• Published 18th Aug 2021
  • 6,224 Views, 1,148 Comments

Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

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Day Three, Part Two: Everybody Look What's Going Down

None of the agents save one were blind to what was taking place at Median Park.

After Caramel had learned of the gathering via word-of-mouth, she had in turn told somepony she was acquainted with at Mocha HQ. She was unaware of that individual being on her late grandfather's payroll, and the details were passed along to Ignition. One of the faction's magi-technicians approached Gilbert at the Park in the morning and "volunteered" to get the microphone set up. A little bit of work involving a spare radio later, and the agents and Ignition were able to listen in on the gathering.

Calico, Bastion and Gates were concerned, but they were still confident enough that they felt they could give all involved a run for their money. Bushwhacker was conflicted: he had silently disapproved of the plan to kill Leviathan, knowing how barbarous it was and preferring a straight fight, but he hadn't given up on First Quarter's goals yet. Illudere, as hyper-focused as she was towards finding Pure Energy and catching him, straight up ignored it.

Ignition was the most miffed, knowing that no thanks to that irritating bird who didn't know what it was doing, there was no chance of recovering the safe before nightfall. If the gathering succeeded in its intent, Leviathan wouldn't be as hindered psychologically and would thus be ready to fight again. And if the safe wasn't recovered before she got to it, nothing would stop her from joining Gray against them. The safe's defenses were strong, but they wouldn't ward off a truly determined foe.

A tyrant like from the tales of old probably would have attacked the gathering, but neither Ignition nor Quarter were tyrants. Their vendettas were against Celestia and those that would directly fight, not against the citizenry as a whole, and hurting them would do more harm than good when it came time to claim the throne. In addition, Leviathan's candor regarding her past sins meant that they had nothing to hold over her head and lower the city's opinion of her.

After sending the alert regarding Illudere's status, Ignition remained silent for some time as he listened to the proceedings. Finally, an idea clicked. Maybe we can use our rogue's insanity to our advantage one last time, he thought as he signaled Illudere. "Agent #5, what is your status? Have you located the child?"

-"I have discovered a new hobby,"- Illudere snarled. -"Taxidermy!"-

Taking that as a clear 'no'. "Children are likely to gravitate towards recreational areas," Ignition suggested. "Have you considered checking Median Park?"

A short bout of silence. -"No. I have not,"- Illudere finally responded, her perception of reality clearing for all of four seconds. -"My loving fans await me!"-

"While you're there, a request," Ignition instructed her. "Leviathan is at the Park. No more tricks or games. Make use of the full extent of your spellcraft and kill her. Your suit's enhancements will aid you, so use them well."

The servant ignored Illudere's ecstatic confirmation and signed off. With the Ghost-Guard family's victory inevitable, there was no need to keep a hold of Illudere's leash anymore. Either Leviathan would die and obviate the need for haste in obtaining her equipment, or the robot--no doubt interested in revenge for her suffered indignities--would crush the illusionist with everything she could muster, removing a wild card from the game.

Just that thought alone made the Ghost's eventual counterattack easier to stomach.

The pony working the MRPD's front desk looked up as a visitor walked in. "Good afternoon," he greeted him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, yeah," the adolescent responded. "I'd like to report an offended residence."

The staffer didn't know what to make of that. "'Offended'?"

"Meaning that it was occupied by a criminal until recently," the colt clarified. "And I think she was insane, too. She had this crab attached to her mane."

A crab? ... He could be trying to be funny, but it's best not to take chances. "We'll look into it, but I'll need some information. Can I have your name for the records?"

"Pure Energy, sir."

The staffer's mouth fell open in surprise. Mentally he went over the descriptions he'd been briefed on, and he realized that one of them was a perfect match. Glad that I didn't take that chance! "One of Gray Ghost's kidnapped children? How did you escape?"

The colt shrugged. "The pony that grabbed me is neither sane nor bright. I was able to block her in her room without her knowledge, and that gave me enough time to figure out how to get out without being seen. She was nuts enough to try escaping through the vents. Crazy, sir. Crazy. Like a cuckoo without the clock."

This just jumped up in importance. "Would you hold on for just a second, Pure Energy?" the staffer asked. Upon receiving confirmation, he turned and called into the depths of the station. "Could we get somepony up front, please? There's a colt here with information on the Ghost-Guard case!"

A few of those who came up on-stage to talk are those I am only marginally acquainted with. Mortar and Pestle gave me an apology for my "mistreatment" on my first day here, as well as their anxiety in the aftermath. I told them not to worry about it; mollified, they said that they hoped the Pyre's revamped stairs treated me well.

Turkey Bowl's teammate Pinny Lane talked about how pleasant I'd been in my interactions with her at the bowling alley, spoke highly about how willing I was to defend Gray's children, and made those in attendance either "awww" or laugh at her recollection of Zig-Zag kissing me. At that moment I wanted to grab the blanket I was sitting on and throw it at her, but I settled for trying to engulf my entire face in my hand as it burned.

Turkey himself apologized for not being around as often as he could've been after our first meeting, and offered to get me a year's pass at Mustang Lanes. After I told him I'd consider it (maybe, and that's a big maybe), he told me I'd probably have to get my bowling ball custom-made. I can understand why, but it's not a big priority right now.

Still, it's the thought that counts. Several muttered comments between Shining Armor and Cadance helped me remember that. I thanked Turkey for the offer and told him I'd see him the next time he attended Drama's performances.

...Ah. We've got somepony else on their way up. This pony's theme is 'green', though her mane's rapidly edging towards 'silver' on account of her age. It looks like a tiny mess of needles.

She clears her throat, and---

"You don't know me, Leviathan, but a week ago you found something of mine."


"In that certain something was knowledge. Knowledge of the wrongs I had committed in my youth, and of the damage I had done to one pony in particular. I'd held nothing back about my feelings on the matter. You saw to it that this item was delivered to the proper party. And it's because you did this that I was able to earn the forgiveness of the pony who's had the greatest impact on my life.

"From the bottom of my heart, Leviathan: thank you. Thank you very much."

The applause around me is kicking in again. It takes me a moment to recall the name: Juniper Leaf, one of those responsible for Gray's state of mind and possessor of positively atrocious writing. The applause rises slightly in volume when Gray flies in, alights on the stage, and embraces her long-retired caretaker.

"This answers so many questions," Shining murmurs, the words almost lost beneath the applause. "I've been wondering since the duel whether her mindset was natural or forced."

"And now we know," Cadance answers with a smile, getting up and walking to the stage as Gray and Juniper are leaving it.

The applause keeps up as she nears the microphone, and doesn't stop until she begins speaking.


"Before I begin, I would like to apologize on Celestia's behalf. She found out about this event late, and she wasn't able to clear enough time to visit. To-wit, she sent me and Royal Guard Captain Shining Armor to attend in her place."

Cadance opens her saddlebags and magicks out a letter. "Now, this letter comes to Leviathan from an associate of mine in Canterlot. 'To the Siren General, I represent all of the ponies in Equestria's capital who have been following your Equestrian career from day one.'" Or day three, if you want to be technical. "'In such a short time, you've influenced life in Manehattan and beyond for better and for worse. I've been watching how everypony has reacted to you. Resistance to your presence was heavy at first, and I will confess that I was opposed to you like the rest. Now, having learned of your recent affliction, I feel that I would be seen as heartless if I refused to acknowledge your pain. Most of those I have spoken to are in agreement with me, with only the ignorant and bigoted refusing to see the truth before their eyes.

"'I consider myself a pony of class, so it would be remiss of me not to offer my services in some way. Please, if business takes you to Canterlot, feel free to seek me out. I am sure there is something here we can offer to make the remainder of your stay more tolerable, after what that rogue did to you.

"'None of us have gone through what you have, and my imagination fails to consider what an extended false life would be like. With that in mind, I suppose you are wondering why we are offering you our support. I could give any one of a dozen different answers to that question, but the statement they all boil down to is because we can. We don't need reasons to help our contemporaries in times of need: we simply help anyway, provided it's within our means. It's a shame that ponykind, myself included, forgets this at times.

"'We hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your future exploits continue to benefit all that you meet. With high regard, Fancy Pants.'"

The crowd applauds as I consider the writer's words. Whoever this 'Fancy Pants' is, they nailed down what I'd been thinking about earlier. They don't need a reason. They really don't.

"Hello, little boy. Do you need my help with something?"

"No, I'm okay! I just want to give you this!"

"Kyahaha! It's very pretty. Thank you, but why did you get this for me?"

"'Cause I wanted to!"

A hand goes to where my generator is placed. This feeling... I almost---

[High-speed unclassified threat in-bound!]

I spot it approaching almost as soon as my HUD blares that warning. "Everypony DOWN!" I shout. Immediately, I follow my own advice and hunker down the best I can in my current position, hands over my head. Shining Armor ducks down reflexively, and while Cadance and those in my immediate vicinity are somewhat slower to react they're not too far behind.

Something catches everypony by surprise by crashing into the stage, plowing through it part-way before stopping. Chunks of wood are scattered everywhere, with one of them bouncing off my hands.

The something in question is quickly revealed to be a mail carrier, dressed in an appropriate uniform and carrying a satchel full of letters. Her coat's a lighter shade of gray than my friend's, and when she stands up and opens her eyes, neither of them are pointed in the same direction. She shakes her head a few times, forcefully trying to bring her eyes into alignment. "That was a rush," she says. "Anyway, got a mail delivery for a..." She withdraws an envelope and squints at it, trying to make sense of it. "'Love a Thing'"?

Crashed straight through fifteen feet worth of wooden stage, and that's all she has to say? I can hear the crowd murmuring along similar lines. That has to be some freakish durability she has.

"Let me see that," Shining Armor offers as he and Cadance stand up. When the mailpony hands (hooves?) him the envelope, it only takes him a moment to figure it out. "It's for Leviathan. The writing's awful, nothing major."

"Whew," the mailpony sighs. "It's not me this time. Sorry for interrupting. Have fun!" She lifts off and flies away with a blissfully unaware smile.

The crowd's stone silent as everypony watches her leave the Park. "Well... that was a thing. It happened," somepony finally comments.

I get to my feet and approach the stage. "Want me to take that, Captain?"

He shrugs and says: "Might as well. Come on up here, and let's see if it's important or not. It probably is, since she delivered it straight here instead of..."

Instead of the Pyre, right.

Once I'm on-stage, I tear the envelope and pull the letter out of it, opening it---


A cupcake pops out of the letter, accompanied by a shrill squeal and a burst of confetti! WHY IN BLUE BLAZES---?!

Both Shining and Cadance both flinch in surprise. It goes without saying that everypony else is, too. I fumble the cupcake a few times before finally catching it, but at the cost of falling back stunned against the stage---!

Before Canterlot's representatives can ask if I'm alright, I slam a fist against the wood beneath me. "Alright, that's it!" I yell at the sky. "I was willing to buy a lone pony being responsible for the sun's movements! I can even buy that music, of all things, can help shape reality! But this blatant butchering of physics is where I draw the line!"

"Leviathan..." Cadance starts to say as the crowd mutters to itself.

"I'm serious! This paper can't weigh more than a quarter of an ounce!" I continue, waving the letter. "Then I open it and suddenly cupcake! And don't even get me started on the confetti!"

Ignition, Bastion and Gates were dumbfounded. 'Suddenly cupcake'? What in Tartarus?

Distracted by the word "cupcake", Calico decided to start baking some.

Bushwhacker facehoofed. There's only one pony I know who can trigger that reaction.

"Leviathan," Cadance tries again, blocking my mouth with a hoof. "You're hyperventilating. Breathe in. Breathe out. Slow. Breathe in. Breathe out. Slow. Repeat."

I don't know what I find more de-stabilizing: the sudden cupcake, or the fact that she's prescribing breathing exercises to a robot. ...But she's right that I'm hyperventilating, though, so I guess that I'm going with the cupcake.

I'm back on my feet a minute later once I have things in line. Notably, the crowd's calmed down to match. "Tha...thanks, Cadance. I don't know where that came from."

"If it makes you feel any better, neither do we," Shining admits, just as confused as I am right now. "I've never heard of any spells that would let somepony put food in a standard envelope."

Not quite what I was talking about, but still accurate. "...Maybe I should just focus on the letter," I decide, giving it a quick once-over. "It's from Ponyville, I think. No return address, just the town name. Writing's almost illegible, but not as bad as others I could name."

"Do you feel it's worth reading for the audience?" Cadance inquires.

I shrug. "I might as well." The worst the writer can do is insult me, and I think at this point I could keep it from depressing me further... or at least that's the hope. Given that they stuffed a snack into the envelope---don't you crash on me now, brain---it's more likely to be cheery.

Okay. Three, two, one...

"'Alright, look. I don't know you, and you don't know me. What I do know is that you've got to get your head back in the game! Yeah, I was super suspicious when I first heard of you, but you've proven yourself a hundred times over! If I didn't have to help keep a local storm in line, I'd be going to Manehattan myself and bucking this confidence booster straight into your metal skull!

"'Yeah, nightmares are crummy. What that illusionist did to you was completely messed up. But that's exactly why you need to stand up and start fighting again! If you let yourself give in, that means that they win. They, not you. You get that? Don't let your enemies take advantage of you! You're better than this, I just know it!

"'Ponyville is cheering for you, General. Manehattan has your back. I'd even bet my house that Canterlot and Cloudsdale have thrown their lots in with you. Remember that you're not alone in this, you understand? If you need us, you've got us! Now get in there, go big, and go home!


"'P.S. Please find enclosed this cupcake. For the sake of your sanity, please don't question how it got in there.'"


There it is.

That feeling that I can do anything. That even if the world turns against me, I can still reach the top. That I had just pulled myself free of a black hole's event horizon in full defiance of natural laws.

They want me. Everypony is here because they want to help me. Gilbert---an acquaintance at best who has no stake in my quest or livelihood---called for aid, and Manehattan has answered. Not just here, either: representatives of other cities and towns in Equestria want me to succeed.

"Yeah!" I can hear Magnum shouting. "That's telling her!"

"To all of you here today!" Bossa roars, voice amped without the need for a microphone. Does she work out her lungs as much as her muscles? "Miss Ponyville has said what we're all thinking! Show it to our Guardian! Let's get those hooves stomping!"

The crowd's applause is much louder this time. The stage is shaking a little by the impacts of thousands of hooves, their equivalent to clapping. Caught up in Bossa's energy, Shining and Cadance are doing the same thing.

Amazing! ... Everything I've heard and experienced in the past half hour... it's just unbelievable...!

The letter slipped free from Leviathan's hands, prompting Shining Armor to snag it in his magic before a breeze could blow it away. "They want me?" she whispered. "They actually...?" Unsteady on her feet, she sunk to her knees. "They're crazy. You're crazy. All of you are crazy..."

Cadance's first thought was that Leviathan was regressing. She started forward to help her back upright, to offer some encouragement---


An almost inaudible chuckle stopped her.

"Ha ha..."

There were emotions buried in those sounds. Disbelief, yes. A hint of the sadness that she'd been feeling for days, too.

"Ha ha ha..."

Cadance could also discern a note of relief. As the chuckling grew louder, that lone note grew into a full sonatina.

"Eh-heh-heheheh... eh-hahaha..."

If they hadn't been informed of Leviathan's inability to shed tears, they believed that she'd be doing so right now. Her face was built differently from a pony's, but it was contorted in the same manner of somepony who was weeping joyfully.

Some have experienced what it was like to have laughed so hard they cried.

"Kyahaha... kya-hahahaha!"

Levi didn't need to go that far: she was already doing both at once.

It takes a while for me to get myself down from that emotional high long enough to stop laughing, but I'm glad that I did. I don't want anypony thinking that I was starting to turn hysterical.

My emotions have been feeling... I don't know if "loose" is the right word for it, but that's what it feels like. For the past few days, it was very easy for them to shift towards negativity. I could go through the motions of having a conversation, like with the stories I was telling a few days ago, but there wasn't much energy behind it. I was just dwelling too much on what was done to me.

The talks I've had with my therapist and Tiffany have shaken that up a little, and the reactions of everypony here have pushed it further. I was taking the concept of "support" for granted, I've realized: it's easy to think that others are supporting you if they do nothing to stop you from going about your work, but to get a first-hand glimpse of their feelings towards me...

The negativity's not gone by a long shot, but it's just taken a serious blow. I'm almost beginning to feel that I can function normally again without it coloring my thoughts at all hours.

I take a bite of the included cupcake. It's flavored with tiny slivers of Heartbreakers, letting me savor it. Thanks to Gray, I'd learned what one of the candy's ingredients was recently. I don't know if it's what's keeping me sustained, but it wouldn't surprise me--the name "Zap Apple" is pretty telling. It is almost like it's emanating from the candy through the rest of the snack, even the frosting.

My eyes close as I continue to eat, and I start to relax as everypony quiets down. The air feels like it's vibrating a little, but it honestly feels somewhat soothing. I don't mind this in the least.

"Shocking, isn't it?"

I don't know who it is that's speaking, but they seem friendly. "Oh, absolutely."

"I had a Zap Apple once. It felt like I'd been thunder-struck."

Somepony thinks they know their electricity puns. Alright, I'll play along. "Is that a positive or a negative?"

-Warning: Senses impaired.-

"A negative. Yes, a negative. It was bad enough that I felt like going ohm. A revolting development, wouldn't you say?"

On second thought, maybe I won't. It feels like they're trying too hard. I finish off the cupcake and turn to face the source of the voice. "Alright, that's quite enough," I say as I open my eyes, dismissing the message in my HUD---


I stumble back, almost falling off the stage. The form standing before me is unmistakable. "Honoré?! How?! Why?!"

He's exactly as I remembered him from his prime, but none of that's important. He's here, he's alive---

-Warning: Senses impaired.-

His hand takes mine, pulling me forward. ...And he's real. I dismiss the repeat message as I focus on Honoré, the surroundings melting away. "How did you get here?" I whisper.

He chuckles. "Leviathan, we have a lot to talk about. But that can wait for a few minutes, can't it? I haven't seen you in years."

I try to focus on what best to tell him, but the air feels so heavy. "You have no idea how much I need to apologize to you for..." I manage to speak.

-Warning: Senses impaired.-

I really wish that message would stop bothering me. It's keeping me from seeing what's important.

My face feels like it's on fire as Honoré pulls me closer still. I shut my eyes again, unwilling to face neither my embarrassment nor my joy as I receive what I lost many decades ago---



Wait. Something doesn't feel right. Many somethings, actually.

For one, the air positively reeks with sweat (yes, I know what I said). It doesn't feel like I'm holding onto human arms, but dragon scales. There's also the fact that the air's been vibrating for the past few minutes, and the object of my affection seeming much lighter than usual.

I don't want to let go, but by the same token I don't feel right letting these issues slide. So I open one eye to split the difference between my desires and my anxieties...


Illudere's muzzle is an inch away from my face---! "Kiss me, fat 'bot!"

-Warning: Senses impaired. Told you so.-

Leviathan's vision turned red immediately when she realized that Illudere had manipulated her again. With an angry yell she tossed her away, then summoned her Javelin and struck her while she was still in mid-air. The blade slashed through the chest plating on Illudere's armor, destroying it and propelling her off of the stage.

Finally, she remembered where she was. "Everypony, for your safety, get out of here!" she started to warn---

But the cry fell on deaf ears. There wasn't a single responsive individual in the crowd: everypony as far she could tell had collapsed to the ground. It wasn't just Gray, either: even Shining Armor and Cadance were effected. It was only their light snores that convinced her that Illudere hadn't wiped them all out in one fell swoop, only put them to sleep with one of her spells.

Seeing that everypony is still alive should help me, but it's not. Either that's some wicked control Illudere has, or she was trying to put me to sleep with that spell too.

Hopefully it's just a matter of waiting for everyone to wake up now. With the chest piece gone, the impact should've paralyzed or at least knocked her out---

"What's wrong? Are you mad?"

---but it hasn't. Illudere's rising from where she landed, unphased. Her horn and her scaly armor---the latter the color of eggs---are both shining like beacons. "Mad? What am I saying? You couldn't be mad. I'm the only one who deserves that adjective. I doubt you even know what the word means!"

My hands tighten. She couldn't have... "Where's Pure Energy?" I inquire. It's taking all of my self-control to keep my voice from breaking.

Illudere tilts her head. "Who?"

"Gray's child," I bite out. "Where is he?"

Illudere's left eye twitches. "So that's his name? Cutesy," she utters. "He's why I'm here, Asimov."

How does... no. Dropping that subject like a hot potato! "What?"

"That bouncy baby buggy brat is the bane of my being," she snarls with total vitriol. "He stole my crab for funsies, locked me in my room, and got away clean! I went here looking for him and found you instead!" The snarl twists into a face-splitting smile. "And wouldn't you know it, I couldn't resist the idea of stealing your 161st kiss. After all, before any destruction must come humiliation!"

...Words can't describe how utterly angry I am right now. She's pushing all of my buttons to get a reaction out of me, and she's succeeding. "When it comes to that last, you've done a top-notch job already," I state, my voice set to 'freezer burn'. I can feel my inner restraints starting to break.

"What, you mean my Luminous Cruelty? 'Twas nothing," Illudere counters modestly---is she blushing? "You'd fall asleep, dream of a world where everything turned out right, and never leave it. Receive everything you ever wanted, and everything you didn't know you wanted. Live out there, die out here. Except apparently it didn't work, because you're alive in here while dead out there!"

The restraints snap---! "You gave me everything and took it all away!" I scream back at her. "You made me question everything I'd worked for! You made me wonder whether there was any point to returning home at all! YOU MADE ME WANT TO GIVE UP!"

Illudere doesn't flinch, instead yawning as she strolls up to the stage. "Was that why I was called here? To have you shower me with compliments?"

"Grr---!" That does it. That. Does. It. "For the sake of my dignity..." I shift into my combat stance as I speak, fully aware that I'm at a severe disadvantage but just not caring anymore. "...for the sake of all of those you've misled, and for everypony in this city, you will freeze."

"Ooh, a stock revenge fight," Illudere croons. "How dull. If you want to play that way, then how about a stock reality check?"

The air feels heavier. I can swear that it's electrifying around me as it vibrates---Dear X, she's the one responsible for that---!

The surroundings shift and warp around us. The stage, everypony present except for the two of us, and Median Park itself all vanish. There's nothing but stone and grit everywhere until a wide platform of polished black marble takes shape beneath us. The sun is gone, and the sky is filled from horizon to horizon with rumbling clouds that have turned a menacing dark purple. Locks of Illudere's mane drift away from her face, offering an unimpeded view of her eyes. The crab that was hanging onto her drops to the ground and scuttles away, disappearing when it crosses an unseen threshold.

Through it all, her horn and armor continue to shine... and it's hitting me what I'm up against now. She shouldn't be able to effect the surroundings this much on her own. However it's working, they must have modified that armor somehow to act as a magic amplifier! My hands are shaking, and I'm beginning to recognize that fear is jockeying with my anger for position in my mind.

..."Jockeying?" Now I know I'm in trouble if I'm phrasing it like that. I said I didn't care about my disadvantage, but I'm thinking now that I was just deluding myself.

Illudere is howling. "Eh-hahahahaha... eh-hahaha-hah-hah! It's showtime, Leviathan! Welcome to the madhouse!" That sneer and those dilated eyes are more nightmarish than the surroundings she's created. As she continues talking, her neck and head twists one way with an audible snap, then the other. That had better have been part of the illusion, because there's no way that's natural. "Let me show you how to break your face and look like me!"

Author's Note:

Music Links include: "Jazz Piano Meguri", by Jacob Koller; Simon Loveridge's cover of Shovel Knight's "Requiem For Shield Knight"; and the main title theme of the Beetlejuice movie.

...Yeah. That's all I can really think of to say about what happened in this chapter. Just... yeah.

My original plan was to have Leviathan try and recover her equipment first. Illudere would make her presence known by making it look like the equipment vanished into thin air, she'd put those with Levi to sleep, and initiate the fight. Yesterday as of this writing I nixed that plan entirely, replacing it with the Honoré illusion at the party proper. I just couldn't get it to work.

Speaking of, if that segment looks sloppy, that's intentional. Between that and Illudere's magic, which was responsible for all of the "senses impaired" warnings she was receiving, Levi wasn't in her right mind during those moments. Her ability to narrate would've suffered to match.

So. We've gone from one of the happiest moments in the story to... I don't even know how to describe it. All I know is that I'm sure some of you have been waiting for this moment for the past half year. Hopefully I'll see you near the start of February!

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Trope Page!

EDITED at 8:06p.m.: Forgot the "To Be Continued" image.

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