• Published 5th Mar 2020
  • 3,994 Views, 409 Comments

Game Quest: Super Mario 64 - Phantom-Dragon

Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario and his buddies rescue Princess Peach.

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Big Boo’s Haunt — Part 1 | The Great Mission to Rescue Fluttershy

“Ah… it appears we have visitors… let’s give them a… hearty welcome… shall we?”

Big Boo's Haunt

Arriving upon the new course, deep with a tiny cage, Mario immediately somersaulted to break his fall and landed perfectly onto his feet. Before long, the others arrived.

“LOOK OUT BELOW!” Pinkie shouted from above.

Shaping her tail into a spring, Pinkie Pie bounced safely upon landing. Rainbow Dash quickly spread her wings to slowly descend her all, while keeping Applejack close. Yoshi nearly hit the ground when he quickly kicked his feet beneath him. Appearing to flutter in the air, the little dinosaur slowed his descent and landed safely upon the ground. The last to arrive is Spike, who used his wings to slow his fall.

Having landed safely upon the new landscape, our heroes find themselves face-to-face upon a large mansion. The very image of this grotesque structure gave the group a rather menacing vibe.

“Whoa!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “What a dark, spooky house that is!”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Applejack shuddered, looking around. “I’m getting’ goosebumps jus’ for bein’ here.”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi quivered frightfully.

“Oh no…” Mario frowned. “Poor Yoshi’s a-scared to be going into the house. He’s a little bit-a ‘jumpy’ around-a-spooky-ghosties.”

Spike held his claws up to embrace Yoshi’s, calming his green dinosaur pal.

“Come on, guys!” Rainbow called out. “We didn’t come this far to be scared off by ghosts! Somewhere in that house, Fluttershy’s in trouble and she needs our help. We’ve got to get her out of there right now!”

“And let’s not forget!” Spike pointed out. “We’ve still got some Power Stars to collect; we better keep our eyes open.”

To prove his point, Spike displays the map highlighting all the locations of the Power Stars blinking upon the map. The heroes exchange nods of agreement as they march toward the house. Along the way, they stumble upon a sign that read:

“You don’t stand a ghost of a chance in this house. If you make it out alive, you deserve… a Ghoul Medal…”

“A Ghoul Medal?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Is that the best they could come up with for a joke? Talk about lack of creative writing.”

“I don’t reckon it’s meant to be a joke, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack replied, when Pinkie’s body vibrated. “Lemme guess… Pinkie senses?”

“Yup! They’re almost make me want to dance… almost. If they weren’t telling me Fluttershy’s in there… and in BIG trouble! With a capital B-I-G!”

“Then let’s go in there and save her ASAP!” Rainbow insisted. “Come on!”

The heroes quickly venture toward the house, entering through the two double front doors. The exterior designs of the doors appeared to resemble menacing faces of ghosts, an image that would turn ‘any’ passerby away. Mario cautiously opens the doors, slightly ajar, before allowing passage for himself and the Equestrian Heroes.

Is-is that you I hear?” A voice whispered. “Is that you? My friends? You came for me!

First Floor

Upon entering the manor, our heroes found themselves upon the largest room in the house. There were five doors on this floor: Two on the left, two just ahead, and a single door just to the right. Furthermore, they could see there appeared to be a second floor above them, except for ‘one’ tiny problem… no stairs.

“Seems the only way to find Fluttershy is if we split up!” Rainbow declared. “You guys check the bottom; I’ll search the top!”

Just when the Pegasus was about to fly away, a grasp at her tail stopped her and Rainbow was hauled back.

“Not so fast there, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack frowned in disapproval. “We don’t know what kind of hocus-pocus we’re dealin’ with from these ghosts. Splitting up is out of the question!”

“But we have to find Fluttershy and fast!” Dash argued. “We keep checking these rooms one-by-one, we’ll never find her! And even if we do, it’ll probably be too late!”

“I’ll-a go with-a Dash then,” Mario volunteered. “I’ll keep an eye on-a her and make-a sure she doesn’t-a get into too much-a trouble.”

“How are ya gonna get up there?” Spike pointed, noting the lack of stairs.

“Like a-this!”

Demonstrating his point, Mario stepped back and ran forward with two jumps. On the third, he kicks off into the air with a spectacular flip at a tremendous height and landed perfectly upon the second floor.


“Wow!” Everyone applauded.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, stared slack-jawed in utter silence.

“Well, you-a coming-a Dash?” Mario asked, with a wink.

Snapped out of her stupor, Rainbow Dash zipped upward to join the red plumber.

“Guess that’s settled then,” Applejack shrugged. “Be careful you two!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped.

“And take this map with you!” Spike said, tossing the map to Rainbow. “You’ll have better luck finding some Power Stars up there more than we do down here.”

“We’ll be okay,” Mario replied.

“We’ll catch you guys later!” Dash called back.

Soon, Rainbow Dash and Mario disappeared into the rooms above, their search for Fluttershy having just begun. Little did anyone know that their friend was much closer than they thought.

“Dash?! Is that you?!” Fluttershy called out. “Mr. Mario? Spike?! Hello? I’m right here!”

But it was no use for the frightened Pegasus. For whatever reason, her words fell on deaf ears even as her voice appeared to echo from her spot. Somewhere within the house, either hidden in the walls or looming overhead, she could watch as her friends prepared to find her.

“All right, guys… where should we begin?” Spike asked.

Applejack turned towards the first room on the left. Following her lead, she and her group enter the room slowly. All they could find was a piano in the corner, sitting right next to a book, and sheds of moonlight shining through the nearby window. But what really caught Spike’s eye was a lonely red coin sitting behind the piano.

“Hey look!” Spike pointed. “A red coin!”

“I’ll get it!” Applejack volunteered.

The cowgirl trots toward the piano to grab the red coin, while Fluttershy looked on.

“APPLEJACK, NO!!!” Fluttershy shouted.

But it was too late. The piano suddenly sprang to life, snapping its lid open, revealing fangs! It sprung forward trying to eat Applejack.

“AAAAHHHHH!!!” Applejack screamed.

She jumped atop the piano, grabbing onto the balcony ledge above, climbing up as she gasped for air.

“Ah ain’t ever allowin’ no Pian-ee near Sweet Apple Acres!”

Reacting quickly, Pinkie Pie picks up a knocked down chair and summons a whip from her mane. She proceeds to crack the whip inches away from the monstrous piano.

“Down Simba!” Pinkie Pie shouted, cracking her whip. “Down Simba! Get away from us!”

While Pinkie Pie kept the piano busy, cracking her whip against the beast like a lion, Spike used this moment of distraction to silently sneak behind the monstrous instrument. While the creature was occupied, the little dragon proceeds to pick up the red coin.

“I got it!” Spike shouted, adding the coin to their collection.

Coins Collected

Gold Coin:

Red Coin (costs 2 coins): 1

Blue Coin (costs 5 coins):

Total: 2

"Let’s get outta here!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Dropping her items, Pinkie leads her friends toward the next room, running away from the piano.

“Come on down, A.J.!” Pinkie called out.

“Be there in a moment!” Applejack replied.

Regaining her composure, Applejack jumps back down and regroups with her friends. Before long, our heroes find themselves within the next room as Fluttershy looked on from a seemingly invisible state.

“Oh… oh dear goodness!” Fluttershy panted heavily.

“Phew!” Spike gasped. “That was a close shave…”

“Don’t have to tell me twice!” Applejack sighed, hugging Spike. “If we ever get outta this mess, I ain’t ever lookin’ at pianos the same way again…”

“Or even books?” Pinkie Pie asked.


Demonstrating, Pinkie Pie points to three random books that appeared to pull themselves out from the shelves.

“What the hay?” Spike asked.

The little dragon watched as the books began to open themselves, revealing fangs before lunging toward the group.


“Watch yer head!” Applejack shouted.

The cowgirl swung her hind legs towards the books, bucking them into puffs of smokes. Her efforts are rewarded through three blue coins.

In the meantime, Yoshi searched the top of the bookcases in the room. The green dinosaur spots two red coins, each on top of the cases.

“Yoshi!” He chirped in alarm.

Spike, his attention drawn, looks up and spots what his dinosaur friend was pointing toward. Nodding in acknowledgement, Spike flaps up as he and Yoshi proceed to collect both red coins to add to their collection.

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 3

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 3

Total: 21

“Alright, Applejack!” Pinkie Pie cheered, bouncing happily onto the catwalk. “Press your luck and you get the Applejack buck! Wahoo!”

Just then, in that exact moment, Pinkie’s entire body vibrated. In that moment, two Boos suddenly emerge from the wall, right behind the pink pony through a portrait of a Boo. Applejack’s eyes went wide as the Boos stalked toward her friend.


“Peek-a-boo!” Pinkie Pie giggled, startling the Boos. “I see you!”

To say these ghosts were caught by surprise was an understatement. With a backflip, Pinkie jumped behind the Boos, curling her body toward the ground with a pound attack. In an instance, the two ghosts disappear leaving behind two blue coins.

“Goodness!” Fluttershy squeaked, surveying the scene.

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 3

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 5

Total: 31

“Alright, Pinkie Pie!” Spike shouted, with a thumbs up. “Just a few more coins and we’ll have ourselves a Power Star!”


All of a sudden, somewhere in the house, a loud voice boomed and rang through their ears.

“Ghosts… don’t… DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here… alive?”

“Oh, oh dear goodness!” Fluttershy spoke up.

Our heroes suddenly turn their heads toward her direction, screaming in alarm.

“AAAIIIIYEEE!!!” Spike scream. “A GHOST!!!”

“And it’s no Boo!” Pinkie Pie shrieked, her mane flaring up.


“Let’s get outta here!” Applejack called out.

Applejack and her fellow heroes took off running, screaming as they bolted out of the room. Left behind, a confused Fluttershy turned her head side-to-side and behind seeing nothing behind her.

“Ghost?” Fluttershy asked. “Guys, wait for me!!!”

Hovering in midair, Fluttershy pursued her friends hoping to catch up.

Meanwhile, on the Second Floor

Moments after leaving their friends at the main entrance, Rainbow Dash and Mario inspected the first floor. They soon found themselves in a library; however, they did not realize that this was no ordinary library.

“Too bad Twilight’s not here,” Rainbow Dash said. “She’d love to her hoofs—WHOA!!!”

Faster than Rainbow could launch herself in mid-air, a book flew off the left shelf, cutting across the Pegasus’ snout.

“What the what?!”

“Hmm…” Mario pondered, twirling his mustache.

Using his wits, Mario took his cap off and hurled it across the hallway like a frisbee. The action triggered several books to fly across the halls, as if they were launched like arrows off a crossbow.

“Whoa!” Rainbow gasped. “This is just like one of Daring Do’s adventures! Like that one time she evaded the deadly poison dart traps of a tomb to..”

In response to Rainbow Dash’s enthusiasm, Mario shot the Pegasus an unamused glance, silently telling her to get back on track.

“Right! How do we get through this?”

“We jump-a like-a Mario!” Mario answered.

Doing a few stretches with his legs, Mario runs down the hall, jumping in the air to dodge the first book flying from the left. Then he lunges forward, ducking a second book flying from the right. The plumber soon rolls forward into a ball, evading two books coming at him from both sides. Just as he reached the other side, Mario picks up his hat and dons it back upon his head.

“Alright, Mario!” Rainbow Dash complimented, clapping her hooves.

“C’mon-a Dash!” Mario gestured.

With a competitive smirk, Rainbow Dash kicked herself into the air, performing flips and spins all the while evading the flying books. Before long, she landed right in front of a rather impressed Mario.

“Show off!” Mario smirked, clapping his hands.

With that settled, Mario and the Pegasus resumed their task at hands… or in Rainbow’s case ‘hooves’. They had just turned a corner, only to find…

“Augh!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “A dead end!”

“Not-a quite-a Dash,” Mario replied.

The plumber approaches the shelves, noting there were three books: One at the top, one in the middle-left, and one at the bottom-right. Suddenly, the books push themselves out all on their own.

“Hmm… there must-a be another puzzle to this.”

“Yep, it’s Daring Do all over again,” Rainbow nodded in agreement. “If only she were here, she’d enjoy this.”

Mario reached his hand out to touch the book on the left, which suddenly flew from the shelf and smacked him on the head.

“OH!” Mario grunted on impact.

“Mario!” Dash shouted. “You okay?”

“I’ll a live,” Mario groaned, shaking his head. “But that’s the wrong-a book.”

“Here, let me give it a try.”

Dash reached out and touched the book at the very top, which slides right into place. Dash closed her eyes, bracing herself for an attack. Only to find… nothing happened.

“Phew! I got the right book!”

Rainbow touches the book on the left, which inadvertently triggered the trop before bonking her on the back of the head.

“OOF!!!” Dash grunted.

The Pegasus fell back on the floor, her eyes starting to see stars.

“Uh, Mario? Did you get the license on that book?”

“Pull yourself-a together, Dash!”

Mario slapped the Pegasus back to her senses, as he approached the books and press the right sequence: Starting from the top, to the bottom-right, and then the middle-left. Following that order, the shelves slid to the left revealing a hidden passageway. Both Mario and Rainbow Dash quickly beat their feet and hooves to enter the door, discovering another Power Star waiting behind it.

“SCORE!” Dash shouted happily.

She flew over to collect the star, which danced around her.

“Here we go!” Mario cheered.

“YEAH! We got a Power Star!” Dash hollered.

Upon collecting the Power Star, the heroes’ total went up with a huge…

30 Power Stars!!!

“I wonder how everyone else is-a doing?” Mario asked.

“Hope they’re having as much fun as we are.”

Meanwhile, back with the other heroes

After their recent frightening encounter in the library, at the first floor, Spike and Yoshi found themselves in a room. A large eyeball was in the center, along with a Boo. But the two boys hardly noticed the ghost, as they ran circles around the eyeball, causing it to spin uncontrollably with a dizzy spin, before it disappeared in a puff of smoke. In its place, the eye left behind a blue coin.

As for the Boo, it made the mistake of making itself visible, watching as the frightened dragon and dinosaur ran around the room before crashing into each other. The Boo found himself sandwiched in the middle, causing it to disappear, leaving behind yet another blue coin.

“Ow, my nose!” Spike groaned.

Before long, he and Yoshi look up to see the coins they unintentionally collected.

“Hey, look! Two blue coins! Boy are we lucky!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped, as they collect their spoils.

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 3

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 7

Total: 41

Then, just like before, a loud voice boomed somewhere in the house.

“Ghosts… don’t… DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here… alive?”

“… Dude, that’s creepy,” Spike shivered.

It was then the little dragon realized he and Yoshi were the only ones in the room.

“Yoshi… where are Applejack and Pinkie Pie?”

“Hmm?” Yoshi shrugged.

“They’re in the other room,” Fluttershy spoke up. “But there’s a large drop in there if they’re not careful! We’ve got to save them, fast!”

“Hmm…” Spike thought. “I bet our friends must be in another room! C’mon Yoshi, we better go find them. I just hope they aren’t in too much trouble.”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped.

The two boys make their exit from the room, as Fluttershy was left dumbfounded, if not frustrated.

“Why doesn’t any pony ever listen to me?!”

Scream all you wish, shout all you might, my little pony,” A voice boomed. “They are all deaf to you. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!


Fluttershy turned her head toward the voice, only to find there was no one in the room except her… or so it appeared.

“I thought I heard somepony,” Fluttershy sighed, leaving the room. “Guess it’s up to me save Applejack and Pinkie Pie… I hope.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie

Following their recent scare, Applejack and Pinkie Pie found themselves separated from Spike and Yoshi. The two mares ran blindly into a room, but Applejack was fortunate enough to stop themselves. A good thing too, for our girls were just mere seconds from falling off the ledge of a large hole in the center of the room.

“WHOA!!!” Applejack exclaimed.

Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie threw themselves against a wall, taking the time to catch their breath.

“Whoo-wee! That was too close!”

“Eeyup!” Pinkie Pie replied.

Before long, the Party Pony spots a red coin, spinning on the ledge right next to them.

“Hey look! It’s another of those red coin things!”

She jumps over the ledge and collects the coin, earning our heroes their fourth red coin.

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 4

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 7

Total: 43

In that exact moment, a Boo suddenly appeared from nowhere and lunged toward Pinkie Pie, when—

“Hi!” Pinkie greeted, popping from behind.

Startled, the ghost explodes in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a blue coin to add to their collection.

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 4

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 8

Total: 48

“Ghosts… don’t… DIE!” The voice boomed. “Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here… alive?”

“Dramatic, much?” Applejack asked.

Not waiting for an answer, Applejack and Pinkie Pie hopping onto a ledge and were on their way toward the next door. Not far behind, Fluttershy followed her two pony friends who remained oblivious to her presence for some reason.

Eventually, all three ponies found themselves in a large room with a large drop in the center. Other than that, there was only a single bridge to cross over and a Boo circling the area. The ghost seemed to be on patrol when it caught sight of both Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Before either pony could make a move, the ghost suddenly disappeared into thin air.

“Where did that varmint go?” Applejack asked.

The cowgirl set one hoof upon the bridge, when…

“AAAH!!!” Applejack yelped.

The platform Applejack stepped on broke off, crumbling down into the deep, dark pit below. So startled, Applejack nearly fell over into the abyss herself.

“APPLEJACK!!!” Pinkie screamed.

The pink pony lunged forward, grabbing the country pony by the tail, and hauled her back up.

“Oh, goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed, approaching her friends. “Are you okay, Applejack?”

“I’ve just about had it with this here house,” Applejack muttered. “Thanks for asking anyway, Pinkie.”

“Um, I didn’t say anything…” Pinkie said awkwardly.

Just then, Spike and Yoshi emerged from the door just on the other side of the bridge.

“Applejack? Pinkie Pie?” Spike called out.

“Spike?!” Applejack exclaimed, seeing the two. “Spike! Yoshi! Over here!”

“There you two are!” Spike sighed. “We’ve been looking all over for you!”

Spike and Yoshi quickly raced across the bridge to reunite with their pony friends.

“Wait, boys!” Applejack and Fluttershy shouted. “Don’t cross the—”

But it was too late! Spike and Yoshi were already on the bridge, when suddenly…

“KA! KA! KA! KA!”

The Boo from earlier materialized itself, startling Spike and Yoshi midway.

“AAAH!!!” Spike and Yoshi yelped.

The Boo gave the two such a fright that they fell off the bridge and toward the darkness below, along with the falling platforms they had walked on.


“SPIKE! YOSHI!!!” Applejack and Pinkie Pie shrieked.

They reached their hooves out desperately but could only watch as their two friends faded deep into the darkness below.

“NOOOOO!!!” Fluttershy wailed in horror.

The three outraged ponies turned toward the ghost that scared their friends to their doom.

“Why you no good scoundrel!” Applejack snorted. “C’mere you!”

Kicking her legs, Applejack lunged toward the Boo. In response, the Boo disappeared, as Applejack ended up falling into the abyss.


“APPLEJACK!” Pinkie screamed, jumping after her friend. “Don’t worry, possible cousin! I’ll save you!!!”

Pinkie’s shouts faded after seconds of falling, as the Boo laughed itself silly at its latest scare. Just then, the ghost found itself face-to-face with an angry Fluttershy.

“That… was not… funny!” Fluttershy shouted, with an intensive stare. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself! I mean I know you’re ghosts and all, and that you’re a little shy, but why go and scare my friends into a dark black HOLE?!! Why you’re just a… BIG… DUMB… MEANIE!!!”

Fluttershy bellowed so loudly at the Boo, the ghost itself was frightened beyond all reason.

“THERE! I SAID IT!!!” Fluttershy continued. “Why, I’d have half a mind to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget! But NOOO!!! I can’t! Why?! Because I’ve been wandering aimlessly for a giant house for hours and MY FRIENDS DON’T EVEN KNOW!!! Well, you know what? I’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU AND YOUR MISCHIEF MAKING BUDDIES!!! Why can’t you all just get along with some other creatures… Or just… GET… OUT!!!!”

Fluttershy’s latest rant made her face angle so scarily, the Boo screamed itself to death before vanishing into a puff of smoke. All that was left behind was a blue coin. Fluttershy had a moment to compose herself, as she returned to normal.

End of Background Song

“Oh! Oh my,” Fluttershy whimpered. “Guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes.”

Fluttershy looked down upon the blue coin, which she noticed her friends had been busily collecting.

“Well, guess he won’t be needing this anymore,” Fluttershy spoke, picking up the coin. “After all, my friends do go through so much trouble for these coins. Every little bit helps I suppose.”

Coins Collected

Gold Coins:

Red Coins (costs 2 coins): 4

Blue Coins (costs 5 coins): 9

Total: 53

“BOOOOO-M!!!” The voice echoed. “Here comes the master of mischief, the tower of terror, the Big Boo! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka…”

“Oh! Oh dear!” Fluttershy whimpered.

The yellow Pegasus loomed down toward the large hole her friends had fallen into. Eventually, she spreads her wings and slowly glides down.

“I hope they’re okay; I’ve just got to help them somehow! Hold on my friends! I’m coming!”

Author's Note:

Power Stars: 29 + 1 = 30!

What is happening? How can our heroes not see Fluttershy? And what else could be haunting the house, besides the Boos?