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Episode 17 - Meanwhile... AT THE LEGION OF DOOM! Part 2

Episode 17 - Meanwhile… AT THE LEGION OF DOOM! Part 2


The first thing Starlight noticed as she exited the viewpoint was the immediate change from day to night. A nearby clock confirmed that the time was the exact same as when she left in her time, right in the middle of the day. The pale moonlight shining through the windows only served to confirm who ruled here. Now the mission was to find her and convince her to side with Starlight. But the words of Chrysalis and Tirek still rang in her mind. What could she offer Nightmare Moon that she didn't already have? Looking through the windows of the castle, she could make out the mountain that was normally host to the grand capital of Canterlot. Yet it was nowhere to be found.

“This must be the castle I’ve been living in for weeks. Except in this time it was never left to fall apart and rot away in the Everfree Forest. I guess Nightmare Moon never moved residence. Then again, why would she have to?”

Given the weeks she had spent in this castle, though it was a ruined version of it, Starlight knew the layout top to bottom. It stood to reason that she would find Nightmare Moon in the throne room. She even recognised which section she was currently in, meaning her destination was not too far away. Just the next set of doors in fact. Walking inside, Starlight let out a gasp of surprise. Perhaps she had spent too much time in the ruins of the castle, as the throne room she walked in on was magnificent. Vibrant teal covered the walls, almost glistening in the forever moonlight. The empty throne resided at the top of two sets of stars, the sigil of the Moon held above. There was only one question: where was Nightmare Moon?

“An unwelcome guest? A bold move sneaking into my castle, though not exactly stealthy. I can practically smell the dark magic you used to get in here. Now be still!”

The sinister voice caught Starlight off guard. At the doorway stood the terrifying visage of Nightmare Moon, suited in full regalia. Starlight had read the stories of the Long Night, when Equestria stayed in darkness for days on end before Celestia brought the light of day back. Now she faced that same darkness. The subject of centuries of children's scary stories and holidays. How fortunate she found her quarry so quickly. How unfortunate that she would be so unprepared for such a scenario. Instinctively, she turned to run away, knowing for certain that trying to challenge Nightmare Moon would be a suicidal maneuver.

Slamming the doors behind her as she ran, Starlight began to formulate a strategy. Surely there was a way to keep the Alicorn princess at bay while she figured out the best way to propose her plan. She didn't get far before she felt her feet leave the ground, a dark blue aura surrounding her. Looking back, she saw her captor walking towards her, a complete lack of haste in her step. Like this was too easy for her.

"Running from me is a losing game. I know every hall in this castle. Its walls speak to me. Even if you had gotten far, you would not have hidden for long. Now tell me, how did a lowly Unicorn clanswoman create a second Alicorn Amulet right under my nose? I’ve read the reports. It took dozens of your Clan to create it the first time, and all of them died trying. The creation of another would not so easily slip under my notice. Now… Speak!”

Starlight attempted to summon enough energy from the amulet to break herself free from her restraints, her eyes turning blood red as she called upon the dark magic that lay within. Yet even her newfound power wasn’t enough to match the might of an Alicorn princess at the height of her power as her restraints held. No matter how much power she called upon, Nightmare Moon was stronger still. Starlight was struggling with all her might while her captor made little effort.

"I didn't create it! I took it from another point in time!"

A curious expression fell over the face of Nightmare Moon. The magic holding Starlight suddenly faded, dropping her to the floor. Though she was just as quickly restrained once more as a pair of ethereal shackles were bound to her wrists, strapped to the floor to limit her movement, and prevent her from escaping.

"Time magic? A rare and complex ability. And especially dangerous given its consequences. Not even I have attempted such a spell. Then again, I have nothing to change. So tell me, why risk such danger to come before me?

Up until this point, Starlight had been coasting through all of her obstacles. Now she faced a true challenge. The thought of failure began to cross her mind. If she failed to convince Nightmare Moon of her plan, then she would be down one of her most important players. And that was if she got away alive.

“I have a proposal for you, Princess-“

Empress. I am Empress Nightmare Moon!” The Alicorn corrected in her superior tone, her voice carrying such weight behind it. It almost made Starlight forget her entire plan, though she quickly found her thoughts again.

“Empress. I have a proposal. As you already know, I have recently acquired mastery of time travel. And in my timeline, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have survived and thrived. In doing so they’ve created a system where only they or their successors can make the rules. I had everything taken away from me by one of their students, Twilight Sparkle. And I need your help to make them pay!”

A seething rage began to build inside the night Empress upon hearing her former self be named, and her long deceased sister, but it was a rage she quickly suppressed. In her mind, she needed to have complete composure. And yet, the story of this young woman’s ability over time travel piqued her interest significantly.

"Time manipulation is a dangerous concept. The ebb and flow of time is sensitive to even the smallest change. Even if the changes you've made are not felt directly in your own time, you'd be surprised how the universe compensates. You are taking a very big risk to fulfil this vendetta of yours. And yet… Your determination cannot be denied. To break the very boundaries of time for such a vendetta is… Bold, to say the least. However, I must decline. What business would I have getting involved in the affairs of another timeline? Everything I could ever want is here.”

As predicted, Starlight's proposal carried no weight with someone who had already claimed victory. Though she was not entirely unobservant. The first time she had mentioned Celestia and Luna, she had noticed Nightmare Moon twitch ever so slightly. There was clearly still some existing resentment. Perhaps she could still work with that.

“Please Empress, I beg of you. A world under Celestia and Luna is not a world where someone like me can flourish! Your sister's protegee robbed me of years of hard work! I had my own little corner of Equestria until she took it away from me!”

Once more, the names of her sister and old identity drummed in her mind. It was like an old wound that could never fully close. Despite Luna’s persona long being expunged from her being, Nightmare still felt like it was never enough. Removing Luna from her mind was one thing, but it never truly felt like killing her. Yet she would not yield to the pleas of this mysterious unicorn.

“Look out the window, child. Out there is Equestria. MY Equestria. I have ruled this land for generations. And none have dared to oppose me. My rule is absolute, and it is never questioned. And I have been… Content for all that time. Now I ask again, child, why should I become involved in the affairs of your timeline?”

Again, Starlight had no definitive answer. There truly was nothing to offer. Then again, material gain or power might not be what needed to be proposed. Perhaps Nightmare Moon would settle for something more… personal.

“Have you ever wondered if you got rid of Luna completely? That maybe some vestige of her is still in you, ready to strike at the moment you feel too relaxed? If you help me kill the Luna of my timeline, then that guarantees that there’s nothing left of her inside you. Not only that, but you would be able to show your superiority against Celestia once again.”

There it was again. That rage building up inside at the mention of those two names. In the mind of Nightmare Moon, she should’ve been long past those emotions, especially in relation to hearing those names. But perhaps this stranger had a point. If the opportunity came to prove she was rid of her past once and for all, it would be worth trying.

“For the sake of curiosity, I shall join you. But once we arrive, I would like to hear this plan in full before I fully commit. Should I not like any part of it, I will demand to be returned here immediately.”


Nightmare Moon gazed at the ruins around her in disbelief. Only a moment ago did she stand in the same castle in its prime, fashioned over centuries to suit her taste. Now it lay like a rotting corpse around her, filling her with yet more rage.

"Unbelievable! This castle was the pinnacle of Equestrian workmanship in my time. You mean to tell me that Celestia left it to rot? Just to run from her mistake? How very vain. Should this plan succeed, I’ll rip this “Canterlot” from its foundations!”

While Nightmare Moon took in her new surroundings, Starlight was in complete disbelief. She had done it. She had THE Nightmare Moon involved in her plan. Chrysalis and Tirek could scarcely believe it either. The pair had been so convinced that it would be impossible to bring such a being into the fold. Yet here she stood - A legend in the flesh. But one that they were very much wary of. While it wasn’t the same person per say, Chrysalis still saw Nightmare as Luna. And that meant seeing her as a potential enemy. But for now, she was on their side.

“I guess sibling rivalries go deep. Well done, Starlight. Another piece of the puzzle. With her on our side, this plan of yours just might work after all. Now comes the real test - Can you convince Sombra of all beings to join us? He may not be as forthcoming as Nightmare Moon. And may drive a harder bargain.”

Starlight, riding off the confidence she had gained from her recent acquisition, half-heartedly took the Changeling Queen’s warning into account. “If what we’ve been told is true, Sombra was a vain tyrant. The chance to fight Celestia and Luna again will be more than enough to convince him!”


The ruined throne room was illuminated in a red haze. Starlight had spent the morning preparing for her journey to confront Sombra, finding the timeline in which he reigned victorious over Equestria. Spectating her efforts with great intrigue was Nightmare Moon, peering into the endless branches of time that now swirled around her. In each she saw countless versions of herself, or her other self, alongside Celestia. Some showed only Celestia, or even Luna on her own. While frustrated, she remained impressed that she could even witness it at all.

“I see the capabilities of the Alicorn Amulet live up to its legend. You make peering through time look easy. Yet I wonder, young Starlight, how does it feel to have that level of power coursing through you?”

It had only occurred to Starlight that she had never really taken the time to appreciate her new powers. The moment she had acquired the Amulet, she got straight down to business recruiting her new allies, making preparations for her plan. Now that she had been made aware of it, she took a moment to really feel it.

“It feels terrific, Empress! If I had known such an item existed, I would have sought it out long ago. Then nothing could have stopped me, especially Twilight Sparkle!” Though she seemed jubilant with her newfound strength, Starlight remained unaware of its dangers. Nightmare Moon on the other hand was much more observant.

“I can already sense the toll it has taken on her. You poor fool. You expected such magic to come free of charge? I think not. Even if your plan comes to fruition, you will not live to see it. One less opponent to take care of.”

As Starlight shuffled through the viewpoints in time, she looked at one in particular very closely. As the timeline progressed, the events unfolding lined up with what she remembered seeing all those weeks ago. This was the one.

“Alright, I should be ready. This is the timeline I remember seeing the first time I looked. Looks like Sombra stayed in residence at the Crystal Empire. I’ll be sure to exit outside of the city. That way I won't be caught off guard as I was with yourself, Empress.”

Nightmare Moon chuckled quietly, reminded of the blundersome way Starlight had arrived in her castle, unannounced and without quick response. It would seem she had learned her lesson. “A wise tactic. Take it from me, if you cannot convince Sombra within a breath, it will be the last words you speak. Should you fail to win him to our cause, cut your losses and leave the timeline. If you should fail, then we lose a great fraction of our might. It would be a tactical disaster.”

“Any advice on how I could sway him? If what you say is true, one wrong word and it's the end of me.”

Drawing upon what she remembered before as Luna, Nightmare Moon contemplated a strategy that would allow the most preferred outcome. “Play to his ego. Make him feel like he is superior in every way, and that you are beneath him. Not exactly the most humbling way but trust me, if you act like a challenge then he will treat you like one. Best to seem meek, subservient, until the deal is done. Sombra is no ordinary Unicorn clansman. His skills in the dark arts run deep. In short, young Starlight, prepare to make a deal with the Devil himself.”


The smog of war was suffocating. Its stench immediately hit Starlight as she stepped through the viewpoint into this new timeline. She had heard many stories of the beauty of the Crystal Empire, and had always dreamed of seeing it. Now she was here, to find this version of the ancient kingdom in such a miserable state. Factories surrounded the city limits, pumping poisonous fumes into the air, creating a dense cloud around the city. Any splendour it had was now consumed by machines and polluted air.

“I can… barely breathe in all this! Hard to imagine anyone even living here. How am I supposed to keep a low profile if I can’t even breathe? If Nightmare Moon could sense my use of the Amulet, Sombra can too. The moment I create a barrier he’ll just sense me and hunt me down. I’ll just have to push through the smoke to get to the city.”

The closer Starlight moved towards the city, the denser the smoke got. Despite her best efforts to cover her airways, toxic fumes continued to well inside her lungs. Every breath she took burned her throat, the desire to vomit increasing with each gulp of poisoned air she took. Eventually, it became too much, causing her to break out into a fit of coughing as her body tried to remove the poison from her lungs.

“Screw this! At this rate, the poison will kill me first before Sombra even lays an eye on me!”

A cloud of crimson energy began to flow around Starlight's head, forming a sort of helmet around her. As it created a seal around her neck, she took in a deep breath. Thankfully, all she took in was clean, filtered air. And while she was happy for the reprieve, she was now fully aware that there was a chance she was now being hunted. But like with Nightmare Moon, she didn’t have to go far to be found out.

The ground beneath her feet began to rumble and shake, similar to what happened with the Changelings with their overwhelming numbers. This time was different however, as the noise sounded like it was getting closer and closer. She could eventually begin to make out what the noise was. It had a metallic ringing behind it, scraping on rock and soil. It was then she saw it

A column of armed soldiers marching her way, all outfitted in the same dull armour, wielding the same dull weaponry. Though their armaments seemed deadly nonetheless. And at its head was who she came here to find. Sombra, his royal regalia meshed in with his armour, spotted Starlight just ahead, halting his army with a motion. As he walked closer, Starlight took notice of his stature - He was easily as tall as the mature Alicorn Princesses, his shadow eclipsing her quite prominently. Though she could swear she saw it move. As Sombra stood before her, his attention went to the glowing jewel around her neck.

“I knew I sensed the use of dark magic. How intriguing that it be the Alicorn Amulet, given that it was lost to me centuries ago. So tell me, how does a lowly Unicorn Tribe female come into possession of it? Explain fast, lest you fall before my sword!”

True to his word, Sombra’s hand fell to the hilt of his sword, still within its scabbard. With just a movement, the gleaming steel of the blade was visible, a show of Sombra’s seriousness. As if connected to their king, his soldiers also performed the same movement, their swords ready to be drawn at a command. Now came the moment. Should Starlight fumble with her words, she would have only a heartbeat to escape. That was, if she could avoid the sharp end of the king's blade.

“Not in the way you think, Your Majesty. I have the means to cross timelines, which is how I travelled here. My reasons for doing so are quite simple - Revenge. Revenge against those in my timeline that have wronged me and deserve punishment. A wise king such as yourself should see that justice be served.”

Upon hearing this, a thought crossed Sombra’s mind. Perhaps this fledgling sorceress could prove useful to him. Conquering the entire world never did feel like enough to him. Not only that, it didn’t even feel like a challenge to him. Should he be able to bring this woman to his side, he would have infinite timelines to invade, infinite worlds to conquer. Sheathing his weapon, Sombra motioned his soldiers to do the same. A chorus of metal meeting leather rang out, easing Starlight significantly. It felt like she could breathe again, if only for a moment before she was approached by Sombra.

“Time magic? Never in my life have I seen an individual pursue such a difficult spell and succeed in mastering it. Such a unique skill, and perhaps useful in my conquests. You are indeed talented, and a credit to your clan. Might I bid your name?”

The king of the Crystal Empire towered over Starlight by a foot easily, making her feel so tiny in comparison. Despite Nightmare Moon’s advice about pretending to be helpless to win Sombras favour, Starlight couldn’t help but be terrified for real. “S-Starlight Glimmer, Your Majesty.”

“Well then Ms. Glimmer, I would be happy to hear more of your plans. But only after I have fulfilled my duties as king. I have a small task to complete before I can offer my aid. It would seem the town of Ponyville has mustered an attempt at rebellion. My troops and I are heading there now to deal with them. They are being led by an unruly Unicorn clanswoman by the name of Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps you would assist me?”

It could have been anyone else in all of Equestria, but of course it had to be her. Any feelings of dread Starlight felt were swiftly replaced by rage. Just by hearing Twilight’s name, she completely forgot the situation she was in. All she could think about now was beating her foe. Even if it wasn’t really her.

“Of course, Your Majesty. I would be more than happy to aid you in putting down the rabble. But it is a long way from here. Easily a few days march.”

A chilling laugh escaped from Sombra, further increasing Starlight's unease. She began to wonder what she had said to cause such a reaction. She then noticed a smog emanating from Sombra’s being, stretching out to surround his entire army.

“Worry not, child. We do not intend to march all the way there. A simple enough teleportation spell will bring my army right to the enemy’s doorstep!”


It only took a few moments for Sombra’s army to take position around Ponyville, made easy by the sheer volume of soldiers coming through the portals. From a distance, Starlight could make out the forms of the townsfolk gathering, a final defence against impossible odds. They wore no proper armour, only whatever pieces of material they could find that might warrant some protection. Sombra found it humorous. And pathetic.

“Citizens of Ponyville! I am your ruler, King Sombra! You stand in defiance of my rule, and have openly sought my downfall. Now I am a just King. I offer you one chance to surrender. Simply give up the heretic Twilight Sparkle, and my army and I shall leave you in peace. Fail to do so, and you will all be punished.”

Not a movement was made, the silence only broken by the cluttering of armour plating grating together as their soldiers readied to move at a command. an arrow whizzed by Sombra’s head, just inches away from attempting to pierce him, its momentum carrying a gust of wind. It instead found its mark inside one of his soldiers, coughing up blood as the arrow opened up his lung. The first blood had been drawn. Following the arrow’s trail, Sombra noticed that the shot came from a Pegasus clanswoman, her pink hair frayed from burns and cuts. Her yellow wings had clumps of feathers missing, seemingly used for the quiver of arrows now on her back. Starlight knew her well given she was one of Twilight's closest friends.

“We will never give up Twilight, or surrender to you… MONSTER!”

The air began to turn chilly, as if all the warmth was being sucked away. What little of the sunlight that escaped the clouds faded away, a red haze falling upon Ponyville. From the corner of her eye, Starlight could see the normally charming facade of Sombra fall away, his eyes glowing a viscous red.


An onslaught of soldiers rushed forward, raising their weapons as they advanced on their enemy. The people of Ponyville stood their ground, their last stand approaching. The only items available to them being rusted swords, mallets, pitchforks, and whatever other weapons the inexperienced townsfolk could acquire. Yet they were not completely helpless. With pinpoint accuracy, Fluttershy unleashed arrow after arrow, all finding their mark within some part of an advancing soldier. But no amount of arrows in Equestria could halt the advancing army. It wasn’t long before the first wave made its way over the bridge and into the town itself. Fluttershy herself had to give up her position before she was overrun.

Sombra himself made his way through the onslaught, hoping to find any sign of the leader of this slap dash rebellion. Instead, he was set upon by a charge of peasants, hoping to catch him off guard and get in a killing blow. The only result was the dark king's sword cutting them down, splatters of blood flowing across the ground as their insides were opened by Sombras blade. Close by, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood back to back as countless soldiers rushed them. The two friends stood resolute, Dash’s speed being her greatest advantage as her saber cut down anyone that got too close.

Applejack on the other hand wielded a sledgehammer. Combined with her Earth Clan strength, she made short work of any soldier that got within range. The horrific sound of metal and bone crunching under her might could be heard time and time again. At times she even took the head of a soldier clean off with a swing. They were making such a good defence that they had caught the ire of Sombra himself.

“I see not all of you are useless country folk. Such a shame you stand against me. You would make perfect generals in my army. Instead… You must pay with your lives!”

The dark king stalked towards them, his attention squarely focused on the two girls. All according to plan. “We’ve got him in position! Twilight's plan worked… Guess it's my turn now.”

Dash’s hand began to tremble. She had been calm the entire battle so far, but only now she was scared. Every part of her body started to seize up, and a lump in her throat made her want to vomit. It was only when a hand found hers and squeezed it tight. Dash looked up to the blood stained features of Applejack, a weak smile cutting through.

“Dash… Good luck. I’ll see ya on the other side.”

The two friends knew this was the last time they would see each other, no matter what. They shared one last smile before Rainbow Dash took to the skies, a dozen or so soldiers missing their swing as they attempted to strike her down. Pushing her wings as hard as she could, she climbed ever higher into the sky, the battlefield becoming smaller and smaller. Soon she found herself above the cloud, the distorted sun bathing her in its light.

“At least I get to see the sun one last time…”

Aiming straight down, Dash called upon every ounce of speed she could muster. Her first sonic boom parted the poisonous clouds, allowing sunlight to bathe the battlefield. This however did catch the attention of everyone below, some seeing the sun unhindered for the first time in their lives. This included Sombra however, who was wise enough to see exactly what her plan was

“Foolish girl! Such a tactic will never work on me. All you will accomplish is your own demise!”

With his eyes fixed on Rainbow Dash, Sombra failed to notice Applejack charging him, each step she took leaving an imprint in the blood-soaked earth. With all her might, she brought back the sledgehammer and aimed straight for the dark king's head, hoping to score a lethal blow. Upon impact, the head of the hammer shattered into dozens of pieces, some of which found their way into Applejack's skin like shrapnel.Yet it had left no visible damage on Sombra, who had barely moved an inch. In an act of desperation, Applejack summoned what little strength she had left and swung at her opponent. Much like the hammer before, the bones in her first crumbled as it connected. The pain was immense, and did little else to Sombra. If anything, it only succeeded in infuriating him.

“An Earth Clan member dares to strike me?! Lowly creature!”

Horrified at the monster before her, Applejack turned to retreat, only to have a pair of hands placed upon her head and chin. With one swift movement, Sombra twisted her head, an audible snap ringing out as her neck broke like a wet twig. Applejack fell to the ground, her vacant eyes staring at nothing as her last breath left her. Sombra looked down at her corpse in disgust and anger, leaving him open to attack as an arrow found his shoulder. Winding round to his attacker, he was surprised to see the same Pegasus clanswoman as before, her supply of arrows dwindling fast.

“I suppose you intend to use the last of those on me, child?”

As she attempted to notch another arrow, Fluttershy found her hands began to tremble. Fear mixed with adrenaline began to make her clumsy, causing the arrow to slip from the bow. No matter how much she tried to steady her aim, she could never find the courage. The more she fumbled, the more distressed she became, even dropping her arrow to the ground. Reaching down to retrieve it, her eyes found those of Applejack, wide open but unseeing. Anger quickly replaced her fear as she slid the arrow back into the bow, aiming directly for Sombra.

“You’ll pay for killing my friends, monster!”

Her fingers relinquished their hold on the bowstring, and the arrow flew from its notch, aiming right for the dark king’s head. She was convinced that it had found its mark, but watched in disbelief as Sombra dissolved into shadow before her eyes, the arrow passing through nothing but air. Terrified out of her senses, she reached back for her last arrow, only to find the quiver empty… And a feeling of dread rushing through her blood.

“I think not…”

Fluttershy was left no time to react before her head was separated from her neck with one clean stroke of Sombra’s sword, her pink hair falling from its hold as her head tumbled to the ground. Just like with Applejack, he looked down at his fallen foe with a sneer, like she was unworthy to even try and battle him.

“Weaklings. Both of them. Such a pointless, vain attempt to strike me down. Less of a fight and more of a… distraction.”

Quickly, Sombra recollected what had gotten his attention to begin with as his gaze returned skyward. A rainbow trail could be seen racing ever faster towards them. It was then that he realised that he had almost been played. Had they succeeded… No time to think about it now. It was too late to stop what was about to happen, and Sombra cared little to warn his troops, deciding to defend only himself. A dark smoke began to encompass his being, almost like a cocoon. Close by, Starlight noticed this act of self-defence, causing her own attention to be turned skyward.

“Of course she would be the one to try something this stupid. The fastest flyer has the slowest mind it seems.”

Seeing what was about to happen, Starlight shielded herself in a crimson glow, mirroring Sombra’s decision to save only herself. No warning was offered to anyone else on the battlefield, who continued to fight unaware of the danger now bearing down on them. High above them, Dash’s velocity increased ever faster. Another boom of rainbow light covered the skies, becoming more frequent as she closed in on her target. As she approached ever faster, she spotted Sombras protective cocoon… and the corpses of Applejack and Fluttershy lying next to it. The sight of her friends' bodies mustered one last burst of speed as she aimed right for Sombra.

“Burn in Tartarus, you bastard!”

Time seemed to stand still for a split second, resuming just as quickly. The first thing that could be felt was the heat. The sheer, unbearable heat. The ones closest to the centre of the explosion found their skin begin to catch fire, or in some cases be vaporised entirely. Anyone not caught within the fire would not be spared. The next round of pain came closely after, as the violent shockwave rippled through Ponyville, ripping any standing structures up from their foundations. Eardrums ruptured, bones were shattered, and blood vessels in eye sockets popped. Rainbow Dash’s last act had decimated the enemy army. But had she killed their king?

The smoke and dust took minutes to clear, the aftermath starting to show through the carnage. Most of the buildings in town had been obliterated, and any that weren’t had been heavily damaged. What was once Ponyville was no more. But it wasn’t just the buildings that were gone. The battle had been a slaughter, and was over before it had even begun. The bodies of the townsfolk lay in puddles of their own blood, and any not killed by the soldiers were incinerated by the explosion. None had been left alive. All that remained of Rainbow Dash’s suicide bombing was a deep crater, as well as a pile of bones, a few lone locks of rainbow hair still stuck to the skull. With the danger passed, Sombra and Starlight lowered their magical defences, the king shouting out orders to his troops to deal with any wounded. Looking over the casualties, Starlight looked over the bodies of the fallen, recognising the mutilated remains of Applejack and Fluttershy. She couldn't help but feel some sense of catharsis seeing them defeated, the life in their eyes long gone.

“Defiant creatures. A common Pegasus clanswoman and Earth clanswoman, and yet they put up the longest fight. Do you know them?”

From the corner of her eye, Starlight noticed two more bodies amongst the wreckage. She had wondered where the baker and dress-maker were. It appeared they had hidden away during the battle, only to be caught within the blast. As they all knew they would be.

“They are the same do-gooders that took away everything from me. I won’t be shedding any tears for them.”

A strange sensation began to take over Starlight, pushed forward by the voices within the Alicorn Amulet, feeding her new dark desires. It felt as if she was taking pleasure from the carnage. Seeing her enemies dead before her was… fun. But she could only account for five of the six. Where had Twilight been hiding while her friends died in battle? Unawares to them all, a bolt of magic appeared from out of nowhere, striking a squad of soldiers.

“King Sombra! I’ll see your reign end here!”

The voice that cried out was one Starlight knew all too well. She had heard it in her nightmares, had replayed it in her mind since the day her town was taken from her. From behind one of the ruined houses appeared Twilight Sparkle, her clothes bloodied and torn from combat. A barrage of lavender blasts flew from her hands, all poised to strike Sombra where he stood. The blasts found their mark, a ball of fire consuming the dark king. So great was the blast that many of Sombra’s troops were caught in its radius, their armour melting away to nothing as their bodies were pulverised. Starlight had created a forcefield for herself just in time, the blast easy for her to deflect.

“Of course. This Twilight was never made an Alicorn, or had access to the Elements of Harmony. She's nowhere near as powerful as the one I know. And yet, still formidable.”

As the blast settled, Twilight was shocked to see Sombra still standing, unphased and undamaged by her attack, his sinister expression returning.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle? I must commend you for holding off such a sizable portion of my forces. It took your ally all she had to cause this much devastation. But for all your talent, it is clear that you lack the means to destroy me. And so, your little rebellion is for nothing. Your friends and fellow villagers have been defeated, and your town will be erased from history for this act of insubordination. And you, I’m afraid, while gifted, have defied me. And for that, well… The punishment is death. Ms. Glimmer? Given that you have some history with these rebels, perhaps you would do me a favour and kill this one for me? It would show me you are committed to this partnership.”

A confused Twilight looked over to Starlight, trying to place where she had known her from before. How did she have history with them all? It didn't matter. If she was working with Sombra, then it made her the enemy. And the enemy had to be dealt with. Once again, Twilight aimed her magic, only this time it was directly at Starlight.

“I don’t know who you are, but if you stand with Sombra, then that makes you my enemy! I have no choice but to take you down too!”

Crimson energy flowed from the Alicorn Amulet, fueling every fibre of Starlights being. It could sense her rage for Twilight, and her taste for revenge. Even if it wasn't her Twilight, she was not about to waste this moment for some catharsis. “Oh, we became enemies long ago, Twilight! It’ll be a pleasure to bring you down a peg or three!”

A barrage of lavender blasts flew towards Starlight, who easily deflected them with the swipe of her hand. So sure was she in her abilities that she almost failed to deflect the second volley that came her way. More and more projectiles would make their way towards her, forcing her to create another barrier to defend herself. Despite the difference in raw power, Twilight made up for it in sheer tenacity, yet could do little to find a way past Starlights defences.

“You don’t stand a chance against me, Twilight. How about we make this quick, and you just lie down and die with your friends?”

Another strand of red energy raced its way towards Twilight, narrowly missing her. Another almost caught her in the chest, but a well timed spell sent the projectile back to its sender, forcing Starlight to once again protect herself. With each shot missed, her agitation only grew more and more, while Twilight continued to counter every move she made.

“My friends gave up everything to defeat you. And as long as I draw breath, I’ll finish what they started!” Another volley of blasts left Twilight’s hands, forcing Starlight to play defensive yet again. Several soldiers who had survived the blast advanced forward to intervene, only to be halted by a motion from Sombra. The king wanted to see what Starlight was truly capable of, and he was currently left wanting. He could tell she was hesitating, holding back. Perhaps she needed some extra motivation.

“Continue in this manner, Ms Glimmer, and you will eventually be beaten. Do you want to be humbled by this upstart once again? Has your taste for revenge been dulled? I thought she robbed you of everything…”

His words cut deep, drawing out an anger Starlight hadn't felt in weeks. She had been so laser-focused on her revenge that she had put the reason why in the back of her mind. Now the subject of that revenge was right in front of her, despite it being a proxy. For Starlight, it was more than enough for now. A wellspring of energy rose from the amulet, coursing through her entire body, almost radiating from her pores. In an attempt to prevent her opponent from attacking, Twilight summoned up as much of her own magical energies as she could, aiming it all at Starlight. The release was immense, the air around it almost igniting from the energy unleashed. Twilight was sure this would be enough.

“Whoever you are… I’m sorry it's come to this!”

As the energy connected with its target, a second mighty explosion rocked the already devastated Ponyville. Any buildings still left standing finally crumbled inwards, unable to take the strain any longer. Many more soldiers were caught in the blast, their armour and skin seared away by the intense heat. Sombra once again took cover, not once doing the same for his troops.

The dust once again settled, showing a fatigued Twilight barely on her feet. Her dark skin almost seemed a ghostly white, while the tattoos that had marked her arms for years began to dissipate. Through the dust, she could spot a blood red aura where Starlight had stood. As it cleared, she was horrified to see her foe still standing, unmarked by the devastation. Horrified, she attempted to cast more bolts of magic, only to find she couldn't conjure anything to attack with. It was then she realised what she had done to herself.

“All my magic… Gone…”

“And what a waste it was. You should have known from the beginning that you could never defeat me. The sensible thing to have done was run away. But no! The blessed Twilight Sparkle has to be the hero, the goody-goody princess, the one that should mind her OWN DAMN BUSINESS!”

The sound of skin meeting skin resonated as Starlight brought the back of her hand to strike Twilight, the force strong enough to break the skin on the defeated Unicorn's cheek and send her to the ground. Though she tried to get back on her feet, Twilight was knocked down once again by a vicious slap. Over and over again, Starlight would unleash her fury, each slap slowly turning to a punch. With the Alicorn Amulet giving her superior strength, each punch had several times the impact. The soldiers that had survived both blasts could only watch blankly, while Sombra himself observed with immense glee. Enraged, Starlight grabbed her foe by the neck, raising her into the air.

“Once this is all over, after I’ve left you broken, I hope you remember to never interfere in my business again. You’ll be left to rot in a cell, knowing that you sent your friends to die for nothing. How does it feel, Twilight? To be surrounded by the corpses of your dear friends, knowing that you killed them? TELL ME!”

The pain that shot through Starlight was incalculable, forcing her to relinquish her hold. She was so focused on Twilight that she failed to see what caused it, though she could feel it. An object had found itself embedded in her left eye. Attempting to remove it was equally as painful, exacerbated by the sound of her own flesh tearing as she removed it. The object in question turned out to be a dagger, its blade now coated in the blood and viscera of Starlight's eye. The sight of it, and the realisation of what had been done, maddened her.


A kick to the chest brought a rather audible cracking noise, causing Twilight to clutch herself as she writhed in pain. She could tell that her ribs had been broken. Just how many she didn't know. And it no longer mattered. She had done everything she could. And she had lost. Looking around, she saw the bodies of her friends scattered around, what remained of them anyway. She then looked up to Starlight, her remaining eye glowing a fearful red.

“You think that little play will save you?! Oh no… Now I can just kill you!”

Aiming down, Starlight gathered as much magical energy as she could. If she could help it she would remove every trace of Twilight's existence, atomise her body so that nothing was left. She stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She twisted to see Sombra behind her, his crimson red eyes a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. But he had an idea of how she could make up for her blunder. Removing his sword from the scabbard, Sombra passed it to her hilt first.

“That's not how you end this. Blood demands blood. Take my sword, and drive it into her chest. Trust me… nothing can surpass the feeling of a blade. Magic is far too quick, too merciful. A sword makes the pain last a little longer.”

The devil once again spoke into her ear, and without hesitation Starlight took the sword from his grasp. She felt her grip tighten around its hilt, feeling the etchings on the metalwork. Sombra was right. There was something different about holding a physical weapon. The coldness of the steel sank into her skin. She admired her reflection on the blade's surface, allowing her to see the damage that had been done. From the corner of her eye, the one she still had, she could see her beaten foe attempting to stand, her will to fight still persisting. Perhaps at one time it would be admirable. But to Starlight, it was now only irritating.

“My village. My reputation. My freedom. And now, my eye. You robbed me of everything, Twilight Sparkle. And now… I’m going to do the same to you.”

No hesitation. No pity. Only the sound of steel cutting into flesh. Desperately, Twilight tried to remove the foreign invader from her chest, precious blood spilling from the wound, painting the ground below her red. She looked into Starlight's remaining eye, hoping to find some shred of mercy. But there was nothing there. Her killer had no soul in her eye, just an empty void bereft of compassion. And yet she knew nothing about her.

“But… I have… no idea… who…”

Through lungs filling with blood, Twilight attempted to finish her sentence. But she no longer had the strength to speak as the last bit of life left her. Withdrawing her new blade, Starlight watched in satisfaction as Twilight's lifeless corpse fell to the ground with a thud, her lavender eyes turning pale as blood flowed from her wound. She had done it. Starlight had finally done it. And yet, she felt no different.

“It doesn't feel the same. The Twilight of my timeline is much stronger than this one. If her variant puts up this much resistance, then we need to be prepared for the real one. She won’t be defeated so easily. None of them will. They are far more capable.”

“Then we will prepare for the battle with our true adversaries. This was merely a taste of what's to come. Now you know battle, and what it feels like. Now you are ready.” Sombra’s words seemed to resonate with those inside the Amulet, a choir of bloodlust filling her every thought. Her eye turned crimson once again, this time taking much longer to settle back to its original teal. The influence of the Amulet grew stronger as Starlight fell further into her madness. She looked at the sword, now drenched in Twilight's blood. With a wave of her hand, the stained blade became clean once more. Looking over to Sombra, she extended the sword to him by its grip, but it was refused.

“Keep it. A token of our new partnership. And you will need it for the days to come. Now my new friend… tell me all about this timeline of yours. Who have we to remove?”


A dull scraping sound resonated throughout the castle halls as stone met metal. As powerful as she was, Nightmare Moon was never one to shy away from the simplicity of cold steel. Perhaps the last thing Celestia would expect to end her would be a blade. Though this preference towards physical weaponry had confused Chrysalis.

“You really expect someone as skilled and as experienced as Celestia to fall for such a primitive means of combat? She’ll see it coming a mile away. It takes a lot to get around the sun princess.”

“Oh, it’ll work. It did last time. Sometimes the simplest means are the ones least expected. And I truly doubt Celestia will be any the wiser. Her rule is undisciplined, chaotic. The state of a kingdom says much about its ruler. And I intend to exploit that fact.”

This did nothing to convince Chrysalis. She had firsthand experience of just how capable Celestia could be. She became concerned that Nightmare Moon would allow vanity and ego to shape her strategy. Tirek had taken notice of this too, and had shared a worrying glance with Chrysalis. Both had everything riding on this plan.

“This wasn't exactly how I pictured the mighty Nightmare Moon, leaving our victory to chance. If Sombra is anything like her, then this plan of ours will fail. Should those two fall, the rest of us will be helpless against Celestia’s wrath.”

“Agreed. A backup plan would not go amiss right. I am aware that we did not have the best start, Your Majesty, but it seems we need each other now more than ever. I suggest a pact, should this whole affair turn sour.”

“I concur, My Lord. Starlight may have been capable up until now, but it's clear that her mind is slowly being eaten away by the Alicorn Amulet. In time, any sensibility she had before will be overridden by her mission. She’ll be the first piece to fall, and we need to be ready when she does.”

A burst of green light illuminated the room as a time portal opened up, forcing Chrysalis and Tirek to forgo their discussion. Nightmare Moon stood to attention, her sword still within her grasp. Through the portal stepped Starlight Glimmer, covered in blood and missing an eye. The others had wondered for a moment if she failed, only to have those thoughts quelled when King Sombra walked through behind her. Chrysalis and Tirek shared a look with each other, as they could scarcely believe Starlight had succeeded. Both expected her to return empty handed. Or worse. It was clear on the face of the young Unicorn clanswoman that she had been more than successful, despite the disfiguration she had endured.

“Empress, Your Majesty, My Lord, may I present Sombra, King of all Equestria. He has kindly agreed to lend his aid in our mission.”

“I suppose congratulations are in order, Starlight. But from the looks of things, you did not succeed without resistance. Care to explain why you have one eye missing, or am I to presume this is some perverse offering to His Majesty over there?”

“You must be Empress Nightmare Moon? Worry not. Ms. Glimmer's injury is not my doing, but the work of one Twilight Sparkle, whom I have heard most of you are familiar with.”

A shiver ran up the backs of Chrysalis and Tirek. Both had experience of being foiled by Twilight, or anyone associated with her. It actually made sense that out of everyone, the other Twilight would be the one to do some damage upon Starlight. Upon further thought, Chrysalis became confused by the news.

“And just how did Starlight end up losing her eye to a Twilight Sparkle that never became an Alicorn? The gap in power should have been staggering.”

“Indeed Your Majesty. The gap in power was advantageous to Ms. Glimmer, but she allowed that power to get the best of her. Twilight Sparkle had a dagger in her possession, and when it looked as if she was beaten, placed that dagger into Ms. Glimmer's eye. Worry not. Her end was… painful.”

There was more of the story to tell, so everyone found appropriate seating. Chrysalis and Tirek stayed close to each other, while Sombra practically hovered over Starlight as she told the tale. Nightmare Moon had found herself on Luna’s old throne, which some of the others found a little ironic. Starlight continued the story, enthralling the others on what this other timeline was like, how well Sombra had taken over, and even some chuckling when hearing of the demise of their sworn enemies. Starlight had emphasised just how brutal Sombra was on the battlefield, and how easily he walked away from both explosions. It had impressed her, but not anyone else. Nightmare Moon scoffed when she heard, it being a relatively easy task in her mind. A fact observed by Sombra himself.

And while they would never admit it, Chrysalis and Tirek were downright horrified by the two beings they had now allied with. Both knew how incredibly outgunned they were in terms of power. And if the legends of either of them were to be believed, neither Nightmare Moon or Sombra would hesitate to end them if the whim passed through their minds. Even with their agendas, the two began to second guess the situation, beginning to swirl in their minds, wondering if they should even be here at all. Starlight, noticing her potential allies’ fear, decided to give them some incentive.

“Lord Tirek, perhaps a little Alicorn Amulet magic will persuade you to join the winning team? I have more than enough to share.”

A blast of crimson magic flew from Starlight's fingertips. Instinctively, Tirek opened his mouth and began to devour the energy aimed at him. As he did, his frail appearance began to fade away, his size increasing the more he absorbed. It wasn’t long before his height eclipsed everyone else in the room. The stream of energy stopped as Starlight was content with the results.

“Now then Lord Tirek, are you in? If so, there’s plenty more where that came from.”

The ancient centaur gazed upon his rejuvenated form, flexing his newly acquired muscles. It had been so long since he felt this sort of strength, and all of it came from just one sorcerer. “I think I have been properly convinced. I only ask that I be allowed to drain the Alicorns of their magic before these two can deal with them permanently. All I want is to regain my former strength and return home.”

That was one member added to this sinister pact. But it seemed that Starlight's display of generosity and trust was enough to convince Chrysalis fully of the plan. She never said it out loud, but the Changeling Queen had her reservations about her involvement in all this.

“Having the princesses gone would allow my people to finally expand and thrive. For too long we’ve been shut away in the wastelands of the world. It’s time we were granted what we deserve. Promise me that, Starlight Glimmer, and you have my support.”

Two down, two to go. While Starlight had a whole speech ready to convince Sombra, she could tell that the tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire had already made up his mind.

“As you know, I have already pledged my aid to your revenge. But now comes my price. And that is the heads of Celestia and Luna. Do what you will about this “Cadence”. A pretender on my throne is barely a ruler at all. And as for the Princess of Friendship… Well, I assume Ms. Glimmer will handle that little affair. But Celestia and Luna will be mine to kill. Another chance to put my sword through those troublesome sisters will be most thrilling. It was so much fun the previous time.”

Nightmare Moon stood up from her previous self’s throne, striding down the steps towards Sombra. “Now Sombra, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is a reason Ms. Glimmer here brought all of us together. She knew it would take all of us to defeat the Celestia and Luna of this time. Should we try to face them solo, we'll meet defeat just as our counterparts did. Unless your ego can't handle a little teamwork?"

The dull red eyes of Sombra became fixated on the Empress of the Night, taking in every detail of her face. Despite the obvious physical changes she had undergone, it was obvious to him how similar she looked to Princess Luna. And in some way, that annoyed him deeply.

“An intriguing strategy coming from the corruption that took over the mind and body of Princess Luna. It would appear to me that you seem to be rather defensive of your hated sister and… former persona. Could it be that deep down, Luna is still in there, trying to reclaim what is hers? I wouldn’t like to believe you would… betray us.”

With a thought, Nightmare Moon summoned her sword right to her grasp, bringing it inches away from Sombras throat. “You DARE make accusations of me? Luna was purged long ago, and I will see to it PERSONALLY that her counterpart here meets the same fate. Fail to watch your words, Sombra, and you will never return to your timeline!”

In the midst of her rage, Nightmare Moon had failed to spot Sombra make his own move, his sword now pointed directly at her torso, the tip of the blade touching her ebony skin. “I could make the same threat towards you, my dear. And believe me, my blade is just as sharp as yours.”

Starlight could see the recipe for disaster building. Unless she was able to negotiate an agreement between the two tyrants, they would end up battling each other for the right to kill the princesses. To the surprise of everyone in the room, she attempted to stand between the rival monarchs, forcing both to step back.

“If I could ask that you both lay down your arms for now? While I understand you wish to test your might against Celestia, King Sombra, I must agree with the Empress. A divided assault may cost us. We must unite under the same strategy.”

Hesitantly, Nightmare Moon and Sombra sheathed their weapons, keeping a close eye on each other in case one of them had a change of heart. Across the room, Chrysalis and Tirek attempted to calm themselves down, every instinct in them telling them to prepare for a fight. The Changeling Queen had her hand on her dagger, kept out of sight just above her boot. Tirek however was ready to dash forward, his whole body a weapon that could be utilised. Starlight, noticing the panic her allies were in, attempted to move the conversation along to other matters to calm the mood.

“Now then. Thanks to Queen Chrysalis’ recon, we have a window of opportunity to have all our enemies in one spot. As I have informed King Sombra, a new monarch sits upon the Crystal Throne. And it just so happens she’ll be staying in Ponyville very soon for Nightmare Night. Princess Cadence, her husband and their newborn will arrive tomorrow, to which we can assume the same of Celestia and Luna. I suggest we strike in a few days once they’ve all settled down.”

Some nods of agreement came from Chrysalis and Tirek, though only because the two had now begun to fully see the crazy train they had gotten on, and could no longer get off. Nightmare Moon, still on edge from almost crossing blades with Sombra, simply shrugged. And speaking of the Dark King, he was not entirely on board either.

“I disagree. The longer we wait, the more at risk we are of being found. And we cannot win against two armies and four princesses. Not to mention all six of the Elements of Harmony. Our attack must come soon, before we are discovered. Catch them in the midst of their celebrations, before they can muster their forces. And we must bait Celestia into fighting alone. With her gone, the rest will be far easier. You mentioned the usurper Cadence had a child? She will be the perfect bait.”

A cold shiver ran down Starlight's spine. This wasn’t what she had intended. True, she wanted the princesses out of the way, but Sombra now suggested they threaten harm toward a baby. Her brain began to feel scrambled, as if part of her was trying to cry out that all of this was wrong. Though as badly as that voice tried to scream, it was silenced by the dozens of voices inside the Alicorn Amulet. The voices of the dead and damned. With her conscience all but silenced, Starlight's face bore a sinister grin.

“A perfect plan, Your Majesty. Celestia is too honourable and kind to let one of her own suffer in her place. Once she’s separated from her sister, we can tear her to pieces. Then Twilight will be all mine!”

As Starlight spoke of her malicious intentions, her eye shifted from their soft lavender to a crimson red, the same red as the Amulet. Its influence over her was beginning to take hold. Little did she know how much control over the situation she had truly lost as Sombra turned his attention to the others.

“Now then, my dear Nightmare Moon, wouldn’t you much prefer to kill the Luna of this timeline? A chance to kill the weaker part of yourself once more, and physically this time? It sounds like the better deal to me.”

The Empress of the Night contemplated this idea. While she would love nothing more than to erase Celestia from existence once again, the idea of taking down Luna did feel poetic. In this timeline it was clear that she lost, her consciousness destroyed so that Luna may live again

“You have yourself a deal, Sombra. But you will leave Luna to me. The rest of you can quarrel over who gets the pleasure of ending Celestia, just as long as I get to end her dear little sister once and for all.”

“Then I believe it is settled. Our alliance is in agreement. I shall destroy Celestia, Nightmare Moon will deal with her softer half. The young Starlight will dispose of this Twilight Sparkle she so despises. And finally, the Queen of the Changelings here will eliminate the usurper Cadence. Tirek will keep back any outside intervention with his might. In a few days we will set out for Ponyville, and take this world for our own!”

A few more hours passed. Final preparations were made, plans were agreed upon. The only thing to do now was to find somewhere they could all lay low until they could launch their attack. The five villains agreed to meet again at a predetermined time, and would scatter until then. They gathered what supplies they had to hand and set off, leaving the rotten hallways of the castle for the last time in case their activity was detected. They would be at a tactical disadvantage should the princesses find them now. Starlight watched as her new comrades vanished into the fog of the Everfree Forest. As they ventured out, she recalled something that had been mentioned by Chrysalis during her recon missions and decided to find out if it was true.


A quiet melody filled the forest, filling Starlight’s every thought. Yet it didn't have the effect she expected. The tales had her expecting to put up a fight, yet none came. If anything, the singing made her feel at peace, almost filtering out the voices constantly pouring from the Alicorn Amulet. It was like she could hear her own thoughts again for the first time in weeks. While the singing was powerful, the influence of the Amulet was absolute, taking back control. As she continued to push through the undergrowth, Starlight came out into a clearing, a lake sitting at its centre. And in the water, the being she had come looking for.

“So the rumours were true - After a millennia, The Sirens have returned to Equestria. What perfect timing. How about we have a little chat?”

The three Sirens all took defensive positions next to each other, unable to do much else without their powers. Starlight kept her distance, unaware that the three were powerless against her, yet her feeling of superiority allowed her to stand her ground.

“The legendary Sirens. I heard you three were once incredibly feared all over Equestria. And now look at you - Hiding away from your enemies. With your powers, you should have the world bowing at your feet.

Before her sisters tried to correct this mysterious intruder, Adagio raised her hand to silence them. She began to swim to the bank where Starlight held her position, trying her best to have an intimidating presence without her powers. Once she spotted the Alicorn Amulet around the stranger's neck, that task became almost impossible.

“We have no enemies anymore. As long as we stay out of Equestria, our existence remains assured. Whatever you have in mind, leave us out of it. Even our might pales in comparison to Equestria’s defenders. After a thousand years, we have become obsolete.”

A feeling of disgust made Starlight choke up in anger. Everyone else she tried to recruit fell to her proposal one way or another. Yet the Sirens were possibly about to become the most stubborn. But like Nightmare Moon and Sombra, there was always an ego to stroke.

“But don’t you want your reputation back? That fear, that respect. I’ve read the stories. You three caused wars in an afternoon. You would be perfect for my plans to destroy the princesses. After all they’ve done to you, why hesitate? Have you all lost your spines in a millennium?”

Unlike the others, Adagio seemed unphased at the attack on her pride. If she felt enraged or embarrassed, she hid it well. As she approached the shore, Adagio motioned Starlight closer. “Come here, child. Let me look at you. Then I can make my judgement.”

Hesitantly, Starlight approached the edge of the water. She had wondered if she had just fallen into a trap. One of the many stories told of The Sirens drawing wayward sailors to their doom. Perhaps they intended to do the same to her. As she stood at the water, Adagio slipped out onto the shore beside her, the scales on her amber coloured tail gleaming in the dim sunlight. Without warning, Adagio grabbed Starlight by the hand, drawing her in close. The two could see every detail in each other's faces.

Starlight could barely make out a blemish on the skin of the Siren. It was like she was a flawless creature, not allowed to have one detail on her features wrong. The same picture could not be painted by Adagio. She immediately noted the wound on her eye, which appeared to be still fresh. She could tell that Starlight was a younger Unicorn clanswoman, but at the same time she appeared older. Dark magic had a way of draining the user, no matter how young or skilled. The Siren leader noted Starlight's skin turning a shade of grey, and her fears were realised.

It was killing her.

“Our power was a curse. Made us commit horrible acts to survive. We choose to no longer use it in such a way. But look at you, that accursed thing around your neck. It's poisoning you. It might not kill you itself, but keep going through with this plan, and it will be the death of you. And now no one can save you, unless you want to be saved. Unless you remove the Amulet yourself, no one else can.”

Starlight recoiled from Adagio's grasp, clutching the Amulet as she did, as if to make sure it couldn't be removed from her possession, despite her being the only one that could take it off. “I can assure you Siren, it will work! With my new power I have brought together the most terrifying beings Equestria has ever known. With their help, Twilight will fall at my hands. The princesses will die, and Equestria will be under a new leadership. You should choose your position in the new world while you can, or be left to deal with the consequences!”

Adagio saw the thinly veiled threat for what it was and attempted to keep up her facade. Her words were chosen carefully, given that she and her sisters were still powerless. Should Starlight feel threatened, the Sirens would be helpless to do anything.

“You’ll push Equestria into a war that will destroy it. These beings you’ve brought together, all of them have caused chaos and death. And once they’ve killed your enemies, they’ll just turn on each other. You will become Queen of the Ashes. And we will have no part in it.”

The warning fell on deaf ears. The Sirens' rejection clouded Starlight’s every thought with anger, amplified by the effects of the Amulet. Part of her even wanted to turn around and punish them. But even she knew better than to test the power of the Sirens. For now, she would have to leave them be. As she disappeared back into the forest, the three Siren sisters convened to discuss this turn of events.

“What do we do now, Adagio? Sounds like Equestria is heading for a full scale war. Even this far out, we might get caught up in things. And without our powers, we’ll die just as easily as everyone else.” A concerned Aria knew just as well as Adagio that their situation was dire.

“That idiot thinks this will all end in her favour. She’s gathered the most dangerous beings this world has ever known. And she doesn’t think they’ll stab each other in the back at the first opportunity?!

“Dagi, I think we should warn them. If for no other reason than to avoid a conflict. If the princesses are warned, they can be prepared.” Sonata, ever the optimist, wished to put her best foot forward. Or fin, in this case. Though it would not be so easy, as it had seemed the youngest had forgotten one very important detail, as Adagio would point out.

“We can’t go back, Sonata. You remember what Celestia said would happen if we go back there. We die. That was part of the deal. We stay far away from Equestria, we live. It's that simple”

Despite her naive nature, Sonata was fully aware of the consequences, and would not yield despite the potential consequences. “We have to do something, Adagio. You said it yourself. If they manage to defeat the Princesses, we’re all screwed anyway. We might as well try and do something about it. If we don't warn them, we die anyway! We said no to her request. If they see us as a threat, they’ll come and deal with us too! Think about it, Dagi. If we do this for the Equestrians, they may forgive us. We wouldn't have to hide anymore.”

Again, Sonata’s optimism shone through, getting through to even the stubborn rigidness of her eldest sister. She held out her hands to signal her sisters to join her in agreeing to her idea. Aria was quick to join hands, not wanting to stay sidelined in what was to come. Adagio, ever hesitant, took a moment to consider their position. Centuries of keeping their existence a secret stuck in her mind like muscle memory. But with what was on the horizon, the time for hiding had passed. Eventually, she conceded, knowing that inaction was not in their best interest this time.

“Alright! Fine. We’ll warn them. But if they kill us, then it's on you, Sonata!”

With a smile, Sonata agreed. “Deal!”


It was yet another quiet night in Ponyville. The past month had been productive for Twilight and her friends. Most of all, it had been productive for Peter. Despite being confined to the borders of this small town, he never for a moment felt trapped. Things had been busy enough at Sweet Apple Acres to keep him occupied, and he had gotten to know the townspeople much better. He found it oddly intriguing that in all his time as a hero, he had never done anything like this.

“Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but the neighbourhood is Manhattan with a population of ten million. I can barely remember a single name. Except for the guy that runs the pizza place. But here? I know them all. Even that cranky old man who avoids Pinkie for whatever reason. I KNOW Ponyville.”

The girls had also been incredibly accommodating despite Celestias orders, having Peter be invested in helping them as much as he could. And while part of him still missed home, he knew that if Equestria were to be his new home from now on, then perhaps it wouldn’t be such a terrible change. There were worse places to end up in. The biggest change this past month was how Twilight acted towards Peter. Slowly but surely, her fear towards him began to subside, more than enough to be in his company once again. Pinkie had suggested a group dinner to celebrate Peter's two month anniversary in Equestria, which the other girls were more than delighted to attend, with Twilight surprising everyone by doing the same.

Alongside Spike and Grace, there were many laughs to be had as the girls reminisced about past adventures. Such stories as their first time defending Equestria from the corrupted form of Princess Luna, the conniving Queen of the Changelings, the dark ruler of a faraway kingdom and an ancient creature who gained strength through stealing magic. For every story Peter heard, he couldn’t help but giggle to himself. After everything he had experienced, their stories sounded small in comparison, but nonetheless filled with acts of courage and determination to win against those who did evil.

A tale he had been the hero and the villain of. And ones that kept him awake at night. Another story began, filled with the same excitement as the others before it. And while words were spoken, Peter heard none of them. The sounds around him had began to fade out as a familiar tingling crept up the back of his neck. Like a man possessed, he stood up and began to walk away, causing concern amongst the group.

“Peter? Where are you going?” A worried Fluttershy called out, only to have her pleas fall on deaf ears. An oddity to the others, as they had noted that Peter was usually rather attentive whenever Fluttershy spoke. Ignoring her was a cause for distress. It was as if he didn’t even know they were there to begin with. Even when Rainbow Dash hovered in front of him to grab his attention, it didn’t work.

“Hey Pete? You in there? Parker! Come on dude, this isn’t funny anymore! Ignore me all you like, but not Fluttershy! Don’t make me say it again!”

In an attempt to snap Peter out of his trance, Dash wound back her arm, preparing to smack him across the face to get his attention. At the speed she moved, it would definitely hurt enough to snap him out of his funk. But before she could do anything, Peter had vanished from view, confusing the rainbow-haired Pegasus. It was only when she looked behind her that she saw him, still walking slowly as if nothing had happened.

“Wha… I didn’t even move. Did he know how hard I was gonna smack him? But how?”

Undeterred, Peter continued his hypnosis-like walk. What was of concern now was where he was headed - outside the town border. The girls knew all too well that if he crossed that line, then the consequences could be severe. In a final desperate act, Applejack placed herself between Peter and the bridge that led out of town and planted herself firmly in position.

"Now hold on there Pete! Ah don't know what's got ya all worked up, but you ain't goin any further."

Thankfully, Peter stopped walking forward, though the danger wasn't yet over. His gaze pierced into Applejack, making her feel uneasy. The other girls stood a few feet away, Twilight's arm glowing as she prepared a spell to restrain Peter just in case. Noticing this, Applejack waved her hand, signalling to Twilight to stop what she was about to do. The young princess obliged, the magic in her arm fading. Applejack then turned her attention back to Peter, his eyes still fixed on her.

"Come on partner, talk to us. This ain’t like you. We all know ya ain’t stupid enough to forget the princesses’ wishes. You walk outta here and all the hard work you’ve done this past month is kaput. And we don’t want that for ya. Please Pete… Talk to us.”

Despite trying to be as non aggressive as possible, it still seemed like Peter was on edge, the noise in his head thundering away. Cautiously, Fluttershy stepped forward. Standing behind Peter, she reached out to take his hand, holding it gently. “Peter? Please say something.”

Hearing her tender voice, something inside Peter's head began to alter. His fingers began to twitch, wrapping around Fluttershy's delicate hand, stopping tightly enough for her to feel his grip. The unnatural screeching in his head started to fade and disappear, and his gaze returned to normal

“Huh? Oh geez, sorry about that. I tried to stop myself, but it was like my legs were moving on their own. Guess I scared you girls a bit, didn’t I?”

A rather solid punch caught him in the shoulder from a rather irritated Applejack. “Yeah, quite a bit! If you took a few more steps you’d be outside the town limits, and who knows what Princess Celestia would have done. Ah was about ready to hold you down.”

From the feeling of that punch, Peter believed that she would be more than capable of restraining him if the need arose. His arm was starting to feel some level of pain from just a half hearted punch. One thing he was unaware of however, was that he was still holding Fluttershy's hand. She on the other hand was very aware, and sheepishly retracted her hand, hoping that no one had noticed.

“I’m not sure what happened. I… got a feeling that something was wrong, and next thing I knew I was heading towards what I was sensing. It was so weird. It felt like I was being hypnotised.”

“Any idea what it could be?” A curious Rainbow Dash inquired. Peter shook his head, the ringing still receding from his ears. But he knew what happened to him, or at least some of it. His Spider-Sense had never acted like that before. Not that they were aware of its existence.

“Can’t say for sure. Whatever it was, it felt… dark. Like a shadow clawing out. I know for sure it was coming from that direction. Any idea what’s out that way?”

The girl's gaze aimed squarely at the forest, an area Peter had been told multiple times was dangerous territory. And Twilight knew exactly what he was talking about. “Unfortunately, yes. The only standing structure in the Everfree Forest, and a place we know all too well…”


“How can these ladies just walk into this place so casually? My Spider-Sense marked this place as ‘Do Not Enter’ as soon as I got here! Did I miss something?”

The whole time the group walked through the Everfree Forest, Peter had been feeling that ever present tingle in his head, warning him that the forest was a dangerous place to be. Yet all six ladies marched on ahead, unphased by any potential threats. He almost began to feel silly having his danger sense going off all the time. It was almost as if they had plenty of experience being here.

“Isn't this place supposed to be dangerous? You know, scary beasts, poisonous plants, things that go bump in the night? Even that storm last month started here, didn't it?” A rather cautious Peter asked around, curious as to why these girls were acting like they were having a leisurely stroll through the park.

“True. Technically we’re not supposed to be here. Anyone else would be in a whole loooooot of trouble. I mean, you definitely shouldn't be here right now. But we have Twilight, so we’re kinda immune to that stuff.” The ever brash Rainbow Dash gave a blunt but truthful answer. She was right about Peter not being allowed in the forest, given it was well outside the confines of Ponyville. Twilight was essentially his probation officer, making sure he “behaved”.

“I hope you remember that my authority as princess is for emergencies, Rainbow Dash? We check the castle for any dangers, then leave. We aren't here for fun.”
It wasn't often that Twilight turned authoritative, especially towards her friends. Despite how casually they strolled through the forest, it would seem that they were taking things seriously on the inside.

“I hear ya, Twi. Just sayin that the perks of you being a Princess can be helpful sometimes. Like right now. Think about it. Pete here hasn't been allowed outside Ponyville in a month. At least he gets to stretch his legs a little.” While not one of Dash’s best excuses, and not the one to try and use in favour of breaking the conditions set by Princess Celestia, Twilight inwardly was happy that her new friend finally got a little freedom. Though the location wasn't exactly anyone's first pick.

The clear night briefly shifted as the clouds rolled in, blocking off the moonlight. For a moment, the group found themselves in total darkness, surrounded by the hidden creatures that inhabited the forest. Peter's Spider-Sense once again sprung into action, keeping him aware of the creatures that lay in wait, hoping for a quick meal. Yet while a great deal of them skulked in the undergrowth, none came close enough to be a threat, as if a bigger threat was close by warding them off. It didn't take long for Peter to figure out just who that threat was.

The clouds began to move away, allowing the moon to shine through once again and illuminating the path ahead. Little did the group know, their wandering in the dark had brought them ever closer to their objective. Across a small canyon stood the remnants of an old castle, its walls crumbling apart. As they approached the castle, Peter could sense the tension coming from the girls. It was clear they were nervous being here, Twilight most of all.

"The castle of the Two Sisters. The capital of Equestria before Luna’s fall, and abandoned ever since Celestia's battle with Nightmare Moon."

"Aaaaaand the first time we all teamed up to take on a big scary villain! Good times!" Always the chipper one of the group, Pinkie was able to find the positive aspects of their return to this old battleground. In Peter's mind, it was intriguing to hear the girls talk about the battle that brought them together. It reminded him of home, and the times he saw heroes come together to defeat impossible odds.

“Never thought we’d be back here again. Not after that Superhero comic incident.” A rather agitated Applejack let slip of another adventure yet to be told. Out of all the stories Peter had yet to hear, that was the one he wanted to know about the most, especially the superhero part of it all.

"The what now?! I gotta ask about that later…"

One thing that the girls noticed not changing was the sizable hole in the gargantuan wooden doors that led inside, allowing the group to enter two at a time into the ruined main hall of the castle. Given that there may be an unknown villain inside, the girls were hesitant to proceed any further, stuck in place close to the door. Peter on the other hand charged on forward, his senses still sure that a threat existed here. As he entered the centre of the main hall, something caused him to stand still also,

At first glance, nothing appeared to be off to the group. Venturing through the main hall, they struggled to find anything out of place. Each new room investigated yielded no results, causing the girls to wonder if anyone had been here at all. Peter on the other hand remained unconvinced as his instincts kept him on edge, the dull sensation of his Spider-Sense making him glance at every possible angle. Every small noise forced him into a fighting posture, ready to take on whatever it was.

While everyone else was checking out the other rooms of the castle, Fluttershy and Grace had stayed in the main hall with Peter, the young wolf pup standing ever vigilant next to the pink-haired Pegasus Clanswoman. Though the two began to grow concerned with Peter just standing in the middle of the hall staring off into nothingness. It was similar to how he had acted back in Ponyville. Walking over cautiously, Fluttershy took Peter's hand in her own once again, trying to repeat whatever she did several hours ago.

“Peter? I don’t know what’s going on with you, but there’s nothing bad here. And you have your friends to look after you.”

Just like before, it was as if a switch in Peter’s mind was flipped back to normal. The feeling of his Spider-Sense began to fade and his body started to loosen up.

“That’s twice you’ve done that now. And here I thought Pegasi couldn’t use magic. Thank you, Flutters. Come on. Let’s go catch up with the others.”

Though their hands were no longer joined, Fluttershy could still feel the warmth that Peter’s skin gave off. While warmer than the skin of anyone else she had ever met, it wasn’t uncomfortable either. It was such a bizarre feeling for her, making her heart skip a beat or two. A furry sensation on her leg brought her attention back, Grace nuzzling into her.

“I didn’t know his skin was so warm. It’s like a cosy fire inside of him. It's so… comfortable.” In her mesmerised state, Fluttershy was unaware that her cheeks were burning a bright red, her thoughts dizzy due to Peter's touch. She quickly came back to her senses however once she noticed that no one else was inside the main hall anymore. She caught up to the others, falling into step next to Peter. A fact noticed by her friends, all cracking slight smiles. Passing more rooms, the group kept checking as much as they could. With each new room they pillaged, the less chance they had of finding any evidence. As they neared the old throne room however, that changed.

With their familiarity of the castle layout, the girls were more than aware that a few things looked out of place. As they explored the bedchambers, they noticed that the beds themselves had new sheets. And in the old throne room itself, the scent of tea could be picked up in the air, if only vaguely. Scraps of food were also sniffed out by Grace’s keen nose. All the evidence pointed to one thing - someone had been living here. And it appeared that there was more than one.

From the corner of her eye, Applejack noticed something gleaming in the moonlight beside one of the old thrones. For whatever reason, the pile of mysterious material lay at the foot of Luna’s throne. From what Applejack could remember, it wasn't there last time they were in the castle. Another out of place detail was the other throne that once belonged to Celestia. Unlike last time, it had been cut in two.

“Metal shavins’? Someone sharpened somethin here. Probably a weapon. Whoever was here was gearin’ up fer a fight. And this close to Ponyville? It can’t be a coincidence. If Pete sensed somethin’ big a while ago, this was where they were settin’ up.”

A lavender glow illuminated the dark throne room. Its source was Twilight, her many tattoos glowing with magical energy. The closer she moved to certain spots in the room, the more stable the glow from her arms became, almost like a radar. Eventually her arms constantly pulsated like a warning alarm blaring.

“I’m picking up something faint. A mix of powerful auras. But I can’t get a read on who they belong to. But I can tell that all of them possess dark magic. Whoever they are, they’ve covered their tracks well. And something tells me we’ll be seeing them soon. I’ll send word to the princesses. With the Crystal Royals visiting soon, we’ll need everyone ready for anything.”

All the girls nodded in agreement together, and turned to head back into town. Before they exited the throne room, a dull whine caught their attention as Grace called them back. The centre of the wolf pup's attention was Peter, still standing in the middle of the throne room, almost transfixed on one spot in particular.

“Someone stood here. Someone… Evil. Look… I know I haven't been the biggest help lately. But if something is coming, I’ll do what I can. I just… Don’t think I’ll be all that useful.”

There was a pain in Peter's voice, like a wounded animal. His hands were shaking, as if he was already anticipating a fight. Once more, Fluttershy's hand found her way to his “Any help would be welcome, Peter. You’ve been more helpful than you think.”

Though Fluttershy’s words carried warmth, Peter felt unable to believe them. His sense of guilt was one not easily removed, and even harder to work around. “Can I really be trusted with something like this? With all of your lives?”

“I trust you with mine” It was no surprise to anyone that Fluttershy would be the first one to have a positive thing to say about Peter, though the rest were quick to join her in her praise as a chorus of positive humming came from the other girls and Spike, and a rather vocal bark from Grace. It hadn’t been that long since Peter arrived in Equestria, but he was so shocked at how quickly he had been accepted here. Despite the ups and downs, they had done their best to make him feel welcome. All he could hope for now was to be able to pay that back.

Twilight was so proud of her friends. Everything they had learned together had been put into practice when Peter entered their lives. And while she had stumbled, they had been there to set her back on the path. “I understand. I’ve made the mistake of thinking you were dangerous. But now I see that underneath it all you are a good man, and a true friend. If anything goes wrong, I’ll be happy to have you by my side. As will we all. Let’s head back home and get some rest. We have a busy week ahead of us to prepare for our Royal visitors. And for Nightmare Night!”

Author's Note:

All the big players are now in place. Our Legion of Evil now set to wreck havoc upon our heroes! How will it all play out? Stay tuned for what’s to come! Until next time.

So sorry for the time it took to get this episode out!

A side note.

After much talk with the team, we have decided to change the voice for Sombra to one that would be much more intimidating. With that in mind, we have chosen the legendary Keith David to be our chosen voice for Sombra. Now when you look back on this episode, you know who to think of.