• Published 16th Sep 2023
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Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

10. Memory Loss

Sonic was completely disoriented.

Why was he here? This wasn't Green Hills, nor any place he recognized. And if that wasn't enough, he also had a massive headache.

"Tails? Longclaw?" Sonic called out with a raised eyebrow. "What is this place, anyway?" he questioned confused.

Just like last time, he didn't noticed that he unlocked enough keys, and now the Yellow Chaos Emerald was shining bright in the distance, but he was so confused that he didn't even turned to see the glow.

"Gosh... my mind feels so fuzzy right now..." Sonic muttered with concern. "Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something... and someone?" he added confused.

He got down the platform of the strange portal he suddenly appeared on, and he saw Tails on the distance, staring at some weird green rock... but he was different, more digital, and even more weirder was that he had two ponies with wings at his sides.

"What is Tails doing with those... horses?" Sonic questioned confused.

He wanted to boost towards them, but his headache didn't allowed him, so he decided to walk.

Once he arrived with them, he made a quiet groan because of his headache, but Tails, Zipp and Pipp did heard him, so they turned to see he was limping a bit.

"Blue Star! Are you okay?!" Pipp asked first, approaching to him with a worried tone and look.

Sonic was taken aback by the pony, since he didn't expected them to talk. Yet, he could see something familiar with this one in particular...

"Uh... yeah... I think so?" Sonic replied with an awkward smile. "I-I'm sorry, uh... little pony, but my mind is fizzy right now, and I have no idea what it's going on or where am I..." he confessed.

Now Pipp was the one taken aback. "W-What?" she asked in panic.

Tails decided to step in by standing between them. "Sonic? Did... Did you went back to Cyber Space?" he asked with a gulp.

"Cyber what?" Sonic asked confused.

"Oh no... you were not lying with the memory loss thing..." Tails said with worry.

"Memory loss?!" both Pipp and Sonic asked with concern.

"Tails, what are you talking about?" Zipp asked, also concerned.

"... Sonic, don't you remember Zipp? Or Pipp? Or Equestria and our new friends there?" Tails decided to ask directly.

Sonic was really confused, and the new names Tails' mentioned just made his headache worst. "Ugh... They... their names ring a bell in my mind, but... I... I don't remember..." he replied.

Pipp gasped and stepped back, while Zipp got an anxious look and Tails frowned with worry.

"So you don't remember the islands? The 'Titans' you mentioned? The Chaos Emeralds that we need to find?" Tails asked a bit mad.

"Titans... islands... Chaos Emeralds..." Sonic muttered, and then he groaned in pain when the Cyber Energy suddenly appeared again, but it disappeared as soon as it came.

Pipp covered her mouth with a hoof, and Tails closed his hands in fists, trying to contain his curse word towards Sonic. And then, Sonic shook his head and looked back at the others, with his eyes going wide since... well... he not only recovered his memories, but he also still remembers that he literally said he didn't remembered Zipp and Pipp.

"Z-Zippster... Little Pipp" Sonic said with a trembling tone. "Gosh... I'm so sorry... Cyber Space keeps erasing my memories... and now it's getting worse..." he said with worry.

"What do you mean with 'keeps erasing your memories'?!" Pipp asked with panic and a frown, also opening her wings with anger.

"Sonic says everytime he goes back to Cyber Space, something wipes out his memories, and he gets out of there confused" Tails explained, also frowning. "Can't you just stop thinking on others for a minute and think in yourself for once?" he asked him in rage.

Sonic smirked and looked at him. "You should already know that it is asking for to much, lil' bro" he replied. "And while I don't like the idea either... if I don't go back to Cyber Space, I cannot get enough keys to free the Chaos Emeralds from their capsules. I still need the Emeralds to defeat the Titans and rescue you" he pointed out.

"Isn't there another way to recover the Emeralds?" Zipp asked with concern. "One that does not involves you going back to that place?" she added.

"If you're willing to wait for a starfall every 4 nights to get just one key, and also stay here for 3 or 4 months, making your own mother to die in worry, and probably sadness as well, then sure, go ahead. We can wait" Sonic said with a sarcastic tone and a bored expression, also crossing his arms.

Zipp was taken aback by that, and the reminder that her mom will be really worried if she didn't went back ASAP make her grow nervous.

"So... if we wanna leave soon... you'll have to keep going back there... don't you?" Pipp asked with concern.

"I'm afraid I have no choice..." Sonic replied with a worried frown.

"Ugh! I can't believe we cannot prevent this!" Tails groaned with anger. "And this is isn't an ideal working condition, either" he added, looking at his hands that glitched a bit. "If I just had my body––" he was going to add, but Zipp cleared her throat, and Tails saw the two sisters glaring at him. "If we had our bodies..." he corrected himself with a bored expression, making Zipp and Pipp smile and nod at him. "... We could be so much more efficient!" he added, frowning again.

"Now that you mention it... Sunny and Hitch said they felt like they were in a dream" Sonic said with a neutral look. "Does that sound about right?" he asked.

"It's the best way to put it, yeah" Pipp replied.

"Couldn't explain it better myself" Zipp added with a smirk.

"That's pretty accurate" Tails said as well. "I can think clearly and I'm aware, but there's no physicality to it. Everything feels just out of reach" he explained.

"It kinda feels like flying, but... we're not actually" Zipp added as well.

"And even if it looks like we're over something... we're actually not" Pipp commented too. "We don't actually feel the ground" she added with concern.

Sonic crossed his arms and frowned a bit. "Maybe that's why the Ancients made the Koco" he suggested. "So they could have something 'real' to put their spirits into. Otherwise, their souls would vanish with their bodies when their time arrived eventually" he pointed out.

"It's... one hypothesis" Tails replied. "We certainly can't rule it out" he added.

"Well, maybe we'll find out if we keep exploring the islands" Sonic suggested with a smirk. "I'll go grab the Blue Emerald while you guys find the remaining ones. And I'll try to not return to Cyber Space, don't worry. I'll only will if I find a gear, and right now? I have none, so I have no way to access" he pointed out.

"That actually sounds good" Pipp replied with a smirk, before looking at Zipp mockingly. "Bet I can find another one before you, sis!" she said, before pushing Zipp a bit and then flew away, disappearing.

"Oh, it's on!" Zipp stated, following Pipp as she also disappeared.

Sonic chuckled at the sigh and shook his head on disbelief, but when he turned to Tails, he noticed that he was feeling down all of a sudden.

"Tails?" Sonic called out. "What's the matter, little buddy?" he asked with concern.

"Sonic... sorry for the sudden question, but... do you think I can... change?" Tails asked with a worried expression.

"What do you mean? Like... like a tire? Or the Tornado's engine oil?" Sonic asked sarcastically, trying to cheer him up.

Tails chuckled a bit, but he still looked sad and worried. "No! I mean... when I was lost in Cyber Space, I was confronted by another version of myself. He said I was just a follower... that I couldn't think or act on my own" he explained with concern. "I wanted to argue, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything back" he added. "I worry he's right and that I haven't changed at all..." he confessed with concern.

Sonic analyzed Tails for a minute, before smirking and crossing his arms. "Whatever!" he said happily. "Some spooky cyber copy hasn't seen you in action, while I've seen it first-hand" he stated confidently, making Tails to smile a bit. "You've definitely grown, and I know you'll keep on working hard!" he assured. "So cheer up, lil' bro! You've got so far right now, why stop when everything's gonna be even better?" he added with a smile.

"Right... Right!" Tails said with a smile. "I won't let a copy of myself pull me down!" he stated. "Now, if you excuse me, I have Chaos Emeralds to find. See you later!" he said, waving his hand and disappearing as well.

"And I have a Chaos Emerald to recover!" Sonic stated with a smile.

However, just when he was about to boost away, he felt his quills vibrating, and he groaned, since he knew really well what it meant.

He took out the mp3 player and saw that 3 new entries where uploaded. Groaning in frustration again, Sonic ended up pressing the 'play' button anyways.

"Sage is performing at peak efficiency! Makes me wonder where I went wrong with Orbot and Cubot. Not only is she taking control of the Ancients' network, but she's harassing Sonic as well! I love it!" the first memo played.

"Who the heck is Sage?!" Sonic groaned once again. "And why is she helping Eggman? Is this one of those occasions where he promises something before stabbing in the back? Or is this... something else?" he wondered, pressing the play button again.

"Despite her best efforts, Sage can't seem to control the Titans. Phooey. She can prompt them to act, but something is blocking her from assuming total control." the second memo played.

"Hang on..." Sonic said with a frown. "She... can make the Titans act? But then that means... Could the girl that's been attacking me all this time be Sage?" he wondered again. "Eggman said Sage was an AI... but if Sage and this girl are the same thing... why does she looks like a human girl and not a program? Man, this is so confusing..." he said with worry, pressing the play button again to hear the last memo of the moment.

"Sage keeps running the numbers by me and it's getting tedious. Yes, the power that wiped out the Ancients was formidable. Yes, unleashing it on this world would be catastrophic. But I'm a genius. Once I'm out of here I'll find a way to handle it. Better yet, weaponize it against Sonic!" the third memo, and final for now, played.

Sonic rolled his eyes and shook his head after hearing the last memo, putting the mp3 player back on his quills. "My gosh, Eggman is brilliant, I admit that, but sometimes his obsession over killing me is ridiculous" he said with concern. "Oh well, better live and learn, I guess. Now, let's get that Emerald!" he stated with a smirk.

And then, he boosted towards the Blue Chaos Emerald to collect it.

You know the drill: he extended his hand, the keys he got on Cyber Space appeared, the keys unlocked the capsule, the Emerald disappeared and appeared again, slowly descending until it landed in Sonic's hand.

Sonic smiled and putted the Emerald away, and then he started to walk away slowly. However, and literally out of nowhere, the Titan from this island emerged in the sky.

Sonic turned and got startled, since this one was by far the weirdest one of all: it had 4 legs that seemed to have wheels instead of feet; it had some kind of mask that reminded a lot to that guy from Metal Gear Rising; the 'forehead' of the mask had some kind of large horn; and it was really hard to describe the rest of it's body, but it also had two large 'normal' arms... the right one having a freaking, giant circular saw.

"Well?" Sage asked, appearing suddenly and startling Sonic a bit, but also making him frown at her. "What will you do?" she added.

Sonic looked back at the Titan, noticing that it was charging the saw to launch it at him, and then he looked sideways to an enemy called Squid, which has been causing him lots of trouble since it always came out of nowhere in the worst possible moment.

But this time, he smirked at the squid, because that enemy was his escape route away from the Titan.

"The best I can" Sonic replied to sage.

After that, he boosted away from the saw, and started to run over the path Squid was making as it flew away, both from Sonic and the Titan's saw. It also started to shot against Sonic to both slow him down and kill him, but Sonic was able to dodge the attacks. He was also able to boost away in time before the saw split him in a half.

"Man! Why does everything in these islands wants to kill me so badly?!" Sonic questioned with a frown.

After dodging the saw and Squid's attacks a few more times, as well as using boost rings, collecting stamina rings and running over platforms to stay away from Squid's attacks, Sonic reached the end of Squid's road, with the saw on his heels. Then, Sonic jumped and Spindashed towards the ground, while the saw passed by and ended up killing Squid.

Sonic landed in the ground, and sighed in relief, since he saw when the saw destroyed Squid. And then, Sage appeared once again.

"So?" Sonic asked with a confident smirk. "Impressive right?" he added.

"Within expected parameters" Sage replied, before looking at the sky and disappearing once again.

Sonic shook his head on disbelief and with a bored expression. "Guess I'll have to keep going if I want to get all the Emeralds" he pointed out to himself.

However, his quills vibrated again, and he groaned out load, not able to believe that Eggman uploaded new memos so quickly. He took out the mp3 player and saw 2 new entries were uploaded.

"This is starting to get a bit annoying" Sonic said with a frown, but pressing the 'play' button anyways.

"Sage has been crucial to my survival here in Cyber Space. Early warnings of hostile entities, guiding my past firewalls, keeping me updated on progress in the real world - she's the best. 'She?' 'It.' It's a program. An adorable program. A very personable program. A... hmm. I wonder if... she... has a preference?" the first memo played.

Sonic's frown turned into a surprised expression after hearing that, and for the very first time, he had nothing to say. No jokes, no comments, nothing. He wasn't sure on how to react, so he decided to play the other memo.

"I never really knew my cousin, Maria. Everyone spoke of her like she was very special. All that love for someone who was gone when I was! Right! There! But I have to wonder. Back then, was she anything like Sage is now?" the second memo played.

Once again, Sonic was speechless. While it wasn't the first time he heard about Maria, it was the first time he heard Eggman mentioning her. And if that wasn't weird enough... Sonic was feeling bad for Eggman. He, for once in his life, felt like Eggman wasn't such a bad guy after all, despite his actions saying otherwise.

"... Perhaps... perhaps you're not a monster after all... Ivo" Sonic muttered to himself.

He putted the mp3 player away, and then he noticed that, where Squid exploded, there was a gear for a Cyber Space portal. Sonic sighed in frustration again, but picked up the gear anyways and putted it away, then he boosted to look after a Cyber Space portal, if he ever found one.

Back in Cyber Space, Sage was reporting Eggman about Sonic's journey through the island, as well as other things.

"I have found a possible scenario for your escape" Sage informed.

"It's about time!" Eggman said. "Report!" he instructed.

"After reviewing your entire campaign history, I have found the most optimal course of action is to... create an alliance with Sonic" Sage reported.

And of course, Eggman was not happy with this result. "WHAT?!" he asked in anger, smashing his own Eggmobile as he frowned at Sage.

"B-But together you stopped the ARK! Overcome Neo Metal! You...!" Sage tried to point out, but the doctor was stubborn.

"I don't want to hear it!" Eggman interrupted abruptly. "Those alliances were purely out of desperation!" he stated, smashing his own Eggmobile again.

"But time is running out!" Sage pointed out with worry.

"I. Don't want. TO HEAR IT!" Eggman yelled in rage once again. "Find me another option!" he instructed, closing the capsule of his Eggmobile and flying away.

Sage looked at the ground with both sadness and disappointment. "Your tenacity is legendary. But I do wish you'd reconsider..." she muttered with concern.

He didn't found any portal at the end, but he did recovered the Yellow Chaos Emerald.

However, he had no idea on how he ended up on a floating platform in the middle of two of the island's sectors. He only knew that he found Tails, Zipp and Pipp looking at some towers that looked like a Cyber Space portal, but it had neither the platform nor the entrance.

Pipp barely understood what it was, Zipp was analyzing the top and Tails inspected the bottom of the pillar. He touched it like if he was knocking a door, and then he placed a hand on his chin, trying to think carefully on what could it be, before smiling since he though he finally got a conclusion.

Sonic approached and whistled at the sight of the pilar, calling the other three's attention. "What's that?" he asked.

"I think it's an environmental analyzer" Tails replied.

"A what now?" Pipp asked confused.

"It scans the entire island and tells what happened years ago before the Ancients disappeared" Zipp explained with a smirk.

"Okay, that's a lot more understandable" Pipp said with a smile.

"All of the Ancient technology is networked to Cyber Space" Tails kept going. "If we can get it back online, we can maybe get some answers..." he stated.

However, just when Tails placed his hand on the pillar, it started to glow all of a sudden, with the top shining a bright re light that looked like the one that appeared whenever Sonic entered to Cyber Space.

"Tails..." Pipp called out nervously. "Please tell me you did that..." she begged with concern.

"I don't think so..." Tails replied nervously.

Suddenly, the glitchy and broken effect on the sky appeared again, and then everything turned white for a second, before slowly revealing another event from the past.

The sepia effect was also back, and Tails, Zipp and Pipp were back to their physical forms.

"Whoa!" Zipp exclaimed, as she checked her whole body, and even started to flew a bit, now that she had her form back.

Tails was also checking himself, noticing he was feeling his body again as well.

Pipp checked on her hooves, and even on her wings, then she realized something. "Hang on, if we're physical again..." she said, then she turned to see Sonic and immediately wrapped him a tight hug.

Sonic was taken a bit aback by the sudden move, but he ended up smiling and hugging his girlfriend back.

"Gosh, I forgot how fluffy your wings are" Sonic muttered to hear ear with a flirty tone.

"Oh, getting flirty already, handsome~?" Pipp muttered back, now braking the hug and kissing Sonic softly, while he kissed back and even caressed her mane a bit.

"For once, I'll be glad if we go back to be digital since this won't happen so often..." Tails muttered with a bored expression.

"Ditto" Zipp replied with a bored expression as well.

Suddenly, the four of them felt the ground rumbling, and they all turned to see lots of cannons pointing and shooting towards the sky. Said canyons were controlled by the Ancients, but there were some being handled by Owls and Hedgehogs as well.

"Uh, Sonic?" Pipp called out.

"Remember I told you I had something to tell about my ancestors?" Sonic asked. "Well, there it is. My ancestors and the Owls used to live with the Ancients before moving to Mobius" he explained.

"So that makes Longclaw's message more understandable" Tails pointed out. "An ancient civilization that helped your ancestors and hers travel to Mobius using the Chaos Emeralds" he reminded.

And then, something boosted around the battlefield, then that something stopped in the middle of two cannons... revealing to be a hedgehog. This one seemed to be light blue and with an eye patch, also having an ear 'bitten' and clothes that resembled the Incas.

This hedgehog was frowning at the sky, and his frown increased when he saw that the sky started to turn in red.

"Where's Nora and my wife?!" the hedgehog asked to one of the owls controlling the cannons.

Sonic, Tails, Zipp and Pipp gasped in shock, since that hedgehog sounded almost like Sonic, but his voice was a lot deeper and serious than Sonic's.

"They're on the hidden bunker with the group that will escape if we fall here!" the owl replied.

"Good. Now, let's put The End to a sleep once and for all!" the hedgehog stated. "If that prophecy it's true... if we die here, and Nora's far descendant is the chosen one to kill them... then we shall show them the power of the Chaos Control!" he stated. "Everyone! FIRE WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE!!!" he ordered.

Everyone let out a battle cry, and then they started to shoot at full power towards the enemy in the skies. But once the sky was fully red, the triple of lasers the Ancients, Owls and hedgehogs had started to shoot back and destroyed both the cannons and the pilots, killing thousands of warriors in the process.

The hedgehog with the eye patch groaned, and both his eyes and his quills turned blue, then he covered himself in an electrical shield, while one laser from the sky fell into him.

The hedgehog shouted another battle cry as he tried to resist the attack... but the shield disappeared eventually, and his entire body was reduced to dust.

And then, a massive explosion happened than ended up splitting the island apart into different sections, and Sonic placed his body to protect Pipp as she hugged him, while Tails did the same with Zipp.

After the explosion passed, everything was back to normal. Or well, everything got back to the current time, because Tails, Zipp and Pipp were half-ghost again, and the broken glitchy effect in the sky disappeared as well. The pillar also shoot down after the 'flashback' was over.

"So... that was a thing..." Sonic said with a frown, while Tails and Pipp nodded with worry and Zipp also nodded with a frown.

"Whatever assaulted the island sure packed a punch" Tails pointed out. "That was on par with Dark Gaia, easy" he added.

"And those people..." Zipp added, before turning to see Sonic. "That hedgehog... he looked exactly like you. Well, almost, but he did sounded similar" she pointed out.

"He was my ancestor for sure" Sonic stated. "And that child named Nora... in the previous island, someone mentioned a child with powers like mine. If that hedgehog guy was my ancestor, and Nora is her daughter, then she's also an ancestor of mine... I wonder how old she was when this happened, or if she remembers it at all..." he confessed with concern.

"So, even if you didn't wanted to tag along with Tails, you'll eventually end up here anyways" Pipp supposed. "It's like if you're closing a cycle that's been open for so long" she pointed out.

"And that 'chosen descendant' the hedgehog guy mentioned..." Zipp called out again. "I wouldn't be surprised if you are that chosen one, Sonic" she added with a smirk.

"Honestly, with everything I've been finding out about my ancestors here, I wouldn't be surprised either" Sonic confessed. "I wonder if they could also use the new abilities I've learned so far... even that weird loop I still can't name" he wondered.

"You mean that weird thing where you make a circle and something pops up or something activates?" Zipp questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, that one" Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"How about Cyber Loop?" Tails suggested.

"Or Digital Loop?" Zipp said as well.

"Why not combine it? Like... Cyloop?" Pipp suggested too.

Sonic's eyes widened at the mention of the last one. "Cyloop..." he repeated. "Ohohoho! I like it, it's spicy! Cyloop! It makes a lot of sense. Nice call, Little Pipp!" he complimented with a wink towards his girlfriend.

"Well, if we're done questioning this stuff, perhaps we should keep going... and figure out more things about the past later" Zipp pointed out.

"Right" Sonic said with a determinate look. "We need to find the Chaos Emeralds, pronto" he stated.

"Agreed" Tails replied, looking at the pillar again with a frown. "We'll rendezvous later!" he stated.

After that, Sonic used a dash platform that was on the floating structure and boosted back to explore the island.

Back in Cyber Space, thousands of G.U.N. helicopters appeared out of nowhere.

Eggman was standing in the middle of one of the roads from the city level that Cyber Space created, looking around with a frown and sweating at all of the helicopters surrounding him.

The worst part was that all these helicopters pointed to him, ready to shot and destroy him.

However, Sage appeared suddenly, and literally with just moving her hand, she gathered all the helicopters and disappeared them like nothing.

Eggman ducked for a moment since the helicopters exploded, and then he straightened up once everything was clear. "I've lost count of how many times you've saved me from the hazards here" he admitted.

"It is my function" Sage replied. "I live to serve" she added.

"You've exceeded your function!" Eggman pointed out with a grin. "I'm very impressed with you, Sage" he stated. "No! I'm proud of you!" he corrected himself with an honest and warm smile.

Sage couldn't help but feel something warm inside of her, as well as she felt her face smiling brightly.

One of the best things about the Cyloop was that it allowed Sonic to access to some Chest icons spread around the island.

Thanks to that, Sonic got three keys just by using the Cyloop on the Chest icons, and he unlocked the Red Chaos Emerald, meaning that he only needed to go back to Cyber Space once. It was good for him, because it meant no more memory loss but one time.

However, as he ran across the island, he couldn't help but notice how high the island's sectors seemed to be.

He decided to stop in front of the start of one of the floating platforms, and stared down to see if he could see anything beyond the giant clouds, but... he saw absolutely nothing beyond that.

Tails appeared suddenly at his side, also staring at the clouds. "We're at a pretty high altitude" he pointed out. "It's hard to say how high due to all the clouds!" he added.

"Pretty harsh conditions for anyone to be living and working under" Sonic pointed out as well.

"The Ancients must have had a reason for coming up here" Tails said with his hand on his hips. "Given the infrastructure, I don't think this was a residential area. It seems more like military frontlines" he pointed out.

"A first strike position, huh?" Sonic said, crossing his arms. "I mean, those cannons aren't just for show. With everything we've seen, just what kind of enemy were they preparing for?" he questioned. "In fact... what kind of enemy they confronted on that vision we saw before?" he added.

"I don't know" Tails replied with honesty. "And to be fair, I don't think I want to know... at all..." he added with concern. "By the way, there's something else I need to tell you" he confessed.

"Really? What is it?" Sonic asked with curiosity.

"You see, I analyzed one of the Cyber Space portals the last time you were accessing it" he confessed. "While you were online, it opened up a flood of data. It was way too much to process, but I did get a glimpse of the Ancients' personal data" he revealed.

"Oh, so... what?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow while crossing his arms. "You know all of their birthdays now?" he asked sarcastically.

"Much more than that" Tails replied with a worried frown. "Sonic - it was their very essences! Their hopes, their dreams, everything that made them what they were" he explained. "Do you see the correlation?" he asked.

Sonic's eyes went wide once he realized what Tails meant. "Sounds a lot like what happened to you, the Mane 5 and Knuckles" he realized with concern. "I'm glad you're all intact, but why where you all uploaded like that?" he questioned with a worried frown.

Author's Note:

Yup. Cyloop is finally named properly.

I liked the idea of Sonic being creative with the names of his other attacks, but not really creative on the Cyloop, so someone else named it for him.

Now that I wrote that down, time to fix some details for the next chapter! See you later!