• Published 5th Mar 2020
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Game Quest: Super Mario 64 - Phantom-Dragon

Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario and his buddies rescue Princess Peach.

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Footrace with Koopa the Quick and the Big Bob-omb's Rematch

“So… Lemme get this straight,” Pinkie Pie began. “You’re saying we’ve been gone for a week back in Equestria? Some hooded figure appears in your dreams and tells you to come here looking for us? And that’s how you and Yoshi met?”

“In that order: Yes, yes, and ‘triple’ yes,” Spike answered.

“Wow, this is heavy even for me!”

“Mamma-mia!” Mario exclaimed, slapping his forehead. “We’ve-a been locked-a up for a week-a? It felt-a like only an hour-a!”

“You know what they say,” Pinkie Pie commented. “Time flies when you’re having fun!”

“Maybe for you,” Spike frowned. “Back in Canterlot, it was a mess! All that talk about ‘index’, ‘capital revenues’, yikes! I’m just the royal advisor; I’m not the substitute Supreme Ruler of Equestria… Didn’t work for me the first time!”

“Yoshi?” Yoshi chirped, with piqued interest.

“Anyway, we need to find the Power Stars and rescue our friends,” Spike insisted. “Any idea where we should go next?”


Suddenly, Spike and the others turn as Pinkie Pie shivered. The pink pony’s entire body vibrates, as her nose wiggles aggressively.

“Ooh!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “That’s a new one!”

“Wh-What is it, Pinkie?” Spike asked. “Another of your ‘Pinkie Senses’?”

“Yep! And it’s tingling!”

Pinkie Pie quickly points to a stained-glass portrait of Princess Peach in the room.

“Oh! You guys missed a Power Star in there!”

“Yoshi?” Yoshi cocked his head to the side.

“Actually, Pinkie…” Spike began. “We’ve already found a Power Star; there was only one.”

“Are you sure?”

In a streak of pink blur, too quick for the naked eye, Pinkie zips into the stained-glass window. Ten seconds later, she reappeared at the entrance.

“Hey guys, look! I got a Power Star!”

Pinkie Pie reached into her mane, pulling out said star.

“Wuh-WHAT?!” Spike gasped.

“YOSHI?!” Yoshie squawked.

“Mamma-mia!” Mario exclaimed. “How did you do that?”

“It’s all in the Pinkie Senses!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “They never lie.”

“Yes-a, but-a how did-a you just… And then… Huh?!”

Before Mario could question Pinkie, Spike pokes him along the side.

“Mario, take it from me. It’s better you don’t ask, it’s just Pinkie Pie being… Pinkie Pie.”

Mario looked up at Yoshi, who simply shrugged in response. Not wanting to put the young dragon’s advice in doubt, he turns back to Pinkie Pie.

“Well-a, nice-a job-a Pinkie Pie!” Mario congratulated.

Soon enough, the plumber took the star, adding it to the heroes’ current collection thus far.

9 Power Stars!

“But how did you find it, Pinkie?” Spike asked. “Last time Yoshi and I went in there, we could only find one on Peach’s Secret Slide.”

“On the contrary, there’s one more,” Pinkie pointed out. “You just had to slide toward the end in less than 21 seconds!”

Before long, Pinkie Pie’s whole body acts up once more, directing her tail to point in random directions.

“Ooh! Either I’m getting the shivers, or my Pinkie Senses are telling me the next Power Stars are this way!”

Following her tail (Literally), Pinkie Pie raced out of the room, with Mario, Spike, and Yoshi giving chase. The pink pony bounced all over the castle, until she entered the room containing the magic painting of the Bob-ombs. And like before, Pinkie Pie dives into the painting, which rippled upon entry.

“Wait-a for-a me!” Mario shouts.

Soon, the overweight plumber jumps into the painting, with Spike and Yoshi close behind.

Bob-omb Battlefield

Bob-omb Battlefield Music

At first, all the heroes could see was a blinding white light. Until at last, they reach the other side and soon arrive onto the Bob-omb Battlefield.

“We’re back!” Spike shouted.

“Ah, Spike! Yoshi!”

The lead Bob-omb Buddy approaches the two heroes, noting they aren’t along this time.

“Welcome back! I see you’ve found your friends!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nodded.

“Well, most of them,” Spike sighed, before making introductions. “Anything, this is my friend, Pinkie Pie, and of course, you know Super Mario. Mario, Pinkie Pie, this is the leader of our friends, the Bob-omb Buddies.”

“At your service,” The lead Bob-omb Buddy bowed.

“Howdy!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

Just then, she looks up and noticed a rather large Koopa standing on the side of the path, turning his head left and right.

“Hey, is that a Koopa?”

“Yeah,” Spike nodded. “A really BIG Koopa.”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped, in agreement.

“Oh, that’s only Koopa the Quick,” The lead Bob-omb Buddy explained. “He just arrived a few moments ago, soon after you and Yoshi left. Don’t worry, he’s not looking for trouble… Just Mario.”

“Really?” Mario asked.

Curious, Mario walks toward the large Koopa as the others follow.

“Ello! It’s-a me, Mario!”

“Well, if it isn’t Mario!” The giant Koopa said. “Long time no see. You’ve put on a few pounds last I saw you.”

Miffed, Mario looked down and put his hands around his stomach before he turns toward the Koopa with a scowl.

“Too much pasta and lounging, huh?” The turtle continued. “You should really get some exercise. Who’re your friends?”

“I’m Spike the Dragon, that’s who,” Spike introduced himself.

“Yoshi,” Yoshi pointed at himself.

“Hi! Name’s Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie Pie bounced. “Throwing parties my game and making friends smile… Is also my game!”

“Ah, nice to meet you all,” Koopa greeted. “I’m Koop the Quick. Koopa’s the name, speed’s my game.”

“Really?” Pinkie Pie asked, curious. “I always thought turtles are slow.”

“Oh, stereotyping, huh? Well lemme tell you something, Pinkie.”

“That’s my name! Don’t wear it out!”

There was an awkward silence as Koopa looked at Pinkie with a blank face, the pony in turn merely giggled. But eventually, Koopa resumes…

“I happen to be the reigning footrace champion of the entire Koopa Clans. Why, I’m so fast, that not even Green Mustache Guy could keep up!”

“Mama Luigi?!” Yoshi chirped, before squawking angrily. “Yoshi!”

“Whoa, whoa, easy there, Yoshi!” Spike stopped his dinosaur friend. “Don’t let him get to ya!”

“Yeah, we’re not looking for trouble, Mr. Koopa,” Pinkie Pie bounced. “We’re just here to find a Power Star so we can—”

“Power Star?” Koopa asked. “You mean something like this?”

Soon enough, the Koopa presents a shining gold star, sparkling in the sunlight.

“Whoa!” The heroes gasped.

“Yeah, that’s it!” Pinkie bounced excitedly. “Can we have it? Please? It’s really important.”

Koopa tucked the Power Star away, as he scratched his head.

“Uh… I don’t think it’d be that simple,” He began. “See, King Bowser gave me this star with the instruction that I keep it safe from you. But… I might give it to you, if…”

“If what?” Spike asked.

Koopa thought for a moment, before he snapped his fingers.

“Hey, how about a race to the mountaintop where the Big Bob-omb was? If you beat me, then I’ll give you the Power Star! But if you lose… Well, I’m a good sportsman. If you lose, then we’ll race again, until you beat me. Sound fair?”

Mario turned to his Equestrian friends and Yoshi, who all exchange nods and agreements.

“Let’s a go!” Mario cried.

“Done!” Koopa nodded. “When I say ‘Go’, let the race begin!”

That settled, both Mario and Koopa took their position as the others stood on the side. Koopa proceeds to initiate the count down.

“On your mark… Get set… GO!”

With a kick of their legs, both Mario and Koopa take off running down the path, up the bridge, round the bend, passed the Chain Chomp, and cross another bridge where the evil bob-ombs once made camp. Meanwhile, Spike, Yoshi, and Pinkie Pie ran behind the two racers, cheering for Mario.

“Let’s-a go, Mario!” Pinkie Pie cheered, dressed in a cheerleader’s outfit and waving red pompoms. “Let’s-a go!”

Spike rode atop Yoshi’s back, while holding up a stick as if it were a microphone, once again assuming the announcer role (ala ‘Fall Weather Friends’).

“Wow, what an amazing footrace, between Mario and Koopa the Quick! Neither of them appear to be slowing down as they race neck and neck!”

But as Mario and Koopa cross the second bridge, Koopa leapt off and landed into the ravine below.

“What’s this?!” Spike exclaimed. “Koopa the Quick just went off course and… Is he?”

They notice Koopa proceeding to climb the slope of the mountain.

“He is! Koopa’s attempting to take a shortcut! A very steep shortcut. But can he make it? And what of Mario?”

“Go Mario, go!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

As the three friends followed the Jumpman, Mario rushes through the field before entering through the gates of the mountain. Soon, Mario turned right and weaved through the rolling iron balls, until he met up with Koopa, and they proceed to run neck-and-neck.

“And we’re back, with Mario and Koopa resuming their epic race!” Spike announced. “He and Koopa the Quick are now running up the mountain and-Uh oh! It’s an avalanche! An avalanche of giant rolling iron balls! And they’re all rolling towards Mario and the Koopa! Koopa jumps over a ball, and Mario-Whoa! Unbelievable! Mario just did a triple somersault over that giant ball, and he takes the lead! Koopa the Quick has fallen behind, but we can tell he’s really giving his all to catch up!”

“Mario! Mario! He’s the Jumpman!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “If he can’t do it, no one can!”

Soon, Mario ran up the spiraling mountaintop, where a flagpole was planted, with the image of a koopa shell printed on the small yellow flag, waving to the winds at the top.

“And Mario is the winner!” Spike cheered. “Mario is number one!”

Spike and his friends applaud happily for the plumber hero.


“YEAH! MARIO!” Pinkie Pie whooped.

“Thank you!” Mario smiled.

Soon, Koopa the Quick came, huffing and puffing, struggling to catch his breath.

“Huff… FFF… Puff… Whoa!” Koopa panted. “You… Really… Are… Fast! A human rocket!”

Before long, Koopa took out the Power Star he had been keeping.

“Here you go. You won it, fair and square!”
“Oh yeah!” Mario cheered happily.
The plumber takes the Power Star from the Koopa, as the star itself danced around Mario, showering him with golden sparkles.

“Here we go!” Mario shouts.

He got down on one knee, while holding two fingers up in celebration.

“YEAH!” Spike and Pinkie Pie cheered, merrily. “WE GOT A POWER STAR!”

“YOSHI!” Yoshi finished.

But the celebration was cut short when Pinkie Pie’s tail starts twitching.

“Ooh! Twitchy tail! Something’s about to fall!”

In that moment, a large shadow looms above their heads, causing everyone to look up toward a large round ball of darkness falling towards them. The heroes and Koopa leapt out of the way, just as the ball lands with a thunderous stomp that nearly shook everyone off the mountaintop. As the dust clears, there stood the leader of the evil Bob-ombs himself.

“Big Bob-omb?!” Spike shouted.


“Yes, it’s me, the Big Bob-omb!” The Big Bob-omb said, in a loud booming voice. “The King refuses to be dejected by a single defeat. I’m back with a new star from Bowser! I’ve also restyled my mustache. I’m unstoppable! If you want the Power Star, you’ll have to knock it out of me! But the only way to do that is to pick me up from behind and fling me down… And that will never happen! Bring it, shorty!”

With a stomp of his foot, the Big Bob-omb thunders toward the heroes, while Koopa the Quick stares wide-eyed at the imposing figure.

“Nice knowing you, fellas!” Koopa said, taking off. “You’re on your own!”

As Koopa the Quick makes a hasty retreat off the mountain, Spike, Yoshi, and Pinkie Pie quickly backed away, intimidated by the large Bob-omb.

“Pick him up?” Spike whimpered. “There’s no way we could ever pick up a guy that big!”

Spike spoke too soon, however, when Mario ran towards the Big Bob-omb, jumped over the giant’s head, performed a front flip in mid-air, before landing behind the giant walking bomb and lifts him off his feet with all his might.

“What the what?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, slacked jawed.

“Is this for real?!” Spike asked.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nodded casually, having seen this numerous times.

Back in the fight, Mario hurls the Big Bob-omb in the air before he lands on the ground with a tremendous stomp.

“OH!” The Big Bob-omb grunts.

Though he felt the wind knocked out of him, the Big Bob-omb got back up with a roll, angrier and more furious than ever.

“So, you do have some fight in you then. But nobody throws me around and gets away with it! Now it’ll be my turn to throw you!”

With a kick of his feet, the Big Bob-omb rolled towards Mario, who quickly leapt to the side, dodging the attack. But the Big Bob-omb saw this and made a sharp turn, rolling back at Mario, who quickly leapt in the air to dodge the attack.

While the fight goes on, Yoshi turns toward the mountaintop corner seeing a red cap, similar to Mario’s, lying on the ground. An idea came to Yoshi as he taps Spike’s shoulder.


“What is it, Yoshi?”

Spike follows Yoshi, who points to the red cap. Realizing what Yoshi was getting at, Spike nods as he ran off to pick up the red cap.

Meanwhile, the Big Bob-omb pursues Mario, until at last, he caught the red plumber in his boxing gloves. Suddenly, he felt himself lifted off the ground and hurled into the air before he came down with a thunderous thud.


Rolling himself back on his feet, the Big Bob-omb turned and was flabbergasted at the sight of two Marios in front of him.

“There’re two of you?!” Big Bob-omb exclaims.

“There’s just-a one of me!” The two Marios said, in unison.

“Just… One?”

“You must-a be seeing things.”

With a shake of his head, the Big Bob-omb smacked himself in the face repeatedly, trying to clear his head, while one of the Marios quickly snuck behind him, unnoticed. When the Big Bob-omb looks up, he smirks deviously seeing only ‘one’ Mario.

“Now I’ve got YOU?!”

The Big Bob-omb was taken by surprise, when he was picked up off his feet and thrown into the air again, for the third and final time.

“Ow! That hurt!” He moaned, in defeat. “Your sneaking skills need help, but you’re pretty strong. I’ve always wanted a servant like you. Here is your Star, as I promised… Take it… Farewell.”

The Big Bob-omb explodes into a puff of smoke and confetti, and in his place was the promised Power Star.

“YEAH!” Pinkie Pie cheered, happily. “Way to go, Mario! And uh, Mario?”

“Oh, Pinkie…” The second Mario shook his head.

The second plumber removes his cap and in a puff of smoke reveals himself to be Spike all along.

“It’s-a me! Spike!”

“Spike?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “But… What… When… HOW?!”

“I don’t know,” Spike shrugged, holding the red cap. “I think it has something to do with this magic red cap. Whenever I put it on, I turn into Mario.”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nodded.

“And when I’m Mario, I carry his powers, skills, and even the ability to speak to Yoshi like normal!”

“Really?!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “That’s so awesome! Lemme try!”

Quick as a wink, Pinkie Pie pops the hat onto her head and instantly transforms into Mario.

“Ello! It’s-a me, Pinkie-Mario!”

“Ha-ha! That’s-a so nice!” Mario laughed. “Now, let’s-a go!”

Back on track, Mario walks over to pick up the Power Star, and like before, the star dances around Mario, showering him with golden sparkles.

“Here we go!” Mario shouted.

Once more, the plumber gets down on one knee, holding two fingers up in celebration.

“YEAH!” Spike and Pinkie Pie cheered happily. “WE GOT A POWER STAR!”

“YOSHI!” Yoshi finished.

Princess Peach's Castle

The painting of the Bob-omb Battlefield rippled as Mairo and friends return to Princess Peach’s Castle. They both shared a short dance and ‘woo-hoos’ in celebration for their most recent adventures. With the two Power Stars they collected, that made it a total of 11 Power Stars!

11 Power Stars!!!

“Yeah! We did it!” The gang cheered, clapping hands together in a high-five sandwich.

“Now that was an adventure!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “This is the most fun I’ve had in… Ever!”

“Oh yeah!” Mario smiled, toward his friends. “You were all-a number one! Nice-a job!”

“You were awesome too, Mario!” Spike smiled. “They don’t call you ‘Super Mario’ for nothing!”


Just then, Pinkie Pie’s body vibrated vigorously again.

“Ooh! My Pinkie Senses are tingling!”

Pinkie bounced excitedly around the room, before exiting and leading the group to another room on the first floor. This time, she lead them to a door that has a red number one printed on the front with a golden star in the center.

Upon touching the door, the Power Stars they’ve collected appeared, showering the door with golden sparkles, before disappearing. Reacting to the stars’ power, the door slowly opens granting the heroes entry as they walk into the room and before their eyes is a painting of a huge fortress, floating in the sky, surrounded by a sea of clouds.

“Oh!” Pinkie Pie began, as her body vibrates vigorously. “My Pinkie Senses are grooving! More Power Stars are in there… Oh! And I think they’re telling me… One of our friends is in there!”

“You mean one of our pony friends, Pinkie Pie?” Spike asked.

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie confirmed. “Come on, let’s-a go!”

With a whoop and a bounce of her tail, Pinkie Pie jumped into the portrait, disappearing in a flash.

“Here we go!” Mario shouts, jumping in next.

Spike and Yoshi both turned to each other, exchanging quick nods before jumping into the painting.

Author's Note:

Power Stars collected so far.

Previously, there were 8 Power Stars.


Princess's Secret Slide: 1 secret star
Bob-omb Battlefield: 2

Total: 8 + 3 = 11 Power Stars!

Up Next: Mario and friends storm the Whomp's Fortress to rescue their friend, the strong and honest Applejack.
Then After That: The gang takes a dive in Jolly Roger Bay to find a sunken ship, fight a giant eel, and rescue their loyal companion, Rainbow Dash.