• Published 16th Sep 2023
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Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

6. The Ancients, the Owls and the Hedgehogs

Sonic used 2 gears to active another Cyber Space portal.

This stage was settled on Chemical Plant, but he couldn't remember if the structure of said level was mixed up or not. In any case, he gained 4 new keys and unlocked the Yellow Chaos Emerald. Now he only had to find its location and take the Emerald with him.

But as he ran across the desert to go and catch the Emerald, he noticed that Knuckles and Izzy were with a group of Koco, that were all lined up as soldiers. They even had some kind of military helmets.

Feeling curious on what was going on, he decided to approach them. "Hey guys! What's up?" he asked them with a raised eyebrow.

Knuckles turned with a small frown, placing his hands on his hips. "These Koco are supposed to link up with another unit, but an enemy has them pinned down here" he explained.

Sonic looked at the echidna with a bored expression and crossing his arms. "Aren't you supposed to be helping find the Emeralds?" he asked with concern.

"I already told him that, but you know how stubborn he is" Izzy replied instead, also with a bored expression, while Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I'm not stubborn!" Knuckles complained. "I can do both. Hurry up if you want in on the fight, hedgehog!" he instructed to Sonic with a smirk.

After saying that, Knuckles and Izzy suddenly disappeared and reappeared far away, while some Tower enemies appeared above certain Koco, that were now divided in groups of two.

Each duo had a Tower enemy above them, and Sonic guessed that he had to grab the Koco and bring them to Knuckles and Izzy as soon as possible.

So, Sonic quickly grabbed two of the Koco and lined them up as a small tower that he carried towards Knuckles and Izzy. Once those two Koco were safe, Sonic returned and grabbed four this time, but he also noticed that he was moving a lot faster for some reason.

Not bothered at all, Sonic managed to move the 4 Koco to Knuckles and Izzy, and then went back and forth with either two or four Koco on each round, until he gathered the sixteen Koco.

Then, the Green Chaos Emerald came out of nowhere and slowly descend until it was in front of Sonic. As usual, the Koco he just helped were dancing around him happily, so he smirked and decided to screw it, grabbing the Emerald and starting to dance alongside the Koco once again.

"Nice work Soldiers!" Knuckles said with a proud smile to the Koco, while they just saluted at him. "Now let's link up with the main force!" he instructed.

"Knux..." Izzy scolded with a small frown.

"Let him be, Izz" Sonic advised with a side smile. "You make a great supervisor, Knux. But maybe try fighting next time, though?" he added with a mocking tone and smirk, also crossing his arms.

Knuckles looked back at him and groaned in annoyance and frustration, also frowning and placing his hands on his hips, with Izzy at his side trying so hard to not burst out laughing at him.

None of them noticed Sage on the air, looking at everything Sonic was doing to help the Koco.

"He is aware of what the Koco are, isn't he?" Sage told to herself with a slightly confused look. "Why does he try to help them when their fate is already decided?" she questioned, still confused.

Despite being an AI turned into a little girl, she was still new to how the world in general worked out, even to emotions she never felt before since she was only a computer.

After a while, Sonic went along Knuckles, Izzy and the Koco towards some kind of old and destroyed defenses of the Island.

The Koco were marching like soldiers, but suddenly, the trio noticed the sky broking into that glitchy red glass again, and after a light shone bright and they covered their eyes, everything around them got a sepia effect again. Also, Knuckles and Izzy were not half-ghosts anymore.

Then, they all looked towards the group of Koco again... and their forms changed to the ones that looked like Chaos again.

They were marching together towards another one of them, one that seemed like their leader. Once they stopped in front of the leader, this one raised their right hand in the air, and then some giant walls came out of the ground, elevating high enough to cover the same wall that was destroyed in the future.

The Koco cheered with movements, despite no actual sounds coming out of them as they celebrated that the defenses were ready.

"Wowie! Those things are huge!" Izzy exclaimed, looking at the massive walls that came out of the ground.

"I've experienced this before! In the other island!" Sonic said with a surprised expression. "We're somehow seeing a battle from the past" he pointed out.

"Those defenses are impressive!" Knuckles praised with a smile. "Maybe I should get some notes for Angel Island?" he added in a joking tone.

However, just when they though that this was impressive enough, Sonic witnessed something that made his eyes grow wide and his jaw to drop: a group of male Owls and some kind of Hedgehog warriors arrived with the Ancients,

The Owls all looked pretty much like Longclaw, just with male traits and some even had beards, while the Hedgehogs all had some fancy spears and were wearing masks that covered their entire faces, but their quills were still out, so you could tell they were Hedgehogs like Sonic.

The Ancients spoke in some weird language that neither Sonic, Knuckles nor Izzy ever heard before, because they didn't understand a single word of it, but then...

"The Ancients said that the defense mechanism is up" one of the male owls translated, while other owl replied to the Ancients in their language, with the Ancients replying back. "They said that this should be enough to stop the imminent menace incoming" the owl translated again.

"Hopefully" one of the hedgehog's spoke. "The kid can't control her powers at all yet. If we wanna stop this enemy long enough until she's ready, I'm afraid we're all loosing our home" he finished with worry.

"Wait, a kid? With powers?" Knuckles questioned.

"Please don't tell me they're talking about––" Sonic tried to say as well, but then something started to attack suddenly.

The trio, the Ancients, the Owls and the Hedgehogs saw giant purple lasers being shot to the defenses, and the Ancients turned to see in pure fright at something in the sky.

"Hedgehogs! return to the basement, protect the child and the Emeralds!" one of the older owls ordered. "We'll protect the Ancients!" he stated.

The hedgehogs only nodded and moved away, actually running at speeds similar to Sonic's, but still a bit slower than him.

But then, as soon as the hedgehogs disappeared, a laser destroyed the defenses, as well as the Ancients and the Owls in the middle. Therefore, the defenses exploded on a massive explosion, and just like before, there was nothing but a flashlight.

Once the light was gone, Sonic opened his eyes again and stared at the sky, seeing that broken glitchy red glass effect again. The colors become normal, but Knuckles and Izzy were half-ghosts again.

The three of them saw a weird symbol in the sky, while the Titan's shadow passed by, and then Knuckles ran towards the Koco's bodies on the ground.

"I guess the defenses didn't hold after all" Knuckles said with grief, kneeling in front of one of the Koco and placing a hand on his chest as a sign of respect.

Izzy approached the rest and looked at them, both worried, confused and scared. "W-What happened to them?" she asked nervously.

"They finished their mission on this land" Sonic explained in a serious tone, walking even forward than her. "They found peace. Now, they're resting forever" he added.

Izzy's ears fell down, and now she looked at the Koco with sadness. She might not be the smartest one of the group, but she understands the concept of death, and she didn't like it a single bit.

Knuckles stood up and walked close to her, carefully caressing her back, while Izzy rested her head on his shoulder. Knuckles looked at her a bit worried, but then looked at Sonic, who was staring at the same direction that the hedgehogs from the vision ran towards.

"Knux..." Sonic spoke before Knuckles could. "Those hedgehogs... they... they are my ancestors" he said with both shock and concern.

Back in Cyber Space, Sage was reporting the most recent update about Sonic and how was he doing in the outside world.

To say that Eggman was satisfied will be nothing compared to how happy he felt, 'cause he was laughing a lot at what Sage was telling him.

"Then the robot hit him again!" Sage told Eggman with a very, very little smile.

Eggman couldn't help but keep laughing at hearing his worst enemy getting smashed by a Titan.

"I look forward to your battle reports once we're home!" Eggman stated with a joyful smile.

Sage suddenly stoped smiling and leaned her head a bit confused. "Home?" she asked.

"I'll integrate you into my system" Eggman explained. "Give you control of the whole EggNet! I'll have you network all my robots" he instructed with pride, genuine pride for the very first time in a long time. "You'll be a refreshing change of pace from all my previous creations! Metal Sonic, Orbot and Cubot, whatever Metal Sunny and Metal Pipp tried to do..." he listed.

"They were all your creations... like me..." Sage said, placing a hand on her chest. "That would make them like... my brothers?" she asked curiously.

"Hmm... I suppose so" Eggman replied unsure.

Sage smile slightly again after hearing that. "I look forward to that" she said.

After what happened near the destroyed defenses, Sonic spent some time alone, standing on the border of a cliff, while tried to put his thoughts in order.

Soon enough, Knuckles and Izzy arrived at his side, with Knuckles being the first one to brake the silence. "I supposed you wanted some 'you' time after what we saw earlier" he said.

"Yeah..." Sonic simply replied, looking at the entire desert island with a neutral expression and his arms crossed.

"I know we shouldn't do this, but... How are you feeling? After seeing people like you for the very first time, I mean" Izzy asked with concern.

Sonic sighed heavily before replying. "Ever since I can remember, it was just me and Longclaw. That's it" he started to explain. "Before meeting Tails... heck, before meeting Eggman, she raised me like her child, like her own son. I never cared on who could be my real parents, not only because I did believed they ditched me, but also because I had Longclaw. She loved me like any mother loves their children, so why care at all for people that never wanted you in the first place?" he questioned.

"I guess with Tails arrival, her love just grew bigger, right?" Knuckles guessed.

"It did" Sonic replied with a little smile, that faded away as fast as it came. "But after seeing her message, after learning that my mother gave me to her to prevent my death... I couldn't stop and wonder if it was true that there's other hedgehogs out there beyond Shadow, Amy and I that we haven't met yet. Maybe I still have family somewhere, but I simply haven't find it. I wonder as well if that girl those hedgehogs mentioned has the same powers I have. Maybe that'll explain a lot of things I still cannot understand..." he added.

"Sonic, you have a family, you know" Izzy said with a little smile. "We may not be related, but... we're here for you" she added.

Sonic looked at her for a second before smiling back at her. "I know, Izz... But it doesn't stop me from wanting to meet my blood relatives" he pointed out with concern. "Maybe I'll never met them, or maybe I will... I don't know... But... it felt so nice to see more like me... more hedgehogs beyond the ones I already know..." he added with a bit of sadness.

Knuckles crossed his arms and started to think on his words, before looking back at Sonic. "Wether if we find it out or not, you are still the same old Sonic. Hedgehog, Owl, alien, or even an ancient god reborn on a mortal... I made up that last part, okay? The point is that you're still you, no matter what happened in the past with your ancestors" he assured to him with a smile.

Sonic smirked at Knuckles in a playful way. "Look at you, Knucklehead. I never knew you could give such helpful advises!" he mocked up.

"This exactly why I never do it with you" Knuckles said with a bored expression.

"Ow!" Sonic said with a mocking tone, acting dramatically like if Knuckles comment hurt him.

"I'll never understand how's that you two are friends" Izzy said with a smirk.

"We've been wondering the exact same thing for the last 18 years, Izz" Knuckles joked.

Sonic couldn't help but burst out laughing, while Knuckles ended up joining him. Izzy giggled a bit at their attitude as well, and none of them noticed Sage looking at the entire conversation, also analyzing their situation.

Soon enough, she disappeared again and went back to Cyber Space.

Speaking of Cyber Space, Eggman asked Sage about Sonic and his journey through Cyber Space and the Starfall Islands.

"I can confirm that Sonic has made multiple breaches into Cyber Space and escaped" Sage reported.

"Through raw talent and no shortage of tenacity, I'm sure" Eggman said with both surprise and anger, letting scape a short and sarcastic laugh. "Impressive" he added, crossing his arms.

Sage leaned her head a bit. "You speak of him with respect as often as you curse him. I do not understand" she said with a confused expression.

"Oh, I hate that hedgehog" Eggman remarked with a frown. "But that doesn't change the fact that he is a formidable adversary" he pointed out. "I respect him, but I don't have to like him" he finished.

Sage analyzed Eggman's words and started to create a few more simulations, before obtaining really interesting and positive results.

"Your genius. His skill" Sage muttered to herself, placing a hand over her mouth as she though a bit more. "If only you two could work together..." she pointed out to herself.

Sonic went through another Cyber Space level, but for some reason, he couldn't remember what stage this was.

In fact, after that last level, he forgot for a second where he was and what was he doing, until it all came back in a flash... except for the level he just made.

But he unlocked the Silver Chaos Emerald, so he went for it and recovered it as usual before going back to explore the Island.

However, as he approached to another challenge to unlock more space on his mental map, he saw Izzy and Knuckles standing next to the sign that marked an already completed challenge.

Feeling curious on what they were doing there, he decided to go out of track and approach them.

"Hey guys!" Sonic called out. "What are you doing here?" he asked confused.

"Have you been here before?" Knuckles asked Sonic. "The island, I mean" he pointed out before Sonic misunderstood him.

"Yeah, you're navigating the island like it's nothing" Izzy pointed out as well.

"Oh, no" Sonic replied, putting a hand on his hip and smiling. "See, when I interact with these things marked with this symbol, I automatically learn the lay of the land" he explained. "It's like the island is beaming a GPS signal right into my brain. Pretty cool, right?" he finished with a smirk.

"Ooh! So it's making some kind of mental map?" Izzy asked cheerfully.

"That's the best way to put it, yeah" Sonic replied with a smile.

"I'm sure that's the Ancients' doing as well" Knuckles said. "I wonder what that symbol means in their language, tho" he added, looking at the symbol of the already completed puzzle.

"Come to think of it, you don't actually see it printed anywhere in the villages" Sonic pointed out with a worried frown. "I guess the true meaning is lost to time" he suggested.

"It is the highest chance of all" Knuckles said.

"Wish I could understand all of this..." Izzy said. "How's that we are like this... what were those weird visions before... or what's going on in general... I feel a bit dumb in here to be honest..." she confessed, while her ears fell.

"Izz..." Knuckles said, kissing her cheek and caressing her head. "You're not dumb. To tell the truth, we can barely understand what's going on here as well" he confessed.

"Knuckles is right, Izzy" Sonic added as well, kneeling and facing her. "None of us are dumb, and you are not dumb. It doesn't matter what's going on here, my mission remains the same: to kick whoever's butt got us in this situation and go home with the rest of our friends!" he assured, and Izzy smiled a bit at him. "Now come one, we have Chaos Emeralds to look after and friends to rescue from Cyber Space!" he stated with a confident smile.

Knuckles and Izzy were waiting for Sonic to come back from Cyber Space, but Knuckles was walking back and forth since something was frustrating him.

Izzy would usually try to calm him down, but she knew it wouldn't work since Knuckles was very stubborn.

Then, Sonic came out of the Cyber Space portal as usual, turning away from the entrance and grabbing the few keys he obtained. He also witnessed the red light in the sky that located the Red Chaos Emerald... but he couldn't recognize it at all.

He walked down from the portal and stared at the red light confused, even passing through Knuckles without noticing it.

"HEDGEHOG!" Knuckles voice shouted, and Sonic got startled by it.

He finally noticed both Knuckles and Izzy, while he panted and tried to calm down from Knuckles' sudden outburst. "H-How long have you been in there?" Sonic asked confused.

"You literally walked through me!" Knuckles pointed out, more concerned than mad. "What's going on with you? I called you six times, and you never replied!" he asked.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Izzy asked as well, more calmed, but also worried about her friend. "You kinda just... zoomed out suddenly" she pointed out.

Sonic shook his head and scratch it a bit before looking at the ground confused. "Y-Yeah... I think I am now, at least" he replied. "Lately, whenever I get out from Cyber Space, I kind of... forget stuff. It's like my mind goes completely empty before I remember everything, and then... I'm back to normal" he explained. "Sorry for scaring you... and sorry for passing through you, Knux" he apologized with a sheepish smile.

"... You're forgetting things?" Knuckles asked, frowning with worry.

"Again, only for a moment... although... this time was longer..." Sonic said, as his eyes widened on the last thing he said.

"Longer?!" Izzy asked in shock and panic.

"... Maybe I shouldn't go back to Cyber Space at all..." Sonic said on his mind. "Even if that creepy voice tells me otherwise, I'm not returning. Not if my mind is going to be affected" he stated with a confident look.

"For the very first time since you free'd us, that's the only thing I'm actually agreeing with you" Knuckles said, conserving his worried frown.

"Me too" Izzy said, putting on her most honest smile.

"Hey, speaking of you two being trapped..." Sonic said suddenly. "Sunny and Hitch said their Cyber Cages weren't a fun time. How was it for you two?" he asked to them, placing a hand on his hip.

"Miserable" Knuckles replied first. "Like a living nightmare. It was the most alone I've ever felt ever since I was guarding the Master Emerald on Angel Island. And at the same time, I was drowning in terrible visions and emotions. Like I said, nightmare" he explained with a frown.

"It felt the exact same way as you describe it for me" Izzy said to Knuckles with a worried frown. "I hate loneliness..." she added.

Knuckles rubbed Izzy's mane to calm cheer her up a bit, then looked at Sonic with a raised eyebrow. "How come you get to jump in and out of Cyber Space and we're stuck half-way? It's not fair!" he complained and pointed out to him.

"Beats me" Sonic said with honesty, crossing his arms. "It sounds like we all experienced the dimension differently" he pointed out.

"Well, we didn't see any way out of there" Izzy said with concern. "Seems like your trips to this Cyber-place are less complicated" she pointed out with a little smile.

"Well, yeah, I guess" Sonic said. "The spooky sky voice says I just have to trash the Titans to get you guys back to normal, so we have a plan!" he stated with a confident smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Knuckles asked with anger. "Why isn't it talking to the rest of us, then?" he pointed out with his arms crossed.

"Yeesh..." Sonic said with a fake hurt expression, crossing his arms. "Okay. You've got a good point there, Knux" he confessed. "By the way, Knux. These visions you mentioned earlier... they weren't like what Tikal showed us way back when, were they? Do these ruins sync up to when your ancestors were wiped out?" he questioned. "I mean, the Ancients had connections with my ancestors and Longclaw's; maybe they had connections with the Echidnas as well" he suggested.

"I don't think so" Knuckles replied, and then he frowned at an idea. "But if you're right, and that prison was bringing back those memories? That's cruel" he said with anger. "If I find out who designed it, they're gonna pay for putting me and my dear Izzy into a living nightmare!" he stated with anger again.

"Count me on board on that one!" Sonic said with a confident smirk. "Anyone who messes with my friends can't leave without a small taste of their own medicine!" he stated.

But suddenly, Sonic felt his quills vibrate again, so he took out the mp3 player and saw that there were 4 new memos from Eggman.

"That Eggman again recorded more stuff?" Izzy asked curiously.

"Yup" Sonic replied, immediately pressing the play button for the first entry.

"The Ancients seem to have employed a set of strange icons as keepsakes or totems. That same imagery is being used by the Koco running around the islands. Did the Koco inspire the Ancients? Or did the Koco adopt the leftovers once the Ancients were gone? Hmm..." the first entry played.

"Well, we saw the Ancients with the Koco inside of them" Knuckles pointed out. "Maybe they were the original form before evolving in that Chaos-like form?" he guessed.

"Maybe" Sonic said. "However, it still doesn't explain why they looked so much like Chaos" he pointed out with concern, then pressed the play button again.

"Something wiped out the Ancients, that's for certain. A catastrophic event caused dire environmental shifts across the islands. It appears they made some effort to rebuild, but they were living on borrowed time. They died out within a generation" the second memo played.

"Aww, poor people" Izzy said with sadness.

"Yeah... such amazing stuff, such interesting traditions... all lost because of a mysterious enemy" Knuckles said with a bit of sorrow as well.

Sonic nodded in agreement with the couple, then pressed the play button a third time.

"I don't believe this! I had Sage run a diagnostic on the recorded genetic data of the Ancients and then against archives I have with me. They're relatives of Chaos, the God of Destruction! After countless years, their DNA corroded to the point they were completely transformed into a new species. Some kind of radiation affected them for eons, making them unrecognizable -- except to a genius like me!" the third entry played.

"WHAT?!" the three friends shouted in shock.

"The Ancients and Chaos are relatives?!" Sonic asked in disbelief.

"But that's impossible!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Chaos was a Chao that got infected by the power of the Master Emerald and turned into a monster! And all of that happened in Mobius!" he pointed out.

"But... wouldn't that mean that those 'Chao' you mentioned and the Ancients are related as well?" Izzy pointed out.

"Maybe they are..." Sonic said. "God dang it, this is a lot to take in..." he pointed out with wide eyes. "I never though I would say this, but Eggman's right on this memo: is hard to believe it" he said, with Knuckles and Izzy nodding in agreement.

Sonic decided to press the play button again to play the final memo of the moment.

"I'm deploying my most advanced artificial intelligence into the ancient network spanning the Starfall Islands. I've code-named it "Sage." Sage will take over the alien network, take control of all its resources, and give them to me! HAHAHAHAHA! ... Once I'm out of here..." the final memo played.

"This is the second time he mentions someone called Sage" Sonic said with a frown. "But he didn't mentioned that it was an AI before" he pointed out.

"Another AI?" Knuckles said with a playful smirk. "Eggman has a big record on failed AI that either betray him or they are a failure" he pointed out, while Izzy at his side giggled.

"I feel like we shouldn't laugh about this one, Knux" Sonic said with a worried frown. "Just to be careful" he added, putting the mp3 player away while Knuckles rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Now come on. We have Chaos Emeralds to look for" he stated, boosting away from them.

Izzy and Knuckles just looked at each other, nodded and disappeared, while Sage in the sky saw and heard everything.

"... Perhaps he do knows a thing or two about me" Sage said with a neutral expression, before disappearing into Cyber Space.

Author's Note:

Sonic 3 is currently filming with no actors, just the CGI characters.

Does this mean we're gonna have 90% of the movie being only Team Sonic, Shadow and hopefully more CGI characters around as well? Because if this is a Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation, we still need two important characters: Amy and Rouge.

The girl that's willing to help Sonic around to protect him (and maybe fall in love along the way), and the thief that seeks to own the Master Emerald, which Knuckles swore to protect.

And with the recent leak of a picture that shows a green light on the city the film is filming, which reminds me of a certain black hedgehog getting a green glowing emerald and blaming a certain blue hedgehog, I wouldn't be surprised we're getting the whole cast 'till Sonic Adventure 2 in this movie.

Here's the image for those who wanna see what I'm talking about.