• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 27: Unpleasant Future

The mobile base was parked in the woods as everyone seemed to be working hard at setting up camp before Twilight came out of the mobile base. She noticed everyone working hard and not arguing, which really confused her. "What's all this?" She questioned with a brow before Flash walked up to her.

“Uh, nothing. They’re just doing some training outside while also setting up the camp.” Flash said with a nervous smile. “Nothing to be concerned about, Twilight.”

"Oh Twilight, darling, you mind coming with me and Applejack to fetch some firewood?" Rarity asked. "Pinkie wants to teach us her very special s'more recipe and she said it'll take a lot of fire."

Twilight rubbed her chin for a bit. “Well, knowing Pinkie, she does have her ways of making things in a fun way.” She said with a smile.

“I sure do! Like a cupcake in my mane.” Pinkie said as she took a cupcake out of her mane and ate it. “Like that!”

"I will never understand that pony." Azmuth mentioned with a brow. "I'll have to study her sometimes."

“Don’t bother. Trust me, I’ve tried and it didn’t work out well.” Twilight said with a small chuckle. “Okay, let’s go get that firewood.” She said as they all walked out of the campsite. Once out of the campsite, the younger part of the group, with Delta, Dust, Hope, Azmuth, Pinkie, and Venus, watched them go.

“Okay, the coast is clear.” Delta told the others before Azmuth took out a small remote and pressed a button on it. Soon the campsite turned into a birthday party zone with a birthday banner saying 'happy birthday Twilight.'

"Okay, time for a check!" Pinkie declared with a serious tone. "Balloons?"

"Check!" Helen and Zs'spoocy called out as they had a bunch of balloons tied to some trees.

“Confettis?” Pinkie asked.

“Check!” Ocellus and Smolder said next while holding some bags of confetti.

“Streamers?” Pinkie added.

“Check!” Silverstream and Gallus said while quickly placing the streamers around the campsite.

"Presents?" Pinkie called out.

"They're mostly books, but it's a check." Helix said as he, Misty, and Manny stood by a table full of presents.

"Good, plus Twilight's family will be here when they get back with the firewood, along with Starlight, Trixie, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Pinkie mentioned before scratching the bottom of her chin. "Am I forgetting anything else?"

Spike looked around before he noticed something. “Wait, where’s Twilight’s cake?” He asked, looking at the table. “Shouldn’t there be one?”

Pinkie Pie then gave a gasp of horror as she realized that. "I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CAKE!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs before running around in a panic. "AND THERE'S NO TIME TO BAKE ONE BEFORE TWILIGHT GETS BACK!!!"

"Whoa Pinkie, calm down!" Helix told her as Manny picked her up but her legs kept on moving at a very fast pace. "I'll just go XLR8 and get one from town. I'll even grab some frosting and put Happy Birthday Twilight on it."

“Yeah, girl. Chill.” Manny said as Pinkie calmed down a bit, but her legs were still moving despite being on the ground and staying in one place. “Uh, Helix, you better get going before Pinkie blows a gasket.”

“Don’t worry. I’m setting the Omnitrix now.” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix, but then a portal opened up as a gust of wind blew in front of them as the wind blew from the portal. “Okay, this can’t be good.” He said in shock.

“Hope, is this your doing?” Dust questioned with a surprised look while Hope looked at it in shock.

“T-That’s not me.” Hope said in shock. “It is one of my spells, but I’m not doing it.”

“Well, if that’s not you, then what is it?” Venus asked as a hooded figure flew out of the portal, which they all moved aside as the figure appeared to be a red and orange hooded Dragon. It flew past them and knocked over the decorations. It then did a u-turn before its hand glowed and Magic robe suddenly grabbed the Young six, Helen, Manny, Attea, Zs'spoocy, and Misty.

"Guys!" Helix called out before he activated his Omnitrix and slammed down on the core when it popped up. He transformed into Importal before creating wormholes to chase after his friends being kidnapped by the strange hooded dragon. All of them then went through the same portal it came through before it closed behind them.

“Kids!” Delta called as the four adult ponies looked on in shock where the portal was at, wondering where the children went off to.

At a high-tech place, the portal opened up as the hooded dragon flew out with the children as the ten familiar amulets on its arms glowed. It looked behind her to see if he followed before turning and saw Importal opening a wormhole right in front of it as he punched its lights out. It let out a groan before he looked towards his friends. "You guys okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Ocellus responded as they all dusted themselves off before she saw the amulets the dragon was wearing. "No way, those are the Amulets of Dezal."

“What?!” Smolder asked in shock. “But I destroy those amulets! How did that dragon get them?!”

“Uh, Smolder, the more important question is where are we?” Gallus asked while gesturing to their surroundings and they all saw the entire place being very high-tech. Not only that but there were a bunch of aliens walking with the creatures of Equestria, talking to each other or having fun on hoverboards.

"Where are we?" Yona questioned as they were in awe at where they were.

"Hey, Helix!" They all heard a female voice called out before they looked up and saw a hippogriff riding on a hoverboard. "Looking good as always~!" She complimented before blowing a kiss to him then flying off.

“Wait, she knows who I am?” Importal asked in shock. “And did she just hit on me?”

“Yo, H.W. 10k, keep up the awesome job!” An Earth Pony colt with rocket boots flew by with his alien friend as they waved to Importal.

"Ten what?!" Importal questioned.

“Okay, seriously, where are we?!" Helen questioned before they noticed a large shadow looming over them before they looked up and saw a statue of what looked to be an earth pony stallion and a device on his left hoof. "Whoa, is that…?"

"'Equestrian's hero of heroes: Helix Watch 10,000, our Omni-Hero'?!" Attea read the inscription at the base of the giant statue in both shock and surprise. “I don't think the question is where are we but when are we."

"So where in the future and that's really me?" Importal asked the others as they were just as surprised as he was. But then the statue exploded as they all moved out of the way as it crumbled.

“More like it was you, man." Manny said before they saw two figures emerge from the kicked-up dust.

“Hey, Watch, long time no see.” The big figure said while coming out is a high-tech alien rhino.

“It most certainly has, isn’t darling. Watch sure has been gone for a while.” A female chameleon-like alien said with a fancy accent.

"Do I know either of you?" Importal questioned with confusion.

"How easily you forget Subdora and Exo-Skull.” Subdora told him while gesturing to herself and the high-tech rhino while Exo-Skull kneeled down.

“How about I refresh your memory for a little revenge!” Exo-Skull challenged as he charged up his horn and fired at them, which they dodged each blast while Importal created a few wormholes to charge right at them. Subdora then suddenly appeared in front of him as she kicked him right in the face before landing safely on the ground as he skied to a halt.

"Perhaps that will refresh your memory." She said before Importal created a wormhole under her and she fell through before landing right on top of Exo-Skull.

"Well it's time to refresh your memory of why I'm called a hero of heroes!" He declared as he charged right at them with his wormholes, but just when he was close enough, the Omnitrix timed out any transformed back as he slammed against Exo-Skull's chest. He then rubbed his head before the two aliens loomed over him. "Or maybe we can talk about this?"

"Helix Watch is back to being a colt?!" Exo-Skull questioned with confusion.

"Now that is panache." Subdora mentioned.

"Kemo-cha!" A voice called out before a magic blast hit both aliens back. The group looked over and saw the dragon from earlier was the source of the blast.

“Wait, that dragon knows magic?!” Attea asked in shock as the dragon fired more magic blasts at Exo-Skull and Subdora, pushing them back. Exo-Skull got his bearings and fired a blast at her, which she created a shield that deflected the blast before she flew up, but Subdora threw a device at her, which turned into a net that caught the dragon in it as she was electrocute from it on the ground.

Exo-Skull then turned his attention to the group as he started rapid-firing at them as they ran away from each blast. Suddenly, a very fast blur came zipping by as it punched Exo-Skull in the face before hitting Subdora in the gut. The two villains went down after a powerful punch.

Helix walked up to the two baddies and looked in shock. “Okay, what is going on here!? What was that?!” He called as coming up from behind him was a blur, but once it stopped. It is revealed to be a familiar alien they know very well.

“Is that XLR8?” Misty asked as they saw that the new and old version of XLR8 was taller and he was more black and white than black and blue. The dragon from before managed to get out of the net before placing it on the two aliens on the ground.

"Looks like Test gave Exo-Skull an upgrade, judging by his work." XLR8 said as he scanned both aliens with his visor. "I'll have Helen run a DNA analysis back at headquarters." He told the dragon before noticing the young group as they gave nervous smiles. "And send all of them back, now."

XLR8 was about to rush off, but Helix got in front of him. “Wait, you’re me. I can tell because you have the Omnitrix on your chest.” He said while pointing to his future self’s Omnitrix. “And it looks like my appearance changed when I got older. And I have a headquarters with my team and friends, awesome!” He exclaimed with a wide smile.

"I don't have time for this!" XLR8 complained as he turned away before Helix got in front of him again.

"So, do you think you can catch me up on my other aliens? You know, the 9,990 ones I'm gonna get soon." Helix asked his future version.

"Let's see, how does never sound?!" XLR8 shouted with an attitude before running off.

"Wow, you seriously need to lose that attitude.” Both Smolder and the dragon that brought them here told Helix at the exact same time, causing them to look at each other.

It was then that Smolder realized who this dragon was. "Are you…me?" She asked as the dragon took off her hood and mask to reveal herself to be a future version of Smolder.

“Hey, little dudes and dudettes.” Future Smolder said with a smile.

“Smolder?!” They all asked in shock when they looked at both present and future dragons.

“Wait, you’re me, and I have the Amulet of Dezal?!” Smolder asked in shock.

“Yeah. And I’ve been going as Mis Drago when I was a kid.” F.Smolder said as she kneeled down to her past self.

“Mis Drago is still active?!” Smolder asked with an excited smile. “How did I recover the amulets?! Did Hope show you?!”

“Look, I didn’t bring you or your friends here to find out about your futures.” F.Smolder said seriously before turning to Helix. “I came back to bring Helix.” She explained, which surprised them, especially Helix.

“So, why nabbed us?” Sandbar asked in surprise.

“I remember Helix’s rescuing skills usually kick in while his listening skills kind of stink.” F.Smolder said with a smirk. “Grabbing you all was the only way I knew he’d come without explaining myself in your time.”

"So, time traveling is easy for you now?" Ocellus asked F.Smolder. "Because headmare Twilight said it was kind of dangerous."

"Don't worry, that's only if you travel into the past." F.Smolder replied with a smile. “You just need to learn the right spell to create a powerful enough time portal."

"So I did master magic!" Smolder shouted excitedly. "This is so cool, then I'm so cool!"

"What about the rest of us?" Gallus asked F.Smolder.

“Oh, trust me. You all have bright futures ahead of you.” F.Smolder said with a smirk as Helix groaned.

“Hey, guys! I hate to break this up, but this isn’t about you all, Future Smolder said that she came back for me. And it’s for a reason, right?” Helix asked F.Smolder with a look.

“Nothing gets by you as usual, Helix.” F.Smolder said as she stood up.

"So, why did you bring us here in the first place?" Zs'spoocy asked her.

"Helix Watch 10,000 may have mastered the secrets of the Omnitrix, but that doesn't mean he's able to handle things on his own." F.Smolder told them.

“I don't know, I seem pretty tough from the looks of it.” Helix mentioned. "I mean, did you see how future me was able to handle those two?"

"Yeah, but your future self isn't prepared for everything. There's a crisis that not even you can solve on your own." F.Smolder told him.

Danger alert! Sector 15-D.” F.Smolder’s belt beeped out.

“Uh, what’s in sector 15-D?” Misty asked.

“Fort DNA-X.” F.Smolder answered. “Equestria’s massive genetic depository with DNA samples from across the galaxy.”

“Dr. Test! My future self said something about him running around.” Helix said with a serious look. “That must be the crisis that I need to help my future self. He upgraded that rhino dude and now he’s doing something else.”

“Maybe we should all go and help him with a double-team douse.” Manny suggested while cracking his knuckles.

"Okay, let's see if I can give us a lift." Helix mentioned that he tried activating the Omnitrix but it was still recharging. “Oh come on, can't this thing charge faster in the future?!"

Then driving by, a familiar horn honked, which caught F.Smolder attention as she gasped as coming up was the mobile base, which was pretty much the same as it did years ago. The younger group smiled at the mobile base while coming out of it were none other than Flash Sentry but with a beard and Twilight Sparkle, only she looked as tall as Princess Celestia with her mane and tail flowing like Celestia's. Along with Helix's parents as they looked a few years older.

“Smolder.” Flash said with a smile. “We thought that was you.”

Then coming out from behind F.Smolder was Helix and his friends. “And us!” Helix said as they gave wide smiles, which the group in the mobile base smiled.

“Well, looks like someone finally figured out how to make a time portal spell.” Twilight said with a proud smile.

"Oh, I forgot how young you looked so long ago." Dust mentioned before Helix ran up to hug his parents.

"Wow, you almost look exactly like Princess Celestia, Headmare Twilight." Ocellus mentioned after getting a good look at Twilight.

“No surprise there, considering I am now the current ruler of Equestria.” Twilight said with a smile, which shocked the others.

“Wait, Celestia and Luna passed on the throne?!” Gallus asked in shock.

“Yes. But don’t tell my past self that when you return.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “I wanted it to be as it is without me knowing. Trust me, I panic at first but over time I managed to get by it. “But this is a great birthday present, seeing all of you together again."

"Do we not see each other anymore?" Sandbar asked with confusion.

"Well, some of you do visit one another sometimes and I do see Smolder a lot." Twilight mentioned as she looked at both Smolders.

"So, why did you bring them all here in the first place?" Delta questioned F.Smolder.

“She said my future self needed help and do you think you can give us a ride?" Helix asked them.

"Sure, but to where?" Flash asked.

"To Fort DNA-X." Both Smolders answered at the same time. Which caused them to look at each other smiles.

“Hop in.” Delta said as they all entered the mobile base, before seeing that the inside has been upgraded.

“Whoa! It’s totally upgraded!” The younger group exclaimed in amazement as Delta pressed a button.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet!” F.Smolder said with a smirk as the mobile base then had some kind of flight feature as it floated up.

“Hit it, Uncle!” Flash said as Delta stepped on it as the mobile base took off into the sky as the younger group screamed in surprise before they looked out as they saw the future city below.

“Okay, I love the future!” Manny exclaimed with a smile.

“By the way, what exactly is this city called?" Silverstream asked the adults.

"Omni-City, it was Helix's idea since he brought the universe together." F.Smolder answered.

"Sweet!" Helix cheered before a thought came to him. "So where do I sleep?"

“In your big fancy headquarters, where else?" F.Smolder answered, which made his parents frowned a little.

"The one where future me is?" Helen asked them. "Because future Helix said that's where I am."

"Along with Empress Attea and Zs'spoocy." Flash told them as he rubbed his right hoof with a sad look. "They're the only ones good enough to stay with him."

“Wait, what?” Both Attea and Zs’spoocy asked in surprise.

“I became Empress?” Attea asked.

"Of your home planet, of course." Dust mentioned with a sad tone. "I guess Helix has other priorities."

The younger group looked in surprise as they turned to each other while Helix was surprised that his future else haven’t met up with his friends or family in a while as the mobile base landed next to a platform. “Well, here we are.” Delta said as F.Smolder and the younger group exited.

“Twilight, Flash, Mom, Dad, you coming?” Helix asked them when he was the last one to exit the mobile base.

"Oh, no." Twilight replied. "You haven't needed any of our help for a very long time. Just make sure you say goodbye before Smolder returns you home." Helix gave a shrug before he left as his parents had a very sad look on their faces. “I know it's going to be tough for him when it happens."

“But he’s just a kid.” Flash said with a sad look. “If he knew about it, he wouldn’t have turned like he is today.”

As the future mobile base took off, Helix had an excited look on his face. “Time to go Humungousaur and remind myself where it all began!" He declared as he activated his Omnitrix and programmed a dinosaur-like alien before pressing the two buttons and slamming down on the core. But when the light died down, he didn't transform into Humungousaur, but Jetray instead.

“Yeah, with you messing up again.” Misty said with a smirk as Jetray eyes glowed as he growled at her.

Inside the vault, there was many pods with alien remains inside as the heroes came inside, with Ocellus armored up, but then the side wall exploded, causing the group to crash into the floor while F.Smolder flipped to her legs as a dinosaur-like alien with a green strap with the Omnitrix on it and black shorts crashed into the ground as he stood up with a look as Jetray flew around him.

“Hey, I was gonna go Humungousaur, too!" He told his future self. "Great minds must think alike, huh."

"I don't think so, now get out of here!" Humungousaur growled before an explosion caused smoke to cook up as they heard loud stomping coming towards them.

Coming out of the hole was Dr. Test, but his head is now in an ape’s body while his head is in a glass jar. “No one is going anywhere!” He exclaimed as he looked at the heroes. “I see you brought help. You’re going to need it. For every one of your alien heroes, I will steal enough DNA to create monstrous minions at my command!” He exclaimed.

“His look looks different, but he will never change in the future, does he?” Smolder asked her future self.

"Nope, but he's not alone." F.Smolder mentioned before she looked behind Dr. Test. "Come out, Cozy! I can sense you and the other two behind him!"

“Oh, you really such a buzzkill as always, Smolder!” A familiar yet old voice called as coming out of the hole was Cozy Glow, who is now a full-grown alicorn mare, and Chrysalis and Tirek, who are unchanged while they looked the same as they were before, only they seem to have pieces of stone on small parts of their bodies. “You just had to spoil the surprise!”

“Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis?!” Gallus exclaimed in shock. “They’re still around after all these years?!”

"But even with your strangely familiar group of individuals backing you up, you won't be able to defeat us!" Chrysalis declared.

"Oh yeah?!" Jetray exclaimed as he flew in front of his future self. "We'll see about that!" He then flew straight towards the four villains before Tirek knocked him away with just one hit, which caused him to send him flying back into his future self.

Chrysalis then started firing magic blasts at them, which F.Smolder quickly flew in front of them and blocked the blast with a magic shield, but it was strong enough to send her crashing into the floor. Humungousaur got up and bend one of the pipes onto Jetray’s tail.

“Stay out of my way!” Humungousaur yelled at his past self as he charged at the four villains.

“Oh, hey! You can’t… I mean, I can’t do that to me!” Jetray yelled as he tried to break free, but then he looked down at his tail before using his laser eyes to try and melt it as Humungousaur started fighting the four villains easily.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” Ocellus asked F.Smolder.

“No. He prefers it this way.” F.Smolder said with her arms crossed, which shocked the group.

“Hey, we’re missing out on the action!” Jetray called as he still kept trying to get free from the pipe as Humungasur then transformed into a green alien that spits out green water, which soaked Cozy Glow back as he then transformed into Diamondhead and trapped Chrysalis inside a diamond pillar.

Tirek then took a machine from a wall as he slammed it down on Diamondhead, which he shielded himself before Tirek noticed the machine was sparking up, which Diamondhead is now transformed into a megawatt before he shocked Tirek down. He then flipped back as he transformed into a white alien with wires connected to his head from his back. "Wall-of-SOUND!!!!" He declared as he suddenly made copies of himself and let out a Sonic scream at the villains that sent them flying back into the wall.

“Whoa! I really rock!” Jetray said in shock. “What do you call the water one and the sound one? Spitter and Echo Echo?”

"They're not pets." One of the copies told him. "I stopped naming them a long time ago." He then transformed into Gax before walking up to the villains.

"Aw, but that was half the fun." Jetray complained.

Gax came up to the four villains and then used some cables to tie them up, restraining them as the others watched. The doors to the place then opened before a bunch of aliens and other creatures from Equestria charged in. They were all wearing plumber attire before the group noticed two familiar faces among them. "Is that…me and Manny?!" Gallus questioned as he saw his future self as a plumber.

"And check out future me rocking the bling." Manny mentioned as he noticed the gold armor on his plumber uniform.

"Well, it does come with the perks when you marry royalty." F.Smolder mentioned, which surprised Manny.

"Hey Smolder, long time no see." F.Manny mentioned with a smile before he noticed his past self and his friends looking younger. "Time travel?"

“Yeah. I managed to perfect it.” F.Smolder said with a smile.

“Great work.” F.Gallus said with a smirk. “You are really good at your spells, it just keeps on surprising us.”

"So, I really do become part of the Plumbers?" Gallus asked his future self.

"And do I really marry royalty?" Manny did the same to his future self.

"Whoa, we know you're excited and all, but we can't reveal too much about how all this happened." Manny told the younger group.

"Well, is she at least hot?" Manny asked his future self.

"Crazy hot." His future self replied before looking at the Plumbers. "Secure the area and make sure nothing else escapes." He said as the plumbers nodded and all ran around the area.

“You all are a bit late to the party, you know that?" Gax asked before he transformed into XLR8 and rushed up to both Manny and Gallus.

“Yeah, it’s a big universe, Helix.” F.Gallus reminded him.

“Though, it wouldn’t hurt to save a couple of the bad guys for us you know, man.” F.Manny said with a smile. "You know, like old times."

“What would be the point?” XLR8 questioned. “But since you two and the Plumbers are here, how about bringing Test, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis back to the null void chamber for me. I'll let Helen, Attea, and Zs'spoocy you said hello.” He said as he rushed off.

“Yeah, sure man.” F.Manny said with a small frown.

“Anything to help for an old friend.” F.Gallus finished with a sigh. As Jetray continued to struggle to get his tail free, the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back into Helix, which caused him to slip out of the bent pipe.

XLR8 quickly grab his past self, and a couple of the other younger group as he turned to F.Smolder. “Smolder, carry the others and I’ll meet you back at headquarters.” He said as he took off at high speed with F.Smolder, levitating the rest of the group, flew out the door, leaving F.Manny, F.Gallus, and the plumbers behind with the four villains.

“I really missed the old Helix, man.” F.Manny said sadly.

"You said it." F.Gallus agreed before they both pulled out blasters and aimed it towards the four trapped villains.

"I guess you caught us then…" Cozy told the plumbers. "And there's nothing we can do to stop you." She and the other three however gave an evil grin at the pod next to them that saids
‘VX - 0001’ labeled.

“So, Test, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis’s been around this whole time?” Helix asked his future self as he and his group sped around the city.

“Test escaped a few years back and must’ve freed the three latters from their prison.” XLR8 said to them. “I wasn’t sure if they were going to show their ugly faces again. But now it looks like they won’t be problems anymore.” He said.

“What about Vilgax?” Misty asked.

“Yeah, won’t he be a problem to you?” Helen asked in concnern.

"Last any of us saw of him, I left him into tiny pieces." XLR8 replied. "It wasn't pretty for anyone, enough said."

"Whoa man, you really need to lighten up." Sandbar told Helix.

"Tell me about it." Helix agreed.

Back at Fort DNA-X, the plumbers managed to get the wires off of the four villains before they smirked while they had their heads down. Cozy's horn glowed before gas masks appeared on her, Tirek, and Chrysalis' faces before Test released some sort of gas from event on his chest.

“Ah, sleeping gas!” F.Manny exclaimed as he, F.Gallus and the plumbers fainted as they fell to the ground. As soon as they were knocked out and the gas cleared, the Four villains walked up to the pod next to them before Tirek ripped it open to reveal a familiar torn-up corpse inside.

"All right, do your thing doctor." He told Test as he, Chrysalis, and Cozy stood back. F.Manny and F.Gallus struggled to regain consciousness as they saw Dr Test fire up his mutant ray on his glass cylinder around his head before firing it at the corpse.

"Mr. Vilgax, so glad you can rejoin us." Test said with a grin as F.Manny and F.Gallus saw the corpse regenerating its skin before an eye was glowing red on it.

Soon XLR8 took the group to a tall tower with the Omnitrix symbol built on the very top. Soon they came to a monitor room where he placed them down and those with hair were a bit messed up from the run. "So this is my headquarters?!" Helix asked with excitement. "Awesome!"

"Yeah, I guess it is." They heard a familiar, yet older, voice saying before they saw an older version of Helen walking up to them. "I gotta say, I almost forgot how cute I was back then."

“Whoa! You’re me, but older!” Helen said with excitement as she zipped around her past self. “And I look good!”

F.Helen gave a chuckle. “And I forgot how excited I was back then.” She added with giggles.

“Yes. Yes, you were, H.” Another familiar but older voice said while coming up with a tablet, it is Attea, but older with a purple dress, white boots and scarf while wearing some gold trimming around the top of her dress and white pants. "Although, it's great to see you enthusiastic again. Even if it was brought from the past."

Attea let out an impressed whistle at the sight of her future self. "Wow, we look amazing." She complimented herself.

“That we are.” F.Attea said with a wink. “Especially when we’re ruling our home planet and maintaining peace.”

“Sweet.” Attea said with a wide smile.

“Hah, some things never change with you, Attea.” Another familiar, yet spooky, voice speaking as coming out of the walls was Zs’spoocy, looking the same as she was before, but taller. “Talk about a blast from the past.”

"Wow." Zs'spoocy said after seeing her future self.

"You're one to talk, ghosty." F.Attea mentioned while gesturing to her past self. "You still look like you, just taller."

"So, do we hang out here with our friends a lot?" Helix asked the adults.

"Oh we hang out~." F.Attea said with a smile. "But only the four of us, six if they're ever around."

"Uh, who's they?" Silverstream asked with confusion.

"You'll see after the school year and next summer, probably." F.Z'spoocy told them.

"And as for the hangout part, it's mostly something you're too young to understand or know about." F.Helen added.

“Besides, there's no time.” XLR8 mentioned before he zipped to one of the monitors. “I'm always patrolling the planet, or other planets if they need me. Thus Helix doesn't have time to be hanging out with anyone."

"Dude, your future self did not just say 'thus.'" Manny told Helix.

"I did." Helix replied with a disappointed tone as they fixed their hairs. "Don't I have any fun anymore?"

“You’ll learn soon enough.” XLR8 said as he rushed up to his past self and friends again. “Being me isn’t all about fun. Especially from what me and the others experience that you haven’t been through yet.” He said with a stoic face while the Future girls looked down a bit with sadness. “Now wait here for Smolder, and don’t touch a thing!” He said firmly as he rushed down to the main computer at the center of the room.

"What did he mean by that?" Helen asked her future self.

“T-Trust us. You’re all are best not to know.” F.Helen said.

Helix looked around and saw a hoverboard at a wall. “Hey, look! It must be a new hoverboard than the one I have!” He said as he rushed up to it.

“He said not to touch anything.” Misty said to her cousin as Helix pressed a button that activated the hoverboard.

"And why should I listen to myself? You never do.” He told his cousin before popping on the board and started flying around. “Yeah! Whoo-hoo! Whoa-ho!” He cheered as he flew around while the others watched in amusement.

“He always loves the hoverboards.” F.Attea said with a small smile as F.Smolder came in.

"You said it, and I really miss that side of him." F.Helen mentioned.

“Get off that board now!” XLR8 said sternly.

“What? I don’t even make you smile by doing some hoverboard tricks?” Helix asked his future self. “You’re even worse than I thought! Cool move, huh? Want to race?”

“No!” XLR8 firmly said as he took the board away from Helix, who fell from the floor with a yell. “Those days are over.”

"Well, I'm over is being a hero if this is how I turn out.” Helix said with a glare at his future self. “I am such a jerk!"

XLR8 dropped the board as he and his past self glared at each other, but then the alarm went off. “Danger alert. Sector 1-A centric. Danger alert. Sector 1-A centric.

“What is it?” Helix asked.

“My business, not yours!” XLR8 firmly said while turning to F.Smolder. “Get the portal open and get them home.” He said as he rushed off.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere." Helix said firmly. “You brought me here for a reason and I bet it's happening at Sector 1-A centric. Is it far from here?"

"Closer than ya think." F.Attea told him. "It's just about 61 stories below us."

"But the only thing down there is…" F.Helen said before she let out a gasp. "The Null Void Chamber."

"The Null Void what?" Manny asked with confusion.

“Ever since the headquarters was first built, the plumbers installed a Null Void Chamber for us to store the worst of the bad in the Null Void.” F.Zs’spoocy explained. “Think of it like a giant Null Void projector from back in the day, but way bigger.”

“So, you’re telling us someone is breaking into this building?!” Ocellus cried out nervously as the four girls nodded.

“We gotta get down there, now!” Helix declared as they all nodded.

Down in the chamber, Dr. Test, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis were messing around with a control console before a large device lowered itself down. Soon XLR8 arrived before he transformed into Diamondhead and turned his arms into blades. "You're not going anywhere near that." He told them with a firm tone. "It ends now!"

"Oh, but it has only just begun." A familiar, sinister dark voice said before a familiar squid-head alien stepped out of the shadows. Not only did he have a squid for a head, but he looked bigger than he did a long time ago while his left arm looked mutated while he had three holes at the end of his right arm.

“Vilgax!” Diamondhead called in shock as Vilgax charged a him, but Helix dodged the first couple of strikes, but he was swatted to the wall before Vilgax charged at him and punched him through the wall.

“Seems like old Villy is cranky.” Cozy Glow said with a smirk.

“And really got the spry.” Tirek added as they turned back to the champer.

“Think you can get this open, Test?” Chrysalis questioned.

“Oh, childs play.” Dr. Test said with a smirk as he walked up to the chamber, but he and the other three were blasted from behind before they turned and saw the old and young heroes when F.Smolder blasted at them.

“They’re trying to open the Null Void Chamber!” F.Smolder exclaimed.

“And free everyone we and my parents ever captured over the years!” Helix added before he turned and saw his future self fighting Vilgax. “Vilgax?!” He exclaimed when he saw Vilgax tossed his future self out. "He's mine, Helen, Attea, Manny, and Zs'spoocy. The rest you stop those four."

"With pleasure." Both Smolders said with a grin before she and the others charged at the four villains.

"And we're going to need backup." Helen mentioned as she looked at her future self. “Still got a sprint in your step?"

"Always, but I'll need to make a quick call before we help out our husband." F.Helen mentioned before she zipped off.

“What she say?" Helix asked as he was too busy dialing up an alien.

“Nothing! Just gotta make a call to bring back-up, Helix!” Helen quickly said before she blushed. “I get to marry Helix one day?” She whispered to herself before she giggled with a smile.

"He's also our husband." F.Attea whispered to Helen as she gestured to herself and F.Z'spoocy. "And that's why I said the six of us before."

“Okay, well, time to go Gax on Vilgax again!” Helix said as he set the Omnitrix to Gax, but when he slammed the core down, he transformed into Jet Stream instead. “Ugh! Oh, man! Can’t Azmuth just fix the wrong alien bug?!”

"You know, I sometimes wonder if the watch is just messing with you sometimes." Attea mentioned.

Meanwhile, Vilgax knocked Diamondhead outside as he was hanging by the edge while Vilgax walked up towards him. But then Vilgax was blasted by the back by a strong water beam. “Take that!” He caleld as he and his team got in front of Diamondhead as F.Helen helped him up.

“What are you all doing?! Get out of here!” Diamondhead ordered.

“When are you gonna get it through your thick skull, me?!” Jet Stream questioned as he landed in front of him. "If this is your fight then it's my fight too."

"That includes us, Helix." F.Helen added as she gestured to herself, her past self, both Atteas and Zs'spoocys and Manny. "And his too." Just then, F.Manny suddenly teleported in as he held four blasters in all four of his hands and started shooting at Vilgax before landing in front of the group.

“Manny, you shouldn’t be here!” Diamondhead called out.

“Dude, did you forget that we’re more than just partners?!” Manny questioned with a look. “We’re your friends! And we’re family! Alien Force, remember? You can’t always do things on your own!”

"So we did end up calling ourselves Alien Force?!" Manny asked excitedly.

"Tell you another time." F.Attea told him before she looked at F.Manny. "Are the others on their way?

“Yes. But it will be some time! We need to stall Vilgax until they get here!” F.Manny explained as he kept blasting Vilgax.

Diamondhead looked at his friends, both past and present, for a bit before he turned to his past self. “Well then, this might help.” He said as he tap into his past self Omnitrix, which turned him into Gravattack.

“Hey, thanks!” Gravattack said with a smile. “I keep forgetting that I can do that.”

“Less talking, more fighting!” Attea called as Diamondhead turned into an adult Spidermonkey and the two teams charge at Vilgax together.

In the Null Void champer, the two Smolders and the Young Six are fighting the Test, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek as the Null Void champer began to open as they attack each villain before some tentacles opened up, which got them to turn and gasped. “The Chamber is opening up!” Ocellus exclaimed.

“You all won’t keep us away from long!” Dr. Test exclaimed.

“Once we open that champer, all of Equestria will bow to us!” Chrysalis yelled out.

“And once we take care of you all and Helix 10,000, nothing can stop us!” Cozy Glow yelled.

“Not if we stop you before that happens!” Smolder yelled as she, her future self and her friends charge at the four villains.

Back outside, the two teams from two different time periods are still fighting Vilgax, but he easily pushed them back, block their strikes, or knocked them back as he Spidermonkey transformed into Heatblast and fire a beam of fire at him, but Vilgax was left unscratched as he charged at Heatblast and punched him into the air, which he turned into Jet Ray and shot lasers at him, which Vilgax dodged as he then shot a tentacle and grabbed Jetray’s tail.

“You think you can destroy me?” Vilgax questioned as he tossed Jetray to the wall as he transformed into XLR8. “I analyzed everyone of your aliens…” He started as he shot mini bombs from his arms when XLR8 got blasted back. “...and had Test program their moves into my new DNA.” He said as XLR8 turned into Four Arms, but Vilgax grab him by the head and pushed him to the ground. “Nothin you can do will surprise me anymore.”

Gravattack was hovering Manny, both past and future, around before he flung them right towards Vilgax. Vilgax however, swatted them both down right on top of both Helens when they charged right at him before using his laser eyes to blast both Atteas back, right into both Zs'spoocys. He then used his tentacle line to grab Gravattack and pull him in close before the two of them glared at each other.

“Get your claws off our son!” Delta’s voice yelled as Vilgax turned before he was fired back to the wall as the two teams saw the mobile base flying by with Delta holding a blaster with Dust, Twilight, Flash, and an older Ocellus wearing her armor.

“Help the Smolders and the Young Six!” Gravattack said to them. “They’re by the Null Void!”

"We're on it, and I'm pretty sure the others have just arrived." Dust told her son as they flew off. Vilgax recovered and tackled the heroes as they all started falling to the ground while wrestling while the creatures and aliens from the ground moved out of the way before the falling group hit the ground.

In the Null Void Chamber, the Young Six and the Smolders are still fighting the four villains. “You know you all can’t protect the Null Void or yourselves at the same time.” Tirek told them.

"Oh yeah?" F.Smolder questioned with a brow before her claws glowed bright. "Nina-cho!" She called while firing a magic beam at them as Misty rushed in and kicked Test back while Ocellus flew around in her armor and started blasting at them, which they dodged as Chrysalis flew up and tackled Ocellus.

Yona and Gallus tried to fight Tirek, but he was knocking them back while Test and Cozy Glow knocked the rest away as Misty fell to the ground and Test towered her as he was about to slam down at her, but a robotic hoof reached out to her and grabbed her and pulled her away before Test smashed her.

Misty looked up and saw that it was Flash who pulled her as she noticed his entire right front hoof is robotic. “When did you get that?!” She asked in surprise.

“A lot can happen in 20 years, Misty.” Flash said as his right hoof morphed into a a battle staff.

"No pony hurts my past students and gets away with it." Twilight declared as she, the rest of the future Mane Six, future Spike, future Misty, future Venus, future Hope, future Young Six, both Delta and Dust gathered together with the others. "Let's show them what happens when you mess with friends!"

“Just like old times!” Rainbow called as they all charged at the four villains.

Back with Helix’s group, they crawled out of the crater while Fourarms was on his knees looking defeated. “It’s no use." He said with despair. "Vilgax knows all my alien’s skills. I can’t beat him this time.”

"Come on man, since when are you the type to give up?" F.Manny questions with a brow before gesturing to his past self. "What happened to the you that is standing right next to you?"

“That me died, when I failed to protect those I care about.” Fourarms said sadly. “To even keep them from getting hurt, like how Flash lost his hoof.”

"So that's why I’m like this now, and why Vilgax is beating us." Gravattack told his future self. “Look, he may know how old our aliens fight, but does he know what Helix Watch can do? I just hope after all this time, me not able to help Flash, I didn't forget it." Fourarms lifted his head up before looking at his past self with realization as he stood up.

But then, a bomb exploded below them, sending the heroes flying as they crashed into the ground while coming out of the smoke was Vilgax. “You’re finish, all of you!” He called.

They got up, but then a green flash shined behind them as they turned and thought Helix 10,000 transformed into another alien, but what they saw was his true form. F.Helix was a fully grown stallion, wearing clothing that matches the Omnitrix symbol, a goatee on his face, and the Omnitrix on his left hoof looked upgraded as he picked up a hoverboard. “Maybe it's time I did start fighting like me again." He said as his three wives and old friend smiled at the sight of him.

"Whoa, I look awesome." Gravattack commented at his future self.

“Eh, you’re weak equis form? What a novelty!” Vilgax mocked. “Are you finally ready to surrender?”

“Actually, I was ready to settle this the old-fashion way.” F.Helix said as hit his past self Omnitrix and he transformed into Overflow before he got on the Hoverboard. “Alright, team, follow me!” He said as he flew towards Vilgax.

The others followed behind him just as Vilgax swung his claw right at F.Helix, but he did a cool trick by leaping over the attack while he cheered. The others then charged at Vilgax while he’s distracted, but he barely able to avoid them as F.Helix flew in and dodged afist swing while avoiding Vilgax’s attacks while he kept cheering.

“If this is your attempt to stop me, it’s pathetic, and pointless.” Vilgax mocked as he chased after F.Helix.

F.Helix flew across the streets while Vilgax tried to strike him as he smiled widely. “I’ve forgotten what it felt like to be myself.” He said nostalgically as he cheered and swung to a corner as he flew over a water lake, which he swung around as he charged at Vilgax, but he jumped up before Vilgax could get him. While in the air, he quickly changed into Feedback as both him and Overflow blasted Vilgax with both water and electricity.

Vilgax screamed in pain before he fell into the water. Feedback then transformed into an alien that looked like he was wearing a coat before the coat unfolded to reveal a pair of wings on his back before he let out an ice breath, which freezes the water and trapping Vilgax inside when he tried to swim back up.

The others regrouped as Overflow saw his future self as an ice alien. “Hey, what do you call this alien?” He asked.

“I don’t name…” F.Helix said before he stopped and thought for a moment. “Uh, I don’t know. Frost Moth?"

"Lame!" Overflow replied before he thought for a moment. "How about, Big Chill?"

"Cool." Big Chill replied.

Back in the Null Void Chamber, F.Smolder is holding her past self as she chanted a spell, which caused Smolder to glow. "Twsta-compititus!" F.Smolder casted before she was tossed and she kicked Cozy with a powerful kick.

Interdamoto-laborator!” F.Smolder and Hope spoke together as they fired a beam at Tirek, blasting him away.

The Young Six are dealing with Chrysalis as she tried to fight them, but she was being overwhelmed before them and their future selves tackled her and kept her down.

Flash’s robotic hoof glowed as the Mane Six took ready stances as Flash charged at Test and whacked him before the Mane Six either fired magic or punched him repeatedly. They knocked Test down, who got his head unscrewed from the ape’s body and tried to crawl away. “Where do you think you’re going?” Misty questioned as she stepped on Test’s robotic tentacles and kept him in place.

Delta and Dust were at the controls as they closed the chamber before the creature could escape as they all sighed in relief as F.Misty walked up to her past self. “If you wanna know, we got our black belt years ago." She told her with a smile. "And it's come in handy many times."

"Awesome!" Misty cheered as the rest of the Young Six talked to their future selves and Twilight went up to the rest of the villains.

"We have a very special place for you three this time." She told them with a grin as the villains groaned at their defeat.

A bit later, the heroes regrouped at the top of the headquarters where birthday supplies are set up around. “Happy Birthday, Twilight!” They all cheered happily as they looked at the Alicorn Princess, who is smiling warmly at them.

“Well, thanks.” Twilight said as she walked up to her friends and family. “Having you all here is the best 357 birthday present I could ever ask for." The alarm sound before a hologram screen flooded over to F.Helix as Ultimos was on it.

Sorry, Helix. Danger alert. Maneuvo circus freaks are in quadrant 92-J.” Ultimos said as F.Helix looked at his friends and family, who were all frowning at him as he then smiled and placed a hoof around Twilight.

“Hey, can’t you guys see it’s my cousin Twilight's birthday? You guys handle it." He told him before blowing a noise maker.

Really? I mean, of course!” Ultimos said in huge excitement as he gave a salute. “Ultimos out!” The call then ended as the screen floated away.

Smolder and her friends walked up to F.Smolder with a knowing smile. “The crisis was never Vilgax, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, or Test, wasi it?” Smolder asked her future self.

"Your Helix just needed a reminder of who he is." Helen added while gesturing to F.Helix.

"Yeah, it was." F.Helen confirmed. “But it was a crisis for us because celebrating Twilight's birthday wouldn't be the same without him."

“He needs to know that he’s never alone.” F.Attea said with a warm smile. “That he shouldn’t distant himself to the ones he cared for.”

“Even if we bug him sometimes.” F.Misty said as she kneeled down to her past self. “Look, Misty, I know your Helix can be a major dweeb, but enjoy him while you can. Because even in your time, he always surprises us and became a better hero than any of us.” She said as Misty smiled and nodded in understanding.

F.Smolder then stood up as she and Hope raised their hooves and opened a portal. “Now come on, the portal’s ready, and there’s another birthday party you guys got to get to.” Hope said with a smirk as they all smiled as they walked close to the portal but Helix stopped.

“Wait, you gave me something that would prevent what would happen that made you distance from the others. Maybe tell me the secrets of the Omnitrix.” Helix said to his future self. "You know, the master control so I don't have to go back to Helix."

"Trust me, you want to go Helix." F.Helix told his past self. "Thanks for helping me realize that. But I can't give you master control, because you're not ready for it just yet. But I can give you new aliens that will help you prevent that from happening." He then pulled up his past self's Omnitrix and opened the faceplate as he started twisting The Hourglass symbol inside it. It then beeped before he looked at his past self. "Those new ten aliens will definitely help you out in future battles, plus a couple of them will annoy Azmuth once he finds out. Oh and take this too." He gave his past self a high-tech cube.

"What is it?" Helix asked his future self.

“Something I should’ve gotten Twilight many moons ago.” F.Helix said with a small smile.

“Guys, it’s closing!” F.Smolder called out, which caused the young heroes to go through quickly.

“See ya!” Helen called out as Helix turned since he was the last one as he took one last look at his future friends and family.

“And I guess we’re gonna be ya.” Helix added with a smile as he entered the portal as the future group smiled at one another before the portal closed.

Back in the present, the adults had clean up and put up the decorations for Twilight's party but was still missing the kids and the cake. “Oh, this is bad. One second they were here, and the next, they were drag into a portal.” Venus said with a concern look.

“Can we just have one simple normal day without anything popping up out of nowhere?” Hope questioned tiredly.

“And worse of all, there’s no cake for Twilight’s party!” Pinkie exclaimed in panic.

“I think the more pressing matter is the fact that the kids are missing, Pinkie!” Dust exclaimed in great worry.

"I'm not worried because most of them have superpowers." Pinkie pointed out before she let out a deep gasp when she saw Twilight and the others coming in.

Twilight eyes then widened when she saw the party decorations and then saw the sign. “Guys, is this… is this for me?” She asked slowly.

“Yep!” Rainbow said with a wide smile before Rarity noticing some of them were missing.

“I say, where are the children?” Rarity asked.

“Um, well, you see…” Pinkie nervously asked before the portal opened up behind the Mane Six and Flash.

“Surprise!” The Young Six, Helix, and his team called as they came through before the portal closes as they rushed up to them with laughters.

"Happy Birthday, Twily." Shining Armor told his little sister as he, his wife, and daughter went up to her for a group hug with their parents just as Celestia and Luna flew in.

Twilight all laughed in joy as she enjoy the hug. Helix watched them as he looked at the cube his future self gave him as he pressed the button, which morphed into a birthday cake. By the time the others broke the hug with Twilight, she saw Helix holding the cake with a smile.

“I-I mean we got you a cake.” Helix said with a smile. “Happy birthday, Twilight.” He said with a smile.

“Oh, thank you, everypone.” Twilight said with a smile. “I can’t believe that this whole time, I almost forgot about my own birthday.”

"Yeah!" Pinkie exclaimed with a smile before she pulled Helix in. "Where did you get the cake?"

Helix kept his smile. “Let’s just say that time has been nice to us.” He said as they all laughed together as Twilight walked up to Twilight. “Make a wish, Twilight!” He cheered as they all laughed and enjoyed Twilight’s birthday together. While the trip of the future was shocking and interesting for the young group, they are looking forward to what their future will hold along the way.

Author's Note:

Helix Watch 10,000's outfit looks similar to what Ben wore in the reboot series during the innervation episode with that cart race. And here is what is Omnitrix looks like:

Now, what do you all think his next 10 aliens should be? Because I think that Bloxx should be one of them.

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