• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

  • ...

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Caramel and Hazelnut Mocha, tired from a long day of sparring, putting up with their tutors, gaming, and walking among the common citizenry for publicity's sake, slept soundly in their beds.

Most of the tower's staff had gone to their own homes at the end of the business day. The cleaning ponies finished their work and left, locking up behind them. Only the security staff remained, continuing to do their jobs diligently.

Near each door, spherical green crystals embedded in the ceiling and encased in glass bathed the area with dim radiance. If anything tried to enter through the public entrances, the entire building would be placed on high alert.

However, the tower had its fair share of secrets. There was still one entrance that nopony except a select few individuals knew about. And it was through that entrance that seven individuals sneaked inside, making their way to a sealed-off meeting room near the top of the tower.

It was only when the last of them took their seats that any of them dared to speak.

"Y'know, the boss really needs to spring for some new lights." Male, with a standard Manehattan accent. Subject #1.

"I hear you. If it weren't for this gear, I couldn't see anything at all." Another male, this one with a tone straight out of Griffonstone. Subject #2.

"He's what, the richest in this city and he won't put new bulbs in? He can't be that cheap." Rough and raspy, but obviously female. Her voice sounded like it came from somewhere high above them. #3.

"Perhaps he gets some sort of perverse amusement from hearing his followers bang their knees on the furniture?" Female, possessing a delicate yet chilling voice. Possibly from Vanhoover. #4.

"You're thinking of that charming Candy Cane fellow." A feminine voice that made the others feel like it would snap at any moment. A pony most likely from Baltimare. #5.

"If by 'charming' you mean 'can't be outsmarted because he's a moron', then we're already having a good meeting." Female, with an exotically cheerful disposition. None of those present could tell where it originated. #6.

"I don't know. I find the darkness pretty soothing." Male, but another whose port-of-call was indeterminate, entirely due to how ordinary his voice sounded. #7.

"I'll grant you that," #3 commented. "It reminds me of home a little. Still doesn't make sense for him to leave it like this, though."

"It's completely unfair," #4 griped. "This is the first time that all of us have ever met in person, and we're not even allowed to see each others' faces?"

"I recognize the voice at least," #6 brought up. "You're that one figure skater. You do good work."

"Why, thank you. I've always thought so."

"Entirely unfamiliar, but I'm not in civilization often enough to easily identify it," #2 pondered. "And the gear I was provided doesn't let me see more of you beyond vague silhouettes. Not even I can see in total darkness."

"We're all in the same boat," #1 said. "No point in getting upset over it, is there? You're not the only one."

"I know, copper, I know. I'm not upset. Just annoyed."

"Anypony else think our summons seemed hurried?" #7 wondered. "I thought we weren't supposed to be brought together for at least another three or four years."

"Maybe that robot's got him panicked," #3 suggested. "Personally, I don't know why he's worried. I could swat that thing out of the way without using his gifts."

"Or he just wants to get rid of that maniac on the throne before it's too late for him?" #5 threw in. Her own words ended up distracting her. "Ooh, catchy. 'Maniac, maniac on the throne, and she's ruling like she's never ruled before'..."

"Hang on a sec," #6 interrupted. "We're still two stallions short. Where's our eighth and ninth?"

"You must not have read all of that paper," #1 lightly scolded her. "They've been sitting in cells at the Police department for weeks. Their trial's been scheduled to begin in five days."

"I caught a clipping on the breeze that talked about the robot, and that was it," #6 grumbled. "Sue me."

#2 chuckled eagerly. "I wonder what it would be like to hunt a robot. Seems like a whole new experience compared to my usual marks."

"I can't imagine anypony going to the trouble of building one, different world or no," #4 commented. "What sort of twisted mind would create something like that?"

"And if we disintegrated it again, would it go back to the world it came from?" #5 exclaimed eagerly. "That's what I want to know!"

"Rather twisted on your end, but it would pose a tidy solution to our problem," #6 said thoughtfully. "It gets to go home, we're free to carry out our ultimate mission. Everypony wins."

"Who said anything about sending it home?" #5 replied, voice cracking as if under pressure. "I want to destroy it! Oh-ho-ho-ho, burn, burn, burn...!"

"Leave the burning to me," #3 warned. "That's my job." She gestured in the general direction of #1. "And his, just a little."

"You seem pretty quiet," #2 commented to #7. "You charbroiling something in there?"

"I'm just a little nervous," #7 admitted. "This is the first time I've interacted with this many at once."

"We'll be working together towards a common goal from now on," #1 acknowledged him. "Think you can get used to it?"

"I... yeah. Yes, I can."

"Same here," #3 agreed. "I work best alone, but teaming up now and then never hurts."

"Glad to hear it," a voice unfamiliar to all but one of them spoke, cutting off all conversation. A door at the opposite end of the room slid open, admitting an unknown party before closing again. "Our mutual master wants all of us to be on the same page before his plan is set into motion."

"Ignition, mah stallion!" #6 crowed. "How've you been? You still cutting up dance floors?"

"With hedge clippers," the new arrival answered dryly, not amused at the idea of being anypony's stallion. "Cocoa Mocha himself will not be in attendance tonight, as his health has taken a turn for the worse. He's held out as long as he can, but our best estimate is that he has four days to live before his will passes on. As such, I will be sitting in for him."

"We're not going to be left leaderless, are we?" #4 inquired. "I joined him because he had some good ideas that I wanted to see through. I'm going to be very disappointed if we are left out in the cold."

"Mr. Mocha has a contingency in place for such a situation," Ignition promised. "In the event of his death, a pre-selected individual will approach one of you and recite a specific code phrase. Once the position is confirmed, any orders from said individual are to be treated as if Mr. Mocha himself were giving them. I will be transferring my loyalties alongside you."

"What is this phrase?" #1 asked.

Ignition took a deep breath, then answered his question via a string of words that lasted for a solid ten seconds. The phrase twisted and turned every which way, leaving the lot of them bewildered at what they'd just heard.

"Sooo... was that supposed to be a password or a spaghetti farm explosion?" #6 uttered, nonplussed.

"Abstract art," #5 whispered. "It's so..." She sniffed. "...beautiful!"

"It's more messed up than an unraveled Hearths Warming sweater," #2 deadpanned, "except the sweater can actually be disentangled and sewn back together."

"To sate your curiosity, that's a dialect that was old when Starswirl the Bearded was alive," Ignition clarified for them. "I'd have been surprised if any of you understood it. Loosely translated---very loosely translated---it means: 'A star falls, and the land takes its place. The great equalizers bring balance to the world. One form, one rule, one throne.'"

#3 whistled. "Mocha is really not being subtle about his opinion of the solar alicorn, is he?"

"He has made it clear throughout his life that he hates the Princess and desires to see her ousted, though he has never told me why. The 'why' does not matter, just so long as all of us want her gone. If any of you have objections, leave your equipment here and depart the facility at once through the door behind me, and you will not be targeted so long as you don't interfere with our operations."

"She has been too lax," #1 growled without hesitation. "She sits in her precious mountain palace and lets the scum accumulate throughout Equestria! That ghost-cat-pony-whatever she is realized this too, else she never would have joined the Police!"

"She has greatly restricted the hunting I enjoy," #2 grunted. "I would like to regain that freedom. By force."

"All of those I know back home are too lazy to care that Celestia's control of the sun might slip one day," #3 snarled. "And those here in Manehattan are even worse. We need a method of utilizing the celestial bodies that won't risk our lives out of the blue, and I believe Mocha and his team are capable of offering it."

"It's entirely too selfish of her to hoard all of her majesty and not spread it around," #4 stated, casting her lot in with them. "Such greed is... unsightly."

#5's giggling had a few of them struggling not to arm themselves. "They say that an alicorn's horn can cure any disease," she claimed. "Will it, or will it not? Only one way to find out, heeheehee~!"

"One trip," #6 hissed. "One shopping trip goes wrong, and all of a sudden every Royal Guardspony in the world has it out for you! I saw the tag, so I know that refrigerator was only three bits. I don't care what they say! Police-colt over there is right. If she can't control her Guard, then we need somepony who will!"

"Celestia is too intimidating," #7 finished. "We need somepony who is not just powerful and authoritative, but can relate to the common being. Mocha's origins make me feel like he is that type of individual."

Ignition nodded. "Then you are all on board with this. Excellent." He approached the table and took his seat. "Next on the agenda is the gear you all were given. These are the end products of a task that has been carried out for centuries down Mr. Mocha's family line. Via the collection of--and experiments on--the shed scales of dragons..."

"Due in no small part to yours truly," #3 declared proudly.

"...we have succeeded in creating the ultimate personal defense," Ignition continued as if #3 hadn't spoken. "Near-complete and flexible body protection, capable of providing a powerful buffer against magic and matter alike. Each one has been especially enchanted at the labs to fit your unique abilities, and you are welcome to put them to the test so long as it is out of the public eye. In addition, in the unlikely event that your equipment is damaged, the belt on each suit comes equipped with a sample of Reddocite. Even for us this ore is very expensive, so do not feel that you have to break it out at the slightest provocation."

"Are there going to be any concerns with identification?" #7 asked. "I don't think any of these suits came with helmets."

"The only concern is whether or not the authorities are able to link you to Mr. Mocha or the Chocolate Mocha Beverage Corporation," Ignition told him. "Few, if any, would believe that our leader has the resources or the connections to staff an R&D department devoted entirely to magitech. All the same, do not take that chance. If you are pressed into identifying yourselves, give your names and nothing more."

"I'm not sure if I'm completely onboard with my face being visible," #4 groused. "I'm too well-known. I don't want Celestia for a ruler, but I don't want my career to go down in flames, either."

"If it bothers you that much, just wear a mask," #2 stated. "The most basic way of hiding your face there is."

"Too fragile for what will be a violent coup," Ignition countered. "There wouldn't be any point in most cases. Unfortunately, the arrival of an entirely unexpected third party has forced our hooves. Had we the time, we would have completed helmets set aside for all of you. As things stand, only our missing representatives have the complete set ready for them. For those of you uncomfortable with being known, take any steps towards concealing your identity as you see fit."

"Speaking of those two," #6 asked, "are we going to leave them at the mercy of the authorities? They're as much a part of this scheme as we are."

"No. And that brings us to your first assignment. #1-2 and #4-7, tomorrow evening at 2015 hours, you will strike at six different points around Manehattan and its vicinity." A glowing green outline of the city, as well as information on the locations they were to hit, plastered itself against a wall; those facing away from it turned to look. "If you're able to obtain what is stored there, terrific, but those are secondary objectives at best. Your primary mission will be to draw as much of the Royal Police to your positions as you feasibly can. Be attention-grabbing, and once their eyes are on you, make yourself as difficult to catch as possible."

"Is that where I come in?"

Ignition nodded at #3. "Yes. Bastion and Iron Gates are in separate cells near the back of the R.P. station... as a side note, thank you for that information, #1." Another outline opposite of the city's appeared, this one a floor plan of the area where #8 and #9 were located. "Once your cohorts have drawn as much attention as they can, launch your attack. The skies will be clear and the Wonderbolts won't be anywhere near the city, so you should have no problems reaching your destination. Get in, grab our agents, and get out. Once you are clear, the rest of you will retreat and make your way back here without being seen."

#3 confirmed the order and sat back, satisfied. Most of the remaining agents followed suit. "And what of the robot?" #5 inquired eagerly. "Can we rip it apart if it confronts us? Please say yes, please say yes!"


#5 sank in her seat, disappointed. "Aw, crudbunny."

#6 perked up in mild interest. "Oh, you say that too."

"Our priority at the moment is to rescue your fellow agents," Ignition reminded her, "not to let yourself be caught up in flights of fancy. Mr. Mocha has a diversion in mind for our resident alien, and it'll be the perfect time to test our drones out in the field. If Leviathan is a match for them, then we will deploy you as we see fit. But until that time, we don't want any of you taking action against her."

"And what of the Ghost?" #1 brought up. "Retired family mare or not, she is still a credible threat to Mr. Mocha's plans. If she gets involved, everything we've worked for will go down in flames."

Ignition snorted softly. "We would have thought it obvious. You have the data from her final case. You know her vulnerabilities. If the little housepet decides to actively menace us... kill her."

"So we can engage the Ghost if we meet her, but stay away from the robot," #7 said. "Am I only one who thinks the order is backwards? Isn't the robot supposed to be the bigger threat? I thought that was why we were summoned here to begin with."

For the first time since his reaction to #6's greeting, Ignition allowed his true mood to show through his amusement. "Mr. Mocha believes that Leviathan was being a little too honest with the city's citizens. We know her strengths and her weaknesses because of that interview. As long as you enter the field with the right tools for exploiting those weaknesses, we can destroy her long before she could ever pose a serious threat." The amusement left him. "In contrast, we are convinced that the Ghost was hiding her full potential during her years with the Police. In a battle with the throne on the line, she's going to stop holding back and show what she can do. She can't be allowed to interfere with our operations under any circumstances. Take her off guard and take. Her. Out. That goes for all of you."

After a few moments to allow that to sink in, #7 nodded. "Yes, sir. Understood."

"Good. Continuing the discussion, here's the rest of what you need to know about your equipment..."



The meeting continued for twenty minutes after that, hammering out the last few details of the next evening's operation. Once it was adjourned, most of the group scattered around the top floors to get some sleep. #3 removed herself from the area and selected the entry tunnel they'd used to infiltrate the building, finding it much more spacious than anything her boss could offer.

Ignition wasn't being entirely truthful with them. In a world where Leviathan had never appeared, Cocoa Mocha wasn't so hasty as to summon his agents. The robot had them more on edge than they preferred admitting, but showing fear of the unknown was the last thing they wanted to do. So in a brief discussion with Cocoa earlier that day, he was instructed as to what to tell the agents if the topic was ever broached.

In the long run it would be the worst thing they could have told them, and not necessarily for the most obvious reasons.



In the tower's sub-basement, not far from where the future lay in wait, there was a heavy stone pillar. The few who had access to this area wondered why it was there in light of steel being heavily used in the tower's construction, but they didn't deem it important enough to bring it up with anypony. It was helping to support the ceiling and keep it from crashing down, and that was the most important thing to them.

What they didn't know was that it wasn't the pillar itself that was important, but what was concealed inside. A cylinder massing almost half of the pillar itself operated within, powered by enough magic to keep it running for years unattended. The cylinder was filled with a murky black liquid that not only completely blocked all attempts at determining what it was meant to hold, but also served as a nutrition-and-growth formula that could be absorbed into one's body through the skin.

And floating in the center of this liquid, deep asleep and completely unaware of the events that were to transpire in the coming weeks, was a helpless and tiny little filly.

In a small village somewhere in the more rural areas of Equestria, an elderly pony levitated a magnifying glass up to her eye, all the better to see the letter that had arrived at her door earlier that day. Her grandson had already read it to her--thrice--but she was still having trouble believing it. Maybe reading it herself would get rid of the thought that it was some sort of hoax.

To all surviving graduates of my School for Gifted Unicorns:

By now, word has probably reached you of the alien being currently residing in Manehattan. She has made known her desire to return home, and I believe her. However, as things stand we do not possess the means of sending her back to her world of origin.

I am looking for ponies who, whether through research or trial and error, possess esoteric knowledge of alternate forms of travel. It does not need to involve direct transportation: anything that involves realms outside of our own will do. Even if we are not able to piece together a method to send her home, what knowledge you can contribute will still help us immensely. Who knows? It might well be that we will be able to use it as a small part of the eventual solution.

In addition, if you so choose, you will be asked to assist with my researchers on-site in Canterlot to determine what is useful and what isn't. This is one of the biggest undertakings in recent history, and my staff can use all the help they can get. Time is of the essence.

Wishing you a pleasant day and a safe journey,

Princess Celestia

"...Nope," the unicorn muttered. "Still there."

"You're not going to ask me to read it again, are you?" her grandson asked.

The unicorn sighed, putting down the magnifying glass and rubbing her eyes. "That paper that came here all the way from that big city... I thought they were just telling a big story. Now the Princess herself is saying that it's all real?"

"Sure looks like it."

"And it's not just for me, but everypony who's been to that School and is still alive..." The unicorn squeezed her eyes shut, then slowly opened them. The clouded pupils regarded the letter once more. "They're taking this seriously. Cel-Cel wouldn't go to all this trouble for a joke."

The grandson smiled. "You never told me you knew the Princess personally."

"She showed up to teach at the odd class whenever her duties didn't get in the way. Nothing more." The unicorn turned to squint at a mirror. For a moment, her reflection wasn't that of a pale yellow-coated, rose quartz-maned pony in her eighties, but a vibrantly-colored lemon and cherry-hued mare with a spectacular figure. She blinked, and her mental image of the past was gone. She turned away with another sigh. "Too old to travel like I used to, can barely focus like I used to... why am I still contemplating going?"

"Because you've always been the type to help a total stranger, no matter who they were?"

The elder glared at her grandson. "Don't be so smart sometimes, you little runt."

The younger stallion chuckled unashamedly, long used to words like that coming from his only surviving grandparent. "Maybe it's time for you to get some sleep, grandma. You're up long past your usual time anyway. I'll wake up early and start getting some supplies together for the trip. Since we obviously can't take the train---"

"Hate those big wastes of space," she grumbled. "Hate them with a passionate train hate. Give me a good ol' wagon any day. Not so noisy."

"---we'll need to be well-prepared. It's going to take at least three days before we reach Canterlot, and that's without taking the weather into account."

"That goes for you too. You get yourself ready for bed too, you hear?" the unicorn ordered him, fumbling for her cane for a bit before finally wrapping one of her hooves around it. "If we're planning a journey, we're not going to make fools of ourselves. Don't need you staying up too late to walk tomorrow."

The stallion walked alongside her, offering his support patiently. "Yes, grandma."

Author's Note:

The music links for this chapter are: "Crimson", a remix of Super Metroid's Red Brinstar music by nokbient; the briefing music from Descent; and "Forest of Hope", as heard in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Here we get to our lineup of bosses... well, most of them, anyway. Their identities and appearances will be revealed as the story goes on. Before anyone starts speculating, Bastion and Gates are the only ones in that list that we've seen before. I realize #5 might remind some of you of Drama, but we're dealing with somepony completely new here.

The higher-ups have it out for Gray, but they seem to be underestimating Leviathan...? We'll see how things go.

And we also have a brief look at one of the many unicorns that Celestia is contacting. Will she play a larger role down the line? Like many other things, time will tell.

I have to visit the local hospital on the 18th, so I'm not going to be able to write on that day. The deadline will be adjusted accordingly.

Estimated Update Deadline: April 23, 2022

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