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Wonderbolt Academy

*Rainbow's POV*

Danyelle was pacing about since she was just as nervous as I was.

“Calm down, Danyelle.” I assured.

Danyelle asks "But what if I'm not accepted?"

“Listen, I KNOW we’ll get accepted!” I said.

Danyelle spoke "You're right Dash!"

“That’s right!” I agreed.

The mailpony soon arrived with a letter for me.

But then before I knew it, the rest of our friends showed up.

Danyelle asks "Should you tell them or should I?"

“Don’t worry, I’ll do it.” I said as I opened the letter and read it, before putting up a shocked expression. “We… didn’t get in…” And that made everyone gasp in horror, before, “Gotcha! Haha! Like we wouldn’t get in. Of course me and Dany got accepted!”

Danyelle was flapping her wings in excitement.

Ben spoke "You did it, Dany!"

Those two twin-tailed lovecats kissed each other right on the lips, which I honestly find a bit cute.

Danyelle spoke "I'll be gone a few days while at the academy."

Ben spoke "I know you’ll be a great Wonderbolt, Dany."

Danyelle hugs Ben before heading off with me to the academy.

I couldn’t help but feel excited! “Oh yeah! This is gonna be sweet!”

Danyelle hears Pinkie scream "DON'T FORGET TO WRITE!!!!" before chuckling.

“What is it?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Just Pinkie being Pinkie."

That made me laugh a bit. “Can’t argue with that."

Zoey flew over with a letter of acceptance in her hand.

Zoey exclaims "I got accepted too!"

Danyelle spoke "Alright!"

“Really? That’s awesome!” I cheered.

Zoey spoke "I'm sooooo glad I asked Corina for flying lessons."

I spoke "This'll be the best week of training!"

Danyelle spoke "I don’t doubt that!"

Zoey laughs "Race you two there!"

Thanks to her alicorn genes, Zoey flew ahead of me and Danyelle.

Danyelle laughs "Okay! Better move it, slowpoke!"

Now that got me motivated as Danyelle flew ahead of me. “Slowpoke?! Oh, it is on now!”

Zoey laughs "EAT MY DUST!!"

The pink furred cat-alicorn hybrid flew so fast that she pulled off a Sonic Strawberryboom.

Danyelle spoke "Woah! That was new!"

Seeing that made my competitive spirit go into overdrive! “You won’t lose me that easily!”

A peregrine falcon-cheetah colored gryphon crashed into me.

“Ow!” I yelped.

Danyelle grabs me before I crashed into the ground.

Danyelle asks "You okay Dash?"

“Can someone explain to me what just happened?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "You crashed into a gryphon..."

Grent spoke "Sorry about that."

I spoke "It's okay."

Zoey calls out "Hurry up slowpokes!"

“Like I said, you’re not losing me that easily, Zoey!” I growled.

Grent asks "Is she always like this?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah....But I’m still not gonna lose this race!"

Grent laughs "You know, I was never one to turn down a challenge!"

Grent and Danyelle follow me and Zoey before the four of us arrive at the academy.

Danyelle spoke "Good day Spitfire."

Spitfire spoke "Huh, I see you ran into our first gryphon recruit."

Danyelle spoke "We did ma'am."

Zoey was now snickering.

I ask "What's so funny Zoey?"

Zoey spoke "Nothing~!"

Spitfire asks "Caught a glimpse of Soarin again, did ya, Dash?"

Zoey spoke "Most likely~!"

I was as red as an apple.

Danyelle spoke "Wait, I think I heard something about Spitfire having her eyes on a dragonfly Mobian."

Zoey asks "You talking about Sparx?"

Danyelle spoke "No. I think his name was Buzz."

Zoey spoke "But I thought Sparx was the only one we know."

Danyelle spoke "I travelled a lot."

Zoey spoke "I've never been outside Japan until recent."

But for the first time in my life, I actually saw Spitfire blush!

Lightning Dust was laughing.

Lightning Dust scoffs "I still can't believe the captain of the Wonderbolts would stoop this low to let a pair of winged cat freaks into the Academy!"

For some reason, Danyelle’s ears twitched as she growled.

Zoey's ears were pinned back in anger.

“Uh, something wrong?” I asked.

Both female cats were growling at Lightning Dust.

Spitfire spoke "*ahem* Lightning Dust, that is enough out of you! If it wasn't for Rainbow Dash and the nekomata, I along with Soarin and Misty Fly would have been pony pancakes back during the Best Young Flyer's competition! And thanks to Lightning Dust’s remark, all newcomers here, including her, fly up there and give me 200 laps!"

Zoey and Danyelle were ahead of the group of Pegasi since they had stronger wings.

Lightning and I stared at each other, silently challenging ourselves to a race.

Lightning Dust spoke "You’re on!"

Zoey spoke "I doubt you two can keep up with a half alicorn!"

That only made me and Lightning more determined to finish the final lap first.

Zoey had 50 laps done already whereas Danyelle had 30 done.

Zoey taunts "What's the matter Skittles? Can't outfly a half alicorn?"

That only made me more competitive! “Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet!”

Danyelle laughs "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

Missile sped past.

Missile taunts "Later losers!"

Zoey quickly recovers from the sudden spin-out.

Zoey shouts "That FUCKING HURT!"

Danyelle asks "Missile?!"

I ask "You know that jerk?"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry! He’s usually friendly, but he gets excited when racing against something or someone fast."

Zoey growls "Well he knocked me out of the sky!"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry! When he’s racing something fast, Missile tends to get carried away."

Zoey growls "That recklessness will get him kicked out of the academy..."

But what Danyelle, Zoey and I didn't know, our friends were coming for a visit.

Blaze was on Millie's back while the rest of the Mane Six were in the wagon.

To Spitfire's surprise, a beast-lord had landed near the academy but before she could move, a lilac cat calls out "Don't attack!"

Missile asks "Hey, Blaze! It’s been some time! How’s Sonic and the other fast racers?"

Blaze chuckles "Sonic's doing good for a 31 year old hedgehog, Shadow and Maria have a child on the way, Jet's being annoying as usual. And I see you've met Princess Zoey and Queen Danyelle already."

Missile spoke "Don’t worry, Danyelle and I already know each other."

Danyelle spoke "And you still get carried away."

Zoey spoke "And it doesn't help that he's got a crush on Corina...."

Danyelle spoke "Not just Corina... he has it bad for Spitfire too."

Zoey spoke "Ooh! I’m sensing a love triangle!"

Missile was completely fluffed up from embarrassment.

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk Zoey, you've had a crush on Missile since you were 5."

Zoey spoke "Eep!"

Twilight was laughing, as was Blaze.

Danyelle had dragged Lightning Dust by the ear aside to scold her.

Danyelle spoke "Nope, you shut up and sit. Your recklessness isn't tolerated at the academy. You sent half the group into wipe-outs, caused Rainbow to clip her wing bad on a branch during the flag finding segment, Zoey nearly got electrocuted when you set off a storm cloud. I nearly lost my lunch when you caused me to go into a spin-out. You should go apologize to the others."

Lightning spoke "Ugh FINE! Just don't drag me by the ear again!"

A now remorseful Lightning Dust trots over to the others.

Lightning Dust spoke "I'm sorry for my reckless behavior. I only cared about pushing myself past my limits and I didn't care about the safety of others, pony or Mobian...."

Something’s telling me that Lightning Dust will be a good rival.

Lightning Dust removed the gold pin off her vest and puts it onto mine.

Lightning Dust spoke "You're no wingpony Dash."

Spitfire spoke "You’re a leader."

I couldn’t believe it! “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!”

Danyelle and the others chuckle.

Spitfire shouts "Now get out there and give me twenty!"

I agreed without hesitation. “Yes, ma’am!”

Zoey, Missile, Grent and Danyelle flew alongside me.
