• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume I - Chapter 3: Baseball Blues

It was the top of the ninth inning during the Little League Baseball at the baseball field of Canterlot High. It was a match between the Wondercolts against their long time rival, the Shadowbolts. While the Shadowbolts were winning nine to eight, the Wondercolts weren’t discouraged in the slightest and will continue to battle to the very end.

Many spectators from both sides watched from the sidelines at the bleachers, cheering for their teams. At the front of the bleachers, Sunset and Applejack were selling non-alcoholic Apple Ciders from their stand. While they were selling their drinks to their customers, they were mostly watching the game in support of their team and the CMCs who were among the team.

"Thanks again fer helping out with mah stand Sunset!" said Applejack with an appreciated smile. "While this ain’t mah first rodeo, but Ah appreciate yer assistance."

Sunset smiled back. "It's no problem at all AJ. I'm happy to help out! Besides, from where our stand is located, we practically got ourselves front row seats for the game."

"Can't argue with dat!" Applejack chuckled before she turned back towards the game with a loud cheer. “Go Apple Bloom! Show ‘em how it’s done!”

Somewhere off from the distance in the wooded area, Sonic suddenly appeared with his super-speed and hid behind a tree. He peeked over the tree and watched the scene in front of him with an awe expression.

“Whoaaaaaaaaa! The Playoffs!” He whispered.

Wanting to see the game up close, he zoomed across the school grounds and headed towards the back of the bleachers.

Meanwhile, Lyra and Bon Bon were sitting at the far right and in the middle row of the bleachers. Bon Bon was trying to enjoy the game with her bottle of water while Lyra just sat there with her arms crossed and a pouty expression.

"Why are we here Bonnie?" Lyra complained. "You know that I don’t like baseball!"

Bon Bon sighed while trying to remain patient with her best friend. "Because not only you were running around about that Blue Devil nonsense again, you’ve been obsessed about it for days! I'm bringing you here so you could get your mind off of it! Now be quiet and watch!"

Lyra turned away from her friend with a huff, muttering angrily about how no one took her seriously as always. She stared off into a corner just in time to see a familiar blue hedgehog appeared right in front of her. The two silently stared at each other for a moment before Lyra let out a scream, startling her best friend and other spectators close by to her.

"What!? What is it Lyra!" Bon Bon exclaimed with a concerned expression.

Wasting no time, Lyra faced her best friend while pointing towards where the blue creature was standing. "It's him! It's the Blue Devil! He's right next to–"

As soon as Lyra turned around, the blue creature was nowhere to be seen, much to Lyra’s astonishment and frustration.

"Wha- where'd he go!" Lyra exclaimed while looking around franticly. "He was right there! I know he was here!"

Bon Bon was beyond annoyed and embarrassed with her friend’s antics even before she directed at where the “Blue Devil” was standing. She sighed in exasperation as she rubbed her temples.

"Ugh… this is second grade all over again!" Bon Bon groaned.

While Lyra tried and failed to convince her best friend what she just saw, Sonic was hiding right underneath them from within the bleachers with a relieved sigh.

That was too close! Sonic thought with a sigh. Luckily, it was Crazy Lyra who saw me, so no one is going to believe her. Still, I got to be more careful from here on out!

Sonic then stealthy moved along from under the bleachers until he made his way to the middle where he could see everything. He watched in awe as the next batter from the opposite team made her way to the base. Sonic's attention to the game was briefly interrupted when he heard a familiar cheerful voice from the sidelines.

"Alright Can-Canterlots, you Banter-lots!"

Sonic turned towards the source of the voice, which revealed to be Pinkie Pie in her cheerleading outfit with her megaphone. Fluttershy was also there, silently standing next to Pinkie wearing her own cheerleading outfit.

"I wanna hear you cheer!" Pinkie loudly encouraged the crowd with a smile. "When I say 'Wonder', you say 'Colts'!" Pinkie instructed before raising her fist.


"Colts!” "Colts!” The crowd cheered loudly, while Fluttershy cheered in a much lower volume.





Sonic grinned excitedly. He wanted to cheer alongside them, but he doesn't want to give himself away. Instead, he turned his focus back to the game just as the pitcher threw the ball. The Shadowbolt player swung her bat, hitting the ball into the air. Just as it seemed like the ball was out of the park, Scootaloo caught the ball into her glove and then tossed it to Sweetie Belle who was standing by the first base. Sweetie Belle caught the ball and then tagged her opposing player before she could return to her original base.

"You're out!" Announced the referee. "Double play!"

As the teams switched positions, the Wondercolts students cheered for their successful play along with Rainbow Dash and Rarity who were part of the spectators.

"Woo-hoo! Way to go Scoots!" Rainbow Dash cheered loudly.

"Great job Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cheered, only to grimace the moment she saw the state of her sister's uniform. "Oh… I wish my dear sister didn't get that uniform all dirty!"

Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes at Rarity's remark.

Some time has passed and the Wondercolts team now caught up with their rival team; full bases and two outs. Spectators from both teams were waiting for in anticipation to see how this game will end. While that was happening, Applejack and Sunset were pouring drinks for the thirsty spectators from their stand.

"Oooh, a tie game!" Sunset said excitedly as she eyed the scoreboard. "It's all coming down to this! If our team gets another score, we’ll win!"

If we get another score,” Applejack pointed out. Her eyes then lit up the moment she sees the next player walking towards the home base. "Ooh! My sis is up fer bat!"

Indeed it was Applejack’s little sister, Apple Bloom who was up next. She stood by the base, raised her bat over her shoulder and stared ahead, waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball. The pitcher narrowed her eyes in concentration, silently communicating the catcher of which pitch style to use against Apple Bloom. Before anyone could react, the pitcher quickly pulled back her arm and threw a fastball towards Apple Bloom’s direction. Apple Bloom, who anticipated that trick, was quick enough to swing her bat and hit the ball into the air. One of the Shadowbolts tried to catch the ball as she chased it across the field and raised her hand. But the ball was too high for her to reach and was over the fence, hitting the scoreboard.

"HOMERUN!" The referee loudly announced.

The Shadowbolts spectators groaned loudly in defeat while the Wondercolts side loudly cheered in victory, especially Applejack.

"Yee-haw! Way to go Apple Bloom!" Applejack cheered loudly while her face was filled with pride for her sister.

Apple Bloom continued ran around the field, high-fiving some of her teammates along the way. When she reached the home base, everyone from her team was piling onto her with hugs and cheers before lifting her up in celebration of their victory.

Sonic watched those kids with an awe expression. The game looked fun and amazing to him, especially the part when they run after hitting the ball. That last kid was amazing the way she hit that ball and deserved all the attention from other players. And the real kicker, he wished that he could join in on the fun.

He noticed that everyone was on the field now, congratulating the players or chit-chatting with other people. Even with his super-speed, there was no way he could leave without anyone seeing him. He decided he should wait a little longer from under the bleachers until he was sure that everyone leaves so he could escape.

...and maybe to check out the baseball field up close without prying eyes.

Twilight sighed heavily as she massaged her head, trying to ease her growing headache. She then eyed the quill in front of her, which was currently sitting on her workbench. Shortly after her time at the woods, Twilight immediately went home to her lab, which used to be her family’s garage, from the back of her house to analyze that mysterious quill she found after chasing some mysterious being. She tried to do some basic testing on this quill, only to come out fruitless. She even tried measuring the electricity from the quill using a multimeter and jumper cables.

Only to blow a fuse temporary in the process.

Even with that setback, she wasn’t any closer to figuring out what the deal was about that quill from that mysterious creature. For the first time since the Friendship Games, Twilight was stumped. At least back during the Friendship Games, she was able to slowly understand about Equestrian Magic as she went along with it before meeting her best friends. With this quill, however, she felt like she was running into a brick wall at every corner. Twilight felt frustrated with herself for having little to no process with that quill. She knew that she has to go deeper to get her answers, but she doesn’t know where to go from there.


Twilight was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone calling her. She turned towards the floor to see her pet dog and best friend, Spike. Spike has been with her for as long as she could remember; like a family member rather than a pet. Even after the Friendship Games, Twilight still wasn’t used to hearing him talk.

"Oh Spike!" said Twilight as she swiveled her chair around towards him. "What are you doing here?"

Spike gave Twilight his confused look. "You were supposed to take me out for a walk."

Twilight let out a tired sigh. "I told you, Spike, I'll walk with you in an hour!"

Spike raised his eyebrow. "Twilight… it has been an hour! An hour and a half to be exact!"

Twilight blinked. She then glanced at the clock by her desk. To her shock, it was indeed been an hour and a half since her response to Spike about his walk the first time.

Oh, shoot! Was I here that long!? Twilight exclaimed in thought before turning back to her pet.

"I'm so sorry Spike! I was… more occupied than usual!" Twilight answered with a guilty expression.

Spike gave her friend an assuring grin. "It's okay Twilight, I’m not mad!" He then glanced at the quill. "Was it something to do with that "thing" you found at the woods earlier today?"

"...yeah," Twilight answered as she picked up the quill, eyeing it with great fascination. "I found this thing shortly after chasing whatever it was in those woods! It's like anything I've ever seen before… besides Equestrian Magic related of course!" She then let out a huff in frustration. "I still can't make heads or tails with this thing!"

Spike titled his head in curiosity. "How do you know it was a quill?"

"Well I'm not Fluttershy, but I can tell by its shape and texture,” Twilight explained while stroking the quill. “Still, what creature could have this type of quill?"

"Did you tell the girls about this?" Spike asked.

Twilight shook her head. "I didn't tell them yet Spike. The girls were already skeptical about a non-equestrian creature running around in our city… myself included. So I'm trying to analyze this quill further to gather the information I need before mentioning this to them."

"C’mon Twi, give them some credit. They’re your friends! I'm sure the girls will believe you when you tell them,” Spike assured before smirking. “I mean, this isn’t the first strange thing that happened in this town."

Twilight smiled. "Perhaps you're right Spike," she said as she petted her dog. "My friends will believe me, though it wouldn't hurt to gather more data to back up my claim. That... and I'm also curious about what I may find."

Spike only shook his head in amusement.


Both Twilight and Spike yelped from the sound of the sudden visitor. Twilight immediately knew that voice belonged to her big brother, and he doesn’t sound happy. Panic started to creep up as her brother’s footsteps were getting closer. While Twilight still doesn’t know if this quill is related to Equestria or not, she needs to hide it quickly. In a split second, Twilight quickly pulled out a drawer from her workbench, stuffed the quill inside, and slammed the drawer shut. Unfortunately, the drawer wasn’t completely shut due to the amounts of junk poking out of it. She didn’t have time to fix it as she saw her brother entering her lab in his police uniform with a stern expression.

“Oh! Shining Armor!” Twilight said almost too eagerly while trying to distract him away from her drawer. “What’s up?”

Shining Armor's expression remained unchanged. "Twilight… we need to talk!"

Spike’s ears lowered from Shining’s tone, afraid for his friend. He hated the drama, but he didn’t want to leave Twilight behind. Twilight, noticing her dog’s dilemma, gave him her reassuring smile, and silently told him that she can handle it. Spike looked up at Twilight one last time before he quickly left the lab through the doggy door.

Now alone with Twilight, Shining Armor crossed his arms. “I hate to confront you like this, but I want you to answer me honestly!

Twilight gulped internally. Her brother rarely acted like this to her unless if she'd done something wrong. Could it be that Shining Armor found out about their secret? She resisted the urge to check the drawer behind her as she gave her brother her full attention.

“U-um, okay. What is it?” Twilight asked while adjusting her skirt.

Shining silently stared at Twilight for what it felt like an eternally, making Twilight feel more nervous. Finally, he asked, “Twilight… did you take my radar gun?”

Twilight blinked. “Oh– OH! That?” said Twilight, while she inwardly sighed of relief. “Y-yeah, I did, but I’m not doing anything illegal with it! I was using it for my science experiment! Honest!”

Shining Armor stared at her sister for a moment, causing Twilight to sweat a little before he let out an exasperated sigh. “Twilight... you can’t take things that were from the police!”

“Well technically, your radar gun is nearly a year and a half obsolete to use in the force,” Twilight pointed out.

“Even so, that still wasn’t a good reason to be using them like they were toys!” Shining shouted angrily.

Twilight winced from her brother’s shout and looked down miserably. Shining immediately felt guilty for yelling at her sister and softly breathed through his nose to calm himself.

“Look, I know that you love to do experiments and that you would never do anything malicious or anything without reason, but I don't want you to do anything crazy or dangerous that leads you to trouble either," he explained gently. He gently placed his hand on Twilight's shoulder to get her to look at him in the eyes. "You know that I act like this because I'm worried about you and that I'm only looking out for you. I'm not trying to discourage you from your hobby, I just want you to be more careful, especially after what happened at the Friendship Games. And if you want to borrow anything from me, just… try to ask me first, okay?"

Twilight nodded. "O-okay Shining," she said softly while sighing. "And… I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," said Shining before he smiled at his sister. "I love you LSBBF!"

Twilight smiled back. "Love you too BBBFF!"

With that, the two siblings gently embraced each other, erasing any bad tensions between the two of them. Even when they argued, their bond still came out strong. They released their hug when they heard a chime from Twilight’s computer. They looked up just in time to see footage of Twilight’s friends, waiting by the front door of their house.

"Looks like your friends are here!" Shining chuckled as he then lightly tousled his sister’s hair. "Now you go have fun, okay?"

Twilight giggled. "I will Shining!"

Shining Armor was about to walk out but then stopped at the last second. “Oh, by the way. Cadence will be away with her colleague to Manehattan for a few days and I’ll be working late shifts for a while. So if there are any emergencies, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course Shining Armor!”

“And that includes letting me know before you girls heading out there this weekend!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry Shining, I will do that too! You know we’ll be heading to where Cadence is staying at Manehattan, right?”

Shining sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “I know Twiliy… I just want to make sure you're safe. You know that right?"

"I know," Twilight replied gently with a smile.

Shining Armor smiled back before he stepped out of Twilight’s lab.

As soon as her brother left the building, Twilight let out a huge sigh in relief. Even after Cadance promised to keep another world and magic-related a secret, Twilight wondered if maybe she should come clean to her brother so that she won’t keep hiding from him. It wasn't because she didn't trust her brother, quite frankly, she trusts her brother with her life. The problem was Shining Armor is very overprotective, especially when it comes to his family. Shining nearly wanted to tear everyone at Crystal Prep apart after finding out how they treated his sister, especially from former Principal Cinch. Twilight dreaded on how he would react when he found out about the mysterious magic from her new school, let alone her having magical powers of her own.

She shook that thought away and decided to just focus on the slumber party with her friends and to have fun. She took a glance at her drawer one last time before she got up from her seat and left her lab. Unbeknownst to Twilight, the quill that was hidden in the drawer slowly began to glow bright blue.

Some time has passed and the slumber party was currently underway within Twilight’s bedroom. The Equestria Girls were wearing their pajamas and sitting around in the middle of the floor, retelling the events of the baseball game to Twilight. Spike was at the side of the room, chewing on his chew toy. While Twilight felt bad for missing out on the game, but she was glad that her friends had fun and their team won the game.

“Wow, Apple Bloom really hit a home run?” asked Twilight, clearly impressed with Applejack’s story.

Applejack swelled her chest in pride. “Eeyup! My sis knocked that ball right out of the park! She’s a strong kid!”

Rainbow Dash scoffed playfully. “If you think that’s good, the way Scoots pulled a double play from the previous inning was awesome! I’m so proud of my sis!”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “I thought she isn’t related to you.”

“Just because we’re not related by blood, doesn’t mean that I don’t consider her as part of my family!” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Ah’ll perch to dat Dash!” Applejack chimed in before she and Rainbow Dash fist-bumped.

“While baseball wasn’t my thing, but I happy to be there to support my little sister,” said Rarity as she flicked her hair. “I even gave her a present as a reward for her performance!”

Fluttershy smiled at her friend. “Oh, that was generous of you Rarity. What did you give her?”

“I gave her a new pair of shoes, which I made myself!” Rarity answered with a squee. “The darling needed a new pair for quite a while!”

"Clothes. Why am I not surprised?" Rainbow Dash commented as she rolled her eyes, not noticing Rarity was glaring at her for the remark.

"It sounds like you all had a blast! I feel bad for missing it," Twilight chimed.

Applejack smiled at Twilight. "It's fine Sugarcube, we understand that you were busy with yer little science project.”

“Y-yeah... Project,” Twilight replied with an uneasy smile before she turned towards Fluttershy. "Speaking of which, did you bring that "item" I requested Fluttershy?"

"Oh, um… yes," Fluttershy answered as she dug into her small backpack and took out a small metal case. "But I'm not exactly comfortable with you borrowing it, let alone using it!"

Twilight smiled assumingly as she took the case. "Not to worry Fluttershy, I'm only going to be using it in case of emergencies, but mostly to scare them off."

Sunset, who was sitting right next to Twilight, turned towards her friend with her curious expression. "I didn't mean to overhear your conversation, but what was that "item" you asked from Fluttershy?"

Everyone now faced Twilight with looks of interest as Twilight replied casually, "Oh, I asked for her tranquilizer gun."

Her friends, sans Fluttershy, stared at Twilight in shock.

"A tranquilizer gun?!" Sunset exclaimed. "Why on Earth would you want a tranquilizer gun? Heck, why does Fluttershy have a tranquilizer gun?"

Fluttershy twirled her hair nervously as everyone stared at her in interest. "Oh, well… when I first volunteered at the zoo one summer, my father gave me that gun as of means to protect myself against much more dangerous animals. But I didn't need to since they were all so sweet to me. And even if they were, I could never bring myself to use it against an animal."

"Well that explains it!" said Rainbow Dash. "But that doesn't explain why Twilight wanted it!"

"Oh I… had a run-in with a huge animal earlier, so I need something to protect myself," Twilight lied.

While part of the reason was true, but for the most part Twilight needed something she could use to slow the creature down so that it won't escape from her again. If she ever finds that creature again. Even if her friends believe her about the creature, she was sure that no one would like the idea of her intentionally using this gun on an animal, especially Fluttershy.

Sunset gasped. "Oh my Faust! Are you hurt?"

"Don't worry Sunset, I'm fine!” Twilight assured. “It didn't attack me, it just ran off as soon as it saw me."

Sunset had a guilty frown. "While I’m glad you’re not hurt, I shouldn’t have left you all alone in those woods!”

"I can go with you on your next trip to the woods!" Fluttershy offered. "That way, I can just politely ask whatever animal it was to leave you alone without attacking them."

Twilight shook her head. “Thanks for the offer Fluttershy, but I'll be fine! Besides, I don't want to be a burden to you girls!"

“I would be more comfortable if one of us is with you to those woods, but we'll respect your decision," said Sunset. "But don't ever hesitate to ask us to come with you if you need us!"

Twilight smiled. "I know Sunset. And I will!"

"So Sunset, did you bring any video games with you?" Rainbow Dash asked, changing the topic.

Sunset perked up. "I did! In fact..." Sunset dug into her backpack. "I have something that even you would like Rainbow Dash."

Sunset then took out what appeared to be a cartridge from an old video game with an image of two cartoon characters on it with part of the number two behind them.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up in excitement. "No way! You got the original Speedy the Possum Two for Fega Genesis?"

Sunset smirked. "The very same!"

Rainbow Dash squealed. "Oh man, I love that game! It's my favorite game of the series!"

"Speedy Three and Fists is the best one in my opinion, but the second one is just as much fun!" said Sunset.

Pinkie raised her hand excitedly like a kid in a classroom. "Oh-oh! I like that pinball game of his! That game made me into a pinball wizard!"

Twilight grinned as she adjusted her glasses. "Well, I like the one with a bean puzzle game starring Speedy's villain, which tested your mind and skills!"

"Nerd!" Rainbow Dash teased, only for Twilight to stick her tongue out to her.

Rarity flicked her hair back. "I'm not much for gaming, although I recalled seeing my sister playing the first game from time to time."

Applejack crossed her arms with a smirk on her face. "Ah bet you secretly played 'em when no one's around?"

Rarity glared at Applejack as if she was offended by her friend’s remark. "O-of course not! Even if I could, I could never beat that underwater level!"

Rainbow grinned slyly. "You do realize that the level you're talking about took place more than halfway into the game?"

“W-what!? I-I thought it was the second level!” Rarity exclaimed with a blush.

Everyone laughed good-heartedly at Rarity's expense, who also chuckled as well.

"Teasing Rares aside, practically every old school Speedy games is good!" said Rainbow Dash with a grin, until she frowned a second later. "Until Fega started making 3D games! The series went downhill since then!"

"They're not all bad!" said Sunset. "There are some decent ones like Speedy Adventure One and Two, Colors, Generations…"

“Oooooh, I love Colors!" Pinkie Pie gushed. "The levels are so much fun, especially that one level which was a planet made entirely out of cake!” Pinkie Pie nearly drooled at the mention of 'cake'. “I would love to go to that planet!”

"Um… I remember liking the Adventure Two game," Fluttershy added softly. "But my favorite part is when you raise those cute little blue creatures in between levels."

"Ah'll admit, I played mostly the racin' genre from dat series, especially da one when every franchise from Fega joins in and their cars transformed to different vehicles in da middle of the race. Now dat one's fun!" said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Okay I’ll admit, while those games are okay, but they’re not perfect! While the gameplay from the first adventure game was fun, but it aged badly when it comes to graphics and some laughable voice acting. Then there’s the one where you played as Speedy’s rival, which they tried WAY too hard with the edginess and added the stupid gun mechanic, their latest one with the resistance and custom character was lazy and overall meh, and the less said about that one game with Speedy wrapped up in bandages and wrong arm color, the better!”

Sunset raised her eyebrow. "What about that one game that has so many bugs, load times, and that gigantic mess of a story?"

"Not to mention that kiss scene with a human princess?" Twilight added.

Half of the girls in the room shuddered violently in horror and disgust.

"Yeah… that game is downright terrible!" said Rainbow Dash.

"That we can all agree on!" Sunset replied.

Suddenly, they all heard a doorbell coming from the other side of the house.

“Pizza’s here!” Pinkie Pie announced excitedly.

Everyone immediately ran out of the room to get the pizza, all except for Twilight. She decided to place Fluttershy’s gun to her dresser for safekeeping. Just as she opened the drawer, Pinkie Pie appeared by her bedroom door with her pizza hanging from her mouth with the crust in first.

“You coming Twi?” she asked through her stuffed cheeks.

Twilight nodded before she stored the gun case into her dresser and then followed after Pinkie Pie to get some pizza.

It was now night time at Canterlot High’s baseball field. As soon it was dark out, all the field lights automatically turned on and illuminated the field. Everyone went home for the evening and not a living soul was around the area, all except for the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog.

After checking that the coast was clear, Sonic peaked out from the bleacher and slowly approached the field up close. He eventually reached the middle of the field by the pitcher’s mound and slowly looked around the entire field. The entire time his expression was full of awe and wonder like a kid who just entered the toy store for the first time in their life, but much more exciting.

"Wow!" he whispered. "So cool!"

He wanted to play that game. He really wanted to play that game with other people so badly ever since he arrived here. But as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t as he forced himself to watch the game from afar. But he was tired of keeping himself hidden. If only he was a normal person instead of being a strange creature with a mysterious power.

He sighed as he glanced towards the couch’s box, where he discovered an opened sports bag on the bench which was filled with baseball gear. He assumed one of the young players or school staff must have forgotten to pack that bag to the storage at their school. Right then and there, Sonic let out a small mischievous grin as an idea was forming in his head.

He was sure that no one will at the school mind if anyone would use them.

Sometime later, Sonic was standing over the home plate while holding a bat and wearing a blue baseball helmet with a Wondercolts logo on its side. He tapped the plate and leg with his bat a few times before he swung it over his right shoulder.

"It’s the bottom of the ninth tie score,” Sonic announced while speaking in a spokesman-like voice. “Batting it up to plate with the game on the line, Sonic!"

A few seconds later, he zipped over to the pitcher’s mound and was now holding a baseball mitt while wearing a purple baseball cap with the Shadowbolts logo on its front. He adjusted his shoulders a bit before he swung his arm a little before hiding the ball behind him.

"But staring him down from the pitcher’s mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Canterlot City: also Sonic!" said Sonic as he was staring down at his “opponent”.

Sonic then quickly switched back to the home plate and wears the Wondercolts helmet again.

“Okay Sonic… you can do this!” he muttered, tightening the grip on his bat. “If you win this game, you’ll be the most awesome kid in Canterlot City!”

He then rushed outside of the foul line near the third base. This time he wore a blue baseball cap with the Wondercolts logo on the front, acting as the coach. He tapped his nose a few times, slams his face, did some arm farts, and other weird hand motions as if he was trying to give one of his teammates his secret signal.

"Hit the ball towards the guy on the left!” He shouted in a tough accent. He then twirled his right finger around his head in a comedic fashion. “His head is way up in the clouds!"

He then zoomed over at the far side of the outfield and was now wearing a light purple Shadowbolt cap. He was just looking up at the sky with a blank expression while blowing a huge bubble from a piece of bubble gum. Sonic then gave his “teammates” his confused look as the bubble burst and went right over his face.

Sonic bolted over to the pitcher’s mound as Pitcher Sonic again who let out a loud groan. "Why do we have him on our team again?"

Sonic dashed right back near the home plate, but this time he was wearing a catcher’s outfit, mask and all.

“Hey, batter Sonic! Hey, batter Sonic! Suh-wing, batter Sonic!” Catcher Sonic taunted, as he was hand signaling towards his pitcher on what defense play to use.

Pitcher Sonic got the message. With a grin, he brought his arm back and raised his leg before he threw the ball at high speed. As the ball was thrown towards the home base, Sonic zipped passed the ball, went into batting position again as a Wondercolt player, and then he hit the ball into the air.

The Shadowbolt Player Sonic was sitting on the grass, enjoying the sight of a sunflower in front of him. When he looked up from the sound of a ball being hit, he gasped at the sight of the ball hurling towards his direction. He quickly got up to just feet and chased after the flying ball.

"Ooh ooh! I got it! I got it!" Shadowbolt Player Sonic cried with his mitt up high.

The ball was getting closer and closer to him as it descended towards the ground. In desperation, Shadowbolt Sonic Player jumped into the air and stretched his arm out in hopes of catching the ball.

Only he missed the ball by an inch and he and the ball landed on the ground.

"...I don't got it," he mumbled.

Meanwhile, Batter Sonic quickly dropped his bat and ran towards the first base. As Batter Sonic reached the first base. Shadowbolt Player Sonic quickly picked up the ball and threw it towards second base. Batter Sonic saw the ball coming and he bent his back, letting the ball flew over him as he ran past second base.

"Run home! Run home kid!" Coach Sonic shouted near the third base.

With his coach's encouragement, Batter Sonic picked up the speed and ran past the third base.

"C'mon!" Catcher Sonic challenged before he raised his glove to catch a flying ball.

With determination, Batter Sonic pushed himself further to get to the home base. As the ball was getting closer to Catcher Sonic, Batter Sonic quickly dove towards the home base. Batter Sonic slides across the field dirt and over the base before Catcher Sonic could even have the chance to tag him.

"Safe!" cried Referee Sonic.

Despite being covered in dirt, Sonic let out a huge grin on his face. He quickly got up and let out a huge cheer.

"Yes yes yes! I did it! I did it! Did you all see that? I did it!"

Sonic raised his hand high, expecting to get a high five from all of his teammates.

He received none.

Reality slowly sinks in on the blue hedgehog as he surveyed an empty baseball field. No spectators. No players. No friends. No one around except himself.

Sonic slowly lowered his hand with a sad expression. "...I really am alone," he whispered quietly. "All alone... forever."

Sonic immediately dropped his bat and his helmet and started to run around the bases again. Whenever he was upset, he would run. Running was the only thing that would make him feel better and to shake off his loneliness. But that wasn't the case this time. Running only intensified his pain.

He hated being alone. He was tired of being alone. It was all because he didn't belong here and that he was cursed with his stupid power. His power was the reason that he couldn't be friends with anyone. It was his power that he lost Longclaw.

He growled angrily as he ran faster, not caring if he was digging into the field after running around in a lap for a thousand times. He also didn't notice that he was glowing and sparks were flying out of his body. But he could care less right now as he ran faster.

And faster.

And faster.

And faster.

And faster.

Until finally, all his frustrations, anger, and sorrow have reached a boiling point as he leaped into the air and let out a loud cry of anguish. But in the process, he inadvertently released his energy into huge wavelengths, completely engulfing the entire baseball field and then spread out into town. His shockwave caused a power outage to nearby techs, including field lights and any nearby buildings within the area. But that didn’t stop there, the shockwave continued to spread and caused power outages throughout the entire town, including stores, homes, and even satellites. What was even worse, the shockwave continued to spread outside of Canterlot City, possibly outside of the state.

When Sonic finally calmed himself down, he was shocked after realizing what he had done as he stood in a now pitch black baseball field.

"Uh… I'm sure no one noticed that big blue explosion… right?"

Not wanting to stick around any longer, Sonic immediately fled the area and disappeared into the nearby woods.

Author's Note:

Oh boy... What have you got yourself into Sonic? :twilightoops:

Anyway, I LOVE the baseball scene from the original movie. One of two of my favorite scenes from the movie. It was fun (and funny) to see Sonic acting like many different players throughout the "game". But the moment he realized that he is actually all alone, it was heartbreaking. It felt pretty relatable when it comes to loneliness and this just makes me appreciate the movie even more. :pinkiesad2:

Anyway, now for some notes/reference:

The cheerleading bit with Pinkie and Fluttershy is a reference to the Equestria Girls short: Steps of Pep.

Twilight’s memories about her experience during the Friendship Games was reference to the events of Equestria Girls: Friendship Games movie.

Also, Cinch being a "former Principal" came from Sunny Flare's statement from Equestria Girls: Dance Magic special, when she said that things at Crystal Prep were better when Cadance took over as Principal after the Friendship Games, implying that Cinch either stepped down or (most likely) fired from her job off screen after that incident.

"Fega" is a reference to "Sega." Duh!

The "Speedy" games the girls were talking about is an obvious reference to many different Sonic games. If you could guess which Sonic game they were referring to, you'll get a cookie! (Or a shout out in the next chapter. That works too...)

I'll give you this one for free: While the level that Rarity mentioned was a reference to "Labyrinth Zone" (Sonic 1), there was an interesting history during the development of the original game. Believe it or not, Labyrinth Zone was originally going to be the second level for the game. No joke! After realizing that the level was "too challenging" that early in the game, the level was pushed further into the game as the fourth level, while Marble Zone took its place as the second level instead. Hence Rarity thought it was "the second level".

Not everything the girls said (especially Rainbow Dash) reflects my actual thoughts and opinions of the Sonic series as of whole. In case if anyone is curious, Sonic 3 & Knuckles is my favorite overall Sonic game of the series (Sonic Mania my close second) and Sonic Generations is my favorite 3D Sonic game.

And the pizza scene including Twilight putting away Fluttershy’s tranquilizer gun and Pinkie holding a pizza in her mouth by the crust is a call-back to that scene from Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.

So what's gonna happen now? Tuned in next week to find out! :eeyup:

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