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Episode 1 - Trial By Fire

"Pretty sure I asked to be in this mess..."

It was like the entire world was falling to hell around his ears, but Spider-Man knew he wasn't exactly far off. Apokolips was the closest to a Hell on Earth he had ever seen. All around him, the fearsome Parademons filled the skies as they attempted to surround the other heroes. Thankfully none of them could notice him. And good thing too, because he had other concerns.

"... Was that stabbing pain always there?!"

Looking at his side, he noticed a small chunk of his lower rib was burned away, almost down to the muscle. Fortunately, he wouldn't bleed out due to the nature of the injury. It didn’t make it any less painful. He could smell his own flesh sizzling - a concept that made him almost throw up. It felt like his strength was beginning to leave him, his eyes starting to close. He just needed a little sleep...

"Spider-Man! Don't go falling asleep on me now!"

The familiar voice brought the injured hero back to his senses. And fortunately it was a friendly voice - Batman, the infamous Dark Knight of Gotham City. His specialized armoured suit had pieces missing, as well as half the cape melted off. It was clear he was in way over his head too, despite his overwhelming reputation as a fearsome being. Batman was only human. And both had one thing in common right now - they were playing in the wrong game.

"I turn my back for one moment and you run off half cocked?! I thought you were smarter than this!"

He wasn’t wrong. The team plan was to fight their way to Darkseid's palace and finally try and take him down. The tyrant had now become a threat too great to ignore. One that was practically existential in nature. They all should have known that it wouldn't be easy to get to him. Several hours later, the whole plan had gone to hell and the entire team broken apart and scattered across the planet. The only one brave (or dumb) enough to try and take on Darkseid himself was Spider-Man. And now there he was - injured and in immense pain. Riffling through the various parts of his utility belt, Batman found a syringe filled with a white solution.

“ Industrial Strength Morphine. Only thing that’ll dull the pain. And no excuses. Those sorts of injuries would hurt anyone. Even the Flash uses this stuff"

Rather than try to argue against it, Spider-Man lifted the torn remains of his shirt. The damage was even worse underneath – bruises and cuts lined his torso. It was a wonder he was still standing. Batman, being aware that his team mates skin was tougher than most, had added a needle made from Adamantium - one of the strongest metals on earth. Possibly overkill for this situation, but it never hurt to be prepared. He quickly found a vein and pushed in the needle, a jet of air could be heard as the contents compressed into its recipient.

“That healing factor of yours better get to work fast. No telling how long Darkseid will sit around while we just attack his fortress. Unless you managed to get his attention already?”

Spider-Man gave the Dark Knight a glaring look through his mask as he was bandaged up. He knew the next thing to come out of his mouth would not be taken lightly.

“Well, I blasted him in the face and fought off his enforcers. That count?”

Just as the last words came out of his mouth, Spider-Man felt another sharp pain as Batman punched him where he was wounded. It was clear that he had done something stupid. Once the pain subsided again, the two looked at each other, Batman glaring in anger through his armoured cowl.

“You went after the most powerful person on the planet? Alone?! On the scale of tactical errors, that might be the worst you've ever made! Are you really so ready to die?!"

“Not exactly the time to start questioning my mindset right now Bats!"

As Spider-Man tried to leave, Batman pulled him back into cover and looked him right in the eyes. The young man could see a sorrow that was rare in the usually stoic Dark Knight.

“I understand Peter. I get you felt like you let them down, that you let them die. But there are times when we can’t save everyone. That’s no excuse to give up.”

Despite Spider-Man's mask being in the way, there was still a visible expression of defeat in his body language.

"Then why do I feel like I always fail?"

Before Batman could respond, a large explosion was set off near their current hiding spot, taking out their cover in the process. Both heroes were hurtled forward, coming to a stop near the edge of a canyon. However, at the bottom of said canyon was a pit of fire, one of the many that scarred the surface of Apokolips. Gathering their senses, the two heroes looked back to see what the cause was. Before them, was an Apokolyptian war tank. On top, was the worst that the hellish planet had to offer - Granny Goodness, Desaad, Kalibak, The Furies… And finally, Darkseid himself.

Out of instinct, Batman readied an electrified Batarang, while Spider-Man got into a fighting stance. Or at least tried to do so, his injuries beginning to take their toll. Unfortunately, it was all too much, and he collapsed under his own weight. Batman quickly rushed to his side, Batarang still at the ready.

“Want me to hold your hand for this one?”

Chuckling at the snide remark that could only be made by Batman, Spider-Man got back onto his feet, mostly due to the support of Batman. He was now unable to stand up under his own power due to what was more than likely internal damage. Now it was a question of what would kill him first.

"Nah. We'll get through this. I ain't dead yet."

Both heroes stood ready against what could be their very gruesome ends. Out of all the foes they ever had the displeasure to face, Darkseid was very high up on that list. And he's also top of the "do not mess with" list. Something Spider-Man has 100% went and done.

And Darkseid was not pleased.

I hope that you appreciate, Saiyan, that what is about to transpire, is all on you. You invade my palace, believe that you are worth my time and effort. And even with all that gusto, you prove only to be an annoyance. Be reasonable. The only one of you heroes that could stand against me is gone. What chance do you have?”

His last words carried the kind of dread you could only find on this cursed world. And while his strength was ferocious, the most terrifying thing about Darkseid was his eyes, which glowed a blood red that signaled death...


In the alternatively peaceful land of Equestria, situated in the town of Ponyville, was the castle of one Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newly deemed Princess of Friendship. In her new throne room was herself, and her close circle of friends, whom were all helping her sort through her new collection of books she had been gifted after the destruction of her old home. They had all agreed to spend the day helping Twilight sort them out. Though some weren't as thrilled as others.

“Are we really gonna spend all day doing this, Twi? It’s so boring putting books away. I’d rather read them, and by "them" I mean the Daring Do books.”

Rainbow Dash’s underhanded and rude comment had almost passed by Twilight and the others, but Applejack couldn’t let it slide.

“Rainbow! We all agreed to help Twilight sort out her new home. Have some patience for landsakes.”

“I’m sorry. It’s all just soooo boring. I’d rather be reading than sorting.”

Comments like this were nothing unusual for Dash, but it didn't make them any less irritating given the work they had to do. Despite weeks having passed since the battle with Tirek and this mysterious new castle appearing, Twilight had still yet to grow accustomed to it. She had spent years in her library home, but could no longer return due to its destruction. It was a surreal feeling to say goodbye to her home and immediately say hello to a new one.

"Twilight? Are you okay?"

Spike, Twilights assistant and, for all intents and purposes, little brother, always knew when something was getting under her skin. Out of all the friends that she held dear, Spike was easily the closest.

"I'm okay Spike. Its just... a lot to take in. All these new responsibilities with the map and the castle... It just seems like such a long time has passed since we came to Ponyville just for me to make some friends. And yet... my life would be so dull if I never came here!"

The two embraced each other tightly. Though just after, there was a loud knock at the door. There was a look of confusion as it was quite late at night. Rarity looked over to Twilight.

"Are we expecting any visitors tonight?"

The princess of friendship shook her head, and was admittedly a little worried. Ahead of everyone else, she made her way towards the large wooden doors of the castle. There was another heavy knock at the door which took everyone aback. Twilight started to become hesitant to open the door. It was only after she heard a familiar voice that she felt comfortable to do so.

"Princess Twilight!? I require your assistance!"


"I would suggest you hold still and die, Saiyan. It will do you no good to run

Between the insidious heat of the Omega Beams and the constant barrage of attacks from the Furies, Spider-Man was very much on the back foot. His spider sense constantly cried out of the danger around him and from every angle. It was likely due to this defense that he wasn't already dead.

"What, you expect me to just stay still and give up? Not today, and certainly not against you!"

For as much as Spider-Man wanted to believe this was true, that he could somehow find a way out of this mess, it wasn't looking likely. What looked more likely is that he would be reduced to ashes, a whole dimension away from home.

"This is starting to seem like a very bad idea!"

Attacks kept coming from all sides, slowly boxing Spider-Man in. Which was exactly the idea. While his agility and senses made him untouchable in open areas, they were less than reliable in a tighter space. Once the Furies took away his options, he would be obliterated. Eventually, he would have to make a stand. And that moment came. Stompa, the muscle of the Furies, managed to get in his way and force him back - right into the path of Darkseid.

"A formidable effort, Saiyan. But alas, not enough against the might of Darkseid."

A blinding flash of red light filled the air. Batman, who was busy with Parademons, witnessed the sight in horror. His comrade, his friend... Turned to dust. A billow of smoke came from where Spider-Man had presumably met his end, the grinning face of Darkseid standing over it. Yet before there could be any declaration made, a gloved fist connected to the grey skin of the tyrant, knocking him back slightly.

"I'm not done yet, you stone faced freak!"

A furious red aura began surround Spider-Man, the sheer force of the energy he now emitted pushing the Furies back. Darkseid however stood steady. He knew of this little power-up and had been... intrigued.

"So this is the new power I have heard about. It would seem that you continue to evolve under the most critical of situations. It is admittedly, impressive. And yet, annoying."

"I have a knack for that."

A sharp ping in his head informed Spider-Man that he should move. Stompa had once again tried to take a swing at him, but missed. Before she could recover, a foot smacked her in the back sending her right towards her master. Before the two could make contact, Darkseid swiped her out of the air and into some nearby debris. It was well known that the Lord of Apokolips had no love for his underlings. Nothing would stand in his way.

The assault continued on, but this time with only Darkseid himself attempting to end his troublesome foe. Fortunately, Spider-Man's reflexes kept him ahead of any lethal blows. But this could only last so long. He had no time to heal and the morphine had long since burned off, so all the pain was coming back. It didn't take long for his movements to start slowing down.

"It would seem you are tired, Saiyan. How long can you persist before the end?"

Despite his obvious fatigue, Spider-Man was far from done. A quick manoeuvre placed him right above Darkseid and in position for a heavy kick. But as he brought his leg down for the strike, a grey hand caught him by the ankle and pulled him right back down into the ground. A shattering of bones could be heard ringing out as Spider-Man coughed up blood. He had reached his limit, with the personification of evil now towering above him. It was over.

"A pity. Surviving my Omega Beams was an impressive feat. Perhaps if you had surrendered I may have considered sparing you. But you had to keep fighting me. So I shall give you one final chance - Join my army. Be my sword against the Multiverse! Or die..."

The barely still breathing heap that was Spider-Man tried to respond, but only coughed up more blood. He knew he was done.

"Is this how I go out? To him? After everything I've survived, everyone I've lost... He kills me?

As the Furies fell in behind their lord, Darkseid glared down at his fallen foe with disdain. Not because he hated the hero at all, but because he expected a much grander fight. In a fit of anger, he grabbed Spider-Man by the neck and lifted him up to bring him face to face.

"One last chance! Join me, or I will reduce you to ashes!"

There was only one response that could be given - A surprise punch to the face. A brief silence could be felt across the battlefield, as if someone had committed a horrid sin. Though here, it might as well be sinful to attack Darkseid, who was not pleased at all. But Spider-Man didn't care.

"Even dying is more preferable to joining you. Do your worst..."

"So be it..."

For a second time, Spider-Man was thrown into the dirt, this time face first. The ground caved even further and more bones could be heard breaking. The Furies began to chuckle, knowing what was about to come. Darkseid's eyes once again glowed red, hellish flames spilling out. Without another word, the fearsome Omega Beams fired out, engulfing Spider-Mans body. As the dust settled, there was nothing left but a cracked and burnt outline. His conquest complete, Darkseid motioned his Furies to re-join the larger battle.

"A pity. You could have been my finest warrior. Now... Be dust."

Author's Note:

Ok, so this is my first time back at this story again. I admittedly gave up when push came to shove but this time should be different. I only ask for any creative points of criticism and not just "This bad" sort of stuff.

Cheers guys, hope to hear more from you.