• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 6: The Crystaller Building

"No way dude!" Spike argued with a look of offense and disbelief on his face. "Masked Matter-Horn will totally wipe the floor with Fili-Second!"

Sonic scoffed. "Are you kidding me, dude? With her speed, Fili-Second can take Masked Matter-Horn out before she could even blink!"

After everyone discussed their game plan, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity went back outside to try to fix their tour bus, while the young girls were still upstairs, and the rest of the gang hung out in the living room. As they were all waiting, Sonic and Spike somehow got into a conversation about reading their superhero comics. At first, they were having fun discussing their favorite issues, fan theories, and even reenacting some of their favorite battle scenes. The two of them got along really well as if they have been friends for years.

Until they talked about their favorite hero and who will win in a fight between them.

"You're crazy!" Spike glared. "Masked Matter-Horn is a highly skilled martial artist and has high-tech. She could easily detect Fili-Second from a mile away!"

"Yeah right!" Sonic retorted. "She may have some moves and her fancy toys, but I doubt a lady with no powers could dodge, let alone detect Fili-Second before she gets pulverized!"

"AntiMatter-Horner!" Spike growled.

"Fili-Hater!" Sonic spat.

Both Sonic and Spike glared at each other so intensely, that you could see electric sparks flying in between them. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sunset, Twilight, and Tempest, who was sitting in the background, were perturbed at the sight as the two of them were "debating" over their favorite comic book characters.

"S-scary!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Um… should we interfere?" Sunset asked unsurely, stunned at the display in front of her.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I wouldn't recommend it. The two of them are having some nerdy battle about which superheroine is the strongest. I think we should stay out of it."

"...I'm not sure if I find this amusing or disturbing?" Tempest muttered.

"Why not both?" Pinkie chirped, earning a strange look from the agent.

Before Sonic and Spike's debate could get any further, the CMCs and Diamond Tiara walked into the room.

"Hey, Sonic!" Apple Bloom called.

Sonic ceased his debate with Spike and stood up. "What's up girls?"

Apple Bloom had something hidden behind her while staring at Sonic. "Well… now dat yer leaving fer good to yer new home… the girls and Ah wanted to give ya somethin’... to remember us by."

Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded.

Sonic had a curious expression. "What's that?"

With a quick glance at each other, the CMCs grinned as Apple Bloom revealed an item.

Sonic blinked at the sight of a long red fabric strap with some golden stitching around it. It also has an emblem of a blue shield with a silhouette of a golden pony wearing a cape in the center of the strap. Before Sonic could ask, Sweetie Belle spoke.

"It's one of the bracelets that we made… for our club."

Sonic’s eyes widened. "You mean…"

Apple Bloom nodded with a huge grin. "Yep! You are now an honorary member of the Canterlot Movie Club!"

"Yep! Like me and Silvy!" Diamond added as she showed off her bracelet which was around her left wrist.

As Sonic was processing this moment, Scootaloo placed the bracelet around Sonic’s left wrist.

"Normally, we perform our little initiation speech for new members,” Scootaloo beamed. “But due to circumstances, we figured we should just hand over the bracelet."

"Which is for the best since Scootaloo’s speech is too long," Apple Bloom quipped, causing Scootaloo to blush in embarrassment.

"I was going to revise it… eventually!"

"And I was also going to make you a cape as we did with ours,” Sweetie Belle added. “But I figured that this would be better since you run fast all the time."

Apple Bloom gave Sweetie Belle a knowing look. "It's also because Rarity banned you fer using her expensive fabric again… wasn't it?"

"...maybe?" Sweetie Belle said sheepishly.

Apple Bloom shook her head in amusement before facing Sonic. "Anyway, even though you'll be leavin' this world, you'll always be a CMC and a friend to us no matter how far you'll go."

"I… I don’t know what to say!" Sonic said softly, feeling a bit emotional as he looked over his new bracelet before facing the girls. "...thank you."

Feeling emotional themselves, the CMCs, even Diamond Tiara went over and hugged the blue hedgehog.

The Equestria Girls smiled at the display, touched by the young girls' friendship with the blue hedgehog. This made Sunset think about her time with the hedgehog and their argument before they were attacked on the highway. She decided right then and there that she should talk to the little guy.

"Um, Sonic?" Sunset called nervously.

Sonic broke off his hug from the girls and looked at Sunset curiously. "Oh… what's up Equestria Girl?"

He didn't call me the 'Jerk Girl'. That's a good sign. Sunset thought.

With Sonic’s attention and her friends watching her, she felt a little more nervous. She calmly breathes through her nose to calm herself before looking at Sonic in the eyes.

"Listen, about what happened…"

Sunset was suddenly interrupted when they heard a loud slam from the front door. Seconds later, Applejack walked in along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash with a frustrated frown.

"Whelp, that's all she wrote," Applejack remarked. "Our tour bus engine stopped working. So we're pretty much sittin' ducks!"

Sunset frowned. As annoyed as she was for being interrupted from her heart-to-heart with Sonic, the fact that their tour bus is down for the count concerned her.

She then turned to the G.U.N. agent. "What about your car, Tempest?"

"You mean that hunk of junk I borrowed from some guy?” Tempest asked before shaking her head. “I'm afraid that thing's engine started smoking almost a block before arriving here!"

"Ponyfeathers!" Sunset cursed. "Now how are we going to get to the Crystaller Building?"

Tempest thought for a moment before she addressed Diamond Tiara. "Hey kid, does your mother own a car?"

"Oh no! Don't you dare!" Spoiled remarked loudly, overhearing their conversation.

Diamond nodded. "Yeah, she owns a car!"

"Don't help them, Diamond Tiara!"

"Can it hold up to eight people and one hedgehog?" Tempest inquired.

"You're not letting that thing touch my car!"

"It can hold up twice as much!" Diamond confirmed.

"Diamond Tiara, I'm warning you!"

"Great, then I would like to borrow her car key, please!" Tempest requested.

"Hands off of my car you scarred punk!"

Diamond shook her head. "Actually… you shouldn't have this key."

"Ha! I knew you come around Diamond!"

Diamond grinned wickedly. "You should give it to Sonic instead!"

"Oh, you are so grounded, missy!"

Tempest smirked back. "Oh, I like the way you think!"

"Don't you even think about it!"

Rarity frowned unsurely. "Uh… are you sure that your mother won't mind if we borrowed her car?"

"Touch my car, or else expulsion will be the least of your worries!"

"Oh, I'm sure she won't mind!" Diamond assured, waving off their concerns.

"I do mind!"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Good enough for me! Let's go!"

Everyone walked out of the room to retrieve Spoiled’s car keys, leaving an infuriated Spoiled behind.

"This is my house!"

Manehatten was just as busy as usual. People were out and about, cars and taxi cabs passed by, and construction workers fixed yet another leak near the sewer lines. The only difference in Manehatten today than usual was more police patrolling the city, looking for a certain group of teens who were on the run from the law.

One patrol car was slowly driving past a one-way street with a couple of cops surveying the area. After they get a good look around the area, they've decided to turn into the next street down the block. Had they stuck around longer, they would have noticed some fancy long car, which was covered in recent dents and scratches, speeding down the road with a certain blue hedgehog controlling the wheel.

"Coming through!" Sonic shouted, nearly hitting another vehicle.

"Whoa, now, this is my turn, and I go around him! Sorry!"

"What are you, crazy?!" A random driver screamed angrily, but Sonic hardly paid them any attention.

Sonic roughly pulled halfway onto the sidewalk, hitting a fire hydrant.

"Aaaaaaand, perfect park!" Sonic announced before killing the engine.

As soon as Sonic parked the car, the Equestria Girls burst out of the car, with Rarity running out before she knelt on the ground.

"Land!" Rarity screamed in relief, nearly kissing the ground as if it was the best thing I'm the world.

The rest of the gang slowly climbed out of the car, each one feeling dizzy and nauseous like they just survived a rollercoaster ride.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Fluttershy gasped.

"I thought I was gonna die!" Twilight exclaimed, holding her hand over her chest.

"Me too!" Sunset agreed.

"And Ah thought Rainbow’s driving from yesterday was the worst!" Applejack remarked.

"Normally, I'll be insulted by that," Rainbow groaned while keeping herself from throwing up. "But for once… I agree with you."

"I thought it was fun!" Pinkie chirped, gaining looks from Rainbow Dash.

"...this was a mistake," Tempest muttered as she was the last one leaving the car.

Sonic rolled his eyes at everyone’s remarks about his driving skills. "Hey, I don't know why you all complain about it. I got us here!" He smirked as he raised his palm. "And please, five stars!"

"With that kind of driving, you get half a star at best!" Rainbow Dash retorted before shaking her head. "Scratch that, a zero!"

"Everyone's a critic!" Sonic huffed as he hopped off of the car.

He and the others then looked up towards the Crystaller building which was several feet in front of them. The building itself was very tall, almost taller than the rest of the buildings in the city. It has a very tall pointed antenna spire on the top, but there was also a flat roof underneath with gargoyles statues on each corner.

"So, this is it?" Sonic asked.

Sunset nodded. "Yep."

Sonic nearly whistled at the sight of it. "Wow, look at that thing!"

“I agree darling!” said Rarity while marveling at the building. “It is practically one of the main landmarks of Manehatten. A true beauty of this city!”

“I don’t know much about beauty, but that building is huge!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “It may be hundreds of feet tall for all we know!”

One thousand and forty-six feet to be exact,” Twilight stated matter-of-factly. “And I must say, even in person, that building structure looks impressive!”

“I hate to cut your sightseeing trip short, but we have a mission to do!” Tempest reminded the group. She frowned as she inspected her new “outfit” which was made by a young fashionista. “And remind me again as to why are we wearing these trench coats, scarfs, and hats?”

Tempest, as well as the girls, were all wearing long, light brown trench coats with trench hats that were large enough to cover the upper part of their faces. Rarity, however, wore a light maroon trench coat and a purple trench hat with a pink ribbon just to match the same style as that detective from her favorite mystery novel series. Rarity insisted for everyone wear her new outfits as a means to disguise themselves to hide from the law who were looking for them. Sonic was the only one who didn't wear the trench coat because not only did he refuse to wear them, but he insisted that his speed is enough to avoid other people.

“Yeah, Ah’m with agent Tempest on dis Rarity,” Applejack said unsurely as she eyed her outfit. “Are ya sure our disguises will keep us hidden?”

"But of course darling!" Rarity insisted with a confident smirk. "With my latest work, we can simply blend into the background without anyone noticing."

"Oh yeah, this will definitely work… when you're in a movie from the eighties and nineties!” Rainbow Dash remarked sarcastically.

Pinkie shrugged with a grin. "Well, if it works on some teenaged mutated reptiles who were named after the renaissance artists, know ninjutsu, and loves pizza, then I’m sure it’ll work for us girls too!"

Before Rainbow Dash could argue, some random pedestrian walked by and Sonic quickly hid behind the car before that person could notice him.

"Hey there ladies, nice trench coats," The pedestrian commented in a friendly voice as he kept walking.

"Thanks!" Pinkie chirped as she waved at the pedestrian.

Rainbow Dash stared at the retreating pedestrian in disbelief while Rarity gave Rainbow Dash her smug grin.

When the coast was clear, Sonic came out of hiding and stood near the girls again.

"So, Sonic… your bag of rings is in that building?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yep," Sonic nodded.

"Do you know where they are?"

"Right on the roof," Sonic pointed at the top of the building.

"I was afraid you'll say that," Fluttershy whimpered, eyeing the roof nervously.

Sunset frowned. "This may be difficult. How are we going to get up there?"

"Can't ya use your speed to run up the building?" Rainbow Dash inquired the blue hedgehog.

"For a smaller building? Sure! I've done that multiple times at Canterlot City. But a taller building like this? …I'm not sure. I've never attempted it before." Sonic studied the building with a frown. "Not to mention the curved part of the roof might be a bit difficult to maneuver at high speed.

"Even if you could pull it off, judging the height of that building, people will probably notice your blue blur going up the building," Twilight pointed out. "So it's probably for the best that we go to the roof by other means without anyone noticing us."

"What about simply using the stairs or an elevator?" Rarity suggested. "Didn’t most buildings have roof access?"

"Let me check!" Rainbow Dash announced.

"Right behind you!" said Sonic.

"Wait, how will you–"

Before Tempest could ask, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash zoomed away, disappearing towards the building.

"Oh… they’re gone," Tempest blinked. "We're they always like that?"

"Eh, you’ll get used to it," Pinkie chirped.

A second later, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash returned to their sides like they hadn't even left.

"No good!" Sonic reported.

"Yeah, you need a special key to get to the roof," Rainbow Dash added.

"Terrific!" Sunset groaned. "So what are we going to do now?"

"I think I have an idea," said Twilight. "But we're going to need some… assistance."

Twilight, as well as the rest of the gang, all turned and stared at Tempest, which the G.U.N. agent took notice of.

"W-what's everyone looking at me for?"

The inside of the Crystaller Building was as busy as usual. Various people were around either visiting or doing business for the building, including the lady who was working at the reception desk. The receptionist was working on her computer when she heard a group of people approaching her. She looked up to see what appeared to be a scared lady with high-tech armor and a group of seven teens wearing trench coats and hats with one of them carrying a duffel bag.

"Ma'am!" Tempest stated, holding up her badge for the receptionist to see. "We got a jumper on the roof! Gotta get up there fast or we're gonna have a human pancake on our hands!"

The receptionist cocked an eyebrow as she stared at her badge. "And… they send a government agent instead of a cop?"

“...yes. It's that serious ma'am!” Tempest answered, putting away her badge.

The receptionist glanced at the group behind Tempest. "And those ladies?"

“They're friends with that jumper," she replied quickly. "Figured they'll help convince them not to jump. Now please ma'am, give us access! Every second counts!"

The receptionist paused for a moment as she studied them, making the young group in trench coats slightly nervous.

"Well… alright," the receptionist sighed, placing a key card in front of them.

"Thank you, ma'am!" Tempest said gracefully, taking the key card. "You just saved a life!"

The receptionist nodded as the group made their way toward the elevators. As soon as they turned their backs toward the receptionist, they all quietly sighed in relief.

“Wow, that really works!” Sunset whispered.

“Of course,” Twilight nodded with a sly grin. “With Tempest as an authority figure, it makes things easier to convince them to give us access to the roof.”

“Normally, I detest abusing my rank to do our bidding,” Tempest remarked quietly. “But in this case, I’ll make it an exception.”

“There’s the elevator!” Rainbow Dash pointed to their destination ahead of them.

The group reached one of the elevators and Sunset quickly pressed the up button. While they were waiting, a businessman and a businesswoman showed up and stood near them. The group waited uncomfortably with a pair of strangers, but as long as they all acted casually, they wouldn't be suspicious of them.

Their plans, of course, derailed the moment when their certain "passenger", who was hiding in their duffel bag, decided to talk at a bad time.

“Hey, how much longer? I can't breathe in here!” Sonic muffled from the bag.

The girls' backs stiffen in alarm from Sonic’s loud voice, which unfortunately got the two strangers' attention. Sunset, who was holding the bag, tried to subtly shake the bag to get Sonic to stop talking, but he didn't get the message.

“Um, hello? Anybody there?” Sonic asked loudly.

“Shhh! Be quiet, you blue idiot!"

The girls were now more nervous, as well as confused when they heard a second voice from within the duffel bag.

"You!? How'd you get in here?"

"That's not important! Just stay quiet! You're jeopardizing the mission!"

The woman turned to Sunset with a confused and suspicious look. “Do you have a child in your bag?”

“What? No! O-of course not!” Sunset lied with a slightly high-pitched voice before laughing nervously. “H-how can a child fit in here?”

Unfortunately for Sunset, their situation gets worse when the two "voices" begin to speak again.

“Ugh! This is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier! This bag smells awful!”

“I disagree! Whatever that was in this bag smells like heaven!"

Sunset grinned at the woman nervously, sweat forming from the side of her head.

“I know I heard it that time!” the man stated, narrowing his eyes. “Just what are you hiding?”

The girls began to panic as the man got closer to the bag. Tempest silently reached into her stun gun from her jacket as she watched the man, getting ready when things were about to go south. Before the girls could protest and for the man to reach the bag, a certain purple pup suddenly popped out of the bag.

“Uh, hello there! Lovely day, isn’t it?” Spike cried in a jovial tone.

As the man jumped back in shock and the woman gaped in shock, Twilight quickly jumped into Spike's conversation.

“U-uh– yeah! It is a lovely day!” Twilight cried in an upbeat tone before turning to scold Spike but kept her huge grin. “Spike, why are you here? We told you to wait at home with Cadance!"

“I was afraid that I'll lose you again, so I sneaked into this bag,” Spike explained. “Plus, the smell of used sweaty gym socks in this bag was too irresistible!”

As Rainbow Dash blushed in embarrassment by Spike mentioning her gym socks, the woman began to utter in a shocked tone.

“W-who is that?

“Oh, that’s just Spike… my dog!” Twilight answered nervously.

“...and he can talk?” The woman inquired.

“Yes!” Twilight replied quickly, before shaking her head. “Well, no… he technically can’t!" Her eyes darted back and forth as she desperately tried to come up with a lie. "I… made him talk… by ventriloquism! We were just on our way up to perform one of my… latest skits… for the children at the, um… children’s hospital!

As the girls nearly groaned from Twilight's cringy cover-up, Twilight puts on a grin to make her story more believable and also secretly proud of her own clever thinking.

“...so you came to the Crystaller’s Building instead of a children's hospital?” The man inquired with a skeptic frown.

Twilight felt her stomach drop, becoming nervous again. “Well, uh…”

“Oh, yes!” Rarity jumped in, coming to Twilight’s rescue. “It was only an audition for the children’s hospital! One of many procedures we have to go through. You understand!”

The man narrowed his eyes. "Well then… show me your skit!"

The girls became nervous again, but Twilight complied with the man's request.

"Oh, sure thing!"

Twilight knelt near her dog. "So, Spike… what is the most fun day you have in your life?"

As Spike answered his question, Twilight purposely moved her lips around as if she was the one who did the voice work.

"Well… the most fun day for me was when I was outside all day playing my favorite chew toy, and then I chased the squirrel around before I took a nap on Twilight’s bed." Spike paused. "Oh! And at some point, I was also trying to sniff my own–"

"Oh, Spike you little rascal!" Twilight let out a fake, yet embarrassed laugh. “But it looks like you bothered them enough! So get back in there and stay quiet!

“But it was his–”

Before Spike had time to argue, Twilight pushed him into the duffle bag and Sunset quickly zipped the bag closed.

“Ehehehe… isn't that little fella silly?” Sunset said sheepishly.

The rest of the gang, save for Tempest, let out some awkward chuckles in hopes of selling their lie, even as Sonic began to speak again.

“No, I'm scared of the dark! Is anybody there? Hello?"

As the woman slowly backed away from the weird group, the man scoffed.

“Cute performance, but maybe you should work on your performance and your ventriloquism skills," he criticized before walking away.

As the girls sighed in relief, Rainbow Dash scowled at the man's back.

"Rude!" Rainbow Dash remarked, only to get elbowed on the ribs by Applejack.

Tempest sighed in irritation as she was eyeing the floor numbers above the elevator. This is going to be a long wait!

Meanwhile, back at the Rich's summer home, the CMCs were busy pouting as they stared out the window to nothing, while Diamond Tiara joined them out of boredom.

"This stinks!" Scootaloo complained, crossing her arms. "I can't believe we were forced to be left behind while they headed to the Crystaller Building with Sonic! Even Spike was with them that little sneak!"

"Ah'm just as frustrated as you are Scoots!" Apple Bloom sighed. "But they didn't give us a choice."

"What are you two complaining about?" Diamond Tiara remarked, rolling her eyes at their woes. "You three just traveled almost across the country while I was stuck in this house for days!"

Scootaloo stared at Diamond with a cocked eyebrow. "What's wrong with this house? I thought it was awesome! It even has an inground pool in the backyard for crying out loud!"

Diamond huffed. "Trust me, I guarantee you'll be bored with this place after a couple of hours."

As the two bickered, Apple Bloom noticed Sweetie Belle staring silently at the window with a very worried expression on her face.

"Hey, wat's wrong, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked.

Sweetie furrowed her brows, pressing her hand over her chest. "I can't describe it… but I just had an awful feeling! I'm worried not just for Sonic, but also for my sister and the others."

"Don't worry Sweetie," Scootaloo assured, overhearing their conversation. "Our sisters and the others managed to take down bigger threats before. They can take care of themselves!"

Sweetie frowned, feeling unsure. "Well–"


The CMCs and Diamond turned away from the window as Cadance quickly walked into the room with a frantic look.

"Where's Spoiled?" She exclaimed. "She's not in her chair!"

"What!?" They cried.

The pre-teens ran to the living room to check for themselves with Cadance in tow. To their shock, the chair where Spoiled sat was empty, save for some rope, which was now cut. There was also a small pocket knife lying on the floor that they'd never noticed before, which explained how Spoiled escaped from her spot.

"Oh no, she's loose!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

"Where did she go!?" Scootaloo yelled in a panicked tone.

Scootaloo’s question was immediately answered when they all heard Spoiled’s loud voice coming from the kitchen.

"That's right officer, I was held against my will by these hooligans, stole my car, and now they're heading to the Crystaller Building along with some freak of a creature!"

Realizing just who Spoiled was talking to, they all panicked and ran towards the kitchen. When they reached their destination, they all spotted Spoiled yelling over the phone, assuming to be the police.

"Please, come save me and then arrest these–"

Cadance immediately pounced on Spoiled, yanked the phone away from her, and hung up. She then glared at Spoiled with a furious expression.

"Just what you think you're doing!?" Cadance berated.

"What else!?" Spoiled retorted as if it was obvious. "I called the cops and now they're going to arrest these criminals for holding me hostage and running from the law!"

"Spoiled, you fool!" Cadance screamed. "You're putting these kids in danger!"

"Danger!? They tied me up like I was some prized turkey!" Spoiled spat.

"That's because you're trying to get Rainbow Dash and the others in trouble without getting the facts!" Scootaloo yelled with an angry expression.

"Hush brat!" Spoiled shouted harshly.

"Hey, don't you ever talk about my friends that way!" Diamond screamed, furious at her mother.

Spoiled scoffed. "Your 'friends' are going to jail along with their sisters and you will be grounded for a lifetime after this!"

"Spoiled, you don't get it!" Cadance argued, frustrated by Spoiled’s stubbornness. "By using that phone, he will–"

Suddenly, they all heard a doorbell coming from the front door.

"Oh, they're here!" Spoiled exclaimed in delight. "I knew the cops would show up!"

As Spoiled made her way to the door, Cadance began to panic, realizing that this was all too quick for even the cops to show up at their house.

"Spoiled, don't open the door!" Cadance yelled.

But Cadance's warning fell on deaf ears as Spoiled yanked open the door.

"Oh, thank goodness you've arrived! Those hooligans are–"

Spoiled’s words died in her throat when she immediately realized that the one behind the door wasn't the cops. Spoiled shook in terror as she stared up at her "visitor".

"W-w-what are you!?"

Spoiled suddenly screamed as her body shook violently after getting an electric shock from an unknown visitor. The girls and Cadance stared in horror as Spoiled’s body convulsed in front of them before Spoiled fell to the ground and passed out. They all looked up at the visitor and the CMCs became terrified as soon as they identified their visitor. The visitor then bulldozed their way into the door, destroying it and the wall in the process.

The Eggrobo pointed its gun at them, peering down at their frightened faces with its piercing red eyes.

After their uncomfortable ride up the elevator with other people, the girls reached the top floor and then rushed up the stairs leading to the roof. When they reached the door, Tempest used her card key to open the door and everyone stepped outside on the building's rooftop. As Applejack closed the door behind her, Sunset placed the duffel bag on the ground and unzipped the bag to free Sonic and Spike from their temporary transportation.

Spike immediately jumped out of the bag and ran to Twilight while Sonic sat up gasping, coughing, and hacking due to the smell he had to endure from the bag.

"Ugh! What were you keeping in this bag? A jar of pickled farts?!" Sonic glared at Rainbow Dash as he swatted a long sock off of his head.

"I didn't have time to wash my bag after my intense soccer match last week, so sue me!" Rainbow Dash retorted.

Sonic huffed as he stepped out of the bag while everyone else disrobed their tench coats much to Rarity’s dismay.

Fluttershy surveyed the roof. "Okay, so uh… what exactly are we looking for?"

Sonic immediately used his speed to run towards the edge of the roof to pick up a small brown bag and then presented them with a gold ring.

"This!" Sonic answered with a smile.

"Ooooh, pretty!" Pinkie cooed, eyeing Sonic’s ring.

"I concur, darling," said Rarity with an awe expression, nearly drooling from the sight. "I could make over a dozen outfits with rings like that!"

"Now, now Rarity," Applejack intervened. "Control yourself now!"

Rarity quickly shook her head and then she blushed with a sheepish smile.

Twilight furrowed her brow. "So… how does your ring work?"

"Now, all I have to do is think of where I want the other end of the ring to appear, and I throw it," Sonic explained simply.

"Hang on," Sunset interrupted. "You can go anywhere you want… just by thinking of any place before throwing it?"

Sonic nodded. "As long as you know a place and have a clear image in your mind, it is possible."

Sunset paused for a moment. "May I borrow your rings for a minute?"

"Sure. Knock yourself out!" said Sonic as he flicked the ring towards Sunset with his finger.

Sunset caught the ring with her right hand and grasped it. She then closed her eyes in silence, trying to picture a specific location she had in mind. Once the image is clear, Sunset opened her eyes, and then she tossed the ring in front of her, hoping it would work.

Only for the ring to land on the ground and nothing happens.

As Sunset sighed in disappointment, her friends stare at her in concern.

“Um… what place were you thinking Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

“...Equestria,” Sunset answered with a heavy sigh. “Specifically, Princess Twilight’s Castle.”

“Why Equestria?” Rarity inquired with a curious expression.

Sunset shrugged. “I guess… part of me was hoping that there was another way for me to travel between my home world and this one without relying on our own portal too much.” She then frowned. And to make it easier to visit you girls.

Rainbow picked up the ring with a skeptic frown. “Are you sure that this thing works?”

Sonic nodded. “Positive! My rings work for me all the time!” He frowned in confusion. “But if that place you mentioned is real, then I had no idea why it didn’t work that time.”

“Have you ever used these rings to travel to other dimensions?” Twilight asked. “Like in other universes aside from our own?”

Sonic blinked. “Good question,” he rubbed his chin in thought. “Those were Longclaws before she gave them to me, but she told me that she used to use them to travel between worlds even from the far side of the universe. But she never once mentions anything about traveling worlds from different universes.”

“I see,” Twilight hummed before nodding. "Then I may have a theory."

“And what’s that?” Applejack asked.

"My theory is that Sonic’s rings can only be used to teleport to other places within the same universe,” Twilight theorized. “So it may not work if you try to teleport to other locations in another universe like Equestria."

Sunset felt disheartened by Twilight’s explanation. "So much for visiting Equestria or anywhere on the go without using the portal near the school."

Sunset felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Twilight who was giving her a gentle smile.

"Don't worry Sunset, we'll figure something out."

Despite having sad eyes, Sunset grinned back in response.

“I’m sure Brainiac will figure it out Equestrian Girl,” said Sonic as he took another ring from the bag. “I’ll let you keep it. Actually, make that two!” He tossed another ring at Sunset, to which she caught it. “Each use of the ring is a one-way trip. So it’s best to have two just in case.”

“We appreciate your generosity Sonic,” Twilight grinned. “Now we have something else to research on!”

Sonic smiled back.

"So… we did it?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think we did!" Rainbow Dash confirmed with confidence.

"Weeee!" Pinkie cheered. "We got Sonic’s rings back! And we have a fun adventure!"

"I wouldn't call most of our adventure 'fun',” Applejack spoke up. “But Ah'll admit, our trip to Manehatten will be unforgettable fer sure."

The girls' celebration was interrupted when Tempest cleared her throat. "Hate to interrupt, but we're spending way too long on the roof! It's best that you girls say goodbyes now before the staff here starts to get suspicious."

Everyone suddenly felt sad about that. While they successfully retrieved Sonic's rings, the last thing they had to do was to say goodbye to their new friend.

And neither of them looked forward to it.

As the group prepared to say goodbyes, Tempest suddenly received some beeps from her communicator. Knowing who that is, Tempest moved towards the back and quietly answered it.

“Talk to me!” Tempest whispered.

Tempest listened quietly as she heard another person speaking through her communicator. When that person was finished, Tempest let out a sigh of relief.

“You got through to him? That’s good news!” Tempest then narrowed her eyes. “And what about my situation?”

While that was happening, one by one, the girls and Spike each said their goodbyes to the blue hedgehog. The first one to say goodbye was Applejack.

"Whelp, Ah guess this is goodbye, partner," Applejack tilted her hat, but with a sad smile. "It's been an honor meeting you. And remember dat No matter where you go, always be honest and true to yourself."

"I will, Cowgirl!" said Sonic. "I'll miss hanging out with you and sleeping on one of your apple trees."

Applejack chuckled. "Yer always welcome to drop by, sugarhog!"

The next one to say goodbye to him was Fluttershy, who had tears in her eyes.

"Oh… I'm going to miss you!" Fluttershy sniffed, hugging the hedgehog. "You are the most unique and kind creature I have ever met!" She then looked him in the eyes. "Never lose yourself and always be kind even to those who didn't deserve it… remember that!"

Sonic smiled sadly. "I will, Animal Girl! I'll always take your words to heart!"

Fluttershy smiled, wiping tears from her eyes.

The next one was Pinkie Pie. Despite that she still has a smile on her face, her eyes appeared to be sad and her hair became less poofy.

"I wish you didn't have to go so soon!" She whimpered, giving Sonic a bear hug. "Our adventure with you was so much fun! I regret that we didn't have time to throw you a 'Welcome and Goodbye' party!"

Sonic hugged back. "I don't need a party, Cotton Candy Girl. Just having fun with you and giving me joy from your laughter is enough for me."

Pinkie gave Sonic her teary grin.

Then it was Rarity’s turn to say farewell to him.

"Farewell, darling!" Rarity said softly. "l will never forget you and I hope that the gift from me and Sweetie Belle will serve you well!"

"I'll never forget you too, Fashion Queen!" Sonic assured. "And I will also never forget the generosity you and your sister have given me, in which I will take special good care of these shoes."

Rarity sniffed but smiled. "You better! These shoes are some of my best work!"

The next one on the line was Rainbow Dash, who was trying to act cool, despite failing badly.

"Hey…" She began softly. "Sorry that we didn't have time to do everything on your bucket list. Or having a rematch to our race."

Sonic grinned "It's okay, Ski– I mean, Dash. I did the ones I needed the most. And while we did start out on the wrong foot, competing in a race with you is one of my biggest highlights. I'm just honored that I get to run with the most awesome and the most loyal person like you."

Rainbow Dash couldn't keep her emotions in anymore as tears leaked from her eyes.

"Dang it! Why do you have to be so sappy!" She croaked but smiled as she hugged Sonic which he returned.

Rainbow Dash eventually broke her hug, leaving Twilight a chance to go next.

“While I’m sad that I didn’t have the chance to experiment with your speed, I’m sadder to see you leave,” said Twilight.

“Hey, at least you now have some of my rings for you to play with,” Sonic joked before smiling. “I want to thank you again for helping me, Brainiac. I’ll miss hearing your smart talks.”

Twilight chuckled. “Of course, Sonic. And I’ll miss having you around too.” She then beamed. “But as long as we keep our memories alive, anything is possible with the Magic of Friendship.”

Just then, Spike leaped out of Twilight’s arms and went into Sonic’s arms.

"Sonic… please don't go!" He whimpered, lips quivering. "Who am I going to debate about the Power Ponies with?"

Sonic had a sad smile as he hugged him. "I'm sorry, buddy… but I have to go. But just know that talking to you about comics has been fun… and that you're the coolest dog I ever knew."

Spike was crying but smiling.

Sonic then smirked. "Also… Fili-Second is the best superhero, hands down!"

"N-nuh-uh!" Spike argued playfully, wiping his tears. "Masked Matter-Horn is the best, hedgehog!"

Sonic chuckled, allowing Spike off of him.

There was only one person left he had to say goodbye to.

Sonic looked up at Sunset, just as she looked down on him. Both sides felt apprehensive after their talk on the highway, but neither didn't want to end it on a bad note. Building up her courage, Sunset took a few steps closer and then knelt to Sonic's level.

“Sonic…” Sunset uttered. “For the things that I said, and also for accidentally seeing your memories, I… I didn’t mean–”

“Sunset!” Sonic spoke up.

Sunset stared at Sonic with wide eyes, surprised by his statement and for addressing her by her real name this time.

“While I was shocked that you read my mind, I knew it was an accident and I’m not angry at you about that.” Sonic looked down in guilt. “Also, I… accidentally overheard your confession with the girls.”

Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I had no idea about everything you’re going through,” Sonic said quietly. “Fear of being separated from your friends, guilt about your past and current situation, magic coming from your world, and to top it all off… putting up with me when I didn’t tell you the full truth on how I know you girls.”

Sonic’s ears folded and he drooped sadly. “Sunset… I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I know it's a tough decision for you to leave Canterlot City. Walking away from something you care about has to be painful.”

“It was,” Sunset sighed. “But you’re not wrong when you said that I tried to run away. I thought the only way to protect my friends was to leave… and I was also afraid of losing them once we graduate. But my friends knocked some sense to me.”

Sunset placed her hands on Sonic’s shoulders while looking at him in the eyes. “I’m also sorry for being a jerk to you. With everything going on, including my drama with my friends… I was beyond stressed.” Sunset frowned sadly. “But it was no excuse for what I said. I should’ve talked to you from the beginning about us because… part of me was scared that the one person who believed in me was a lie and if our friendship was even real. I’ve been hurt by others so many times in my life, that I was scared to face the idea that my best friend… turned out to be someone who was only pretending to be.”

Sunset sniffed, feeling tears dripping down her face. “I-I know this was all stupid and ridiculous, but I–”

Sunset was suddenly interrupted when Sonic pulled her into a warm hug, much to Sunset’s confusion.

“It’s okay Sunset… I understand,” he whispered before looking her in the eyes again. “I mean… I didn’t exactly give you girls my best first impression. But I just want to let you know, even with the bad things you’ve done in the past… I still wanted to be your friend. Heck, I wanted to be the first to befriend you after that night. But I didn’t want to put you in danger because of me… so I have to watch you from afar… even if it’s risky.”

Sunset had a heartfelt smile, wiping her tears away. “Hey, a good friend once told me that sometimes we all got to take risks in life… even friendship itself, but it can be very rewarding and worthwhile when you take that risk.”

From the background, Twilight beamed at her friend.

“I also want to let you know,” Sunset continued. “That while I did pity you, I’m also helping you because… you are my best friend… even if you are a blue-talking hedgehog. And if I have known that befriending you would lead us all to where we are now… I’ll do it all over again!”

Sonic felt his eyes moistening and his chest grew warm from her words. “S-sunset…”

The two hugged again and stayed in that embrace for a while, neither one of them wanted to let go of the other.

“Sonic… are you sure that you want to leave?” Sunset whispered but in a pleading tone. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

Sonic shook his head “I don't want to go, but I can't stay. As long as I'm here, I put everyone in danger. I can't do that.”

“You could always visit!” Sunset suggested a bit desperately. “Whenever you feel lonely, you can just drop by at any time… when there's no government chasing us of course.”

Sonic sighed as he broke his hug. “As much as I love to, I'm afraid that I’ll be leaving for good.”

Seeing Sunset’s sad expression, Sonic flashed her a small smile. “But I just want you to know that these last two days have been the best two days of my life… and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

Sunset sniffed, but she smiled back. “I'm going to miss you… Sonic”

“And I'm going to miss you… Sunset Shimmer," said Sonic.

With a sigh, Sunset slowly stood back up and made her way back to her friends, who had looks of sympathy.

“And Sunset?”

Sunset turned back at Sonic.

"I just want to say… thanks!" he said with a smile.

Sunset had a curious look. "For what?"

“For saving my life,” Sonic answered.

Sunset smiled back, her eyes becoming wet with unshed tears as her friends stood by her side.

After finishing his goodbyes, Sonic turned away from the group, facing toward the city. Sonic slowly took out a ring from his bag and glanced at it. For a moment, he hesitated, not wanting his time with his new friends to end. But then he remembered that he and the girls aren’t safe with him around and that it was probably for the best that he leaves as soon as possible.

With a sigh, Sonic puts on his determined expression, picturing a mushroom planet in his mind, and then he throws the ring in front of him to get the portal to open...

Only for a ring to bounce off of one of Dr. Robotnik’s flying drones, which suddenly came out of nowhere.

Before anyone could react to it, many more drones appeared and surrounded the gang.

“Okay, did someone leave their 'Find My Phone' on?" Sonic remarked.

The girls stood nervously as drones were slowly closing in on them, cutting off their chance to escape. Tempest growled in irritation, knowing that "he" was nearby as she reached for her stun gun. Sonic slowly backed away from a few drones until he was a step away from the edge of the roof.

Then they all heard a sound like a flying machine. They looked up just in time to see a hovercraft coming around the building and then it hovered right in front of them. As they were wondering who that is, the cockpit opened, revealing to be Dr. Robotnik, who was now wearing a new black and red outfit with black goggles with red lenses on his head.

He then flashed them all with his evil grin. “Well, hello… girls!”

Author's Note:

You all didn't think that their journey is over and it ended so easily now did you? :trollestia:

So now Dr. Robotnik has caught up with our heroes. What will happen next? :twilightoops:

Now for some notes and references:

The human CMCs emblem and bracelet were based on the original CMCs emblem and cape from their pony counterparts from the main show.

Speaking of which, Apple Bloom remarked about Scootaloo’s initiation speech was too long was a callback to MLP:FiM Season 3, Episode 4 - One Bad Apple, when they tried to do their initiation speech for Babs Seed.

There was also a callback to MLP:FiM Season One, Episode 17 - Stare Master when Sweetie Belle first created the "official" CMCs cape with Rarity’s experience gold fabric, which she got in trouble for.

Here's a little fun fact: there was originally a scene after Sonic was licked by Ozzie:

Here, Sonic and Tom were having a heart-to-heart conversation about Sonic’s powers, as well as their fight at the highway from earlier. But the main focus I want to point out was towards the end of the scene when Rachel, Tom's sister-in-law, threatened him to not "glance" at her car, which caused Tom to show Sonic the keys and slyly asked Sonic if he wants to drive.

This explains why Sonic was the one who "randomly" drove the car to the Transamerica Pyramid building in the movie. Despite knowing that Sonic will damage Rachel's car due to a lack of driving skills, it was Tom's way of revenge against his sister-in-law for treating him terribly. Whatever issues these two had is still a mystery, even after the second movie. :duck:

However, due to time restraints and that they already have a heart-to-heart scene between Sonic and Tom on the roof, this scene was cut from the film. Although, they should've kept that scene, or at least kept a part of Tom showing Sonic the keys since it makes less sense for Sonic to drive the car without it in my opinion. This is why I have Diamond Tiara, as well as Tempest, stealing Spoiled’s keys as their way of getting back at Spoiled from earlier.

As well as keep up with the running gag (which I unintentionally started) of Tempest stealing vehicles from other characters. :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight's statement about the height of the Crystaller building was based on the actual height of the Chrysler Building in New York, which is about 1,046 feet tall (including the antenna). And it is currently the 11th tallest building in New York City, along with the The New York Times building.

Rarity’s trench coat design was a reference to Shadow Spade, a detective from her favorite mystery novel which she read during EqG Holiday Special. Her pony counterpart also wore that outfit from MLP:FiM Season 5, Episode 15 - Rarity Investigates!

Image by Vicakukac200

Pinkie mentioning some "teenaged mutated reptiles who were named after the renaissance artists, know ninjutsu, and loves pizza" was obviously referring to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I actually have two major criticisms about the arrival to San Francisco scenes in the original movie.

The first, and I'm sure many have also pointed out, was about the whole "Sonic running up the building" plot hole. Sonic could've easily run up the building and retrieved his rings instead of getting the key to the roof. Heck, in the opening scene when Sonic was chased by Robotnik, it was shown that Sonic can run up the building with no problem. Some theorized that he purposely dragged that out just so he can spend more time with Tom, or maybe he never run up tall buildings as often or as easily as jumping down from buildings. Whatever the case, I tried to make an excuse that he never tried running up taller buildings before and Twilight pointing out that he might get noticed if he did.

My second criticism was Tom being "on the run". While an earlier scene of him seeing himself on the news with people looking for him on a manhunt. But then later, he walks around in San Francisco and then the Transamerica Pyramid building just fine without anyone chasing him or recognizing him. It just doesn't make sense to me. :applejackunsure:

To compensate for this, I have the girls wearing Rarity’s trench coats and hats as a way to disguise themselves, as well as a gag of them being self-aware of just how ridiculous this trope was from old films in the 80s and 90s, especially from the Ninja Turtles series.

Another scene I didn't like from the original movie was the "child in a bag" bit while Tom and Maddie were waiting for the elevators. Even after I first saw this scene from the first trailer, I thought that scene was cringy and unfunny in my opinion... and I'm kinda surprised that they kept that in the movie. So for this story, I changed it as a ventriloquist gag between Twilight and Spike instead, which was inspired by a Sonic X episode Party Hardly when Mr. Tanaka attempts to convince the party guests that he was using his ventriloquism act after Cream scolded Chris about his mother in front of the party guests.

While I already explained this in the comments, I'll go over it again here in this chapter on how the portal rings as demonstrated by Sunset and explained by Sonic:

According to the Sonic News Network site, the rings in the movie that Sonic carries around can be used as temporary portals to travel between worlds or different parts of the same world within the same universe. Since Equestria is from a completely different universe, the portal rings would not work and Sonic wouldn’t be able to travel to Equestria.

And even if they did work, Sonic still needs to picture Equestria itself in order to open the portal. For example, Sonic used a visual map that Longclaw gave him to help him travel to other words. Another example is when he sees Tom's t-shirt with the name and images of San Francisco, which he accidentally activated the portal in the process after naming the location and got a clear picture of the building from Tom's shirt. Since Sonic had never seen or been to Equestria, he wouldn't be able to get those rings to work.

Anyway, that's it for this chapter. Stay tuned for next week as Sonic and the girls faced the "Eggman".

You don't want to miss this! :raritywink:

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