• Published 15th Apr 2021
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A Moon and World Apart - Evilhumour

A thousand years after Luna and a population of night-loving ponies moved to the moon, they're due to return to a day-loving Equestria, resulting in a clash of cultures and egos.

  • ...

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

Celestia watched her sister enter the castle, trying to decipher her mind and what was going on in there. As much as she could reasonably predict what everypony was thinking around her due to her years of practice and expertise, Luna was forever an immeasurable wall to her. She was clearly up to something, with plans beyond Equuis as obvious as her sun but there had to be a reason for Luna to bring her and her followers onto the surface, especially if Twilight wasn't Magic.

She both loved and cursed her sister; Luna was among the very few who would never succumb to the fear of disappointing her, one that could stand horn to horn with her. Cadance might be an incredible force on her own, but she was not yet established as an independent ruler and her power was considered to be lesser than the elder Princess's by everypony except for Celestia herself. If the Crystal Empire returned and she took her place as their leader, then she would be free of Celestia and finally a proper equal, but that was still some time away if the timing from the other versions she had once viewed held true here as well.

Luna, on the other hoof, never saw herself as the lesser of the two when they ruled; she would not accept it. She was power that could not be denied and if she wanted something, then to Tartarus with those who stood in her way. Her passion for everypony's hopes and dreams was admirable; she would spend as much time as she needed to help either one foal or a whole country without so much as a complaint or concern to herself. Celestia couldn't have formed Equestria without her; she didn't have the martial mindset as her sister did, she couldn't connect with ponies in such a personal way as Luna did as they always saw her as the Princess, a figure of supreme authority rather than somepony they could relate to. Luna was everything she was not and Celestia had tried to emulate her ways so she could be a better ruler and pony.

But at the same time, Luna was so infuriatingly stubborn and thick-headed at times. If she thought something was the proper course and truly worth it, then damn everypony else that tried to dissuade her and the risks that came from it. If she hadn't managed to keep her temper in check that night... Celestia shook her head, trying to clear it of that thought. Having her sister take her followers and effectively abandon Equestria was bad enough; she didn't want to imagine what might have happened if Luna had gone full-on Nightmare Moon instead. She had seen what some of the more vicious versions of that being had been capable of in the other dimensions they'd viewed, and it had taken her sister's help at the time to help her work past the nightmares she'd had as a result. Not to mention some of the other wicked beings she'd seen. Cosmos in particular... just the thought of the self-proclaimed Spirit of Malice gave her the shivers, and she wasn't the only fiend of body and/or personality whom Celestia had no desire to ever see inflicted on her ponies.

Still, even without such wickedness involved, Luna's refusal to let matters rest when they knew they had greater concerns to deal with was baffling and so childish to Celestia.

Trying to redirect her thoughts in happier directions, the eldest Princess thought of Sunset and Twilight. She'd only seen them together a short while, but the budding friendship between them was clear, and it made her smile to see such a thing. In her look into the greater multiverse so long ago, she had seen many positive permutations of their relationship, from friends to honorary sisters to full-on life partners, and even a few more... out there versions, some of which had made her blush and still did to this day. Regardless of the form it took, she greatly preferred her memories of the worlds where they were close in some way or another over the negative ones.

Especially the ones where Sunset or Twilight had Fallen. Those she could do without.

Perhaps that was why I took so much care when I realized my Sunset was heading the same direction, she reflected. She'd truly become attached to the young mare since the day they met, and so had entrusted Cadance with the care of the sun for those few days while she followed Sunset through the mirror and ultimately talked her down. Without the Element of Magic, Sunset may not have been as physically dangerous as some of her Others had become, but still... Celestia didn't want to lose her to the darkness she'd seen growing within her. And in the end, she'd succeeded, as Sunset finally understood what Celestia was trying to get through to her, before doing her best to make amends for all the harm she'd done in so short a period of time.

Then they'd returned home, and begun again together.

For a moment, Celestia thought of the directions that experience could have taken, and then gave a small nicker of amusement. She was happy for some of her Others who had handled matters quite differently, but she had too many responsibilities to take the option they did, be it staying on the other side with their local Other as a couple and raising Sunset together, or just hoping for the better and entrusting her to Twilight's eventual positive influence.

Maybe in another lifetime, she thought.

"Your highness?" a stallion's voice interrupted her musings. "Are you all right?"

Celestia shook herself out of her musings as she recognized one of her guards. "Just lost in thought," she said. "Old memories."

"Speaking of old memories," Luna said as she peered at the walls of the castle. "This bears a lot of influence from our old castle."

"I found it befitting," Celestia said, tipping her head. "The old one fell out of use with what occurred there, so when we moved the capital, I thought it right to honour some traces of our old home."

"Far be it for me to lecture you on being stuck in the past, Princess, though an unyielding attachment to bygone days can blind you to the future," Luna lectured, shooting her a critical eye. "Though I doubt you will listen to my advice, you might want to try and bring your home into the modern world."

"We've renovated the interior more than once," Celestia said defensively. "Besides, is it so wrong to want to remember the happier moments of the past?"

"Of course not," Luna snorted. "Though therein lies the prerequisite of them being happier times, Princess."

"Ahem," Fancy Pants said, stepping between them rather bravely. "Perhaps it would be best if we show the delegates of the Lunar Republic to their chambers, your highness."

Celestia took a moment to calm herself. "Yes, you're absolutely right, Speaker. If you would be so kind."

Luna was about to join him, when Celestia beckoned to her. "A moment, Luna."

Luna turned to her with her usual detached tone that was coloured with a hint of anger. "Yes?"

Celestia felt a pang at how frosty her sister sounded, but forced it down. If nothing else, her duty-bound sister would appreciate seeing what she had done in her absence. "Perhaps you would like to take a walk with me in the gardens. I do have some statues that I think you would like to see."

Everypony froze, staring at them, wondering what Celestia was doing and what Luna would do for such an odd request.

Luna, on the other hoof, knew what she was saying and nodded her head. "I would like that greatly," she said with her followers muttering in surprise to each other. "Director Onyx, please inform your officers they are not to follow me into the garden, no matter what they hear within."

Onyx nodded, clearly uncertain of her orders but he would follow them regardless. "Of course, Head Director," he said.

"Captain Sentry, please have your guards stationed outside the Garden of Tranquility, along with your counterparts," Celestia said to the pegasus.

"Yes, Princess," the stallion replied, before turning to his fellow Guards. "Form up!"

Onyx echoed his words, and both groups did as they were told, assuming formation outside the gates before their leaders entered, with Captain Sentry shutting the door behind them.

It was an awkward walk, the two sisters walking abreast of each other through the garden of statues and topiary, the silence being very uncomfortable for all those present besides the sisters, which amounted to a single soul.

Still, as they reached the centre of the garden which held a single statue, the two sisters came to a halt and stared at the mismatched statue which stared back at them with glee in its wicked face.

"So the prison still holds," Luna said, doing her best to keep up the impromptu staring contest with the creature in stone. In other times, she would have laughed but it could simply annoy her sister and that was too great a risk at this distance.

"Not for a lack of trying on our parts," Celestia muttered darkly with Luna turning her head in surprise at her sister admitting partial fault. Celestia saw her sister's smirk and scowled in return, shaking her head. "You are aware of how dangerous it is for us to fight this close to him, Luna. I am doing my best to control myself."

"I am fully aware myself, Celestia," Luna said, taking a breath to steady herself. "If not for the looming threat of letting Discord free, I feel things would be vastly differ-"

"Wait, Discord is real?" Cadance asked, stepping out of the bush she had been hiding in, looking very worried. "I thought it had been some sort of allegorical story about the benefits of harmony or something."

"Yes, he is quite real," Luna said, sharing a surprised look with Celestia that their niece had got this close without either realizing she had been there. "And a dangerous one as well; even after we uncovered the means to seal him, getting close enough to use it was not easy."

"He is empowered by fractious arguing and conflict, which is part of the reason why I strive for order and calm in Canterlot, and bar but a single gardener to this place," Celestia said. "If there was a fight before his statue, he could escape from his prison."

"If that's the case, then why haven't you smashed it already?" Cadance asked with her mane splitting about as the weight of the matter began to sink in. "In fact, if you will allow me, I will do it myself right now." she said, creating a massive hammer and holding it above Discord.

"As amusing as it would be," Luna said with a chuckle, sharing a smirk with Celestia as the older alicorn took the hammer away from the younger. "That would only serve him escaping sooner."

"The rock itself is a prison of Harmony," Celestia said, dismissing the hammer. "It is what binds him in place and what has contained his power for so long."

"In addition, Discord is akin to us, dear niece," Luna said with a click of her tongue. "Incredibly hard to truly kill, and part of a broken and near dead race. It would be an unforgivable sin to kill him, to shed more blood since those dark days of the war. It would also take more than the three of us put together to do so, and if it happened... there is a great chance that something even more dangerous would take his place, one without his known habits and traits acting against us. For all his unpredictableness, Discord still has patterns we know how to counter."

"And before you ask why I have not stuffed him in some remote place, there are two issues," Celestia said, with Cadance blinking owlishly at them. "One, it would be a great risk that those guarding him would not appreciate the danger properly and secondly, he tends to follow me when I did try it in the past despite being nothing more than an ugly lump of rock."

"Wait, wait wait," Cadance said, holding up a wing. "You mean to tell me you've had a potential dangerous enemy just lingering here that could break free if a couple of ponies couldn't agree on something and now is the first time I'm hearing of this?"

"A calculated risk," Luna said. "I would have done the same in her place; the more that know of Discord, the greater the chance that a potential enemy could seek him out to make a deal to overthrow my sister which would undoubtedly backfire for everyone on Equuis as we don't possess the means to stop him anymore."

"But we have already started the means to correct that," Celestia said. "We are not so blind in our personal quarrel that we are unable to deal with him."

"Hopefully, in due time, the means to defeat Discord again when he escapes will be ready," Luna said as she and Celestia placed a hoof on Cadance's shoulder to try and calm her.

"And from them, any other dangers will have a solution to them as well," Celestia said. "We might not have given you much reason to have faith in us, but rest assured, one thing we can agree on is the protection of our world."

"And these are plans that have survived our personal schism," Luna added. "So while he might be a threat, he will not be an insurmountable one."

Cadance shook her head, stepping back from them. "I do not know what's more unbelievable; that Discord exists or how in sync you two are now, after all the petty snipping and fighting you've been doing since you both met each other again." With a groan and a sigh, Cadance raised her wings in the air as she walked away, leaving the two sisters to stare at each other before they laughed and shook their heads.

"We have been foolish," Luna said with Celestia giving a tired sigh.

"We have," Celestia said. "And I doubt we will come to a peace just because of this."

"I suppose we will be even more foolish then," Luna said, narrowing her eyes. "We have yet to truly meet each other, and this is certainly not the place for such a reckoning."

Celestia nodded her head, and the two sisters walked away from the statue of their ancient foe, his mocking laughter clear in their heads. He had been close to escaping then; they were both aware of it and it left a sour taste in both of their mouths.

"We're going to have to tell her about everything, someday," Celestia said quietly into her sister's ear. "I still remember so much of what we saw together..."

"Quite," Luna replied just as quietly, whipping up a brief obfuscation field spell around them, similar to the ones she'd put around the carriage earlier, but with an added visual component to prevent anypony from reading their lips.

"I wonder what she would say about that world?" Celestia asked as she turned to her sister, now able to speak normally and silently thanking her for the spell she'd cast. "The one where two of me were together?"

Had Luna been drinking, she probably would have snorted it out through her nose. "I don't know, Celestia," she said. "But if I know our niece, at the very least she would be pleased to see Sunset with a happy life with two parents that cared for her."

"Very true," Celestia replied. "Plus a loving aunt." Then she sobered. "Luna..."

Luna raised a hoof. "Celestia, you and I both know the time is not right. There is too much bad blood to let out this close to him," she said. "We will settle this eventually. But for now, we have other tasks to worry about."

"Mm." Celestia nodded, then sighed. "But Luna, I wish you could see things how I do," she said. "Equestria needs us both."

For a moment, Luna froze. Then she looked at her sister. "Equestria needs its leaders, that is true. I will not deny that," she said. "But I have my own people, and they need me just as much. As you look to yours, I must look to mine." Her horn glowed and dispelled the field she had made, and she walked off, leaving Celestia to wonder just what her sister meant in her choice of words. "Thank you for showing me your garden and statues, Princess."

Celestia nodded, still troubled as her sister walked away.

Letting out a quiet sigh, she headed for her office, knowing Luna would likely be meeting with her Directors for a while. It would give her time to think and plan, and get rid of the folder that Bluebood gave her. While it might be the answer to dissuading Luna of her notion that she needed to protect those on the moon alone so they could start working together again, it would undoubtedly forever estrange her from her sister and might even push Luna to take drastic actions in her rage which would free Discord in seconds.

And even if it were not for that fact... Celestia shook her head.

No. I will not consider it. I can't.

But she would read it anyway. If only to see how badly our security might have been compromised, she told herself.

As she thought that, she couldn't help but feel a familiar chill go down her spine, one she hadn't felt in over a thousand years. Not since before that day, when they had left her. Had Luna been the one to feel it, she would have recognized what it meant immediately. But Celestia did not.

After all, Honesty had not been one of hers back then.

It was a good hour or so later when she emerged from her office, with lunch finally being prepared and everypony being called in.

Cadance and Luna were already waiting in the dining room, along with the four Directors Luna had brought with her. Fancy Pants and Claret Holder were also joining them, and the nine all settled in as their meal was served.

It was Director Honey Spice that seemed the most interested, asking about the different products and ingredients that went into the dishes, writing stuff down in a little notebook she had on her, while the Speakers and Cadance did their best to answer.

The old mare let out a sigh in the midst of an explanation, resting her head in her hooves. "My apologies," she said to the Speakers and Cadance before looking at Luna. "I know I was a holdout on the idea of creating an official currency, Director Luna, but now that we are preparing to obtain seeds for new crops, we need a means that will make sense to our new partners."

Luna nodded. "The question is, what should we use?" she asked. "As we all well know, the vast majority of our metals have always been tied up in the construction of the domes and related structures inside and out, and acquiring more is always a tricky proposition."

"Where do you get them from?" Claret Holder asked curiously.

"Passing asteroids, mostly," Luna said. "They tend to be rich in the metals we need for our construction, but they do not pass close enough or in sufficient quantities nearly as often as we'd like." She sighed. "And besides, for most unicorns, pulling them out of the sky without risking burning out their magic from overuse is not an easy task, and I cannot spend all day doing it either."

"Perhaps we could assist the Republic," Fancy Pants offered. "I am sure that living on the moon has taught you some impressive lessons that you could share. Quid pro quo."

"Maybe," Director Quick Light said. "But before we do anything of the sort that large, we would need to clear it with the rest of our fellow Directors."

"Of course," Fancy Pants said. "I would not suggest otherwise."

"How are your transportation methods progressing?" Claret asked with the Directors stiffening and looking at Luna, who snorted.

"It is hardly a secret that we have been hard at work on a more efficient means of transport between our moon and Equuis, one that will not rely on a single pony teleporting them back and forth," she said. "To answer your question, we have spent a number of years testing smaller prototype models, and our Directors of Science and Transportation have great faith in them. Development on the full-sized core machinery is progressing well, but again, acquiring sufficient materials to construct the outer portions is a work in progress. However, we are confident that when the full-sized versions are complete, they will work as we require."

"If that is the case, would it not help to transfer such projects on the surface so you can have greater access to the material?" Celestia asked with Cadance facehooving and Luna snorting in laughter.

"Oh that was a truly good one Celestia," Luna said with a smirk on her face. "I truly needed that. But honestly, such a thing would risk the Republic's secrets leaking out to people who are not equipped to handle it properly and could cause catastrophic damages if the equipment is misused or not correctly put together. Not to mention we would need a large amount of land to do our work, and I can't imagine that there is a lot of free real estate left on the planet."

"I was being genuine Luna," Celestia said hotly. "It was an honest offer."

"Really?" Luna clicked her tongue and shook her head. Her expression suddenly shifted. "But in all seriousness, construction of the larger outer structures is better handled in space, for a variety of reasons that I don't think I need to explain to you, Princess Celestia."

"That is true Luna," Celestia said. "But I thought I would make the offer regardless."

"Although, Director Luna," Director Raven said. "While moving the main project itself is out of the question, we could move some of the smaller parts projects to the surface without the same concerns that come with the larger one and it would allow proper testing as to their purpose that we can only simulate and guess in the Republic. Plus, if there is an accident, there is more that we can do here opposed to the moon."

Luna looked almost as if she was considering it. Finally, she said, "It is a... possibility, though again, one we will need to bring up to the rest of the Directors."

"I have been told of how your Board works, and I must say it is an interesting system for running things," Claret Holder remarked. "How did it come about?"

"A lot of discussion, taking place after several years of work," Luna said. "The Departments all developed out of a need for better regulation over certain aspects of our nation; more have been formed over the years since the initial group, some split off from other departments in a few cases. Education and Recordkeeping were once a single department, for instance. If events go well here, I expect we will probably establish a Department of Commerce or Trade."

"There are a number from within my department that could serve well as the new possible Director," Director Raven Inkwell said, fixing her glasses. "Though I suppose one from your own as for diplomatic measures would be necessary as well, Director Luna."

"True," Luna replied. "And while we are on the subject, a treasury department would probably also be required at some point, either as a sub-office of the Commerce Department or an independent department of its own."

"All things we will need to bring up once we have finalized the treaties here," Director Onyx said, which Luna nodded to.

"I expect some might be harder to convince than others," she muttered.

Cadance nodded sympathetically. "Some politicians are always more difficult when it comes to trying to get change through," she said. "Especially those opposed to what they politely call a 'reformist' agenda. Complaining about how the system wasn't broken and didn't need fixing." Cadence snorted and shook her head. "They think I haven't heard worse or I can't take worse. They forget I grew up in a farming community on the outskirts of Equestria before my ascension and was raised as a hearty Earth pony, as Mom and Dad didn’t really have any pegasus experience."

Fancy Pants chuckled. "Alas, I know the feeling well, dear Princess," he said. "I hate to speak ill of my colleagues, but more than a few of our body have been particularly stubborn in their opposition to some of the bills we have passed onwards."

"Perhaps it would be time to change how your structure is; instead of inheriting your place in the Noble Council, you should try and arrange appointments to it into a manner similar to your Common Council?" Luna said at Fancy, though she was looking at Celestia.

"Some of us have already done just that," Fancy Pants said. "Myself included. Our body does include a number of hereditary peers, our soon to be former Speaker among them, but I am one of the Life Peers, granted my title by the Crown." He gestured to his Cutie Mark. "Despite what some would claim, I worked my way to the top in my younger days, earning my position and respect through my actions rather than my blood, and I have done my best to encourage others to do the same."

Luna smiled at that. "A good thing to know then," she said. "Our own Directors all earned their spots through proving their skill at the job before they ran for office, and it was those skills that saw them each elected."

"Ah." Fancy Pants nodded in approval. "Always a wise method, choosing those best qualified for the position."

Luna nodded. "It has been our way since the beginning," she said.

Talk soon shifted to other things, but Celestia forced herself to keep quiet, focusing on her meal and the wine that Claret Holder proudly informed their guests came from his family's own vineyards, which they had operated for generations and where he himself had worked (his wine bottle Cutie Mark had actually come from his doing so) before turning to a career in the political sector.

She had to admit that some parts of what they were discussing sounded fascinating. The system Luna had set up was apparently very effective, and worked rather well for them by the sound of it. But still...

It wasn't Equestria.

When Sunset returns, I will have to make sure to sit down and have a long talk with her, to get her opinion on things, she thought to herself. And Twilight's parents as well. She'd been quite startled when she'd heard Director Inkwell's casual mentioning of Twilight Velvet as their Director of Housing - it had only made logical sense that she resided on the moon, since Twilight herself lived and worked there, but her rank had been unexpected on Celestia's part.

I will have to speak with each of her followers here, individually and privately, she decided. To ask them for their personal views on my sister, and on Twilight. Even if she isn't Magic, or my student, she is still important to Luna and to us all, if she holds a different Role as Luna seems to be hinting. She paused as she took another sip of her wine, staring at her sister. And I do want to know more about how close she and Luna are. Are they like Sunset and I? Or are they more distant, a mere teacher and student?

No, Celestia chided herself. Even if this Twilight is a normal pony, Luna wouldn't let a possible assistant like Twilight pass her by. Nearly all the Twilights she had seen before were towering figures of power and resources, capable of moving mountains with the simplest of actions and words. She had once seen a Twilight convince an untrusting world to band together and defeat the Storm King earlier than normal through genuine friendship made on a year-long journey as a newly minted princess. And as their Twilight had been groomed under her sister, she was undoubtedly more aware of the nature of things than most. No, their Twilight was no mere pony.

The question now was, she thought as she listened to the ongoing talks with one ear, which of her sister's followers would be most willing to speak to her alone first.