• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 14: Understand the Gravity of the Situation

The group traveled to a national park where there was a geyser erupting from not too far, and a nice clean river of water flowing down from a waterfall. Most of the group walked out as Delta took in a deep breath of fresh air. "You know, it's the beauty of nature that reminds you why Equestria is so great sometimes." He said with a sigh.

"I'm happy you like it." Fluttershy said with a smile. "My parents used to take me to this national park when I was a filly. I really enjoyed all the animals that are around here, the breathtaking view of the erupting geyser, and many other things."

"And not only that but both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are going to be meeting us here because they believe something big is coming." Twilight mentioned.

“I wonder what it is.” Rainbow wondered.

“Let’s just hope it’s not something bad because we got enough of those lately.” Applejack said in annoyance.

“Oh, now, Applejack, don’t be such a worry wart.” Rarity waved her off. “I for one finding enjoyable to find peace and quiet in the great outdoors.”

“Darn it, darn it!” Helix’s voice called as he was wearing some headphones while fiddling with the Omnitrix as he and the rest of the group walked up to him.

“Have you tried pressing the button?” Attea asked.

“That was the first thing I’ve touched.” Helix said.

"Maybe try pressing one then the other?" Manny suggested.

"What are you guys doing?" Flash asked them.

"We're trying to get this dumb watch to work so we can go to the new fast food place in town." Helix explained. "They have this new arcade and everything, but it won't work and we're stuck here."

"My, it seems somepony needs to take in the surroundings and relax." A familiar voice spoke up before they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flying in. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble for us to intrude on your little trip." Celestia said before Twilight ran up and hugged her former mentor.

“No trouble at all princess.” Twilight assured her as she broke the hug. “We got your message, and arrived here as soon as we could.”

"Good, because I noticed something coming across the night sky last night and it seemed to be heading towards this location." Luna spoke up. "I even sensed a strange energy coming from this meteor, so we must be prepared for whatever comes."

"In the meantime, let's just sit back and relax and enjoy this place.” Helen mentioned before each of the young ones was given some paper by Twilight. “What's this for?"

"While I want you all to relax, I also would like you to write a very detailed report on the landscapes around us.” Twilight instructed as the young ones except Ocellus groaned. "What kind of plant life, animal life, even some--"

"Twilight, this is vacation, not a field trip.” Spike pointed out with a brow. “Can’t you stop with all these reports or assignments?”

“What? It’s never a time to stop learning.” Twilight said with a proud smile. “Besides, it’s great for the brain and--” She was cut off when a crumpled-up paper hit her in the head.

"Okay, let's see if we can help!" Smolder spoke up as she and Helen, with the others, tried to help Helix with the watch.

"Maybe try pressing the sides at the same time?" Silverstream asked as they each fiddled with the watch.

“Why can’t nopony ever want to learn on a trip?” Twilight asked in wonder while her friends gave her looks. “What?”

“Twi, I think you are going overboard with these assignments.” Applejack said dully.

"After all, they are still kids and it is summer vacation, and they just want to have fun without learning things all the time." Dust mentioned with a smile.

"At least my mom gets it." Helix muttered before he pressed the two buttons when Smolder's claw was over the faceplate and the core popped up as it was pushed down by accident by her. Helix was then engulfed in a bright green light as the others stood back and he transformed. They then looked really surprised as he turned into something that was a bit too top-heavy before he lost his balance and fell to the ground. He then opened his eyes and looked at his arms which had become very rocky. "Whoa, guys, what did I turn into?!"

“No idea.” Attea said as Helix struggled to get back up. “But you look like a planet-like alien.” She said as they saw he is a large, bulky, reddish-brown alien with rocky skin, a giant mouth with teeth that are also made of rocks, and a molten lava planet core at the center of his body. His feet are tan with three toes, and he has three fingers and one thumb on each hand. He wears black shorts with green stripes, a green belt with white stripes and the Omnitrix symbol on his forehead.

“Well, a little help please?” Helix asked as they helped him back up. “Can’t believe this is a new alien.”

“And with Gax you got from Vilgax, that makes twelve aliens and who knows. There could be a hundred more.” Delta said with a thoughtful look.

“Just how many aliens are in that watch?” Gallus asked with a brow. “We thought it was only ten.”

“I don't know, but this is new.” Helix said while looking at himself and at the core on his chest. “So, what do you think this guy does anyway?"

"And could someone please explain to me what has happened to him?" Luna spoke up as she was shocked to see Helix transform into an alien.

“Oh, right. Starswirl and I didn’t tell you.” Celestia said to her sister sheepishly. “To summarise, Helix found a space watch that attached itself to his hoof and to his DNA that allowed him to change into different aliens and he’s been fighting evil in his summer trip ever since.” She explained.

“And I wasn’t told because…?” Luna asked her sister with a brow.

“Well, for starters, we figure seeing it would be believable then explaining it, that and you were sleeping after handling the dreams.” Celestia said with a small sheepish smile.

“Right.” Luna said with a dull look.

“Anyway, Mom, Dad, do you know what this alien does?” Helix asked.

"Nope, this is the first time we've ever seen an alien like this." Delta mentioned with a shrug.

"Well, maybe with a red core like that and a big mouth like yours, maybe you can breathe fire?” Smolder suggested.

“Let’s see.” Helix said as he turned to the side and took a huge breath before he blew it out, but nothing came out of him. “Nope. No fire breath.”

“Drats.” Smolder muttered.

“Maybe fire freezes rays from your eyes?” Manny suggested as Helix stared deeply at them and squinted his eyes hard, but nothing. “I guess not.”

“Magnetic blasts?” Yona asked as Helix raised his hand up, but did different positions but so far, nothing.

"Okay, maybe not…" Helix muttered before Attea saw a very large meteor falling right towards them.

"Duck!" She called out as they all quickly ducked out of the way. Helix turned to see the meteor before he fell to the ground when it flew past them and crashed into the forest. "I'm guessing that was the meaning you saw last night, Luna?"

“Yes. But I was surprised it came close to our planet.” Luna said with a thoughtful look. “I was fortunate that it would crash here, but it seems like I was correct.” She stated as they turned to Helix, who was on the ground again.

“Okay, this alien has gotta go, now.” Helix said as he suddenly went into a ball-shaped form with his arms and legs retracted as he formed into a ball and started floating. “W-Whoa! Whoa!” He called as he started floating close to the crash site.

“Don’t you mean, gotta fly?” Pinkie joked with chuckles.

“Look on the bright side. You’re headed in the direction of the meteor.” Flash said as they rushed after Helix, who was still floating towards the crash site before he suddenly got his arms and legs back before he sat on the ground. The others soon arrived as they all looked up at the meteor that looked bigger than it did when it entered the atmosphere.

"Whoa, that thing is ginormous!" Rainbow exclaimed when they saw how big it was.

“That is one giant rock! And I’ve seen bigger ones!” Pinkie exclaimed before the ground shook as Helix fell again as they saw some rocks coming out of the meteor.

“And it’s alive?!” Silverstream asked in shock.

"What's it doing?!" Spike exclaimed before a ginormous insect leg burst out of the meteor and slammed into the ground.

"Whatever it's doing, we better move!" Rarity screamed as they quickly moved out of the way as more giant insect legs emerged from the meteor. The legs then touched down to the ground as the rest of it shell broke apart to reveal a giant tick-like creature as that slapped down its tentacles and started sucking before releasing some puff of smell, which they cringed back in disgust.

“Phew weeh! And quite aromatic.” Applejack commented.

"I just thought that was Manny forgetting to put on deodorant this morning!" Smolder mentioned while glaring at him.

“Hey! You try using deodorant on four armpits!” Manny retorted before they turned and saw a spaceship flying towards them.

“Looks to me we’re gonna have some visitors.” Sandbar commented as coming out of the ship were three aliens wearing robes.

“Rejoice. He’s arrived in all his glorious glowy.” The middle alien said as the three got on hover pads and floated down to them as the small alien went towards the tick.

"I await his proclamation." The alien with six arms said as he leaned his head against the tick.

"Who are three and do you know what this creature is?" Celestia asked the three aliens with a demanding tone.

“Relax. We come in peace.” The middle alien said as the buffier one came next to him.

“That’s what they always say right, before they blow you to bits!” Rainbow exclaimed.

"An equine with an attitude.” The buffer alien said as he hovered around them. "I've heard they exist here in large numbers in the sky, or should I say did?"

"Wh-What does he mean by that?" Fluttershy whispered with a worried tone as the middle alien hovered up to Helix.

“And a Galilean to boot.” The middle alien said, which surprised the group.

“At least we know what species you are now.” Attea whispered to Helix.

"His presence here must be a sign provided by the great one that he is here to negotiate." The middle alien spoke up before gesturing to the giant tick. "Is he not tremendous?"

“Tremendous! All hail the great tremendous one!” The two aliens said as the buffier alien turned to Helix.

"You are a little far from home, aren't you?" The buffier alien asked him.

“Actually, it's more closer than you think.” Helix said.

"Well unfortunately for you, there is no negotiating with the great one once he has begun purifying the planet." The buffier alien said as he gestured to the giant tick.

"What do you mean by purifying?" Twilight questioned with concern.

"Everyone, keep quiet!" The alien with six arms told them before he pressed his head against the tick again. "He's speaking to me."

“Uh, we don’t hear anything.” Helen said in confusion.

“That's because only I speak his language.” The six-armed alien said as he pressed his head against the tick. “The great one says ‘Your planet will be purified before the next moon.’ You all are quite lucky.” He said as the tentacles then started turning the ground grey before it spread all over the landscape.

“I don’t think we are lucky.” Luna said seriously.

"What exactly does he do when he purifies our planet?" Delta questioned the aliens.

"Very well, you have the right to know how your planet will become purified." The middle alien said before he hovered in front of them. “It's actually quite the experience. Let me show you."

"Oh great, not that auto-visual thing again." The buffer alien complained which caused the middle alien to look at him with a brow.

“Just explain to us now please.” Dust said to them as the middle alien pressed his head and showed a projection.

“We followed the great one from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy after he paid a visit to each and every one of our planets.” The middle alien started as it showed the tick on a planet and started using its arms and tentacles as it ran down the planet’s crest. “Notice his technique, the deep burrowing of the appendages into the core of the planet, rotting it from the inside and then ingesting it.” He said as the planet turned black before he exploded, shocking the Equestrians from that.

“That’s what he’s going to do here?!” Flash questioned in shock. "He's gonna blow our planet up?!"

“Of course. Though, before that, it will have some other effects before that happens.” The middle alien said with a natural look as it then visually showed the effects the tick will do to Equestria. “Your cities and villages will laid to waste, your oceans will dry up, your mountains will crumble.” He explained.

“It will be the end of the world as you know it.” The buffier alien said.

“Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!” The three aliens chanted.

"Not on my watch, you maniacs!” Helix exclaimed before he flew right towards the middle one. But the buffier alien flew in front of the middle one and used his ax to knock him back as Helen, Attea, and Manny were suddenly pulled back when Helix got knocked into the forest.

“Guys!” Flash yelled as they rushed after them.

“That’s better.” The buffier alien said as they turned back to the tick.

In the forest, the four of them were screaming as Helix was trying to get his balance while still floating in the air. "What's going on?!" Manny exclaimed as they seemed to be orbiting around Helix.

“I think we’re caught in a gravitational pull!” Attea exclaimed.

“How is that possible?!” Helen asked as they flew down the hill with the others following and got caught just before the Omnitrix timed out and they rolled down the hill.

“Dang, this watch gives me a new alien out of the blue and all I can do is levitate things.” Helix complained. “Not what I was going for.”

“You complain about that while there’s a giant planet-sucker about to wipe Equestria off the face of the universe!” Smolder exclaimed with her arms crossed.

"Those freaks also said something about you being a negotiator." Helen mentioned as she dusted herself off. "Maybe that alien species are negotiators?"

"It doesn't matter right now." Celestia spoke up. "Our world is in mortal danger if that tick continues to pump its poison into it."

"She's right, we have to find a way to remove it and fast." Twilight added before they noticed something happening to the trees.

“The trees are changing.” Ocellus said in horror as the trees became grey and all swelled up.

“I think its first phase is already starting.” Spike said nervously.

“We have to get back up that hill and destroy that thing before it destroys Equestria!” Dust exclaimed as they all started climbing back up.

"But what about every creature on the planet?" Sandbar asked with concern. "Our families, they're not going to survive what's happening."

"Spike, I wish for you to write a letter to Discord and tell him to evacuate every creature on the planet except us until the threat has been neutralized." Celestia informed.

“On it.” Spike nodded as he started writing down the letter before sending it with his fire as they made it when they saw tentacle-like creatures wiggling around.

“Whoa! These things weren’t here when we rolled down the hill, right?” Gallus asked in shock.

“No. We would’ve remembered them.” Ocellus said nervously.

"The tick's poison is mutating the landscape, including the plant life itself!" Delta theorized before one of the tentacles got too close to Rarity.

“Oh, get your slimy tentacles away from me!” Rarity exclaimed while slapping it, but then it lunged at her and grabbed her by the waist as it did the same as the others as they struggled to break free.

“You just have to insult it, Rarity, and they're mad!” Rainbow yelled as Helix reached for the Omnitrix, but it was still timed out.

"Ah! And to make matters worse, we're sinking!" Ocellus exclaimed with fear when the tentacles started pulling them down.

“Guys, now might be a good time to get us out of here!” Smolder yelled.

“You don’t think we’re trying?!” Manny yelled as he struggled to break free. "But these things are tougher than they look!"

“And I might turn into something else that might be useless!” Helix exclaimed as he kept fiddling with the Omnitrix as they were close to the ground. “Come on! Go hero you dumb watch!” He pleaded as he kept fiddling before he snaked to the ground.

“Helix!” Dust and Delta cried out for their son before a green flash shined from the bottom as Jetray flew out and dodged the tentacles.

“Time to cut some weed or tentacles… whatever!” Jetray called as he then started firing at the tentacles, which they hissed and they let go of the others as those who could fly grabbed the others and took off. “Time to fly!” He called while holding Attea and Helen as they all flew away from the tentacles, but then the tentacles then grabbed Attea’s legs.

“Hey!” Attea yelled as she glared down. “Never was much for tug of war! Plus I saw a few private videos to know where this is going!” She yelled as she hit the tentacles as they flew straight close to a waterfall that seemed to be turning purple with chunks of something odd.

"Look out!" Helen called out before Jetray quickly pulled up and flew over the waterfall as the others followed while dodging some more tentacles that shot at them.

With the tick, it grew even bigger while the three aliens were guarding it before they heard a boom. “What was that?” The buffier alien asked as the middle one looked up and saw something pulsing and swelling up.

The middle alien gave a smirk. “It appears part of this planet is about to be liberated.” He said as the six-armed alien leaned close to the tick.

"Yes… yes… I understand." The six-arm alien said. "I will be sure to tell the others."

“What did he tell you?" The buffier alien asked.

“He wishes us to see the effects of his greatness, and go witness his supreme and ultimate power.” The six-arm alien explained as the three aliens went off to do just that.

In the sky, the group kept flying as they could see more of the landscape was mutated. "Oh my…everything is changing…" Fluttershy gasped as one of the places she holds so dear to her heart was becoming tainted.

“Don't worry, Fluttershy, we're going to save it all. We have to stop that tick before our home goes boom!” Twilight exclaimed as a beating swelled pump kept beeping.

“What was noise?” Yona asked.

“Sounds like old hopeful’s ready to blow, and I don’t know what the tick’s poison could do to it when it does.” Celestia said seriously.

"From what we have seen so far, it can't be good!" Attea spoke up. "So is anyone up for a detour before we take out the big tick?"

“Sounds fair.” Pinkie said as they made a u-turn to the swelling puss.

The three aliens are at the giant puss while keeping a natural face. “I have visual recognition on the elderly men and prepubescent females, but what are the two females what are they riding on?” He asked.

“Two tons of laser power!” Jetray yelled as he flew past them as the others followed. “Move or lose it!”

“Not until we witness the eruption of the great one’s power.” The middle alien said with a firm look.

“Sorry, but that’s never gonna happen.” Luna said firmly to them.

"Helix, keep them busy while we seal it up!" Twilight called out.

"You got it! Helen, Attea, hold on tight!" He told the two riding on his back before he flew at high speed. Attea and Helen held on to him as tight as they could before they glared at each other. Jetray then fired lasers at the puff just as Twilight, Celestia, and Luna fired beings of magic at it, sealing it up as he flew around, and he and the others came below as Jetray placed Helen and Attea down as the others landed as well.

“Helix, what are you doing?” Helen asked in concern.

“Letting you off so neither of you gets hurt. This manta ray is flying solo.” Jetray said as he flew up, but then avoided laser slashes as he saw the aliens flying towards him as the buffier alien swung his energy ax as Jetray avoided them. “Two can play at this game!” He called as he fired a laser at the buffier alien, stunning him as he moved down while Jetray avoided the three aliens while the three Alicorns flew beside him.

“Get them!” The buffier alien said as they chased after the four in the sky as they looked around and saw them gone. “Where did they disappear to?”

Little did they know that Jetray and the three alicorns flew above them and dived down for a surprise attack. "Prepare to fire on my mark!" Celestia called out as each of them powered up their horns or eyes to blast the aliens out of the sky. "Ready… and…" just before she could finish, the Omnitrix on Jetray's chest started beeping red and he knew what that meant.

"Oh no, not now!" He shouted before the Omnitrix timed out and transformed back into Helix as he began to fall out of the sky. “HELP!”

“Helix!” Twilight and the others called from the ground as he kept screaming before he landed on the six-arm alien pad as he was pushed off and screamed as he fell into a mutated tree and groaned as the two aliens glared at him as he tried to steady the pad.

“Oh, man! Where’s the instruction manual when you need it?” Helix asked himself as he tried to control the pad but was flying around. "Come on, think of it like that hoverboard you got!" He said as he stood on the pad and slowly got it steady as he smiled before the two aliens came beside him, which he he moved the pad up as they blasted at each other.

“Hey!” The buffier alien called.

“Watch it!” The middle alien said as they looked up and saw Helix flying up as they kept firing at each other as he avoided the zaps as looked down and saw the puff as he gave a smirk.

“Coming in for a landing!” Helix called as zoomed down and got close to the puff.

“What’s Helix doing?” Spike asked as they watched him get close to the puff, but he stopped and zoomed up past the two aliens.

“Beep, beep, coming through!” Helix cheered as the two aliens looked down and saw that they crashed into the puff as it popped and they got stuck in slime.

“Get us out this!” The buffier alien yelled.

“Never seen an intergalactic fender bender like that before.” Delta said as he and the others looked amused by that.

“That’s our son.” Dust said as Helix, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna came to them.

“Anypony needs a lift?” Helix asked with a smirk.

A bit later, the group saw the tick, which was even bigger than before. “It’s getting bigger as it feeds.” Attea said in worry. "There's no way to remove it now."

“Then it’s time it went on a Fourarms diet.” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed the core down as he transformed into Fourarms and started punching the tick, but it didn’t make a dent before he was knocked away and transformed back as he groaned while rubbing his head.

After a bit later, the Omnitrix recharged as he came back to the others. "Okay, that's one down, ten to go!" He declared as he programmed the Omnitrix for Heatblast. He then unleashed a stream of flames right at the big tick, but not even a scorch mark was on it when he stopped. After he timed out and waited for it to recharge again, he transformed into Spidermonkey and started attacking it again. When that didn't work, he tried Greymatter and tried to advise a plan to remove it, but couldn’t find the right strategy and was chased away by some space lice it had. Then he went to Diamondhead and tried to shatter it, then Overflow as he tried to soak it off and drown it, then XLR8 while he kept gabbing it.

After that, he went Goop and sprayed the big tick with some acid. And when that didn't work, he went Gax and either used his tentacles or laser eyes to take it down. After he timed out again, Helix was breathing heavily as he had a very worried look on his face. "Okay… let's face it… this thing is indestructible!" He complained.

"So now what do we do?!" Spike questioned the others as the three aliens arrived.

“Reverse beam flow.” The middle alien ordered as the buffier one shot a beam and they were trapped in a force field. Rainbow hit the field, but she got shocked as she held her hoof.

“Seriously, and electrocuting force field?!” Rainbow exclaimed as she rubbed her hoof.

“It’s time for the final purification of your planet, and you all along with it.” The buffier said as the group looked nervous.

"Please tell me there's a plan-b or something…" Rarity questioned fearfully as they saw their planet becoming more grayer by the second as the mutated trees started wilting away.

“The last of our planet’s life force is nearly fading!” Twilight called as they were levitated up and dropped into the ground before they were giving blocks.

“What are we supposed to do with these?” Ocellus questioned.

“Before the great one can cleanse your planet forever, he must be cleansed.” The middle alien said as he gestured to the tick, who was bursting and sweating.

"Nuh uh! I ain't going anywhere near that thing's feet!" Manny shouted as he threw away the brush. Just then, the buffier alien did a swipe with his ax, which Twilight quickly formed a shield to block it as she was pushed back.

"Let's do as they say, for now at least." Delta told them as they picked up the brushes and walked towards the tick.

The six-arm alien then leaned close to the tick. “He says, he missed us.” He said to him. It was not our fault, o great one. Please, forgive us.” He said with a bow.

“Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness.” The three aliens chanted while the others started rubbing the tick’s feet.

"This cannot possibly get any worse. Rarity complained before she pressed her brush against the tick and a bit it's slime got on her, along with a few face lice. This caused her to shriek in terror and quickly shake off the goo and the lice. "I was completely wrong…"

Celestia took notice of the trees as they were almost shriveled up into oblivion. "We are running out of time." She whispered to the others.

"What do you want from me?" Helix questioned. "I'm all out of aliens, I've turned into every single one that I could and they can't take this thing down."

"Not all of them." Helen spoke up. "What about the big--"

"No way, I'm not turning into that hover rock thing again." Helix interrupted as he continued scrubbing. "Plus I don't know if I could, considering the first time was an accident."

"Yeah, but if you don't try and your world's going to end up as a giant tick cesspool." Attea pointed out.

“Well, when you put it that way…” Helix said as the Tick’s shell started to crack as the others looked up in surprise.

“It’s sheddling?” Fluttershy asked in surprise.

“More like transforming into something.” Luna said while seeing some pulses pumping.

“His beauty.” The middle alien said.

“His power.” The buffier alien added.

“His puss.” The six-arm alien finished.

“The end is upon us.” The three aliens chanted.

"Okay dude, it's now or never!" Sandbar called out before Helix activated the Omnitrix and tapped the buttons again to let the core pop up.

"Let's hope for the better." He said before he slammed it down and a bright light covered his body. Soon rocks started traveling up his hoof and covering his entire body as he had his eyes closed. A flash of green light flashes when he opens them before the ball of rocks unfolded its arms and legs. The red core in the center of his chest glowed before he did a pose and his transformation into a Galilean was complete. "Hey, it worked! So, uh, now what?" He asked as the three aliens came to them.

“Destroy them all.” The middle alien said as he fired a beam at them, which they quickly dodged as Twilight and some of the others are close to the tick before they saw some of the beams were deflected.

“The scales will protect us from their beams! Everyone, grab a piece of the scales!” Twilight called as they each grab some scales and used them to deflect the beams as they moved back to protect themselves before they ran around the tick and reflected the beams more, but some of them hit the Tick’s swelling zits as each other burst out acid, which they blocked before rushing to avoid the beams.

Helix then got up as he saw his friends and family blocking the strikes as he gave a determined expression. “Time to lift some weights!” He called as he then started running before he started levitating and formed into a ball.

The others kept blocking the strikes as Attea was about to fall, but Delta grabbed her. “Got you!” He called as the middle alien was about to fire at them, but then Helix came and levitated him off his pod and smashed into him.

“Strike!” Helix called out as he hit the middle alien but he started to float around him before Twilight noticed a pattern to that floating.

"Wait a minute, he doesn't float in the air, he manipulates the gravity around him!" She explained with realization. "He has his own orbit, like a planet!"

Helix then flew towards them and levitated them to and ot them to safet. “And I have some attack moves with gravity!” He said before he was blasted back by the aliens as he then blocked each strike and then his hands glowed green, causing him to somehow move the three aliens back as they crashed into each other before barely controlling their balance and fell to the floor. “Hey, more like Gravattack!” He exclaimed as some acid fell on him and he melted to the ground.

They all looked up and saw the big tick has now a big white shell as more acid continued to come out of it. Soon the ground started to rumble and break apart as the others went for higher ground and the aliens got back on their hover pads. It was clear now that it's the final stage of the planet's destruction by the big tick. "Let the final stage of the digestion begin!" The middle alien praised.

"Digest this, you space psychopath!" Manny shouted before he leaped and whacked the middle alien with a scale piece. Gravattack then flew by as he stood in front of the big tick before he put his arms up and concentrated when his hands glowed.

"Come on! Come on! Get out of the ground!" He grunted as he was trying to pull the big tick out of the planet. He focused his powers, but he was having trouble as the Tick started making a big wind.

"It's no use, its mass is way too big for you!" Helen called out.

“Okay, if I can’t move it on the outside, then how about I do a little movement from the inside out!” He exclaimed before Attea and Helix realized what he was about to do next.

"Whoa wait, you're not gonna do what we think you're gonna, are you?!" Attea asked.

"A hero's got to do what a hero's got to do!" He replied before he formed his ball form before floating up and charged towards the Tick. “Time for a little gravitational surgery!” He called as he entered the tick.

“No!” The three aliens screamed in horror.

Inside the tick, Gravattack looked around and saw many bones and organs pumping inside. “Let’s see if I can rearrange some things!” He called as he then started using his powers to move organs out of their positions and breaking some bones. The tick outside began to break apart as some goo started flowing from the inside.

The others were being pulled towards the tick, but then it swelled up as it shell broke before it exploded and its goo started flying as the three aliens stood there while the Equestrians lifted up their shields. “Aw! Gross times a million! It’s raining Tick Goo!” Spike exclaimed as they blocked the goo as it splattered everywhere.

At the remains of the Tick, Gravattack stepped up as he was covered in slime. “Okay. I really need a shower after this.” He said as the six-arm alien hugged a shell of the Tick.

“Nothing.” He said sadlly. “The great one has been silenced, forever.”

“You destroyed him.” The middle alien said to Gravattack as they came to him. “Ahil to the new great one!” He exclaimed.

“Hail, hail!” The six-arm alien cheered.

“Whatever.” The buffier alien said as the two aliens except for him bow to Gravattack.

“These guys are not that loyal, are they?” Applejack asked with a brow.

"You said it." Rainbow agreed with a brow.

"I don't know, I could get used to this." Gravattack mentioned before the Omnitrix timed out any transformed back into Helix, causing the two aliens to stop.

“That’s right. I forget. You’re just an underdeveloped equine specimen.” The middle alien said before he was suddenly shot by Twilight, which made him scream as yellow and blue shots hit the other two aliens as they fell to the ground. They then saw the three alicorns glaring at them.

“Well, we maybe underdeveloped, but we have a few words to say to you three!” Celestia yelled firmly.

“First you invaded our planet, tried and got the tick to feed off it, nearly causing our home to die, and now, you think you are special and think you could just leave without being unpunished, well, we don’t think so!” Luna yelled with an angry look.

"Final warning, get off this planet and NEVER return!" Twilight demanded as she rage shifted. “And never find another tick and destroy other planets! Because if one ever comes back here, you’re all gonna regret it!”

The three aliens looked at the three alicorns frighteningly as the middle one spoke. “Um, well. We won’t. We swear!” He quickly said. “Um, come on, fellas. Time to go.” He said as the three got onto their pods and took off to their ship.

“Enjoy the rest of your day.” The six-arm alien said as he entered last and they took off and left the planet.

“Actually, it looks like there will be many days to come.” Flash said with a smile as the landscape returned back to normal as the trees and plant life returned to its original state.

"Looks like things are going back to normal." Ocellus said with a smile as Helix shook the goo off of him.

"Hate to remind you, but nothing is ever normal around here." He pointed out before Celestia and Luna smiled at him. “But at least it’s normal for us.” Helix added as Delta rubbed his mane.

“Nice job, son.” Delta said proudly.

"You truly have earned the title of hero." Celestia mentioned.

"And you are even the boldest of heroes if you are willing to enter a giant tick." Luna added.

“Yeah, but we all did good. We’re the heroes who save the day.” Helix said with a smile. “I think our work here is done.” He said as he lay on the glass and relaxed.

“So, anypony want to write a report on this landscape now?” Twilight asked before her papers were then snatched out of her hooves, surprising her as she turned to Helen, who had the papers in her hands before she ripped them at a fast paste before setting them loose as the rips were blown away to the wind. “Hey! What was that for?!”

“I’m sorry, Princess. But you’ve been doing this report and assignment everytime we go to a new place on the trip.” Helen said with her arms crossed. “I think it’s time that you stop and just have fun instead of having us learn something about it.”

"All in favor of teaching Twilight the importance of summer vacation?" Helix asked as the young ones all raised their hand, hoof, or claw.

Later, all of the young ones were scrubbing all the tick goo off of the mobile base as they grumbled. “Us and our big mouths…" Helix complains as the adults were in Lounge chairs.

"Hey, don't worry, as soon as you get all the goo off of the mobile base without any powers or magic, I will let you teach me the importance of summer." Twilight told them with a smug smile. "By the way, you missed some tick goo over there."

“You know, if you try and keep pushing our buttons, Twilight, you’re gonna see how strong a Fourarm can be.” Manny warned.

“And don’t make me give you another wedgie with your wings tied again.” Helen warned, which made Twilight nervous from that.

“Uh, I mean, keep up the great work!” Twilight quickly said as she turned to the others, who were giving amusing looks at her. “What?”

“No offense, Twilight, but you had that coming.” Rainbow said while sipping her drink.

"Don't get too comfortable, ever had an incursion wet willie?!" Attea called out before aiming and shooting her tongue right into Rainbow Dash's ear.

“Ah! Eww!” Rainbow exclaimed as she felt Attea’s tongue wiggling in her ear before she retracted it as Rainbow rubbed her ear. “Ah, gross! I felt that from the inside!” She exclaimed while trying to get the saliva out of her ear.

“Yeah, watch out for Attea’s long tongue. It can shoot and catch things from a mile.” Dust said with giggles. “Trust us. She’s good at hitting her targets.”

"We should really be more careful with their powers and skills.” Applejack notted.

“Agreed.” They all nodded in agreement as the young group continue cleaning their mobile base and the adults relaxed while making sure they don’t pull their tricks on them as Equestria is healthy and alive once again.

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