• Published 15th Apr 2021
  • 4,781 Views, 499 Comments

A Moon and World Apart - Evilhumour

A thousand years after Luna and a population of night-loving ponies moved to the moon, they're due to return to a day-loving Equestria, resulting in a clash of cultures and egos.

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

It didn't take long for them to reach the park, and after a bit, Shining Armor had finally gotten his fellows to step back a bit and give the group their space, while Sunset went back to Twilight. Spike was still by her side, and hurried up to give Sunset a hug, which she returned with a smile.

"You're okay, right?" Twilight asked her, very concerned judging by her expression, and Sunset nodded.

"We just needed to clarify a few things," she said. "I'm not in any trouble."

"Good." Twilight sighed in relief. "So what happened exactly?"

"Your brother asked me what I was writing to Cadance about, and I told him the truth, that I needed to ask her for a little advice," Sunset said. "That's about it."

"Good," Twilight said again.

Nearby, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie, the last having evidently burned through her caffeine and sugar buzz and being much calmer by now, were all looking relieved to hear it as well.

"So, what now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That whole thing kinda killed the mood."

"Yeah," Twilight said, nodding her head. "I think it would be best if we headed back home, or my place as it is a bit closer." She blinked and then bit her lip. "And I do kinda need to see somepony before I forget again."

"Whatever you think is best, Twilight," Pinkie giggled.

Twilight smiled, then went to speak with Shining Armor. After a bit, she trotted back. "Okay, Shiny and I are going to show you to my place," she said. "Once you're settled, I need to go talk to somepony."

"Sure thing," Sunset said.

She and the others followed Twilight and Shining Armor as Twilight led them to the apartment building where she lived, a gleaming white high-rise structure.

"This was actually one of the first buildings to be completed back when the Primus dome was still developing," Twilight explained. "It was also where a lot of the Lunar Republic's initial planning and development was done, and where our leaders lived at the time. Head Director Luna personally donated it to the public for use as a living space after the official structures were ready, but she's always had a special place in her heart for it, which is why she made sure I was able to move into one of the apartments when I was old enough." She smiled proudly. "My space is on the top floor."

She led them through the building lobby, waiting patiently as they Ooo'd and Aah'd at the architecture and other sights, and then into one of the elevators. When they emerged on the top floor, Sunset looked around, seeing only two doors.

"Who's your neighbor?" she asked curiously.

"Nobody," Twilight replied. "Both suites are mine."

"You have that much space?" Rarity asked, looking rather surprised.

"Well... one's my personal suite," Twilight said. "The other's my private workshop. I do most of my work in the science dome, but I converted the other space over here into a place where I could tinker in the middle of the night, or whenever I was in the mood. I also made sure to add plenty of built-in soundproofing so I don't disturb the ponies on the floor below, or outside."

"Are you sure you'll have enough space for all of us?" Fluttershy asked a little nervously.

Twilight nodded. "These were five-bedroom suites when they started," she said. "They had to keep a lot of ponies in somewhat small spaces when it was first built. That's become less of an issue as we were able to build more domes and spread out, but the old style remains in this building."

She opened the first door and led them inside, where Sunset and the others looked around, clearly impressed at what they saw.

"Lot of books," Rainbow Dash commented as she idly browsed one shelf. "Why am I not surprised?"

Shining Armor chuckled. "Twilight's been a book lover since she was a foal, in case you hadn't already known," he said.

All of them nodded, and Twilight gave them a quick tour, showing them where the kitchen, bedrooms and other necessities are. Then she gave Sunset a friendly hug. "I need to run," she said. "Shiny can show you more if you need it. But please - don't go in my workshop, some of the equipment in there is sensitive, fragile or both. If you need me, Shiny can give me a call."

The group nodded again, and then Twilight left, leaving five mares, one dragon and one stallion to find something to keep themselves busy.

"So..." Rainbow Dash finally said. "What the hay is half this stuff even about?" She gestured to the shelves. "I've never even heard of most of the words in those titles."

Shining Armor chuckled. "That's my sister for you," he said. "Her idea of a good time, when she isn't working, is to curl up with a good technical manual."

"Other than her books, this place seems a little... spartan," Rarity remarked. "It could use a few more homey touches, I think."

"Mom and I would tend to agree," Shining Armor replied. "But that's Twilight. She prefers her space to have function over form. There's a few decorations in her room, but out here, she tends to leave it mostly clear. Besides, she says it makes it easier to clean that way."

"I see," Rarity said, obviously not convinced.

"And it's got a great view!" Pinkie remarked as she peered out a window. "This is way higher than my bedroom!"

"That's a rather unicorn thing, darling," Rarity told her. "Our tribe has always preferred heights. I am not entirely sure why though."

Sunset chuckled. "Way I heard it, it's because our ancestors liked their privacy. The higher up they were, the harder it was for members of the other tribes to sneak up on them and startle them by making sudden loud noises while they were studying the workings of the universe. It got to be kind of an ingrained habit over the years."

"You don't say," Rarity replied. "It would explain a lot... I do come up with a lot of my best designs in the upper level of my boutique."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Feels good to me too," she said. "Not as high up as the clouds, but still good."

"So, what do we do while we wait?" Spike asked. "And do you think she'd mind if I took a closer look at her kitchen?"

"As long as you don't get into anything you shouldn't, it should be fine," Shining Armor told him. "But while we're here, is there anything else you were wondering about our home that I can tell you about?"

A few hooves popped up, and he smiled. "I guess so. Where do we start?"

Twilight's walk didn't take her long. Moondancer lived just a few floors down from her, and while her apartment wasn't anywhere near as big as Twilight's (those floors had been redone to allow for more residents centuries before either of them was ever born), it was still a decent size. Hesitating for a moment and taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly, then knocked on the door.

A minute later, Moondancer answered, raised an eyebrow, and then backed away. "Come on in, Twilight."

Twilight entered, took a seat at her friend's gesture, and then smiled at her. "Hey."

"Hey." Moondancer looked at her. "Been a busy couple of days, hasn't it."

"Yeah." Twilight let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "I mean, checking out Equestria, meeting new ponies, showing them around here..."

"Yeah, I noticed," Moondancer said. "Especially her."

"You mean Sunset?" Twilight asked. At Moondancer's nod, her eyes lit up. "She's been so great, and understanding, and... well, even if she did make that one mistake a little earlier because she didn't know about the magic-detection alarms, she's done her best to apologize for it and make sure it won't happen again."

"Yeah." Moondancer nodded again. "You two've gotten pretty close, haven't you."

"Well, yes," Twilight admitted. "She's... something else. Something special."

"She really means a lot to you, doesn't she," Moondancer said. It was not a question.

"Yeah," Twilight admitted. "Yeah, she does."

"And you really care about her, don't you? As more than just a friend." Moondancer looked at her, and Twilight found herself thinking back over the past few days, all the time she and Sunset had spent together. And she had her answer.

"I think... maybe, I do," she said. "I don't know if we're quite ready to take any serious steps for it, but I could see us going that direction."

Moondancer nodded. "I thought so. Twilight... I have to ask." She sighed. "I've been trying to get up the courage to ask you out for so long, but I never quite felt ready. But now, I need to know. Did I ever have a chance?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she realized what Moondancer meant. For a moment, she hesitated. And then, the truth that she'd been holding back for so long came.

"Not... not like that," she said.

Moondancer looked down. "Oh," she said.

She was about to stand up and walk away, when she felt a hoof on her chin, and looked back at Twilight. After a moment, she gestured for Twilight to speak, and the other mare did.

"Moondancer, you're special to me, and I do love you, but in a different way than you were hoping." Twilight looked at her friend. "I wish I'd gotten up the courage to admit it sooner, but the way I feel... you, and me, together like that? It would be like me and Shiny."

Moondancer's eyes widened. "That's how you feel about me?" she asked.

Twilight nodded. "Shiny's great in his own way, but you? I've known and been friends with you for so long, we practically grew up together. And you kept watch over me, helped me when I needed it." She blushed. "You're more than just my friend, Moondancer. You're like a big sister to me, in all but blood. A just slightly bigger sister, but still a big sister."

Moondancer looked away for a moment, as if to think about something, and then turned back. "That's okay then," she said softly. "I can see where you're coming from. And... and if that's how you feel about the two of us..." She chuckled. "I guess that with the way I've spent so much time helping you out when you needed it, and how well I always said I knew you, it should have been obvious how you saw me. Guess I misread things a bit there. But... I can accept that."

Twilight nodded. "Still friends?" she asked.

Moondancer nodded back. "Still friends," she said. Then she smiled. "Of course, you realize that since you've claimed me as your big sister, now it's my duty to be the overprotective one and make sure you don't do anything you shouldn't on all your dates."

Twilight nickered in amusement. "You might have to take turns with Shiny when it comes to that," she said. "But I appreciate the sentiment."

Moondancer smiled gratefully.

"So, where is she?" she asked. "Sunset, and the others you brought back with you."

"They're in my apartment, with Shiny," Twilight said. "Well, most of them. Applejack's got family up here that she's visiting, and Octavia went with Vinyl to visit her family." She tilted her head. "Want to come and meet them?"

Moondancer smiled. "I think I'd like that," she said. "If they're important to you."

She looked at Twilight. "But first though, what are their names, and what are they like?"

"Well..." Twilight considered. "Sunset's really, really smart," she said. "She loves learning just as much as you and I do. And she's a good big sister to Spike. He's a dragon, really young but nice. A great cook. And he takes care of her like... well, like you do me."

Moondancer nodded. "Go on," she said.

"The other unicorn is Rarity, she runs her own boutique," Twilight said. "A little... flirtatious around good-looking stallions. A good decorator, from what I've seen."

"Hmm." Moondancer looked at her. "You made sure she knows not to start tweaking your apartment while you're out, right?"

"I'm sure Shiny's told her how I like my space," Twilight said. "Anyway, the two Earth ponies you'd have seen with us are Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Applejack's a farmer, and a great baker. Pinkie's the town party specialist, and also a great baker, and kind of... surprising. Really hyper a lot of the time - even when she hasn't been eating chocolate-covered coffee beans."

Moondancer snickered at that. "You don't say."

Twilight chuckled too. "She was bouncing all over the place after just a few of them," she said. "And she loves meeting and greeting new ponies - a major extrovert."

"Sounds like Minuette," Moondancer told her, referencing one of their old classmates who now worked in the Department of Health. "Just without the horn."

"Yeah... yeah, that's a pretty accurate description," Twilight agreed. "Then there's the two pegasi, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Rainbow works for the town weather bureau, and is super-loyal to her friends. And Fluttershy's just as shy as her name suggests, but she's also the town animal expert - she taught the choir of birds that were performing at their summer solstice ceremony."

"I see." Moondancer tilted her head. "What about the other one? That... Octavia mare you mentioned?"

"She's a classical musician, lives in Canterlot most of the time," Twilight said. "I didn't really spend much time with her myself outside of a group, but she's really hit it off with Vinyl, from what I saw."

Moondancer nodded. "Anypony else special you meet down there?" she asked.

"Well," Twilight started. "Applejack and Rarity each have a little sister, and they're friends with a filly who's like a little sister to Rainbow Dash. And they're apparently really into getting their Cutie Marks. Formed their own little club for trying new things to see if they'd get a mark in it."

"Hmm." Moondancer looked contemplative.

Twilight lowered her head. "They admitted that one of their classmates with a Mark was bullying them about not having Marks," she said. "So I gave them the same advice you gave me about it."

Moondancer's ears flicked, and she smiled at that. "I hope it helps them then," she said.

"So do I," Twilight said with a smile of her own. "They're good kids, helped show Onyx and I around town." She thought for a moment. "And the last other pony that I really spent any time, aside from brief conversations, with was Princess Cadance," she said. "She's..."

Moondancer suddenly stood up. "Princess who?" she asked.

"Princess Cadance," Twilight said. "Princess Celestia and Head Director Luna's adoptive niece."

Moondancer sat down again. "Oh," she said, clearly relieved. "For a moment, I thought..."

"That they'd replaced Luna?" Twilight asked. "Not hardly. Cadance went up and welcomed her when she arrived, told her she'd been wanting to meet her for a very long time. Luna was happy to meet her too."

Moondancer smiled. "That's good," she said. "What's she like?"

"Pink," Twilight said. "Very pink. Very friendly. And she and Shiny clearly have a thing for one another."

Moondancer giggled at that. "Finally got himself a marefriend, huh?" she said. "About time."

Twilight giggled too. "Yeah," she said. "Also, I'm pretty sure Sunset thinks of her as a big sister. Cadance used to foalsit for her, they said. Anyway, she stayed down below, helping mediate between Luna and her sister during their negotiations to try and establish diplomatic ties between us and Equestria."

Moondancer nodded. "Makes sense, I guess," she said. "I hope things work out."

"So do I," Twilight said. "I mean, they've been apart for a thousand years. I couldn't begin to imagine being away from my family for that long."

"Me either," Moondancer said.

Twilight stood up, and hugged Moondancer when the other mare rose too. "Come on," she said. "Let's go back to my place, and you can meet our new friends face to face."

Moondancer nodded. "I'm right there with you, Twilight."

With that, the two trotted out, sealing the door behind them before heading back upstairs.

When his sister's door opened to reveal she and Moondancer, Shining Armor looked up from the conversation he'd been engrossed in. "Hey," he greeted the pair. "How's it going?"

Twilight smiled happily. "We're good," she said. "I brought Moondancer up to meet everypony else. You?"

"Same here," Shining Armor said, before he looked back at the Equestrian group. "It's been fun, and I hate to leave, but I need to go take care of some stuff at my office for now. See you all later?"

Once they'd said their goodbyes, Shining Armor left, hurrying down the elevator and some blocks away to the Security Department's headquarters while mulling over what he had learned so far and how best to handle it beyond how he already was.

"Officer Stalwart!" he called as he walked in the sparsely maned office. Normally, all the stations would be occupied and the office would be full but due to the celebration, Director Onyx had allowed reduced staff. "Status reports?"

"All's calm," the other stallion replied. "Once we got the word out that it was a comparatively minor flare and not an attack, that pretty much smoothed everything over. You get Head Director Luna's response?"

"Read it on the way back here," Shining Armor replied. "On my way to send my own letter now. Keep me posted if there's any major updates."

"Will do, sir," the other officer said.

Nodding, Shining Armor headed into his office and immediately went to his desk and brought up its screen to compose his report.

A little while later, he read over it one more time.

To Director Plate and Head Director Luna,

Per the alerts you received, we had a magical flare in the Primus dome earlier today. As you are aware of by now, it was the result of a letter-sending spell on the dragon Spike, used by Sunset Shimmer for quick communications between herself and the Princesses. Neither Spike nor miss Shimmer were aware at the time that such a spell would trigger our alerts because of the amount and type of magic involved; they have been advised not to use it again for the time being. The residents have been calmed, and things are mostly settled again.

There was one incident, however. After Sunset and Spike were identified as the source of the magic that triggered the alerts, my officers went to take Sunset and Spike into custody for questioning on exactly what they had done. When they attempted to do so, Twilight stepped between them and Sunset in a decidedly defensive manner, though she did not attempt to actually attack them. She has grown very attached to Sunset in the short time they've known one another, and was willing to stand up for her regardless of any consequences she might have faced if these had been normal times.

Fortunately, I was able to defuse the situation quickly, and then performed the questioning myself, on the spot, confirming Sunset's claims as to what she had done to trigger the alerts; these claims match your own findings. Further questioning in private identified what she felt was important enough to write to Princess Cadance about at the time, a personal matter regarding the feelings she has developed for my sister (and if you'll pardon the informality, which I saw coming the minute I laid eyes on the two of them when they were together in Ponyville).

Under normal circumstances, I understand that Twilight's hostile actions towards my officers would be grounds for some degree of punishment. However, while our visitors and the public do not know this, and nor do the majority of my officers below a certain rank - which is in the process of being remedied - this action falls under the special rights she was granted by the both of you as a protective escort of visiting representatives of Equestria, which permit her to act as she feels necessary to defend our guests from potential hostilities. As such, I will be including my report on her actions in her file, but no disciplinary actions will be taken at this time. I will, however, be taking steps to prevent any similar incidents involving my officers in the future.

For the time being, Twilight and most of her group are at her apartment. Applejack is visiting a member of her family who resides in the Quartus dome, while Octavia Melody is with Vinyl Scratch, meeting her parents and family, and we have communication numbers for both of their escorts. Per regulations, my officers are watching over them both from a distance for their own safety, just like Twilight and I are for the rest of the group. We may have to inform them of our full status as their protective escorts soon though. I can understand your motives for essentially having our guests in protective custody while they travel around and see what we've accomplished up here, but I still feel that they should have been told it was happening from the beginning and why we were doing so. They're remarkably understanding when it comes to matters of safety for visitors in a foreign land, as was the case when Twilight and Director Onyx visited Ponyville.

Further reports will come as necessary, and I hope to hear positive news from the surface soon.

With regards,

Deputy Director of Security, Shining Armor

P.S.: I may be sending a less formal letter for Princess Cadance later, so if one of you would be so kind as to pass it on to her when it arrives, I'd appreciate it.

Shining Armor considered that last line, decided to leave it, and then hit "Send". The computer made a "whoosh"ing noise as the message went, and then he typed in his security code to put the system on sleep mode and closed the screen.

After checking with his officers one more time to see if there was anything else that required his attention, he headed back out towards Twilight's apartment.

Using his keys to open the door, he was greeted to the sight of nearly all of Twilight's furniture pushed to the side as Rarity began to lift fabric up to the walls and was talking to Twilight with the rest of his sister's friends smiling as they either helped out the duo or watched the whole scene unfold.

Walking up to Moondancer, who was sitting next to Fluttershy as she read one of Twilight's books, he slid in by her and asked. "So she finally managed to get Twilight to update her place, eh?"

"Well, I helped Rarity nudge her along but yes, she's finally at it," the mare said with a smile, watching as Sunset helped move some stuff for his little sister, with Twilight watching the unicorn a bit too much. Winking at him, Moondancer smirked. "In more ways than one," she whispered with Shining chuckling in agreement.

"I don't think either of us were expecting that when Twilight got chosen to go down below," he said sotto voce. "But they're good together. And I'm glad she's making more friends."

"So am I," Moondancer told him. "Especially since Twilight's decided I'm as much her sister as I am her friend."

Shining Armor looked at her in surprise for a moment, before he smiled. "I just hope that they can keep this up," he said. "Though I don't have much worry that Head Director Luna and Princess Celestia won't be able to make something happen."

Surprisingly, Moondancer looked nervous, biting her lip and looking away. "Ye-yeah, me too," she lied poorly but before he could ask further, there was a squawk of panic from where his sister was.

He reached out with his magic to grab the bookcase that was about to topple over, catching it and its contents just in time, with Moondancer adding her own magic to help.

Helping guide it into position, they settled it down, and then all of them sighed in relief.

"That was close," Sunset said as she wiped a hoof across her brow. "Thanks for the help, guys."

"No problem," Shining Armor told her before turning around to ask Moondancer what she meant only to find she had left the room already.

Mentally, he frowned. She's hiding something.

Whatever it was, he knew it would have to come out sooner or later. But for now, he decided not to pursue it and risk upsetting her or Twilight. Especially with what she'd said about how Twilight felt about her. Instead, he looked to Twilight and Rarity. "Need anything else for now?" he asked them.

"Oh, there are a few things I can use," Twilight said with a grin on her face as Shining realized he would be stuck here for a very long time.

But if it was to help his sister, he didn't mind.