• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 3,490 Views, 86 Comments

The Legend Of Nicholas - DanishDash

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

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Chapter 9: Little Helpers

Chapter 9.

Little Helpers.

Four months had passed, and things had gotten pretty busy lately, Nicholas had gotten his best friend back from Manehatten, but at the same time he'd gotten hundreds of new furry friends living with him now as well. Thankfully with some quick thinking, he had managed to convince them to live up in the attic for now, nopony had been up there for years.

Nicholas knew however this was not the ideal place for them to live, and so he tried to get them to return to the forest, that seemed forever ago however. How he had managed to keep the fact that there were over a hundred wood creatures hiding in the attic he had no idea.

However, he did learn a few things about Mina and her kind. Firstly, they were called elves, they were masters at stealth, if they wanted no pony or human would be able to see, hear or smell them. In the night, hundreds of them could move through the house without any soul in the house even noticing something was afoot.

Another thing he had learned about them was that they could perform small acts of magic. It was nothing like unicorn magic, no, these were tiny spells, something that made it easy for them to play with the world around them.

Elves are mischievous creatures, they are kind-hearted by nature, but when bored, they like to use their magic to make small pranks. Making the milk go sour, or change color from white to green. Filling the drawers with confetti, making the letters in the books spell out naughty words. The pranks were harmless enough, but Nicholas didn't want them to draw too much attention to themselves.

He found the best way to keep them from making pranks was to keep them busy with something, so he started to teach them his trade. Some he showed how to carve things out of wood, others how to use hammers or other tools, some he showed to sew or how to paint.

Before Nicholas knew it, he had a small army of little helpers on hand. Elves were quick learners, but it seemed they could only master one skill, which meant a master carver would never be able to sew a pair of socks. He didn't mind, and now that they had something to practice they seemed to help around the house at night.

Sometimes finishing a project his father worked on, fixed a cloth for his mom, cleaned the house, anything really to show their gratitude towards Nicholas. It made him wonder though, the more he showed them, the more he took care of them, the more loyal they seemed to become.

Soon he had learned their language, or at least enough to understand them better. He learned how to spot them, even when they were hiding, even learned a few tricks of distraction. How to avert the attention of a pony, sleight of hand you might say.

Of course, with his little helpers running out of things to do, he worried they would start their mischief again. Not out of malice, but out of boredom. Living in a house was not the same as living in the forest after all, which was why he had tried to convince the elves to return there. But no matter how many times he talked to them, they simply refused to leave him.

He was not sure how to take this devotion, which only seemed to grow stronger when he gifted them all with clothes. Nothing too complicated, some different colored tunics and dresses. He also gave them some pants, belts and hats. They all REALLY seemed to like the hats, which were all pointy.

Mina, who seemed to be his only ally when it came to order and no mischief, was given a red set of clothes, which she loved. She got a pointy hat with a bell, a red tunic/dress with no sleeves, and a pair of light brown pants. Also, he gave her a small clipboard and pencil which she took an immediate liking to.

It helped her keep track of all the elves, and she sort of became the head elf after that. She was his number one assistant, keeping order, and made sure her clan of elves did not get into trouble.

Winter had just started to come rolling over Equestria, snow had started to fall, and in a month it would be Hearth's Warming Eve, a time of family, friends, joy and giving presents, which most foals enjoyed. Nicholas enjoyed it too, it was his birthday, well, the day his pony parents took him in, but it was also a time when he was reminded more strongly that someone had given birth to him, and he somehow ended up here, alone.

It made him wonder if there was more like him, if he was wanted or not, who he was supposed to be?

Thankfully the feelings passed very quickly as he thought about his life in Equestria. He had friends, a loving family, a home. There was no need to wonder what might have been or might be, for he had everything he needed already.

The only question right now was, what was he going to do with all his little helpers?



The sudden voice of Applejack brought Nicholas back into the present. He had been in deep thought once again, and Applejack had a concerned look on her face.

"Huh? What?"

"What's wrong sugarcube? You've been mighty quiet for some time."

In the midst of all his thinking, Nicholas had completely forgotten the world around him. He sat in the Apple's family living room, the fireplace crackled gently, keeping the farm house warm and cozy, thick snow fell slowly from the sky above, and the whole house smelled of freshly baked cookies. He and Applejack were enjoying some hot chocolate Granny Smith had made them.

They sat on the floor, a board game between them, it was his turn by the looks of it. Quickly picking up the dice, he shook them in his hands before letting them roll gently across the board. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"I can tell." She replied while he moved his piece. "And if you don't mind me saying so, you've been acting strange lately." Applejack noted as she narrowed her eyes. "Are ya hiding something from me?"

What was he supposed to say to that, in all honesty, he had kept the truth about the elves hidden from her. Applejack hated when ponies lied to her, and she had a way of sensing these things. Nicholas in turn hated to lie, though it was not like he had outright done so, he simply did not tell her about them.

Now that he thought about it, he had no real reason to keep this from her, or any pony for that matter. Then again, he figured it would be best not to bring too many ponies into this. Although kind creatures, elves did not like too many ponies to know about them, Mina and her clan had made that clear, he was not sure why. Surely it would be okay to bring Applejack into the loop, right?

"Well you know, I had some ideas, some problems.." He said almost in a mumble. "Maybe it will be easier if I just show you.." Nicholas stood up. "Come on back to my house."

Applejack frowned. "Now? Isn't it locked?"

Nicholas nodded. "I have a spare key."

His parents were at some party in Canterlot, so him and Star Tail were spending the night here. Star Tail and Apple Bloom had become quite fond of one another, and spent a lot of time playing nonsense games that foals that age play.

"It won't be long, I promise."

Applejack nodded a little, then stood up. "Alright then, but we better not be late for dinner."

"We won't." Nicholas assured her. "I know how cranky you get when we don't get some food in you." He felt her hoof punch his shoulder. "Ouch!" The two laughed lightly as they walked into the hallway and got dressed for the cold weather.

Nicholas felt a bit nervous about revealing his little army of helpers to Applejack, but it would be easier if she knew, and he had somepony to talk to about it. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too freaked out as well.


It didn't take them too long to travel to Ponyville, move through the snow covered streets, and reach his house. Although it snowed, it was nothing so bad they would not be able to move around outside. Making his way to the front door, Nicholas put in the spare key, and turned.


The door unlocked, and the two were free to walk inside. It was a little cold, but the house had stood empty since this morning. Applejack shook a little, somehow it always felt colder inside a cold house than it did outside with the snow.

"So.." Applejack began, and eyed her friend. "What is the thing you wanted to show me?"

Nicholas sighed a little, clearly nervous about this, but he turned to her and looked her directly in the eyes. "First things first, I need to prepare for it, can you please wait in the living room?" At first it looked like Applejack was about to say something, but she kept her mouth shut, and simply nodded. Mentally he sighed with relief, if she waited, he would have time talking to the elves, hopefully they would trust him enough to trust Applejack. She was, after all, the most honest pony he knew, so he hoped that would convince them to trust her.

Walking upstairs, he found the hatch in the ceiling leading to the attic. He took a deep breath. "Just convince them she is okay, nothing to worry about, right?"


Applejack had made herself comfortable on the couch, she was still a little cold, but nothing that bothered her too much. For a moment she thought about turning on the light, but she was not sure how long they were going to stay, so for now she didn't bother with it.

Her thoughts were occupied too much anyway to really think about the cold. Nicholas had started acting strange not long after she came back from Manehatten. For the last four months, he had been making excuse after excuse for them not to hang out at his home, but at hers. She knew he was hiding something, but what? Could it be a special gift? A toy he had been working on maybe? Or maybe... She blushed.

'Oh, gosh, what if it's a confession letter??'

Like any little filly, many dreamed of a love letter, some dreamed of writing them, others hoped to receive them. Surely he couldn't be thinking of giving her such a thing!? But, but what if it was, how should she react? Did she accept it? Or should she accept it, read it, then was she supposed to give an answer?????!!!!!

She felt like screaming, and was just about to grab a pillow and scream into that, but suddenly she heard a strange sound from behind.


She looked, but nopony was there. That was strange, for a moment she could have sworn it sounded like tiny footsteps. Then another sound caught her attention, this time from another direction which she quickly turned her head to face, still nopony however.

Applejack got off the couch. "H-hello? Nicholas?" Something ran across the floor behind her, and she quickly turned, but once again, she could see nothing. "If this is you Nicholas, then it ain't funny." She said in a half attempt to sound brave.

She started to back up slowly, her eyes darting around the room in hopes of spotting whatever was running around. When she felt her flank bump against one of the tables, she stopped, still looking around. She saw nothing, but then, something caught her attention, it was faint, but it was like she could hear small grunts from above her.

Slowly, she turned her head up, and her eyes grew wide. There, on the table stood four furry creatures, all looking at her with narrowed eyes. She was about to say something when suddenly the biggest one of the creatures pointed at her and yelled out. "Tóg í!!"

They jumped her, and Applejack let out a scream.


The scream made Nicholas almost fall down the ladder to the attic, Mina jumping onto his shoulder as he ran down the hall and the stairs. "Applejack!?" The scream had startled him, had she gotten hurt or something.

When he reached the end of the stairs, he turned and quickly made his way into the living room. "Applejack, are you.." He froze in shock. On the floor was Applejack, glaring at the little creatures as they tightened the ribbons they had used to hogtie her with. She growled some words, but no words came out as they were not able to make it through the red apple they had lodged in place in her muzzle.

When she saw Nicholas she wiggled, saying something he didn't quite understand. "Mmmfg! Hmmfhh!"

The four elves that had captured her looked at Nicholas with pleased smiles. "Ghlacamar ionróir!" One of them said, proudly proclaiming they had captured an intruder.

Nicholas shook his head while Mina jumped down and started to scold them. "She is not an intruder, she's my friend." He told the elves and hurried over, removing the apple from Applejack's muzzle. "Are you okay?"

"What in tarnation are those things, Nicholas!? And how do ya know them?!" She asked, still very much angry. Though as he untied her, her anger started to fade a little. "Ya have some explaining to do."

Nicholas nodded. "I know.."


When she was untied, the four elves that had tied her up all stood with their hats in their paws, looking down at the floor with ashamed frowns on their faces. Mina crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Anois, leithscéal a ghabháil le Applejack." She said sternly.

Applejack, now sitting on the couch next to Nicholas, leaned over and asked quietly. "What is she saying?"

He said back, almost as quietly as her. "She is telling them to apologize to you."


Mina took a step away and the four culprits said in unison. "Tá brón orainn.."

Applejack looked to Nicholas who gave her a nod in return, confirming they were saying sorry. She looked back at them, they looked like foals who had just gotten a good scolding, which they probably had gotten from Mina. "No harm done." She finally said, and the four elves seemed to let out a sigh in relief.

Nicholas smiled relieved that they could work it out and not leave a permanent bad impression on Applejack. "Very good, guys." He looked to his number one elf. "Mina, can you bring the rest of the clan down, let's introduce everyone probably this time." Mina nodded with a smile and soon vanished with the four other elves following her.

Once they were alone, Applejack looked at him again. "What are they, and how can you understand what they are saying?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story.." Nicholas started to explain everything that had happened when she went to Manehatten, everything from meeting Mina to having them live here. Applejack couldn't help but laugh at some of his stories, though she was not the biggest fan of mischief, even she had to laugh a little at the elves' antics.

"So let me see if ah get this straight.." She said, looking thoughtful. "Ah go to Manehatten to try my luck in the big city, and you in meantime has gone ahead and become the elf king?"

Nicholas smirked and nudged her with his shoulder. "Very funny.."

Letting out a chuckle, she looked ahead to where the elves had vanished off too. "So why are they staying with you?"

"No idea.. Well, maybe.." He let out a sigh, not sure how to explain it. "I've learned a lot while they have been here, learned their language, some of their history, and I think some sort of bond has been created.." He explained and then scratched his head before leaning back a little frustrated. "I don't know, it hurts my brain just thinking about why.."

She chuckled a bit and leaned back as well. "You've always been more of a dreamer than a thinker." He snorted with a slight smirk in response. "So what are ya plans for them now?"

Nicholas twiddled his thumbs. "W-well.. I do have an idea..." He said almost in a mumble.

"Well, don't leave me hanging now, spit it out."

"I was thinking, making toys too the foals in Ponyville, and, you know, maybe give them away on hearth's warming eve.." He admits, not sure how she will take the idea.

Applejack is not one to mock or anything, but there were quite many foals in Ponyville, that was quite a lot of toys. Applejack was not even sure if she could name them all. Some were in their class, sure, but there were others, older and younger. After a moment of thinking she said. "That's quite a tall order, sugarcube.. Why would ya even try to do that?"

It was a good question, one that Nicholas had asked himself several times by now, and he always came to the same conclusion. Closing his eyes, he placed a hand on his chest, and simply spoke from the heart. "I've lived here in Ponyville for as long as I can remember.. I'm not a pony, and I know my parents adopted me, even when they didn't have to." Applejack did not reply, she simply sat there, looking at him as he spoke. "Everypony here has accepted me, treated me like a normal colt, even though I'm not.. Sure, I get some questions now and again, but everypony has been so kind to me, accepted me.." He felt a few tears of true joy come to his eyes, and he did not attempt to hide them. "I've got my family.." He opened his eyes and looked at her. "And you.. My life has been nothing short of a blessing, so I figured I wanted to give something back, even though I can never truly repay them.."

Once again, Applejack was struck with how mature Nicholas could be, even at his age. Though, she smiled, happy to know he really loved his life here. She had often thought about how he was feeling, if he felt left out, or like he didn't belong. He had obviously had such thoughts, but it seemed he had come to terms with that, and seemed to simply accept and enjoy the life he had to the fullest.

She gave him a nod, sending her trademark smile, which Nicholas always thought should be plastered on their apple cider bottles. "As ah said, it's a lot of work for you.. You only have a month to get ready, and even if you do manage to make them, will you just go around and hand them out?"

Nicholas shook his head. "No, I don't care about the credit or anything, I think I will give them out while everypony is sleeping."

"Why?" Applejack asked, a little confused.

"Well, if ponies see me working on a lot of toys and I then hand them out, they will start to think they will have to give me something back. It also means it won't be a surprise if they know I am making them."

Applejack frowned. "So ya need to make about.." She did a mental calculation, which was not her strong suit. "At least one hundred toys in one month, then deliver all those around Ponyville in one night. Ya won’t be done before sunrise."

"One hundred and six." Nicholas corrected with a small smile. "And I know, but it will be worth it."

"Not to mention if ya want to keep it a secret, ya need a place to work, a place to store all the toys too. That won't be easy, not one bit." She reminded him. "You also can't be found out, sneaking around after bedtime is bad, not to mention if one sees you they'll assume ya're up to no good."

Nicholas nodded again. "I know.. But.."

Applejack held up a hoof. "Ah know, and ah will help ya if ah can.. But how do you imagine you can do this?"

"Well.." Nicholas smiled, then turned his head towards the living room. "I know some pretty good helpers."

Applejack looked to where he was looking, and once again, her eyes went wide. The entire living room was filled with the entire elf clan that had moved in. All smirking as they held up their tools to show support for Nicholas's plan. She could not help but to be a little impressed.

"I wanted to tell you this, because I want your help, and.." He looked back at her. "Because I don't wanna hide anything from you.."

Applejack blushed slightly, then gave his shoulder a weak punch. "Of course i'll help ya, partner!"

Nicholas smiled at her, then at the elves. "Then I guess we have a lot of work to do, only a month to heathe's warming eve!" The elves cheered, and thus the groundwork began.

Nicholas had one month to prepare for hearth's warming eve, one month to make the toys, and one night to deliver them. He knew it was a lot of work, but he knew with his friend's help, he could make it.

Let the work begin.

Author's Note:

Finally I have some days off, which means it is time to work harder on the story, it will be done! If not this month then the next, I will have it done within that time frame!!! :flutterrage:

Thank you to all who have liked this story, I really am enjoying writing it. :twilightsmile: