy Glow?"

She came to a screeching halt and spotted Uncle Rubin nearby. His helmet was off and he looked very exhausted. Saved again from King Sombra's dark control. Cozy couldn't help but smile, "Follow me." Was all she said before she flew off.

Rubinstein called for her but she was already flying down the halls after the traces of black magic.

Tidal Swirl let out a heavy breath. Her body was riddled with pain and sickness. She felt worst than ever before, but she felt hopeful. She knew where it was. It was the brightest in this whole empire and it was right there above her. Above everypony. She could possibly use the dark magic inside her to easily transport herself to the top... but she knew she wasn't going to last long like this. To travel any distance in that dark form could be potentially risky. She could deteriorate instantly with her body splitting apart into a dark mist. Not the way she wanted to go, essentially.

So, she had to find another way... and another way she did. The throne room. It contained and held a plethora of secrets. She knew what was hidden just underneath... and she knew that there was somepony there, waiting for her.

She stepped out of the darkness and faced her rival. King Sombra. He sat at his throne and dully examined her. Disappointed and displeased.

"So. Another rebellion, is it?" He growled, "I should have known better than to keep you alive. No matter. Umbrum magic is like a poison for a crystal unicorn. You will die in moments. A fate you've secured for yourself the moment you took that crystal. There is no point in punishing you when you've already done that for me."

"I'm still standing." Tidal Swirl huffed as she took several steps forward, "And I'm still alive. For every second I breath I can match you. I can fight you. So get off that throne you pathetic whelp. I will end this once and for all."

"..." Sombra stood and dispersed into a black cloud to appear again before Tidal Swirl. She was small compared to him, and more scrawnier. To an outsider's view it didn't look evenly matched at all. There in front of her was a king with silver armor and knowledgeable strengths. The weak mare in front of him meanwhile had her rib cage showing and her body clearly falling apart. Her horn was missing and broken; replaced with the essence she managed to forage from the dark crystal. She stood on shaky legs and she looked about ready to collapse... but her eyes. Her eyes spoke a different story. They had a spark of anger and hope. They were lively but also dead. She was done with King Sombra... and he was done with her.

"Brave. But foolish." He stated and ignited his horn, ready to strike her down.

Before he could even cast his spell however; he suddenly felt something sharp and jagged slam into the side of his body. Pillars of dark, jagged crystals had appeared and launched King Sombra out the nearest window. A loud crash could be heard as he disappeared somewhere within the empire's streets.

Tidal Swirl's own horn buzzed with noise and power as she walked up to the pillars, stomped her hoof, and watched as they all cracked and fell apart into little shards. She headed over towards the broken window and considered her next move when the sound of flapping wings and heavy hoofsteps hit her ears. She turned to spot Cozy Glow and a once mind controlled soldier enter the room.

"I'll keep Sombra distracted." Tidal Swirl announced before pointing her broken horn towards the throne. With a grunt she unleashed a tirade of dark magic onto the crystal just above it. Shadows began to spew out and form a rectangular entrance into a hidden staircase. With a huff, Tidal Swirl felt this dizziness come over her as she stepped away, "You two grab the Heart as fast as you can. It's at the highest point of the Empire. Just go through here first, it should lead you to it."

"But Tidal Swirl, what about you?" Cozy questioned, "Didn't you say this magic could... could-"

"Filly. Don't concern yourself with me." Tidal Swirl assured, "Just save the Empire." Then, she turned back to the window and formed several steps of crystal at her hooves to throw herself upwards. Without hesitation she jumped through the broken panes and was met face-to-face with an angered monster waiting just outside.

Cozy turned to Rubinstein who was now scanning the staircase. It looked bottomless.

She hesitated going down it but the sound of the battling unicorns just outside quickly changed her mind. She flinched and raced downwards with Uncle Rubin hurriedly following behind. The stairs endlessly winded downwards and neither of them were certain if it would ever end. As they traveled they at least found time to talk.

"I hope she gets out okay..." Cozy mumbled.

"Tidal Swirl?"

"You know her, Uncle Rubin?"

"Of course. She was the head of the Crystal Empire Magical Council. She was always at Princess Amore's side and assisted the empire with anything. She was probably one of the strongest crystal unicorns here." Rubinstein sighed, looking troubled, "She was so happy before. Seeing her like that now? It breaks my heart."

"..." Cozy continued hovering down and trailing after Rubinstein, "What was she like before?"

"Well, she was kind. Smart. A natural leader... A mentor." He seemed to pause, "What are you doing in the castle, anyways? Weren't you supposed to be thrown into the mines or the dungeons?"

"His majesty," Cozy hissed, "Decided to turn me into one of his personal servants. I was given some hoof bracelets that kept me locked in the castle and was made to do little tasks here and there. He was also going to put me in one of his experiments I think?? That is until Tidal Swirl came in and helped me out."

"How did you escape?"

"Tidal Swirl. She used his own dark magic to release me and everypony else! Like you!"

"She is a hero today. If we get out of this I will make sure her name is remembered. Nopony will forget what she did for us."

"Mhm!" Cozy agreed, "I just... I hope she can survive this mess, at least."

"You and me both, Cozy."

The storm just outside the Crystal Empire castle was harsh and relentless. It swirled and spiraled into a hurricane of pent up destruction. Stinging saltwater hit the air and the sound of the ocean somehow reached everyponys ears. This was not the power of Sombra, but a different unicorn.

Tidal Swirl.

Her hurricanes and storms would angrily tear through the streets. They challenged the dark king and they warned others to stay away. This was a battle that needed space. A battle that could lose control at any moment.

She stood in the center of it all. The eye of the storm. It was calm and peaceful here, but she knew that wouldn't last long. She waited for him... and he definitely arrived. Attempting to once more strike her down he crashed forward in a ball of black and green flames within the center of the storm. Using a crystal pillar with a more flatter top, Tidal Swirl was able to easily launch herself out of the way just before he landed. As she got swept up in the storm she ignited her horn and swiftly conjured up waves of water made from the rain and raging clouds besides her. The wave lunged onto the flames and doused them out while Sombra disappeared within the shadows again.

As Tidal Swirl searched for him she suddenly felt something slam into her back. It threw her back into the center where she harshly landed and stumbled back onto her hooves. She looked up to spot a large dark cloud glaring down at her before slamming down in front of her. It transformed back into the dark king she loathed.

They stared at one another. The crystal streets at their hooves was slick with saltwater and the wind roughly blew through their manes and coats. It was cold and wet, but perfect. The perfect place to battle. So, battle they did.

Together they unleashed various spells on one another. Several aiming to kill. Tidal Swirl was less mobile than King Sombra and would often use crystal barriers in an attempt to block his incoming attacks while he easily dodged and invaded in a more misty-like form.

It was only when two spells they unleashed at the same time finally collided. Tidal Swirl thought it would be best to take the high ground and formed a pillar just underneath her. She raised herself high only to react when Sombra tried to shoot her down. When their spells hit they found themselves stuck in a powerful stalemate.

To Sombra it was a nuisance, but to Tidal Swirl it was agony. She grunted in pain as she struggled against Sombra's own magic. She tried bracing herself against the pillar but her head continued to thump and her body was screaming in pain. She was at her limit and couldn't fend him off for long.

The two spells fought against one another for what seemed like eternity until finally, Tidal Swirl's own magic began to deplete. Sombra easily pushed forward and before she knew it, the pain erupted against her forehead as his spell finally hit her.

She was thrown off the pillar and into the storm. A storm she no longer could control now that she was nearly knocked unconscious. Her hooves blindly flailed in the air as she tried to regain control but it was too late. She was exhausted. There was nothing Tidal Swirl could do anymore. She allowed the winds to carry her and decide her fate. The last of the crystal unicorns... how tragic that it had to end with her.

She couldn't even process what happened next when King Sombra appeared and casted one last spell on her.

All she saw last was a bright flash of green and purple before her vision went entirely dark.

"Huh... The stairs aren't finished?" Cozy questioned as she noticed the stairway was no longer looking like a stairway but something more rocky and jagged. They weren't smooth or built correctly.

"It looks like they're still being carved." Uncle Rubin hummed, "I think I can still get down from here though."

"I'll fly down just to see what else is around."

"Good idea. I'd like to at least know what's at the bottom of this pit before I end up falling into it."

Cozy nodded before hovering down to the bottom of the unfinished staircase. Nothing really caught her interest at first until she spotted an odd opening. It was like an entrance into a cavern except it was somehow cut short. There were crystals covering the area but there was some rectangular-like portal that sat in between those very dark stones. Surprisingly the portal wasn't as dark or ominous as everything else. It emitted a bright light with a soft blue hue, similar to the colors of the Empire before the attack. Cozy cautiously fluttered up to it and pressed a hoof against the portal's surface. It rippled like a pool of water.

"Uncle Rubin? I found something!"

"What is- ugh- what is it?" Rubinstein was carefully descending down, climbing from rock to rock in order to get to the bottom.

"It looks like a doorway? Leading to somewhere bright. I think it's another unicorn thing."

"Let me see." Rubinstein landed next to Cozy and made his way over to the rectangular entrance, "It's a portal... It's supposed to transport you from one place to another. It looks like some part of the Empire is on the other side." He tapped his chin and then cautiously approached it. He reached out to touch it- and then Cozy just pokes her head right on through.


"What?" She pulls her head back out, "It's just a bunch of crystals!"

"Still, we didn't know what could've been on the other side. You could've gotten hurt!"

"We're in a hurry! Come on, let's find the Crystal Heart already!" Without hesitation Cozy barged through the portal and found herself at the bottom of a large crystalline pillar that had several jagged crystals poking out of its sides. It had a staircase wrapping all around it, but Cozy spotted something along those steps. More crystals... but they were as black as obsidian. They were small and spaced out, but they grew roots that dug themselves into the more shining pillar. King Sombra was definitely here, alright. She couldn't tell what the crystals were for however...

Uncle Rubin soon followed after, "More stairs." He groaned.

"This could be it though! It goes all the way to the top! She said it was at the top, right?"

"That's nice and all but... Hm." His eyes narrowed as he examined the closest dark crystal.

"Yeah... That's suspicious." Cozy pointed at it, "Sombra must have put it there. Do you know what it does?"

"I don't know everything about dark unicorn magic but I can safely assume it might be a trap."

The two stared at it for a moment longer.

"Well... No better way to find out what it does than walking the steps!" Cozy Glow cheerfully announced.


She landed on the first step, "What?"

"Let me go first. I'm not letting you risk your life." Rubinstein insisted as he gently nudged her off the stairs.

"But Uncle Rubiiiin!"

"No Cozy. No more risking your life today. You've already done that several times." He began heading up the steps.

"But I have wings! If anypony can avoid something like this, it's me." Cozy insisted as she fluttered up by Rubinstein's side.

"Just because you have wings doesn't make you invincible."

"But how would you get out of it if it is a trap?" She crossed her hooves in annoyance.

"... I'll run." He grumbled.

"You'll run??"


"I thought you were good at strategy."

"I am and this is my plan."

"Well no offense but your plan is-"


Rubinstein and Cozy Glow paused. Their attention turned to a dark crystal that sat in front of them. It was embedded right smack center in the steps and it, unlike the others, began to glow. It gave off a noise... and that noise started to get faster.

Click Click Click Click.

"OKAY RUN!" Cozy Glow shouted as she flew away from it while Rubinstein high-tailed it back down. Just as he managed to clamber down several steps, the crystal went off. An explosion of dark clouds and ominous lights went off behind him. He tumbled forward but managed to keep himself steady on the stairway.

Both of them turned to see the stairs Rubinstein was about to climb was now completely gone. It had fallen apart and soon crash landed at the bottom where they once were. It wasn't even that far away, actually, they hadn't gone up too far.

"Great." Rubinstein sighed as he made his way back up only to stop short where the explosion had gone off, "Now how am I going to get up there?"

"Geez. What kind of trap was that?! Why didn't the others go off yet?"

"Maybe to put a pony into a false sense of security? After all, if you see the same thing for a while you might not suspect it will do anything at all."

"Well, it was really obvious though."

"Agreed." Rubinstein narrowed his eyes in thought, "... I can't jump this."

"And there could be more of these up ahead." Cozy sighed, "So even if you did make it, you could risk running into more."

The two stared at each other, "... I can't ask you to go up there by yourself." Rubinstein muttered, "I have to keep you safe so I can return you to your family."

"Sombra is busy fighting Tidal Swirl. It might leave me enough time to get up there with no consequences!"

"That's not enough time. Tidal Swirl is strong but dark magic is still very damaging to a crystal unicorn. That battle will end very soon now."

"Then..." Cozy tapped her chin in thought, "You could create another distraction?"

"I could?"

She nodded, "The mines. The dungeons. Frosty and Slipper could be there. The other guards are free now, you need to gather them and free the others along with Uncle Check and everypony else! Not only could this cause a distraction but... if we could get them all out into the streets, we could-"

"Activate the Heart..." Rubinstein stared and then lowered his head in defeat, "That... That is a good plan. And right now, you're the only pony we have that could keep going and could get up there to the Heart. Cozy. I wish it didn't have to be you, but I believe you can do this." He rested a hoof on her shoulder.

"I know I can do this."

Her uncle smiled, "That's the spirit. I'll go distract Sombra. I'm leaving the Heart to you now. Go save the Empire."

Cozy's eyes widened. Then, with a determined grin she nodded and dashed upwards across the broken staircase. She easily began making her way up the spiral staircase using her wings to fly over traps and using her legs to rest her feathers. The next time she looked down Rubinstein was already gone and their plan was kicking into action.

Princess Luna made her way along the frozen tundra. In the distance there was a raging, howling storm swirling in the skies. Her hooves sank into the cold snow at each step but she was determined to finish this patrol. She was accompanied by The Scout and The Messenger who had insisted on coming with. Luna only agreed because she had patrolled this area a few times now. Each time has come up with nothing. She felt this area was the safest out of the others which is why she was certain the happy-go-lucky pegasus wouldn't be harmed during their walk. She knew The Messenger was just itching to do something, after all.

In all honesty though It pained Luna that she was not taking part in the patrol more closer to the Empire. After all, there was a recent report of strange weather patterns and activity. One she could even see and feel now from this far away. It was located at the Empire. Who knew what Sombra was doing there now? Oh well. The Commander's patrol will fill her in on anymore details later. For now, she was focused on the sandy mare nearby.

She's been cooped up in camp for a while now. Nothing eventful besides the weather has yet happened so no messages were needed to be delivered to other sectors or to Canterlot. So, Luna thought it would be best to let The Messenger stretch her legs and wings for a while. Sometimes it was invigorating to just go out and have a walk. Even at stressful times like these.

However that wasn't the only reason The Messenger was out with her today. After all, Luna had some questions, "Scout. Go up ahead please. More to the West if you will. Messenger and I will scan the Northern area."

The Scout, a gentle grey and speckled earth pony, gave a firm nod and dashed up ahead. He was gone in moments leaving only Princess Luna and The Messenger alone.

"Have you ever seen the Crystal Empire before, Messenger?"

The sandy pegasus blinked, "No, never. Though out of all places, I would not mind delivering mail there one day. I've always heard how grand it was. Would be nice to see it myself."

"Yes. It was a luminous and beautiful place. Hopefully, after this war, you will one day get to see it in its full glory. Just as it's supposed to be..." Princess Luna then sighed, "We've heard what you and the Commander had to witness. We're sorry that you had to be part of something like that."

The Messenger flinched, "I... I should have just destroyed that letter when I had the chance. None of that would have happened if I hadn't been so careless."

Princess Luna halted and raised her wings, "Messenger. Do not blame yourself for the actions of that tyrant. Or the actions of us and our sister."


Luna wrapped a wing around the pegasus in a comforting gesture, "We were the ones who sent you out to deliver that letter in the first place. We put you and the Commander at risk."

"You didn't know he was going to attack that squadron, though!"

"Even so, Celestia and I have a responsibility over our subjects. The squadron and the two of you were our responsibility... and we failed you. Don't blame yourself however. What you went through was entirely out of your control."

The Messenger gently brushed Luna's wing away, "I will not stop blaming myself if you keep blaming yourself, Princess."

"Excuse me?"

"If it's not my fault, then it's not your fault either. You might've given the order but you didn't know what he was going to do. You didn't know he was going to attack! We might be your responsibility, but you didn't put us at risk. It was out of your control too." The Messenger firmly stated.

Princess Luna stopped and stared... then she smiled, "I don't think I've gotten your name yet, Messenger."

The pegasus returned the smile, "Love Letter. My name is Love Letter."

"Love Letter. What a precious name." Luna giggled as she began to trek along through the brewing winds, "Hm, I hope you don't mind if I ask a different kind of question." She hummed as a speck of black appeared in the distance. Her focus was on The Messenger so she didn't yet notice that speck was soon getting bigger.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Well when you and the Commander-" BOOM!

Snow went flying into the air and nearly buried the two where they were. Princess Luna easily used her magic to shield both of them from the white flurries of cold ice. Something had crashed nearby, just over the hill it had created.
Luna sensed it before she could see it. That dark, raw energy it produced. It was maddening. It was strong. She raised her wing protectively in front of The Messenger and readied her horn.

"WHO GOES THERE?" Luna's voice boomed as she prepared for the worst. It must be Sombra, wasn't it? He had somehow found them and was now ready to attack. Well she was prepared too. Her own magic could fight him off, if need be. Couldn't it?

The two stood there and waited. They expected him to come marching up from the pile of snow. They expected him to announce his presence and attack. Or worst, try to hide in their shadows and strike from behind.

None of that happened however. Nopony approached. Nothing was said. There was an eerie silence and nothing more.

Finally, Luna braved it and turned to The Messenger, "Stay here Love Letter." She hissed before making her way up to the crater this thing had created. She clambered on up and glared down, expecting to find Sombra with how much dark magic she felt... but instead she was surprised to find a crystal unicorn.

A blue crystal unicorn with a curly mane and a cutiemark representing swirling waves. She looked disgustingly ill and on the verge of death. Dark magic sparked from her broken horn and her body would twitch in response. Princess Luna, at first, could only stare.

"Princess!" The Scout called out as he raced up the hill, "Are you alright?! I saw something crash in your sector!"

"We are fine." Princess Luna announced, "Messenger. Get back to camp and call for The Healer's aid! Tell them this is the work of Sombra. Scout, keep an eye for any danger. We might not be alone." She then headed down to the broken unicorn's side.

"Right!" The Messenger saluted before flying off.

The Scout meanwhile took up sentry around the crater. He kept his eyes on the distance, expecting anypony to appear at any second.

Princess Luna paused in front of the collapsed unicorn and hesitantly crouched before her. She gently reached over and placed a hoof on the mare's shoulder. No reaction, "If you can hear me, it is I. Princess Luna. Let my voice guide you. Please, are you still there? Are you still conscious?"

The unicorn's body twitched once more. Besides that, no response. Luna let out a sigh.

"Then let me find you another way." She then lit her horn. A brilliant white glow began to curl around it. What she was about to do next was potentially risky... but she had to learn what had happened. She had to know what was going on in The Crystal Empire, and how to fix this.
So from her horn came a white line of light that snaked its way to the unicorn's head. The dreamwalker spell. A spell that allowed Luna to explore the dreams of a certain pony. This being the one before her now.

She closed her own eyes and focused... and then, she was somewhere else.

When she opened her eyes the princess found herself in a void made of starlight. She carefully scanned the area and then heard a noise below her. Looking down she saw nothing but desolate darkness beneath her. However she felt the unicorn's presence. A small, flickering light that laid dormant just below. With a sigh, Luna breathed in and allowed herself to fall.

She fell towards the darkness below... and then crash landed into the surface of an ocean. She fell through the water only to find herself in another area entirely as she dropped out from the other side and into the muted halls of the Crystal Empire.

It was rather shiny. Just like it was supposed to be. Calm, peaceful, and serene. Luna made her way down the brilliant hallways and continued trailing after the flickering glimmer that she sensed. She came upon a fork in the road when she heard it. Voices. Turning towards them she spotted a door that was open slightly ajar. In it was a light that seemed brighter than the rest of the world. Intrigued, Luna made her way over to it.

She peeked through and spotted the broken unicorn she saw before... except she wasn't broken. She was shining and happy. Her perfect horn was ignited with magic as she casted her spell.

The growing flower in front of her then bloomed with beautiful petals of red, pink, and blue.

"And that's how you perform a growth spell." She explained as she gently let go of the crystal flower.

"Wow..! I want to try!" The eager voice of a young colt hit Luna's ears.

"Go ahead. I'm not stopping you."

Luna watched as a young silver crystal unicorn stepped into view. He lit his horn with white magic and aimed it at the flower. Once he did, it grew twice as big... and kept growing bigger and bigger until it hit the ceiling.

The two looked on in awe before the colt happily beamed, "Haha! Guess I'm more powerful than we thought, huh?"

"Oh please. I was only helping you when you weren't looking." The blue mare chuckled.

"Don't lie Tidal Swirl! Admit it, I've gotten way stronger lately! I say I'm about ready to move up, don't you?"

Suddenly, even though it was just a moment, the room turned a lot darker. The mare stared at him, as if remembering something... "... Right. Well- you have to wait a little longer before that, Clear Cut."

"How much longer though? I've been getting a lot older lately! More older than you were when you became part of the council as a magician! I'd say at this point I'm running out of time, don't you think?" He innocently asked.

The darkness only seemed to grow as Tidal Swirl stood and backed away, "R-... Right... I just- I'm sorry. I need to-"

"What's wrong Tidal Swirl?" Clear Cut questioned, "I'm your star pupil right? Haven't I proven myself? I've been at your side for a very long time now. Won't you let me go?"

The room began to crack. The darkness began to spread.

"Stop. Stop please. Don't say that." Tidal Swirl urged as she felt her eyes sting, "Don't say that."

"But Tidal Swirl... I'm strong enough. Don't you believe me?"

"I said STOP!" CRACK! The room was now starting to shatter. The bright light was now beginning to fill up with black and grey colors. Clear Cut was smiling but slowly falling apart. Panic began to grow as voices and whispers began to surround Tidal Swirl's whimpering figure.

Princess Luna quickly reacted and jumped into the middle of the room, "ENOUGH!"

With a stomp of her hooves, the room fell apart entirely into a dark void. Tidal Swirl kicked out in fear but slowly relaxed when she realized how silent it all was. How peaceful. She stared up at Luna in shock. Then, she watched as Luna raised her horn and conjourned up the moon behind her. Along with the moon came the night sky... and then the ground. A sandy ground.

Then water. Ocean water. The sound of the waves hit Tidal Swirl's ears along with the squawks of pelicans and the gentle whistle of the breeze. She stood there, taking it all in. The horizon. The feeling of the wind brushing through her coat...

Her safe place. The very place she always imagined whenever she was stressed or anxious. This helped calm her down...

She breathed out and then turned to see Princess Luna sitting besides her, watching the moon slowly rise in the distance.

"... Princess Luna?"

Luna turned towards Tidal Swirl and smiled, "Tidal Swirl, correct? I've heard of you. Personal assistant to Princess Amore."

"That is correct... Where are we?"

"In a dream, though a more broken dream. You are unconscious but still fighting to be conscious. As you are, you are also losing yourself. If I hadn't come while I did, you might've just lost that last part of your mind to the darkness that was invading."

"You shouldn't have come here." Tidal Swirl turned back to the horizon, "I'm going to die anyways. The dark magic I've transferred to myself will consume me. There is no saving me."

"... Then let me know what has happened in the Empire while you were contained in it. What does that tyrant plan?"

Tidal Swirl's ears fell back, "There is too much to explain and not enough time for it. I have a suggestion. Take my memories. The last bit of memories you can collect before the darkness eats away at it. Maybe then you will have a better idea at what is happening."

"Take your memories?" Luna shook her head, "But if your body ends up surviving this, your body would become a husk with no memories within it if I took them now."

"I don't care if my body somehow survives. It is broken. It is beyond repair." She turned to Luna and bowed her head, "Take my memories. I failed the Empire. I failed Princess Amore. I failed my fellow magicians. And I failed my student... I can not live with this guilt anymore. At least by giving away the last part of myself I can ensure that something can be done. That my mind can finally be put to better use. Please. Before the dark magic takes ahold of me entirely. Before it finally kills me."

"..." Luna sighed and stood, "... Then tell me this before I decide. What has become of the rest of the crystal unicorns in the council?"

Tears began to appear in the corner of her eyes. Tidal Swirl couldn't look up as she spoke, "They died to the hooves of Sombra along with all the crystal pegasi. I am the last crystal unicorn... the last that I know of. I'm sorry. I couldn't save them. The crystal unicorns ends here with me..."

A silence trickled between the two. Luna stared at Tidal Swirl and then carefully lit her horn once more, "... You are not the last."

Tidal Swirl perked up and looked to see two figures appear in front of her. Her eyes widened as she gawked at the both of them. One was a pegasus soldier with crystal-like eyes. Another... was a purplish crystal unicorn with a blue mane, "Radiant Hope." She murmured. Her hopeful gaze flicked between them both.

"I apologize if this does not put you at ease. You've lost many, after all." Luna sighed, "But you are not alone."

"Please." She turned towards Luna, "Please keep them alive. That's all I ask."

"Of course." Luna allowed the two figures to walk away before she approached Tidal Swirl, "Are you certain you want me to do this?"

"Yes. I will not survive this. That I am certain. Take all the information you need to defeat Sombra. You have my permission."

"... Very well." She closed her eyes and focused. This was a spell she never wished to do, but she knew she had no choice. It was either now or never.

She pressed the tip of her horn against TIdal Swirl's forehead... and found herself surrounded with the memories of a young foal growing into an intelligent adult. Luna relaxed into the spell and allowed the memories to flow into her, taking them all as carefully as she could in order to avoid getting overwhelmed.

As she did this however, she didn't notice the darkness that was now snaking their way up to the two. It first tried to latch onto Tidal Swirl who barely moved or reacted as it clambered over her legs, her heart, and across her neck. It clearly felt something wrong however. Her presence... it was getting weaker. Her consciousness within the dream was fading and disappearing.

Luna took in more memories of the attack from the Crystal Empire. There she found the Magic Council facing off against Sombra. In the end, many perished yet Tidal Swirl survived... and surrendered. She hoped in doing so, he would spare her student and her friend.

They all fell before her.

The memories continued from servitude to experiments and punishments. Luna grunted in pain but continued to push on as she tried to learn more. He'd write and ramble. He began putting some trust in Tidal Swirl. She learned as much as she could and continued to be obedient for as long as possible. That is until a young pony named Cozy Glow came along.

The darkness realized where the broken unicorn was going. It hissed and began to trail after the memories that were being stolen away.

Luna felt she was nearing a close when she reached Tidal Swirl facing off with King Sombra until suddenly, she felt this pain erupt in her forehead.

She yelled out and tried to pull away only for some unseen force to hold on and drag her back. She tried to fight against it but it was too late. It saw its opportunity to dive in while she was taking Tidal Swirl's memories and attached itself to the alicorn. Luna struggled and fought until she found herself snapping out of the shattered dream and back into reality.

There she saw a black mist now latching onto her horn, connected from Tidal Swirl's now limp body. Luna let out a shout and tried to pull away. The Scout raced over and cried out. Too much was happening at once.

Information. Dark magic. Voices! So many voices.

Then she saw it. A series of events played out in her head. She watched as Tidal Swirl convinced Cozy Glow to give her the dark crystal. She watched as Cozy found it hidden underneath a book. She watched as a crystal mare named Amethyst attacked others with it... and so on and so on... until she saw the last vision where a younger Sombra stood out in the snow with a dark red crystal. Then he turned towards her.

He stared at her.

The two were in a snowy field waiting and watching. The only sound Luna could hear was the wind brushing against her ear... and soon, his body transformed. It became a monstrous being that screeched and writhed. It twisted in the air before glaring down at her with glowing green eyes. Then with a growling hiss... it pounced. Luna clutched her chest as she felt the dark magic surge within her. It spoke to her and promised her everything. The night. The shadows. They would all be on her side. With power and strength she could become the one to rule all. She could finally reach... understanding.

"Luna!" Radiant Hope shouted as she raced down the crater with The Commander and The Messenger at her side.

The Commander skidded to a stop, "What's happening here??"

"I don't know!" The Scout anxiously pulled at his mane, "I'm not a unicorn, you think I understand this?!"

"She's surrounded by that strange black mist, the same thing this unicorn was surrounded with a moment ago!" The Messenger explained.

"Dark magic. It must have transferred itself to Princess Luna!" Hope gasped, "I can save her, I have to!"

The Messenger whirled towards Hope, "How? What if you get some of that on you too?"

"I won't. Trust me, I can save her."

"Fine, we trust you. Do what you can." The Commander insisted.

"Yeah I don't want to lose a Princess out here!" The Scout shouted.

Hope quickly lit her horn and surrounded Princess Luna in a pleasant, warm light. She breathed in and focused her energy on the writhing alicorn in front of her. She focused on the dark energy that surrounded her and gently coaxed it into a more passive state. She couldn't fully get rid of it... but maybe she could settle it down. Maybe she could allow Princess Luna to fight it if she just weakened to black magic that surrounded her.

Princess Luna whimpered as her body shook. Slowly but surely, she began to calm down... The mist around her gradually vanished and dispersed around her. She groaned in pain and quietly lay there in the snow.

"Is... Is she okay?" The Messenger fearfully asked.

Hope looked her over and sighed in relief, "She's fine. Just exhausted."

"Who's this one?" The Commander went up to Tidal Swirl's body, "Is... Is she..?"

Hope rushed over and lit her horn, attempting to find any signs of life within the broken mare. She searched... and searched... and finally with a shaky breath she spoke, "She's... gone..."

"Do you recognize her?" The Scout asked.

"I've never met her personally, but I know of her. Tidal Swirl I believe. She ran the Empire's Magical Council." Hope lowered her head, "I wish I had gotten here sooner..."

The Messenger placed a hoof on Hope's shoulder, "Don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault."

"But it could be..." Hope muttered out as she stood and turned away from the body, tears stinging her eyes, "..."

The Commander sighed, "We need to move. The storms have been unpredictable. Let's bury the body and take Princess Luna back to camp. Tidal Swirl, I may not have known you well, I may not know what you've gone through, but I hope you know that there are others wanting to save the Empire. I hope you knew before you passed away that there is a chance. A chance to save everypony. We hope you passed with that thought, at least. I'm sorry we couldn't do more for you..." He bowed his head and several others followed suit, save for The Scout who quickly covered up Princess Luna with an emergency blanket.

After mourning the loss of the mare, they then got to work. The Commander and The Scout buried Tidal Swirl while Hope and Love Letter carefully moved Luna back to camp. The group was silent the entire time.

"Princess Luna? You called for me?" The Commander entered the medical tent that Luna had been situated in. It's been a while since the incident and she had been swiftly recovering. As she did, she would often talk strategy and write down information that nopony else was able to gather. They all later reasoned that she was the Princess of the Night. She could have possibly walked through several dreams to gather intel where she pleased.

However there were often times she would just sit and stare into space for a long time. Once, even, The Scout claimed he thought he spotted her talking to herself for a second. Hope personally banished The Scout from the medical tent for saying such things like that. Unless he needed to be treated, of course.

Things have settled down since the incident, though it definitely still clawed at the Commander and Hope. They knew how Tidal Swirl had died, after all. Dark magic...

Now was not the time however. The Commander had more tasks to do, more plans to work on, and a Princess now called for his attention. He obliged her and waited to see what she needed. Possibly to talk about their next scouting mission of course?

"Commander..." Luna laid on a cot, covered in a warm blanket. She had this faraway but considerate look in her eyes as she turned to face him. Her attention previously was on a journal full of notes... "We have a personal question, if you don't mind us asking."

The Commander curiously blinked, "I don't mind. What is it?" He walked up to her and sat besides her cot.

"... What was your missing daughter's name, again?"

The Commander flinched, "... Cozy Glow."

Luna's eyes widened, "Cozy Glow..." She then looked over and plucked up her journal with her magic. With a sigh she nudged it over to the Commander who carefully took it in his hooves. Right there in the pages was a sketch. A small but detailed drawing of a young pegasus hesitantly giving away a crystal with swirling dark magic... His daughter.


"She's there." Princess Luna blankly gazed at the journal's pages, "She's at The Crystal Empire."