• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 3,490 Views, 86 Comments

The Legend Of Nicholas - DanishDash

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

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Chapter 4: First Toy

Chapter 4: First Toy

Once again time went on, and his friendship with Applejack bloomed. He got to know the apple family well, and they in turn came to know him. Often enough he and Applejack would go to her family farm and play, other times she would go to his house and they would work on whatever project they might need to complete. Thankfully due to the grade they were in, homework was not really a big thing.

A whole year had almost passed and spring was in the air, winter wrap up had concluded and everything seemed to become greener with each passing day. Nicholas missed the snow, but he liked that the landscape became more alive, and it would be easier to play outside.

It was Saturday and Nicholas could finally enjoy the weekend, he liked school, but it was during the weekends he could help his dad out in the workshop, and go exploring near the woods. He had just stepped out of Sugarcube Corner, holding a small bag.

Nicholas had quite the sweet tooth, even back then, cookies were something he always enjoyed. He wondered if he should wait snacking on them until he got home, or maybe just sneak one now. It was his, paid for them with his own allowance, so there was no need to worry.

Before he could decide however, an orange blur seemed to tackle him! In a great cloud of dust, Nicholas fell to the ground and was suddenly staring up at the two green eyes of Applejack. "Owww... Good morning to you too, Applejack.." He groaned a little as the filly looked at him with a big smile.

"Nicholas, am gonna be a big sister!" She grinned. "I'm gonna have a younger sibling, just like you!" It was true enough, Rose Bright was pregnant, and was probably gonna give birth any day now. Nicholas loved the prospect of having a little sister or little brother, so hearing Applejack was gonna have a younger sibling excited him too!

"Really?!" Nicholas smiled, happy for his friend. "That's great! But, can you get off me now?"

It was like she first noticed she had him pinned down by now. "Oh, sorry about that sugarcube.." She said and was a little embarrassed and got right off him.

"Try to be careful Applejack, I'm sorry about that Nicholas." A mare's voice said as Nicholas stood up and dusted himself off. Nicholas looked up and saw Applejack's mother, smiling at them and tried to hold back a giggle.

"Oh, it's no problem Mrs. Apple, I'm used to Applejack tackling by now." He smirked and nudged Applejack, who nudged him back.

Pear Butter smiled and picked the back of cookies up for him. "Ma, can me and Nicholas go play?" Applejack asked as Pear Butter handed the bag back to Nicholas.

"Of course you can, sweetie. Just don't be home late. You two have fun."

"We will, thanks ma!" Applejack called and waved goodbye to her.

Nicholas smiled and looked at Applejack. "Wanna share some cookies?"

"Of course!"


Applejack had been in Nicholas's room plenty of times by now. It was big, made to fit him and continue to fit him as he would grow older. In fact, the whole house had grown quite a bit since Nicholas first arrived. Thankfully with the money his dad made, it was never an issue.

There was a desk, a dresser, a nice wooden floor with a soft carpet, some posters, pictures, and of course toys. The best thing Applejack thought, was his bed. Like the room, it was made with the room for him to grow, which meant it was big enough for Celestia herself. So that meant, it was the best bouncy castle in all of Ponyville! and being a friend of the owner, she had special bounce privileges! A lifetime bounce pass!

Before that however, she waited for Nicholas to come back from the kitchen with some milk for the cookies. While he was downstairs, she took the time to look around the big room, she had been here before as I said, but somehow his room always fascinated her. She knew him well enough to notice the subtle differences the room would sometimes have.

At times there would be drawings on the table, speaking of which ideas or subjects he was interested in. Other times there were toys on the desk, not as much for playing with, but for what seemed to be more for studying. Today however, there were neither toys, books or even drawings, no, instead on the table were a lot of wood chips.

Seemed like he had been carving something, and yes, just as she suspected, in the middle of the table was a wooden block. It had not really been carved yet, but a look at the dustbin beside the desk told her he had been practicing on other helpless blocks.

The door opened and in came Nicholas, carrying a tray with cookies on a plate and two glasses with milk. "Got our snacks!" He said cheerfully.

Applejack smiled and hurried over to him as he placed the tray on the floor and sat down on one of the pillows. Applejack quickly followed suit and sat down across from him. Both of them got a cookie and snacked on them happily, Applejack couldn't help but grin as she saw the look on Nicholas's face as he ate his cookie.

Nicholas noticed this and tilted his head. "What?"

"Nothing, you just look all goofy, that's all." She chuckled. "Like all, jolly."

"Jolly?" He made a face, and then laughed a little. Applejack always found it nice to hear his laugh, mostly because when he was in a happy mood and chuckled or simply laughed, he always got that, ho ho ho, kind of laugh, which amused her greatly.

"Well you just look happy to get your cookies, sugarcube, meant nothin' by it." Applejack promised and crossed her heart. "So, what are you working on over there?"

Nicholas looked to where she was looking. "Oh, that. Uhm, I want to be a good carpenter like my dad, but he says it takes practice, so I am." He said and smiled proudly, but the pride only lasted for a second. "Well, the first ones I made didn't really work out, I kept messing them up.."

"What did you try to make?"

"Uhm.." He looked down into his glass. "You know, uh, a figurine.. Like a toy.."

Applejack tilted her head, but did not look dismissive. "Really? You can do that?" She now looked impressed with the prospect of him making his own toys, that would be so cool.

"Well, uhm, they are not really, for me... You see..." He started to blush a bit. "I wanted to give them away, as gifts.."

"What? Don't you like toys?" Applejack asked, a little confused.

Nicholas nodded. "Sure I do, but, you know, I just like making ponies happy.. Like the day we met." He said and looked at her. "I like making ponies laugh, smile and be happy for something.. I hope I can make things as gifts, like at birthdays, and all that.."

Applejack smiled softly, she had always been impressed by Nicholas's maturity, even though he was just six years old, he had always been so kind to others. "Well then, what's the problem ya seem to have?"

Nicholas walked over to the bin and picked up one of the failed figures. It was crudely made, not smooth at all, but she could tell it was supposed to be a pony, and for a six year old, that was pretty impressive. immediately however she could see the problem, the dimensions were wrong in certain places. Hooves, ears, or head, did not match the right size, but again, it was nothing bad, but Nicholas wanted it to be perfect.

Applejack trotted over and looked it over. "Hmm, how about you use me as a model?!" She suggested.

"What?" Nicholas looked into her green eyes, then thought it over. It would help a great deal, he could study her better and draw better inspiration. He took a moment and then nodded. "You would really do that?"

"Sure I would, we're friends right, partner?"


So the work began, Applejack got into a position she could hold for some time, and Nicholas started to carve the wood. Sometimes he stopped, asking her to turn, or move a body part to get a better understanding of how her body would react.

Once again Nicholas showed his intelligence of even thinking about these things, but she simply did as he asked. He was very focused, he hardly spoke and Applejack noticed the kind of passion he laid into his work, it was like her father when he worked the fields, or when Big Mac worked alongside him, trying to prove himself to their pa.

She smiled a little at her friend, she could only admire his hard work, that was a thing the apple family always admired.

Minutes turned into hours, and little by the little, the day went by. Before either of them knew it, they were laying on the floor, both sleeping.

It wasn't until the door to Nicholas's room was slowly opened they were discovered. Pear Butter and Rose Bright stood there, looking in on their children. Both of them smiled brightly as they saw the two of them.

Nicholas laid against his bed, while Applejack had snuggled up to him. Her head on his chest, his right arm around her, while the other was slumped to the side. They both looked so peaceful, and neither of the mothers dared waking them up.

The room was in quite a state, wood chips were scattered all over the floor and the knife laid a few feet away from them. Rose used her magic to levitate the knife up on the table. It was then that she noticed something in his left hand, she used her magic to get a close look at the object.

It came to her and both the mothers let out an, "Awwwww.."

The object she had picked up was a small figurine of Applejack, looking like she was running with a big smile on her face. Both of them smiled and Rose put it on the desk carefully. Both the mothers glanced back at the kids who seemed to have snuggled even closer together.

It seemed they were not quite ready to end their day, and both of them knew their friendship was one that would last for life. The figure was proof of that, his very first toy.

Author's Note:

If anyone wonder why the chapters are short, it is because I want them to be small, easy to read and cover a lot of history. I don't want it to fill to much, if that make sense. :ajsmug: