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Magic Duel

*Danyelle's POV*

I was practicing my firebending with Twilight since the two of us were asked by Celestia to put on a performance for some Saddle Arabian delegates.

“Somehow, I have a feeling Fluttershy would get scary if you asked for her help but letting the animals perform, Twilight.” I wondered out loud.

Twilight spoke "But with my firebending, I'd rather not risk the animals getting hurt though. Plus you suggested something that doesn't involve animals."

“Yeah.” I agreed before remembering something funny that happened with Aphmau and her friends, making me giggle.

Twilight asks "What's so funny?"

“Oh, I just remember Aphmau and some of her friends getting transformed into other animals and the times they used that fusion machine. It was hilarious. There was especially that time there was a competition of who could laugh the least, because if you laugh, you explode.” I reminisced with a laugh at the fun, yet chaotic adventures Aph and the others went on.

Twilight asks "Was there a stick bug one time?"

“Yeah! It was too much! Hahahaha! I couldn’t stop myself from laughing!” I answered.

Little did I know, Twilight soon had a plan.

Twilight snickers "I have an idea..."

“Huh? You say something?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "Nope! Wasn't me!"

“…Ooooookay…” I simply said in confusion.

Silverstorm spoke "She's been acting strange...."

Corina flew over in a panic.

Corina spoke "Twilight! Danyelle! Something's wrong with Zoey!"

“What is it?” I asked.

Corina spoke "I don't know for sure but she's got back pain... Same as what Korra went through!"

Twilight asks "Meaning…?"

I spoke "Her wings are coming in..."

Twilight asks "Wait what?!?"

Corina spoke "She's half alicorn but her wings were late coming in..."

Twilight spoke "Oh, sorry."

Corina spoke "She was a late bloomer when it came to magic though..."

Twilight spoke "Oh, right."

Corina spoke "It would be bad if some evil alien showed up and started attacking others..."

I ask "Hey Twilight, what happened to Trixie since the last time we saw her?"

Flora and Bloom both started to growl.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Sonic spoke "She's back...."

“Oh no… Don’t tell me I jinxed it.” I dreaded.

Sonic growls "Afraid so sis, but she's not alone..."

Twilight asks "Who’s with Trixie then?"

Sonic groans "My younger siblings, Manic and Sonia... Danyelle mentioned them one time."

Twilight asks "What?! Why?!"

Lune spoke "Remember that one time when Danyelle said that I had strangled Sonic? Manic wouldn't stop laughing until Danyelle conked him on the head."

Twilight was still confused.

Lune spoke "Long story short, Dany's got that alpha attitude."

Twilight spoke "Oh. But that still doesn’t explain why Sonic’s little brother and sister are with Trixie."

I growl "She's brainwashed them..."

Twilight shouts "WHAT?!"

Sonic spoke "Then it’s a good thing I brought this with me."

Sonic brought out his medallion.

I spoke "I'll help too."

Nazuna spoke "As will I, fight music with music."

Sonic spoke "Yep. Some Sonic Underground sound will get through to ‘em."

Nazuna spoke "And if it doesn't, I'll use the same tactic I used on that kraken."

Sonic spoke "Don’t worry, they’re my siblings. I’m sure I’ll get through to them.""

Radiant spoke "Love is a powerful thing."

Obsidian spoke "And I don’t doubt that."

Radiant spoke "And I’m glad you’re back to normal.”

A gray colored siren and a coral pink siren had ganged up on Nazuna before tickling her.

Nazuna laughs "Guys, stop! Hahahahaha!"

Operetta giggles "We got you good!"

Treble asks "Yes, we did. So how’s it going, leader?"

Operetta had half a taco shell caught on one of her teeth which caught Manic's attention.

Sonic chuckles "*Impressed Whistle* Now that’s fast luring!"

I chuckle "Retta loves tacos though."

Treble spoke "Yep."

Rarity asks "But what about Sonia though?"

Sonic spoke "Don’t worry. I know the song in my heart to snap them out of it."

I spoke "But that alicorn amulet is a problem...."

Twilight spoke "Not to mention it corrupts the user!"

I spoke "Yeah... But getting it off is a problem..."

Twilight spoke "the user’s the only one who can remove it."

I spoke "We have to outsmart her..."

Twilight spoke "Maybe we can out trick Trixie!"

A light purple unicorn stallion with a bi-color mane in black and white spoke "It takes a magician to out-trick a magician."

“Hold on. Maybe we can all work together.” I suggested.

Card asks "And how do you plan to do that catgirl?"

“Listen…” I said before I told them about my plan.

Card spoke "I'll be the bait then since I'm into magic tricks like her."

*Shortly after Twilight, Card and I got kicked out of Ponyville*

I growl "Son of a mare! She kicked us out!"

Twilight growls "I can’t believe that she could pull off those advanced spells!"

Card spoke "She cheated with that damn amulet."

Twilight spoke "I didn’t think it would make her THAT powerful!"

I groan "At times like this, we need Twily's help... But she's travelling right now and I can't get in touch with her."

Twilight spoke "Wait! Maybe Zecora can help us!"

I spoke "Since Twily can't help, Zecora can!"

Card spoke "Hopefully, she knows what we’ll need to do."

I spoke "Plus I saw the way Trixie was staring at you Card... She had that lovesick look in her eyes..."

Card then suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine.

Card spoke "Then I’m somehow glad we’re out here, because who knows what would’ve happened if I stayed."

I spoke "Lust is a dangerous thing.... That bug is one prime example..."

Twilight spoke "I honestly think that Chrysalis is much worse than Trixie."

I growl "If she comes back, I'll roast her."

Twilight spoke "Calm down, we don’t want you to have a magic surge."

I spoke "I don't have any magic."

Twilight spoke "But you have alicorn wings, I think you’re bound to have magic sooner or later."

I spoke "I'm half gryphon... Not half Pegasus..."

Twilight spoke "Sorry, I keep forgetting."

I chuckle "Blame it on my cutie mark."

That made Twilight and Card laugh a bit, but I noticed Card blushing a bit, and I knew why.

I burst out laughing. "Holy floppa... You're in love!"

Card stammers "What?! W-What are you talking about?"

I chuckle "I'm one letter away from telling Cadence!"

Twilight asks "You do know what could happen after Trixie takes off that Alicorn Amulet, right?"

I spoke "Yeah but that'll be for you to find out."

Twilight spoke "Oh no! If what I think will happen does happen, I’m not sticking around to find out!"

I spoke "I'm talking about after the alicorn amulet is removed silly mare."

Akari poked her head out of my backpack since she was still so young and couldn't be apart from her mother long.

Twilight spoke "I knew what you were talking about. That is what I was saying."

I spoke "I'm worried about Irene and Ralph...."

Twilight spoke "Don’t worry. We’ll find a way."

Wendy flew in from Canterlot since she was worried about Spike.

Wendy asks "What happened?"

Twilight spoke "Trixie happened. She’s being corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet, and with that force field she has, no one can get in or out."

The blue feathers on Wendy's body turn bright pink with rage.

Wendy snarls "I'll scare her!!"

“With Trixie wearing that Alicorn Amulet, I don’t think you’ll last long.” I warned.

Wendy growls "Never underestimate a girl in love..."

“True.” I admitted.

Knuckles pops his head up from a hole in the ground.

Knuckles spoke "Hi girls."

“Shovel claws?” I assumed.

Knuckles spoke "Never go anywhere without 'em."

Thanks to Knuckles, Twilight and I along with Wendy and Card Trick snuck back into town through the tunnel he made.

Twily soon popped up with a fake amulet from Zecora.

Twily spoke "Here, Zecora asked me to give this to you."

“Thanks, Twily. Did Zecora have any advice?” I asked.

Twily spoke "Just be yourself."

Twily teleported away before the five of us climb out of the hole near my mansion.

Knuckles whispers "Good luck Twilight."

Twilight whispers "Thanks Knuckles, we’ll need it."

Wendy growls "Where is she? I want to slap her."

“Calm down, Wendy.” I advised.

The pre-teen dragon slowly calmed down.

*After Trixie was defeated and the alicorn amulet hidden away by Zecora,*

I spoke "Ben!"

Ben spoke "Danyelle!"

After passing Akari to Twilight, I get dogpiled by Ben and the Changelings.

Knuckles chuckles "Guess they were worried about you Dany."

Nyx and Iris were among the pile.

Twilight asks "Make that really worried. Wait, where’s Spike, Wendy and Card?"

Wendy spoke "Over here Twilight!"

Card was talking to Trixie.

*That night*

Twilight and I were showing off our firebending to Celestia and the Saddle Arabian delegates.

Tails, Ezekiel and Gilda flew through the rings of fire while showing off their airbending powers.

Natsu and Lucy show off their powers.

Card and Trixie set off some fireworks as the finale.

Celestia spoke "That was an amazing performance Twilight."

Twilight spoke "Thanks, but I couldn’t have done it without my friends."

I chuckle "Knuckles got Twilight, Card Trick, Wendy and I back into town though."
